#!/usr/bin/perl -w package Template; =head1 NAME Template.pm - Template for class =head1 SYNOPSIS use Template; my $template_object = Template->new("Berenice"); my $prenom = $template_object->get_prenom(); =head1 DESCRIPTION Blabla blabla =head1 AUTHORS Berenice Batut: berenice.batut@udamail.fr =cut # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Imports # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Constructor # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =head1 CONSTRUCTOR Template->new() The new class method constructs a new Template object =head2 Inputs A string =head2 Outputs New Template object =cut sub new { my ($class, $prenom) = @_; my $this = {}; bless ($this, $class); $this->{PRENOM} = $prenom; return $this; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Functions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =head1 FUNCTION Template->get_prenom() This function return PRENOM from a Template object =head2 Inputs None =head2 Outputs PRENOM properties of the Template object =cut sub get_prenom{ my ($this) = @_; return $this->{PRENOM}; } 1;