# -*- mode: n3; outline-regexp: "[# ]+ "; eval: (outline-minor-mode); -*- # handy bits from outline mode: # C-c @ C-l hide-leaves - on prefixes, entries, definitions # C-c @ C-s show-subtree - on anything you're hacking # Note that incremental search opens leaves for the duration of the search. # prefixes @base . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix mf: . @prefix sht: . @prefix prov: . # TODO: # focus* on empty.ttl # ../schemas/1IRI_with_all_punctuationdot.shex # ../schemas/1IRI_with_UCHAR.1dot.shex # ../schemas/1val1STRING_LITERAL2.shex # ../schemas/1val1STRING_LITERAL2_with_LANGTAG.shex # ../schemas/1val1STRING_LITERAL2_with_subtag.shex # ../schemas/1val1STRING_LITERAL_LONG1.shex # ../schemas/1val1STRING_LITERAL_LONG2.shex # ../schemas/1val1STRING_LITERAL_LONG2_with_LANGTAG.shex # ../schemas/1val1STRING_LITERAL_LONG2_with_subtag.shex # repeated OR # 1dotRefOR3 on.. # 1IRIInline0, focusbnode0ORfocusPattern0 # <#1dotAND1dotAND1dot>, <#open1dotAND1dotcloseAND1dot>, <#1dotANDopen1dotAND1dotclose> # 1val1dotMinuslanguage3.shex - 1val1dotMinusiri3.shex # <#1val1dotMinusiri3_pass> # <#1val1dotMinusiri3_v1> # <#1val1dotMinusiri3_v2> # <#1val1dotMinusiri3_v3> # 1val1dotMinuslanguageStem3.shex - 1val1dotMinusiriStem3.shex # <#1val1dotMinusiriStem3_pass> # <#1val1dotMinusiriStem3_v1> # <#1val1dotMinusiriStem3_v2> # <#1val1dotMinusiriStem3_v3> # <#1val1dotMinusiriStem3_v1a> # 1val1literalAtlanguageStem.shex - # 1val1literalAtlanguageStemMinusliteralAtlanguage3 - # entries <> a mf:Manifest ; rdfs:comment "ShEx validation tests" ; mf:entries ( ## empty <#0_empty> <#0_other> <#0_otherbnode> ## triple pattern <#1dot_fail-empty> <#1dot-base_fail-empty> <#1dot_fail-missing> <#1dot-base_fail-missing> <#1dot_pass-noOthers> <#1dot-base_pass-noOthers> <#1dotSemi_pass-noOthers> <#1dotLNex_pass-noOthers> <#1dotNS2_pass-noOthers> <#1dotNS2SingleComment_pass-noOthers> <#1dotLNexSingleComment_pass-noOthers> <#1dotLNdefault_pass-noOthers> <#1dotNSdefault_pass-noOthers> <#1dotLNex-HYPHEN_MINUS_pass-noOthers> <#1dot_pass-others_lexicallyEarlier> <#1dot_pass-others_lexicallyLater> <#bnode1dot_fail-missing> <#bnode1dot_pass-others_lexicallyEarlier> <#1inversedot_fail-empty> <#1inversedot_fail-missing> <#1inversedot_pass-noOthers> <#1inversedot_pass-over_lexicallyEarlier> <#1inversedot_pass-over_lexicallyLater> <#1Adot_pass> ## node kind <#1iri_pass-iri> <#1iri_fail-bnode> <#1iri_fail-literal> <#1bnode_fail-iri> <#1bnode_pass-bnode> <#1bnode_fail-literal> <#1literal_fail-iri> <#1literal_fail-bnode> <#1literal_pass-literal> <#1nonliteral_pass-iri> <#1focusnonLiteralLength-nonLiteralLength_fail-short> <#1focusnonLiteralLength-nonLiteralLength_pass> <#1nonliteral_pass-bnode> <#1nonliteral_fail-literal> ## datatype <#1datatype_missing> <#1datatype_nonLiteral> <#1datatype_langString> <#1datatype_wrongDatatype> <#1datatype_pass> <#1datatypelangString_pass> ### lexical form <#integer-n1_pass> <#integer-0_pass> <#integer-1_pass> <#integer-p1_pass> <#integer-empty_fail> <#integer-n1.0_fail> <#integer-p1.0_fail> <#integer-1E0_fail> <#integer-NaN_fail> <#integer-INF_fail> <#decimal-n1_pass> <#decimal-0_pass> <#decimal-1_pass> <#decimal-p1_pass> <#decimal-n1.0_pass> <#decimal-p1.0_pass> <#decimal-empty_fail> <#decimal-1E0_fail> <#decimal-NaN_fail> <#decimal-INF_fail> <#float-n1_pass> <#float-0_pass> <#float-1_pass> <#float-p1_pass> <#float-n1.0_pass> <#float-p1.0_pass> <#float-1elowercase0_pass> <#float-1E0_pass> <#float-NaN_pass> <#float-INF_pass> <#float-nINF_pass> <#float-empty_fail> <#float-pINF_fail> <#double-n1_pass> <#double-0_pass> <#double-1_pass> <#double-p1_pass> <#double-n1.0_pass> <#double-p1.0_pass> <#double-1E0_pass> <#double-1e0_pass> <#double-NaN_pass> <#double-INF_pass> <#double-nINF_pass> <#double-empty_fail> <#double-pINF_fail> <#nonPositiveInteger-n1_pass> <#nonPositiveInteger-0_pass> <#nonPositiveInteger-p0_pass> <#nonPositiveInteger-n0_pass> <#nonPositiveInteger-1_fail> <#nonPositiveInteger-p1_fail> <#nonPositiveInteger-1a_fail> <#nonPositiveInteger-a1_fail> <#negativeInteger-n1_pass> <#negativeInteger-0_fail> <#negativeInteger-p0_fail> <#negativeInteger-n0_fail> <#negativeInteger-1_fail> <#long-n1_pass> <#long-0_pass> <#long-1_pass> <#long-p1_pass> <#int-n1_pass> <#int-0_pass> <#int-1_pass> <#int-p1_pass> <#short-n32768_pass> <#short-0_pass> <#short-32767_pass> <#short-n32769_fail> <#short-32768_fail> <#byte-n128_pass> <#byte-0_pass> <#byte-127_pass> <#byte-empty_fail> <#byte-n129_fail> <#byte-128_fail> <#nonNegativeInteger-0_pass> <#nonNegativeInteger-n0_pass> <#nonNegativeInteger-p0_pass> <#nonNegativeInteger-1_pass> <#nonNegativeInteger-p1_pass> <#nonNegativeInteger-n1_fail> <#unsignedLong-0_pass> <#unsignedLong-1_pass> <#unsignedLong-n1_fail> <#unsignedInt-0_pass> <#unsignedInt-1_pass> <#unsignedInt-n1_fail> <#unsignedShort-0_pass> <#unsignedShort-65535_pass> <#unsignedShort-n1_fail> <#unsignedShort-65536_fail> <#unsignedByte-0_pass> <#unsignedByte-255_pass> <#unsignedByte-n1_fail> <#unsignedByte-256_fail> <#positiveInteger-1_pass> <#positiveInteger-n1_fail> <#positiveInteger-0_fail> <#string-empty_pass> <#string-a_pass> <#string-0_pass> <#boolean-true_pass> <#boolean-false_pass> <#boolean-0_pass> <#boolean-1_pass> <#boolean-empty_fail> <#boolean-TRUE_fail> <#boolean-FALSE_fail> <#boolean-tRuE_fail> <#boolean-fAlSe_fail> <#boolean-n1_fail> <#boolean-2_fail> <#boolean-10_fail> <#boolean-01_fail> <#dateTime-dt_pass> <#dateTime-empty_fail> <#dateTime-dT_fail> <#dateTime-d_fail> ## cardinality ### dot cardinality <#1card2_fail0> <#1card2_fail1> <#1card2_pass2> <#1card2_fail3> <#1card25_fail0> <#1card25_fail1> <#1card25_pass2> <#1card25_pass3> <#1card25_pass4> <#1card25_pass5> <#1card25_fail6> <#1card2Star_fail0> <#1card2Star_fail1> <#1card2Star_pass2> <#1card2Star_pass3> <#1card2Star_pass6> # 1card2blank_... same as 1card2Star <#1cardOpt_pass0> <#1cardOpt_pass1> <#1cardOpt_fail2> <#1cardOpt_pass6> <#1cardPlus_fail0> <#1cardPlus_pass1> <#1cardPlus_pass2> <#1cardPlus_pass6> <#1cardStar_pass0> <#1cardStar_pass1> <#1cardStar_pass2> <#1cardStar_pass6> ### non-dot cardinality <#1literalPlus_Is1_Ip1_La,Io1> ## shape reference <#1dotRef1_referent,referrer> <#1dotRef1_referrer,referent> <#1dotRef1_missingReferent> <#1dotRef1_selfReference> <#1dotRef1_missingSelfReference> <#1dotRef1_overReferrer> <#1dotRef1_overReferrer,overReferent> <#1dotRef1_overMatchesReferent> <#1refbnode1_pass> <#1refbnode1_fail-g1-arc> <#1refbnode1_fail-g2-arc> <#3circRefS123> <#3circRefPlus1_pass-open> <#3circRefPlus1_pass-recursiveData> <#1iriRef1_pass-iri> <#1iriRef1_fail-bnode> <#1bnodeRef1_fail-iri> <#1bnodeRef1_pass-bnode> ## inline <#1dotInline1_referrer,referent> <#1dotInline1_missingReferent> <#1dotInline1_selfReference> <#1dotInline1_missingSelfReference> <#1dotInline1_overReferrer> <#1dotInline1_overReferrer,overReferent> <#1dotInline1_overMatchesReferent> ## term equivalence ### iri equivalence <#1val1IRIREF_pass> # { [] } <#1val1IRIREF_v2> <#1val1IRIREF_v1v2> ### literal equivalence #### lexical form <#1val1STRING_LITERAL1_pass> <#1val1STRING_LITERAL1_fail> <#1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_all_controls_pass> <#1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_all_controls_fail> <#1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_all_punctuation_pass> <#1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_all_punctuation_fail> <#1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_ascii_boundaries_pass> <#1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_ascii_boundaries_fail> <#1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_UTF8_boundaries_pass> <#1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_UTF8_boundaries_fail> <#1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_ECHAR_escapes_pass> <#1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_ECHAR_escapes_fail> #### numeric equivalence <#1val1INTEGER_pass> # { [0] } <#1val1INTEGER_00> <#1val1DECIMAL_00> <#1val1DECIMAL_pass> <#1val1DECIMAL_Lab> <#1val1INTEGER_Lab> <#1val1DOUBLE_pass> # { [0E0] } <#1val1DOUBLE_0_0e0> # 1val1DOUBLElowercase_... same as 1val1DOUBLE # @@ eliminate as duplicate? <#1val1DOUBLElowercase_pass> # { [0e0] } <#1val1DOUBLElowercase_fail-0E0> <#1val1DOUBLElowercase_0_0e0> #### language tag equivalence <#1val1LANGTAG_pass> # { ['ab'@en-fr] } <#1val1LANGTAG_Lab> <#1val1LANGTAG_LabLTen> <#1val1LANGTAG_LabLTen-fr-jura> <#1val1LANGTAG_LaLTen-fr> #### datatyped literal equivalence <#1val1IRIREFDatatype_pass> # { ['ab'^^my:bloodType] } <#1val1IRIREFDatatype_Lab> <#1val1IRIREFDatatype_LabDTbloodType999> <#1val1IRIREFDatatype_LaDTbloodType> # 1val1LNDatatype_... same as 1val1IRIREFDatatype except prefixes #### boolean equivalence <#1val1true_pass> # { [true] } <#1val1true_false> <#1val1true_ab> <#1val1false_pass> # { [false] } <#1val1false_true> <#1val1false_ab> ## facet ### length <#1datatypeLength_fail-missing> <#1datatypeLength_fail-wrongDatatype> <#1datatypeLength_fail-short> <#1datatypeLength_pass> <#1datatypeLength_fail-long> ### fractionDigits <#1literalFractiondigits_pass-decimal-short> # <#1literalFractiondigitsxsd-integer_fail-decimal-short> # for numericFacet ::= (numericFacet | numericLength) INTEGER (numericLiteral | string '^^' datatype ) <#1literalFractiondigits_pass-decimal-equal> # <#1literalFractiondigitsxsd-integer_pass-decimal-equal> # for numericFacet ::= (numericFacet | numericLength) INTEGER (numericLiteral | string '^^' datatype ) <#1literalFractiondigits_fail-decimal-long> <#1literalFractiondigits_pass-decimal-equalLead> <#1literalFractiondigits_fail-decimal-longLead> <#1literalFractiondigits_pass-decimal-equalTrail> <#1literalFractiondigits_fail-decimal-longTrail> <#1literalFractiondigits_pass-decimal-equalLeadTrail> <#1literalFractiondigits_fail-decimal-longLeadTrail> <#1literalFractiondigits_pass-integer-short> <#1literalFractiondigits_pass-xsd_integer-short> <#1literalFractiondigits_fail-float-equal> <#1literalFractiondigits_fail-double-equal> <#1literalFractiondigits_fail-malformedxsd_decimal-1_23ab> <#1literalFractiondigits_fail-malformedxsd_decimal-1_2345ab> <#1literalFractiondigits_fail-malformedxsd_integer-1_2345> <#1literalFractiondigits_fail-iri> <#1literalFractiondigits_fail-bnode> ### totalDigits <#1literalTotaldigits_pass-decimal-short> # <#1literalTotaldigitsxsd-integer_fail-decimal-short> # for numericFacet ::= (numericFacet | numericLength) INTEGER (numericLiteral | string '^^' datatype ) <#1literalTotaldigits_pass-decimal-equal> # <#1literalTotaldigitsxsd-integer_pass-decimal-equal> # for numericFacet ::= (numericFacet | numericLength) INTEGER (numericLiteral | string '^^' datatype ) <#1literalTotaldigits_fail-decimal-long> <#1literalTotaldigits_pass-decimal-equalLead> <#1literalTotaldigits_fail-decimal-longLead> <#1literalTotaldigits_pass-decimal-equalTrail> <#1literalTotaldigits_fail-decimal-longTrail> <#1literalTotaldigits_pass-decimal-equalLeadTrail> <#1literalTotaldigits_fail-decimal-longLeadTrail> <#1literalTotaldigits_pass-integer-equal> <#1literalTotaldigits_pass-xsd_integer-short> <#1literalTotaldigits_pass-integer-equalLead> <#1literalTotaldigits_fail-integer-longLead> <#1literalTotaldigits_pass-integer-equalTrail> <#1literalTotaldigits_fail-integer-longTrail> <#1literalTotaldigits_pass-integer-equalLeadTrail> <#1literalTotaldigits_fail-integer-longLeadTrail> <#1literalTotaldigits_pass-byte-short> <#1literalTotaldigits_pass-byte-equal> <#1literalTotaldigits_fail-byte-long> <#1literalTotaldigits_fail-float-equal> <#1literalTotaldigits_fail-double-equal> <#1literalTotaldigits_fail-malformedxsd_decimal-1_23ab> <#1literalTotaldigits_fail-malformedxsd_decimal-1_2345ab> <#1literalTotaldigits_fail-malformedxsd_integer-1_2345> <#1literalTotaldigits_fail-iri> <#1literalTotaldigits_fail-bnode> ### comparators #### manual <#1literalMinexclusiveINTEGER_fail-low> <#1literalMinexclusiveINTEGER_pass-equal> <#1literalMinexclusiveINTEGER_pass-high> <#1literalMininclusiveINTEGER_fail-low> <#1literalMininclusiveINTEGER_pass-equal> <#1literalMininclusiveINTEGER_pass-high> <#1literalMaxexclusiveINTEGER_pass-low> <#1literalMaxexclusiveINTEGER_fail-equal> <#1literalMaxexclusiveINTEGER_fail-high> <#1literalMaxinclusiveINTEGER_pass-low> <#1literalMaxinclusiveINTEGER_pass-equal> <#1literalMaxinclusiveINTEGER_fail-high> <#1floatMininclusiveINTEGER_fail-low> <#1floatMininclusiveINTEGER_pass-equalLead> <#1floatMininclusiveINTEGER_pass-equalTrail> <#1floatMininclusiveINTEGER_pass-high> <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_fail-low> <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_pass-equal> <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_pass-equalLead> <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_pass-high> <#1floatMininclusiveINTEGERLead_pass-equal> #### generated <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_fail-integer-low> <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_pass-integer-equal> <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_pass-integer-high> <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGERLead_fail-integer-low> <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGERLead_pass-integer-equal> <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGERLead_pass-integer-equalLead> <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGERLead_pass-integer-high> <#1integerMininclusiveDECIMAL_pass-integer-equal> <#1integerMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_fail-integer-low> <#1integerMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-integer-equal> <#1integerMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-integer-equalLead> <#1integerMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-integer-high> <#1integerMininclusiveDECIMALint_fail-integer-low> <#1integerMininclusiveDECIMALint_pass-integer-equal> <#1integerMininclusiveDECIMALint_pass-integer-high> <#1integerMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail_fail-integer-low> <#1integerMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail_pass-integer-equal> <#1integerMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail_pass-integer-equalLead> <#1integerMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail_pass-integer-high> <#1integerMininclusiveDOUBLE_pass-integer-equal> <#1integerMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_fail-integer-low> <#1integerMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-integer-equal> <#1integerMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-integer-equalLead> <#1integerMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-integer-high> <#1integerMininclusiveDOUBLEint_pass-integer-equal> <#1integerMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail_fail-integer-low> <#1integerMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail_pass-integer-equal> <#1integerMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail_pass-integer-equalLead> <#1integerMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail_pass-integer-high> <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_fail-decimal-equal> <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_fail-float-equal> <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_fail-double-equal> <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_fail-dateTime-equal> <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_fail-string-equal> <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_fail-byte-equal> <#1decimalMininclusiveINTEGER_fail-decimal-low> <#1decimalMininclusiveINTEGER_pass-decimal-high> <#1decimalMininclusiveINTEGERLead_fail-decimal-low> <#1decimalMininclusiveINTEGERLead_pass-decimal-high> <#1decimalMininclusiveDECIMAL_fail-decimal-low> <#1decimalMininclusiveDECIMAL_pass-decimal-equal> <#1decimalMininclusiveDECIMAL_pass-decimal-equalLeadTrail> <#1decimalMininclusiveDECIMAL_pass-decimal-high> <#1decimalMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_fail-decimal-low> <#1decimalMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-decimal-equal> <#1decimalMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-decimal-equalLeadTrail> <#1decimalMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-decimal-high> <#1decimalMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail_fail-decimal-low> <#1decimalMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail_pass-decimal-high> <#1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLE_fail-decimal-low> <#1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLE_pass-decimal-equal> <#1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLE_pass-decimal-equalLeadTrail> <#1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_fail-decimal-low> <#1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-decimal-equal> <#1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-decimal-equalLeadTrail> <#1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-decimal-high> <#1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail_fail-decimal-low> <#1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail_pass-decimal-high> <#1decimalMininclusiveDECIMAL_fail-float-equal> <#1decimalMininclusiveDECIMAL_fail-double-equal> <#1floatMininclusiveINTEGERLead_fail-float-low> <#1floatMininclusiveINTEGERLead_pass-float-high> <#1floatMininclusiveDECIMAL_pass-float-equal> <#1floatMininclusiveDECIMAL_pass-float-equalLeadTrail> <#1floatMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_fail-float-low> <#1floatMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-float-equal> <#1floatMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-float-equalLeadTrail> <#1floatMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-float-high> <#1floatMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail_fail-float-low> <#1floatMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail_pass-float-high> <#1floatMininclusiveDOUBLE_pass-float-equal> <#1floatMininclusiveDOUBLE_pass-float-equalLeadTrail> <#1floatMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_fail-float-low> <#1floatMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-float-equal> <#1floatMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-float-equalLeadTrail> <#1floatMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-float-high> <#1floatMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail_fail-float-low> <#1floatMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail_pass-float-high> <#1doubleMininclusiveINTEGERLead_fail-double-low> <#1doubleMininclusiveINTEGERLead_pass-double-high> <#1doubleMininclusiveDECIMAL_pass-double-equal> <#1doubleMininclusiveDECIMAL_pass-double-equalLeadTrail> <#1doubleMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_fail-double-low> <#1doubleMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-double-equal> <#1doubleMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-double-equalLeadTrail> <#1doubleMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-double-high> <#1doubleMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail_fail-double-low> <#1doubleMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail_pass-double-high> <#1doubleMininclusiveDOUBLE_pass-double-equal> <#1doubleMininclusiveDOUBLE_pass-double-equalLeadTrail> <#1doubleMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_fail-double-low> <#1doubleMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-double-equal> <#1doubleMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-double-equalLeadTrail> <#1doubleMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-double-high> <#1doubleMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail_fail-double-low> <#1doubleMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail_pass-double-high> <#1integerMinexclusiveINTEGER_fail-integer-low> <#1integerMinexclusiveINTEGER_fail-integer-equal> <#1integerMinexclusiveINTEGER_pass-integer-high> <#1integerMinexclusiveDECIMALint_fail-integer-low> <#1integerMinexclusiveDECIMALint_fail-integer-equal> <#1integerMinexclusiveDECIMALint_pass-integer-high> <#1integerMinexclusiveDOUBLEint_fail-integer-low> <#1integerMinexclusiveDOUBLEint_fail-integer-equal> <#1integerMinexclusiveDOUBLEint_pass-integer-high> <#1decimalMinexclusiveINTEGER_fail-decimal-low> <#1decimalMinexclusiveINTEGER_pass-decimal-high> <#1decimalMinexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-decimal-low> <#1decimalMinexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-decimal-equal> <#1decimalMinexclusiveDECIMAL_pass-decimal-high> <#1decimalMinexclusiveDOUBLE_fail-decimal-low> <#1decimalMinexclusiveDOUBLE_fail-decimal-equal> <#1decimalMinexclusiveDOUBLE_pass-decimal-high> <#1decimalMinexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-float-equal> <#1decimalMinexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-double-equal> <#1floatMinexclusiveINTEGER_fail-float-low> <#1floatMinexclusiveINTEGER_pass-float-high> <#1floatMinexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-float-low> <#1floatMinexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-float-equal> <#1floatMinexclusiveDECIMAL_pass-float-high> <#1floatMinexclusiveDOUBLE_fail-float-low> <#1floatMinexclusiveDOUBLE_fail-float-equal> <#1floatMinexclusiveDOUBLE_pass-float-high> <#1doubleMinexclusiveINTEGER_fail-double-low> <#1doubleMinexclusiveINTEGER_pass-double-high> <#1doubleMinexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-double-low> <#1doubleMinexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-double-equal> <#1doubleMinexclusiveDECIMAL_pass-double-high> <#1doubleMinexclusiveDOUBLE_fail-double-low> <#1doubleMinexclusiveDOUBLE_fail-double-equal> <#1doubleMinexclusiveDOUBLE_pass-double-high> <#1doubleMinexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-float-equal> <#1integerMaxinclusiveINTEGER_pass-integer-low> <#1integerMaxinclusiveINTEGER_pass-integer-equal> <#1integerMaxinclusiveINTEGER_fail-integer-high> <#1integerMaxinclusiveDECIMALint_pass-integer-low> <#1integerMaxinclusiveDECIMALint_pass-integer-equal> <#1integerMaxinclusiveDECIMALint_fail-integer-high> <#1integerMaxinclusiveDOUBLEint_pass-integer-low> <#1integerMaxinclusiveDOUBLEint_pass-integer-equal> <#1integerMaxinclusiveDOUBLEint_fail-integer-high> <#1decimalMaxinclusiveINTEGER_pass-decimal-low> <#1decimalMaxinclusiveINTEGER_fail-decimal-high> <#1decimalMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_pass-decimal-low> <#1decimalMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_pass-decimal-equal> <#1decimalMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_fail-decimal-high> <#1decimalMaxinclusiveDOUBLE_pass-decimal-low> <#1decimalMaxinclusiveDOUBLE_pass-decimal-equal> <#1decimalMaxinclusiveDOUBLE_fail-decimal-high> <#1decimalMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_fail-float-equal> <#1decimalMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_fail-double-equal> <#1floatMaxinclusiveINTEGER_pass-float-low> <#1floatMaxinclusiveINTEGER_fail-float-high> <#1floatMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_pass-float-low> <#1floatMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_pass-float-equal> <#1floatMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_fail-float-high> <#1floatMaxinclusiveDOUBLE_pass-float-low> <#1floatMaxinclusiveDOUBLE_pass-float-equal> <#1floatMaxinclusiveDOUBLE_fail-float-high> <#1doubleMaxinclusiveINTEGER_pass-double-low> <#1doubleMaxinclusiveINTEGER_fail-double-high> <#1doubleMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_pass-double-low> <#1doubleMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_pass-double-equal> <#1doubleMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_fail-double-high> <#1doubleMaxinclusiveDOUBLE_pass-double-low> <#1doubleMaxinclusiveDOUBLE_pass-double-equal> <#1doubleMaxinclusiveDOUBLE_fail-double-high> <#1doubleMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_fail-float-equal> <#1integerMaxexclusiveINTEGER_pass-integer-low> <#1integerMaxexclusiveINTEGER_fail-integer-equal> <#1integerMaxexclusiveINTEGER_fail-integer-high> <#1integerMaxexclusiveDECIMALint_pass-integer-low> <#1integerMaxexclusiveDECIMALint_fail-integer-equal> <#1integerMaxexclusiveDECIMALint_fail-integer-high> <#1integerMaxexclusiveDOUBLEint_pass-integer-low> <#1integerMaxexclusiveDOUBLEint_fail-integer-equal> <#1integerMaxexclusiveDOUBLEint_fail-integer-high> <#1decimalMaxexclusiveINTEGER_pass-decimal-low> <#1decimalMaxexclusiveINTEGER_fail-decimal-high> <#1decimalMaxexclusiveDECIMAL_pass-decimal-low> <#1decimalMaxexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-decimal-equal> <#1decimalMaxexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-decimal-high> <#1decimalMaxexclusiveDOUBLE_pass-decimal-low> <#1decimalMaxexclusiveDOUBLE_fail-decimal-equal> <#1decimalMaxexclusiveDOUBLE_fail-decimal-high> <#1decimalMaxexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-float-equal> <#1decimalMaxexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-double-equal> <#1decimalMaxexclusivexsd-byte_fail-byte-equal> <#1floatMaxexclusiveINTEGER_pass-float-low> <#1floatMaxexclusiveINTEGER_fail-float-high> <#1floatMaxexclusiveDECIMAL_pass-float-low> <#1floatMaxexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-float-high> <#1floatMaxexclusiveDOUBLE_pass-float-low> <#1floatMaxexclusiveDOUBLE_fail-float-high> <#1doubleMaxexclusiveINTEGER_pass-double-low> <#1doubleMaxexclusiveINTEGER_fail-double-equal> <#1doubleMaxexclusiveINTEGER_fail-double-high> <#1doubleMaxexclusiveINTEGERLead_fail-double-equal> <#1doubleMaxexclusiveDECIMAL_pass-double-low> <#1doubleMaxexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-double-equal> <#1doubleMaxexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-double-high> <#1doubleMaxexclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_fail-double-equal> <#1doubleMaxexclusiveDECIMALint_fail-double-equal> <#1doubleMaxexclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail_fail-double-equal> <#1doubleMaxexclusiveDOUBLE_pass-double-low> <#1doubleMaxexclusiveDOUBLE_fail-double-equal> <#1doubleMaxexclusiveDOUBLE_fail-double-high> <#1doubleMaxexclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_fail-double-equal> <#1doubleMaxexclusiveDOUBLEint_fail-double-equal> <#1doubleMaxexclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail_fail-double-equal> ### lengths <#1Length_fail-lit-short> <#1Length_pass-lit-equal> <#1Length_fail-lit-long> <#1literalLength_fail-lit-short> <#1literalLength_pass-lit-equal> <#1literalLength_fail-lit-long> <#1literalLength_fail-iri-equal> <#1literalLength_fail-bnode-equal> <#1iriLength_fail-iri-short> <#1iriLength_pass-iri-equal> <#1iriLength_fail-iri-long> <#1iriLength_fail-lit-equal> <#1iriLength_fail-bnode-equal> <#1iriRefLength1_fail-iri-short> <#1iriRefLength1_pass-iri-equal> <#1iriRefLength1_fail-iri-long> <#1iriRefLength1_fail-lit-equal> <#1iriRefLength1_fail-bnode-equal> <#1bnodeLength_fail-bnode-short> <#1bnodeLength_pass-bnode-equal> <#1bnodeLength_fail-bnode-long> <#1bnodeLength_fail-lit-equal> <#1bnodeLength_fail-iri-equal> <#1nonliteralLength_fail-iri-short> <#1nonliteralLength_pass-iri-equal> <#1nonliteralLength_fail-iri-long> <#1nonliteralLength_fail-lit-equal> <#1nonliteralLength_fail-bnode-short> <#1nonliteralLength_pass-bnode-equal> <#1nonliteralLength_fail-bnode-long> <#1literalMinlength_fail-lit-short> <#1literalMinlength_pass-lit-equal> <#1literalMinlength_pass-lit-long> <#1iriMinlength_fail-iri-short> <#1iriMinlength_pass-iri-equal> <#1iriMinlength_pass-iri-long> <#1bnodeMinlength_fail-bnode-short> <#1bnodeMinlength_pass-bnode-equal> <#1bnodeMinlength_pass-bnode-long> <#1nonliteralMinlength_fail-iri-short> <#1nonliteralMinlength_pass-iri-equal> <#1nonliteralMinlength_pass-iri-long> <#1nonliteralMinlength_fail-bnode-short> <#1nonliteralMinlength_pass-bnode-equal> <#1nonliteralMinlength_pass-bnode-long> <#1literalMaxlength_pass-lit-short> <#1literalMaxlength_pass-lit-equal> <#1literalMaxlength_fail-lit-long> <#1iriMaxlength_pass-iri-short> <#1iriMaxlength_pass-iri-equal> <#1iriMaxlength_fail-iri-long> <#1bnodeMaxlength_pass-bnode-short> <#1bnodeMaxlength_pass-bnode-equal> <#1bnodeMaxlength_fail-bnode-long> <#1nonliteralMaxlength_pass-iri-short> <#1nonliteralMaxlength_pass-iri-equal> <#1nonliteralMaxlength_fail-iri-long> <#1nonliteralMaxlength_pass-bnode-short> <#1nonliteralMaxlength_pass-bnode-equal> <#1nonliteralMaxlength_fail-bnode-long> ### pattern <#1literalPattern_pass-lit-match> <#1literalPattern_fail-lit-short> <#1literalPattern_fail-ab> <#1literalPattern_fail-cd> <#1literalPatterni_pass-lit-match> <#1literalPatterni_pass-lit-BC> <#1literalPatterni_pass-lit-blowercaseC> <#1literalPattern_pass-lit-into> <#1literalPattern19_fail-iri-match> <#1literalPattern_fail-bnode-match> <#1literalPattern_with_all_controls_pass> <#1literalPattern_with_all_controls_fail> <#1literalPattern_with_all_punctuation_pass> <#1literalPattern_with_all_punctuation_fail> <#1literalPattern_with_ascii_boundaries_pass> <#1literalPattern_with_ascii_boundaries_fail> <#1literalPattern_with_UTF8_boundaries_pass> <#1literalPattern_with_UTF8_boundaries_fail> <#1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_pass> <#1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_fail> <#1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_fail_escaped> <#1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_escaped_pass> <#1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_escaped_fail_escapes> <#1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_escaped_fail_escapes_bare> <#1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_bare_pass> <#1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_bare_fail_escaped> <#1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_pass_bare> <#1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_bare_pass_escapes> <#1literalPatternEnd_fail-litEnd> <#1literalPatternDollar_pass-litDollar-match> <#1literalPattern_pass-StartlitEnd-match> <#1literalStartPatternEnd_CarrotbcDollar> <#1literalCarrotPatternDollar_pass-bc> <#1literalCarrotPatternDollar_pass-CarrotbcDollar> <#1literalPatternabEnd_fail-bnode-match> <#1literalStartPattern_pass-bc> <#1literalStartPattern_fail-CarrotbcDollar> <#1literalPatternEnd_pass-bc> <#1literalPatternEnd_pass-CarrotbcDollar> <#1literalPattern_pass-bcDollar> <#1literalStarPatternEnd_pass-bc> <#1literalPattern_pass-CarrotbcDollar> <#1literalPattern_with_all_meta_pass> <#1literalPattern_with_all_meta_pass-NA> <#1iriPattern_pass-iri-match> <#1iriPattern_fail-iri-short> <#1iriPattern_fail-iri-long> <#1iriPattern_fail-lit-match> <#1iriPattern_fail-bnode-match> <#1bnodePattern_pass-bnode-match> <#1bnodePattern_fail-bnode-short> <#1bnodePattern_fail-bnode-long> <#1bnodePattern_fail-lit-match> <#1bnodePattern_fail-iri-match> <#1nonliteralPattern_pass-iri-match> <#1nonliteralPattern_fail-iri-short> <#1nonliteralPattern_pass-iri-long> <#1nonliteralPattern_fail-lit-match> <#1nonliteralPattern_pass-bnode-match> <#1nonliteralPattern_fail-bnode-short> <#1nonliteralPattern_pass-bnode-long> ## value sets <#1val1dotMinusiri3_pass> <#1val1dotMinusiri3_v1> <#1val1dotMinusiri3_v2> <#1val1dotMinusiri3_v3> <#1val1refvsMinusiri3_pass> <#1val1refvsMinusiri3_v1> <#1val1refvsMinusiri3_v2> <#1val1refvsMinusiri3_v3> <#1val1dotMinusiriStem3_pass> <#1val1dotMinusiriStem3_v1> <#1val1dotMinusiriStem3_v2> <#1val1dotMinusiriStem3_v3> <#1val1dotMinusiriStem3_v1a> <#1val1iri_passv1> <#1val1iri_failv1a> <#1val1iriStem_passv1> <#1val1iriStem_passv1a> <#1val1iriStem_fail> <#1val1iriStem_fail-literalIv1> <#1val1iriStemMinusiri3_passIv> <#1val1iriStemMinusiri3_passIv4> <#1val1iriStemMinusiri3_fail-literalIv4> <#1val1iriStemMinusiri3_v1> <#1val1iriStemMinusiri3_fail-literalIv1> <#1val1iriStemMinusiri3_v2> <#1val1iriStemMinusiri3_v3> <#1val1iriStemMinusiri3_passIv1a> <#1val1iriStemMinusiriStem3_passIv> <#1val1iriStemMinusiriStem3_passIv4> <#1val1iriStemMinusiriStem3_v1> <#1val1iriStemMinusiriStem3_v2> <#1val1iriStemMinusiriStem3_v3> <#1val1iriStemMinusiriStem3_v1a> <#1val1literal_passv> <#1val1literal_failv1> <#1val1literalStem_passv1> <#1val1literalStem_passv1a> <#1val1literalStem_fail> <#1val1literaliriStem_fail-Iv1> <#1val1literalStemMinusliteral3_passLv> <#1val1literalStemMinusliteral3_passLv4> <#1val1literaliriStemMinusliteraliri3_fail-Iv4> <#1val1literalStemMinusliteral3_v1> <#1val1literaliriStemMinusliteraliri3_fail-Iv1> <#1val1literalStemMinusliteral3_v2> <#1val1literalStemMinusliteral3_v3> <#1val1literalStemMinusliteral3_passLv1a> <#1val1literalStemMinusliteralStem3_passLv> <#1val1literalStemMinusliteralStem3_passLv4> <#1val1literalStemMinusliteralStem3_v1> <#1val1literalStemMinusliteralStem3_v2> <#1val1literalStemMinusliteralStem3_v3> <#1val1literalStemMinusliteralStem3_v1a> <#1val1language_passLAtfr> <#1val1language_failLAtfr-be> <#1val1emptylanguageStem_passLAtfr> <#1val1emptylanguageStem_fail-literal> <#1val1emptylanguageStem_fail-empty> <#1val1emptylanguageStem_fail-integer> <#1val1emptylanguageStemMinuslanguage3_passLAtfr> <#1val1emptylanguageStemMinuslanguage3_failLAtfr-be> <#1val1emptylanguageStemMinuslanguage3_passLAtfr-be-fbcl> <#1val1emptylanguageStemMinuslanguageStem3_LAtfr> <#1val1emptylanguageStemMinuslanguageStem3_failLAtfr-be> <#1val1emptylanguageStemMinuslanguageStem3_LAtfr-be-fbcl> <#1val1emptylanguageStemMinuslanguageStem3_LAtfrc> <#1val1languageStem_passLAtfr> <#1val1languageStem_failLAtfrc> <#1val1languageStem_passLAtfr-be> <#1val1languageStem_passLAtfr-be-fbcl> <#1val1languageStem_fail> <#1val1literallanguageStem_failLAtfr> <#1val1languageStemMinuslanguage3_passLAtfr> <#1val1languageStemMinuslanguage3_passLAtfr-FR> <#1val1literallanguageStemMinusliterallanguage3_failLAtfr-FR> <#1val1languageStemMinuslanguage3_failLAtfr-be> <#1val1literallanguageStemMinusliterallanguage3_failLAtfr-BE> <#1val1languageStemMinuslanguage3_failLAtfr-cd> <#1val1languageStemMinuslanguage3_failLAtfr-ch> <#1val1languageStemMinuslanguage3_passLAtfr-be-fbcl> <#1val1languageStemMinuslanguageStem3_passLAtfr> <#1val1languageStemMinuslanguageStem3_LAtfrc> <#1val1languageStemMinuslanguageStem3_passLAtfr-FR> <#1val1languageStemMinuslanguageStem3_LAtfr-be> <#1val1languageStemMinuslanguageStem3_LAtfr-cd> <#1val1languageStemMinuslanguageStem3_LAtfr-ch> <#1val1languageStemMinuslanguageStem3_passLAtfr-bel> <#1val1languageStemMinuslanguageStem3_LAtfr-be-fbcl> ## triple expressions ### AND tripleExpr ### OR tripleExpr <#1dotOne2dot_pass_p1> <#1dotOne2dot_pass_p2p3> <#1dotOne2dot-oneOf_fail_p1p2p3> <#1dotOne2dot-someOf_fail_p1p2p3> #<#1dotOne2dot-firstOf_pass_p1p2p3> # open1dotOneopen2dotcloseclose_... same as 1dotOne2dot # @@ eliminate as duplicate? <#open1dotOneopen2dotcloseclose_pass_p1> <#open1dotOneopen2dotcloseclose_pass_p2p3> <#open1dotOneopen2dotcloseclose_fail_p1p2p3> # 1dotSemiOne2dotSemis ... same as 1dotOne2dot # open1dotSemiOne2dotsemisclose_... same as 1dotOne2dot # open1dotSemiOneopen2dotSemiscloseclose_... same as 1dotOne2dot # open1dotOne2dotclose_... same as 1dotOne2dot <#openopen1dotOne1dotclose1dotclose_pass_p1p3> <#openopen1dotOne1dotclose1dotclose_pass_p2p3> <#openopen1dotOne1dotclose1dotclose_fail_p1> <#openopen1dotOne1dotclose1dotclose_fail_p3> <#openopen1dotOne1dotclose1dotclose_fail_p1p2> # openopen1dotSemiOne1dotSemiclose1dotSemicloseSemi_... same as openopen1dotOne1dotclose1dotclose ## value expressions ### value reference <#1val1vExprRefIRIREF1_fail-lit-short> <#1val1vExprRefIRIREF1_pass-lit-equal> <#1val1vExprRefbnode1_fail-lit-short> <#1val1vExprRefbnode1_pass-lit-equal> ### AND valueExpr <#1dotShapeAND1dot3X_pass> <#1dotShapeAND1dot3X_fail> <#1dotRefAND3_failAll> <#1dotRefAND3_failShape2Shape3> <#1dotRefAND3_failShape1Shape3> <#1dotRefAND3_failShape1Shape2> <#1dotRefAND3_passShape1Shape2Shape3> <#1val1vExpr1AND1AND1Ref3_pass> <#1val1vExpr1AND1AND1Ref3_failvc1> <#1val1vExpr1AND1AND1Ref3_failvc2> <#1val1vExpr1AND1AND1Ref3_failvc3> <#1val1vExprRefAND3_pass> <#1val1vExprRefAND3_failvc3> <#1val1vExprRefAND3_failvc2> <#1val1vExprRefAND3_failvc1> <#1val1vExprAND3_pass> <#1val1vExprAND3_failvc1> <#1val1vExprAND3_failvc2> <#1val1vExprAND3_failvc3> ### OR valueExpr <#refBNodeORrefIRI_ReflexiveIRI> <#refBNodeORrefIRI_ReflexiveShortIRI> <#refBNodeORrefIRI_IntoReflexiveIRI> <#refBNodeORrefIRI_IntoReflexiveBNode> <#refBNodeORrefIRI_CyclicIRI_IRI> <#refBNodeORrefIRI_CyclicIRI_BNode> <#refBNodeORrefIRI_CyclicIRI_ShortIRI> <#1dotRefOR3_fail> <#1dotRefOR3_passShape1> <#1dotRefOR3_passShape2> <#1dotRefOR3_passShape3> <#1dotRefOR3_passShape1Shape2Shape3> <#1val1vExpr1OR1OR1Ref3_fail> <#1val1vExpr1OR1OR1Ref3_passvc1> <#1val1vExpr1OR1OR1Ref3_passvc2> <#1val1vExpr1OR1OR1Ref3_passvc3> <#1val1vExpr1OR1OR1Ref3_passvc1vc2vc3> <#1val1vExprRefOR3_passvc1vc2vc3> <#1val1vExprRefOR3_passvc3> <#1val1vExprRefOR3_passvc2> <#1val1vExprRefOR3_passvc1> <#1val1vExprRefOR3_fail> <#1val1vExprOR3_fail> <#1val1vExprOR3_passvc1> <#1val1vExprOR3_passvc2> <#1val1vExprOR3_passvc3> <#1val1vExprOR3_passvc1vc2vc3> ### NOT valueExpr <#1NOTIRI_passLv> <#1NOTIRI_failIo1> <#1NOTIRI_failempty> <#1NOTNOTIRI_failLv> <#1NOTNOTIRI_passIo1> <#1NOTvs_failIv1> <#1NOTvs_passIo1> <#1NOTvs_failempty> <#1NOTNOTvs_passIv1> <#1NOTNOTvs_failIo1> <#1NOTdot_failIv1> <#1NOTdot_failIo1> <#1NOTdot_failempty> <#1NOTNOTdot_passIv1> <#1NOTNOTdot_passIo1> <#1_NOTliteral_ANDvs_passIv1> <#1_NOTliteral_ANDvs_failIo1> <#1_NOTliteral_ANDvs_failLv> <#1NOT_literalANDvs__passIv1> <#1NOT_literalANDvs__passLv> <#1NOTliteralANDvs_passIv1> <#1NOTliteralANDvs_failIo1> <#1NOTliteralANDvs_failLv> <#1_NOTvs_ANDvs_failIv1> <#1_NOTvs_ANDvs_passIv2> <#1_NOTvs_ANDvs_failIv3> <#1NOT_vsANDvs__passIv1> <#1NOT_vsANDvs__passIv2> <#1NOT_vsANDvs__passIv3> <#1NOTvsANDvs_failIv1> <#1NOTvsANDvs_passIv2> <#1NOTvsANDvs_failIv3> <#1_NOTliteral_ORvs_passIv1> <#1_NOTliteral_ORvs_passIo1> <#1_NOTliteral_ORvs_failLv> <#1NOT_literalORvs__failIv1> <#1NOT_literalORvs__passIo1> <#1NOT_literalORvs__failLv> <#1NOTliteralORvs_passIv1> <#1NOTliteralORvs_passIo1> <#1NOTliteralORvs_failLv> <#1_NOTvs_ORvs_failIv1> <#1_NOTvs_ORvs_passIv2> <#1_NOTvs_ORvs_passIv3> <#1NOT_vsORvs__failIv1> <#1NOT_vsORvs__failIv2> <#1NOT_vsORvs__passIv3> <#1NOTvsORvs_failIv1> <#1NOTvsORvs_passIv2> <#1NOTvsORvs_passIv3> <#NOT1NOTvs_passIv1> <#NOT1NOTvs_passIv2> <#NOT1NOTvs_failIv3> ### AND OR valueExpr <#1val1vExpr1AND1OR1Ref3_pass-vc1vc2> <#1val1vExpr1AND1OR1Ref3_pass-vc1vc2vc3> <#1val1vExpr1AND1OR1Ref3_pass-vc1vc3> <#1val1vExpr1AND1OR1Ref3_failvc1vc3> <#1val1vExpr1AND1OR1Ref3_failvc2vc3> <#1val1vExpr1AND1OR1Ref3_failvc1vc2vc3> <#1val1vExpr1OR1AND1Ref3_pass-vc1> <#1val1vExpr1OR1AND1Ref3_pass-vc1vc3> <#1val1vExpr1OR1AND1Ref3_pass-vc2vc3> <#1val1vExpr1OR1AND1Ref3_failvc1vc2> <#1val1vExpr1OR1AND1Ref3_failvc1vc3> <#1val1vExpr1OR1AND1Ref3_failvc1vc2vc3> ## repetitions <#open3Onedotclosecard2_fail-p1> <#open3Onedotclosecard2_pass-p1X2> # <#open3Onedotclosecard2_fail-p1X3> <#open3Onedotclosecard2_fail-p1X4> <#open3Onedotclosecard2_pass-p1p2> <#open3Onedotclosecard2_pass-p1p3> <#open3Onedotclosecard2_pass-p2p3> <#open3Onedotclosecard2_fail-p1p2p3> # <#open3Onedotclosecard23_fail-p1> <#open3Onedotclosecard23_pass-p1X2> # <#open3Onedotclosecard23_pass-p1X3> # <#open3Onedotclosecard23_fail-p1X4> <#open3Onedotclosecard23_pass-p1p2> <#open3Onedotclosecard23_pass-p1p3> <#open3Onedotclosecard23_pass-p2p3> <#open3Onedotclosecard23_pass-p1p2p3> <#open4Onedotclosecard23_fail-p1p2p3p4> # <#open3Eachdotclosecard23_pass-p1p2p3X3> ## shape expressions ### AND shapeExpr <#1val1vShapeANDRef3_pass> ## closed <#1dotClosed_pass> <#1dotClosed_fail_lower> <#1dotClosed_fail_higher> <#FocusIRI2EachBnodeNested2EachIRIRef_pass> <#FocusIRI2EachBnodeNested2EachIRIRef_fail> ## extra <#1val1IRIREFExtra1_pass-iri1> <#1val1IRIREFExtra1_pass-iri2> <#1val1IRIREFExtra1Closed_pass-iri1> <#1val1IRIREFExtra1Closed_pass-iri2> <#1val1IRIREFExtra1Closed_fail-iri2_higher> <#1val1IRIREFClosedExtra1_pass-iri1> <#1val1IRIREFClosedExtra1_pass-iri2> <#1val1IRIREFClosedExtra1_fail-iri2_higher> <#1val2IRIREFExtra1_fail-iri2> <#1val2IRIREFPlusExtra1_pass-iri2> <#1val2IRIREFExtra1_pass-iri-bnode> <#1val1IRIREFExtra1p2_pass-iri1> <#1val1IRIREFExtra1p2_fail-iri2> <#1dotOne2dotExtra-someOf_pass_p1p2p3> <#1val1IRIREFExtra1One_pass-iri1> <#1val1IRIREFExtra1One_pass-iri2> <#1dotExtra1_pass-iri1> <#1dotExtra1_fail-iri2> <#3EachdotExtra3_pass-iri1> <#3Eachdot3Extra_pass-iri1> <#3EachdotExtra3NLex_pass-iri1> <#3EachdotExtra3_pass-iri2> <#3Eachdot3Extra_pass-iri2> <#3EachdotExtra3NLex_pass-iri2> ## start <#startRefIRIREF_pass-noOthers> <#startRefIRIREF_pass-others_lexicallyEarlier> <#startRefIRIREF_fail-missing> <#startRefbnode_pass-noOthers> <#startRefbnode_fail-missing> <#startInline_pass-noOthers> <#startEqualSpaceInline_pass-noOthers> <#startSpaceEqualInline_pass-noOthers> <#startInline_fail-missing> ## include <#2EachInclude1_pass> <#2EachInclude1-after_pass> <#2OneInclude1_pass> <#2OneInclude1-after_pass> ## annotations <#1dotAnnotIRIREF_pass> <#1dotAnnotIRIREF_missing> <#1dotPlusAnnotIRIREF_pass> <#1dotAnnotAIRIREF_pass> <#1dotAnnotSTRING_LITERAL1_pass> <#1dotAnnot3_pass> <#1dotAnnot3_missing> <#1inversedotAnnot3_pass> <#1inversedotAnnot3_missing> <#1dotShapeAnnotIRIREF_pass> <#1dotShapeAnnotIRIREF_missing> <#1dotShapePlusAnnotIRIREF_pass> <#1dotShapeAnnotAIRIREF_pass> <#1dotShapeAnnotSTRING_LITERAL1_pass> ## semantic actions <#1dotCode1_pass> <#1dotNoCode1_pass> <#1inversedotCode1_pass> <#1dotCode3_pass> <#1dotNoCode3_pass> <#1dotCode3fail_abort> <#1dotCodeWithEscapes1_pass> <#1dotShapeCode1_pass> <#1dotShapeNoCode1_pass> <#open3EachdotcloseCode1-p1p2p3> <#startCode1_pass> <#startNoCode1_pass> <#startCode1fail_abort> <#startCode1startRef_pass> <#startCode1startReffail_abort> <#startCode3_pass> <#startCode3fail_abort> ## annotations + semantic actions <#open3Eachdotclosecard23Annot3Code2-p1p2p3X3> ## focus constraint ### kind <#0focusIRI_other> <#0focusIRI_other_fail-bnodeFocusLabel> <#0focusIRI_empty> <#0focusIRI_empty_fail-bnodeFocusLabel> <#0focusBNODE_empty_fail-iriFocusLabel> <#0focusBNODE_empty> <#0focusBNODE_other_fail-iriFocusLabel> <#0focusBNODE_other> <#1focusIRI_dot_fail-bnodeFocusLabel> <#1focusIRI_dot_pass> <#1focusBNODE_dot_fail-iriFocusLabel-equal> <#1focusBNODE_dot_pass> <#1focusnonLiteral-dot_pass-iri-equal> ### datatype <#focusdatatype_pass> <#focusdatatype_fail> <#focusdatatype_pass-empty> <#focusdatatype_fail-empty> ### value sets <#focusvs_pass> <#focusvs_fail> ### AND focus <#1focusvsANDdatatype_fail> <#1focusvsANDIRI_pass> <#1focusvsANDIRI_fail> ### OR focus <#1focusvsORdatatype_pass-val> <#1focusvsORdatatype_fail-val> <#1focusvsORdatatype_pass-dt> <#1focusvsORdatatype_fail-dt> <#focusNOTRefOR1dot_pass-inOR> <#focusNOTRefOR1dot_fail-inNOT> <#focusNOTRefOR1dot_pass-other> ### NOT focus ### facet #### length <#1focusLength-dot_fail-iri-short> <#1focusLength-dot_pass-iri-equal> <#1focusLength-dot_fail-iri-long> <#1focusLength-dot_fail-bnode-short> <#1focusLength-dot_pass-bnode-equal> <#1focusLength-dot_fail-bnode-long> <#1focusMinLength-dot_fail-iri-short> <#1focusMinLength-dot_pass-iri-equal> <#1focusMinLength-dot_pass-iri-long> <#1focusMinLength-dot_fail-bnode-short> <#1focusMinLength-dot_pass-bnode-equal> <#1focusMinLength-dot_pass-bnode-long> <#1focusMaxLength-dot_pass-iri-short> <#1focusMaxLength-dot_pass-iri-equal> <#1focusMaxLength-dot_fail-iri-long> <#1focusMaxLength-dot_pass-bnode-short> <#1focusMaxLength-dot_pass-bnode-equal> <#1focusMaxLength-dot_fail-bnode-long> #### pattern <#1focusPattern-dot_fail-iri-match> <#1focusPattern-dot_fail-iri-short> <#1focusPattern-dot_pass-iri-match> <#1focusPattern-dot_fail-iri-long> <#1focusPatternB-dot_fail-iri-match> <#1focusPatternB-dot_fail-bnode-short> <#1focusPatternB-dot_pass-bnode-match> <#1focusPatternB-dot_pass-bnode-long> ### kind + length facet <#1focusIRILength_dot_fail-bnodeFocusLabel-equal> <#1focusIRILength_dot_fail-short> <#1focusIRILength_dot_pass> <#1focusIRILength_dot_fail-long> <#1focusBNODELength_dot_fail-iriFocusLabel-equal> <#1focusBNODELength_dot_fail-short> <#1focusBNODELength_dot_pass> <#1focusBNODELength_dot_fail-long> <#1focusnonLiteralLength-dot_pass-iri-equal> ### AND OR NOT <#NOT1dotOR2dot_pass-empty> <#NOT1dotOR2dot_pass-NoShape1> <#NOT1dotOR2dot_pass-Shape2> <#NOT1dotOR2dot_fail-Shape2> <#NOT1dotOR2dotX3_pass-empty> <#NOT1dotOR2dotX3_pass-NoShape1> <#NOT1dotOR2dotX3_pass-Shape2> <#NOT1dotOR2dotX3_fail-Shape2> <#NOT1dotOR2dotX3AND1_fail-empty> <#NOT1dotOR2dotX3AND1_fail-NoShape1> <#NOT1dotOR2dotX3AND1_pass-Shape2> <#NOT1dotOR2dotX3AND1_fail-Shape2> <#1NOTRefOR1dot_pass-inOR> <#1NOTRefOR1dot_fail-inNOT> <#1NOTRefOR1dot_pass-other> ## shape extern <#shapeExtern_pass> <#shapeExtern_fail> <#shapeExternRef_pass> <#shapeExternRef_fail> ## relative IRIs <#1dot-relative_pass-short-shape> <#1dot-relative_pass-relative-shape> ## manual schemas <#false-lead-excluding-value-shape> <#nPlus1> # <#nPlus1-greedy_fail> <#nPlus1-greedy-rewrite> <#skipped> <#open2Eachdotclosecard25c1dot> <#2Eachdot> <#PstarT> # <#PstarT-greedy> <#PTstar> # <#PTstar-greedy-fail> <#PTstar-greedy-rewrite> <#PstarTstar> <#P2T2> ## error reporting <#1dot_fail-empty-err> <#2dot_fail-empty-err> ## imports ### shape reference <#2RefS1-IS2> <#2RefS1-IS2_fail-p2> <#2RefS2-IS1> <#2RefS1-Icirc> <#2RefS1-Icirc_fail-p2> <#3circRefS1-IS23> <#3circRefS1-IS23_pass-p1> <#3circRefS1-IS2-IS3> <#3circRefS3-IS12> <#3circRefS123-Icirc> <#3circRefS1-Icirc> <#3circRefS1-IS2-IS3-IS3> ### start shape reference <#start2RefS1-IstartS2> <#start2RefS2-IstartS1> ### value reference <#1valExprRef-IV1_fail-lit-short> <#1valExprRef-IV1_pass-lit-equal> <#1valExprRefbnode-IV1_fail-lit-short> <#1valExprRefbnode-IV1_pass-lit-equal> ### include (ref to triple expression) <#2EachInclude1-IS2_pass> # could steal from: <#2EachInclude1-after_pass> <#2OneInclude1_pass> <#2OneInclude1-after_pass> ## lists <#1list0PlusDot-empty_pass> <#1list0PlusDot-list_Iv1,Iv2,Iv3_pass> <#1list0PlusDot-list_Iv1,Iv2,Lx_pass> <#1list0PlusDot-manualList_Iv1,Iv2,Iv3_pass> <#1list0PlusDot-manualList_extraArc_Iv1,Iv2,Iv3_fail> # <#1list0PlusDot-manualList_circular_Iv1,Iv2,Iv3_fail> <#1list0PlusDot-manualList_2firsts_Iv1,Iv2,Iv3_fail> <#1list0PlusIri-empty_pass> <#1list0PlusIri-list_Iv1,Iv2,Iv3_pass> <#1list0PlusIri-list_Iv1,Iv2,Lx_fail> <#1list1PlusIri-empty_pass> <#1list1PlusIri-list_Iv1,Iv2,Iv3_pass> <#1list1PlusIri-list_Iv1,Iv2,Lx_fail> ## ShapeMaps <#node_kind_example> <#dependent_shape> <#recursion_example> ## Extends <#extends-abstract-multi-empty_fail-Ref2ExtraP> <#extends-abstract-multi-empty_fail-Ref1ExtraP> <#extends-abstract-multi-empty_fail-ReferrerExtraP> <#extends-abstract-multi-empty_fail-Ref1ExtraOR> <#extends-abstract-multi-empty_fail-missingRef2> <#extends-abstract-multi-empty_pass-missingOptRef1> <#extends-abstract-multi-empty_pass> <#ExtendsRepeatedP-pass> <#ExtendsRepeatedP-fail_vs> <#ANDAbstract-pass> <#ANDAbstract-fail_G1pattern> <#ANDAbstract-fail_pattern> <#AND3G-pass> <#AND3G-fail_G2pattern> <#AND3G-fail_G1Bpattern> <#ExtendAND3G-pass> <#ExtendAND3G-fail_EXTG1> <#ExtendAND3G-fail_ExtraP> <#ExtendAND3G-fail_G3pattern> <#ExtendAND3G-fail_EXTG1ANDG1> <#ExtendAND3G-fail_EXTG1pattern> <#ExtendAND3G-fail_G0> <#Extend3G-pass> <#Extend3G-t16> <#Extend3G-t17> <#Extend3G-t18> <#Extend3G-t19> <#Extend3G-t20> <#Extend3G-t21> <#ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-pass> <#ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t23> <#ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t24> <#ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t25> <#ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t26> <#ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t27> <#ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t28> <#ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t29> <#ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t30> <#ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t31> <#ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t32> <#ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t33> <#ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t34> <#ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t35> <#vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_lie-Observation> <#vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_lie-Vital> <#vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_lie-BP> <#vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_lie-PostureVital> <#vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_lie-ReclinedVital> <#vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_lie-PostureBP> <#vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_lie-ReclinedBP> <#vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_lie-Posture> <#vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_lie-Reclined> <#vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_sit-Observation> <#vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_sit-Vital> <#vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_sit-BP> <#vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_sit-PostureVital> <#vitals-RESTRICTS-fail_sit-ReclinedVital> <#vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_sit-PostureBP> <#vitals-RESTRICTS-fail_sit-ReclinedBP> <#vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_sit-Posture> <#vitals-RESTRICTS-fail_sit-Reclined> ### ExtendsDiamond <#extends-closed-diamond_pass-bottom> <#extends-closed-diamond_fail-no-G0> <#extends-closed-diamond_fail-no-G0-0> <#extends-closed-diamond_fail-no-G0-1> <#extends-closed-diamond_fail-no_BOTTOM> <#extends-closed-diamond_fail-two-G0s> <#extends-closed-diamond_fail-two-G0-0s> <#extends-closed-diamond_fail-two-BOTTOMS> <#extends-closed-3diamond-split_pass-bottom> <#extends-closed-3diamond-split_fail-no-G0-0> <#extends-closed-3diamond-split_fail-no-G0-0-0> <#extends-closed-3diamond-split_fail-no-G0_0-0> <#extends-closed-3diamond-split_fail-no_BOTTOM> <#extends-closed-3diamond-split_fail-two-G0s> <#extends-closed-3diamond-split_fail-two-G0-0s> <#extends-closed-3diamond-split_fail-two-BOTTOMS> ) . # definitions ## empty { <#0_empty> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "0_empty" ; sht:trait sht:Empty ; rdfs:comment " { } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/0.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#0_other> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "0_other" ; sht:trait sht:Empty ; rdfs:comment " { } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/0.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#0_otherbnode> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "0_otherbnode" ; sht:trait sht:Empty , sht:ToldBNode ; rdfs:comment " { } on { _:abcd }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/0.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus _:abcd ] . ## } empty ## triple pattern { <#1dot_fail-empty> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1dot_fail-empty" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment " { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dot-base_fail-empty> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1dot-base_fail-empty" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment "BASE <…> { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dot-base.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dot_fail-missing> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1dot_fail-missing" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment " { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dot-base_fail-missing> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1dot-base_fail-missing" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment "BASE <…> { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dot-base.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dot_pass-noOthers> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dot_pass-noOthers" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment " { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dot-base_pass-noOthers> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dot-base_pass-noOthers" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment "BASE <…> { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dot-base.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotSemi_pass-noOthers> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotSemi_pass-noOthers" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment " { :p1 .; } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotSemi.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotLNex_pass-noOthers> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotLNex_pass-noOthers" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment "PREFIX ex: ex:S1 { ex:p1 . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotLNex.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotNS2_pass-noOthers> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotNS2_pass-noOthers" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment "PREFIX S1: PREFIX p1: S1: { p1: . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotNS2.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotNS2SingleComment_pass-noOthers> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotNS2SingleComment_pass-noOthers" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment "PREFIX S1: PREFIX p1: S1: { p1:/*comment*/ . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotNS2SingleComment.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotLNexSingleComment_pass-noOthers> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotLNexSingleComment_pass-noOthers" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment "PREFIX ex: ex:S1 { ex:p1/*comment*/ . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotLNexSingleComment.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotLNdefault_pass-noOthers> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotLNdefault_pass-noOthers" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment "PREFIX : :S1 { :p1 . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotLNdefault.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotNSdefault_pass-noOthers> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotNSdefault_pass-noOthers" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment "PREFIX : { : . } on { :p1 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotNSdefault.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotLNex-HYPHEN_MINUS_pass-noOthers> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotLNex-HYPHEN_MINUS_pass-noOthers" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment "PREFIX ex: ex:S1 { ex:p1- . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotLNex-HYPHEN_MINUS.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dot_pass-others_lexicallyEarlier> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dot_pass-others_lexicallyEarlier" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment " { . } on { ; }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dot_pass-others_lexicallyLater> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dot_pass-others_lexicallyLater" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment " { . } on { ; }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#bnode1dot_fail-missing> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "bnode1dot_fail-missing" ; sht:trait sht:BNodeShapeLabel , sht:RefBNodeShapeLabel , sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment "_:S { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/bnode1dot.shex> ; sht:shape _:S1 ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#bnode1dot_pass-others_lexicallyEarlier> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "bnode1dot_pass-others_lexicallyEarlier" ; sht:trait sht:BNodeShapeLabel , sht:RefBNodeShapeLabel , sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment "_:S1 { . } on { ; }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/bnode1dot.shex> ; sht:shape _:S1 ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1inversedot_fail-empty> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1inversedot_fail-empty" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment " { ^ . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1inversedot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1inversedot_fail-missing> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1inversedot_fail-missing" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment " { ^ . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1inversedot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1inversedot_pass-noOthers> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1inversedot_pass-noOthers" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment " { ^ . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1inversedot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1inversedot_pass-over_lexicallyEarlier> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1inversedot_pass-over_lexicallyEarlier" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment " { ^ . } on { ; }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1inversedot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1inversedot_pass-over_lexicallyLater> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1inversedot_pass-over_lexicallyLater" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment " { ^ . } on { ; }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1inversedot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1Adot_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1Adot_pass" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment " { a . } on { a }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1Adot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . ## } triple pattern ## node kinds { <#1iri_pass-iri> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1iri_pass-iri" ; sht:trait sht:NodeKind ; rdfs:comment " { IRI } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1iri.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1iri_fail-bnode> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1iri_fail-bnode" ; sht:trait sht:NodeKind ; rdfs:comment " { IRI } on { _:ab }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1iri.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1iri_fail-literal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1iri_fail-literal" ; sht:trait sht:NodeKind ; rdfs:comment " { IRI } on { \"ab\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1iri.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1bnode_fail-iri> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1bnode_fail-iri" ; sht:trait sht:NodeKind ; rdfs:comment " { BNODE } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1bnode.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1bnode_pass-bnode> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1bnode_pass-bnode" ; sht:trait sht:NodeKind ; rdfs:comment " { BNODE } on { _:ab }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1bnode.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1bnode_fail-literal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1bnode_fail-literal" ; sht:trait sht:NodeKind ; rdfs:comment " { BNODE } on { \"ab\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1bnode.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literal_fail-iri> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literal_fail-iri" ; sht:trait sht:NodeKind ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literal.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literal_fail-bnode> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literal_fail-bnode" ; sht:trait sht:NodeKind ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL } on { _:ab }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literal.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literal_pass-literal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literal_pass-literal" ; sht:trait sht:NodeKind ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL } on { \"ab\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literal.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1nonliteral_pass-iri> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1nonliteral_pass-iri" ; sht:trait sht:NodeKind ; rdfs:comment " { NONLITERAL } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1nonliteral.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1focusnonLiteralLength-nonLiteralLength_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1focusnonLiteralLength-nonLiteralLength_pass" ; sht:trait sht:NodeKind ; rdfs:comment " NONLITERAL LENGTH 19 { NONLITERAL LENGTH 19 } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusnonLiteralLength-nonLiteralLength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1focusnonLiteralLength-nonLiteralLength_fail-short> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1focusnonLiteralLength-nonLiteralLength_fail-short" ; sht:trait sht:NodeKind ; rdfs:comment " NONLITERAL LENGTH 19 { NONLITERAL LENGTH 19 } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusnonLiteralLength-nonLiteralLength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1nonliteral_pass-bnode> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1nonliteral_pass-bnode" ; sht:trait sht:NodeKind ; rdfs:comment " { NONLITERAL } on { _:ab }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1nonliteral.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1nonliteral_fail-literal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1nonliteral_fail-literal" ; sht:trait sht:NodeKind ; rdfs:comment " { NONLITERAL } on { \"ab\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1nonliteral.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . ## } node kinds ## datatype { <#1datatype_missing> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1datatype_missing" ; sht:trait sht:Datatype ; rdfs:comment " { } on in { \"ab\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1datatype.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1datatype_nonLiteral> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1datatype_nonLiteral" ; sht:trait sht:Datatype ; rdfs:comment " { } on in { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1datatype.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1datatype_langString> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1datatype_langString" ; sht:trait sht:Datatype ; rdfs:comment " { } on in { 'ab'@en }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1datatype.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1datatype_wrongDatatype> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1datatype_wrongDatatype" ; sht:trait sht:Datatype ; rdfs:comment " { } on in { 1.234 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1datatype.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1datatype_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1datatype_pass" ; sht:trait sht:Datatype ; rdfs:comment " { } on in { 'ab'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1datatype.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1datatypelangString_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1datatypelangString_pass" ; sht:trait sht:Datatype ; rdfs:comment " { rdf:langString } on in { 'ab'@en }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1datatypelangString.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . ### lexical form { #### integer -1 0 1 +1 | "" -1.0 +1.0 1E0 <#integer-n1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "integer-n1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:integer} / {

