#' ---
#' title: "Working with ordinary differential equations in **pomp**"
#' subtitle: 'ICTP Workshop on Mathematical Models of Climate Variability, Environmental Change and Infectious Diseases'
#' author: "Aaron A. King"
#' date: '8--19 May 2017'
#' output:
#' html_document:
#' toc: yes
#' toc_depth: 4
#' bibliography: ../course.bib
#' csl: ../ecology.csl
#' ---
#' \newcommand\prob[1]{\mathbb{P}\left[{#1}\right]}
#' \newcommand\expect[1]{\mathbb{E}\left[{#1}\right]}
#' \newcommand\var[1]{\mathrm{Var}\left[{#1}\right]}
#' \newcommand\cov[1]{\mathrm{Cov}\left[{#1}\right]}
#' \newcommand\dist[2]{\mathrm{#1}\left(#2\right)}
#' \newcommand\dlta[1]{{\Delta}{#1}}
#' \newcommand{\dd}[1]{\mathrm{d}{#1}}
#' \newcommand{\transpose}{\mathrm{T}}
#' \newcommand\lik{\mathcal{L}}
#' \newcommand\loglik{\ell}
#' \newcommand{\scinot}[2]{#1{\times}10^{#2}}
#' \newcommand{\pd}[3][]{\frac{\partial^{#1}{#2}}{\partial{#3}^{#1}}}
#' \newcommand{\deriv}[3][]{\frac{\mathrm{d}^{#1}{#2}}{\mathrm{d}{#3}^{#1}}}
#' This lesson is based on notes developed over the years and contains contributions originally made by Ben Bolker, John Drake, Pej Rohani, and David Smith.
#' It is [licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/).
#' Please share and remix noncommercially, mentioning its origin.
#' ![CC-BY_NC](../graphics/cc-by-nc.png)
#' **Important Note:**
#' These materials have been updated for use with version `r packageVersion("pomp")`.
#' As of version 2, **pomp** syntax has changed substantially.
#' These changes [are documented](http://kingaa.github.io/pomp/vignettes/upgrade_guide.html) on the **pomp** website.
## ----prelims,include=FALSE,cache=FALSE----------------------------------------
#' Here we begin our study of computational techniques for studying epidemiological models.
#' In this lesson we introduce the numerical solution (or integration) of nonlinear differential equations using the sophisticated solvers incorporated into **pomp**.
#' Numerical integration is one of the most important tools we have for the analysis of epidemiological models.
#' ### The SIR model
#' The classical SIR compartmental model divides a population of hosts into three classes:
#' susceptible, infected, recovered.
#' The model describes how the portion of the population in each of these classes changes with time.
#' Births are modeled as flows from "elsewhere" into the susceptible class;
#' deaths are modeled as flows from the S, I, or R compartment into "elsewhere".
#' If $S$, $I$, and $R$ refer to the numbers of individuals in each compartment, then these **state variables** change according to the following system of differential equations:
#' $$\begin{aligned}
#' \frac{dS}{dt} &= B-\lambda\,S-\mu\,S\\
#' \frac{dI}{dt} &= \lambda\,S-\gamma\,I-\mu\,I\\
#' \frac{dR}{dt} &= \gamma\,I-\mu\,R.\\
#' \end{aligned}$$
#' Here, $B$ is the crude birth rate (births per unit time), $\mu$ is the death rate and $\gamma$ is the recovery rate.
#' We'll assume that the force of infection, $\lambda$, has the form
#' $$\lambda = \beta\,\frac{I}{N},$$
#' so that the risk of infection a susceptible faces is proportional to the *prevalence* (the fraction of the population that is infected).
#' This is known as the assumption of frequency-dependent transmission.
#' ### Numerical integration of ordinary differential equations
#' Like almost all ecological and epidemiological models, one can't solve these equations analytically.
#' However, we can compute the **trajectories** of a continuous-time model such as this one by integrating the equations numerically.
#' Doing this accurately involves a lot of calculation, and there are smart ways and not-so-smart ways of going about it.
