#!/bin/sh echo "===================================================================================================================================================================" echo "Welcome to the rooted Toon upgrade script. This script will try to upgrade your Toon using your original connection with Eneco. It will start the VPN if necessary." echo "Please be advised that running this script is at your own risk!" echo "" echo "Version: 3.95 - TheHogNL & TerrorSource & yjb - 18-6-2019" echo "" echo "If you like the update script for rooted toons you can support me. Any donation is welcome and helps me developing the script even more." echo "https://paypal.me/pools/c/8bU3eQp1Jt" echo "" echo "===================================================================================================================================================================" echo "" # YJB 19102018 usage function usage() { echo "" echo `basename $0`" [OPTION] This script will try to upgrade your Toon using your original connection with Eneco. !!Running this script is at your own risk!! Options: -v Upgrade to a specific version -a Activation only -b Installation of Busybox, OWN RISK ! -d Skip starting VPN -s provide custom repo url -f Only fix files without a version update -u unattended mode (always answer with yes) -o only startup vpn and then quit (allows manual package downloads using opkg) -h Display this help text " } autoUpdate() { MD5ME=`/usr/bin/md5sum $0 | cut -d\ -f1` MD5ONLINE=`curl --compressed -Nks https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ToonSoftwareCollective/update-rooted/master/update-rooted.md5 | cut -d\ -f1` if [ ! "$MD5ME" == "$MD5ONLINE" ] then echo "Warning: there is a new version of update-rooted.sh available! Do you want me to download it for you (yes/no)?" if ! $UNATTENDED ; then read QUESTION ; fi if [ "$QUESTION" == "yes" ] && ! $UNATTENDED #no auto update in unattended mode then curl --compressed -Nks https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ToonSoftwareCollective/update-rooted/master/update-rooted.sh -o $0 echo "Ok I downloaded the update. Restarting..." /bin/sh $0 $@ exit fi fi } fixGlobalsFile() { #determine where this Toon is storing the apps APPDIR='/qmf/qml/apps' if [ ! -d "$APPDIR" ] then APPDIR='/HCBv2/qml/apps/' fi #determine where this Toon is storing the base dir BASEDIR='/qmf/qml/qb/base' if [ ! -d "$APPDIR" ] then BASEDIR='/HCBv2/qml/qb/base' fi for app in `find $APPDIR -maxdepth 1 -type l | sed 's/.*apps\///'` do if ! ( grep -q $app $BASEDIR/Globals.qml ) then echo "Restoring $app in Globals.qml" sed -i '/"clock",/a\ "'$app'",' $BASEDIR/Globals.qml fi done } fixInternetSettingsApp() { settingsfile="/HCBv2/qml/apps/internetSettings/InternetSettingsApp.qml" if ! grep -q "if ( smStatus == _ST_INTERNET ) { smStatus = _ST_TUNNEL;" $settingsfile then echo "Modification in InternetSettingsApp.qml is missing. Fixing it now." sed -i '/smStatus = parseInt(statemachine)/a\ if ( smStatus == _ST_INTERNET ) { smStatus = _ST_TUNNEL; }' $settingsfile fi } editVPNconnection(){ #disableVPN for rooted toons #enables ovpn if it is already disabled sed -i 's~#ovpn:235~ovpn:235~g' /etc/inittab #disables ovpn if it's enabled sed -i 's~ovpn:235~#ovpn:235~g' /etc/inittab } editSerialConnection(){ # Adds serial connection # remove existing serial connection if needed sed -i '/# add serial/d' /etc/inittab sed -i '/gett:235:respawn/d' /etc/inittab # adding new serial connection: sed -i '/qtqt:245/a\# add serial console access:\ngett:235:respawn:/sbin/getty -L 115200 ttymxc0 vt102' /etc/inittab } editTimeServer() { #edit time server sed -i '/#server time.quby.nl minpoll 8/d' /etc/chrony.conf sed -i 's~server time.quby.nl minpoll 8~#server time.quby.nl minpoll 8\nserver 0.nl.pool.ntp.org minpoll 8\nserver 1.nl.pool.ntp.org minpoll 8\nserver 2.nl.pool.ntp.org minpoll 8\nserver 3.nl.pool.ntp.org minpoll 8~g' /etc/chrony.conf sed -i '/#initstepslew .* time.quby.nl/d' /etc/chrony.conf sed -i 's~initstepslew .