'-1'^^xsd:integer }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#integer-0_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "integer-0_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:integer} / {

'0'^^xsd:integer }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#integer-1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "integer-1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:integer} / {

'1'^^xsd:integer }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#integer-p1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "integer-p1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:integer} / {

'+1'^^xsd:integer }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#integer-empty_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "integer-empty_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:integer} / {

''^^xsd:integer }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#integer-n1.0_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "integer-n1.0_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:integer} / {

'-1.0'^^xsd:integer }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#integer-p1.0_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "integer-p1.0_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:integer} / {

'+1.0'^^xsd:integer }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#integer-1E0_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "integer-1E0_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:integer} / {

'1E0'^^xsd:integer }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#integer-NaN_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "integer-NaN_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:integer} / {

'NaN'^^xsd:integer }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#integer-INF_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "integer-INF_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:integer} / {

'INF'^^xsd:integer }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . #### decimal -1 0 1 +1 | "" -1.0 +1.0 1E0 NaN INF <#decimal-n1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "decimal-n1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:decimal} / {

'-1'^^xsd:decimal }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#decimal-0_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "decimal-0_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:decimal} / {

'0'^^xsd:decimal }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#decimal-1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "decimal-1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:decimal} / {

'1'^^xsd:decimal }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#decimal-p1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "decimal-p1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:decimal} / {

'+1'^^xsd:decimal }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#decimal-n1.0_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "decimal-n1.0_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:decimal} / {

'-1.0'^^xsd:decimal }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#decimal-p1.0_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "decimal-p1.0_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:decimal} / {

'+1.0'^^xsd:decimal }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#decimal-empty_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "decimal-empty_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:decimal} / {

''^^xsd:decimal }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#decimal-1E0_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "decimal-1E0_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:decimal} / {

'1E0'^^xsd:decimal }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#decimal-NaN_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "decimal-NaN_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:decimal} / {

'NaN'^^xsd:decimal }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#decimal-INF_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "decimal-INF_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:decimal} / {

'INF'^^xsd:decimal }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . #### float -1 0 1 +1 -1.0 +1.0 | "" 1E0 #### float -1 0 1 +1 -1.0 +1.0 1e0 1E0 NaN INF -INF | "" +INF <#float-n1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "float-n1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:float} / {

'-1'^^xsd:float }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#float-0_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "float-0_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:float} / {

'0'^^xsd:float }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#float-1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "float-1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:float} / {

'1'^^xsd:float }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#float-p1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "float-p1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:float} / {

'+1'^^xsd:float }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#float-n1.0_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "float-n1.0_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:float} / {

'-1.0'^^xsd:float }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#float-p1.0_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "float-p1.0_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:float} / {

'+1.0'^^xsd:float }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#float-1elowercase0_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "float-1elowercase0_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:float} / {

'1e0'^^xsd:float }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#float-1E0_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "float-1E0_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:float} / {

'1E0'^^xsd:float }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#float-NaN_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "float-NaN_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:float} / {

'NaN'^^xsd:float }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#float-INF_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "float-INF_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:float} / {

'INF'^^xsd:float }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#float-nINF_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "float-nINF_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:float} / {

'-INF'^^xsd:float }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#float-empty_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "float-empty_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:float} / {

''^^xsd:float }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#float-pINF_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "float-pINF_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:float} / {

'+INF'^^xsd:float }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . #### double -1 0 1 +1 -1.0 +1.0 1e0 1E0 NaN INF -INF | "" +INF <#double-n1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "double-n1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:double} / {

'-1'^^xsd:double }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#double-0_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "double-0_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:double} / {

'0'^^xsd:double }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#double-1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "double-1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:double} / {

'1'^^xsd:double }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#double-p1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "double-p1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:double} / {

'+1'^^xsd:double }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#double-n1.0_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "double-n1.0_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:double} / {

'-1.0'^^xsd:double }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#double-p1.0_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "double-p1.0_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:double} / {

'+1.0'^^xsd:double }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#double-1E0_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "double-1E0_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:double} / {

'1E0'^^xsd:double }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#double-1e0_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "double-1e0_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:double} / {

'1e0'^^xsd:double }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#double-NaN_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "double-NaN_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:double} / {

'NaN'^^xsd:double }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#double-INF_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "double-INF_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:double} / {

'INF'^^xsd:double }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#double-nINF_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "double-nINF_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:double} / {

'-INF'^^xsd:double }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#double-empty_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "double-empty_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:double} / {

''^^xsd:double }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#double-pINF_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "double-pINF_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:double} / {

'+INF'^^xsd:double }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . #### nonPositiveInteger -1 0 +0 -0 | 1 +1 1a a1 <#nonPositiveInteger-n1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "nonPositiveInteger-n1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:nonPositiveInteger} / {

'-1'^^xsd:nonPositiveInteger }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#nonPositiveInteger-0_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "nonPositiveInteger-0_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:nonPositiveInteger} / {

'0'^^xsd:nonPositiveInteger }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#nonPositiveInteger-p0_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "nonPositiveInteger-p0_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:nonPositiveInteger} / {

'+0'^^xsd:nonPositiveInteger }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#nonPositiveInteger-n0_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "nonPositiveInteger-n0_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:nonPositiveInteger} / {

'-0'^^xsd:nonPositiveInteger }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#nonPositiveInteger-1_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "nonPositiveInteger-1_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:nonPositiveInteger} / {

'1'^^xsd:nonPositiveInteger }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#nonPositiveInteger-p1_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "nonPositiveInteger-p1_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:nonPositiveInteger} / {

'+1'^^xsd:nonPositiveInteger }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#nonPositiveInteger-1a_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "nonPositiveInteger-1a_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:nonPositiveInteger} / {

'1a'^^xsd:nonPositiveInteger }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#nonPositiveInteger-a1_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "nonPositiveInteger-a1_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:nonPositiveInteger} / {

'a1'^^xsd:nonPositiveInteger }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . #### negativeInteger -1 | 0 +0 -0 1 <#negativeInteger-n1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "negativeInteger-n1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:negativeInteger} / {

'-1'^^xsd:negativeInteger }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#negativeInteger-0_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "negativeInteger-0_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:negativeInteger} / {

'0'^^xsd:negativeInteger }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#negativeInteger-p0_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "negativeInteger-p0_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:negativeInteger} / {

'+0'^^xsd:negativeInteger }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#negativeInteger-n0_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "negativeInteger-n0_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:negativeInteger} / {

'-0'^^xsd:negativeInteger }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#negativeInteger-1_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "negativeInteger-1_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:negativeInteger} / {

'1'^^xsd:negativeInteger }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . #### long -1 0 1 +1 | <#long-n1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "long-n1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:long} / {

'-1'^^xsd:long }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#long-0_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "long-0_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:long} / {

'0'^^xsd:long }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#long-1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "long-1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:long} / {

'1'^^xsd:long }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#long-p1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "long-p1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:long} / {

'+1'^^xsd:long }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . #### int -1 0 1 +1 | <#int-n1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "int-n1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:int} / {

'-1'^^xsd:int }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#int-0_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "int-0_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:int} / {

'0'^^xsd:int }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#int-1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "int-1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:int} / {

'1'^^xsd:int }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#int-p1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "int-p1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:int} / {

'+1'^^xsd:int }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . #### short -32768 0 32767 | -32769 32768 <#short-n32768_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "short-n32768_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:short} / {

'-32768'^^xsd:short }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#short-0_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "short-0_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:short} / {

'0'^^xsd:short }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#short-32767_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "short-32767_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:short} / {

'32767'^^xsd:short }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#short-n32769_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "short-n32769_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:short} / {

'-32769'^^xsd:short }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#short-32768_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "short-32768_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:short} / {

'32768'^^xsd:short }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . #### byte -128 0 127 | "" -129 128 <#byte-n128_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "byte-n128_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:byte} / {

'-128'^^xsd:byte }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#byte-0_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "byte-0_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:byte} / {

'0'^^xsd:byte }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#byte-127_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "byte-127_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:byte} / {

'127'^^xsd:byte }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#byte-empty_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "byte-empty_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:byte} / {

''^^xsd:byte }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#byte-n129_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "byte-n129_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:byte} / {

'-129'^^xsd:byte }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#byte-128_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "byte-128_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:byte} / {

'128'^^xsd:byte }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . #### nonNegativeInteger 0 -0 +0 1 +1 | -1 <#nonNegativeInteger-0_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "nonNegativeInteger-0_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:nonNegativeInteger} / {

'0'^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#nonNegativeInteger-n0_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "nonNegativeInteger-n0_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:nonNegativeInteger} / {

'-0'^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#nonNegativeInteger-p0_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "nonNegativeInteger-p0_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:nonNegativeInteger} / {

'+0'^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#nonNegativeInteger-1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "nonNegativeInteger-1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:nonNegativeInteger} / {

'1'^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#nonNegativeInteger-p1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "nonNegativeInteger-p1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:nonNegativeInteger} / {

'+1'^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#nonNegativeInteger-n1_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "nonNegativeInteger-n1_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:nonNegativeInteger} / {

'-1'^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . #### unsignedLong 0 1 | -1 <#unsignedLong-0_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "unsignedLong-0_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:unsignedLong} / {

'0'^^xsd:unsignedLong }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#unsignedLong-1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "unsignedLong-1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:unsignedLong} / {

'1'^^xsd:unsignedLong }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#unsignedLong-n1_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "unsignedLong-n1_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:unsignedLong} / {

'-1'^^xsd:unsignedLong }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . #### unsignedInt 0 1 | -1 <#unsignedInt-0_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "unsignedInt-0_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:unsignedInt} / {

'0'^^xsd:unsignedInt }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#unsignedInt-1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "unsignedInt-1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:unsignedInt} / {

'1'^^xsd:unsignedInt }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#unsignedInt-n1_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "unsignedInt-n1_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:unsignedInt} / {

'-1'^^xsd:unsignedInt }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . #### unsignedShort 0 65535 | -1 65536 <#unsignedShort-0_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "unsignedShort-0_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:unsignedShort} / {

'0'^^xsd:unsignedShort }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#unsignedShort-65535_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "unsignedShort-65535_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:unsignedShort} / {

'65535'^^xsd:unsignedShort }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#unsignedShort-n1_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "unsignedShort-n1_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:unsignedShort} / {

'-1'^^xsd:unsignedShort }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#unsignedShort-65536_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "unsignedShort-65536_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:unsignedShort} / {

'65536'^^xsd:unsignedShort }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . #### unsignedByte 0 255 | -1 256 <#unsignedByte-0_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "unsignedByte-0_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:unsignedByte} / {

'0'^^xsd:unsignedByte }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#unsignedByte-255_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "unsignedByte-255_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:unsignedByte} / {

'255'^^xsd:unsignedByte }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#unsignedByte-n1_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "unsignedByte-n1_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:unsignedByte} / {

'-1'^^xsd:unsignedByte }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#unsignedByte-256_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "unsignedByte-256_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:unsignedByte} / {

'256'^^xsd:unsignedByte }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . #### positiveInteger 1 | -1 0 <#positiveInteger-1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "positiveInteger-1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:positiveInteger} / {

'1'^^xsd:positiveInteger }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#positiveInteger-n1_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "positiveInteger-n1_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:positiveInteger} / {

'-1'^^xsd:positiveInteger }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#positiveInteger-0_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "positiveInteger-0_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:positiveInteger} / {

'0'^^xsd:positiveInteger }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . #### string "" "a" "0" <#string-empty_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "string-empty_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:string} / {

''^^xsd:string }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#string-a_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "string-a_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:string} / {

'a'^^xsd:string }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#string-0_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "string-0_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:string} / {

'0'^^xsd:string }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . #### boolean true false 0 1 | "" TRUE FALSE tRuE fAlSe -1 2 10 01 <#boolean-true_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "boolean-true_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:boolean} / {

'true'^^xsd:boolean }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#boolean-false_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "boolean-false_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:boolean} / {

'false'^^xsd:boolean }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#boolean-0_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "boolean-0_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:boolean} / {

'0'^^xsd:boolean }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#boolean-1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "boolean-1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:boolean} / {

'1'^^xsd:boolean }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#boolean-empty_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "boolean-empty_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:boolean} / {

''^^xsd:boolean }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#boolean-TRUE_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "boolean-TRUE_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:boolean} / {

'TRUE'^^xsd:boolean }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#boolean-FALSE_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "boolean-FALSE_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:boolean} / {

'FALSE'^^xsd:boolean }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#boolean-tRuE_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "boolean-tRuE_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:boolean} / {

'tRuE'^^xsd:boolean }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#boolean-fAlSe_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "boolean-fAlSe_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:boolean} / {

'fAlSe'^^xsd:boolean }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#boolean-n1_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "boolean-n1_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:boolean} / {

'-1'^^xsd:boolean }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#boolean-2_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "boolean-2_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:boolean} / {

'2'^^xsd:boolean }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#boolean-10_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "boolean-10_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:boolean} / {

'10'^^xsd:boolean }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#boolean-01_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "boolean-01_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:boolean} / {

'01'^^xsd:boolean }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . #### dateTime "2012-01-02T12:34.56Z" | "" "2012-01-02T" "2012-01-02" <#dateTime-dt_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "dateTime-dt_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:dateTime} / {

'2012-01-02T12:34.56Z'^^xsd:dateTime }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#dateTime-empty_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "dateTime-empty_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:dateTime} / {

''^^xsd:dateTime }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#dateTime-dT_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "dateTime-dT_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:dateTime} / {

