Version 3.8 of OpenDDS. - Improved support for Safety Profile - OpenDDS multicast transport (reliable mode) now guarantees in-order delivery - Added a "default address" configuration parameter that sets an overall default for binding to a specific network interface - Fixed bugs in transport framework, udp transport, InfoRepo discovery, static discovery, and the Liveliness and Durability QoS policies ======================================================================== Version 3.7 of OpenDDS. Additions: - Implements FACE Transport Services API v2.1, FACE safety base and FACE safety extended profiles (Future Airborne Capability Environment). - Implements DDS 1.4 and RTPS 2.2. - Support allocations from memory pool in safety profile builds. Introduced standard library containers and strings, as well as TAO sequences that allocate from this pool. - To support FACE TS, the IDL struct DDS::SampleInfo has a new field "opendds_reserved_publication_seq" as an extension to the DDS specification. - Updated opendds_idl for FACE support, moving some of the code-generation from tao_idl to opendds_idl when targeting FACE TS. - Support IDL fixed type inside of DCPS_DATA_TYPE (used with FACE TS). - Type-specific DataWriterImpl and DataReaderImpl are now templates. Code generation now introduces a typedef of these. - Content filtering now supports modulus (MOD) operator as an extension. - Added a static (configuration-based) discovery mechanism. - RTPS Discovery is now supported when OpenDDS is built without built-in topics. - RTPS Discovery has a new configuration parameter SedpLocalAddress which configures the rtps_udp transport used internally by discovery in the same way that local_address configures a user-created rtps_udp transport instance. - Support non-default liveliness QOS in rtps_udp transport. - Support wait_for_acknowledgements in rtps_udp transport. - Support command line option -DCPSRTISerialization when integrating with RTI DDS using RTPS, to account for a different serialization algorithm. - Configure script handles some cross-compile builds and safety profile. - Support for new Visual Studio compilers (vc11, vc12, and vc14). - Support for clang builds on Mac OS X. - Removed support for old GCC compilers (<= 3.3). - opendds_idl command-line option -Gitl is a replacement for -Gws. Wireshark dissector now reads ITL files, rather than .ini files. Fixes: - Fixed many tests for minimum profile builds. - Enforced correct behavior of a reliable data writer when history QoS is set to KEEP_LAST with depth=1. - opendds_idl can now be specified in user_macros.GNU instead of always assuming it is in $DDS_ROOT/bin (for -type gnuace builds). - Fixed initial IPv6 support in windows builds. - Fixed disassociate handling of local entities on loopback interface. - Corrected wait_for_acknowedgements for non-reliable writers to return success immediately. - Allow disassociating readers to finish processing messages from active writer before removing. - Remove TcpDataLink from DataLinkSet when connect() fails. Previously, the datalink would remain and would be seen as a fully-connected datalink by new associations. - DCPSTransportDebugLevel 1 messages are now association-oriented. - Fixed durable resend out-of-order handling for rtps_udp transport. - Fixed handling of acknowledgements during shutdown of rtps_udp data link. - RTPS Discovery now ignores 'RTPX' messages seen during RTI integration. - Dissection of unions in wireshark dissector (requires ITL). - Corrected reference counting scheme for Recorder and Replayer objects: the reference-counted handle types changed from _rch to _var. Notes: - OCI no longer builds with vc71, vc8, and GCC 4.1.1. If you require support of these older platforms contact - The project repository is now at ======================================================================== Version 3.6 of OpenDDS. Notes: - The discovery framework of OpenDDS has been refactored to be more asynchronous. This should make discovery faster and more reliable for both publishing and subscribing clients, regardless of the discovery mechanism used (RTPS or InfoRepo). - DataWriters now release locks more quickly than before. This allows the transport to be available to more threads when compared to 3.5.1. - Improved DDS specification compliance with regards to reliability, resource limits, and history qos settings. Specifically, reliable data writers may block for max_blocking_time and potentially return DDS::RETCODE_TIMEOUT in situations where they would have simply written the data in older version of OpenDDS. The new behavior is required by the DDS specification, see section of the version 1.4 specification for details. This change affects various operations of the data writer interface including the write and register operations. Additions: - The wireshark dissector now supports wireshark versions 1.8.x, 1.10.x, 1.12.x, and 1.99.1. - The modeling framework now support Eclipse 4.4 (Luna) and GMF 3.1.x - Added a public_address option for the tcp transport. This option allows a tcp transport instance to listen on one address (local_address) while advertising another address (public_address) to discovery. This feature was used to allow a proxy process between the subscriber and publisher in the TcpReconnect test, but may also be useful in other deployment scenarios, especially using OpenDDS through a firewall. Fixes: - There were a number of concurrency and thread utilization improvements. These changes fixed a number of threading issues as well as improving the efficiency of publication. - Fixed some issues with RTPS discovery. - Fixed a number of issues related to the reconnect functionality of the tcp transport. - Fixed some bugs in the OpenDDS IPv6 support. - Eliminate duplicate samples received during durable resend. - Fixed memory leak at shutdown time in modeling library. Tests: - Many updates to make test results more complete and deterministic. - Added a TcpReconnect test that exercised the ability of the tcp transport to seamlessly reconnect OpenDDS clients when the transport layer drops a connection. - Added a WriteDataContainer unit test to verify data writer memory management compliance with the DDS specification. - Added a PubScalability test that was used to test association and publications with large numbers of subscribers. - Added a packet reassembly unit test. ======================================================================== Version 3.5.1 of OpenDDS. Notes: Due to addition control messages in the 3.5.1 release, mixing 3.5.0 and 3.5.1 releases should work properly, but the 3.5.0 data readers can emit the following error message when associating with a durable 3.5.1 data writer: ERROR: DataReaderImpl::data_received unexpected message_id = 11 Upgrade all endpoints to 3.5.1 to remove this error message. Additions: - Support later (>= 4.7) versions of GCC compilers, and later (>= 2.0a) builds of TAO. Configure script now downloads 2.2a by default. - Added IDL compiler support for typedef of string fields within unions. Added Java IDL compiler support for struct forward declarations. - Updated UML design diagrams to reflect current code base. Fixes: - DCPSInfoRepo no longer informs a subscriber about a crashed or killed publisher. This made associations of current publishers and subscribers delayed until timeout was reached. - Fixed deadlock condition in send_delayed_notifications() resulting from multiple datawriters. - Fixed deadlock in DataLinkSet::send_control(). - Fixed deadlock in WaitSet::wait() and DataReaderImpl::data_received(). - Fixed multicast transport with multiple participants in a single process. - Fixed parsing of -ReassociateDelay argument by DCPSInfoRepo. - Fixed crash of long-lived zero-copy sequence when it is destroyed and crash of zero-copy sequence accessing released instances. - Fixed unprotected access to DataWriterImpl::reader_info_, and TransportSendStrategy::pkt_chain_. - Fixed multiple RTPS crashes when participant is being deleted. - Fixed RTPS crash when a data reader is being deleted. - Fixed problem for non-unique repo ids for multicast when multiple (non-federated) DCPSInfoRepos are used on the same network. - Fixed crash caused by back-pressure in transport causing the most recent sample for an instance to be dropped. - Fixed error in reconstruction logic for fragmentation of udp and multicast transport packets. - Fixed PublisherImpl and SubscriberImpl to properly set a DataWriterImpl or DataReaderImpl entity's deleted flag during deletion to allow association checks to properly identify entities that are being deleted and not proceed in association. - Fixed problem for persisted DCPSInfoRepo where persisted participants were never dissociating. - Fixed activity improperly occuring when a partipant is being deleted that caused pure virtual function calls. In one case, waiting now takes place during deletion of a data writer until all control messages