* time.quby.nl~#initstepslew 30 time.quby.nl\ninitstepslew 30 0.nl.pool.ntp.org\ninitstepslew 30 1.nl.pool.ntp.org\ninitstepslew 30 2.nl.pool.ntp.org\ninitstepslew 30 3.nl.pool.ntp.org~g' /etc/chrony.conf #removing stupid local binding of chrony sed -i '/bindaddress/d' /etc/chrony.conf sed -i '/bindcmdaddress/d' /etc/chrony.conf } editHostfile(){ #edit hosts file #remove current comment lines + resolve ping.quby.nl to localhost sed -i '/ping.quby.nl/d' /etc/hosts echo ' ping.quby.nl' >> /etc/hosts } editQMFConfigFile(){ #removing data gathering by quby sed -i '/test.datalab.toon.eu/d' /HCBv2/etc/qmf_tenant.xml sed -i '/eneco.bd.toon.eu/d' /HCBv2/etc/qmf_tenant.xml sed -i '/quby.count.ly/d' /HCBv2/etc/qmf_tenant.xml #whitelisting web service sed -i 's/1/0/' /HCBv2/etc/qmf_release.xml } editWifiPM(){ #creating file to disable wifi powermanagment after reboot echo "/sbin/wl PM 0" > /etc/udhcpc.d/90tsc chmod +x /etc/udhcpc.d/90tsc } editAutoBrightness(){ #set feature auto brightness on toon2 if not exists if ! cat /qmf/config/config_happ_scsync.xml | tr -d '\040\011\012\015' | grep -q "displayAutoBrightness" then sed -i 's/<\/features>/displayAutoBrightness<\/feature><\/features>/' /qmf/config/config_happ_scsync.xml fi } editActivation() { #editing config_happ_scsync.xml for activation sed -i 's~Standalone~Toon~g' /qmf/config/config_happ_scsync.xml sed -i 's~0~1~g' /qmf/config/config_happ_scsync.xml sed -i 's~0~1~g' /qmf/config/config_happ_scsync.xml sed -i 's~0~1~g' /qmf/config/config_happ_scsync.xml sed -i 's~0~1~g' /qmf/config/config_happ_scsync.xml sed -i 's~0~1~g' /qmf/config/config_happ_scsync.xml sed -i -e 's/\(\).*\(<\/EndDate>\)/-1<\/EndDate>/g' /qmf/config/config_happ_scsync.xml } removeNetworkErrorNotifications() { notificationsbarfile="/qmf/qml/qb/notifications/NotificationBar.qml" if ! grep -q "mod to remove" $notificationsbarfile then echo "Modification in NotificationBar.qml is missing. Fixing it now." sed -i '/function show/a\ //mod to remove network errors in notification bar\nnotifications.removeByTypeSubType("error","network");\n//end mod' $notificationsbarfile fi } installToonStoreApps() { #we assume that all symbolic linked dirs are toonstore installed apps - IS THAT OK? #toonstore is mandatory, if not yet installed, install it anyway for a in toonstore `find /qmf/qml/apps -type l | sed 's#/qmf/qml/apps/##' | grep -v toonstore` do latest=`curl -Nks --compressed $SOURCEFILES/apps/ToonRepo.xml | grep $a | grep folder | sed 's/.*\(.*\)<\/folder>.*/\1/'` if [ -n $latest ] then filename=`curl -Nks --compressed $SOURCEFILES/apps/$latest/Packages.gz | zcat | grep Filename| cut -d\ -f2` if [ -n $filename ] then APPURL=$SOURCEFILES/apps/$latest/$filename opkg install $APPURL fi else echo "Could not find $a in toonstore repo!" fi done } installDropbear(){ #install dropbear DROPBEARURL=$SOURCEFILES/dropbear_2015.71-r0_qb2.ipk opkg install $DROPBEARURL } installX11vnc(){ if [ $ARCH == "nxt" ] then echo "Not installing vnc for NXT yet. Not available in this version." else #uninstall current x11vnc opkg remove x11vnc /bin/sleep 5 #install latest x11vnc X11VNCURL=$SOURCEFILES/x11vnc_0.9.13-r3_qb2.ipk opkg install $X11VNCURL fi } installBusybox() { VERS_MAJOR="`echo $RUNNINGVERSION | sed -n -r -e 's,([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+),\1,p'`" VERS_MINOR="`echo $RUNNINGVERSION | sed -n -r -e 's,([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+),\2,p'`" VERS_BUILD="`echo $RUNNINGVERSION | sed -n -r -e 's,([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+),\3,p'`" #from version 4.9 and later we need to install a custom busybox as the native removes getty if [ $VERS_MAJOR -gt 4 ] || [ $VERS_MAJOR -eq 4 -a $VERS_MINOR -ge 9 ] then echo "Installing custom busybox to replace the native busybox from Eneco so we have a working getty." BUSYBOXURL=$SOURCEFILES/apps/busybox-1.27.2-r4/busybox_1.27.2-r4_qb2.ipk BUSYBOXMOUNTALLURL=$SOURCEFILES/apps/busybox-1.27.2-r4/busybox-mountall_1.27.2-r4_qb2.ipk BUSYBOXSYSLOGURL=$SOURCEFILES/apps/busybox-1.27.2-r4/busybox-syslog_1.27.2-r4_qb2.ipk opkg install $BUSYBOXURL opkg install $BUSYBOXMOUNTALLURL opkg install $BUSYBOXSYSLOGURL else echo "Custom busybox install not necessary for this firmware." fi } getVersion() { VERSIONS=`/usr/bin/curl -Nks --compressed "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ToonSoftwareCollective/update-rooted/master/toonversions" | /usr/bin/tr '\n\r' ' ' | /bin/grep STARTTOONVERSIONS | /bin/sed 's/.*#STARTTOONVERSIONS//' | /bin/sed 's/#ENDTOONVERSIONS.