Capital in the 21st Century: Chapter 6 ======================================================== ### Data provenance The data were downloaded as Excel files from: ### Loading relevant libraries and data This document depends on the [xlsx](, [reshape2](, [scales](, [plyr](, and [ggplot2]( packages. ```{r loadLibs,message=FALSE} library(ggplot2) library(xlsx) library(reshape2) library(scales) ``` ### Fig 6.1 ```{r fig6.1Load} # series used for figures 6.1, 6.3 et S6.1 s1 = read.xlsx("../_data/Chapter6TablesFigures.xlsx", sheetName="TS6.1", rowIndex=8:33,colIndex=1:3,header=TRUE) names(s1) = c('Year','Capital Income', 'Labor Income') ``` ```{r fig6.1Clean} s1 <- melt(s1, id.vars = 'Year') ``` ```{r fig6.1Plot, fig.retina=2} ggplot(data = s1, aes(x=Year, y=value))+ geom_line(aes(color=variable))+ geom_point(aes(shape=variable))+ scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0, 1, 0.1), labels=c('0%', '10%','20%', '30%','40%', '50%','60%', '70%','80%', '90%','100%'))+ scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(1770, 2010, 20), labels=seq(1770, 2010, 20))+ ylab('Labor and capital income (% national income')+ xlab('During the 19th century, capital income (rent, profits, dividends, interest,..) \n absorbed about 40% of national income, vs. 60% for labor income (salaried and non salaried).\n Sources and series: see ')+ ggtitle('Figure 6.1. The capital-labor split in the Britain, 1770-2010 ')+ theme_bw(10)+ # Make b/w theme theme(legend.title=element_blank())+ # remove legend title theme(legend.position="bottom") # remove legend title ``` ### Fig 6.2 ```{r fig6.2Load} # series used for figures 6.2, 6.4 et S6.2 s2 = read.xlsx("../_data/Chapter6TablesFigures.xlsx", sheetName="TS6.2", rowIndex=6:26,colIndex=1:3,header=TRUE) names(s2) = c('Year','Capital Income', 'Labor Income') ``` ```{r fig6.2Clean} s2 <- melt(s2, id.vars = 'Year') ``` ```{r fig6.2Plot, fig.retina=2} ggplot(data = s2, aes(x=Year, y=value))+ geom_line(aes(color=variable))+ geom_point(aes(shape=variable))+ scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0, 1, 0.1), labels=c('0%', '10%','20%', '30%','40%', '50%','60%', '70%','80%', '90%','100%'))+ scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(1820, 2010, 20), labels=seq(1820, 2010, 20))+ ylab('Labor and capital income (% national income')+ xlab('In the 21st century, capital income (rent, profits, dividends, interest,..) \nabsorbs about 30% of national income, vs. 70% for labor income (salaried and non salaried).\n Sources and series: see')+ ggtitle('Figure 6.2. The capital-labor split in France, 1820-2010')+ theme_bw(10)+ # Make b/w theme theme(legend.title=element_blank())+ # remove legend title theme(legend.position="bottom") # remove legend title ``` ### Fig 6.3 ```{r fig6.3Load} # series used for figures 6.1, 6.3 et S6.1 s3 = read.xlsx("../_data/Chapter6TablesFigures.xlsx", sheetName="TS6.1", rowIndex=8:33,colIndex=c(1,4:5),header=TRUE) names(s3) = c('Year','Observed', 'Pure') ``` ```{r fig6.3Clean} s3 <- melt(s3, id.vars = 'Year') ``` ```{r fig6.3Plot, fig.retina=2} ggplot(data = s3, aes(x=Year, y=value))+ geom_line(aes(color=variable))+ geom_point(aes(shape=variable))+ scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0, 0.16, 0.02), labels=c('0%', '2%','4%', '6%','8%', '10%','12%', '14%','16%'))+ scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(1770, 2010, 20), labels=seq(1770, 2010, 20))+ ylab('Annual rate of return')+ xlab('The pure rate of return to capital is roughly stable around 4%-5% in the long run.\n Sources and series: see')+ ggtitle('Figure 6.3. The pure return to capital in Britain, 1770-2010')+ scale_shape_discrete(name='', breaks=c('Observed', 'Pure'), labels=c('Observed average rate of return to capital', 'Pure rate of return to capital (estimate)'))+ scale_color_discrete(name='', breaks=c('Observed', 'Pure'), labels=c('Observed average rate of return to capital', 'Pure rate of return to capital (estimate)'))+ theme_bw(10)+ # Make b/w theme theme(legend.title=element_blank())+ # remove legend title theme(legend.position="bottom") # remove legend title ``` ### Fig 6.4 ```{r fig6.4Load} # series used for figures 6.1, 6.3 et S6.1 s4 = read.xlsx("../_data/Chapter6TablesFigures.xlsx", sheetName="TS6.2", rowIndex=6:26,colIndex=c(1,4:5),header=TRUE) names(s4) = c('Year','Observed', 'Pure') ``` ```{r fig6.4Clean} s4 <- melt(s4, id.vars = 'Year') ``` ```{r fig6.4Plot, fig.retina=2} ggplot(data = s4, aes(x=Year, y=value))+ geom_line(aes(color=variable))+ geom_point(aes(shape=variable))+ scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0, 0.16, 0.02), labels=c('0%', '2%','4%', '6%','8%', '10%','12%', '14%','16%'))+ scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(1820, 2010, 20), labels=seq(1820, 2010, 20))+ ylab('Annual rate of return')+ xlab('The observed average rate of return displays larger fluctuations than the pure rate of return during the 20th century.