'2012-01-02T'^^xsd:dateTime }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#dateTime-d_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "dateTime-d_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValidLexicalForm ; rdfs:comment " {

xsd:dateTime} / {

'2012-01-02'^^xsd:dateTime }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/datatypes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . ### } lexical form ## } datatype ## cardinality { ### dot cardinality { <#1card2_fail0> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1card2_fail0" ; sht:trait sht:DotCardinality ; rdfs:comment " { .{2} } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1card2.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1card2_fail1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1card2_fail1" ; sht:trait sht:DotCardinality ; rdfs:comment " { .{2} } on { 'a' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1card2.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1card2_pass2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1card2_pass2" ; sht:trait sht:DotCardinality ; rdfs:comment " { .{2} } on { 'a','b' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1card2.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1card2_fail3> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1card2_fail3" ; sht:trait sht:DotCardinality ; rdfs:comment " { .{2} } on { 'a','b','c' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1card2.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1card25_fail0> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1card25_fail0" ; sht:trait sht:DotCardinality ; rdfs:comment " { .{2,5} } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1card25.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1card25_fail1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1card25_fail1" ; sht:trait sht:DotCardinality ; rdfs:comment " { .{2,5} } on { 'a' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1card25.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1card25_pass2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1card25_pass2" ; sht:trait sht:DotCardinality ; rdfs:comment " { .{2,5} } on { 'a','b' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1card25.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1card25_pass3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1card25_pass3" ; sht:trait sht:DotCardinality ; rdfs:comment " { .{2,5} } on { 'a','b','c' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1card25.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1card25_pass4> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1card25_pass4" ; sht:trait sht:DotCardinality ; rdfs:comment " { .{2,5} } on { 'a','b','c','d' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1card25.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1card25_pass5> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1card25_pass5" ; sht:trait sht:DotCardinality ; rdfs:comment " { .{2,5} } on { 'a','b','c','d','e' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1card25.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1card25_fail6> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1card25_fail6" ; sht:trait sht:DotCardinality ; rdfs:comment " { .{2,5} } on { 'a','b','c','d','e','f' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1card25.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1card2Star_fail0> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1card2Star_fail0" ; sht:trait sht:DotCardinality ; rdfs:comment " { .{2,*} } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1card2Star.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1card2Star_fail1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1card2Star_fail1" ; sht:trait sht:DotCardinality ; rdfs:comment " { .{2,*} } on { 'a' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1card2Star.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1card2Star_pass2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1card2Star_pass2" ; sht:trait sht:DotCardinality ; rdfs:comment " { .{2,*} } on { 'a','b' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1card2Star.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1card2Star_pass3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1card2Star_pass3" ; sht:trait sht:DotCardinality ; rdfs:comment " { .{2,*} } on { 'a','b','c' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1card2Star.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1card2Star_pass6> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1card2Star_pass6" ; sht:trait sht:DotCardinality ; rdfs:comment " { .{2,*} } on { 'a','b','c','d','e','f' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1card2Star.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1cardOpt_pass0> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1cardOpt_pass0" ; sht:trait sht:DotCardinality ; rdfs:comment " { .? } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1cardOpt.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1cardOpt_pass1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1cardOpt_pass1" ; sht:trait sht:DotCardinality ; rdfs:comment " { .? } on { 'a' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1cardOpt.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1cardOpt_fail2> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1cardOpt_fail2" ; sht:trait sht:DotCardinality ; rdfs:comment " { .? } on { 'a','b' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1cardOpt.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1cardOpt_pass6> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1cardOpt_pass6" ; sht:trait sht:DotCardinality ; rdfs:comment " { .? } on { 'a','b','c','d','e','f' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1cardOpt.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1cardPlus_fail0> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1cardPlus_fail0" ; sht:trait sht:DotCardinality ; rdfs:comment " { .+ } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1cardPlus.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1cardPlus_pass1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1cardPlus_pass1" ; sht:trait sht:DotCardinality ; rdfs:comment " { .+ } on { 'a' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1cardPlus.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1cardPlus_pass2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1cardPlus_pass2" ; sht:trait sht:DotCardinality ; rdfs:comment " { .+ } on { 'a','b' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1cardPlus.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1cardPlus_pass6> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1cardPlus_pass6" ; sht:trait sht:DotCardinality ; rdfs:comment " { .+ } on { 'a','b','c','d','e','f' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1cardPlus.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1cardStar_pass0> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1cardStar_pass0" ; sht:trait sht:DotCardinality ; rdfs:comment " { .* } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1cardStar.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1cardStar_pass1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1cardStar_pass1" ; sht:trait sht:DotCardinality ; rdfs:comment " { .* } on { 'a' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1cardStar.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1cardStar_pass2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1cardStar_pass2" ; sht:trait sht:DotCardinality ; rdfs:comment " { .* } on { 'a','b' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1cardStar.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1cardStar_pass6> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1cardStar_pass6" ; sht:trait sht:DotCardinality ; rdfs:comment " { .* } on { 'a','b','c','d','e','f' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1cardStar.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . ### } dot cardinality ### non-dot cardinality { <#1literalPlus_Is1_Ip1_La,Io1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalPlus_Is1_Ip1_La,Io1" ; sht:trait sht:NonDotCardinality ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL+ } on { 'a', }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPlus.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . ### } non-dot cardinality ## } cardinality ## shape reference { <#1dotRef1_referent,referrer> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotRef1_referent,referrer" ; sht:trait sht:ShapeReference ; rdfs:comment " in { \"X\" . } as in { @ } { . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotRef1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotRef1_referrer,referent> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotRef1_referrer,referent" ; sht:trait sht:ShapeReference ; rdfs:comment " in { . \"X\" } as in { @ } { . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotRef1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotRef1_missingReferent> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1dotRef1_missingReferent" ; sht:trait sht:ShapeReference ; rdfs:comment " in { } as in { @ } { . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotRef1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotRef1_selfReference> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotRef1_selfReference" ; sht:trait sht:ShapeReference ; rdfs:comment " in { . \"X\" } as in { @ } { . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotRef1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotRef1_missingSelfReference> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1dotRef1_missingSelfReference" ; sht:trait sht:ShapeReference ; rdfs:comment " in { . \"X\" } as in { @ } { . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotRef1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotRef1_overReferrer> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1dotRef1_overReferrer" ; sht:trait sht:ShapeReference ; rdfs:comment " in { , . \"X\" } as in { @ } { . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotRef1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotRef1_overReferrer,overReferent> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1dotRef1_overReferrer,overReferent" ; sht:trait sht:ShapeReference ; rdfs:comment " in { , . \"X\" . \"X\" } as in { @ } { . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotRef1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotRef1_overMatchesReferent> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotRef1_overMatchesReferent" ; sht:trait sht:ShapeReference ; rdfs:comment " in { . \"X\" . \"X\" } as in { @ } { . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotRef1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . # !../schemas/1dotRefLNex1.shex # !../schemas/1dotRefSpaceLNex1.shex [1dotRefLNex1.shex] # !../schemas/1dotRefNS1.shex # !../schemas/1dotRefSpaceNS1.shex [1dotRefNS1.shex] <#1refbnode1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1refbnode1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ShapeReference ; rdfs:comment " { @_:S2 } _:S2 { . } on { . \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1refbnode1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1refbnode1_fail-g1-arc> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1refbnode1_fail-g1-arc" ; sht:trait sht:ShapeReference ; rdfs:comment " { @_:S2 } _:S2 { . } on { . \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1refbnode1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1refbnode1_fail-g2-arc> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1refbnode1_fail-g2-arc" ; sht:trait sht:ShapeReference ; rdfs:comment " { @_:S2 } _:S2 { . } on { . \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1refbnode1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . # !../schemas/1refbnode_with_leading_digit1.shex # !../schemas/1refbnode_with_leading_underscore1.shex # !../schemas/1refbnode_with_spanning_PN_CHARS1.shex # !../schemas/1refbnode_with_spanning_PN_CHARS_BASE1.shex <#3circRefS123> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "3circRefS123" ; sht:trait sht:Import ; rdfs:comment " { ., @? } { @ } { @ } on { \"X\" ; . . . \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/3circRefS123.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data <3circRefPlus1_pass-open.ttl> ; sht:focus ] . <#3circRefPlus1_pass-open> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "3circRefPlus1_pass-open" ; sht:trait sht:ShapeReference , sht:EachOf ; rdfs:comment " { ., @? } { @ } { @ } { . } on { \"X\" ; . . . \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/3circRefPlus1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data <3circRefPlus1_pass-open.ttl> ; sht:focus ] . <#3circRefPlus1_pass-recursiveData> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "3circRefPlus1_pass-recursiveData" ; sht:trait sht:ShapeReference , sht:EachOf , sht:RecursiveData ; rdfs:comment " { ., @? } { @ } { @ } { . } on { \"X\" ; . . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/3circRefPlus1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data <3circRefPlus1_pass-recursiveData.ttl> ; sht:focus ] . <#1iriRef1_pass-iri> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1iriRef1_pass-iri" ; sht:trait sht:ShapeReference , sht:NodeKind ; rdfs:comment " in { . \"X\" } as in { IRI @ } { . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1iriRef1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1iriRef1_fail-bnode> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1iriRef1_fail-bnode" ; sht:trait sht:ShapeReference , sht:NodeKind ; rdfs:comment " in { _:n1 . _:n1 \"X\" } as in { IRI @ } { . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1iriRef1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1bnodeRef1_fail-iri> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1bnodeRef1_fail-iri" ; sht:trait sht:ShapeReference , sht:NodeKind ; rdfs:comment " in { . \"X\" } as in { BNODE @ } { . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1bnodeRef1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1bnodeRef1_pass-bnode> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1bnodeRef1_pass-bnode" ; sht:trait sht:ShapeReference , sht:NodeKind ; rdfs:comment " in { _:n1 . _:n1 \"X\" } as in { BNODE @ } { . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1bnodeRef1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . ## } shape reference ## inline { <#1dotInline1_referrer,referent> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotInline1_referrer,referent" ; sht:trait sht:ShapeReference ; rdfs:comment " in { . \"X\" } as in { { . } }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotInline1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotInline1_missingReferent> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1dotInline1_missingReferent" ; sht:trait sht:ShapeReference ; rdfs:comment " in { } as in { { . } }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotInline1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotInline1_selfReference> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotInline1_selfReference" ; sht:trait sht:ShapeReference ; rdfs:comment " in { . \"X\" } as in { { . } }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotInline1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotInline1_missingSelfReference> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1dotInline1_missingSelfReference" ; sht:trait sht:ShapeReference ; rdfs:comment " in { . \"X\" } as in { { . } }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotInline1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotInline1_overReferrer> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1dotInline1_overReferrer" ; sht:trait sht:ShapeReference ; rdfs:comment " in { , . \"X\" } as in { { . } }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotInline1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotInline1_overReferrer,overReferent> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1dotInline1_overReferrer,overReferent" ; sht:trait sht:ShapeReference ; rdfs:comment " { { . } } on { , . \"X\" . \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotInline1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotInline1_overMatchesReferent> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotInline1_overMatchesReferent" ; sht:trait sht:ShapeReference ; rdfs:comment " in { . \"X\" . \"X\" } as in { { . } }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotInline1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . ## } inline ## term equivalence { ### iri equivalence { <#1val1IRIREF_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1IRIREF_pass" ; sht:trait sht:IriEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { [] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1IRIREF.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1IRIREF_v2> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1IRIREF_v2" ; sht:trait sht:IriEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { [] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1IRIREF.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1IRIREF_v1v2> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1IRIREF_v1v2" ; sht:trait sht:IriEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { [] } on { , }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1IRIREF.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . ### } iri equivalence ### literal equivalence { #### lexical form { <#1val1STRING_LITERAL1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1STRING_LITERAL1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { ['STRING_LITERAL1'] } on { 'STRING_LITERAL1' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1STRING_LITERAL1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1STRING_LITERAL1_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1STRING_LITERAL1_fail" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { ['STRING_LITERAL1'] } on { 'STRING_LITERAL1999' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1STRING_LITERAL1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_all_controls_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_all_controls_pass" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { ['^@^A...^_'] } on { '^@^A...^_' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_all_controls.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_all_controls_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_all_controls_fail" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { ['^@^A...^_'] } on { '^@^A...^_999' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_all_controls.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_all_punctuation_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_all_punctuation_pass" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { [' !\"#...'] } on { ' !\"#...' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_all_punctuation.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_all_punctuation_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_all_punctuation_fail" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { [' !\"#...'] } on { ' !\"#...999' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_all_punctuation.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_ascii_boundaries_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_ascii_boundaries_pass" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { ['^@^I^K^L^N&([]^?'] } on { '^@^I^K^L^N&([]^?' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_ascii_boundaries.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_ascii_boundaries_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_ascii_boundaries_fail" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { ['^@^I^K^L^N&([]^?'] } on { '^@^I^K^L^N&([]^?999' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_ascii_boundaries.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_UTF8_boundaries_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_UTF8_boundaries_pass" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence , sht:OutsideBMP ; rdfs:comment " { ['\u0080...\U0010FFFD'] } on { '\u0080...\U0010FFFD' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_UTF8_boundaries.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_UTF8_boundaries_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_UTF8_boundaries_fail" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence , sht:OutsideBMP ; rdfs:comment " { ['\u0080...\U0010FFFD'] } on { '\u0080...\U0010FFFD999' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_UTF8_boundaries.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_ECHAR_escapes_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_ECHAR_escapes_pass" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { ['\\t\\b\\n\\r\\f'] } on { '\\t\\b\\n\\r\\f' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_ECHAR_escapes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_ECHAR_escapes_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_ECHAR_escapes_fail" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { ['\\t\\b\\n\\r\\f'] } on { '\\t\\b\\n\\r\\f999' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_ECHAR_escapes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . #### } lexical form #### numeric equivalence { <#1val1INTEGER_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1INTEGER_pass" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { [0] } on { 0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1INTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1INTEGER_Lab> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1INTEGER_Lab" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { [0] } on { 'ab' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1INTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1INTEGER_00> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1INTEGER_00" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { [0] } on { 00 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1INTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1DECIMAL_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1DECIMAL_pass" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { [0.0] } on { 0.0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1DECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1DECIMAL_Lab> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1DECIMAL_Lab" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { [0.0] } on { 'ab' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1DECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1DECIMAL_00> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1DECIMAL_00" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { [0.0] } on { .0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1DECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1DOUBLE_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1DOUBLE_pass" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { [0E0] } on { 0E0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1DOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1DOUBLE_0_0e0> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1DOUBLE_0_0e0" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { [0E0] } on { 0e0.0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1DOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1DOUBLElowercase_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1DOUBLElowercase_pass" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { [0e0] } on { 0e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1DOUBLElowercase.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1DOUBLElowercase_fail-0E0> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1DOUBLElowercase_fail-0E0" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { [0e0] } on { 0E0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1DOUBLElowercase.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1DOUBLElowercase_0_0e0> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1DOUBLElowercase_0_0e0" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { [0e0] } on { 0e0.0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1DOUBLElowercase.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . #### } numeric equivalence #### language tag equivalence { <#1val1LANGTAG_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1LANGTAG_pass" ; sht:trait sht:LanguageTagEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { ['ab'@en-fr] } on { 'ab'@en-fr }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1LANGTAG.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1LANGTAG_Lab> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1LANGTAG_Lab" ; sht:trait sht:LanguageTagEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { ['ab'@en-fr] } on { 'ab' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1LANGTAG.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1LANGTAG_LabLTen> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1LANGTAG_LabLTen" ; sht:trait sht:LanguageTagEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { ['ab'@en-fr] } on { 'ab'@en }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1LANGTAG.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1LANGTAG_LabLTen-fr-jura> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1LANGTAG_LabLTen-fr-jura" ; sht:trait sht:LanguageTagEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { ['ab'@en-fr] } on { 'ab'@en-fr-jura }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1LANGTAG.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1LANGTAG_LaLTen-fr> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1LANGTAG_LaLTen-fr" ; sht:trait sht:LanguageTagEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { ['ab'@en-fr] } on { 'a'@en-fr }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1LANGTAG.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . #### } language tag equivalence #### datatyped literal equivalence { <#1val1IRIREFDatatype_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1IRIREFDatatype_pass" ; sht:trait sht:DatatypedLiteralEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { ['ab'^^my:bloodType] } on { 'ab'^^my:bloodType }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1IRIREFDatatype.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1IRIREFDatatype_Lab> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1IRIREFDatatype_Lab" ; sht:trait sht:DatatypedLiteralEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { ['ab'^^my:bloodType] } on { 'ab' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1IRIREFDatatype.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1IRIREFDatatype_LabDTbloodType999> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1IRIREFDatatype_LabDTbloodType999" ; sht:trait sht:DatatypedLiteralEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { ['ab'^^my:bloodType] } on { 'ab'^^my:bloodType999 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1IRIREFDatatype.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1IRIREFDatatype_LaDTbloodType> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1IRIREFDatatype_LaDTbloodType" ; sht:trait sht:DatatypedLiteralEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { ['ab'^^my:bloodType] } on { 'a'^^my:bloodType }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1IRIREFDatatype.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . #### } datatyped literal equivalence #### boolean equivalence { <#1val1true_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1true_pass" ; sht:trait sht:BooleanEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { [true] } on { true }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1true.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1true_false> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1true_false" ; sht:trait sht:BooleanEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { [true] } on { false }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1true.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1true_ab> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1true_ab" ; sht:trait sht:BooleanEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { [true] } on { 'ab' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1true.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1false_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1false_pass" ; sht:trait sht:BooleanEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { [false] } on { true }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1false.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1false_true> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1false_true" ; sht:trait sht:BooleanEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { [false] } on { false }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1false.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1false_ab> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1false_ab" ; sht:trait sht:BooleanEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " { [false] } on { 'ab' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1false.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . #### } boolean equivalence ### } literal equivalence ## } term equivalence ## facets { ### length { <#1datatypeLength_fail-missing> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1datatypeLength_fail-missing" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xs:integer LENGTH 5 } on in { 'ab' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1datatypeLength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1datatypeLength_fail-wrongDatatype> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1datatypeLength_fail-wrongDatatype" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xs:integer LENGTH 5 } on in { 1.234 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1datatypeLength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1datatypeLength_fail-short> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1datatypeLength_fail-short" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xs:integer LENGTH 5 } on in { 1234 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1datatypeLength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1datatypeLength_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1datatypeLength_pass" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xs:integer LENGTH 5 } on in { 12345 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1datatypeLength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1datatypeLength_fail-long> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1datatypeLength_fail-long" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xs:integer LENGTH 5 } on in { 123456 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1datatypeLength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . ### } length ### fractionDigits { <#1literalFractiondigits_pass-decimal-short> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalFractiondigits_pass-decimal-short" ; sht:trait sht:FractionDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL FRACTIONDIGITS 5 } / { 1.2345 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalFractiondigits5.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . # for # for numericFacet ::= (numericFacet | numericLength) INTEGER (numericLiteral | string '^^' datatype ) # <#1literalFractiondigitsxsd-integer_fail-decimal-short> a sht:ValidationFailure ; # mf:name "1literalFractiondigitsxsd-integer_fail-decimal-short" ; # rdfs:comment " { LITERAL FRACTIONDIGITS 5 } / { 1.2345 }" ; # mf:status mf:Approved ; # mf:action [ # sht:schema <../schemas/1literalFractiondigitsxsd-integer.shex.bad> ; # sht:shape ; # sht:data ; # sht:focus # ] ; # . <#1literalFractiondigits_pass-decimal-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalFractiondigits_pass-decimal-equal" ; sht:trait sht:FractionDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL FRACTIONDIGITS 5 } / { 1.23456 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalFractiondigits5.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . # # for numericFacet ::= (numericFacet | numericLength) INTEGER (numericLiteral | string '^^' datatype ) # <#1literalFractiondigitsxsd-integer_pass-decimal-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; # mf:name "1literalFractiondigitsxsd-integer_pass-decimal-equal" ; # rdfs:comment " { LITERAL FRACTIONDIGITS \"5\"^^ } / { 1.23456 }" ; # mf:status mf:Approved ; # mf:action [ # sht:schema <../schemas/1literalFractiondigitsxsd-integer.shex.bad> ; # sht:shape ; # sht:data ; # sht:focus # ] ; # mf:result <1literalFractiondigits_pass-decimal-equal.val> # . <#1literalFractiondigits_fail-decimal-long> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalFractiondigits_fail-decimal-long" ; sht:trait sht:FractionDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL FRACTIONDIGITS 5 } / { 1.234567 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalFractiondigits5.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalFractiondigits_pass-decimal-equalLead> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalFractiondigits_pass-decimal-equalLead" ; sht:trait sht:FractionDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL FRACTIONDIGITS 4 } / { 01.2345 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalFractiondigits4.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalFractiondigits_fail-decimal-longLead> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalFractiondigits_fail-decimal-longLead" ; sht:trait sht:FractionDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL FRACTIONDIGITS 4 } / { 01.23456 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalFractiondigits4.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalFractiondigits_pass-decimal-equalTrail> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalFractiondigits_pass-decimal-equalTrail" ; sht:trait sht:FractionDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL FRACTIONDIGITS 4 } / { 1.23450 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalFractiondigits4.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalFractiondigits_fail-decimal-longTrail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalFractiondigits_fail-decimal-longTrail" ; sht:trait sht:FractionDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL FRACTIONDIGITS 4 } / { 1.234560 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalFractiondigits4.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalFractiondigits_pass-decimal-equalLeadTrail> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalFractiondigits_pass-decimal-equalLeadTrail" ; sht:trait sht:FractionDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL FRACTIONDIGITS 4 } / { 01.23450 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalFractiondigits4.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalFractiondigits_fail-decimal-longLeadTrail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalFractiondigits_fail-decimal-longLeadTrail" ; sht:trait sht:FractionDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL FRACTIONDIGITS 4 } / { 01.234560 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalFractiondigits4.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . # !! Note: xs:integer restricted to fractionDigits="0" <#1literalFractiondigits_pass-integer-short> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalFractiondigits_pass-integer-short" ; sht:trait sht:FractionDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL FRACTIONDIGITS 5 } / { 12345 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalFractiondigits5.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalFractiondigits_pass-xsd_integer-short> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalFractiondigits_pass-xsd_integer-short" ; sht:trait sht:FractionDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL FRACTIONDIGITS 5 } / { \"12345\"^^xsd:integer }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalFractiondigits5.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . # Note: fractionDigits restricted to decimal-derived datatypes. <#1literalFractiondigits_fail-float-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalFractiondigits_fail-float-equal" ; sht:trait sht:FractionDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL FRACTIONDIGITS 5 } / { \"1.23456\"^^xsd:float }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalFractiondigits5.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalFractiondigits_fail-double-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalFractiondigits_fail-double-equal" ; sht:trait sht:FractionDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL FRACTIONDIGITS 5 } / { 4.5e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalFractiondigits5.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalFractiondigits_fail-malformedxsd_decimal-1_23ab> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalFractiondigits_fail-malformedxsd_decimal-1_23ab" ; sht:trait sht:FractionDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL FRACTIONDIGITS 5 } / { \"1.23ab\"^^xsd:decimal }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalFractiondigits5.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalFractiondigits_fail-malformedxsd_decimal-1_2345ab> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalFractiondigits_fail-malformedxsd_decimal-1_2345ab" ; sht:trait sht:FractionDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL FRACTIONDIGITS 5 } / { \"1.2345ab\"^^xsd:decimal }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalFractiondigits5.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalFractiondigits_fail-malformedxsd_integer-1_2345> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalFractiondigits_fail-malformedxsd_integer-1_2345" ; sht:trait sht:FractionDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL FRACTIONDIGITS 5 } / { \"1.2345\"^^xsd:integer }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalFractiondigits5.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalFractiondigits_fail-iri> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalFractiondigits_fail-iri" ; sht:trait sht:FractionDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL FRACTIONDIGITS 5 } / BASE { <1.2345> }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalFractiondigits5.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalFractiondigits_fail-bnode> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalFractiondigits_fail-bnode" ; sht:trait sht:FractionDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL FRACTIONDIGITS 5 } / BASE { _:12345 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalFractiondigits5.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . ### } fractionDigits ### totalDigits { <#1literalTotaldigits_pass-decimal-short> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalTotaldigits_pass-decimal-short" ; sht:trait sht:TotalDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL TOTALDIGITS 5 } / { 1.234 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalTotaldigits5.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . # for # for numericFacet ::= (numericFacet | numericLength) INTEGER (numericLiteral | string '^^' datatype ) # <#1literalTotaldigitsxsd-integer_fail-decimal-short> a sht:ValidationFailure ; # mf:name "1literalTotaldigitsxsd-integer_fail-decimal-short" ; # rdfs:comment " { LITERAL TOTALDIGITS 5 } / { 1.234 }" ; # mf:status mf:Approved ; # mf:action [ # sht:schema <../schemas/1literalTotaldigitsxsd-integer.shex> ; # sht:shape ; # sht:data ; # sht:focus # ] ; # . <#1literalTotaldigits_pass-decimal-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalTotaldigits_pass-decimal-equal" ; sht:trait sht:TotalDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL TOTALDIGITS 5 } / { 1.2345 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalTotaldigits5.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . # # for numericFacet ::= (numericFacet | numericLength) INTEGER (numericLiteral | string '^^' datatype ) # <#1literalTotaldigitsxsd-integer_pass-decimal-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; # mf:name "1literalTotaldigitsxsd-integer_pass-decimal-equal" ; # rdfs:comment " { LITERAL TOTALDIGITS \"5\"^^ } / { 1.2345 }" ; # mf:status mf:Approved ; # mf:action [ # sht:schema <../schemas/1literalTotaldigitsxsd-integer.shex> ; # sht:shape ; # sht:data ; # sht:focus # ] ; # mf:result <1literalTotaldigits_pass-decimal-equal.val> # . <#1literalTotaldigits_fail-decimal-long> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalTotaldigits_fail-decimal-long" ; sht:trait sht:TotalDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL TOTALDIGITS 5 } / { 1.23456 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalTotaldigits5.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalTotaldigits_pass-decimal-equalLead> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalTotaldigits_pass-decimal-equalLead" ; sht:trait sht:TotalDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL TOTALDIGITS 5 } / { 01.2345 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalTotaldigits5.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalTotaldigits_fail-decimal-longLead> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalTotaldigits_fail-decimal-longLead" ; sht:trait sht:TotalDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL TOTALDIGITS 5 } / { 01.23456 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalTotaldigits5.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalTotaldigits_pass-decimal-equalTrail> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalTotaldigits_pass-decimal-equalTrail" ; sht:trait sht:TotalDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL TOTALDIGITS 5 } / { 1.23450 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalTotaldigits5.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalTotaldigits_fail-decimal-longTrail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalTotaldigits_fail-decimal-longTrail" ; sht:trait sht:TotalDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL TOTALDIGITS 5 } / { 1.234560 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalTotaldigits5.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalTotaldigits_pass-decimal-equalLeadTrail> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalTotaldigits_pass-decimal-equalLeadTrail" ; sht:trait sht:TotalDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL TOTALDIGITS 5 } / { 01.23450 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalTotaldigits5.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalTotaldigits_fail-decimal-longLeadTrail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalTotaldigits_fail-decimal-longLeadTrail" ; sht:trait sht:TotalDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL TOTALDIGITS 5 } / { 01.234560 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalTotaldigits5.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalTotaldigits_pass-integer-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalTotaldigits_pass-integer-equal" ; sht:trait sht:TotalDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL TOTALDIGITS 5 } / { 12345 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalTotaldigits5.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalTotaldigits_pass-xsd_integer-short> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalTotaldigits_pass-xsd_integer-short" ; sht:trait sht:TotalDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL TOTALDIGITS 5 } / { \"1234\"^^xsd:integer }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalTotaldigits5.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalTotaldigits_pass-integer-equalLead> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalTotaldigits_pass-integer-equalLead" ; sht:trait sht:TotalDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL TOTALDIGITS 5 } / { 012345 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalTotaldigits5.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalTotaldigits_fail-integer-longLead> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalTotaldigits_fail-integer-longLead" ; sht:trait sht:TotalDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL TOTALDIGITS 5 } / { 0123456 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalTotaldigits5.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalTotaldigits_pass-integer-equalTrail> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalTotaldigits_pass-integer-equalTrail" ; sht:trait sht:TotalDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL TOTALDIGITS 6 } / { 123450 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalTotaldigits6.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalTotaldigits_fail-integer-longTrail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalTotaldigits_fail-integer-longTrail" ; sht:trait sht:TotalDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL TOTALDIGITS 6 } / { 1234560 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalTotaldigits6.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalTotaldigits_pass-integer-equalLeadTrail> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalTotaldigits_pass-integer-equalLeadTrail" ; sht:trait sht:TotalDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL TOTALDIGITS 6 } / { 0123450 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalTotaldigits6.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalTotaldigits_fail-integer-longLeadTrail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalTotaldigits_fail-integer-longLeadTrail" ; sht:trait sht:TotalDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL TOTALDIGITS 6 } / { 01234560 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalTotaldigits6.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalTotaldigits_pass-byte-short> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalTotaldigits_pass-byte-short" ; sht:trait sht:TotalDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL TOTALDIGITS 2 } / { 5^^xsd:byte }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalTotaldigits2.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalTotaldigits_pass-byte-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalTotaldigits_pass-byte-equal" ; sht:trait sht:TotalDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL TOTALDIGITS 2 } / { 64^^xsd:byte }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalTotaldigits2.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalTotaldigits_fail-byte-long> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalTotaldigits_fail-byte-long" ; sht:trait sht:TotalDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL TOTALDIGITS 2 } / { 128^^xsd:byte }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalTotaldigits2.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . # Note: totalDigits restricted to decimal-derived datatypes. <#1literalTotaldigits_fail-float-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalTotaldigits_fail-float-equal" ; sht:trait sht:TotalDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL TOTALDIGITS 5 } / { \"1.2345\"^^xsd:float }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalTotaldigits5.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalTotaldigits_fail-double-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalTotaldigits_fail-double-equal" ; sht:trait sht:TotalDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL TOTALDIGITS 5 } / { 4.5e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalTotaldigits5.