*//' | xargs` if [ "$VERSIONS" == "" ] then echo "Could not determine available versions from online sources. Using older well known verion list." #online versions list not available, falling back to a small well known list VERSIONS="2.9.26 3.0.29 3.0.32 3.1.22 3.2.14 3.2.18 3.3.8 3.4.4 3.5.4 3.6.3 3.7.8 3.7.9 4.3.20 4.4.21 4.7.23 4.8.25 4.9.23 4.10.6 4.11.6 4.12.0 4.13.6 4.13.7 4.15.2 4.15.6 4.16.8 4.18.8 4.19.10" fi #determine current version RUNNINGVERSION=`opkg list-installed base-$ARCH-\* | sed -r -e "s/base-$ARCH-([a-z]{3})\s-\s([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*)-.*/\2/"` #determine current OPKG latest version OPKGVERSION=`opkg list base-$ARCH-\* | sed -r -e "s/base-$ARCH-([a-z]{3})\s-\s([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*)-.*/\2/" | sort -t'.' -k1n,1n -k2n,2n -k3n,3n | tail -n1` if [ ! "$OPKGVERSION" == "" ] && [ ! "$RUNNINGVERSION" == "$OPKGVERSION" ] then echo "Your Toon already tried downloading version $OPKGVERSION before. Need to force this version!" VERSION="$OPKGVERSION" return fi if echo $VERSIONS| grep -q $RUNNINGVERSION then echo "You are currently running version $RUNNINGVERSION on a $ARCH with flavour $FLAV" else echo "Unable to determine your current running version!" echo "DEBUG information:" echo "Detected: $RUNNINGVERSION" echo "Available: $VERSIONS" /usr/bin/opkg list-installed base-$ARCH-\* echo "END DEBUG information" if $UNATTENDED then /qmf/bin/bxt -d :happ_usermsg -s Notification -n CreateNotification -a type -v tsc -a subType -v notify -a text -v "Huidige Toon firmware onbekend. Kan geen nieuwe firmware hiervoor vinden." >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "action=Failed&item=100&items=100&pkg=" > /tmp/update.status.vars fi exit fi echo "" echo "Available versions: $VERSIONS" echo "" if ! $UNATTENDED then echo "Which version do you want to upgrade to?" read VERSION while [ "$VERSION" == "" ] || ! ( echo $VERSION | grep -qe '[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*' ) || ! (echo $VERSIONS| grep -q $VERSION) do echo "Please enter a valid version!" read VERSION done else #determine latest version in unattended mode VERSION=${VERSIONS##* } echo "Unattended selected version $VERSION" fi #determine current and next version levels and if it is allowed to upgrade to it CURVERS_MAJOR="`echo $RUNNINGVERSION | sed -n -r -e 's,([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+),\1,p'`" CURVERS_MINOR="`echo $RUNNINGVERSION | sed -n -r -e 's,([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+),\2,p'`" CURVERS_BUILD="`echo $RUNNINGVERSION | sed -n -r -e 's,([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+),\3,p'`" VERS_MAJOR="`echo $VERSION | sed -n -r -e 's,([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+),\1,p'`" VERS_MINOR="`echo $VERSION | sed -n -r -e 's,([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+),\2,p'`" VERS_BUILD="`echo $VERSION | sed -n -r -e 's,([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+),\3,p'`" if [ $VERS_MAJOR -gt $CURVERS_MAJOR ] || [ $VERS_MAJOR -eq $CURVERS_MAJOR -a $VERS_MINOR -gt $CURVERS_MINOR ] || [ $VERS_MAJOR -eq $CURVERS_MAJOR -a $VERS_MINOR -eq $CURVERS_MINOR -a $VERS_BUILD -gt $CURVERS_BUILD ] then if [ $CURVERS_MAJOR -lt 5 ] && [ $VERS_MAJOR -ge 5 ] && [ "$ARCH" == "qb2" ] && [ "$VERSION" != "5.0.4" ] then echo "You need to upgrade to 5.0.4 first due to possible disk space issues! Selecting this version for you." VERSION="5.0.4" else echo "Alright, I will try to upgrade to" $VERSION fi else if $UNATTENDED then /qmf/bin/bxt -d :happ_usermsg -s Notification -n CreateNotification -a type -v tsc -a subType -v notify -a text -v "Er is geen Toon firmware update gevonden" >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "action=Failed&item=100&items=100&pkg=" > /tmp/update.status.vars else echo "Smartass.. "$VERSION" is not an upgrade for "$RUNNINGVERSION"!" fi exit fi } getArch() { #determine current architecture if grep -q nxt /etc/opkg/arch.conf then ARCH="nxt" else ARCH="qb2" fi } getFlav() { #determine current flavour FLAV=`opkg list-installed base-$ARCH-\* | sed -r -e "s/base-$ARCH-([a-z]{3})\s-\s([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*)-.*/\1/"` if [ "$FLAV" == "" ] then echo "There is no base file installed? Try to get flavour from ready to install files." FLAV=`opkg list base-$ARCH-\* | sed -r -e "s/base-$ARCH-([a-z]{3})\s-\s([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*)-.