sent during unregistration of instances are account for. In another case fixed so TransportSendControlElement will delete itself before it reports to the listener that the message has been delivered/dropped. Tests: - Many updates to make test results more deterministic. - Added Reliability test. - Added ManyToMany test to test associations with additional participants, publishers, subcribers, data readers and data writers. - Added PersistentInfoRepo test. - Restored thrasher medium and high test cases. - Rewrite Priority test to make it verify proper QOS functionality. - Rewrite LargeSample test to make it verify message contents are as expected. ======================================================================== Version 3.5 of OpenDDS. - Updates to RTPS support resulting from both interoperability testing (March 2013 OMG meeting) and user feedback. - Fixed a bug in the DataReader relating to the Deadline timer. - Generated TypeSupportImpl classes now contain nested typedefs that facilitate programming with C++ templates. See tests/DCPS/ManyTopicTest for an example of usage. - Added config options to bind RTPS-related multicast sockets to specific network interfaces. See the ChangeLog for details. - Fixed an opendds_idl code generated bug when typedefs of basic types are used as fields of structs. - Corrected a number of other bugs related to discovery and scaling. ======================================================================== Version 3.4.1 of OpenDDS. - Added a new option to opendds_idl, -Wb,v8, which generates type support for copying DCPS structs from C++ objects to JavaScript objects -- requires the V8 JavaScript engine. See for OpenDDS integration with Node.js. - Fixed a bug in serialization with misaligned reads. It only impacts certain platforms with strict alignment requirements such as SPARC/SunCC. - Clang 3.2 is now a supported compiler. - Fixed a bug in the rtps_udp transport, in certain cases an invalid Gap submessage was sent which can result in data samples not being received. ======================================================================== Version 3.4 of OpenDDS. - Added new OpenDDS-specific APIs for sending and receiving untyped data, (does not require code generation from IDL data structures). See the Recorder and Replayer classes and the test in tests/DCPS/RecorderReplayer. - Implemented the ability to send fragmented data with the rtps_udp transport. - Fixed a bug in copy_from_topic_qos(): the Ownership policy is now copied. - The optimization of publisher-side content filtering now applies to durable data in addition to newly written data samples. - As with versions before 3.2, the DCPSInfoRepo object reference is allowed to fail to resolve. If it fails, the current operation can be re-tried at a later time when the DCPSInfoRepo server is available. - Added a new option for per-domain default transport configurations. - Corrected IDL string constants for QoS policy names which were wrong in the DDS spec (GROUPDATA and TRANSPORTPRIORITY ..._QOS_POLICY_NAME). These are not used anywhere in OpenDDS. ======================================================================== Version 3.3 of OpenDDS. - If an instance of a transport can't be set up, an exception is thrown so that different configuration parameters can be attempted by the user. - Corrected the mapping of Priority QoS to DiffServ CodePoint DS subfield. - For thread-per-connection send, if no explicit scheduling policy has been configured, OpenDDS will now inherit the current thread's policy/priority. - Fixed a possible deadlock of RTPS discovery on Windows. - Added non-blocking I/O setting to tcp sockets, VxWorks 6.4 required it. - Fixed various bugs in deadline and ownership QoS. - Improved multicast transport's robustness during handshaking when many connections are set up at the same time, and also allow for multicast to skip over recieved datagrams that don't have the expcted header values. - Multicast transport configuration can now specify a local network interface which will be used to join the multicast group. - The support for the generation of the DDS4CCM needed LEM library has been moved to CIAO DDS4CCM. This removed the optional dependency on CIAO. ======================================================================== Version 3.2 of OpenDDS. - Added a new transport type: Shared Memory Use "shmem" as the short name (in place of "tcp", "udp", "multicast", etc.). See dds/DCPS/transport/shmem/ShmemInst.h for configurable parameters. - The udp transport now supports setting IP DSCP (DiffServ CodePoint) based on the writer's TRANSPORT_PRIORITY QoS value. - Fixed bugs in udp and multicast transports, including reassembly of fragments. - Made several changes in order to support CIAO 1.1.2 with DDS4CCM. From this version DDS4CCM has support for OpenDDS as DDS vendor. Check the CIAO release notes for details on what has been ported. - Added new QOS_XML library with which QoS settings can be done through an XML file. Used at this moment by the CIAO DDS4CCM implementation. - Implemented rejection of samples due to exceeding max_instances and max_samples. - Made the RTPS discovery and transport code more robust. - Refactored InfoRepo-based discovery into its own library. This reduces the dependency on TAO such that certain TAO libraries will no longer be loaded unless they are needed for InfoRepo-based discovery. - For IDL files that only contain local interfaces, the generation of server-side TAO code was suppressed. The suppression applies to DdsDcps*.idl. This means, for example, that code that was including DdsDcpsSubscriptionS.h needs to be changed to include DdsDcpsSubscriptionC.h. - To reduce library size, OpenDDS can now be conditionally compiled to exclude profiles discussed in the Compliance section of the DDS spec. See section 1.3.3 in the Developer's Guide for more information. ======================================================================== Version 3.1 of OpenDDS. - This release includes the initial implementation of DDS Interoperability in OpenDDS, using the DDS-RTPS spec v2.1 from the OMG (formal/2010-11-01). RTPS support in OpenDDS consists of two main features: - A pluggable transport implementation, known as "rtps_udp" because it implements the UDP PSM of the DDS-RTPS spec. This is a peer of the existing OpenDDS-native transports: "tcp", "udp", and "multicast". - A new discovery mechanism for RTPS's distributed discovery. This can replace the DCPSInfoRepo in existing OpenDDS deployments. Neither of these features is enabled by default. See the OpenDDS Developer's Guide chapter 7 for configuration details. Also, note that not every OpenDDS feature (for example, certain QoS values) is supported with RTPS in the initial implementation. These exceptions are documented in the Developer's Guide sections 7.3.3 and - Changed set_qos() of DataWriter, DataReader, Publisher and Subscriber so when provided a QoS value incompatible with an existing association, that the value will be changed, association will be broken, and RETCODE_OK returned. Previously, if any association would be broken, no change would take place and false would be returned. New version is compatible with DDS spec. - OpenDDS udp transport enhancements: - Added send_buffer_size and rcv_buffer_size parameters to the udp transport configuration. - The default local address will use DNS host names instead of IP addresses. - Added support for IPv6 when ACE is built with IPv6 support. - OpenDDS multicast transport enhancements: - Added a configuration parameter "async_send" (defaults to false) that will send multicast datagrams using async I/O if supported by the platform. As of now this is only implemented on Windows. It could be extended to Unix aio_*() functions in theory, but these are generally not preferred and the regular socket functions are sufficiently fast. - Removed DataReaderQosExt from DdsDcpsSubscriptionExt.idl. This was only being used to provide a non-standard-compliant backwards-compatibility setting to get the DURABILITY QoS behavior matching that of OpenDDS v1.2 and earlier. It was not being used in any OpenDDS code. ======================================================================== Version 3.0.1 of OpenDDS. - The DCPSInfoRepo reassociates Built in Topic connections for existing datareaders and datawriters when restarted from persistence. - The opendds_idl compiler will now print a warning about not including TAO's orb.idl file when a file named orb.idl is included. - Fixed a bug where the timeout for passive_connect_duration was ignored. - Fixed multiple bugs in fragmentation/reassembly used for udp and multicast. - Fixed multicast loopback and session re-use problems. - Fixed a bug with memory management for the TransportCustomizedElement used in publisher-side content filtering. - New example Messenger.minimal - which is like messenger, but streamlined for new users to understand the whole