--- layout: post title: redis 8:redis server 和 scripting命令操作 category: 技术 tags: Redis keywords: description: redis之server 和 scripting命令的基本操作 --- {:toc} ## redis server命令操作 ### 1.BGREWRITEAOF - summary: Asynchronously rewrite the append-only file since: 1.0.0 ### 2.BGSAVE - summary: Asynchronously save the dataset to disk since: 1.0.0 ### 3.CLIENT GETNAME - summary: Get the current connection name since: 2.6.9 ### 4.CLIENT KILL ip:port summary: Kill the connection of a client since: 2.4.0 ### 5.CLIENT LIST - summary: Get the list of client connections since: 2.4.0 ### 6.CLIENT SETNAME connection-name summary: Set the current connection name since: 2.6.9 ### 7.CONFIG GET parameter summary: Get the value of a configuration parameter since: 2.0.0 ### 8.CONFIG RESETSTAT - summary: Reset the stats returned by INFO since: 2.0.0 ### 9.CONFIG SET parameter value summary: Set a configuration parameter to the given value since: 2.0.0 ### 10.DBSIZE - summary: Return the number of keys in the selected database since: 1.0.0 ### 11.DEBUG OBJECT key summary: Get debugging information about a key since: 1.0.0 ### 12.DEBUG SEGFAULT - summary: Make the server crash since: 1.0.0 ### 13.FLUSHALL - summary: Remove all keys from all databases since: 1.0.0 ### 14.FLUSHDB - summary: Remove all keys from the current database since: 1.0.0 ### 15.INFO [section] summary: Get information and statistics about the server since: 1.0.0 ### 16.LASTSAVE - summary: Get the UNIX time stamp of the last successful save to disk since: 1.0.0 ### 17.MONITOR - summary: Listen for all requests received by the server in real time since: 1.0.0 ### 18.SAVE - summary: Synchronously save the dataset to disk since: 1.0.0 ### 19.SHUTDOWN [NOSAVE] [SAVE] summary: Synchronously save the dataset to disk and then shut down the server since: 1.0.0 ### 20.SLAVEOF host port summary: Make the server a slave of another instance, or promote it as master since: 1.0.0 ### 21.SLOWLOG subcommand [argument] summary: Manages the Redis slow queries log since: 2.2.12 ### 22.SYNC - summary: Internal command used for replication since: 1.0.0 ### 23.TIME - summary: Return the current server time since: 2.6.0 ## redis scripting 命令操作 ### 1.EVAL script numkeys key [key ...] arg [arg ...] summary: Execute a Lua script server side since: 2.6.0 ### 2.EVALSHA sha1 numkeys key [key ...] arg [arg ...] summary: Execute a Lua script server side since: 2.6.0 ### 3.SCRIPT EXISTS script [script ...] summary: Check existence of scripts in the script cache. since: 2.6.0 ### 4.SCRIPT FLUSH - summary: Remove all the scripts from the script cache. since: 2.6.0 ### 5.SCRIPT KILL - summary: Kill the script currently in execution. since: 2.6.0 ### 6.SCRIPT LOAD script summary: Load the specified Lua script into the script cache. since: 2.6.0