*/\1/" | sort | tail -n1` if [ "$FLAV" == "" ] then echo "Could not determine you current running flavour." echo "DEBUG:" opkg list base-\* exitFail fi fi } makeBackupUpdate() { #save current iptables config /usr/sbin/iptables-save > /root/iptables.save #and backup the default iptables file and passwd file if [ ! -f /etc/default/iptables.conf ] then echo "Your default iptables.conf (firewall configuration) is missing. I will restore it from the current running firewall config." /usr/sbin/iptables-save > /etc/default/iptables.conf fi /bin/cp /etc/default/iptables.conf /root/iptables.backup if [ ! -f /etc/passwd ] then echo "Your password file (/etc/passwd) is missing. Please fix this before running this script." exit fi /bin/cp /etc/passwd /root/passwd.backup sync } makeBackupFixFiles() { #backup inittab echo creating backup of inittab... cp /etc/inittab /root/inittab.save #backup chrony.conf echo creating backup of chrony.conf... cp /etc/chrony.conf /root/chrony.save #backup hosts echo creating backup of hosts... cp /etc/hosts /root/hosts.save #backup scsync echo creating backup of config_happ_scsync.xml... cp /mnt/data/qmf/config/config_happ_scsync.xml /root/config_happ_scsync.save #backup qmf tenant file echo creating backup of qmf_tenant.xml.save ... cp /HCBv2/etc/qmf_tenant.xml /HCBv2/etc/qmf_tenant.xml.save sync } checkFixedFiles() { #check modified files for 0 size, if yes announce this and try to restore for file in /etc/inittab /etc/chrony.conf /etc/hosts /mnt/data/qmf/config/config_happ_scsync.xml /HCBv2/etc/qmf_tenant.xml do if [ ! -s $file ] then echo "File $file was modified but result is an empty file! Trying to restore!" restorefile="$file.save" cp $restorefile $file sync if [ -s $file ] then echo "Restore of $file is good. But modifying failed. Try to rerun the script with -f" else echo "Restore of $file is failed! Result is also empty! Please check this file before rebooting!" fi fi done } initializeFirewall() { #create a new iptables chain for this upgrade process and insert it in front of all rules /usr/sbin/iptables -N UPDATE-INPUT /usr/sbin/iptables -I INPUT -j UPDATE-INPUT #allow icmp (ping) always, or else openvpn will restart all the time do to internal toon ping checks /usr/sbin/iptables -A UPDATE-INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT #drop all VPN traffic (for now) /usr/sbin/iptables -A UPDATE-INPUT -i tap+ -j DROP /usr/sbin/iptables -A UPDATE-INPUT -i tun+ -j DROP } enableVPN() { #check if feed host is configured and there is a active route toward the host #if openvpn is already running we don't need to start it manually, the FEEDROUTE should be there FEEDROUTE=`ip route | /bin/grep ^172.*via.*tap0 | /usr/bin/awk '{print $1}'| /usr/bin/awk 'BEGIN {FS="."}; {print $1"."$2"."$3}'` COUNT=0 while [ "$FEEDROUTE" == "" ] ; do if [ $COUNT -gt 5 ] then echo "Could not enable VPN in a normal reasonable time!" echo "DEBUG information:" ip route /bin/cat /etc/hosts echo "END DEBUG information" exitFail fi COUNT=$((COUNT+1)) /bin/echo "Now starting the VPN tunnel and waiting for it to be alive and configured..." /usr/sbin/openvpn --config /etc/openvpn/vpn.conf --verb 0 >/dev/null --daemon /bin/sleep 5 FEEDROUTE=`ip route | /bin/grep ^172.*via.*tap0 | /usr/bin/awk '{print $1}'| /usr/bin/awk 'BEGIN {FS="."}; {print $1"."$2"."$3}'` done /bin/echo "Tunnel is alive and configured." #set the feedhost FEEDHOST=$FEEDROUTE.1 #and overwrite the entry in the hosts file as some old toons do not do this properly sed -i '/feed/d' /etc/hosts echo "$FEEDHOST feed.hae.int feed" >> /etc/hosts #allow traffic from the vpn only from the feed host, and only if it is from the www port #this blocks other traffic, most important blocking the service center so other changes are not pushed /usr/sbin/iptables -I UPDATE-INPUT -p tcp -s $FEEDHOST -m tcp --sport 80 -j ACCEPT } downloadUpgradeFile() { #try to get the upgrade file from the feed host /usr/bin/wget $SOURCE/$ARCH/upgrade/upgrade-$ARCH.sh -O $PKGCACHE/upgrade-$ARCH.sh -T 5 -t 2 -o /dev/null RESULT=$? if [ ! $RESULT == 0 ] ; then echo "Could not download the upgrade script from the source." exitFail fi #check if there is a valid upgrade script if [ "$ARCH" == "nxt" ] then MD5SCRIPT="662db99b9db46624232ba28cdd509675" else