Capital in the 21st Century: Chapter 9 ======================================================== ### Data provenance The data were downloaded as Excel files from: ### Loading relevant libraries and data This document depends on the [xlsx](, [reshape2](, and [ggplot2]( packages. ```{r loadCh9,message=FALSE, cache=TRUE} library(ggplot2) library(xlsx) library(reshape2) ``` ## Figures 9.1 and Supplementary Figures These figures are based on Table TS9.1. Here we read data from the excel file and name the data series ```{r tabTS9.1, dependson="loadCh9", message=FALSE, cache=TRUE} ## Table TS9.1 ts91 = read.xlsx("../_data/Chapter9TablesFigures.xlsx",sheetName="TS9.1",rowIndex=7:70,colIndex=1:8,header=FALSE) names(ts91) = c("year","france_francs_cur","france_euros_cur", "france_euros_2013", "france_cpi", "us_dollars_cur", "us_dollars_2013", "us_cpi") ``` The caption of the table lists the sources for this table as > Sources. France: file "IPP-prelevements-sociaux-avril2012.xls" > available on (we selected the values corresponding to January the 1st of each year; the > complete revaluation series are given in the IPP table) > USA: official series of Bureau of Labor Statistics (we > selected the values corresponding to January the 1st of > each year; the complete revaluation series are given in > the BLS file) > (consumer price index for France et US from Piketty-Zucman 2013, > files France.xls et USA.xls; links frozen on 2-20-13) Now we make Figure F9.1 ```{r figF9.1, dependson="tabTS9.1", fig.width=8, fig.height=4} f91dat <- ts91[,c("year","france_euros_2013", "us_dollars_2013")] names(f91dat) <- c("year","France","USA") # ggplot2 doesn't support plots with 2 y axes # so it only shows wages in Euros # scale to trick the two axes plot f91dat$USA <- f91dat$USA / 1.2 f91dat <- melt(f91dat, id.var="year") names(f91dat) <- c("year","country","wage") plt <- ggplot(data=f91dat,aes(x=year, y=wage,group=country)) plt <- plt + geom_line() + geom_point(aes(shape=country)) plt <- plt + scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0,10), limits=c(0,10), name="Hourly minimum wage") plt <- plt + scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(1950,2015,by=5), name="") plt <- plt + ggtitle("Figure 9.1. Minimum wage in France and the U.S., 1950-2013") plt ``` And Figures S9.1 and S9.2 ```{r figs9.1, dependson="tabTS9.1", fig.width=8, fig.height=4} fs91dat <- ts91[,c("year","france_euros_2013", "france_euros_cur")] names(fs91dat) <- c("year", "2013 euros", "current euros") fs91dat <- melt(fs91dat, id.var="year") names(fs91dat) <- c("year", "currency", "wage") plt <- ggplot(data=fs91dat, aes(x=year,y=wage,group=currency)) plt <- plt + geom_line() + geom_point(aes(shape=currency)) plt <- plt + scale_y_continuous(name="Hourly minimum wage", limits=c(0,10), breaks=seq(0,10,by=1)) plt <- plt + scale_x_continuous(name="", limits=c(1950,2013), breaks=seq(1950,2015,by=5)) plt <- plt + ggtitle("Figure S9.1. Minimum wage in France, 1950-2013") plt ``` ```{r figs9.2, dependson="tabTS9.1", fig.width=8, fig.height=4} fs92dat <- ts91[,c("year","us_dollars_2013", "us_dollars_cur")] names(fs92dat) <- c("year", "2013 dollars", "current dollars") fs92dat <- melt(fs92dat, id.var="year") names(fs92dat) <- c("year", "currency", "wage") plt <- ggplot(data=fs92dat, aes(x=year,y=wage,group=currency)) plt <- plt + geom_line() + geom_point(aes(shape=currency)) plt <- plt + scale_y_continuous(name="Hourly minimum wage", limits=c(0,10), breaks=seq(0,10,by=1)) plt <- plt + scale_x_continuous(name="", limits=c(1950,2013), breaks=seq(1950,2015,by=5)) plt <- plt + ggtitle("Figure S9.2. Minimum wage in USA, 1950-2013") plt ``` ## Table S8.1 (copied) ```{r tabTS8.1copy, dependson="loadCh9", message=FALSE, cache=TRUE} ts81 <- read.xlsx("../_data//Chapter9TablesFigures.xlsx", sheetName="CopyTS8.1", colIndex=1:6, rowIndex=6:116, header=FALSE) names(ts81) <- c("year", "fr_10.0", "fr_1.0", "fr_0.1", "fr_wage_10.0", "fr_wage_1.0") ``` Caption: > Top income shares series based upon WTID series; > missing values interpolated using moving averages and > top 5% and top 1% series (see formulas and "Details" > sheet) > > Top wage series: Piketty 2001 (figure 3.2) (missing > values for 1910-1918, 1939-1946, and 1999-2010 > interpolated using income series and composition > series, and series from Landais 2007 and Godechot 2012 > ) > > copied from TS8.1 (links frozen on 2-25-2013) ## Table S8.2 (copied) ```{r tabTS8.2copy, dependson="loadCh9", message=FALSE, cache=TRUE} ts82 <- read.xlsx("../_data/Chapter9TablesFigures.xlsx", sheetName="CopyTS8.2", colIndex=1:11, rowIndex=6:116, header=FALSE) names(ts82) <- c("year", "us_10.0", "us_10.0-5.0","us_5.0", "us_1.0", "us_0.1", "us_10.0_noCapGains", "us_1.0_noCapGains", "us_0.1_noCapGains", "us_wageShare_10.0", "us_wageShare_1.0") ``` The caption of the table lists the sources for this table as > Top income shares series based upon WTID series; > missing values interpolated using moving averages and > top 5% and top 1% series (see formulas and "Details" > sheet) > > Top wage series: Piketty-Saez 2003 (Table B2, updated > 2012) (missing values for 1913-1926 interpolated using > income series and composition series (see also series > on officers compensation 1917-1926 referred to by > Piketty-Saez 2003 pp.29-30 > > copied from TS8.2 (links frozen on 2-25-2013) ## Table S9.2 ```{r tabTS9.2, dependson="loadCh9", message=FALSE, cache=TRUE} ts92 <- read.xlsx("../_data/Chapter9TablesFigures.xlsx",sheetName="TS9.2",rowIndex=6:116,colIndex=1:12,header=FALSE) names(ts92) = c("year","royaume_10.0","royaume_1.0", "royaume_0.1", "germany_10.0", "germany_1.0", "germany_0.1", "sweden_10.0", "sweden_1.0", "sweden_0.1", "japan_1.0", "japan_0.1") ``` The caption of the table lists the sources for this table as > Top income shares series based upon WTID series; > missing values interpolated using moving averages and > top 5% and top 1% series (see formulas and "Details" > sheet) > copied from DetailsTS9.2 (links frozen on 2-25-2013) The `DetailsTS9.2` table is in [Chapter 8](../chapter8/chapter8.html). ## Table S9.3 ```{r tabTS9.3, dependson="loadCh9", message=FALSE, cache=TRUE} ts93 <- read.xlsx("../_data//Chapter9TablesFigures.xlsx", sheetName="TS9.3", rowIndex=6:116, colIndex=1:15,header=FALSE) names(ts93) <- c("year", "canada_1.0", "canada_0.1", "aus_1.0","aus_0.1", "nzl_1.0", "nzl_0.1", "den_1.0","den_0.1","ita_1.0","ita_0.1", "hol_1.0","hol_0.1","spa_1.0","spa_0.1") ``` Caption from spreadsheet: > Top income shares series based upon WTID series; > missing values interpolated using moving averages (see > formulas and "Details" sheet) > > copied from DetailsTS9.3 (links frozen on 2-25-2013) ## Figure 9.2 ```{r fig9.2, dependson=c("tabTS9.2","tabTS8.2copy"), fig.width=8, fig.height=4} f92dat <- data.frame(year=ts92$year, `U.S.`=ts82$`us_1.0_noCapGains`, `U.K.