easier. ======================================================================== Version 3.0 of OpenDDS. - Transport configuration has undergone a major redesign and any existing transport application code or transport configuration files need to be updated. See the Developer's Guide for details of the design. See $DDS_ROOT/docs/OpenDDS_3.0_Transition.txt for a description on how to migrate your applications to the OpenDDS 3.0 design. As a part of this design OpenDDS gains the following capabilities: - Most applications can do all transport configuration via configuration files (no transport source code required). - Individual writers and readers can now support multiple transports. - The simpleTcp transport was renamed to tcp (the directory containing its source code was also renamed). - The udp transport no longer required a local_address when being configured. If not specified, the property defaults to a value selected by the operating system (similar to the tcp transport). - Details of the OpenDDS Modeling SDK changes in this release are documented in the Eclipse-based help, see OpenDDS Modeling SDK Guide -> Getting Started -> Introduction to the OpenDDS Modeling SDK. - First release of OpenDDS Real-Time Data (RTD) for Excel an Excel Add-in and RTD Server. It allows visualization of an operating OpenDDS system from within Excel. It gives a tree view of a repository that mirrors the stand-alone OpenDDS Monitor application's tree view, but with the additional capabilities to automatically restart monitoring of a repository when a saved workbook is opened, monitoring multiple repositories simultaneously, and snapshot a repository monitor tree view. - Wireshark dissector improvements include removal of the restriction that inforepo IOR be placed in a special file. Dissector config files can now be generated by opendds_idl. - The monitor tool has a new view which is an alternate to the Graphviz view. The Node view uses Qt gui elements to model the OpenDDS system. Users can manipulate Node view graphs before saving them to PNG files. ======================================================================== Version 2.4 of OpenDDS. - This will be the final release of OpenDDS that will build with the current patch level of TAO 1.5a. This release is compatible with (the current patch levels of) TAO 1.5a, and 1.6a, as well as the current DOC Group release. Future releases will be compatible with TAO 1.6a and the DOC group -- see the README file for details on TAO versions. - The implementation of ContentFilteredTopics now defaults to evaluating the filter expression at the publisher so that data samples which would be ignored by the subscriber can be dropped before getting to the transport. This feature can be turned off with "-DCPSPublisherContentFilter 0" or the equivalent setting in the [common] section of the configuration file. When using non-default DEADLINE or LIVELINESS QoS policy values, special consideration needs to be given to how these "missing" samples impact the QoS behavior, see the document in docs/design/CONTENT_SUBSCRIPTION. - DisjointSequence, an internal class used to track sequence numbers for both multicast and wait_for_acks, was enhanced to store contiguous ranges instead of individual values. Thus it will not require so much memory in cases where there are gaps in the sequence numbers. - Began implementing the DDS Interoperabiltiy specification aka "RTPS" (see OMG formal/2010-11-01). Changes in this release include fragmentation and reassembly for udp and multicast, 64-bit sequence numbers, and the ability to transmit only the key fields for the instance-control messages (register, unregister, dispose). - The monitor tool, an instrumentation viewer application for OpenDDS, has new options for generating and viewing directed graphs. The tool generates Graphviz-readable .dot files, manages converting the files to representative .png files, and displays the generated .png files in its GUI. Monitor executes Graphviz command-line tools in a separate process. There are no compile-time or run-time dependencies on Graphviz. The monitor tool will run on systems without Graphviz installed but will not be able to generate .png files. - Enhanced the Wireshark packet dissector to inspect SAMPLE_DATA message contents. This requires a data model expressed in an .ini file (documented in tools/dissector/README). In order to associate a SAMPLE_DATA message with a type, the publication ID is harvested from InfoRepo GIOP messages. In order to detect InfoRepo GIOP messages, the IOR for the InfoRepo must be written in a file called "IOR.txt" in the current working directory when wireshark is invoked. - Enhancements and fixes of OpenDDS Modeling SDK. Version: 1.1.0. * Topic types from a DcpsLib shown in Project Explorer can be dragged to diagram for another DcpsLib. This allows the same Topic to be used in multiple DcpsLibs. * For more, see the Eclipse online help, under "OpenDDS Modeling SDK Guide > Getting Started" - Enhancements and fixes of OpenDDS Modeling SDK. Version: 1.0.1. * For more, see the Eclipse online help, under "OpenDDS Modeling SDK Guide > Getting Started" ======================================================================== Version 2.3 of OpenDDS. - First release of the OpenDDS Modeling SDK, a modeling tool that can be used by the application developer to define the required middleware components and data structures as a UML model and then generate the code to implement the model using OpenDDS. The generated code can then be compiled and linked with the application to provide seamless middleware support to the application. UML models are manipulated using a graphical editor based on Eclipse. See the OpenDDS Developer's Guide for installation instructions. - DCPSInfoRepo no longer requires an -ORBSvcConf argument when using Built-In Topics. The DCPSInfoRepo process will take care of loading SimpleTCP (if it's not already loaded). - Fixed method signature of DataWriter::register_instance_w_timestamp() to have two arguments per the latest spec, not three. - "make install" is now available on platforms using GNU Make and when building with OCI TAO 1.6a or DOC Group TAO. - Added support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 (vc10). ======================================================================== Version 2.2 of OpenDDS. - Completed the implementation of the Content-Subscription Profile (which was begun in version 1.3 of OpenDDS). This includes: - QueryCondition (previously OpenDDS had a partial implementation) - ContentFilteredTopic - MultiTopic The content-subscription profile can be disabled at compile-time in order to reduce footprint: set the MPC feature "content_subscription" to 0. - The code generation tools for OpenDDS have changed in this release. The Perl script "" is no longer used and instead the OpenDDS IDL Compiler "opendds_idl" takes its place. opendds_idl also includes the functionality which used to be in tao_idl and enabled with -Gdcps. Existing applications that use MPC do not need to make any changes unless they happen to depend on some rarely-used arguments to See the OpenDDS Developer's Guide for the list of arguments accepted by opendds_idl. - Renamed odds_repoctl command to repoctl. Add a decorator if needed when installing external to the OpenDDS directories. - Renamed odds_monitor command to monitor. Add a decorator if needed when installing external to the OpenDDS directories. - Renamed Wireshark dissector 'odds' library to 'OpenDDS_Dissector'. The source directory was renamed from $DDS_ROOT/tools/odds_dissector to $DDS_ROOT/tools/dissector. - Fixed transport so it now allows associations between datareaders and datawriters attached to the same transport to work. - Fixed a bug that causes samples larger than 64K to not work correctly with the SimpleTCP transport. - Added nak_delay_intervals and nak_max configuration options for reliable multicast to help reduce naks. - Added support for Ownership qos. - Added support for GROUP presentation. - Changed the default DataWriterQos reliability max_blocking_time from infinite to be 100ms to be consistent with spec 1.2. - A new "configure" script is available to assist with setting up prerequisites for OpenDDS compilation, including optionally downloading ACE+TAO. See the INSTALL file for details. ======================================================================== Version 2.1.3 of OpenDDS. - Various fixes for memory management issue on transport framework. - Fixed duplicate message issue caused by a lost link. - Memory leak fixes. - Fixed deadlocks on reliable multicast transport during association and shutdown periods. - Improved reliable multicast transport and reduced nak overflow. - Extended the capabilities of the OpenDDS-Bench performance test framework. This consists mostly of expanded pre-configured tests as well as additional execution and plotting scripts. The user guide at