```toml [advisory] id = "RUSTSEC-2021-0124" package = "tokio" aliases = ["CVE-2021-45710", "GHSA-fg7r-2g4j-5cgr"] date = "2021-11-16" url = "https://github.com/tokio-rs/tokio/issues/4225" categories = ["memory-corruption", "thread-safety"] keywords = ["race condition"] [versions] patched = [">= 1.8.4, < 1.9.0", ">= 1.13.1"] unaffected = ["< 0.1.14"] [affected.functions] "tokio::sync::oneshot::Receiver::close" = ["<= 1.13.0, >= 0.1.14"] ``` # Data race when sending and receiving after closing a `oneshot` channel If a `tokio::sync::oneshot` channel is closed (via the [`oneshot::Receiver::close`] method), a data race may occur if the `oneshot::Sender::send` method is called while the corresponding `oneshot::Receiver` is `await`ed or calling `try_recv`. When these methods are called concurrently on a closed channel, the two halves of the channel can concurrently access a shared memory location, resulting in a data race. This has been observed to [cause memory corruption][corruption]. Note that the race only occurs when **both** halves of the channel are used after the `Receiver` half has called `close`. Code where `close` is not used, or where the `Receiver` is not `await`ed and `try_recv` is not called after calling `close`, is not affected. See [tokio#4225][issue] for more details. [corruption]: https://github.com/tokio-rs/tokio/issues/4225#issuecomment-967434847 [issue]: https://github.com/tokio-rs/tokio/issues/4225 [`oneshot::Receiver::close`]: https://docs.rs/tokio/1.14.0/tokio/sync/oneshot/struct.Receiver.html#method.close