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalTotaldigits_fail-malformedxsd_decimal-1_23ab> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalTotaldigits_fail-malformedxsd_decimal-1_23ab" ; sht:trait sht:TotalDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL TOTALDIGITS 5 } / { \"1.23ab\"^^xsd:decimal }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalTotaldigits5.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalTotaldigits_fail-malformedxsd_decimal-1_2345ab> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalTotaldigits_fail-malformedxsd_decimal-1_2345ab" ; sht:trait sht:TotalDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL TOTALDIGITS 5 } / { \"1.2345ab\"^^xsd:decimal }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalTotaldigits5.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalTotaldigits_fail-malformedxsd_integer-1_2345> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalTotaldigits_fail-malformedxsd_integer-1_2345" ; sht:trait sht:TotalDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL TOTALDIGITS 5 } / { \"1.2345\"^^xsd:integer }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalTotaldigits5.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalTotaldigits_fail-iri> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalTotaldigits_fail-iri" ; sht:trait sht:TotalDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL TOTALDIGITS 5 } / BASE { <1.2345> }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalTotaldigits5.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalTotaldigits_fail-bnode> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalTotaldigits_fail-bnode" ; sht:trait sht:TotalDigitsFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL TOTALDIGITS 5 } / BASE { _:12345 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalTotaldigits5.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . ### } totalDigits ### comparators { #### manual { <#1literalMinexclusiveINTEGER_fail-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalMinexclusiveINTEGER_fail-low" ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL MINEXCLUSIVE 5 } / { '4'^^xsd:integer }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalMinexclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalMinexclusiveINTEGER_pass-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalMinexclusiveINTEGER_pass-equal" ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL MINEXCLUSIVE 5 } / { '5'^^xsd:integer }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalMinexclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalMinexclusiveINTEGER_pass-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalMinexclusiveINTEGER_pass-high" ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL MINEXCLUSIVE 5 } / { '6'^^xsd:integer }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalMinexclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalMininclusiveINTEGER_fail-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalMininclusiveINTEGER_fail-low" ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL MININCLUSIVE 5 } / { '4'^^xsd:integer }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalMininclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalMininclusiveINTEGER_pass-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalMininclusiveINTEGER_pass-equal" ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL MININCLUSIVE 5 } / { '5'^^xsd:integer }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalMininclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalMininclusiveINTEGER_pass-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalMininclusiveINTEGER_pass-high" ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL MININCLUSIVE 5 } / { '6'^^xsd:integer }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalMininclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalMaxexclusiveINTEGER_pass-low> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalMaxexclusiveINTEGER_pass-low" ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL MAXEXCLUSIVE 5 } / { '4'^^xsd:integer }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalMaxexclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalMaxexclusiveINTEGER_fail-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalMaxexclusiveINTEGER_fail-equal" ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL MAXEXCLUSIVE 5 } / { '5'^^xsd:integer }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalMaxexclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalMaxexclusiveINTEGER_fail-high> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalMaxexclusiveINTEGER_fail-high" ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL MAXEXCLUSIVE 5 } / { '6'^^xsd:integer }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalMaxexclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalMaxinclusiveINTEGER_pass-low> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalMaxinclusiveINTEGER_pass-low" ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL MAXINCLUSIVE 5 } / { '4'^^xsd:integer }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalMaxinclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalMaxinclusiveINTEGER_pass-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalMaxinclusiveINTEGER_pass-equal" ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL MAXINCLUSIVE 5 } / { '5'^^xsd:integer }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalMaxinclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalMaxinclusiveINTEGER_fail-high> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalMaxinclusiveINTEGER_fail-high" ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL MAXINCLUSIVE 5 } / { '6'^^xsd:integer }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalMaxinclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1floatMininclusiveINTEGER_fail-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1floatMininclusiveINTEGER_fail-low" ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MININCLUSIVE 5 } / { '4.9'^^xsd:float }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMininclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1floatMininclusiveINTEGER_pass-equalLead> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1floatMininclusiveINTEGER_pass-equalLead" ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MININCLUSIVE 5 } / { '05'^^xsd:float }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMininclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1floatMininclusiveINTEGER_pass-equalTrail> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1floatMininclusiveINTEGER_pass-equalTrail" ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MININCLUSIVE 5 } / { '5.0'^^xsd:float }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMininclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1floatMininclusiveINTEGER_pass-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1floatMininclusiveINTEGER_pass-high" ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MININCLUSIVE 5 } / { '5.1'^^xsd:float }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMininclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_fail-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_fail-low" ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 5 } / { '4'^^xsd:integer }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_pass-equalLead> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_pass-equalLead" ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 5 } / { '05'^^xsd:integer }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_pass-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_pass-equal" ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 5 } / { '5'^^xsd:integer }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_pass-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_pass-high" ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 5 } / { '6'^^xsd:integer }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1floatMininclusiveINTEGERLead_pass-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1floatMininclusiveINTEGERLead_pass-equal" ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MININCLUSIVE 5 } / { '5'^^xsd:float }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMininclusiveINTEGERLead.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . #### } manual #### generated { <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_fail-integer-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_fail-integer-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 5 } / { 4 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_pass-integer-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_pass-integer-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 5 } / { 5 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_pass-integer-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_pass-integer-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 5 } / { 6 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGERLead_fail-integer-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveINTEGERLead_fail-integer-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 05 } / { 4 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveINTEGERLead.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGERLead_pass-integer-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveINTEGERLead_pass-integer-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 05 } / { 5 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveINTEGERLead.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGERLead_pass-integer-equalLead> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveINTEGERLead_pass-integer-equalLead" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 05 } / { 05 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveINTEGERLead.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGERLead_pass-integer-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveINTEGERLead_pass-integer-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 05 } / { 6 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveINTEGERLead.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMininclusiveDECIMAL_pass-integer-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveDECIMAL_pass-integer-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 4.5 } / { 5 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_fail-integer-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_fail-integer-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 04.50 } / { 4 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1integerMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-integer-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-integer-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 04.50 } / { 5 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-integer-equalLead> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-integer-equalLead" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 04.50 } / { 05 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-integer-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-integer-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 04.50 } / { 6 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMininclusiveDECIMALint_fail-integer-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveDECIMALint_fail-integer-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 5.0 } / { 4 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveDECIMALint.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1integerMininclusiveDECIMALint_pass-integer-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveDECIMALint_pass-integer-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 5.0 } / { 5 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveDECIMALint.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMininclusiveDECIMALint_pass-integer-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveDECIMALint_pass-integer-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 5.0 } / { 6 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveDECIMALint.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail_fail-integer-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail_fail-integer-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 05.00 } / { 4 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1integerMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail_pass-integer-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail_pass-integer-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 05.00 } / { 5 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail_pass-integer-equalLead> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail_pass-integer-equalLead" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 05.00 } / { 05 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail_pass-integer-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail_pass-integer-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 05.00 } / { 6 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMininclusiveDOUBLE_pass-integer-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveDOUBLE_pass-integer-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 4.5e0 } / { 5 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_fail-integer-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_fail-integer-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 04.50e0 } / { 4 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1integerMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-integer-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-integer-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 04.50e0 } / { 5 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-integer-equalLead> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-integer-equalLead" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 04.50e0 } / { 05 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-integer-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-integer-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 04.50e0 } / { 6 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMininclusiveDOUBLEint_pass-integer-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveDOUBLEint_pass-integer-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 5.0e0 } / { 5 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveDOUBLEint.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail_fail-integer-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail_fail-integer-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 05.00e0 } / { 4 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1integerMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail_pass-integer-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail_pass-integer-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 05.00e0 } / { 5 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail_pass-integer-equalLead> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail_pass-integer-equalLead" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 05.00e0 } / { 05 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail_pass-integer-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail_pass-integer-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 05.00e0 } / { 6 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_fail-decimal-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_fail-decimal-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 5 } / { 4.5 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_fail-float-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_fail-float-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 5 } / { '4.5'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_fail-double-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_fail-double-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 5 } / { 4.5e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_fail-dateTime-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_fail-dateTime-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 5 } / { '2015-12-25T01:23:45Z'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_fail-string-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_fail-string-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 5 } / { 'ab'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_fail-byte-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1integerMininclusiveINTEGER_fail-byte-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MININCLUSIVE 5 } / { '5'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMininclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1decimalMininclusiveINTEGER_fail-decimal-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1decimalMininclusiveINTEGER_fail-decimal-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MININCLUSIVE 5 } / { 4.4 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMininclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1decimalMininclusiveINTEGER_pass-decimal-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1decimalMininclusiveINTEGER_pass-decimal-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MININCLUSIVE 5 } / { 5.6 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMininclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1decimalMininclusiveINTEGERLead_fail-decimal-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1decimalMininclusiveINTEGERLead_fail-decimal-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MININCLUSIVE 05 } / { 4.4 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMininclusiveINTEGERLead.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1decimalMininclusiveINTEGERLead_pass-decimal-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1decimalMininclusiveINTEGERLead_pass-decimal-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MININCLUSIVE 05 } / { 5.6 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMininclusiveINTEGERLead.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1decimalMininclusiveDECIMAL_fail-decimal-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1decimalMininclusiveDECIMAL_fail-decimal-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MININCLUSIVE 4.5 } / { 4.4 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMininclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1decimalMininclusiveDECIMAL_pass-decimal-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1decimalMininclusiveDECIMAL_pass-decimal-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MININCLUSIVE 4.5 } / { 4.5 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMininclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1decimalMininclusiveDECIMAL_pass-decimal-equalLeadTrail> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1decimalMininclusiveDECIMAL_pass-decimal-equalLeadTrail" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MININCLUSIVE 4.5 } / { 04.50 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMininclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1decimalMininclusiveDECIMAL_pass-decimal-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1decimalMininclusiveDECIMAL_pass-decimal-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MININCLUSIVE 4.5 } / { 5.6 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMininclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1decimalMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_fail-decimal-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1decimalMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_fail-decimal-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MININCLUSIVE 04.50 } / { 4.4 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1decimalMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-decimal-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1decimalMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-decimal-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MININCLUSIVE 04.50 } / { 4.5 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1decimalMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-decimal-equalLeadTrail> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1decimalMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-decimal-equalLeadTrail" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MININCLUSIVE 04.50 } / { 04.50 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1decimalMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-decimal-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1decimalMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-decimal-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MININCLUSIVE 04.50 } / { 5.6 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1decimalMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail_fail-decimal-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1decimalMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail_fail-decimal-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MININCLUSIVE 05.00 } / { 4.4 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1decimalMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail_pass-decimal-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1decimalMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail_pass-decimal-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MININCLUSIVE 05.00 } / { 5.6 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLE_fail-decimal-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLE_fail-decimal-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MININCLUSIVE 4.5e0 } / { 4.4 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLE_pass-decimal-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLE_pass-decimal-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MININCLUSIVE 4.5e0 } / { 4.5 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLE_pass-decimal-equalLeadTrail> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLE_pass-decimal-equalLeadTrail" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MININCLUSIVE 4.5e0 } / { 04.50 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_fail-decimal-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_fail-decimal-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MININCLUSIVE 04.50e0 } / { 4.4 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-decimal-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-decimal-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MININCLUSIVE 04.50e0 } / { 4.5 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-decimal-equalLeadTrail> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-decimal-equalLeadTrail" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MININCLUSIVE 04.50e0 } / { 04.50 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-decimal-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-decimal-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MININCLUSIVE 04.50e0 } / { 5.6 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail_fail-decimal-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail_fail-decimal-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MININCLUSIVE 05.00e0 } / { 4.4 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail_pass-decimal-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail_pass-decimal-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MININCLUSIVE 05.00e0 } / { 5.6 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1decimalMininclusiveDECIMAL_fail-float-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1decimalMininclusiveDECIMAL_fail-float-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MININCLUSIVE 4.5 } / { '4.5'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMininclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1decimalMininclusiveDECIMAL_fail-double-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1decimalMininclusiveDECIMAL_fail-double-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MININCLUSIVE 4.5 } / { 4.5e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMininclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1floatMininclusiveINTEGERLead_fail-float-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1floatMininclusiveINTEGERLead_fail-float-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MININCLUSIVE 05 } / { '4.4'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMininclusiveINTEGERLead.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1floatMininclusiveINTEGERLead_pass-float-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1floatMininclusiveINTEGERLead_pass-float-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MININCLUSIVE 05 } / { '5.6'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMininclusiveINTEGERLead.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1floatMininclusiveDECIMAL_pass-float-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1floatMininclusiveDECIMAL_pass-float-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MININCLUSIVE 4.5 } / { '4.5'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMininclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1floatMininclusiveDECIMAL_pass-float-equalLeadTrail> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1floatMininclusiveDECIMAL_pass-float-equalLeadTrail" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MININCLUSIVE 4.5 } / { '04.50'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMininclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1floatMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_fail-float-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1floatMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_fail-float-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MININCLUSIVE 04.50 } / { '4.4'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1floatMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-float-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1floatMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-float-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MININCLUSIVE 04.50 } / { '4.5'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1floatMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-float-equalLeadTrail> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1floatMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-float-equalLeadTrail" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MININCLUSIVE 04.50 } / { '04.50'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1floatMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-float-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1floatMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-float-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MININCLUSIVE 04.50 } / { '5.6'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1floatMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail_fail-float-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1floatMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail_fail-float-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MININCLUSIVE 05.00 } / { '4.4'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1floatMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail_pass-float-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1floatMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail_pass-float-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MININCLUSIVE 05.00 } / { '5.6'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1floatMininclusiveDOUBLE_pass-float-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1floatMininclusiveDOUBLE_pass-float-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MININCLUSIVE 4.5e0 } / { '4.5'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMininclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1floatMininclusiveDOUBLE_pass-float-equalLeadTrail> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1floatMininclusiveDOUBLE_pass-float-equalLeadTrail" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MININCLUSIVE 4.5e0 } / { '04.50'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMininclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1floatMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_fail-float-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1floatMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_fail-float-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MININCLUSIVE 04.50e0 } / { '4.4'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1floatMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-float-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1floatMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-float-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MININCLUSIVE 04.50e0 } / { '4.5'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1floatMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-float-equalLeadTrail> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1floatMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-float-equalLeadTrail" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MININCLUSIVE 04.50e0 } / { '04.50'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1floatMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-float-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1floatMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-float-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MININCLUSIVE 04.50e0 } / { '5.6'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1floatMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail_fail-float-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1floatMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail_fail-float-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MININCLUSIVE 05.00e0 } / { '4.4'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1floatMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail_pass-float-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1floatMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail_pass-float-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MININCLUSIVE 05.00e0 } / { '5.6'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1doubleMininclusiveINTEGERLead_fail-double-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1doubleMininclusiveINTEGERLead_fail-double-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MININCLUSIVE 05 } / { 4.4e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMininclusiveINTEGERLead.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1doubleMininclusiveINTEGERLead_pass-double-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1doubleMininclusiveINTEGERLead_pass-double-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MININCLUSIVE 05 } / { 5.6e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMininclusiveINTEGERLead.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1doubleMininclusiveDECIMAL_pass-double-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1doubleMininclusiveDECIMAL_pass-double-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MININCLUSIVE 4.5 } / { 4.5e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMininclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1doubleMininclusiveDECIMAL_pass-double-equalLeadTrail> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1doubleMininclusiveDECIMAL_pass-double-equalLeadTrail" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MININCLUSIVE 4.5 } / { 04.50e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMininclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1doubleMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_fail-double-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1doubleMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_fail-double-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MININCLUSIVE 04.50 } / { 4.4e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1doubleMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-double-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1doubleMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-double-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MININCLUSIVE 04.50 } / { 4.5e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1doubleMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-double-equalLeadTrail> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1doubleMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-double-equalLeadTrail" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MININCLUSIVE 04.50 } / { 04.50e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1doubleMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-double-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1doubleMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_pass-double-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MININCLUSIVE 04.50 } / { 5.6e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMininclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1doubleMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail_fail-double-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1doubleMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail_fail-double-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MININCLUSIVE 05.00 } / { 4.4e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1doubleMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail_pass-double-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1doubleMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail_pass-double-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MININCLUSIVE 05.00 } / { 5.6e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMininclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1doubleMininclusiveDOUBLE_pass-double-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1doubleMininclusiveDOUBLE_pass-double-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MININCLUSIVE 4.5e0 } / { 4.5e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMininclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1doubleMininclusiveDOUBLE_pass-double-equalLeadTrail> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1doubleMininclusiveDOUBLE_pass-double-equalLeadTrail" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MININCLUSIVE 4.5e0 } / { 04.50e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMininclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1doubleMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_fail-double-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1doubleMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_fail-double-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MININCLUSIVE 04.50e0 } / { 4.4e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1doubleMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-double-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1doubleMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-double-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MININCLUSIVE 04.50e0 } / { 4.5e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1doubleMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-double-equalLeadTrail> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1doubleMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-double-equalLeadTrail" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MININCLUSIVE 04.50e0 } / { 04.50e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1doubleMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-double-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1doubleMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_pass-double-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MININCLUSIVE 04.50e0 } / { 5.6e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMininclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1doubleMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail_fail-double-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1doubleMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail_fail-double-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MININCLUSIVE 05.00e0 } / { 4.4e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1doubleMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail_pass-double-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1doubleMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail_pass-double-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MININCLUSIVE 05.00e0 } / { 5.6e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMininclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMinexclusiveINTEGER_fail-integer-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1integerMinexclusiveINTEGER_fail-integer-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MINEXCLUSIVE 5 } / { 4 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMinexclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1integerMinexclusiveINTEGER_fail-integer-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1integerMinexclusiveINTEGER_fail-integer-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MINEXCLUSIVE 5 } / { 5 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMinexclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1integerMinexclusiveINTEGER_pass-integer-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMinexclusiveINTEGER_pass-integer-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MINEXCLUSIVE 5 } / { 6 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMinexclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMinexclusiveDECIMALint_fail-integer-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1integerMinexclusiveDECIMALint_fail-integer-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MINEXCLUSIVE 5.0 } / { 4 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMinexclusiveDECIMALint.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1integerMinexclusiveDECIMALint_fail-integer-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1integerMinexclusiveDECIMALint_fail-integer-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MINEXCLUSIVE 5.0 } / { 5 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMinexclusiveDECIMALint.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1integerMinexclusiveDECIMALint_pass-integer-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMinexclusiveDECIMALint_pass-integer-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MINEXCLUSIVE 5.0 } / { 6 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMinexclusiveDECIMALint.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMinexclusiveDOUBLEint_fail-integer-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1integerMinexclusiveDOUBLEint_fail-integer-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MINEXCLUSIVE 5.0e0 } / { 4 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMinexclusiveDOUBLEint.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1integerMinexclusiveDOUBLEint_fail-integer-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1integerMinexclusiveDOUBLEint_fail-integer-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MINEXCLUSIVE 5.0e0 } / { 5 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMinexclusiveDOUBLEint.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1integerMinexclusiveDOUBLEint_pass-integer-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMinexclusiveDOUBLEint_pass-integer-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MINEXCLUSIVE 5.0e0 } / { 6 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMinexclusiveDOUBLEint.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1decimalMinexclusiveINTEGER_fail-decimal-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1decimalMinexclusiveINTEGER_fail-decimal-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MINEXCLUSIVE 5 } / { 4.4 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMinexclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1decimalMinexclusiveINTEGER_pass-decimal-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1decimalMinexclusiveINTEGER_pass-decimal-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MINEXCLUSIVE 5 } / { 5.6 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMinexclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1decimalMinexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-decimal-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1decimalMinexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-decimal-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MINEXCLUSIVE 4.5 } / { 4.4 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMinexclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1decimalMinexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-decimal-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1decimalMinexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-decimal-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MINEXCLUSIVE 4.5 } / { 4.5 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMinexclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1decimalMinexclusiveDECIMAL_pass-decimal-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1decimalMinexclusiveDECIMAL_pass-decimal-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MINEXCLUSIVE 4.5 } / { 5.6 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMinexclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1decimalMinexclusiveDOUBLE_fail-decimal-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1decimalMinexclusiveDOUBLE_fail-decimal-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MINEXCLUSIVE 4.5e0 } / { 4.4 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMinexclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1decimalMinexclusiveDOUBLE_fail-decimal-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1decimalMinexclusiveDOUBLE_fail-decimal-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MINEXCLUSIVE 4.5e0 } / { 4.5 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMinexclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1decimalMinexclusiveDOUBLE_pass-decimal-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1decimalMinexclusiveDOUBLE_pass-decimal-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MINEXCLUSIVE 4.5e0 } / { 5.6 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMinexclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1decimalMinexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-float-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1decimalMinexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-float-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MINEXCLUSIVE 4.5 } / { '4.5'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMinexclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1decimalMinexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-double-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1decimalMinexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-double-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MINEXCLUSIVE 4.5 } / { 4.5e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMinexclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1floatMinexclusiveINTEGER_fail-float-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1floatMinexclusiveINTEGER_fail-float-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MINEXCLUSIVE 5 } / { '4.4'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMinexclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1floatMinexclusiveINTEGER_pass-float-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1floatMinexclusiveINTEGER_pass-float-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MINEXCLUSIVE 5 } / { '5.6'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMinexclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1floatMinexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-float-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1floatMinexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-float-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MINEXCLUSIVE 4.5 } / { '4.4'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMinexclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1floatMinexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-float-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1floatMinexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-float-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MINEXCLUSIVE 4.5 } / { '4.5'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMinexclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1floatMinexclusiveDECIMAL_pass-float-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1floatMinexclusiveDECIMAL_pass-float-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MINEXCLUSIVE 4.5 } / { '5.6'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMinexclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1floatMinexclusiveDOUBLE_fail-float-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1floatMinexclusiveDOUBLE_fail-float-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MINEXCLUSIVE 4.5e0 } / { '4.4'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMinexclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1floatMinexclusiveDOUBLE_fail-float-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1floatMinexclusiveDOUBLE_fail-float-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MINEXCLUSIVE 4.5e0 } / { '4.5'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMinexclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1floatMinexclusiveDOUBLE_pass-float-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1floatMinexclusiveDOUBLE_pass-float-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MINEXCLUSIVE 4.5e0 } / { '5.6'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMinexclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1doubleMinexclusiveINTEGER_fail-double-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1doubleMinexclusiveINTEGER_fail-double-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MINEXCLUSIVE 5 } / { 4.4e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMinexclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1doubleMinexclusiveINTEGER_pass-double-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1doubleMinexclusiveINTEGER_pass-double-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MINEXCLUSIVE 5 } / { 5.6e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMinexclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1doubleMinexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-double-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1doubleMinexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-double-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MINEXCLUSIVE 4.5 } / { 4.4e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMinexclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1doubleMinexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-double-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1doubleMinexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-double-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MINEXCLUSIVE 4.5 } / { 4.5e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMinexclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1doubleMinexclusiveDECIMAL_pass-double-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1doubleMinexclusiveDECIMAL_pass-double-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MINEXCLUSIVE 4.5 } / { 5.6e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMinexclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1doubleMinexclusiveDOUBLE_fail-double-low> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1doubleMinexclusiveDOUBLE_fail-double-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MINEXCLUSIVE 4.5e0 } / { 4.4e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMinexclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1doubleMinexclusiveDOUBLE_fail-double-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1doubleMinexclusiveDOUBLE_fail-double-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MINEXCLUSIVE 4.5e0 } / { 4.5e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMinexclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1doubleMinexclusiveDOUBLE_pass-double-high> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1doubleMinexclusiveDOUBLE_pass-double-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MINEXCLUSIVE 4.5e0 } / { 5.6e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMinexclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1doubleMinexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-float-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1doubleMinexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-float-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MINEXCLUSIVE 4.5 } / { '4.5'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMinexclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1integerMaxinclusiveINTEGER_pass-integer-low> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMaxinclusiveINTEGER_pass-integer-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MAXINCLUSIVE 5 } / { 4 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMaxinclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMaxinclusiveINTEGER_pass-integer-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMaxinclusiveINTEGER_pass-integer-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MAXINCLUSIVE 5 } / { 5 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMaxinclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMaxinclusiveINTEGER_fail-integer-high> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1integerMaxinclusiveINTEGER_fail-integer-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MAXINCLUSIVE 5 } / { 6 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMaxinclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1integerMaxinclusiveDECIMALint_pass-integer-low> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMaxinclusiveDECIMALint_pass-integer-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MAXINCLUSIVE 5.0 } / { 4 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMaxinclusiveDECIMALint.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMaxinclusiveDECIMALint_pass-integer-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMaxinclusiveDECIMALint_pass-integer-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MAXINCLUSIVE 5.0 } / { 5 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMaxinclusiveDECIMALint.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMaxinclusiveDECIMALint_fail-integer-high> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1integerMaxinclusiveDECIMALint_fail-integer-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MAXINCLUSIVE 5.0 } / { 6 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMaxinclusiveDECIMALint.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1integerMaxinclusiveDOUBLEint_pass-integer-low> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMaxinclusiveDOUBLEint_pass-integer-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MAXINCLUSIVE 5.0e0 } / { 4 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMaxinclusiveDOUBLEint.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMaxinclusiveDOUBLEint_pass-integer-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMaxinclusiveDOUBLEint_pass-integer-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MAXINCLUSIVE 5.0e0 } / { 5 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMaxinclusiveDOUBLEint.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMaxinclusiveDOUBLEint_fail-integer-high> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1integerMaxinclusiveDOUBLEint_fail-integer-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MAXINCLUSIVE 5.0e0 } / { 6 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMaxinclusiveDOUBLEint.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1decimalMaxinclusiveINTEGER_pass-decimal-low> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1decimalMaxinclusiveINTEGER_pass-decimal-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MAXINCLUSIVE 5 } / { 4.4 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMaxinclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1decimalMaxinclusiveINTEGER_fail-decimal-high> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1decimalMaxinclusiveINTEGER_fail-decimal-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MAXINCLUSIVE 5 } / { 5.6 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMaxinclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1decimalMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_pass-decimal-low> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1decimalMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_pass-decimal-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MAXINCLUSIVE 5.5 } / { 4.4 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMaxinclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1decimalMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_pass-decimal-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1decimalMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_pass-decimal-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MAXINCLUSIVE 5.5 } / { 5.5 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMaxinclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1decimalMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_fail-decimal-high> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1decimalMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_fail-decimal-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MAXINCLUSIVE 5.5 } / { 5.6 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMaxinclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1decimalMaxinclusiveDOUBLE_pass-decimal-low> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1decimalMaxinclusiveDOUBLE_pass-decimal-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MAXINCLUSIVE 5.5e0 } / { 4.4 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMaxinclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1decimalMaxinclusiveDOUBLE_pass-decimal-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1decimalMaxinclusiveDOUBLE_pass-decimal-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MAXINCLUSIVE 5.5e0 } / { 5.5 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMaxinclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1decimalMaxinclusiveDOUBLE_fail-decimal-high> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1decimalMaxinclusiveDOUBLE_fail-decimal-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MAXINCLUSIVE 5.5e0 } / { 5.6 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMaxinclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1decimalMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_fail-float-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1decimalMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_fail-float-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MAXINCLUSIVE 5.5 } / { '5.5'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMaxinclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1decimalMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_fail-double-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1decimalMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_fail-double-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MAXINCLUSIVE 5.5 } / { 5.5e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMaxinclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1floatMaxinclusiveINTEGER_pass-float-low> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1floatMaxinclusiveINTEGER_pass-float-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MAXINCLUSIVE 5 } / { '4.4'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMaxinclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1floatMaxinclusiveINTEGER_fail-float-high> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1floatMaxinclusiveINTEGER_fail-float-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MAXINCLUSIVE 5 } / { '5.6'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMaxinclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1floatMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_pass-float-low> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1floatMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_pass-float-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MAXINCLUSIVE 5.5 } / { '4.4'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMaxinclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1floatMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_pass-float-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1floatMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_pass-float-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MAXINCLUSIVE 5.5 } / { '5.5'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMaxinclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1floatMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_fail-float-high> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1floatMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_fail-float-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MAXINCLUSIVE 5.5 } / { '5.6'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMaxinclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1floatMaxinclusiveDOUBLE_pass-float-low> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1floatMaxinclusiveDOUBLE_pass-float-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MAXINCLUSIVE 5.5e0 } / { '4.4'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMaxinclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1floatMaxinclusiveDOUBLE_pass-float-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1floatMaxinclusiveDOUBLE_pass-float-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MAXINCLUSIVE 5.5e0 } / { '5.5'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMaxinclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1floatMaxinclusiveDOUBLE_fail-float-high> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1floatMaxinclusiveDOUBLE_fail-float-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MAXINCLUSIVE 5.5e0 } / { '5.6'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMaxinclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1doubleMaxinclusiveINTEGER_pass-double-low> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1doubleMaxinclusiveINTEGER_pass-double-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MAXINCLUSIVE 5 } / { 4.4e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMaxinclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1doubleMaxinclusiveINTEGER_fail-double-high> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1doubleMaxinclusiveINTEGER_fail-double-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MAXINCLUSIVE 5 } / { 5.6e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMaxinclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1doubleMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_pass-double-low> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1doubleMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_pass-double-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MAXINCLUSIVE 5.5 } / { 4.4e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMaxinclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1doubleMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_pass-double-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1doubleMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_pass-double-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MAXINCLUSIVE 5.5 } / { 5.5e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMaxinclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1doubleMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_fail-double-high> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1doubleMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_fail-double-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MAXINCLUSIVE 5.5 } / { 5.6e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMaxinclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1doubleMaxinclusiveDOUBLE_pass-double-low> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1doubleMaxinclusiveDOUBLE_pass-double-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MAXINCLUSIVE 5.5e0 } / { 4.4e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMaxinclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1doubleMaxinclusiveDOUBLE_pass-double-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1doubleMaxinclusiveDOUBLE_pass-double-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MAXINCLUSIVE 5.5e0 } / { 5.5e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMaxinclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1doubleMaxinclusiveDOUBLE_fail-double-high> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1doubleMaxinclusiveDOUBLE_fail-double-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MAXINCLUSIVE 5.5e0 } / { 5.6e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMaxinclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1doubleMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_fail-float-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1doubleMaxinclusiveDECIMAL_fail-float-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MAXINCLUSIVE 5.5 } / { '5.5'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMaxinclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1integerMaxexclusiveINTEGER_pass-integer-low> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMaxexclusiveINTEGER_pass-integer-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MAXEXCLUSIVE 5 } / { 4 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMaxexclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMaxexclusiveINTEGER_fail-integer-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1integerMaxexclusiveINTEGER_fail-integer-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MAXEXCLUSIVE 5 } / { 5 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMaxexclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1integerMaxexclusiveINTEGER_fail-integer-high> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1integerMaxexclusiveINTEGER_fail-integer-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MAXEXCLUSIVE 5 } / { 6 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMaxexclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1integerMaxexclusiveDECIMALint_pass-integer-low> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMaxexclusiveDECIMALint_pass-integer-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MAXEXCLUSIVE 5.0 } / { 4 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMaxexclusiveDECIMALint.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMaxexclusiveDECIMALint_fail-integer-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1integerMaxexclusiveDECIMALint_fail-integer-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MAXEXCLUSIVE 5.0 } / { 5 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMaxexclusiveDECIMALint.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1integerMaxexclusiveDECIMALint_fail-integer-high> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1integerMaxexclusiveDECIMALint_fail-integer-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MAXEXCLUSIVE 5.0 } / { 6 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMaxexclusiveDECIMALint.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1integerMaxexclusiveDOUBLEint_pass-integer-low> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1integerMaxexclusiveDOUBLEint_pass-integer-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MAXEXCLUSIVE 5.0e0 } / { 4 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMaxexclusiveDOUBLEint.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1integerMaxexclusiveDOUBLEint_fail-integer-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1integerMaxexclusiveDOUBLEint_fail-integer-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MAXEXCLUSIVE 5.0e0 } / { 5 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMaxexclusiveDOUBLEint.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1integerMaxexclusiveDOUBLEint_fail-integer-high> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1integerMaxexclusiveDOUBLEint_fail-integer-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:integer MAXEXCLUSIVE 5.0e0 } / { 6 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1integerMaxexclusiveDOUBLEint.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1decimalMaxexclusiveINTEGER_pass-decimal-low> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1decimalMaxexclusiveINTEGER_pass-decimal-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MAXEXCLUSIVE 5 } / { 4.4 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMaxexclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1decimalMaxexclusiveINTEGER_fail-decimal-high> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1decimalMaxexclusiveINTEGER_fail-decimal-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MAXEXCLUSIVE 5 } / { 5.6 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMaxexclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1decimalMaxexclusiveDECIMAL_pass-decimal-low> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1decimalMaxexclusiveDECIMAL_pass-decimal-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MAXEXCLUSIVE 5.5 } / { 4.4 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMaxexclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1decimalMaxexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-decimal-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1decimalMaxexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-decimal-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MAXEXCLUSIVE 5.5 } / { 5.5 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMaxexclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1decimalMaxexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-decimal-high> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1decimalMaxexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-decimal-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MAXEXCLUSIVE 5.5 } / { 5.6 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMaxexclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1decimalMaxexclusiveDOUBLE_pass-decimal-low> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1decimalMaxexclusiveDOUBLE_pass-decimal-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MAXEXCLUSIVE 5.5e0 } / { 4.4 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMaxexclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1decimalMaxexclusiveDOUBLE_fail-decimal-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1decimalMaxexclusiveDOUBLE_fail-decimal-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MAXEXCLUSIVE 5.5e0 } / { 5.5 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMaxexclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1decimalMaxexclusiveDOUBLE_fail-decimal-high> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1decimalMaxexclusiveDOUBLE_fail-decimal-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MAXEXCLUSIVE 5.5e0 } / { 5.6 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMaxexclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1decimalMaxexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-float-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1decimalMaxexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-float-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MAXEXCLUSIVE 5.5 } / { '5.5'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMaxexclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1decimalMaxexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-double-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1decimalMaxexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-double-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MAXEXCLUSIVE 5.5 } / { 5.5e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMaxexclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1decimalMaxexclusivexsd-byte_fail-byte-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1decimalMaxexclusivexsd-byte_fail-byte-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:decimal MAXEXCLUSIVE 5 } / { '5'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1decimalMaxexclusivexsd-byte.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1floatMaxexclusiveINTEGER_pass-float-low> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1floatMaxexclusiveINTEGER_pass-float-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MAXEXCLUSIVE 5 } / { '4.4'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMaxexclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1floatMaxexclusiveINTEGER_fail-float-high> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1floatMaxexclusiveINTEGER_fail-float-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MAXEXCLUSIVE 5 } / { '5.6'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMaxexclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1floatMaxexclusiveDECIMAL_pass-float-low> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1floatMaxexclusiveDECIMAL_pass-float-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MAXEXCLUSIVE 5.5 } / { '4.4'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMaxexclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1floatMaxexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-float-high> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1floatMaxexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-float-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MAXEXCLUSIVE 5.5 } / { '5.6'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMaxexclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1floatMaxexclusiveDOUBLE_pass-float-low> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1floatMaxexclusiveDOUBLE_pass-float-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MAXEXCLUSIVE 5.5e0 } / { '4.4'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMaxexclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1floatMaxexclusiveDOUBLE_fail-float-high> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1floatMaxexclusiveDOUBLE_fail-float-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:float MAXEXCLUSIVE 5.5e0 } / { '5.6'^^ }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1floatMaxexclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1doubleMaxexclusiveINTEGER_pass-double-low> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1doubleMaxexclusiveINTEGER_pass-double-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MAXEXCLUSIVE 5 } / { 4.4e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMaxexclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1doubleMaxexclusiveINTEGER_fail-double-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1doubleMaxexclusiveINTEGER_fail-double-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MAXEXCLUSIVE 5 } / { 5.5e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMaxexclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1doubleMaxexclusiveINTEGER_fail-double-high> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1doubleMaxexclusiveINTEGER_fail-double-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MAXEXCLUSIVE 5 } / { 5.6e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMaxexclusiveINTEGER.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1doubleMaxexclusiveINTEGERLead_fail-double-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1doubleMaxexclusiveINTEGERLead_fail-double-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MAXEXCLUSIVE 05 } / { 5.5e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMaxexclusiveINTEGERLead.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1doubleMaxexclusiveDECIMAL_pass-double-low> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1doubleMaxexclusiveDECIMAL_pass-double-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MAXEXCLUSIVE 5.5 } / { 4.4e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMaxexclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1doubleMaxexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-double-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1doubleMaxexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-double-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MAXEXCLUSIVE 5.5 } / { 5.5e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMaxexclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1doubleMaxexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-double-high> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1doubleMaxexclusiveDECIMAL_fail-double-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MAXEXCLUSIVE 5.5 } / { 5.6e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMaxexclusiveDECIMAL.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1doubleMaxexclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_fail-double-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1doubleMaxexclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail_fail-double-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MAXEXCLUSIVE 05.50 } / { 5.5e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMaxexclusiveDECIMALLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1doubleMaxexclusiveDECIMALint_fail-double-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1doubleMaxexclusiveDECIMALint_fail-double-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MAXEXCLUSIVE 5.0 } / { 5.5e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMaxexclusiveDECIMALint.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1doubleMaxexclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail_fail-double-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1doubleMaxexclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail_fail-double-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MAXEXCLUSIVE 05.00 } / { 5.5e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMaxexclusiveDECIMALintLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1doubleMaxexclusiveDOUBLE_pass-double-low> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1doubleMaxexclusiveDOUBLE_pass-double-low" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MAXEXCLUSIVE 5.5e0 } / { 4.4e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMaxexclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1doubleMaxexclusiveDOUBLE_fail-double-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1doubleMaxexclusiveDOUBLE_fail-double-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MAXEXCLUSIVE 5.5e0 } / { 5.5e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMaxexclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1doubleMaxexclusiveDOUBLE_fail-double-high> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1doubleMaxexclusiveDOUBLE_fail-double-high" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MAXEXCLUSIVE 5.5e0 } / { 5.6e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMaxexclusiveDOUBLE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1doubleMaxexclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_fail-double-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1doubleMaxexclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail_fail-double-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MAXEXCLUSIVE 05.50e0 } / { 5.5e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMaxexclusiveDOUBLELeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1doubleMaxexclusiveDOUBLEint_fail-double-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1doubleMaxexclusiveDOUBLEint_fail-double-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MAXEXCLUSIVE 5.0e0 } / { 5.5e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMaxexclusiveDOUBLEint.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1doubleMaxexclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail_fail-double-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1doubleMaxexclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail_fail-double-equal" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; sht:trait sht:ComparatorFacet ; rdfs:comment " { xsd:double MAXEXCLUSIVE 05.00e0 } / { 5.5e0 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1doubleMaxexclusiveDOUBLEintLeadTrail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . #### } generated ### } comparators ### lengths { <#1Length_fail-lit-short> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1Length_fail-lit-short" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LENGTH 5 } on { \"abcd\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1Length.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1Length_pass-lit-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1Length_pass-lit-equal" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LENGTH 5 } on { \"abcde\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1Length.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1Length_fail-lit-long> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1Length_fail-lit-long" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LENGTH 5 } on { \"abcdef\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1Length.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalLength_fail-lit-short> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalLength_fail-lit-short" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL LENGTH 5 } on { \"abcd\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalLength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalLength_pass-lit-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalLength_pass-lit-equal" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL LENGTH 5 } on { \"abcde\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalLength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalLength_fail-lit-long> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalLength_fail-lit-long" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL LENGTH 5 } on { \"abcdef\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalLength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalLength_fail-iri-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalLength_fail-iri-equal" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL LENGTH 19 } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalLength19.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalLength_fail-bnode-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalLength_fail-bnode-equal" ; sht:trait sht:LexicalBNode , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL LENGTH 5 } on { _:abcde }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalLength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1iriLength_fail-iri-short> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1iriLength_fail-iri-short" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { IRI LENGTH 19 } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1iriLength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1iriLength_pass-iri-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1iriLength_pass-iri-equal" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { IRI LENGTH 19 } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1iriLength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1iriLength_fail-iri-long> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1iriLength_fail-iri-long" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { IRI LENGTH 19 } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1iriLength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1iriLength_fail-lit-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1iriLength_fail-lit-equal" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { IRI LENGTH 19 } on { \"abcde\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1iriLength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1iriLength_fail-bnode-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1iriLength_fail-bnode-equal" ; sht:trait sht:LexicalBNode , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { IRI LENGTH 19 } on { _:abcde }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1iriLength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1iriRefLength1_fail-iri-short> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1iriRefLength1_fail-iri-short" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { IRI @ LENGTH 19 } { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1iriRefLength1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1iriRefLength1_pass-iri-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1iriRefLength1_pass-iri-equal" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { IRI @ LENGTH 19 } { . } on { . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1iriRefLength1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1iriRefLength1_fail-iri-long> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1iriRefLength1_fail-iri-long" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { IRI @ LENGTH 19 } { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1iriRefLength1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1iriRefLength1_fail-lit-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1iriRefLength1_fail-lit-equal" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { IRI @ LENGTH 19 } { . } on { \"abcde\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1iriRefLength1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1iriRefLength1_fail-bnode-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1iriRefLength1_fail-bnode-equal" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { IRI @ LENGTH 19 } { . } on { _:abcde }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1iriRefLength1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1bnodeLength_fail-bnode-short> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1bnodeLength_fail-bnode-short" ; sht:trait sht:LexicalBNode , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { BNODE LENGTH 5 } on { _:abcd }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1bnodeLength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1bnodeLength_pass-bnode-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1bnodeLength_pass-bnode-equal" ; sht:trait sht:LexicalBNode , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { BNODE LENGTH 5 } on { _:abcde }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1bnodeLength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1bnodeLength_fail-bnode-long> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1bnodeLength_fail-bnode-long" ; sht:trait sht:LexicalBNode , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { BNODE LENGTH 5 } on { _:abcdef }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1bnodeLength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1bnodeLength_fail-lit-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1bnodeLength_fail-lit-equal" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { BNODE LENGTH 19 } on { \"abcde\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1bnodeLength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1bnodeLength_fail-iri-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1bnodeLength_fail-iri-equal" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { BNODE LENGTH 19 } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1bnodeLength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1nonliteralLength_fail-iri-short> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1nonliteralLength_fail-iri-short" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { NONLITERAL LENGTH 19 } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1nonliteralLength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1nonliteralLength_pass-iri-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1nonliteralLength_pass-iri-equal" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { NONLITERAL LENGTH 19 } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1nonliteralLength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1nonliteralLength_fail-iri-long> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1nonliteralLength_fail-iri-long" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { NONLITERAL LENGTH 19 } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1nonliteralLength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1nonliteralLength_fail-lit-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1nonliteralLength_fail-lit-equal" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { NONLITERAL LENGTH 19 } on { \"abcde\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1nonliteralLength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1nonliteralLength_fail-bnode-short> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1nonliteralLength_fail-bnode-short" ; sht:trait sht:LexicalBNode , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { NONLITERAL LENGTH 19 } on { _:abcd }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1nonliteralLength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1nonliteralLength_pass-bnode-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1nonliteralLength_pass-bnode-equal" ; sht:trait sht:LexicalBNode , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { NONLITERAL LENGTH 19 } on { _:abcdefghijklmnopqrs }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1nonliteralLength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1nonliteralLength_fail-bnode-long> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1nonliteralLength_fail-bnode-long" ; sht:trait sht:LexicalBNode , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { NONLITERAL LENGTH 19 } on { _:abcdefghijklmnopqrst }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1nonliteralLength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalMinlength_fail-lit-short> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalMinlength_fail-lit-short" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL MINLENGTH 5 } on { \"abcd\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalMinlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalMinlength_pass-lit-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalMinlength_pass-lit-equal" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL MINLENGTH 5 } on { \"abcde\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalMinlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalMinlength_pass-lit-long> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalMinlength_pass-lit-long" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL MINLENGTH 5 } on { \"abcdef\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalMinlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1iriMinlength_fail-iri-short> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1iriMinlength_fail-iri-short" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { IRI MINLENGTH 19 } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1iriMinlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1iriMinlength_pass-iri-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1iriMinlength_pass-iri-equal" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { IRI MINLENGTH 19 } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1iriMinlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1iriMinlength_pass-iri-long> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1iriMinlength_pass-iri-long" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { IRI MINLENGTH 19 } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1iriMinlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1bnodeMinlength_fail-bnode-short> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1bnodeMinlength_fail-bnode-short" ; sht:trait sht:LexicalBNode , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { BNODE MINLENGTH 5 } on { _:abcd }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1bnodeMinlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1bnodeMinlength_pass-bnode-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1bnodeMinlength_pass-bnode-equal" ; sht:trait sht:LexicalBNode , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { BNODE MINLENGTH 5 } on { _:abcde }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1bnodeMinlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1bnodeMinlength_pass-bnode-long> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1bnodeMinlength_pass-bnode-long" ; sht:trait sht:LexicalBNode , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { BNODE MINLENGTH 5 } on { _:abcdef }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1bnodeMinlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1nonliteralMinlength_fail-iri-short> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1nonliteralMinlength_fail-iri-short" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { NONLITERAL MINLENGTH 19 } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1nonliteralMinlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1nonliteralMinlength_pass-iri-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1nonliteralMinlength_pass-iri-equal" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { NONLITERAL MINLENGTH 19 } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1nonliteralMinlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1nonliteralMinlength_pass-iri-long> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1nonliteralMinlength_pass-iri-long" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { NONLITERAL MINLENGTH 19 } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1nonliteralMinlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1nonliteralMinlength_fail-bnode-short> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1nonliteralMinlength_fail-bnode-short" ; sht:trait sht:LexicalBNode , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { NONLITERAL MINLENGTH 19 } on { _:abcd }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1nonliteralMinlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1nonliteralMinlength_pass-bnode-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1nonliteralMinlength_pass-bnode-equal" ; sht:trait sht:LexicalBNode , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { NONLITERAL MINLENGTH 19 } on { _:abcdefghijklmnopqrs }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1nonliteralMinlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1nonliteralMinlength_pass-bnode-long> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1nonliteralMinlength_pass-bnode-long" ; sht:trait sht:LexicalBNode , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { NONLITERAL MINLENGTH 19 } on { _:abcdefghijklmnopqrst }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1nonliteralMinlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalMaxlength_pass-lit-short> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalMaxlength_pass-lit-short" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL MAXLENGTH 5 } on { \"abcd\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalMaxlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalMaxlength_pass-lit-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalMaxlength_pass-lit-equal" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL MAXLENGTH 5 } on { \"abcde\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalMaxlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalMaxlength_fail-lit-long> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalMaxlength_fail-lit-long" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL MAXLENGTH 5 } on { \"abcdef\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalMaxlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1iriMaxlength_pass-iri-short> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1iriMaxlength_pass-iri-short" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { IRI MAXLENGTH 19 } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1iriMaxlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1iriMaxlength_pass-iri-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1iriMaxlength_pass-iri-equal" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { IRI MAXLENGTH 19 } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1iriMaxlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1iriMaxlength_fail-iri-long> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1iriMaxlength_fail-iri-long" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { IRI MAXLENGTH 19 } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1iriMaxlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1bnodeMaxlength_pass-bnode-short> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1bnodeMaxlength_pass-bnode-short" ; sht:trait sht:LexicalBNode , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { BNODE MAXLENGTH 5 } on { _:abcd }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1bnodeMaxlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1bnodeMaxlength_pass-bnode-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1bnodeMaxlength_pass-bnode-equal" ; sht:trait sht:LexicalBNode , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { BNODE MAXLENGTH 5 } on { _:abcde }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1bnodeMaxlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1bnodeMaxlength_fail-bnode-long> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1bnodeMaxlength_fail-bnode-long" ; sht:trait sht:LexicalBNode , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { BNODE MAXLENGTH 5 } on { _:abcdef }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1bnodeMaxlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1nonliteralMaxlength_pass-iri-short> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1nonliteralMaxlength_pass-iri-short" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { NONLITERAL MAXLENGTH 19 } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1nonliteralMaxlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1nonliteralMaxlength_pass-iri-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1nonliteralMaxlength_pass-iri-equal" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { NONLITERAL MAXLENGTH 19 } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1nonliteralMaxlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1nonliteralMaxlength_fail-iri-long> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1nonliteralMaxlength_fail-iri-long" ; sht:trait sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { NONLITERAL MAXLENGTH 19 } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1nonliteralMaxlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1nonliteralMaxlength_pass-bnode-short> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1nonliteralMaxlength_pass-bnode-short" ; sht:trait sht:LexicalBNode , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { NONLITERAL MAXLENGTH 19 } on { _:abcd }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1nonliteralMaxlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1nonliteralMaxlength_pass-bnode-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1nonliteralMaxlength_pass-bnode-equal" ; sht:trait sht:LexicalBNode , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { NONLITERAL MAXLENGTH 19 } on { _:abcdefghijklmnopqrs }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1nonliteralMaxlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1nonliteralMaxlength_fail-bnode-long> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1nonliteralMaxlength_fail-bnode-long" ; sht:trait sht:LexicalBNode , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " { NONLITERAL MAXLENGTH 5 } on { _:abcdefghijklmnopqrst }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1nonliteralMaxlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . ### } lengths ### pattern { <#1literalPattern_pass-lit-match> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalPattern_pass-lit-match" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL PATTERN \"bc\" } on { \"bc\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPattern.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalPattern_fail-lit-short> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalPattern_fail-lit-short" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL PATTERN \"bc\" } on { \"a\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPattern.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalPattern_fail-ab> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalPattern_fail-ab" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL PATTERN \"bc\" } on { \"ab\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPattern.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalPattern_fail-cd> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalPattern_fail-cd" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL PATTERN \"bc\" } on { \"cd\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPattern.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalPatterni_pass-lit-match> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalPatterni_pass-lit-match" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL /bc/i } on { \"bc\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPatterni.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalPatterni_pass-lit-BC> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalPatterni_pass-lit-BC" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL /bc/i } on { \"BC\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPatterni.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalPatterni_pass-lit-blowercaseC> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalPatterni_pass-lit-blowercaseC" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL /bc/i } on { \"bC\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPatterni.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalPattern_pass-lit-into> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalPattern_pass-lit-into" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL PATTERN \"bc\" } on { \"abc\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPattern.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalPattern19_fail-iri-match> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalPattern19_fail-iri-match" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL PATTERN \"http://a.example/o1\" } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPattern19.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalPattern_fail-bnode-match> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalPattern_fail-bnode-match" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL PATTERN \"bc\" } on { _:ab }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPattern.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalStartPattern_pass-bc> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalStartPattern_pass-bc" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL PATTERN \"^bc\" } on { \"bc\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalStartPattern.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalStartPattern_fail-CarrotbcDollar> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalStartPattern_fail-CarrotbcDollar" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL PATTERN \"^bc\" } on { \"^bc$\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalStartPattern.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalPatternEnd_pass-bc> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalPatternEnd_pass-bc" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL PATTERN \"bc$\" } on { \"bc\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPatternEnd.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalPatternEnd_pass-CarrotbcDollar> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalPatternEnd_pass-CarrotbcDollar" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL PATTERN \"bc$\" } on { \"^bc$\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPatternEnd.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalPattern_pass-bcDollar> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalPattern_pass-bcDollar" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL PATTERN \"bc\" } on { \"bc$\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPattern.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalStarPatternEnd_pass-bc> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalStarPatternEnd_pass-bc" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL PATTERN \"^bc$\" } on { \"bc\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalStartPatternEnd.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalPattern_pass-CarrotbcDollar> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalPattern_pass-CarrotbcDollar" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL PATTERN \"bc\" } on { \"^bc$\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPattern.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . # translates to the implicitly anchored XML Schema: # # # # # # # # # # # with data: # # v:0, v:12v:3/. # Try at: <#1literalPattern_with_all_meta_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalPattern_with_all_meta_pass" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence , sht:OutsideBMP ; rdfs:comment " { /^\t(v:[0-9]+.../ } on { '\tv:0, ...' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPattern_with_all_meta.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalPattern_with_all_meta_pass-NA> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalPattern_with_all_meta_pass-NA" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence , sht:OutsideBMP ; rdfs:comment " { /^\t(v:[0-9]+.../ } on { 'abc\\N/Adef' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPattern_with_all_meta.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalPattern_with_all_controls_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalPattern_with_all_controls_pass" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence , sht:OutsideBMP ; rdfs:comment " { /^^@^A...^_$/ } on { '^@^A...^_' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPattern_with_all_controls.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalPattern_with_all_controls_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalPattern_with_all_controls_fail" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence , sht:OutsideBMP ; rdfs:comment " { /^^@^A...^_$/ } on { '^@^A...^_999' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPattern_with_all_controls.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalPattern_with_all_punctuation_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalPattern_with_all_punctuation_pass" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence , sht:OutsideBMP ; rdfs:comment " { /^ !\"#\\$%&'\\(\\)\\/:;<=>\\?@\\[\\]\\^_`\\{\\|\\}~$/ } on { ' !\"#$%&'()/:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPattern_with_all_punctuation.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalPattern_with_all_punctuation_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalPattern_with_all_punctuation_fail" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence , sht:OutsideBMP ; rdfs:comment " { /^ !\"#\\$%&'\\(\\)\\/:;<=>\\?@\\[\\]\\^_`\\{\\|\\}~$/ } on { ' !\"#$%&'()/:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~999' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPattern_with_all_punctuation.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalPattern_with_ascii_boundaries_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalPattern_with_ascii_boundaries_pass" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence , sht:OutsideBMP ; rdfs:comment " { /^^@^I^K^L^N&\\(\\[\\]^?$/ } on { '^@^I^K^L^N&([]^?' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPattern_with_ascii_boundaries.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalPattern_with_ascii_boundaries_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalPattern_with_ascii_boundaries_fail" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence , sht:OutsideBMP ; rdfs:comment " { /^^@^I^K^L^N&\\(\\[\\]^?$/ } on { '^@^I^K^L^N&([]^?999' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPattern_with_ascii_boundaries.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalPattern_with_UTF8_boundaries_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalPattern_with_UTF8_boundaries_pass" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence , sht:OutsideBMP ; rdfs:comment " { /^\u0080...\U0010FFFD$/ } on { '\u0080...\U0010FFFD' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPattern_with_UTF8_boundaries.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalPattern_with_UTF8_boundaries_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalPattern_with_UTF8_boundaries_fail" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence , sht:OutsideBMP ; rdfs:comment " { /^\u0080...\U0010FFFD$/ } on { '\u0080...\U0010FFFD999' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPattern_with_UTF8_boundaries.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_pass" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence , sht:OutsideBMP ; rdfs:comment " { /^\\/\\t\\b\\n\\r\\f\\\\\\u0061\\U0001D4B8$/ } on { '\\/\\t\\b\\n\\r\\f\\\u0061\U0001D4B8' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_fail" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence , sht:OutsideBMP ; rdfs:comment " { /^\\/\\t\\b\\n\\r\\f\\\\\\u0061\\U0001D4B8$/ } on { '\\/\\t\\b\\n\\r\\f\\\u0061\U0001D4B8999' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_fail_escaped> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_fail_escaped" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence , sht:OutsideBMP ; rdfs:comment " { /^\\/\\t\\b\\n\\r\\f\\\\\\u0061\\U0001D4B8$/ } on { '\\\\/\\\\t\\\\b\\\\n\\\\r\\\\f\\\\\\u0061\\U0001D4B8' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_escaped_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_escaped_pass" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence , sht:OutsideBMP ; rdfs:comment " { /^\\\\/\\\\t\\\\b\\\\n\\\\r\\\\f\\\\\\\\\\\\u0061\\\\U0001D4B8$/ } on { '\\\\/\\\\t\\\\b\\\\n\\\\r\\\\f\\\\\\u0061\\U0001D4B8' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_escaped.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_escaped_fail_escapes> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_escaped_fail_escapes" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence , sht:OutsideBMP ; rdfs:comment " { /^\\\\/\\\\t\\\\b\\\\n\\\\r\\\\f\\\\\\\\\\\\u0061\\\\U0001D4B8$/ } on { '\\/\\t\\b\\n\\r\\f\\\u0061\U0001D4B8' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_escaped.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_escaped_fail_escapes_bare> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_escaped_fail_escapes_bare" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence , sht:OutsideBMP ; rdfs:comment " { /^\\\\/\\\\t\\\\b\\\\n\\\\r\\\\f\\\\\\\\\\\\u0061\\\\U0001D4B8$/ } on { '/ \\b\\n\\r\\f\\a\U0001D4B8' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_escaped.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_bare_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_bare_pass" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence , sht:OutsideBMP ; rdfs:comment " { /^\\/ \\n\\r-\\\\a\\U0001D4B8$/ } on { '/ \\b\\n\\r\\f\\a\U0001D4B8' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_bare.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_bare_fail_escaped> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_bare_fail_escaped" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence , sht:OutsideBMP ; rdfs:comment " { /^\\/ \\n\\r-\\\\a\\U0001D4B8$/ } on { '\\\\/\\\\t\\\\b\\\\n\\\\r\\\\f\\\\\\u0061\\U0001D4B8' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_bare.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_pass_bare> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_pass_bare" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence , sht:OutsideBMP ; rdfs:comment " { /^\\/\\t\\b\\n\\r\\f\\\\\\u0061\\U0001D4B8$/ } on { '/ \\b\\n\\r\\f\\a\U0001D4B8' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_bare_pass_escapes> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_bare_pass_escapes" ; sht:trait sht:NumericEquivalence , sht:OutsideBMP ; rdfs:comment " { /^\\/ \\n\\r-\\\\a\\U0001D4B8$/ } on { '\\/\\t\\b\\n\\r\\f\\\u0061\U0001D4B8' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPattern_with_REGEXP_escapes_bare.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalPatternEnd_fail-litEnd> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalPatternEnd_fail-litEnd" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL PATTERN \"bc$\" } on { \"bc$\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPatternEnd.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalPatternDollar_pass-litDollar-match> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalPatternDollar_pass-litDollar-match" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL PATTERN \"bc\\$\" } on { \"bc$\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPatternDollar.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalPattern_pass-StartlitEnd-match> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalPattern_pass-StartlitEnd-match" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL PATTERN \"^bc$\" } on { \"^bc$\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalStartPatternEnd.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalStartPatternEnd_CarrotbcDollar> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalStartPatternEnd_CarrotbcDollar" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL PATTERN \"^bc$\" } on { \"^bc$\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalStartPatternEnd.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalCarrotPatternDollar_pass-bc> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalCarrotPatternDollar_pass-bc" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL PATTERN \"\\^bc\\$\" } on { \"bc\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalCarrotPatternDollar.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1literalCarrotPatternDollar_pass-CarrotbcDollar> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1literalCarrotPatternDollar_pass-CarrotbcDollar" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL PATTERN \"\\^bc\\$\" } on { \"^bc$\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalCarrotPatternDollar.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1literalPatternabEnd_fail-bnode-match> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1literalPatternabEnd_fail-bnode-match" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet , sht:LexicalBNode ; rdfs:comment " { LITERAL PATTERN \"bc$\" } on { _:bc }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1literalPatternabEnd.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1iriPattern_pass-iri-match> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1iriPattern_pass-iri-match" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { IRI PATTERN \"http://a.example/o1\" } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1iriPattern.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1iriPattern_fail-iri-short> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1iriPattern_fail-iri-short" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { IRI PATTERN \"http://a.example/o1\" } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1iriPattern.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1iriPattern_fail-iri-long> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1iriPattern_fail-iri-long" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { IRI PATTERN \"http://a.example/o1\" } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1iriPattern.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1iriPattern_fail-lit-match> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1iriPattern_fail-lit-match" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { IRI PATTERN \"http://a.example/o1\" } on { \"o1\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1iriPattern.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1iriPattern_fail-bnode-match> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1iriPattern_fail-bnode-match" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { IRI PATTERN \"^bc$\" } on { _:bc }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1iriPatternbc.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1bnodePattern_pass-bnode-match> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1bnodePattern_pass-bnode-match" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet , sht:LexicalBNode ; rdfs:comment " { BNODE PATTERN \"bc\" } on { _:bc }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1bnodePattern.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1bnodePattern_fail-bnode-short> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1bnodePattern_fail-bnode-short" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { BNODE PATTERN \"bc\" } on { _:a }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1bnodePattern.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1bnodePattern_fail-bnode-long> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1bnodePattern_fail-bnode-long" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet , sht:LexicalBNode ; rdfs:comment " { BNODE PATTERN \"bc\" } on { _:abc }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1bnodePattern.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1bnodePattern_fail-lit-match> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1bnodePattern_fail-lit-match" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { BNODE PATTERN \"bc\" } on { \"ab\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1bnodePattern.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1bnodePattern_fail-iri-match> a sht:ValidationFailure ; # try one against relative name mf:name "1bnodePattern_fail-iri-match" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { BNODE PATTERN \"bc\" } on { BASE }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1bnodePattern.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1nonliteralPattern_pass-iri-match> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1nonliteralPattern_pass-iri-match" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { NONLITERAL PATTERN \"bc$\" } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1nonliteralPattern.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1nonliteralPattern_fail-iri-short> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1nonliteralPattern_fail-iri-short" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { NONLITERAL PATTERN \"bc$\" } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1nonliteralPattern.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1nonliteralPattern_pass-iri-long> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1nonliteralPattern_pass-iri-long" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { NONLITERAL PATTERN \"bc$\" } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1nonliteralPattern.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1nonliteralPattern_fail-lit-match> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1nonliteralPattern_fail-lit-match" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { NONLITERAL PATTERN \"bc$\" } on { \"ab\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1nonliteralPattern.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1nonliteralPattern_pass-bnode-match> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1nonliteralPattern_pass-bnode-match" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet , sht:LexicalBNode ; rdfs:comment " { NONLITERAL PATTERN \"bc$\" } on { _:bc }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1nonliteralPattern.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1nonliteralPattern_fail-bnode-short> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1nonliteralPattern_fail-bnode-short" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " { NONLITERAL PATTERN \"bc$\" } on { _:a }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1nonliteralPattern.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1nonliteralPattern_pass-bnode-long> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1nonliteralPattern_pass-bnode-long" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet , sht:LexicalBNode ; rdfs:comment " { NONLITERAL PATTERN \"bc$\" } on { _:abc }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1nonliteralPattern.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . ### } pattern ## } facets ## value sets { <#1val1dotMinusiri3_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1dotMinusiri3_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [.---] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1dotMinusiri3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1dotMinusiri3_v1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1dotMinusiri3_v1" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [.---] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1dotMinusiri3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1dotMinusiri3_v2> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1dotMinusiri3_v2" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [.---] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1dotMinusiri3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1dotMinusiri3_v3> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1dotMinusiri3_v3" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [.---] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1dotMinusiri3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1refvsMinusiri3_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1refvsMinusiri3_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " = [.---] { @ } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1refvsMinusiri3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1refvsMinusiri3_v1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1refvsMinusiri3_v1" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " = [.---] { @ } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1refvsMinusiri3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1refvsMinusiri3_v2> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1refvsMinusiri3_v2" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " = [.---] { @ } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1refvsMinusiri3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1refvsMinusiri3_v3> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1refvsMinusiri3_v3" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " = [.---] { @ } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1refvsMinusiri3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1dotMinusiriStem3_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1dotMinusiriStem3_pass" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [.-~-~-~] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1dotMinusiriStem3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1dotMinusiriStem3_v1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1dotMinusiriStem3_v1" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [.-~-~-~] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1dotMinusiriStem3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1dotMinusiriStem3_v2> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1dotMinusiriStem3_v2" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [.-~-~-~] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1dotMinusiriStem3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1dotMinusiriStem3_v3> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1dotMinusiriStem3_v3" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [.-~-~-~] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1dotMinusiriStem3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1dotMinusiriStem3_v1a> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1dotMinusiriStem3_v1a" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [.-~-~-~] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1dotMinusiriStem3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1iri_passv1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1iri_passv1" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { [] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1iri.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1iri_failv1a> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1iri_failv1a" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { [] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1iri.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1iriStem_passv1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1iriStem_passv1" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [~] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1iriStem.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1iriStem_passv1a> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1iriStem_passv1a" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [~] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1iriStem.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1iriStem_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1iriStem_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [~] } on { <> }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1iriStem.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1iriStem_fail-literalIv1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1iriStem_fail-literalIv1" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [~] } on { 'v1' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1iriStem.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1iriStemMinusiri3_passIv> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1iriStemMinusiri3_passIv" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [---] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1iriStemMinusiri3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1iriStemMinusiri3_passIv4> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1iriStemMinusiri3_passIv4" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [---] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1iriStemMinusiri3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1iriStemMinusiri3_fail-literalIv4> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1iriStemMinusiri3_fail-literalIv4" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [---] } on { 'v4' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1iriStemMinusiri3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1iriStemMinusiri3_v1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1iriStemMinusiri3_v1" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [---] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1iriStemMinusiri3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1iriStemMinusiri3_fail-literalIv1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1iriStemMinusiri3_fail-literalIv1" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [---] } on { 'v1' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1iriStemMinusiri3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1iriStemMinusiri3_v2> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1iriStemMinusiri3_v2" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [---] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1iriStemMinusiri3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1iriStemMinusiri3_v3> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1iriStemMinusiri3_v3" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [---] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1iriStemMinusiri3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1iriStemMinusiri3_passIv1a> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1iriStemMinusiri3_passIv1a" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [---] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1iriStemMinusiri3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1iriStemMinusiriStem3_passIv> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1iriStemMinusiriStem3_passIv" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [~-~-~-~] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1iriStemMinusiriStem3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1iriStemMinusiriStem3_passIv4> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1iriStemMinusiriStem3_passIv4" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [~-~-~-~] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1iriStemMinusiriStem3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1iriStemMinusiriStem3_v1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1iriStemMinusiriStem3_v1" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [~-~-~-~] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1iriStemMinusiriStem3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1iriStemMinusiriStem3_v2> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1iriStemMinusiriStem3_v2" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [~-~-~-~] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1iriStemMinusiriStem3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1iriStemMinusiriStem3_v3> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1iriStemMinusiriStem3_v3" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [~-~-~-~] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1iriStemMinusiriStem3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1iriStemMinusiriStem3_v1a> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1iriStemMinusiriStem3_v1a" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [~-~-~-~] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1iriStemMinusiriStem3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1literal_passv> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1literal_passv" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { ['v'] } on { 'v' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1literal.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1literal_failv1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1literal_failv1" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { ['v'] } on { 'v1' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1literal.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1literalStem_passv1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1literalStem_passv1" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { ['v'~] } on { 'v1' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1literalStem.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1literalStem_passv1a> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1literalStem_passv1a" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { ['v'~] } on { 'v1a' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1literalStem.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1literalStem_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1literalStem_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { ['v'~] } on { '' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1literalStem.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1literaliriStem_fail-Iv1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1literaliriStem_fail-Iv1" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { ['v'~] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1literaliriStem.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1literalStemMinusliteral3_passLv> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1literalStemMinusliteral3_passLv" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { ['v'-'v1'-'v2'-'v3'] } on { 'v' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1literalStemMinusliteral3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1literalStemMinusliteral3_passLv4> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1literalStemMinusliteral3_passLv4" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { ['v'-'v1'-'v2'-'v3'] } on { 'v4' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1literalStemMinusliteral3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1literaliriStemMinusliteraliri3_fail-Iv4> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1literaliriStemMinusliteraliri3_fail-Iv4" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { ['v'-'v1'-'v2'-'v3'] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1literaliriStemMinusliteraliri3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1literalStemMinusliteral3_v1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1literalStemMinusliteral3_v1" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { ['v'-'v1'-'v2'-'v3'] } on { 'v1' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1literalStemMinusliteral3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1literaliriStemMinusliteraliri3_fail-Iv1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1literaliriStemMinusliteraliri3_fail-Iv1" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { ['v'-'v1'-'v2'-'v3'] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1literaliriStemMinusliteraliri3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1literalStemMinusliteral3_v2> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1literalStemMinusliteral3_v2" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { ['v'-'v1'-'v2'-'v3'] } on { 'v2' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1literalStemMinusliteral3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1literalStemMinusliteral3_v3> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1literalStemMinusliteral3_v3" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { ['v'-'v1'-'v2'-'v3'] } on { 'v3' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1literalStemMinusliteral3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1literalStemMinusliteral3_passLv1a> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1literalStemMinusliteral3_passLv1a" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { ['v'-'v1'-'v2'-'v3'] } on { 'v1a' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1literalStemMinusliteral3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1literalStemMinusliteralStem3_passLv> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1literalStemMinusliteralStem3_passLv" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { ['v'~-'v1'~-'v2'~-'v3'~] } on { 'v' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1literalStemMinusliteralStem3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1literalStemMinusliteralStem3_passLv4> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1literalStemMinusliteralStem3_passLv4" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { ['v'~-'v1'~-'v2'~-'v3'~] } on { 'v4' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1literalStemMinusliteralStem3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1literalStemMinusliteralStem3_v1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1literalStemMinusliteralStem3_v1" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { ['v'~-'v1'~-'v2'~-'v3'~] } on { 'v1' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1literalStemMinusliteralStem3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1literalStemMinusliteralStem3_v2> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1literalStemMinusliteralStem3_v2" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { ['v'~-'v1'~-'v2'~-'v3'~] } on { 'v2' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1literalStemMinusliteralStem3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1literalStemMinusliteralStem3_v3> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1literalStemMinusliteralStem3_v3" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { ['v'~-'v1'~-'v2'~-'v3'~] } on { 'v3' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1literalStemMinusliteralStem3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1literalStemMinusliteralStem3_v1a> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1literalStemMinusliteralStem3_v1a" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { ['v'~-'v1'~-'v2'~-'v3'~] } on { 'v1a' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1literalStemMinusliteralStem3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1language_passLAtfr> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1language_passLAtfr" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { [@fr] } on { 'septante'@fr }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1language.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1language_failLAtfr-be> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1language_failLAtfr-be" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { [@fr] } on { 'septante'@fr-be }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1language.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1emptylanguageStem_passLAtfr> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1emptylanguageStem_passLAtfr" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [@~] } on { 'septante'@fr }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1emptylanguageStem.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1emptylanguageStem_fail-literal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1emptylanguageStem_fail-literal" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [@~] } on { '' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1emptylanguageStem.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1emptylanguageStem_fail-empty> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1emptylanguageStem_fail-empty" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [@~] } on { '' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1emptylanguageStem.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1emptylanguageStem_fail-integer> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1emptylanguageStem_fail-integer" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [@~] } on { 12345 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1emptylanguageStem.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1emptylanguageStemMinuslanguage3_passLAtfr> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1emptylanguageStemMinuslanguage3_passLAtfr" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [@~-@fr-be-@fr-cd-@fr-ch] } on { 'septante'@fr }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1emptylanguageStemMinuslanguage3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1emptylanguageStemMinuslanguage3_failLAtfr-be> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1emptylanguageStemMinuslanguage3_failLAtfr-be" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [@~-@fr-be-@fr-cd-@fr-ch] } on { 'septante'@fr-be }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1emptylanguageStemMinuslanguage3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1emptylanguageStemMinuslanguage3_passLAtfr-be-fbcl> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1emptylanguageStemMinuslanguage3_passLAtfr-be-fbcl" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [@~-@fr-be-@fr-cd-@fr-ch] } on { 'septante'@fr-be-fbcl }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1emptylanguageStemMinuslanguage3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1emptylanguageStemMinuslanguageStem3_LAtfr> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1emptylanguageStemMinuslanguageStem3_LAtfr" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [@~-@fr-be~-@fr-cd~-@fr-ch~] } on { 'septante'@fr }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1emptylanguageStemMinuslanguageStem3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1emptylanguageStemMinuslanguageStem3_LAtfrc> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1emptylanguageStemMinuslanguageStem3_LAtfrc" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [@~-@fr-be~-@fr-cd~-@fr-ch~] } on { 'septante'@frc }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1emptylanguageStemMinuslanguageStem3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1emptylanguageStemMinuslanguageStem3_failLAtfr-be> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1emptylanguageStemMinuslanguageStem3_failLAtfr-be" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [@~-@fr-be~-@fr-cd~-@fr-ch~] } on { 'septante'@fr-be }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1emptylanguageStemMinuslanguageStem3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1emptylanguageStemMinuslanguageStem3_LAtfr-be-fbcl> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1emptylanguageStemMinuslanguageStem3_LAtfr-be-fbcl" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [@~-@fr-be~-@fr-cd~-@fr-ch~] } on { 'septante'@fr-be-fbcl }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1emptylanguageStemMinuslanguageStem3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1languageStem_passLAtfr> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1languageStem_passLAtfr" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [@fr~] } on { 'septante'@fr }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1languageStem.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1languageStem_failLAtfrc> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1languageStem_failLAtfrc" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [@fr~] } on { 'septante'@frc }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1languageStem.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1languageStem_passLAtfr-be> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1languageStem_passLAtfr-be" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [@fr~] } on { 'septante'@fr-be }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1languageStem.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1languageStem_passLAtfr-be-fbcl> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1languageStem_passLAtfr-be-fbcl" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [@fr~] } on { 'septante'@fr-be-fbcl }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1languageStem.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1languageStem_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1languageStem_fail" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [@fr~] } on { '' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1languageStem.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1literallanguageStem_failLAtfr> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1literallanguageStem_failLAtfr" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { ['fr'~] } on { 'septante'@fr }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1literallanguageStem.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1languageStemMinuslanguage3_passLAtfr> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1languageStemMinuslanguage3_passLAtfr" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [@fr~-@fr-be-@fr-cd-@fr-ch] } on { 'septante'@fr }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1languageStemMinuslanguage3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1languageStemMinuslanguage3_passLAtfr-FR> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1languageStemMinuslanguage3_passLAtfr-FR" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [@fr~-@fr-be-@fr-cd-@fr-ch] } on { 'septante'@fr-FR }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1languageStemMinuslanguage3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1literallanguageStemMinusliterallanguage3_failLAtfr-FR> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1literallanguageStemMinusliterallanguage3_failLAtfr-FR" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { ['fr'-'fr-be'-'fr-cd'-'fr-ch'] } on { 'septante'@fr-FR }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1literallanguageStemMinusliterallanguage3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1languageStemMinuslanguage3_failLAtfr-be> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1languageStemMinuslanguage3_failLAtfr-be" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [@fr~-@fr-be-@fr-cd-@fr-ch] } on { 'septante'@fr-be }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1languageStemMinuslanguage3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1literallanguageStemMinusliterallanguage3_failLAtfr-BE> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1literallanguageStemMinusliterallanguage3_failLAtfr-BE" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { ['fr'-'fr-be'-'fr-cd'-'fr-ch'] } on { 'septante'@fr-be }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1literallanguageStemMinusliterallanguage3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1languageStemMinuslanguage3_failLAtfr-cd> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1languageStemMinuslanguage3_failLAtfr-cd" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [@fr~-@fr-be-@fr-cd-@fr-ch] } on { 'septante'@fr-cd }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1languageStemMinuslanguage3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1languageStemMinuslanguage3_failLAtfr-ch> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1languageStemMinuslanguage3_failLAtfr-ch" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [@fr~-@fr-be-@fr-cd-@fr-ch] } on { 'septante'@fr-ch }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1languageStemMinuslanguage3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1languageStemMinuslanguage3_passLAtfr-be-fbcl> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1languageStemMinuslanguage3_passLAtfr-be-fbcl" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [@fr~-@fr-be-@fr-cd-@fr-ch] } on { 'septante'@fr-be-fbcl }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1languageStemMinuslanguage3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1languageStemMinuslanguageStem3_passLAtfr> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1languageStemMinuslanguageStem3_passLAtfr" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [@fr~-@fr-be~-@fr-cd~-@fr-ch~] } on { 'septante'@fr }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1languageStemMinuslanguageStem3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1languageStemMinuslanguageStem3_LAtfrc> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1languageStemMinuslanguageStem3_LAtfrc" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [@fr~-@fr-be~-@fr-cd~-@fr-ch~] } on { 'septante'@frc }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1languageStemMinuslanguageStem3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1languageStemMinuslanguageStem3_passLAtfr-FR> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1languageStemMinuslanguageStem3_passLAtfr-FR" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [@fr~-@fr-be~-@fr-cd~-@fr-ch~] } on { 'septante'@fr-FR }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1languageStemMinuslanguageStem3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1languageStemMinuslanguageStem3_LAtfr-be> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1languageStemMinuslanguageStem3_LAtfr-be" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [@fr~-@fr-be~-@fr-cd~-@fr-ch~] } on { 'septante'@fr-be }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1languageStemMinuslanguageStem3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1languageStemMinuslanguageStem3_LAtfr-cd> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1languageStemMinuslanguageStem3_LAtfr-cd" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [@fr~-@fr-be~-@fr-cd~-@fr-ch~] } on { 'septante'@fr-cd }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1languageStemMinuslanguageStem3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1languageStemMinuslanguageStem3_LAtfr-ch> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1languageStemMinuslanguageStem3_LAtfr-ch" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [@fr~-@fr-be~-@fr-cd~-@fr-ch~] } on { 'septante'@fr-ch }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1languageStemMinuslanguageStem3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1languageStemMinuslanguageStem3_passLAtfr-bel> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1languageStemMinuslanguageStem3_passLAtfr-bel" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [@fr~-@fr-be~-@fr-cd~-@fr-ch~] } on { 'septante'@fr-bel }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1languageStemMinuslanguageStem3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1languageStemMinuslanguageStem3_LAtfr-be-fbcl> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1languageStemMinuslanguageStem3_LAtfr-be-fbcl" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet , sht:Stem ; rdfs:comment " { [@fr~-@fr-be~-@fr-cd~-@fr-ch~] } on { 'septante'@fr-be-fbcl }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1languageStemMinuslanguageStem3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . ## } value sets ## triple expressions { ### AND tripleExpr { # !../schemas/2dot.shex # !../schemas/2dotSemis.shex [2dotSemis.shex] # !../schemas/open2dotclose.shex [2dotSemis.shex] # !../schemas/open2dotsemisclose.shex [2dotSemis.shex] # !../schemas/3Eachdot.shex # !../schemas/open3Eachdotclose.shex [3Eachdot.shex] ### } AND tripleExpr ### OR tripleExpr { # !../schemas/1dotOne1dot.shex # !../schemas/1dotSemiOne1dotSemi.shex # !../schemas/open1dotOne1dotclose.shex [1dotSemiOne1dotSemi.shex] # !../schemas/open1dotSemiOne1dotSemicloseSemi.shex [1dotSemiOne1dotSemi.shex] # !../schemas/2dotOne1dot.shex # !../schemas/2dotSemiOne1dotSemi.shex [2dotOne1dot.shex] # !../schemas/open2dotOne1dotclose.shex [2dotOne1dot.shex] # !../schemas/open2dotSemisOne1dotSemiclose.shex [2dotOne1dot.shex] # !../schemas/openopen2dotcloseOne1dotclose.shex [2dotOne1dot.shex] # !../schemas/openopen2dotSemiscloseOne1dotSemiclose.shex [2dotOne1dot.shex] # !../schemas/open1dotopen1dotOne1dotcloseclose.shex # !../schemas/open1dotopen1dotSemiOne1dotSemicloseSemicloseSemi.shex [open1dotopen1dotOne1dotcloseclose.shex] <#1dotOne2dot_pass_p1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotOne2dot_pass_p1" ; sht:trait sht:OneOf , sht:EachOf-unvisited ; rdfs:comment ":S1 {:p1 .