performance-tests/Bench/doc/user_guide.html contains the details. - Masked interrupts in threads created by OpenDDS to avoid failures while in system calls. Example: ERROR: ACE::handle_write_ready return -1 while waiting to unclog. handle_write_ready: Interrupted system call - Added support to set the TTL for multicast transports. ======================================================================== Version 2.1.2 of OpenDDS. * This is a bugfix release to account for issues introduced by the previous version. New to this version are the following changes: - Various bugfixes for locking issues during sample removal. - Fixed a bug in obtain_buffer() that did not return the TIMEOUT error code when max_blocking_time is 0 or a very small period. - Fixed a deadlock in the new IP multicast transport caused when data is received while a reliable session is handshaking. - Fixed an issue which caused spurious synch threads to be created for connectionless transports (i.e. UDP/IP, IP multicast). - Enhanced the experimental UDP/IP transport to support multiplexing samples to unique endpoints rather than unique entities. ======================================================================== Version 2.1.1 of OpenDDS. * This is a bugfix release to account for issues introduced by the previous version. New to this version are the following changes: - Various bugfixes have been applied to the new IP multicast transport and the Extensible Transport Framework (ETF) to improve stability. - Added IDL for ContentFilteredTopic and MultiTopic, but they are not yet implemented (operations will return NULL or RETCODE_UNSUPPORTED). - A Wireshark 1.2.x compatible dissector is included in this release. See $DDS_ROOT/tools/odds_dissector/README for details. ======================================================================== Version 2.1 of OpenDDS. New to this version are the following changes: - The OpenDDS-Bench performance testing framework has been enhanced to include the following: * extended to allow fixed rate testing; * added predefined latency test configuration files; * added data reduction scripts to post process test results; * added data visualization scripts using gnuplot to create charts from reduced test data. Documentation is located at: $DDS_ROOT/performance-tests/Bench/doc. - The monitor library introduces a new instrumentation mechanism for reporting OpenDDS run-time information. This information is intended to supplement that provided by the standard-defined Built-In-Topics. See $DDS_ROOT/dds/monitor/README for further details. - A new instrumentation application is available to view executing OpenDDS service Entities. This is located at: $DDS_ROOT/tools/odds_monitor. - The opendds_repo_ctl tool has been moved from $DDS_ROOT/dds/tools to $DDS_ROOT/tools. The name has also been changed to odds_repoctl to reflect changes in naming conventions in this release. - A new multicast transport is available which replaces the older ReliableMulticast and SimpleMcast transports. For a detailed description of the design, configuration, known issues, and potential enhancements, see: $DDS_ROOT/docs/html/multicast/multicast.html. - A new udp transport is available which replaces the older SimpleUdp transport. Like SimpleUdp, udp provides best-effort reliablity only; its use should be considered experimental. - Numerous bugs in the Extensible Transport Framework (ETF) have been addressed to improve the stability of new and existing transports. - Formal ranges of DDS::DomainId_t values are now specified; users have full access to all DomainId values between 0x0 and 0x7fffffff. All other values are reserved for use by the implementation. ========================================================================= Version 2.0.1 of OpenDDS. * This is a bugfix release to account for issues introduced by the 2.0 integration process. No new features have been added in this release. New to this version are the following changes: - Bugfixes for STLport support using Sun CC compilers. - Corrected default ReliablityQoS policy for DataWriter entities. - Bugfixes to Java language bindings including TAO_IDL interface changes introduced in DOC TAO 1.7.4 and incorrectly generated project files. ========================================================================= Version 2.0 of OpenDDS. * This is the first release of OpenDDS that conforms to the minimum compliance profile as documented in formal/07-01-01 (version 1.2). Near-complete support for the persistence profile and initial support for the content-subscription profile is also provided in this release. New to this version are the following changes: - Updated support for DataWriter::unregister() and DataWriter::dispose() to properly release resources after all samples in a marked instance are removed. - Implemented Publisher::wait_for_acknowledgments() as defined in formal/07-01-01. - Fixed an issue in QueryCondition where applying filters on non-valid data samples caused a SEGV; these samples are now implicitly filtered out. - Implemented PRESENTATION QoS policy as defined in formal/07-01-01. Currently, GROUP access is not supported. - Implemented MANUAL_BY_TOPIC and MANUAL_BY_PARTICIPANT LIVELINESS QoS policy kinds. - Implemented BY_SOURCE_TIMESTAMP DESTINATION_ORDER QoS policy kind. Samples may now be ordered based on reception or source times on a per instance basis. - Implemented ENTITY_FACTORY auto_enable support in formal/07-01-01. Entities may now be enabled manually by setting this value to false. - Implemented WRITER_DATA_LIFECYCLE as defined in formal/07-01-01. Instances will now be properly unregistered/disposed when a DataWriter is deleted. - Implemented READER_DATA_LIFECYCLE as defined in formal/07-01-01. - Implemented TIME_BASED_FILTER as defined in formal/07-01-01. - create_*() functions now take a StatusMask argument. A new constant named OpenDDS::DCPS::DEFAULT_STATUS_MASK has been introduced as a convenience to indicate interest in all status changes. - Implemented the following new methods on DomainParticipant as defined in formal/07-01-01: * get_discovered_participants() * get_discovered_participant_data() * get_discovered_topics() * get_discovered_topic_data() - Constant name changes: * PUBLICATION_MATCH_STATUS => PUBLICATION_MATCHED_STATUS * DURATION_INFINITY_SEC => DURATION_INFINITE_SEC * DURATION_INFINITY_NSEC => DURATION_INFINITE_NSEC * TIMESTAMP_INVALID_SEC => TIME_INVALID_SEC * TIMESTAMP_INVALID_NSEC => TIME_INVALID_NSEC - Removed constants: * TRANSPORTPRIORITY_QOS_POLICY_NAME - Type name changes: * StatusKindMask => StatusMask * SubscriptionMatchStatus => SubscriptionMatchedStatus * PublicationMatchStatus => PublicationMatchedStatus - Removed types: * SampleStateSeq * ViewStateSeq * OctetSeq - Other type changes: * BuiltinTopicKey_t is now a struct containing an array rather than a bare array type. This allows passing a BuiltinTopicKey_t by reference. * Ownership is now indicated in DataReaderQos and DataWriterQos as well as PublicationBuiltinTopicData and SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData. * Removed sevice_cleanup_delay from DurabilityQosPolicy. - Method name changes: * register()/_cxx_register() => register_instance() * register_w_timestamp() => register_instance_w_timestamp() * unregister() => unregister_instance() * unregister_w_timestamp() => unregister_instance_w_timestamp() * on_subscription_match() => on_subscription_matched() * on_publication_match() => on_publication_matched() - Other method changes: * set_qos(), get_qos(), get_*_status() and assert_liveliness() now return error codes as specified in formal/07-01-01. * Subscriber::get_datareaders() reader parameter has changed from out to inout. ========================================================================= Version 1.3 of OpenDDS. * This will be the final release of OpenDDS that will build with the current patch level of TAO 1.4a. This release is compatible with (the current patch levels of) TAO 1.4a, 1.5a, and 1.6a, as well as the current DOC Group beta/micro release. Future releases will be compatible with TAO 1.5a, 1.6a and the DOC group -- see the README file for details on TAO versions. New to this version are the following changes: - Implemented the Communication Status entity structures and behaviors to conform with the version 1.2 specification (formal/07-01-01). This includes member name changes and additions to LivelinessChangedStatus; modifying and extending the SampleRejectedStatusKind enumeration; and, adding new members to the PublicationMatchStatus and SubscriptionMatchStatus structures. - Implemented the TRANSPORT_PRIORITY Quality of service policy using the policy value to set thread priorities and DiffServ codepoint values. The current implementation does not honor the Changeable behavior of the policy. Only the intially established policy value is honored for any given DataWriter Entity. Thread priorities are not currently set on Windows systems. - Implemented