MD5SCRIPT="c0e872f49e54212514257b16a57d89ff" fi MD5NOW=`/usr/bin/md5sum $PKGCACHE/upgrade-$ARCH.sh | cut -d\ -f1` if [ ! "$MD5NOW" == "$MD5SCRIPT" ] && $ORIGINALSOURCE then echo "Warning: upgrade script from Eneco server is changed. Do you want to continue downloading the files (if not sure, type no and report in the forums)?" if ! $UNATTENDED ; then read QUESTION; fi if [ ! "$QUESTION" == "yes" ] || $UNATTENDED #also exit when untattended then exitFail fi fi #make sure the upgrade script doesn't reboot the device after finishing /bin/sed -i '/shutdown/c\#removed shutdown' $PKGCACHE/upgrade-$ARCH.sh #removing the curl logging post to the servic center /bin/sed -i '/curl.*31080/c\echo ""' $PKGCACHE/upgrade-$ARCH.sh /bin/sed -i '/grep -v LogMessageResponse/d' $PKGCACHE/upgrade-$ARCH.sh #removing the pre exit BXT request (do not show restarting during update) /bin/sed -i 's/-n InitiatePreExit/-n InitiatePreExit -t/' $PKGCACHE/upgrade-$ARCH.sh #fixing /etc/hosts again so that toonstore can use it #and change the official feed host to feed.hae.orig sed -i 's/feed.hae.int/feed.hae.orig/' /etc/hosts echo ' feed.hae.int feed' >> /etc/hosts #rename the feed BASEURL host to the host we changed it to according to /etc/hosts /bin/sed -i 's/feed.hae.int/feed.hae.orig/' $PKGCACHE/upgrade-$ARCH.sh } startPrepare() { #temporary fix, sonos app issue cauasing updates to fail if opkg list-installed sonos | grep -q 1.0.4 then echo "Sonos app 1.0.4 is being upgraded to 1.0.5 as it has issues causing problems with upgrading." /usr/bin/opkg install http://files.domoticaforum.eu/uploads/Toon/apps/sonos-1.0.5/sonos_1.0.5-r0_qb2.ipk >/dev/null 2>&1 fi echo "Upgrade script downloaded. We need to download the upgrade files first. No upgrade is done yet. Do you want me to download the files (yes) or quit (anything else)?" if ! $UNATTENDED ; then read QUESTION; fi if [ ! "$QUESTION" == "yes" ] then exitFail fi echo "Starting the upgrade prepare option which downloads all necessary files. No upgrade is done yet." /bin/sh $PKGCACHE/upgrade-$ARCH.sh $ARCH $FLAV $VERSION prepare & DOWNLOAD_PID=$! showStatus $DOWNLOAD_PID if ! wait $DOWNLOAD_PID then echo "Prepare failed. Please check the logs at $PKGCACHE/upgrade-$ARCH.sh.log" exitFail fi echo "Done preparing." #check disk size after download FREESPACE=`df $PKGCACHE | awk '/[0-9]%/{print $(NF-2)}'` if [ $FREESPACE -lt 5000 ] then echo "After downloading the files the free space on the Toon is less then 5000 KB. This could cause the upgrade to fail. Do you still want to continue (yes)?" if ! $UNATTENDED ; then read QUESTION; fi if [ ! "$QUESTION" == "yes" ] || $UNATTENDED #fail if unattended then exitFail fi fi } startUpgrade() { echo "Are your sure you want to upgrade to" $VERSION" (yes)? This is the last moment you can stop the upgrade. Answer with 'yes' will start the upgrade." if ! $UNATTENDED ; then read QUESTION; fi if [ ! "$QUESTION" == "yes" ] then exitFail fi echo "Starting the upgrade now! Just wait a while... It can take a few minutes." if [ "$VERSION" == "5.0.4" ] && [ "$ARCH" == "qb2" ] then #deleting logfiles to free up space needed for this update on a qb2 rm -f /HCBv2/log/* rm -f $PKGCACHE/*.log fi /bin/sh $PKGCACHE/upgrade-$ARCH.sh $ARCH $FLAV $VERSION execute & UPGRADE_PID=$! showStatus $UPGRADE_PID if ! wait $UPGRADE_PID then echo "Upgrade failed. Please check the logs at $PKGCACHE/upgrade-$ARCH.sh.log" exitFail fi echo "Upgrade done!" } showStatus() { STATUS_PID=$1 DOTS=" ..." PERC=0 SECONDS=0 while [ $PERC -lt 100 ] && [ -e /proc/$STATUS_PID ] && [ $SECONDS -lt 900 ] do PERC="`sed /tmp/update.status.vars -n -r -e 's,^.+item=(.+?)&items=(.+?)&.+$,\1,p' 2>/dev/null`" PERC="${PERC:-0}" # do not append newline, \r to beginning of line after print, append space to overwrite prev-longer-sentences echo -n -e "Progress: $PERC% ${DOTS:0:3} \r" # shift right DOTS="${DOTS:5:1}${DOTS:0:5}" sleep 1 >/dev/null 2>&1 || read -t 1 < /dev/tty5 #during busybox update sleep fails, so failover to read with 1 sec timeout, tty5 never gives any input SECONDS=$((SECONDS+1)) done while [ -e /proc/$STATUS_PID ] && [ $SECONDS -lt 900 ] do echo -n -e "Waiting to finish. Sometimes this takes a minute or two ${DOTS:0:3} \r" DOTS="${DOTS:5:1}${DOTS:0:5}" sleep 1 >/dev/null 2>&1 || read -t 1 < /dev/tty5 #during