#' This very common problem has been very thoroughly studied by numerical analysts for generations so that, when the equations are smooth, well-behaved functions, excellent numerical integration algorithms are readily available to compute approximate solutions to high precision.
#' In particular, **R** has several sophisticated ODE solvers which (for many problems) will give highly accurate solutions.
#' These are harnessed by **pomp**.
#' These algorithms are flexible, automatically perform checks, and give informative errors and warnings.
#' ### SIR for a closed epidemic
#' Let's study the SIR model for a closed population, i.e., one in which we can neglect births and deaths.
#' Recall that the differential equations for the closed epidemic are
#' $$\begin{aligned}
#' \frac{dS}{dt} &= -\frac{\beta\,S\,I}{N}\\
#' \frac{dI}{dt} &= \frac{\beta\,S\,I}{N}-\gamma\,I\\
#' \frac{dR}{dt} &= \gamma\,I
#' \end{aligned}$$
#' To incorporate these deterministic equations into a `pomp` object, we supply them to the `pomp` function via the `skeleton` argument as a `Csnippet`.
#' We must also provide a `Csnippet` to initialize the state variables $S$, $I$, and $R$.
#' For example:
## ----closed-sir-model-defn-three----------------------------------------------
closed.sir.ode <- Csnippet("
DS = -Beta*S*I/N;
DI = Beta*S*I/N-gamma*I;
DR = gamma*I;
init1 <- Csnippet("
S = N-1;
I = 1;
R = 0;
paramnames=c("Beta","gamma","N")) -> closed.sir
#' Now we can call `trajectory` to compute trajectories of the model.
#' To do this, we'll need some values of the parameters.
#' If we're thinking of a disease something like measles, and measuring time in days, we might use something like:
## ----set-closed-params--------------------------------------------------------
params1 <- c(Beta=1,gamma=1/13,N=763)
#' What is the infectious period of this disease?
#' Next, we compute a model trajectory with the `trajectory` command and store the result in a data-frame:
## ----solve-closed-sir---------------------------------------------------------
x <- trajectory(closed.sir,params=params1,format="data.frame")
#' and plot the results using the commands:
## ----epi-curve-plot,eval=T----------------------------------------------------
#' --------------------------
#' ##### Exercise: conversion of units
#' Suppose that you'd rather measure time in years.
#' Modify the parameters accordingly and verify your modifications.
#' --------------------------
#' Let's study how the epidemic curve depends on the transmission rate, $\beta$, and the infectious period.
#' In particular, we'll investigate how the epidemic curve changes as we vary $\beta$ from 0.05 to 2 and the infectious period from 1 to 8 days.
## ----nine-curves,echo=FALSE,warning=FALSE,purl=TRUE---------------------------
expand.grid(Beta=c(0.05,1,2),gamma=1/c(1,2,4,8),N=763) -> params2
x <- trajectory(closed.sir,params=t(params2),times=seq(0,50),
mutate(params2,.id=seq_along(Beta)) -> params2
join(x,params2,by=".id") -> x
labs(x="time (da)",color=expression("IP"==1/gamma),
#' The ability to numerically integrate ODE is essential, but its power is limited.
#' The next exercise demonstrates the importance of being able to analyze the equations as well.
#' --------------------------
#' ##### Exercise: exploring the model's dynamical repertoire
#' For each of the above parameter combinations, notice that either an epidemic occurs or the infection fades out.
#' Can you predict this behavior from a knowledge of the parameters without numerically integrating the equations?
#' --------------------------
#' ### The basic reproduction number
#' A dimensionless quantity of central importance in epidemiology is the so-called *basic reproduction number*, $R_0$, which is the expected number of new infections engendered by a single infected individual introduced into a fully susceptible population.
#' In this case, $R_0=\frac{\beta}{\gamma}$, i.e., the product of the transmission rate and the infectious period.
#' Compute $R_0$ for each of the parameter combinations you examined in the exercise above and relate it to the presence or absence of an epidemic.