the LATENCY_BUDGET Quality of service policy as a monitoring feature with an extended listener callback for exceeded budget values. Statistics for latency are made available via an OpenDDS-specific extended API as well. - Implemented the ReadCondition interface and associated operations on the DataReader (such as read_w_condition). - Implemented the QueryCondition interface, but only queries of the form "ORDER BY a[, b, c...]" have any effect. In other words, it's a mechanism that controls the order of the data-set received from any given read or take operation. The ORDER BY fields can be either primitive types (including strings) or primitive types in nested structs (using a.b). - Corrected a bug in the LIFESPAN QoS implementation where the Topic QoS was used. Now the DataWriter QoS takes effect. - The PARTITION QoS policy now accepts character class wildcards using []. - Corrected a bug in the PARTITION QoS implementation where the default QoS would not match against the '*' wildcard. - The DURABILITY QoS implementation was corrected so that readers requesting the VOLATLIE kind will not receive historic samples from writers. Since there were some use-cases for the old behavior, it is available through an OpenDDS-specific interface -- see $DDS_ROOT/dds/DdsDcpsSubscriptionExt.idl. - When the writer's DURABILITY QoS is PERSISTENT, the format of the data stored on the filesystem has changed. Instead of a single file in the current working directory, a directory is now used. This is configurable using the option -DCPSPersistentDataDir. - A Java Message Service 1.1 (JMS) provider built on top of OpenDDS is now available in $DDS_ROOT/java/jms. JMS Topics are supported (not queuing). See the README in that directory for more info. - The $DDS_ROOT/bin/federation utility has been renamed to opendds_repo_ctl and now supports shutting down a remote non-federated DCPSInfoRepo process. - Deleting a DataWriter from a Publisher now blocks until pending samples have been delivered by the underlying transport. By default, the DataWriter will block indefinitely. To change the default blocking behavior, you may specify a number of seconds to block with the -DCPSPendingTimeout option. - Instance handles are now compliant with version 1.2 of the DDS specification. Additionally, the contains_entity and get_instance_handle operations have been implemented. - Implemented DataWriter::wait_for_acknowledgments() from formal/07-01-01. - Added support for Windows Mobile 6 (WinCE) Standard SDK, and ACE_USES_WCHAR builds in general. See docs/design/wchar.txt. ========================================================================= Version 1.2 of OpenDDS. New to this version are the following changes: - Implemented the WaitSet, GuardCondition, and StatusCondition interfaces from the OMG DDS specification. - Implemented DomainParticipant::get_current_time() from formal/07-01-01. - Added the ability for using multiple repositories to provide redundant service metadata management. The ability to federate repositories and redirect applications to attach to a new repository in the event a repository fails or becomes unreachable. This is an experimental feature. - Removed requirement for repository domain specification files. Repositories will manage DomainParticipants and their contained Entities in any domain without requiring the domain to be prespecified in a configuration file. This removes the '-d' command line argument from the repositories as well. - Internal service Entity identifiers have been expanded to 128 bits. These internal identifiers were previously 32 bits. The 128 format follows the format of OMG Specification formal/08-04-09 (The Real-time Publish-Subscribe Wire Protocol DDS Interoperability Wire Protocol Specification, Version 2.0) GUID_t unique identifier type. OpenDDS places the identifier value for the DataWriter Entity of a publication on the wire to identify the source of data samples. This means that this version of OpenDDS WILL NOT INTEROPERATE with previous versions since the 128 values are not compatible with the previous 32 bit values. - Java Bindings for OpenDDS See $DDS_ROOT/java/README, $DDS_ROOT/java/INSTALL, $DDS_ROOT/java/FAQ - changes Modified this script to create a single idl, header, and source file no matter how many types are contained within the input idl file. This allows the output file names to be based upon the input file name (instead of the types found in the idl file). Users of prior OpenDDS versions can use the script $DDS_ROOT/bin/ to assist with this transition. Added a command line argument to allow an output directory to be specified. All output files will be placed into this directory if present. They will continue to be placed in the current directory if this argument is not present. - DCPSInfoRepo changes A new library has been introduced (libDCPSInfoRepoServ) which provides the neccessary hooks for running the DCPSInfoRepo within another process. For example usage, see: $DDS_ROOT/dds/InfoRepo/DCPSInfoRepo.cpp. - Fixed bug in DCPSInfoRepo that did not re-evaluate the compatibility and associations when QoS change is made. - Fixed bugs that affected connection establishment. Fixed DataWriterImpl to handle the case that remove_association is called before fully_associated is called. Fixed a race condition that connection delay deletion removes new assocaitions. Corrected fully association ack verification to fix issues when multiple associations of a datalink are added simultaneously. - Added datalink_release_delay and removed keep_link configuration. The datalink_release_delay is the delay for datalink release after no associations. It defaults to 10 seconds. This is to fix disconnect problem happened when removing and adding association related to same datalink during short period. Removed keep_link which can be replaced with a big value of datalink_release_delay. - Fixed a potential deadlock in reliable multicast transport. ========================================================================= Version 1.1 of OpenDDS. New to this version are the following changes: - Added support for PARTITION QoS policy. This QoS policy allows publishers and subscribers to belong to one or more logical partitions. Partition names may contain wildcards. However, only wildcards containing "*" or "?" are currently supported. - Added support for DEADLINE QoS policy. The DEADLINE QoS policy allows the application to detect when data is not written or read within a specified amount of time. The {Offered,Requested}DeadlineMissesStatus::last_instance_handle is currently not updated. - Added support for LIFESPAN QoS policy. This policy allows the application to specify when data expires, meaning invalid. Expired data will not be delivered to subscribers. - Added support for the TRANSIENT kind of DURABILITY QoS policy. Data will outlive DataWriters when TRANSIENT DURABILITY is configured, and will be sent once a new DataWriter is created within the same domain for the same topic and type. The cached data will only last as long as the process. - Added support for the PERSISTENT kind of DURABILITY QoS policy. PERSISTENT DURABILITY provides basically the same functionality as TRANSIENT DURABILITY, except that cached data will survive process destruction. - Added support for the DURABILITY_SERVICE QoS policy. This QoS policy provides a way to specify resource limits for domain/topic/type-specific data in a TRANSIENT or PERSISTENT DURABILITY cache. The resource limits in question are analogous to, although independent of, those found in the HISTORY and RESOURCE_LIMITS policies. - Added a new command-line option, "-DCPSTransportDebugLevel". This can be used to specify a debug level for the OpenDDS transport layer at run-time. OpenDDS debug statements range from 0 to 5 in increasing order of verbosity. - Added the ability to attach to multiple DCPSInfoRepo processes. Applications which communicate using DDS are no longer restricted to communicating using domains controlled by a single DCPSInfoRepo process. Individual domain publications and subscriptions within a process can be attached to a designated repository. Each domain is controlled by a single repository and this association may not be changed for the lifetime of the repository or the application. - Added QoS propagation. The client applications can change the qos of DCPS entity via set_qos() call. The qos updates are propagated to DCPSInfoRepo which publishes the updated qos to corresponding BIT datawriter and also save it to persistent repository. - Fixed a few bugs in persistent DCPSInfoRepo support. Fixed incorrect actor type and qos type for subscriber/datareader problem in UpdateManager::add(const UA& actor). This bug causes the reloading from persistent file maps the subscriber/datareader as publisher/datawriter. Fixed a bug in qos serialization. The TAO_OutputCDR stream was not fully copied to buffer when the qos contains sequence