--- layout: post title: redis 7:redis transaction 和 connection命令操作 category: 技术 tags: Redis keywords: description: redis之transaction 和 connection命令的基本操作 --- {:toc} ## redis transaction命令操作 ### 1.DISCARD - summary: Discard all commands issued after MULTI since: 2.0.0 ### 2.EXEC - summary: Execute all commands issued after MULTI since: 1.2.0 ### 3.MULTI - summary: Mark the start of a transaction block since: 1.2.0 ### 4.UNWATCH - summary: Forget about all watched keys since: 2.2.0 ### 5.WATCH key [key ...] summary: Watch the given keys to determine execution of the MULTI/EXEC block since: 2.2.0 ## redis connection命令操作 ### 1.验证服务器密码 AUTH password summary: Authenticate to the server since: 1.0.0 ### 2.显示指定的message信息 ECHO message summary: Echo the given string since: 1.0.0 ### 3.判断服务是否ping通 PING - summary: Ping the server since: 1.0.0 ### 4.关闭连接并退出 QUIT - summary: Close the connection since: 1.0.0 ### 5.选择redis下的数据库 SELECT index summary: Change the selected database for the current connection since: 1.0.0