--- title: "Select Topics in R Programming - Part I" author: "Dr. Hua Zhou @ UCLA" date: "Jan 22, 2019" subtitle: Biostat M280 output: html_document: toc: true toc_depth: 4 --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) options(width = 120) ``` Session informnation for reproducibility: ```{r} sessionInfo() ``` ## _Advanced R_ To gain a deep understanding of how R works, the book [Advanced R](http://adv-r.had.co.nz) by Hadley Wickham is a must read. Read **now** to save numerous hours you might waste in future. We cover select topics on coding style, benchmarking, profiling, debugging, parallel computing, byte code compiling, Rcpp, and package development. ## Style - [Google's R style](https://google.github.io/styleguide/Rguide.xml). - **In your homework, style rules 3, 4, 5 in will be strictly enforced.** - [Hadley Wickham's style guide](http://adv-r.had.co.nz/Style.html). - Most important is to be consistent in your code style. ## Benchmark Sources: - _Advanced R_: - Blog: In order to identify performance issue, we need to measure runtime accurately. ### `system.time` ```{r} set.seed(280) x <- runif(1e6) system.time({sqrt(x)}) system.time({x ^ 0.5}) system.time({exp(log(x) / 2)}) ``` From [William Dunlap](http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Meaning-of-proc-time-td2303263.html#a2306691): > "User CPU time" gives the CPU time spent by the current process (i.e., the current R session) and "system CPU time" gives the CPU time spent by the kernel (the operating system) on behalf of the current process. The operating system is used for things like opening files, doing input or output, starting other processes, and looking at the system clock: operations that involve resources that many processes must share. Different operating systems will have different things done by the operating system. ### `microbenchmark` ```{r} library("microbenchmark") library("ggplot2") mbm <- microbenchmark( sqrt(x), x ^ 0.5, exp(log(x) / 2), times = 100 ) mbm ``` Results from `microbenchmark` can be nicely plotted in base R or ggplot2. ```{r} boxplot(mbm) autoplot(mbm) ``` ## Profiling > Premature optimization is the root of all evil (or at least most of it) in programming. > -Don Knuth Sources: - - - ### First example ```{r} library(profvis) profvis({ data(diamonds, package = "ggplot2") plot(price ~ carat, data = diamonds) m <- lm(price ~ carat, data = diamonds) abline(m, col = "red") }) ``` ### Example: profiling time First generate test data: ```{r} times <- 4e5 cols <- 150 data <- as.data.frame(x = matrix(rnorm(times * cols, mean = 5), ncol = cols)) data <- cbind(id = paste0("g", seq_len(times)), data) ``` Original code for centering columns of a dataframe: ```{r} profvis({ # Store in another variable for this run data1 <- data # Get column means means <- apply(data1[, names(data1) != "id"], 2, mean) # Subtract mean from each column for (i in seq_along(means)) { data1[, names(data1) != "id"][, i] <- data1[, names(data1) != "id"][, i] - means[i] } }) ``` Profile `apply` vs `colMeans` vs `lapply` vs `vapply`: ```{r} profvis({ data1 <- data # Four different ways of getting column means means <- apply(data1[, names(data1) != "id"], 2, mean) means <- colMeans(data1[, names(data1) != "id"]) means <- lapply(data1[, names(data1) != "id"], mean) means <- vapply(data1[, names(data1) != "id"], mean, numeric(1)) }) ``` We decide to use `vapply`: ```{r} profvis({ data1 <- data means <- vapply(data1[, names(data1) != "id"], mean, numeric(1)) for (i in seq_along(means)) { data1[, names(data1) != "id"][, i] <- data1[, names(data1) != "id"][, i] - means[i] } }) ``` Calculate mean and center in one pass: ```{r} profvis({ data1 <- data # Given a column, normalize values and return them col_norm <- function(col) { col - mean(col) } # Apply the normalizer function over all columns except id data1[, names(data1) != "id"] <- lapply(data1[, names(data1) != "id"], col_norm) }) ``` ### Example: profiling memory Original code for cumulative sums: ```{r} profvis({ data <- data.frame(value = runif(1e5)) data$sum[1] <- data$value[1] for (i in seq(2, nrow(data))) { data$sum[i] <- data$sum[i-1] + data$value[i] } }) ``` Write a function to avoid expensive indexing by `$`: ```{r} profvis({ csum <- function(x) { if (length(x) < 2) return(x) sum <- x[1] for (i in seq(2, length(x))) { sum[i] <- sum[i-1] + x[i] } sum } data$sum <- csum(data$value) }) ``` Pre-allocate vector: ```{r} profvis({ csum2 <- function(x) { if (length(x) < 2) return(x) sum <- numeric(length(x)) # Preallocate sum[1] <- x[1] for (i in seq(2, length(x))) { sum[i] <- sum[i-1] + x[i] } sum } data$sum <- csum2(data$value) }) ``` ### Advice Modularize big projects into small functions. Profile functions as early and as frequently as possible. ## Debugging Learning sources: - Video: - _Advanced R_: - RStudio tutorial: Demo code: [parlindrome.R](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Hua-Zhou/Hua-Zhou.github.io/master/teaching/biostatm280-2019winter/slides/15-advr/palindrome.R), [crazy-talk.R](https://github.com/Hua-Zhou/Hua-Zhou.github.io/blob/master/teaching/biostatm280-2019winter/slides/15-advr/crazy-talk.R). - breakpoint - step in/through function - `browser()` - `traceback()` - `options(error = browser)`, `options(error = NULL)`, `Debug` -> `On Error` -> `Break in Code`