data. The TAO_OutputCDR stream needs be consolidated before memcpy. - Fixed compliance with qos RxO. Fixed compliance with the DDS specification that qos parameters that Durability kind and Deadline.period be compatible between the subscriber and the publisher (RxO - Received x Offered) - Improved Memory Mangament. Fixed issues with reference counting for classes derived from LocalObject. If a user defined application is crashing on exit or cleanup, see the OpenDDS FAQ. - Added support for IPv6. The requirement for using IPv6 is the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) needs be resolved as IPv6 address as it is used by default configuration to support BuiltInTopic. The local_address in the configuration file should use IPv6 decimal address or hostname that can be resolved as IPv6 address. - Used the address string instead of 4-byte IP address and port number for pub/sub endpoint address advertisement. The address string in the configuration can use decimal IPv4/IPv6 address or hostname that can be resolved on both pub and sub sides. The default address string is "host:port". The "host" is the fully qualified domain name and the "port" is picked randomly by OS. - Fixed a problem that the default local_address does not work when hostname is resolved as the loopback ip address. With the default local_address, the acceptor now is listening on IPv4/IPv6 ANY, but use the fully qualified hostname for address advertisement. - Added default configuration for the reliable multicast transport type. The multicast_group_address defaults to the ACE default multicast address ( for IPv4 and ff05:0::ff01:1:20001 for IPv6) and the local_address defaults to ANY with a random port picked by the OS. - Fixed a bug in DataReaderImpl::remove_associations() and DataWriterImpl::remove_associations() that should not attempt to remove the already removed writer/reader. - Fixed a bug in SimpleTCP that an active disconnect due to the peer graceful disconnect does not terminate send. This bug made the re-established connection fail on send strategy state check. - Added dispose() and unregister() notifications. When dispose() is explicitly called on the DataWriter side, the DataReader listener on_data_available() callback should receive a sample with the valid_data flag == 0 and the instance state == NOT_ALIVE_DISPOSED_INSTANCE_STATE. When unregister() is explicitly called on the DataWriter side, the DataReader listener on_data_available() callback should receive a sample with the valid_data flag == 0 and the instance state == NOT_ALIVE_NO_WRITERS_INSTANCE_STATE. - Moved TRANSPORTTYPE_QOS_POLICY_NAME and TRANSPORTTYPE_QOS_POLICY_ID from DDS namespace to OpenDDS namespace since they are specific to OpenDDS. ========================================================================= Version 1.0 of OpenDDS. New to this version are the following changes: - This product has been renamed to OpenDDS from "TAO DDS" Namespace and module names have been changed accordingly, except for a few cases where we are counting on certain names being generated by the TAO_IDL compiler. - The default participant setting for BITs is now "on" This change was actually part of 0.12 but the release notes were not updated to include it. Please see the entry with the same title under the "Version 0.12" section below for more details. - Simplified .mpc and .mpb files Projects that use DDS no longer need to explicitly list "portableserver" as a base project. It will be included by the "dcps*" base projects such as "dcpsexe" and "dcpsexe_with_tcp". Also, an .mpb file is provided for each of the transport libraries (dcps_tcp.mpb, dcps_unreliable_dgram.mpb, dcps_reliable_multicast.mpb). - Supported built-in sequences (the CORBA::*Seq sequences). Implementation details: DDS keeps copies of the $TAO_ROOT/tao/*Seq.pidl in $DDS_ROOT/dds/CorbaSeq directory and renamed to *.idl files. These idl files are compiled with a new IDL option -Gdcpsonly to just generate the DDS specific code for built in sequences. The DDS CORBA::*Seq generated code will include the TAO CORBA::*Seq generated code so both TAO and DDS functions will be available. When a DDS application contains an idl file that includes $TAO_ROOT/tao/*Seq*.pidl, the generated code will include the DDS specific built in sequences code(under $DDS_ROOT/dds/ directory) instead of TAO specific built in sequences code(under $TAO_ROOT/tao/ directory). Notes: - The idl files in $DDS_ROOT/dds/CorbaSeq directory are internally used by DDS and CAN NOT be included in your idl files. - Currently the CORBA::AnySeq is not supported since DDS does not support serialization of Any type data. - The DDS entities (e.g. DomainParticipant, FooDataReader) have changed from *remote* IDL types to *local* IDL types and the data sequence and info sequence types have changed from normal IDL sequences to types with extra functionality required to support zero-copy reads. *** This change requires changes to DDS user code. *** --- impacts on user code --- 1) The ZCSeq and ::TAO::DCPS::SampleInfoZCSeq no longer exist. The Seq and DDS::SampleInfoSeq have been changed to support both single-copy reads (as before) and zero-copy reads (like ZCSeq should have). Change ::TAO::DCPS::SampleInfoZCSeq to ::DDS::SampleInfoSeq. Change ZCSeq to [Modlue::]Seq. The default constructor for Seq enables zero-copy reads. Constructing a Seq(num) with num > 0 enables single-copy reads. 2) Listeners will now inherit from DDS::Listner instead of POA_DDS:: or POA_TAO::DCPS::DataReader/WriterListener and should inherit as a local object (not a servant). DDS provides a helper template that adds reference counting. Use of this template (as shown below) is highly recommended. for example: class DataReaderListenerImpl : public virtual POA_DDS::DataReaderListener, public virtual PortableServer::RefCountServantBase {...}; will become: class DataReaderListenerImpl : public virtual TAO::DCPS::LocalObject {...}; but the header and implementation should require no other changes. NOTE: if you are implementing the TAO specific reconnection callbacks, on*disconnected, on_*_reconnected, on_*_lost, on_connection_deleted then you should change inheritance from POA_TAO::DCPS::DataReaderListener to TAO::DCPS::LocalObject and remove inheritance from PortableServer::RefCountServantBase 3) Implemenation reference counting cleanup code is no longer used For example: SimpleTypeSupportImpl sts_servant = new SimpleTypeSupportImpl; PortableServer::ServantBase_var safe_servant = sts_servant; SimpleTypeSupport_var fts = TAO::DCPS::servant_to_reference (sts_servant); if (::DDS::RETCODE_OK != fts->register_type( (), MY_TYPE)) becomes: SimpleTypeSupport_var fts = new SimpleTypeSupportImpl; if (::DDS::RETCODE_OK != fts->register_type( (), MY_TYPE)) although the old style is discurraged it will still work. 4) Since the DCPS interfaces are now local, there is very little performance gain to convert from _var to a servant pointer (using reference_to_servant). For example: ::DDS::DataWriter_var dw = pub->create_datawriter( (), dw_qos, ::DDS::DataWriterListener::_nil()); Test::SimpleDataWriter_var foo_dw = Test::SimpleDataWriter::_narrow( ()); // This is unnesesary but will still work. // Previously fast_dw was used to increase the // performance of writing samples. Test::SimpleDataWriterImpl* fast_dw = TAO::DCPS::reference_to_servant ( ()); Also, a pointer to the servant is no longer needed for making calls on zero-copy read supporting overloaded methods. 5) If the user defined DDS type is in a module then the generated types will also be in that same module. Given a "Foo" DDS type defined in the module "Test": old new -------- ------------ type Test::Foo Test::Foo sequence FooSeq Test::FooSeq reader FooDataReader Test::FooDataReader writer FooDataWriter Test::FooDataWriter 6) The --module option to is no longer supported. The module is set as described in point #5 above. 