#' ### The epidemic final size
#' For a simple, closed SIR outbreak, we can derive an expression that determines the *final size* of the outbreak, i.e., the total number of hosts ultimately infected.
#' To do this, note that if
#' \begin{equation*}\begin{gathered}
#' \frac{dS}{dt}=-\frac{\beta S I}{N} \qquad \text{and} \qquad
#' \frac{dI}{dt}=\frac{\beta S I}{N}-\gamma\,I,
#' \end{gathered}\end{equation*}
#' then
#' $$\frac{dI}{dS}=-1+\frac{N}{R_0\,S},$$
#' which we integrate to yield
#' $$S(0)-S(\infty)+\frac{N}{R_0}\,\log{\frac{S(\infty)}{S(0)}}=I(\infty)-I(0)=0.$$
#' If $S(0)=N$, then $N-S(\infty)$ is the final size of the outbreak and the fraction ultimately infected is $f=\frac{R(\infty)}{N}=1-\frac{S(\infty)}{N}$.
#' In terms of the latter, we have
#' $$R_0=-\frac{\log{(1-f)}}{f}.$$
#' The following shows the relationship between final size and $R_0$:
## ----final-size,echo=F,purl=TRUE----------------------------------------------
f <- seq(0,1,length=100)
R0 <- -log(1-f)/f
plot(f~R0,type='l',xlab=expression(R[0]),ylab="fraction infected",bty='l')
#' --------------------------
#' ##### Exercise: final size
#' Use `trajectory` to study the dependence of $f$ on $R_0$.
#' Compare your results with the predictions of the final size equation
#' $$R_0=-\frac{\log{(1-f)}}{f},$$
#' the solution of which is [plotted above](#the-epidemic-final-size).
#' --------------------------
#' ### SIR dynamics in an open population
#' Over a sufficiently short time scale, the assumption that the population is closed is reasonable.
#' To capture the dynamics over the longer term, we'll need to account for births and deaths, i.e., allow the population to be an **open** one.
#' As we've seen, if we further assume that the birth rate equals the death rate, then the SIR equations become
#' $$\begin{aligned}
#' \frac{dS}{dt} &= \mu\,N-\frac{\beta\,S\,I}{N}-\mu\,S\\
#' \frac{dI}{dt} &= \frac{\beta\,S\,I}{N}-\gamma\,I-\mu\,I\\
#' \frac{dR}{dt} &= \gamma\,I-\mu\,R\\
#' \end{aligned}$$
#' We must modify the ODE function accordingly:
## ----open-sir-model-defn------------------------------------------------------
open.sir.ode <- Csnippet("
DS = -Beta*S*I/N+mu*(N-S);
DI = Beta*S*I/N-gamma*I-mu*I;
DR = gamma*I-mu*R;
init2 <- Csnippet("
S = S_0;
I = I_0;
R = N-S_0-I_0;
) -> open.sir
#' We'll need to specify a birth/death rate in addition to the two parameters we specified before:
## ----set-open-params----------------------------------------------------------
params3 <- c(mu=1/50,Beta=400,gamma=365/13,
#' We integrate the equations as before:
## ----solve-open-sir-----------------------------------------------------------
x <- trajectory(open.sir,params=params3,format="d")
#' We can plot each of the state variables against time, and $I$ against $S$:
## ----open-epi-plot,eval=TRUE,fig.show='hold'----------------------------------
#' --------------------------
#' ##### Exercise: exploring the model's dynamical repertoire
#' Explore the dynamics of the system for different values of the $\beta$ and $\gamma$ parameters by simulating and plotting trajectories as time series and in phase space (e.g., $I$ vs. $S$).
#' Use the same values of $\beta$ and $\gamma$ we looked at above.
#' How does the value of $R_0$ affect the results?
#' --------------------------
#' ##### Exercise: host lifespan
#' Under the assumptions of this model, the average host lifespan is $1/\mu$.
#' Explore how host lifespan affects the dynamics by integrating the differential equations for lifespans of 20 and 200 years.
#' The compartmental modeling strategy can be put to use in modeling a tremendous range of infections.
#' The following exercises make some first steps in this direction.