busybox update sleep fails, so failover to read with 1 sec timeout, tty5 never gives any input SECONDS=$((SECONDS+1)) done if [ $SECONDS -ge 900 ] then kill -9 $STATUS_PID echo "Killing process... took to long!" fi echo "" rm -f /tmp/update.status.vars } restoreBackup() { echo "Restoring your iptables and passwd files so you can login again after rebooting." /bin/cp /root/iptables.backup /etc/default/iptables.conf /bin/cp /root/passwd.backup /etc/passwd #cleaning up /usr/bin/killall -9 openvpn /usr/sbin/iptables-restore < /root/iptables.save sync } exitFail() { echo "Quitting the upgrade. It was a nice try tho..." /usr/bin/killall -9 openvpn /usr/sbin/iptables-restore < /root/iptables.save if $UNATTENDED then /qmf/bin/bxt -d :happ_usermsg -s Notification -n CreateNotification -a type -v tsc -a subType -v notify -a text -v "Er ging iets mis bij het updaten van Toon Firmware. Controleer logs." >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "action=Failed&item=100&items=100&pkg=" > /tmp/update.status.vars fi exit } downloadResourceFile() { RESOURCEFILEURL="http://qutility.nl/resourcefiles/resources-$ARCH-$RUNNINGVERSION.zip" /usr/bin/wget $RESOURCEFILEURL -O /tmp/resources-$ARCH-$RUNNINGVERSION.zip -T 5 -t 2 -o /dev/null RESULT=$? if [ ! $RESULT == 0 ] then echo "Could not download a resources.rcc file for this version! Continuing, but your custom apps probably dont work anymore" else mv /qmf/qml/resources-static-base.rcc /qmf/qml/resources-static-base.rcc.backup mv /qmf/qml/resources-static-ebl.rcc /qmf/qml/resources-static-ebl.rcc.backup /usr/bin/unzip -oq /tmp/resources-$ARCH-$RUNNINGVERSION.zip -d /qmf/qml fi #install boot script to download TSC helper script if necessary echo "if [ ! -s /usr/bin/tsc ] || grep -q no-check-certificate /usr/bin/tsc ; then /usr/bin/curl -Nks --retry 5 --connect-timeout 2 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ToonSoftwareCollective/tscSettings/master/tsc -o /usr/bin/tsc ; chmod +x /usr/bin/tsc ; fi ; if ! grep -q tscs /etc/inittab ; then sed -i '/qtqt/a\ tscs:245:respawn:/usr/bin/tsc >/var/log/tsc 2>&1' /etc/inittab ; if grep tscs /etc/inittab ; then reboot ; fi ; fi" > /etc/rc5.d/S99tsc.sh #download TSC helper script if [ ! -s /usr/bin/tsc ] || grep -q no-check-certificate /usr/bin/tsc then /usr/bin/curl --compressed -Nks --retry 5 --connect-timeout 2 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ToonSoftwareCollective/tscSettings/master/tsc -o /usr/bin/tsc chmod +x /usr/bin/tsc fi #install tsc in inittab to run continously from boot if ! grep -q tscs /etc/inittab then sed -i '/qtqt/a\tscs:245:respawn:/usr/bin/tsc >/var/log/tsc 2>&1' /etc/inittab fi } overrideFirewallAlways () { echo "sed -i '/-A INPUT -j HCB-INPUT/a\#override to allow all input\n-I INPUT -j ACCEPT' /etc/default/iptables.conf" > /etc/rcS.d/S39fixiptables /bin/chmod +x /etc/rcS.d/S39fixiptables } fixFiles() { #get the current, just installed, version (also necessary when -f is called) RUNNINGVERSION=`opkg list-installed base-$ARCH-\* | sed -r -e "s/base-$ARCH-([a-z]{3})\s-\s([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*)-.*/\2/"` VERS_MAJOR="`echo $RUNNINGVERSION | sed -n -r -e 's,([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+),\1,p'`" VERS_MINOR="`echo $RUNNINGVERSION | sed -n -r -e 's,([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+),\2,p'`" VERS_BUILD="`echo $RUNNINGVERSION | sed -n -r -e 's,([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+),\3,p'`" if [ $ARCH == "nxt" ] then #from version 4.16 we need to download resources.rcc mod if [ $VERS_MAJOR -gt 4 ] || [ $VERS_MAJOR -eq 4 -a $VERS_MINOR -ge 16 ] then echo "FIXING: Downloading resources.rcc TSC mod for this version $RUNNINGVERSION." downloadResourceFile else echo "FIXING: Trying to fix Global.qml now to add all the Toonstore installed apps again." fixGlobalsFile echo "FIXING: Now fixing internet settings app to fake ST_TUNNEL mode." fixInternetSettingsApp echo "FIXING: Now modifying notifications bar to not show any network errors" removeNetworkErrorNotifications fi echo "FIXING: Now updating all toonstore installed apps" installToonStoreApps #dropbear is not needed, no rooted toon2 without working dropbear exists #echo "FIXING: Installing Dropbear for ssh access" #installDropbear echo "EDITING: Time server, removes