7) What did not change. You may use the following: _var, _ptr ::_narrrow() // might use this for a listener ::_duplicate() TAO::DCPS::servant_to_reference() TAO::DCPS::reference_to_servant() TAO::DCPS::deactivate() // now a no-op Note: if you used TAO::DCPS::servant_to_reference(), TAO::DCPS::reference_to_servant(), or TAO::DCPS::deactivate_object for non-DDS interfaces then you may change to: remote_reference_to_servant servant_to_remote_reference deactivate_remote_object --- end of local interface impact to users --- - Made the sub/pub repo id generated by DCPSInfoRepo to be unique per DCPSInfoRepo instance instead of being unique per domain. This would allow multiple domains in the same process(connect to the same DCPSInfoRepo instance) share the same transport. ========================================================================= Version 0.12 of TAO DDS. New to this version are the following changes: - The default participant setting for BITs is now "on". BIT settings need to be synchronized across all participants (including the InfoRepo) in a domain. A mixed setting environment may not operate correctly. - DCPSInfoRepo service now has a file based persistence mechanism. This can be configured to actively persist the InfoRepo's current state and in cause of a fatal failure to resurrect the same into the saved state. - Fixed a bug on registration sample marshalling when data type has unbounded size and registers with variable size data. The problem is the serialization buffer does not allocate enough memory for the registered sample. - It is now possible to build DDS without Built-In-Topic (BIT) support in order to reduce the footprint of DDS. # Generate the makefiles/projects like: -type -features built_in_topics=0 DDS.mwc Also, if happens to be gnuace, add "built_in_topics=0" to the platform_macros.GNU file or the MAKEFLAGS environment variable. If you are building against TAO 1.5a (patch level "0") and are NOT disabling the built_in_topics, you will need to add "built_in_topics=1" to the platform_macros.GNU file or the MAKEFLAGS environemnt variable since the inclusion of does not work with that version of ACE+TAO. - The reliable multicast transport was added. See the DDS developers guide for details. NOTE: The reliable multicast (unlike the unreliable multicast) transport currently doesn't provide a default configuration. The use of the transport IDs TAO::DCPS::DEFAULT_RELIABLE_MULTICAST_SUB_ID and TAO::DCPS::DEFAULT_RELIABLE_MULTICAST_PUB_ID is unsupported. - Fixed an issue with GCC 4 "hidden visibility" for shared libraries. - Support for Built-In-Topics and the TRANSIENT_LOCAL value for DURABILITY QoS is now complete. This means that BITs will now work as specified. - Implemented support for zero-copy read. Per the spec, when the sequences given to read/take have max_len = 0 the samples are not copied but are loaned to the application. Each data type has a Seq and a ZCSeq sequence. The ZCSeq supports zero-copy reads but the Seq does not. The default ZCSeq constructor enables zero-copy read/take. The first parameter of the constructor defines the max_len. If max_len == 0 then zero-copy reading/taking is enabled. If max_len > 0 then single-copy reading/taking is enabled. See dds/DCPS/ZeroCopySeq_T.h for more details. In the next release there will be just one data sequence type per DDS type, Seq, that supports single-copy and zero-copy reads (like ZCSeq). This will simplify the implementation of application code and make zero-copy read the default read/take implementation. Performance note: Testing has shown that samples of size 8KB or less do not benefit from using zero-copy reads but there is no negative impact on performance when using zero-copy reads for smaller sized samples. Note: zero-copy read is supported by the read and take methods but it should also be supported by the read_instance and take_instance methods. This will be fixed in the next release. ========================================================================= Version 0.11 of TAO DDS. New to this version are the following changes: - None, Version 0.11 was just a re-release of 0.10 with the version numbers corrected. ========================================================================= Version 0.10 of TAO DDS. New to this version are the following changes: - The DCPSInfoRepo executable is now moved to $DDS_ROOT/bin. It was previously located in $DDS_ROOT/dds/InfoRepo. - Allow configurations to specify a transport that is not in a loaded library. This will print a warning to ACE_ERROR but will not fail until the user attempts to attach the transport to a reader/writer. This is useful for tests, we can now unify sub.ini and sub_udp.ini, for example. - Fix a deadlock in the DCPSInfoRepo server related to nested CORBA upcalls. - Several memory leak fixes. - A new dedicated task to cleanup resources upon remote DataLink disconnection. This is used among other places for cleaning up resources upon remote side crash. - New configuration option 'passive_connect_duration' to set timeout on initial passive connection establishment. Setting this prevents deadlock when the InfoRepo directs subscriber to connect with a bogus/dead publisher. See the DDS Programmer's Guide for details. - Fix compile issues on Green Hills compiler. - Decrease core DDS library footprint by breaking up SimpleTCP transport into a separate library. - Enhance the previous logging mechanism. Add log levels. Logging can be entirely compiled out for increased performance. See the DDS Programmer's Guide for details. - Fix race condition involving Reconnection task. Fix race-condition in sending graceful disconnect message. Fix race condition in 'send_delayed_notifications'. - Increase performance by making thread synchronization more fine grained. - Supported an unreliable multicast transport - SimpleMcast. - Refactored SimpleUdp and SimpleMcast and now the SimpleUnreliableDgram library supports both SimpleUdp and SimpleMcast transports. - Moved mpb files from the top-level DDS directory, into MPC/config, to make them consistent with the location of similar files in TAO and CIAO. Now the TAO version has to have an $ACE_wrappers/bin/MakeProjectCreator/config/MPC.cfg to make MPC run success for DDS. - Fixed memory grow in the thread-per-connection when datawriter writes too fast and continuously requests remove_sample. The problem is the samples in thread-per-connection queue are not removed and cause memory grow. - Supported the datareader and datawriter restart up without shutdown transport. Made the DCPS entity servants deleted upon delete_*() call instead of upon orb shutdown. This would make the create/delete DCPS entity multiple times in a single process without shutdown Service Participant. The reconnect thread and connection object memory leaking problem was fixed. A dedicated task belonging to the TransportImpl object is used to clean up any resources associated with the DataLink. Added keep_link configuration to indicate whether a datalink should be maintained when all associations are removed. This would allow the datareader/datawriter restart in same endpoint reconnect reuse the same connection. - Fixed a problem that the send_start could send on a nil datalink. The problem is a datalink insertion and finding are not sychnorized. - Supported the default transport id for SimpleTcp and SimpleUdp. The range 0xFFFFFF00 to 0xFFFFFFFF is reserved for DEFAULT__CONFIG values. Each specific transport has its default id in that range such as DEFAULT_SIMPLE_TCP_ID = 0xFFFFFF00 and DEFAULT_SIMPLE_UDP_ID = 0xFFFFFF01. Note the default transports can not be configured by the users. - Added on_connection_deleted to TAO::DCPS::DataWriterListener/DataReaderListener for testing connection object memory leak. - Fixed a bug that uses a platform dependent type - size_t in FULLY_ASSOICIATION message. This would make publisher and subscriber not fully associated in inter-host test such as tests between windowsXP and Linux. === known problem === 1. $DDS_ROOT/DevGuideExamples/DDS/Messenger/run_* is not configured correctly for SimpleTCP. $DDS_ROOT/DevGuideExamples/DDS/Messenger/, however, is set up for the new SimpleTCP implementation. 2. With certain combinations of DDS version, TAO version, and compiler version, singletons stopped working across shared-lib boundaries (code from each shared lib would get a different singleton). Note: #1 and #2 are resolved in the next release. ========================================================================= Version 0.9 of TAO DDS. New to this version are the following changes: - Supported DDS build on VS6, gcc 4.1 and gcc 3.3.3. - Fixed a potential deadlock in SimpleTcpReconnectTask which could happen when shutdown() is invoked by the reconnect thread. - Fixed a deadlock situation on linux when the direct_send() detects a lost connection and calls the relink(). The problem is a non-recursive lock in send strategy is recursively acquired. - Added fully association establishment support. This should fix the problem: "create_meteorite() does not wait for full association establishment so even if there are waiting subscribers, a write shortly after creating the datawriter may be dropped on the publisher side because add_associations() has not completed on the publisher side. The sample may also be dropped on the subscriber side because the connection exists between the publisher and subscriber but the associations have not been mapped on the subscriber side." - Supported thread-per-connection send. A new configuration "thread_per_connection" is added to turn on and turn off(default) this new feature. With this new feature, the samples are sent to different connections in parallel. # Determine if the transport needs create a new thread for a # datalink/connection to send samples under normal traffic (no backpressure). # If thread_per_connection is 1, the publisher creates a supered thread # for each datalink/connection to send samples instead