#' --------------------------
#' ##### Exercise: SIRS model
#' The SIR model assumes lifelong sterilizing immunity following infection.
#' For many infections, immunity is not permanent.
#' Make a compartment diagram for an SIRS model, in which individuals lose their immunity after some time.
#' Write the corresponding differential equations and modify the above codes to study its dynamics.
#' Compare the SIR and SIRS dynamics for the parameters $\mu=1/50$, $\gamma=365/13$, $\beta=400$ and assuming that, in the SIRS model, immunity lasts for 10 years.
#' --------------------------
#' ##### Exercise: SEIR model
#' Make a diagram, write the equations, and study the dynamics of the SEIR model for the dynamics of an infection with a latent period.
#' Compare the dynamics of SIR and SEIR models for the parameters $\mu=1/50$, $\gamma=365/5$, $\beta=1000$ and assuming that, in the SEIR model, the latent period has duration 8 days.
#' --------------------------
#' ### Nonautonomous equations
#' #### SIR with seasonal transmission
#' The simple SIR model always predicts damped oscillations towards an equilibrium (or pathogen extinction if $R_0$ is too small).
#' This is at odds with the recurrent outbreaks seen in many real pathogens.
#' Sustained oscillations require some additional drivers in the model.
#' An important driver in childhood infections of humans (e.g., measles) is seasonality in contact rates because of aggregation of children the during school term.
#' We can analyze the consequences of this by assuming sinusoidal forcing on $\beta$ according to $\beta(t)=\beta_0\,(1+\beta_1\cos(2\,\pi\,t))$.
#' We can modify the code presented above to solve the equations for a seasonally forced epidemic.
## ----seas-sir,cache=TRUE------------------------------------------------------
seasonal.sir.ode <- Csnippet("
double Beta = beta0*(1+beta1*cos(2*M_PI*t));
DS = -Beta*S*I/N+mu*(N-S);
DI = Beta*S*I/N-gamma*I-mu*I;
DR = gamma*I-mu*R;
) -> seas.sir
params4 <- c(mu=1/50,beta0=400,beta1=0.15,gamma=28,
trajectory(seas.sir,params=params4,format="d") -> x
#' --------------------------
#' ##### Exercise: exploration
#' Explore the dynamics of the seasonally forced SIR model for increasing amplitude $\beta_1$.
#' Be sure to distinguish between transient and asymptotic dynamics.
#' --------------------------
#' #### Forcing with a covariate
#' When a covariate forces the equations, we must interpolate the covariate.
#' To give an example, let's suppose that the transmission rate depends on rainfall, $R(t)$, and that we have data on rainfall (in mm/mo).
## ----dacca-rain,cache=T-------------------------------------------------------
rain <- read.csv("http://kingaa.github.io/clim-dis/parest/dacca_rainfall.csv")
rain$time <- with(rain,year+(month-1)/12)
rain$time <- with(rain,time-1920)
#' Let's assume that transmission depends on rainfall, $P$, according to
#' $$\beta(t) = \frac{a\,P(t)}{b+P(t)}$$
#' Since the data are accumulated monthly rainfall figures but the ODE integrator will need to evaluate $P(t)$ at arbitrary times, we'll need some way of interpolating the rainfall data.
#' **pomp** does this for us, with a straightforward interface.
## ----rainfall-sir,cache=TRUE--------------------------------------------------
rainfall.sir.ode <- Csnippet("
double Beta = a*rainfall/(b+rainfall);
DS = -Beta*S*I/N+mu*(N-S);
DI = Beta*S*I/N-gamma*I-mu*I;
DR = gamma*I-mu*R;
window(open.sir,end=10) -> rf.sir
) -> rf.sir
params5 <- c(mu=1/50,a=500,b=100,gamma=26,
trajectory(rf.sir,params=params5,format="d") -> x
#' -----------------------------
#' ## [Back to course homepage](../)
#' ## [**R** codes for this document](http://raw.githubusercontent.com/kingaa/clim-dis/master/parest/odes.R)
#' ## References