--- layout: post title: redis 6:redis hash 命令操作 category: 技术 tags: Redis keywords: description: redis之hash命令的基本操作 --- {:toc} ### 1.删除一个或多个hash域 HDEL key field [field ...] summary: Delete one or more hash fields since: 2.0.0 ```redis> HDEL hash1 name (integer) 1 ``` ### 2.判断一个域是否存在 HEXISTS key field summary: Determine if a hash field exists since: 2.0.0 ```redis> HEXISTS hash1 name (integer) 0 #不存在返回0> HEXISTS hash1 name2 (integer) 1 #存在返回1 ``` ### 3.获取一个hash域 HGET key field summary: Get the value of a hash field since: 2.0.0 ```redis> HGET hash1 name2 "name22" ``` ### 4.获取hash中所有的域和值 HGETALL key summary: Get all the fields and values in a hash since: 2.0.0 ```redis> HGETALL hash1 1) "name" #field名 2) "jing" #value值 3) "name2" #field名 4) "jing2" #value值 5) "name3" #field名 6) "jing3" #value值 ``` ### 5.增加域的值(如果是int型),增加increment HINCRBY key field increment summary: Increment the integer value of a hash field by the given number since: 2.0.0 ### 6.增加域的值(float型),增加increment HINCRBYFLOAT key field increment summary: Increment the float value of a hash field by the given amount since: 2.6.0 ```redis> HSET hash1 num1 10 (integer) 1> HINCRBY hash1 num1 2 (integer) 12 ``` ### 7.获取hash的所有域 HKEYS key summary: Get all the fields in a hash since: 2.0.0 ```redis> HKEYS hash1 1) "name2" 2) "name3" 3) "num1" ``` ### 8.获取hash中域的数据 HLEN key summary: Get the number of fields in a hash since: 2.0.0 ```redis> HLEN hash1 (integer) 3 ``` ### 9.获取所有给定域的值 HMGET key field [field ...] summary: Get the values of all the given hash fields since: 2.0.0 ```redis> HMGET hash1 name2 num1 1) "name22" 2) "12" ``` ### 10.设置多个hash域对应多个hash值 HMSET key field value [field value ...] summary: Set multiple hash fields to multiple values since: 2.0.0 ```redis> HMSET hash1 num2 12 name4 jing4 num3 33 OK> HGETALL hash1 1) "name2" 2) "name22" 3) "name3" 4) "name33" 5) "num1" 6) "12" 7) "num2" 8) "12" 9) "name4" 10) "jing4" 11) "num3" 12) "33" ``` ### 11.设置hash域的字符串值 HSET key field value summary: Set the string value of a hash field since: 2.0.0 ### 12.只有当该域不存在时,设置hash的域的值 HSETNX key field value summary: Set the value of a hash field, only if the field does not exist since: 2.0.0 ### 13.获取hash的所有值 HVALS key summary: Get all the values in a hash since: 2.0.0 ```redis> HVALS hash1 1) "name22" 2) "name33" 3) "12" 4) "12" 5) "jing4" 6) "33" ```