unnecessary link to Quby" editTimeServer echo "EDITING: Hosts file, removes unnecessary link to Quby" editHostfile echo "EDITING: disable ovpn connection to quby" editVPNconnection echo "EDITING: Activating Toon, enabling ElectricityDisplay and GasDisplay" editActivation echo "EDITING: removing data gathering by Quby and whitelisting web services" editQMFConfigFile echo "EDITING: add disable power management wifi on Toon2" editWifiPM echo "EDITING: add autobrightness feature on Toon2" editAutoBrightness else #from version 4.16 we need to download resources.rcc mod if [ $VERS_MAJOR -gt 4 ] || [ $VERS_MAJOR -eq 4 -a $VERS_MINOR -ge 16 ] then echo "FIXING: Downloading resources.rcc TSC mod for this version $RUNNINGVERSION." downloadResourceFile else echo "FIXING: Trying to fix Global.qml now to add all the Toonstore installed apps again." fixGlobalsFile echo "FIXING: Now fixing internet settings app to fake ST_TUNNEL mode." fixInternetSettingsApp echo "FIXING: Now modifying notifications bar to not show any network errors" removeNetworkErrorNotifications fi echo "FIXING: Now updating all toonstore installed apps" installToonStoreApps #busybox update disabled due to issues #echo "FIXING: Now installing latest busybox mod. This is necessary to enable console output again which is disabled in 4.10 by Eneco." #installBusybox #dropbear should be already there if you had root access #echo "FIXING: Installing Dropbear for ssh access" #installDropbear echo "EDITING: Time server, removes unnecessary link to Quby" editTimeServer echo "EDITING: Hosts file, removes unnecessary link to Quby" editHostfile echo "EDITING: disable ovpn connection to quby" editVPNconnection echo "EDITING: Adding serial connection" editSerialConnection echo "EDITING: Activating Toon, enabling ElectricityDisplay and GasDisplay" editActivation echo "EDITING: removing data gathering by Quby and whitelisting web services" editQMFConfigFile fi } setOpkgFeedFiles() { BASE_FEED_URL="http://feed.hae.orig/feeds" RUNNINGVERSION=`opkg list-installed base-$ARCH-\* | sed -r -e "s/base-$ARCH-([a-z]{3})\s-\s([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*)-.*/\2/"` # set extra pkg system feeds EXTRA_FEEDS="`wget -q "${BASE_FEED_URL}/${ARCH}/${FLAV}/${RUNNINGVERSION}/SystemFeed" -O -`" if [ "$EXTRA_FEEDS" = "" ] then echo "Failed retrieving '${BASE_FEED_URL}/${ARCH}/${FLAV}/${RUNNINGVERSION}/SystemFeed', trying again verbosely:" wget "${BASE_FEED_URL}/${ARCH}/${FLAV}/${RUNNINGVERSION}/SystemFeed" -O - 2>&1 exitFail fi #set correct feed location for initial install rm -f /etc/opkg/*-feed.conf /var/lib/opkg/lists/* echo "src/gz base ${BASE_FEED_URL}/${ARCH}/${FLAV}/${RUNNINGVERSION}" > /etc/opkg/base-feed.conf echo "$EXTRA_FEEDS" | { while read EF do EF_NAME="`echo "$EF" | cut -d ' ' -f1`" EF_PATH="`echo "$EF" | cut -d ' ' -f2`" echo "src/gz ${EF_NAME} ${BASE_FEED_URL}/${ARCH}/${EF_PATH}" > /etc/opkg/${EF_NAME}-feed.conf done; } echo ">> configured opkg feeds:" cat /etc/opkg/*-feed.conf } #main UNATTENDED=false ONLYVPNSTART=false STEP=0 VERSION="" SOURCE="http://feed.hae.int/feeds" ORIGINALSOURCE=true SOURCEFILES="http://files.domoticaforum.eu/uploads/Toon" ENABLEVPN=true PROGARGS="$@" #get options while getopts ":v:s:abfduho" opt $PROGARGS do case $opt in v) echo "Forcing version: $OPTARG" VERSION=$OPTARG ;; s) echo "Forcing source: $OPTARG" SOURCE=$OPTARG ORIGINALSOURCE=false ;; a) echo "Auto activation" editActivation exit ;; b) echo "Busybox installation" installBusybox exit ;; u) echo "Unattended mode" UNATTENDED=true QUESTION="yes" ;; o) echo "Only start VPN and then quit" ONLYVPNSTART=true VERSION="none" ;; d) echo "Skip starting VPN" ENABLEVPN=false ;; f) echo "Only fixing files." getArch makeBackupUpdate makeBackupFixFiles fixFiles checkFixedFiles exit ;; h) usage exit 1 ;; \?) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" exit ;; esac done #get recent version of this script autoUpdate $PROGARGS #determine where this Toon is storing the update files PKGCACHE='/mnt/data/update' if ! strings /HCBv2/sbin/hcb_config | grep -q -e "^${PKGCACHE}\$" then #this toon still uses the old PKGCACHE PKGCACHE='/HCBv2/tmp/opkg-cache' fi #check if the cache dir is already there, create it otherwise (should normally be there always) if [ ! -d $PKGCACHE ] then mkdir -p $PKGCACHE fi STATUSFILE="$PKGCACHE/updated-rooted.status" #check previous running script if [ -f $STATUSFILE ] && ! $UNATTENED #no resume in unattended mode then echo "Detected an unclean abort of previous running update script. Do you want me to resume (yes) or restart (no)?" read RESUME if [ "$RESUME" == "yes" ] then echo "Ok, resuming. Trying to determine last step." STEP=`cat $PKGCACHE/updated-rooted.status | sed -n -r -e 's,([0-9]+);([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+);(.