--============================================================-- --|| | \ | | / ____| (_) ||-- --|| | \| | _____ ____ _ | (___ ___ _ __ _ ___ ___ ||-- --|| | . ` |/ _ \ \ / / _` | \___ \ / _ \ '__| |/ _ \/ __| ||-- --|| | |\ | (_) \ V / (_| | ____) | __/ | | | __/\__ \ ||-- --|| |_| \_|\___/ \_/ \__,_| |_____/ \___|_| |_|\___||___/ ||-- --============================================================-- -- [[Champion: Singed, Author: Nova, Created: 4/4/16]] -- -- Fatures: -- - Invisible poison exploit -- - Auto ignite -- - Drawings -- -- To come: -- - Auto void toss -- - Auto sludge -- - Fling KS if GetObjectName(myHero) ~= "Singed" then return end local WRange, ERange = myHero:GetSpellData(_W).range, myHero:GetSpellData(_E).range local xIgnite, IRDY = 0, 0 local summonerNameOne = GetCastName(myHero,SUMMONER_1) local summonerNameTwo = GetCastName(myHero,SUMMONER_2) local Ignite = (summonerNameOne:lower():find("summonerdot") and SUMMONER_1 or (summonerNameTwo:lower():find("summonerdot") and SUMMONER_2 or nil)) local n = {} local Singed = Menu("Singed", "Singed") Singed:Key("Q", "Q Exploit", string.byte("T")) Singed:Menu("KS","Kill Functions") Singed.KS:Boolean("Ignite","Auto-Ignite",true) Singed:Menu("Draw", "Drawings") Singed.Draw:Boolean("DrawsEb", "Enable Drawings", true) Singed.Draw:Slider("DrawQuality", "Quality Drawings", 50, 1, 100, 1) Singed.Draw:Boolean("DrawW", "W Range", true) Singed.Draw:ColorPick("Wcol", "W Color", {33, 79, 213, 255}) Singed.Draw:Boolean("DrawE", "E Range", true) Singed.Draw:ColorPick("Ecol", "E Color", {135, 244, 245, 120}) Singed:Boolean("AutoLevel", "Enable Auto Lvl Up", true) local function CheckItemCD() IRDY = Ignite and CanUseSpell(myHero, Ignite) == 0 and 1 or 0 end local function DamageFunc() xIgnite = (50 + GetLevel(myHero) * 20) * IRDY end local function SpellSequence() if #n > 0 then for i = 1, #n do local armor = GetArmor(n[i]) local hp = GetCurrentHP(n[i]) local hpreg = GetHPRegen(n[i]) local shield = GetDmgShield(n[i]) local health = hp * ((100 + ((armor - GetArmorPenFlat(myHero)) * GetArmorPenPercent(myHero))) * .01) + hpreg * 6 + shield if IRDY == 1 and health < xIgnite and GetDistance(n[i]) <= 600 then if Singed.KS.Ignite:Value() then CastTargetSpell(n[i], Ignite) end end end end end local function LevelUp() if Singed.AutoLevel:Value() then leveltable = {_Q, _E, _Q, _E, _Q , _R, _Q , _W, _Q , _E, _R, _E, _E, _W, _W, _R, _W, _W} -- Full Q then full E end LevelSpell(leveltable[GetLevel(myHero)]) end OnDraw(function(myHero) local pos = myHero.pos if Singed.Draw.DrawsEb:Value() then if IsReady(_W) then if Singed.Draw.DrawW:Value() then DrawCircle3D(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, WRange, 1, Singed.Draw.Wcol:Value(), Singed.Draw.DrawQuality:Value()) end end if IsReady(_E) then if Singed.Draw.DrawE:Value() then DrawCircle3D(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, ERange, 1, Singed.Draw.Ecol:Value(), Singed.Draw.DrawQuality:Value()) end end end if #n > 0 then for i = 1, #n do if GetDistance(n[i]) < 2000 then local drawPos = GetOrigin(n[i]) local armor = GetArmor(n[i]) local hp = GetCurrentHP(n[i]) local hpreg = GetHPRegen(n[i]) local shield = GetDmgShield(n[i]) local health = hp * ((100 + ((armor - GetArmorPenFlat(myHero)) * GetArmorPenPercent(myHero))) * .01) + hpreg * 6 + shield if health < xIgnite then DrawCircle(drawPos, 50, 0, 0, 0xffff0000) --red end end end end end) OnTick(function(myHero) n = GetEnemyHeroes() if not IsDead(myHero) then CheckItemCD() DamageFunc() SpellSequence() end local mousePos = GetMousePos() if Singed.Q:Value() then CastSpell(_Q) MoveToXYZ(mousePos.x, mousePos.y, mousePos.z) end if Singed.AutoLevel:Value() then LevelUp() end end) PrintChat("[Nova]: Singed Loaded!")