@prefix dc: . @prefix dct: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix cco: . @prefix org: . @prefix geo: . @prefix task: . @prefix form: . @prefix : . # self hosted URI's : # @prefix foaf-forms: . # @prefix foaf-forms: . @prefix foaf-forms: <#> . # form specifications for FOAF #### Person #### foaf-forms:personForm a form:specification ; form:classDomain foaf:Person ; rdfs:label "Personne FOAF - court"@fr ; rdfs:label "FOAF Person - short form"@en ; form:showProperties ( # normally single-valued: foaf:givenName foaf:familyName foaf:homepage # literal or resource: foaf:mbox foaf:phone # resource, multi-valued: foaf:img foaf:topic_interest foaf:knows foaf:currentProject org:memberOf cco:expertise rdfs:seeAlso foaf:based_near ) . foaf-forms:topic_interest--personPerson rdfs:label "topic_interest dans formulaire Person"@fr ; rdfs:label "topic_interest in form Person"@en ; :fieldAppliesToForm foaf-forms:personForm ; :fieldAppliesToForm foaf-forms:organizationForm ; :fieldAppliesToProperty foaf:topic_interest ; :widgetClass form:DBPediaLookup . foaf-forms:cco-expertise--personPerson :fieldAppliesToForm foaf-forms:personForm ; :fieldAppliesToForm foaf-forms:organizationForm ; :fieldAppliesToProperty cco:expertise ; :widgetClass form:DBPediaLookup . # foaf-forms:givenName--personPerson :fieldAppliesToForm foaf-forms:personForm ; :fieldAppliesToProperty foaf:givenName ; :cardinality :exactlyOne . foaf-forms:familyName--personPerson :fieldAppliesToForm foaf-forms:personForm ; :fieldAppliesToProperty foaf:familyName ; :cardinality :exactlyOne . foaf-forms:based_near--personPerson :fieldAppliesToForm foaf-forms:personForm ; :fieldAppliesToForm foaf-forms:organizationForm ; :fieldAppliesToProperty foaf:based_near ; :widgetClass form:DBPediaLookup . foaf:givenName form:shortString true . foaf:familyName form:shortString true . foaf:firstName form:shortString true . foaf:lastName form:shortString true . foaf:birthday form:shortString true . foaf:skypeID form:shortString true . foaf:yahooChatID form:shortString true . foaf:msnChatID form:shortString true . foaf:jabberID form:shortString true . foaf:aimChatID form:shortString true . foaf:icqChatID form:shortString true . foaf:gender form:shortString true . foaf:mbox_sha1sum form:shortString true . foaf:age form:shortString true . geo:alt form:shortString true . geo:lat form:shortString true . geo:long form:shortString true . org:location form:shortString true . rdfs:label form:shortString true . rdfs:comment form:shortString true . form:shortString true . form:shortString true . form:shortString true . task:workDurationEstimated form:shortString true . task:workDuration form:shortString true . task:dailyPrice form:shortString true . task:price form:shortString true . task:group form:shortString true . task:hardness form:shortString true . # example of redefining a label in form different from the one in ontology foaf-forms:org:memberOf--personPerson form:fieldAppliesToForm foaf-forms:personForm ; form:fieldAppliesToProperty org:memberOf ; form:label "belongs to organization "@en ; form:label "appartient à l'organisation "@fr . #### Project #### foaf-forms:projectForm a form:specification ; form:classDomain foaf:Project ; rdfs:label "Projet - formulaire"@fr ; rdfs:label "Project - form"@en ; form:showProperties ( rdfs:label rdfs:comment foaf:homepage foaf:maker foaf:mbox foaf:fundedBy foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf foaf:depiction foaf:holdsAccount foaf:age dct:subject rdfs:seeAlso ) . #### Organization #### foaf-forms:organizationForm rdfs:label "Organisation - formulaire"@fr ; rdfs:label "Organization - form"@en ; a form:specification ; form:classDomain foaf:Organization ; form:showProperties ( rdfs:label rdfs:comment foaf:homepage foaf:mbox foaf:based_near dct:subject rdfs:seeAlso foaf:maker foaf:fundedBy foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf foaf:depiction foaf:holdsAccount foaf:age foaf:topic_interest ) . foaf-forms:dc_subject rdfs:label "dct:subject dans formulaire Person, etc"@fr ; rdfs:label "dct:subject in form Person, etc"@en ; :fieldAppliesToForm :projectForm ; :fieldAppliesToForm :organizationForm ; :fieldAppliesToForm :form-Document ; :fieldAppliesToProperty dct:subject ; :widgetClass form:DBPediaLookup . #### Document #### foaf-forms:form-Document rdfs:label "Document - formulaire"@fr ; rdfs:label "Document - form"@en ; a form:specification ; form:classDomain foaf:Document ; form:showProperties ( rdfs:label rdfs:comment foaf:primaryTopic foaf:maker dct:subject rdfs:seeAlso ) . foaf-forms:primaryTopic rdfs:label "primaryTopic dans formulaire Document"@fr ; rdfs:label "primaryTopic in form Document"@en ; :fieldAppliesToForm :form-Document ; :fieldAppliesToProperty foaf:primaryTopic ; :widgetClass form:DBPediaLookup .