*);(.*),\1,p'` VERSION=`cat $PKGCACHE/updated-rooted.status | sed -n -r -e 's,([0-9]+);([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+);(.*);(.*),\2,p'` FLAV=`cat $PKGCACHE/updated-rooted.status | sed -n -r -e 's,([0-9]+);([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+);(.*);(.*),\3,p'` ARCH=`cat $PKGCACHE/updated-rooted.status | sed -n -r -e 's,([0-9]+);([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+);(.*);(.*),\4,p'` echo "Resuming at step $STEP and we where installing version $VERSION with flavour $FLAV in a $ARCH system" fi # remove statusfile so we don't restart at the same point the next time rm -f $STATUSFILE fi if [ $STEP -lt 1 ] then STEP=1; #get the architecture getArch #get the current flavour getFlav #we need to determine current version and to which version we want to upgrade to if [ "$VERSION" == "" ] then #echo "Currently the Eneco server (their update script) is broken. This is causing update issue from earlier versions to 5.0.4. Canceling the updaten now until they fixed this." #exit getVersion fi echo "$STEP;$VERSION;$FLAV;$ARCH" > $STATUSFILE fi if [ $STEP -lt 2 ] then STEP=2; #then we make a backup of some important files, just to be sure makeBackupUpdate echo "$STEP;$VERSION;$FLAV;$ARCH" > $STATUSFILE fi #even if we resume we need to make sure we have the firewall in place and renable the VPN #before opening the connection to Eneco's network we prepare the firewall to only allow access from/to the download server if $ENABLEVPN then initializeFirewall #now we are ready to try to start the VPN enableVPN if $ONLYVPNSTART then #change the official feed host to feed.hae.orig and putting back toonstore feed.hae.int to localhost sed -i 's/^\(172.*\)feed.hae.int/\1feed.hae.orig/' /etc/hosts echo ' feed.hae.int feed' >> /etc/hosts setOpkgFeedFiles echo "VPN is started, OPKG sources should now be available for you. Good luck!" echo "If you are done with manual package downloading, just reboot and the VPN should be closed again." exit fi fi if [ $STEP -lt 3 ] then STEP=3; #we are ready to download the eneco upgrade script downloadUpgradeFile echo "$STEP;$VERSION;$FLAV;$ARCH" > $STATUSFILE fi if [ $STEP -lt 4 ] then STEP=4; #if the script is ok, we start downloading the updates (prepare) startPrepare echo "$STEP;$VERSION;$FLAV;$ARCH" > $STATUSFILE fi if [ $STEP -lt 5 ] then STEP=5; #and if that is succesfull we start the upgrade startUpgrade echo "$STEP;$VERSION;$FLAV;$ARCH" > $STATUSFILE fi if [ $STEP -lt 6 ] then STEP=6; #finally we restore the important files restoreBackup echo "$STEP;$VERSION;$FLAV;$ARCH" > $STATUSFILE fi if [ $STEP -lt 7 ] then STEP=7; #some other fixing needs to be done after an upgrade echo "Upgrade is done. However each firmware upgrade will revert the changes to some files needed for a working rooted Toon. Do you want me me to try and fix a few well known issue's for you right now?" if ! $UNATTENDED ; then read QUESTION ; fi if [ "$QUESTION" == "yes" ] then makeBackupFixFiles fixFiles checkFixedFiles fi echo "$STEP;$VERSION;$FLAV;$ARCH" > $STATUSFILE fi if [ $STEP -lt 8 ] then STEP=8; #skipping x11vnc install as this is an update-script and not an install-script #echo "Do you want to install x11vnc? cmd 'x11vnc' needs to be run after each reboot to start the x11vnc server. x11vnc password can be set while starting x11vnc for the first time" #if ! $UNATTENDED ; then read QUESTION ; fi #if [ "$QUESTION" == "yes" ] && ! $UNATTENDED #not install x11vnc in unattended mode #then # installX11vnc #fi fi # sync the filesystem sync ; sync echo "Everything done! You should reboot now! Do NOT power cycle! Just issue the 'reboot' command in your shell. Power cycling can cause file system problems." #remove statusfile rm -f $STATUSFILE if $UNATTENDED then #reboot in autattended mode shutdown -r now fi