of using the same # thread to send to different dealing's/connections sequentially. # The default value is 0 (using same thread send to all datalinks) thread_per_connection= --- more notes and limitations --- - Current transport on receiving side does not handle a packet with a single control message with no data such as GRACEFUL_DISCONNECT message. To work around with this problem, some bogus data is sent with the message. --- status of nightly build tests --- - The built-in topic tests failure are expected since the builtin topic was not supported and tested. - tests failed intermittently tests/DCPS/Compiler/idl_test1_main/ [Details] ERROR: exited with coredump from signal 11 : SEXY tests/DCPS/FooTest5_0/ udp [Details] (24994|1084229984) DataReaderImpl::remove_associations: ERROR: Unable to remove writer publisher_id 5. [Details] (24994|1084229984) ERROR: DataReaderImpl::add_associations, invalid liveliness_changed_status inactive count. tests/DCPS/Reconnect/ bp_timeout [Details] test FAILED. Please see the /tao_builds/taoadmin/BETA/ACE_wrappers/TAO/DDS/tests/DCPS/Reconnect/test.log for details. [Details] Error: tests/DCPS/Reconnect/ bp_timeout returned with status 2 ========================================================================= Version 0.8 of TAO DDS. New to this version are the following changes: - Added configuration of DCPS and transports via configuration files. This also simplified the code related to creating and configuring transports. See file://TAO_DDS_Configuration_Settings.html for more information. - fixed a possible deadlock. The scenario it was found in was: * Start a subscriber with two readers. * start a publisher with two corresponding writers. * the subscriber would deadlock between the ORB and transport threads. * If the publisher started first, it would not deadlock. - changed some heap allocations to cached allocator allocations. No heap allocations are in the write -> read code path for value types containing scalars (no arrays, sequences or strings). - Uninlined some unnecessary inlines to reduce the footprint. - Added DDS_HAS_MINIMUM_BIT macro to build without Built In Topic support. Defining the macro will NOT build BIT support. - Made the DCPSInfoRepo register with IOR table as well as providing the ior file to provide alternate schemes of distributing the object reference and made the DCPSInfoRepo object reference to be persistent to simplify deployment. - Added an option -DCPSInfoRepo to replace -DCPSInfo option and deprecated -DCPSInfo option. - Fixed a bug in Registered_Data_Types that caused multiple domain participants within the same domain in a process to not register same data types. - Fixed DDS application failure between the publisher and subscriber on different endianess machines. The byte order is set upon data serializing and de-serializing. The swap_bytes configuration value per TransportImpl instance is now appropriately used to allow different transports use different setting of swap_bytes. - Added TypeSupport::get_type_name() support. If a nil type name is supplied by user to register type support then the default type name - the interface repository id is used. - Supported the SimpleTCP connection re-establishment and disconnected/lost/reconnected publication and subscription callbacks. The disconnected callback is called just before reconnect is attempted. If reconnect fails, the connection lost callback is called. If reconnect succeeds, the reconnected callback is called. During reconnecting, the messages are queued until the reconnecting is done. If the reconnecting succeeds, the queued messages are sent out. Otherwise the messages are discarded. The main changes are: 1) Added new idl interfaces - TAO::DataReaderListener and TAO::DataWriterListener to support on_*_disconnected, on_*_lost and on_*_reconnected callbacks. 2) New configuration values are added to support the reconnect strategy. ###=== Configurations for connector side during reconnecting=== # The initial retry delay in milliseconds. # The first connection retry will be when the loss of connection # is detected. The second try will be after this delay. # The default is 500 miliseconds. conn_retry_initial_delay= # The backoff multiplier for reconnection strategy. # The third and so on reconnect will be this value * the previous delay. # Hence with conn_retry_initial_delay=500 and conn_retry_backoff_multiplier=1.5 # the second reconnect attempt will be at 0.5 seconds after first retry connect # fails; the third attempt will be 0.75 seconds after the second retry connect # fails; the fourth attempt will be 1.125 seconds after the third retry connect # fails. # The default value is 2.0. conn_retry_backoff_multiplier= # Number of attemps to reconnect before giving up and calling # on_publication_lost() and on_subscription_lost() callbacks. # The default is 3. conn_retry_attempts= # Maximum period (in milliseconds) of not being able to send queued # messages. If there are samples queued and no output for longer # than this period then the connection will be closed and on_*_lost() # callbacks will be called. If the value is zero, the default, then # this check will not be made. max_output_pause_period= ###=== Configurations for acceptor side during reconnecting=== # The time period in milliseconds for the acceptor side # of a connection to wait for the connection to be reconnected. # If not reconnected within this period then # on_publication_lost() and on_subscription_lost() callbacks # will be called. # The default is 2 seconds (2000 millseconds). passive_reconnect_duration= Implemenation details: a) A new interface - relink() is added to both receive and send strategy. The relink () is called whenever send or recv call fails. The acceptor/connector role of a connection object represents does not change during reconnecting. The connector side actively tries to reconnect and the acceptor side passively waits for the new connection coming. b) Added a new test $DDS_ROOT/tests/DCPS/Reconnect to test the on_*_lost callback and the connection re-establishment. - Fixed a problem that add_association() failed when multiple publishers/subscribers start simultaneously. Added a lock to protect the internal map in DataLinkSetMap to fix the problem. --- more notes and limitations --- This section adds on to the "KNOWN LIMITATIONS" section at the bottom of this document. - A transport instance may only be used by publications and subscriptions of a single domain because the pub & sub ids are only unique within a domain and the transport uses this ids to map associations to links/connections. - The current transport implementation does not allow associations between datareaders and datawriters associated with the same transport in the same process. To work around this limitation, the datareader and the datawriter need use different TransportImpl objects. Otherwise, there are such errors: (1428|2740) ERROR: RepoId (9) already exists in RepoIdSet for RepoId (8). (1428|2740) ERROR: Failed to insert local subscriber_id (8) to remote publisher_id (9) ========================================================================= Version 0.7 of TAO DDS. New to this version are the following changes: - Added a configuration parameter to control the use of the Nagle algorithm for the SimpleTCP protocol. By default, the Nagle algorithm is now disabled. - Improved VC6 support. - Fixed some memory leaks. - Added support for 64 bit architectures. ========================================================================= Version 0.6 of TAO DDS. New to this version are the following changes: - Changed the default ior file name for DCPSInfoRepo from dcps_ir.ior to repo.ior. - Changed the packet and sample length fields to 32 bit integers so we can support samples larger than 64 KB. - Improved support for MS VC6 ========================================================================= Version 0.5 of TAO DDS. New to this version are the following changes: - Many memory leaks have been removed. - A memory allocation bug has been corrected. - The -a option of DCPSInfoRepo now works as documented. ========================================================================= This is the first release of a Data Distribution Service (DDS). See the User's Guide for an user introduction to the service. TAO's DDS implementation consists of the following: * Implementation of the interfaces in the DDS spec and $DDS_ROOT/dds/DCPS * A service repository driver in $DDS_ROOT/dds/InfoRepo * Type support generator,, is in $DDS_ROOT/bin and its templates are in $DDS_ROOT/bin/DCPS. * You must use DDS with a version of TAO that has had its TAO_IDL compiler modified to support DDS type definition using the -Gdcps option. Any OCI version later than TAO 1.4a P4 or DOC group version later than 1.4.6 should work. * An example in $DDS_ROOT/DevGuideExamples/DDS * Functional tests in $DDS_ROOT/tests * Performance tests in $DDS_ROOT/performance-tests