`=ts92$`royaume_1.0`, `Canada`=ts93$`canada_1.0`, `Australia`=ts93$`aus_1.0` ) f92dat <- melt(f92dat, id.var="year") names(f92dat) <- c("year", "country", "share") plt <- ggplot(data=f92dat, aes(x=year,y=share,group=country)) plt <- plt + geom_line() + geom_point(aes(shape=country)) plt <- plt + scale_y_continuous(name="Share of top percentile in total income", breaks=seq(0,24,by=2)/100,limits=c(0,24)/100) plt <- plt + scale_x_continuous(name="", breaks=seq(1910,2010,by=10),limits=c(1910,2010)) plt <- plt + ggtitle("Figure 9.2. Income inequality in Anglo-saxon countries, 1910-2010") plt ``` ## Figure 9.3 ```{r fig9.3, dependson=c("tabTS9.2", "tabTS8.1copy"), fig.width=8, fig.height=4} f93dat <- data.frame(year=ts92$year, `France`=ts81$`fr_1.0`, `Germany`=ts92$`germany_1.0`, `Sweden`=ts92$`sweden_1.0`, `Japan`=ts92$`japan_1.0`) f93dat <- melt(f93dat, id.var="year") names(f93dat) <- c("year","country","share") plt <- ggplot(data=f93dat, aes(x=year, y=share, group=country)) plt <- plt + geom_line() + geom_point(aes(shape=country)) plt <- plt + scale_y_continuous(name="Share of top percentile in total income", breaks=seq(0,24,by=2)/100, limits=c(0,.24)) plt <- plt + scale_x_continuous(name="", breaks=seq(1910,2010,by=10), limits=c(1910,2010)) plt <- plt + ggtitle("Figure 9.3. Income inequality: Continental Europe and Japan, 1910-2010") plt ``` ## Figure 9.4 ```{r fig9.4, dependson=c("tabTS9.2", "tabTS9.3"), fig.align=8, fig.height=4} f94dat <- data.frame(year=ts92$year, `France`=ts81$`fr_1.0`, `Denmark`=ts93$`den_1.0`, `Italy`=ts93$`ita_1.0`, `Spain`=ts93$`spa_1.0`) f94dat <- melt(f94dat, id.var="year") names(f94dat) <- c("year", "country", "share") plt <- ggplot(data=f94dat, aes(x=year, y=share, group=country)) plt <- plt + geom_line() + geom_point(aes(shape=country)) plt <- plt + scale_y_continuous(name="Share of top percentile in total income", breaks=seq(0,24,by=2)/100, limits=c(0,.24)) plt <- plt + scale_x_continuous(name="", breaks=seq(1900,2010,by=10), limits=c(1910,2010)) plt <- plt + ggtitle("Figure 9.4. Income inequality: Northern and Southern Europe, 1910-2010") plt ``` ## Figure 9.5 ```{r fig9.5, dependson=c("tabTS9.2","tabTS8.2copy"), fig.width=8, fig.height=4} f92dat <- data.frame(year=ts92$year, `U.S.`=ts82$`us_0.1_noCapGains`, `U.K.`=ts92$`royaume_0.1`, `Canada`=ts93$`canada_0.1`, `Australia`=ts93$`aus_0.1` ) f92dat <- melt(f92dat, id.var="year") names(f92dat) <- c("year", "country", "share") plt <- ggplot(data=f92dat, aes(x=year,y=share,group=country)) plt <- plt + geom_line() + geom_point(aes(shape=country)) plt <- plt + scale_y_continuous(name="Share of top 0.1% in total income", breaks=seq(0,12,by=1)/100,limits=c(0,12)/100) plt <- plt + scale_x_continuous(name="", breaks=seq(1910,2010,by=10),limits=c(1910,2010)) plt <- plt + ggtitle("Figure 9.5. The top 0.1% income share in Anglo-saxon countries, 1910-2010") plt ``` ## Figure 9.6 ```{r fig9.6, dependson=c("tabTS9.2", "tabTS8.1copy"), fig.width=8, fig.height=4} f93dat <- data.frame(year=ts92$year, `France`=ts81$`fr_0.1`, `Germany`=ts92$`germany_0.1`, `Sweden`=ts92$`sweden_0.1`, `Japan`=ts92$`japan_0.1`) f93dat <- melt(f93dat, id.var="year") names(f93dat) <- c("year","country","share") plt <- ggplot(data=f93dat, aes(x=year, y=share, group=country)) plt <- plt + geom_line() + geom_point(aes(shape=country)) plt <- plt + scale_y_continuous(name="Share of top 0.1% in total income", breaks=seq(0,12,by=1)/100, limits=c(0,.12)) plt <- plt + scale_x_continuous(name="", breaks=seq(1910,2010,by=10), limits=c(1910,2010)) plt <- plt + ggtitle("Figure 9.6. The top 0.1% income share: Continental Europe and Japan, 1910-2010") plt ```