\nSources and series: see')+ ggtitle('Figure 6.4. The pure rate of return to capital in France, 1820-2010')+ scale_shape_discrete(name='', breaks=c('Observed', 'Pure'), labels=c('Observed average rate of return to capital', 'Pure rate of return to capital (estimate)'))+ scale_color_discrete(name='', breaks=c('Observed', 'Pure'), labels=c('Observed average rate of return to capital', 'Pure rate of return to capital (estimate)'))+ theme_bw(10)+ # Make b/w theme theme(legend.title=element_blank())+ # remove legend title theme(legend.position="bottom") ``` ### Fig 6.5 ```{r fig6.5Load} # series used for figures 6.1, 6.3 et S6.1 s5 = read.xlsx("../_data/Chapter6TablesFigures.xlsx", sheetName="TS6.3", rowIndex=4:45,colIndex=1:9,header=TRUE) names(s5) = c('Year','U.S.', 'Japan', 'Germany', 'France', 'U.K.', 'Italy', 'Canada', 'Australia') ``` ```{r fig6.5Clean} s5 <- melt(s5, id.vars = 'Year') # round data for rChart tooltip display s5$value <- round(s5$value, 2) ``` ```{r fig6.5Plot, fig.retina=2} ggplot(data = s5, aes(x=Year, y=value))+ geom_line(aes(color=variable))+ # geom_point(aes(shape=variable))+ scale_y_continuous(labels = percent)+ scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(1975, 2010, 5), labels=seq(1975, 2010, 5))+ ylab('Capital income (% national income)')+ xlab('Capital income absorbs between 15% and 25% of national income\n in rich countries in 1970, and between 25% and 30% in 2000-2010.\n Sources and series: see')+ ggtitle('Figure 6.5. The capital share in rich countries, 1975-2010')+ theme_bw(10)+ # Make b/w theme theme(legend.title=element_blank())+ # remove legend title theme(legend.position="bottom") ``` ###Fig 6.5 with rCharts The plot above is rather difficult to read with so many series. Recommend taking advantage of an interactive [rChart]( Now we can toggle the countries `on and off` by clicking the legend labels. ```{r install rCharts, eval=FALSE} require(devtools) install_github('rCharts', 'ramnathv') ``` ```{r plotrChart, comment = NA, results = "asis", comment = NA, tidy = F} library(rCharts) fig6.5 <- nPlot(value ~ Year, group = 'variable', data = s5, type = 'lineChart') fig6.5$yAxis(axisLabel = 'Capital income (% national income)') fig6.5$chart(margin = list(left = 100)) # margin makes room for label fig6.5$yAxis(tickFormat = "#! function(d) {return Math.round(d*100*100)/100 + '%'} !#") fig6.5$xAxis(axisLabel = 'Year') fig6.5$chart(useInteractiveGuideline=TRUE) fig6.5$show('inline', include_assets = TRUE, cdn = TRUE) ``` ### Fig 6.7 ```{r fig6.7Load} # series used for figures 6.6-6.8 and S6.3 s7 = read.xlsx("../_data/Chapter6TablesFigures.xlsx", sheetName="TS6.4", rowIndex=5:120,colIndex=1:6,header=TRUE) names(s7) = c('Year','Housing share in national income', 'Gross profit share in gross value added', 'Net profits share in net value added', 'Capital share in national income', 'After-tax capital income excl. retained earnings' ) ``` ```{r fig6.7Clean} s7 <- melt(s7, id.vars = 'Year') s7 =s7[s7$variable == 'Housing share in national income', ] ``` ```{r fig6.7Plot, fig.retina=2} ggplot(data = s7, aes(x=Year, y=value))+ geom_line(aes(color=variable))+ geom_point(aes(shape=variable))+ scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0, .12, .02) , labels=seq(0, .12, .02))+ scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(1900, 2008, 6) , labels=seq(1900, 2008, 6))+ ylab(unique(s7$variable))+ xlab('The share of housing rent (rental value of dwellings) \n rose from 2% of national income in 1948 to 10% in 2010. \n Sources and series: see')+ ggtitle('Figure 6.7. The share of housing rent \n in national income in France, \n 1900-2010')+ theme_bw(10)+ # Make b/w theme theme(legend.title=element_blank() )+ # remove legend title theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) + theme(legend.position = "none") ``` ### Fig 6.8 ```{r fig6.8Load} # series used for figures 6.6-6.8 and S6.3 s8 = read.xlsx("../_data/Chapter6TablesFigures.xlsx", sheetName="TS6.4", rowIndex=5:120,colIndex=1:6,header=TRUE) names(s8) = c('Year','Housing share in national income', 'Gross profit share in gross value added', 'Net profits share in net value added', 'Capital share in national income', 'After-tax capital income excl. retained earnings' ) ``` ```{r fig6.8Clean} s8 <- melt(s8, id.vars = 'Year') s8 <- s8[s8$variable == 'Capital share in national income',] ``` ```{r fig6.8Plot, fig.retina=2} ggplot(data = s8, aes(x=Year, y=value))+ geom_line(aes(color=variable))+ geom_point(aes(shape=variable))+ scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0, .5, .1 ) , labels=seq(0, .5, .1 ))+ scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(1900, 2008, 6) , labels=seq(1900, 2008, 6))+ ylab(unique(s8$variable))+ xlab('The share of capital income (net profits and rents) \n rose from 15% of national income in 1982 to 27% in 2010. \n Sources and series: see ')+ ggtitle('Figure 6.8. \n The capital share in national income in France, \n 1900-2010')+ theme_bw(10)+ # Make b/w theme theme(legend.title=element_blank() )+ # remove legend title theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) + theme(legend.position = "none") ```