|:p2 .; :p3 .} / { :s1 :p1 \"p1-0\" . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotOne2dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotOne2dot_pass_p2p3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotOne2dot_pass_p2p3" ; sht:trait sht:OneOf , sht:EachOf ; rdfs:comment ":S1 {:p1 .|:p2 .; :p3 .} / { :s1 :p2 \"p2-0\"; :p3 \"p3-0\" . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotOne2dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotOne2dot-oneOf_fail_p1p2p3> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1dotOne2dot-oneOf_fail_p1p2p3" ; sht:trait sht:OneOf , sht:EachOf-unvisited ; rdfs:comment ":S1 {:p1 .|:p2 .; :p3 .} / { :s1 :p1 \"p1-0\"; :p2 \"p2-0\"; :p3 \"p3-0\" . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotOne2dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1dotOne2dot-someOf_fail_p1p2p3> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1dotOne2dot-someOf_fail_p1p2p3" ; sht:trait sht:OneOf , sht:EachOf , sht:MissedMatchables ; rdfs:comment ":S1 {:p1 .|:p2 .; :p3 .} / { :s1 :p1 \"p1-0\"; :p2 \"p2-0\"; :p3 \"p3-0\" . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotOne2dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#open1dotOneopen2dotcloseclose_pass_p1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "open1dotOneopen2dotcloseclose_pass_p1" ; sht:trait sht:OneOf , sht:EachOf-unvisited ; rdfs:comment ":S1 {(:p1 .|(:p2 .; :p3 .))} / { :s1 :p1 \"p1-0\" . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/open1dotOneopen2dotcloseclose.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#open1dotOneopen2dotcloseclose_pass_p2p3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "open1dotOneopen2dotcloseclose_pass_p2p3" ; sht:trait sht:OneOf , sht:EachOf ; rdfs:comment ":S1 {(:p1 .|(:p2 .; :p3 .))} / { :s1 :p2 \"p2-0\"; :p3 \"p3-0\" . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/open1dotOneopen2dotcloseclose.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#open1dotOneopen2dotcloseclose_fail_p1p2p3> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "open1dotOneopen2dotcloseclose_fail_p1p2p3" ; sht:trait sht:OneOf , sht:EachOf-unvisited ; rdfs:comment ":S1 {(:p1 .|(:p2 .; :p3 .))} / { :s1 :p1 \"p1-0\"; :p2 \"p2-0\"; :p3 \"p3-0\" . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/open1dotOneopen2dotcloseclose.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#openopen1dotOne1dotclose1dotclose_pass_p1p3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "openopen1dotOne1dotclose1dotclose_pass_p1p3" ; sht:trait sht:OneOf , sht:EachOf ; rdfs:comment ":S1 { ((:p1 .| :p2 .); :p3 .) } / { :p1 \"p1-0\"; :p3 \"p3-0\" . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/openopen1dotOne1dotclose1dotclose.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#openopen1dotOne1dotclose1dotclose_pass_p2p3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "openopen1dotOne1dotclose1dotclose_pass_p2p3" ; sht:trait sht:OneOf , sht:EachOf ; rdfs:comment ":S1 { ((:p1 .| :p2 .); :p3 .) } / { :p2 \"p2-0\"; :p3 \"p3-0\" . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/openopen1dotOne1dotclose1dotclose.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#openopen1dotOne1dotclose1dotclose_fail_p1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "openopen1dotOne1dotclose1dotclose_fail_p1" ; sht:trait sht:OneOf , sht:EachOf-unvisited ; rdfs:comment ":S1 { ((:p1 .| :p2 .); :p3 .) } / { :p1 \"p1-0\" . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/openopen1dotOne1dotclose1dotclose.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#openopen1dotOne1dotclose1dotclose_fail_p3> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "openopen1dotOne1dotclose1dotclose_fail_p3" ; sht:trait sht:OneOf , sht:EachOf ; rdfs:comment ":S1 { ((:p1 .| :p2 .); :p3 .) } / { :p3 \"p3-0\" . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/openopen1dotOne1dotclose1dotclose.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#openopen1dotOne1dotclose1dotclose_fail_p1p2> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "openopen1dotOne1dotclose1dotclose_fail_p1p2" ; sht:trait sht:OneOf , sht:EachOf ; rdfs:comment ":S1 { ((:p1 .| :p2 .); :p3 .) } / { :p1 \"p1-0\"; :p2 \"p2-0\" . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/openopen1dotOne1dotclose1dotclose.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . ### } OR tripleExpr ## } triple expressions ## value expressions { ### value reference { <#1val1vExprRefIRIREF1_fail-lit-short> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1vExprRefIRIREF1_fail-lit-short" ; sht:trait sht:ValueReference , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " = LITERAL MINLENGTH 5 { @ } on { \"abcd\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExprRefIRIREF1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1vExprRefIRIREF1_pass-lit-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1vExprRefIRIREF1_pass-lit-equal" ; sht:trait sht:ValueReference , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " = LITERAL MINLENGTH 5 { @ } on { \"abcde\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExprRefIRIREF1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1vExprRefbnode1_fail-lit-short> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1vExprRefbnode1_fail-lit-short" ; sht:trait sht:ValueReference , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment "_:vc1 = LITERAL MINLENGTH 5 { @_:vc1 } on { \"abcd\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExprRefbnode1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1vExprRefbnode1_pass-lit-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1vExprRefbnode1_pass-lit-equal" ; sht:trait sht:ValueReference , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment "_:vc1 = LITERAL MINLENGTH 5 { @_:vc1 } on { \"abcde\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExprRefbnode1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . ### } value reference ### AND valueExpr { <#1dotShapeAND1dot3X_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotShapeAND1dot3X_pass" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " { . } AND { . } AND { . } on { 'X'; 'X'; 'X' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotShapeAND1dot3X.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotShapeAND1dot3X_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1dotShapeAND1dot3X_fail" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " { . } AND { . } AND { . } on { , , . \"X\" . \"X\" . \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotShapeAND1dot3X.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1dotRefAND3_failAll> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1dotRefAND3_failAll" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " { @ AND @ AND @ } { . } { . } { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotRefAND3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1dotRefAND3_failShape2Shape3> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1dotRefAND3_failShape2Shape3" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " { @ AND @ AND @ } { . } { . } { . } on { . \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotRefAND3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotRefAND3_failShape1Shape3> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1dotRefAND3_failShape1Shape3" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " { @ AND @ AND @ } { . } { . } { . } on { . \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotRefAND3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotRefAND3_failShape1Shape2> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1dotRefAND3_failShape1Shape2" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " { @ AND @ AND @ } { . } { . } { . } on { . \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotRefAND3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotRefAND3_passShape1Shape2Shape3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotRefAND3_passShape1Shape2Shape3" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " { @ AND @ AND @ } { . } { . } { . } on { , , . \"X\" . \"X\" . \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotRefAND3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1vExpr1AND1AND1Ref3_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1vExpr1AND1AND1Ref3_pass" ; sht:trait sht:AndValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " = ... = ... { @ AND ... @ } on { 'abab' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExpr1AND1AND1Ref3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1vExpr1AND1AND1Ref3_failvc1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1vExpr1AND1AND1Ref3_failvc1" ; sht:trait sht:AndValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " = ... = ... { @ AND ... @ } on { 'ab' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExpr1AND1AND1Ref3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1vExpr1AND1AND1Ref3_failvc2> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1vExpr1AND1AND1Ref3_failvc2" ; sht:trait sht:AndValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " = ... = ... { @ AND ... @ } on { 'ababab' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExpr1AND1AND1Ref3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1vExpr1AND1AND1Ref3_failvc3> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1vExpr1AND1AND1Ref3_failvc3" ; sht:trait sht:AndValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " = ... = ... { @ AND ... @ } on { 'baba' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExpr1AND1AND1Ref3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1vExprRefAND3_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1vExprRefAND3_pass" ; sht:trait sht:AndValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " = ... = ... = @ AND ... @ { @ } on { 'abab' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExprRefAND3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1vExprRefAND3_failvc1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1vExprRefAND3_failvc1" ; sht:trait sht:AndValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " = ... = ... = @ AND ... @ { @ } on { 'ab' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExprRefAND3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1vExprRefAND3_failvc2> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1vExprRefAND3_failvc2" ; sht:trait sht:AndValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " = ... = ... = @ AND ... @ { @ } on { 'ababab' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExprRefAND3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1vExprRefAND3_failvc3> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1vExprRefAND3_failvc3" ; sht:trait sht:AndValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " = ... = ... = @ AND ... @ { @ } on { 'baba' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExprRefAND3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1vExprAND3_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1vExprAND3_pass" ; sht:trait sht:AndValueExpression ; rdfs:comment " { MINLENGTH 4 AND MAXLENGTH 5 AND ~ '(ab)+' } on { 'abab' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExprAND3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1vExprAND3_failvc1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1vExprAND3_failvc1" ; sht:trait sht:AndValueExpression ; rdfs:comment " { MINLENGTH 4 AND MAXLENGTH 5 AND ~ '(ab)+' } on { 'ab' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExprAND3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1vExprAND3_failvc2> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1vExprAND3_failvc2" ; sht:trait sht:AndValueExpression ; rdfs:comment " { MINLENGTH 4 AND MAXLENGTH 5 AND ~ '(ab)+' } on { 'ababab' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExprAND3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1vExprAND3_failvc3> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1vExprAND3_failvc3" ; sht:trait sht:AndValueExpression ; rdfs:comment " { MINLENGTH 4 AND MAXLENGTH 5 AND ~ '(ab)+' } on { 'baba' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExprAND3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . ### } AND valueExpr ### OR valueExpr { <#refBNodeORrefIRI_ReflexiveIRI> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "refBNodeORrefIRI_ReflexiveIRI" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " { BNODE @ OR MINLENGTH 20 @ } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1bnodeRefORRefMinlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#refBNodeORrefIRI_ReflexiveShortIRI> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "refBNodeORrefIRI_ReflexiveShortIRI" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " { BNODE @ OR MINLENGTH 20 @ } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1bnodeRefORRefMinlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#refBNodeORrefIRI_IntoReflexiveIRI> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "refBNodeORrefIRI_IntoReflexiveIRI" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " { BNODE @ OR MINLENGTH 20 @ } on { . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1bnodeRefORRefMinlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#refBNodeORrefIRI_IntoReflexiveBNode> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "refBNodeORrefIRI_IntoReflexiveBNode" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " { BNODE @ OR MINLENGTH 20 @ } on { _:n2 . _:n2 _:n2 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1bnodeRefORRefMinlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#refBNodeORrefIRI_CyclicIRI_IRI> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "refBNodeORrefIRI_CyclicIRI_IRI" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " { BNODE @ OR MINLENGTH 20 @ } on { . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1bnodeRefORRefMinlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#refBNodeORrefIRI_CyclicIRI_BNode> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "refBNodeORrefIRI_CyclicIRI_BNode" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " { BNODE @ OR MINLENGTH 20 @ } on { _:n2 . _:n2 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1bnodeRefORRefMinlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#refBNodeORrefIRI_CyclicIRI_ShortIRI> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "refBNodeORrefIRI_CyclicIRI_ShortIRI" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " { BNODE @ OR MINLENGTH 20 @ } on { . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1bnodeRefORRefMinlength.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1dotRefOR3_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1dotRefOR3_fail" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " { @ OR @ OR @ } { . } { . } { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotRefOR3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1dotRefOR3_passShape1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotRefOR3_passShape1" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " { @ OR @ OR @ } { . } { . } { . } on { . \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotRefOR3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotRefOR3_passShape2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotRefOR3_passShape2" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " { @ OR @ OR @ } { . } { . } { . } on { . \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotRefOR3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotRefOR3_passShape3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotRefOR3_passShape3" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " { @ OR @ OR @ } { . } { . } { . } on { . \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotRefOR3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotRefOR3_passShape1Shape2Shape3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotRefOR3_passShape1Shape2Shape3" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " { @ OR @ OR @ } { . } { . } { . } on { , , . \"X\" . \"X\" . \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotRefOR3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1vExpr1OR1OR1Ref3_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1vExpr1OR1OR1Ref3_fail" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " = ... = ... { @ OR ... @ } on { 'a' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExpr1OR1OR1Ref3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1vExpr1OR1OR1Ref3_passvc1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1vExpr1OR1OR1Ref3_passvc1" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " = ... = ... { @ OR ... @ } on { 'ab' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExpr1OR1OR1Ref3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1vExpr1OR1OR1Ref3_passvc2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1vExpr1OR1OR1Ref3_passvc2" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " = ... = ... { @ OR ... @ } on { 'cd' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExpr1OR1OR1Ref3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1vExpr1OR1OR1Ref3_passvc3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1vExpr1OR1OR1Ref3_passvc3" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " = ... = ... { @ OR ... @ } on { 'ef' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExpr1OR1OR1Ref3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1vExpr1OR1OR1Ref3_passvc1vc2vc3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1vExpr1OR1OR1Ref3_passvc1vc2vc3" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " = ... = ... { @ OR ... @ } on { 'abcdef' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExpr1OR1OR1Ref3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1vExprRefOR3_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1vExprRefOR3_fail" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " = ... = ... = @ OR ... @ { @ } on { 'a' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExprRefOR3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1vExprRefOR3_passvc1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1vExprRefOR3_passvc1" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " = ... = ... = @ OR ... @ { @ } on { 'ab' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExprRefOR3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] # !! ShapeOrResults with no solutions. . <#1val1vExprRefOR3_passvc2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1vExprRefOR3_passvc2" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " = ... = ... = @ OR ... @ { @ } on { 'cd' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExprRefOR3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] # !! ShapeOrResults with no solutions. . <#1val1vExprRefOR3_passvc3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1vExprRefOR3_passvc3" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " = ... = ... = @ OR ... @ { @ } on { 'ef' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExprRefOR3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] # !! ShapeOrResults with no solutions. . <#1val1vExprRefOR3_passvc1vc2vc3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1vExprRefOR3_passvc1vc2vc3" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " = ... = ... = @ OR ... @ { @ } on { 'abcdef' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExprRefOR3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] # !! ShapeOrResults with no solutions. . <#1val1vExprOR3_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1vExprOR3_fail" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression ; rdfs:comment " { /^ab/ OR /cd/ OR /ef$/ } on { 'a' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExprOR3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1vExprOR3_passvc1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1vExprOR3_passvc1" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression ; rdfs:comment " { /^ab/ OR /cd/ OR /ef$/ } on { 'ab' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExprOR3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1vExprOR3_passvc2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1vExprOR3_passvc2" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression ; rdfs:comment " { /^ab/ OR /cd/ OR /ef$/ } on { 'cd' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExprOR3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1vExprOR3_passvc3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1vExprOR3_passvc3" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression ; rdfs:comment " { /^ab/ OR /cd/ OR /ef$/ } on { 'ef' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExprOR3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1vExprOR3_passvc1vc2vc3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1vExprOR3_passvc1vc2vc3" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression ; rdfs:comment " { /^ab/ OR /cd/ OR /ef$/ } on { 'abcdef' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExprOR3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . ### } OR valueExpr ### NOT valueExpr { <#1NOTIRI_passLv> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1NOTIRI_passLv" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment " { NOT IRI } on { 'v' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOTIRI.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOTIRI_failIo1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1NOTIRI_failIo1" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment " { NOT IRI } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOTIRI.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOTIRI_failempty> a sht:ValidationFailure ; ; mf:name "1NOTIRI_failempty" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment " { NOT IRI } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOTIRI.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOTNOTIRI_failLv> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1NOTNOTIRI_failLv" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment " { NOT(NOT IRI) } on { 'v' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOTNOTIRI.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOTNOTIRI_passIo1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1NOTNOTIRI_passIo1" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment " { NOT(NOT IRI) } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOTNOTIRI.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOTvs_failIv1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1NOTvs_failIv1" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { NOT [ ] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOTvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOTvs_passIo1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1NOTvs_passIo1" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment " { NOT [ ] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOTvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOTvs_failempty> a sht:ValidationFailure ; ; mf:name "1NOTvs_failempty" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment " { NOT [ ] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOTvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOTNOTvs_passIv1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1NOTNOTvs_passIv1" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { NOT(NOT []) } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOTNOTvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOTNOTvs_failIo1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1NOTNOTvs_failIo1" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment " { NOT(NOT []) } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOTNOTvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOTdot_failIv1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1NOTdot_failIv1" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { NOT . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOTdot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOTdot_failIo1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1NOTdot_failIo1" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment " { NOT . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOTdot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOTdot_failempty> a sht:ValidationFailure ; ; mf:name "1NOTdot_failempty" ; sht:trait sht:Wildcard ; rdfs:comment " { NOT . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOTdot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOTNOTdot_passIv1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1NOTNOTdot_passIv1" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { NOT(NOT .) } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOTNOTdot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOTNOTdot_passIo1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1NOTNOTdot_passIo1" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment " { NOT(NOT .) } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOTNOTdot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1_NOTliteral_ANDvs_passIv1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1_NOTliteral_ANDvs_passIv1" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { (NOT LITERAL) AND [ ] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1_NOTliteral_ANDvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1_NOTliteral_ANDvs_failIo1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1_NOTliteral_ANDvs_failIo1" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment " { (NOT LITERAL) AND [ ] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1_NOTliteral_ANDvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1_NOTliteral_ANDvs_failLv> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1_NOTliteral_ANDvs_failLv" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment " { (NOT LITERAL) AND [ ] } on { 'v' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1_NOTliteral_ANDvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOT_literalANDvs__passIv1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1NOT_literalANDvs__passIv1" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { NOT (LITERAL AND [ ]) } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOT_literalANDvs_.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOT_literalANDvs__passLv> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1NOT_literalANDvs__passLv" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment " { NOT (LITERAL AND [ ]) } on { 'v' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOT_literalANDvs_.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOTliteralANDvs_passIv1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1NOTliteralANDvs_passIv1" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { NOT LITERAL AND [ ] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOTliteralANDvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOTliteralANDvs_failIo1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1NOTliteralANDvs_failIo1" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment " { NOT LITERAL AND [ ] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOTliteralANDvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOTliteralANDvs_failLv> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1NOTliteralANDvs_failLv" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment " { NOT LITERAL AND [ ] } on { 'v' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOTliteralANDvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1_NOTvs_ANDvs_failIv1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1_NOTvs_ANDvs_failIv1" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { (NOT []) AND [] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1_NOTvs_ANDvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1_NOTvs_ANDvs_passIv2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1_NOTvs_ANDvs_passIv2" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { (NOT []) AND [] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1_NOTvs_ANDvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1_NOTvs_ANDvs_failIv3> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1_NOTvs_ANDvs_failIv3" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { (NOT []) AND [] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1_NOTvs_ANDvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOT_vsANDvs__passIv1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1NOT_vsANDvs__passIv1" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { NOT ([] AND []) } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOT_vsANDvs_.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOT_vsANDvs__passIv2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1NOT_vsANDvs__passIv2" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { NOT ([] AND []) } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOT_vsANDvs_.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOT_vsANDvs__passIv3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1NOT_vsANDvs__passIv3" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { NOT ([] AND []) } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOT_vsANDvs_.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOTvsANDvs_failIv1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1NOTvsANDvs_failIv1" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { NOT [] AND [] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOTvsANDvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOTvsANDvs_passIv2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1NOTvsANDvs_passIv2" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { NOT [] AND [] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOTvsANDvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOTvsANDvs_failIv3> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1NOTvsANDvs_failIv3" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { NOT [] AND [] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOTvsANDvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1_NOTliteral_ORvs_passIv1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1_NOTliteral_ORvs_passIv1" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { (NOT LITERAL) OR [ ] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1_NOTliteral_ORvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1_NOTliteral_ORvs_passIo1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1_NOTliteral_ORvs_passIo1" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment " { (NOT LITERAL) OR [ ] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1_NOTliteral_ORvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1_NOTliteral_ORvs_failLv> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1_NOTliteral_ORvs_failLv" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment " { (NOT LITERAL) OR [ ] } on { 'v' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1_NOTliteral_ORvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOT_literalORvs__failIv1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1NOT_literalORvs__failIv1" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { NOT (LITERAL OR [ ]) } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOT_literalORvs_.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOT_literalORvs__passIo1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1NOT_literalORvs__passIo1" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment " { NOT (LITERAL OR [ ]) } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOT_literalORvs_.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOT_literalORvs__failLv> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1NOT_literalORvs__failLv" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment " { NOT (LITERAL OR [ ]) } on { 'v' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOT_literalORvs_.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOTliteralORvs_passIv1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1NOTliteralORvs_passIv1" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { NOT LITERAL OR [ ] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOTliteralORvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOTliteralORvs_passIo1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1NOTliteralORvs_passIo1" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment " { NOT LITERAL OR [ ] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOTliteralORvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOTliteralORvs_failLv> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1NOTliteralORvs_failLv" ; sht:trait sht:TriplePattern ; rdfs:comment " { NOT LITERAL OR [ ] } on { 'v' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOTliteralORvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1_NOTvs_ORvs_failIv1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1_NOTvs_ORvs_failIv1" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { (NOT []) OR [] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1_NOTvs_ORvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1_NOTvs_ORvs_passIv2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1_NOTvs_ORvs_passIv2" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { (NOT []) OR [] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1_NOTvs_ORvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1_NOTvs_ORvs_passIv3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1_NOTvs_ORvs_passIv3" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { (NOT []) OR [] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1_NOTvs_ORvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOT_vsORvs__failIv1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1NOT_vsORvs__failIv1" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { NOT ([] OR []) } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOT_vsORvs_.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOT_vsORvs__failIv2> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1NOT_vsORvs__failIv2" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { NOT ([] OR []) } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOT_vsORvs_.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOT_vsORvs__passIv3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1NOT_vsORvs__passIv3" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { NOT ([] OR []) } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOT_vsORvs_.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOTvsORvs_failIv1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1NOTvsORvs_failIv1" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { NOT [] OR [] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOTvsORvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOTvsORvs_passIv2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1NOTvsORvs_passIv2" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { NOT [] OR [] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOTvsORvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOTvsORvs_passIv3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1NOTvsORvs_passIv3" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " { NOT [] OR [] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOTvsORvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#NOT1NOTvs_passIv1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "NOT1NOTvs_passIv1" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " NOT { NOT [ ] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/NOT1NOTvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#NOT1NOTvs_passIv2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "NOT1NOTvs_passIv2" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " NOT { NOT [ ] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/NOT1NOTvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#NOT1NOTvs_failIv3> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "NOT1NOTvs_failIv3" ; sht:trait sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " NOT { NOT [ ] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/NOT1NOTvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . ### } NOT valueExpr ### AND OR valueExpr { <#1val1vExpr1AND1OR1Ref3_pass-vc1vc2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1vExpr1AND1OR1Ref3_pass-vc1vc2" ; sht:trait sht:AndValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " ... ... { @ AND @ OR @ } on { 'abcd' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExpr1AND1OR1Ref3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1vExpr1AND1OR1Ref3_pass-vc1vc2vc3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1vExpr1AND1OR1Ref3_pass-vc1vc2vc3" ; sht:trait sht:AndValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " ... ... { @ AND @ OR @ } on { 'abab' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExpr1AND1OR1Ref3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1vExpr1AND1OR1Ref3_pass-vc1vc3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1vExpr1AND1OR1Ref3_pass-vc1vc3" ; sht:trait sht:AndValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " ... ... { @ AND @ OR @ } on { 'ababab' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExpr1AND1OR1Ref3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1vExpr1AND1OR1Ref3_failvc1vc3> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1vExpr1AND1OR1Ref3_failvc1vc3" ; sht:trait sht:AndValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " ... ... { @ AND ... @ } on { 'abc' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExpr1AND1OR1Ref3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1vExpr1AND1OR1Ref3_failvc2vc3> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1vExpr1AND1OR1Ref3_failvc2vc3" ; sht:trait sht:AndValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " ... ... { @ AND ... @ } on { 'abcdef' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExpr1AND1OR1Ref3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1vExpr1AND1OR1Ref3_failvc1vc2vc3> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1vExpr1AND1OR1Ref3_failvc1vc2vc3" ; sht:trait sht:AndValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " ... ... { @ AND ... @ } on { 'a' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExpr1AND1OR1Ref3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . # >5 | ( <3 & /^(ab)*$/ ) # 1 abcdef # 13 ababab # 23 ab <#1val1vExpr1OR1AND1Ref3_pass-vc1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1vExpr1OR1AND1Ref3_pass-vc1" ; sht:trait sht:AndValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " ... ... = @ AND @ OR @ { @ } on { 'abcdef' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExpr1OR1AND1Ref3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1vExpr1OR1AND1Ref3_pass-vc1vc3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1vExpr1OR1AND1Ref3_pass-vc1vc3" ; sht:trait sht:AndValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " ... ... = @ AND @ OR @ { @ } on { 'ababab' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExpr1OR1AND1Ref3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1vExpr1OR1AND1Ref3_pass-vc2vc3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1vExpr1OR1AND1Ref3_pass-vc2vc3" ; sht:trait sht:AndValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " ... ... = @ AND @ OR @ { @ } on { 'ab' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExpr1OR1AND1Ref3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . # >5 | ( <3 & /^(ab)*$/ ) # !1!2 abab # !1!3 cd # !1!2!3 abcd <#1val1vExpr1OR1AND1Ref3_failvc1vc2> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1vExpr1OR1AND1Ref3_failvc1vc2" ; sht:trait sht:AndValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " ... ... = @ AND @ OR @ { @ } on { 'abab' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExpr1OR1AND1Ref3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1vExpr1OR1AND1Ref3_failvc1vc3> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1vExpr1OR1AND1Ref3_failvc1vc3" ; sht:trait sht:AndValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " ... ... = @ AND @ OR @ { @ } on { 'cd' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExpr1OR1AND1Ref3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1val1vExpr1OR1AND1Ref3_failvc1vc2vc3> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1vExpr1OR1AND1Ref3_failvc1vc2vc3" ; sht:trait sht:AndValueExpression , sht:ValueReference ; rdfs:comment " ... ... { @ OR @ AND @ } on { 'abcd' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vExpr1OR1AND1Ref3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . ### } AND OR valueExpr ## } value expressions ## repetitions { # sht:RepeatedGroup e.g. { (:fname .; :lname .){2} } <#open3Onedotclosecard2_fail-p1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "open3Onedotclosecard2_fail-p1" ; sht:trait sht:EachOf , sht:RepeatedOneOf ; rdfs:comment " { ( .| .| . ){2} } / { \"p1-0\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/open3Onedotclosecard2.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#open3Onedotclosecard2_pass-p1X2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "open3Onedotclosecard2_pass-p1X2" ; sht:trait sht:EachOf , sht:RepeatedOneOf ; rdfs:comment " { ( .| .| . ){2} } / { \"p1-n\" }X2" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/open3Onedotclosecard2.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#open3Onedotclosecard2_fail-p1X3> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "open3Onedotclosecard2_fail-p1X3" ; sht:trait sht:EachOf , sht:RepeatedOneOf ; rdfs:comment " { ( .| .| . ){2} } / { \"p1-n\" }X3" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/open3Onedotclosecard2.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#open3Onedotclosecard2_fail-p1X4> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "open3Onedotclosecard2_fail-p1X4" ; sht:trait sht:EachOf , sht:RepeatedOneOf ; rdfs:comment " { ( .| .| . ){2} } / { \"p1-n\" }X4" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/open3Onedotclosecard2.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#open3Onedotclosecard2_pass-p1p2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "open3Onedotclosecard2_pass-p1p2" ; sht:trait sht:EachOf , sht:RepeatedOneOf ; rdfs:comment " { ( .| .| . ){2} } / { \"p1-0\"; \"p2-0\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/open3Onedotclosecard2.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#open3Onedotclosecard2_pass-p1p3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "open3Onedotclosecard2_pass-p1p3" ; sht:trait sht:EachOf , sht:RepeatedOneOf ; rdfs:comment " { ( .| .| . ){2} } / { \"p1-0\"; \"p3-0\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/open3Onedotclosecard2.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#open3Onedotclosecard2_pass-p2p3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "open3Onedotclosecard2_pass-p2p3" ; sht:trait sht:EachOf , sht:RepeatedOneOf ; rdfs:comment " { ( .| .| . ){2} } / { \"p2-0\"; \"p3-0\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/open3Onedotclosecard2.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#open3Onedotclosecard2_fail-p1p2p3> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "open3Onedotclosecard2_fail-p1p2p3" ; sht:trait sht:EachOf , sht:RepeatedOneOf ; rdfs:comment " { ( .| .| . ){2} } / { \"p1-0\"; \"p2-0\"; \"p3-0\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/open3Onedotclosecard2.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#open3Onedotclosecard23_fail-p1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "open3Onedotclosecard23_fail-p1" ; sht:trait sht:EachOf , sht:RepeatedOneOf ; rdfs:comment " { ( .| .| . ){2,3} } / { \"p1-0\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/open3Onedotclosecard23.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#open3Onedotclosecard23_pass-p1X2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "open3Onedotclosecard23_pass-p1X2" ; sht:trait sht:EachOf , sht:RepeatedOneOf ; rdfs:comment " { ( .| .| . ){2,3} } / { \"p1-n\" }X2" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/open3Onedotclosecard23.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#open3Onedotclosecard23_pass-p1X3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "open3Onedotclosecard23_pass-p1X3" ; sht:trait sht:EachOf , sht:RepeatedOneOf ; rdfs:comment " { ( .| .| . ){2,3} } / { \"p1-n\" }X3" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/open3Onedotclosecard23.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#open3Onedotclosecard23_fail-p1X4> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "open3Onedotclosecard23_fail-p1X4" ; sht:trait sht:EachOf , sht:RepeatedOneOf ; rdfs:comment " { ( .| .| . ){2,3} } / { \"p1-n\" }X4" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/open3Onedotclosecard23.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#open3Onedotclosecard23_pass-p1p2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "open3Onedotclosecard23_pass-p1p2" ; sht:trait sht:EachOf , sht:RepeatedOneOf ; rdfs:comment " { ( .| .| . ){2,3} } / { \"p1-0\"; \"p2-0\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/open3Onedotclosecard23.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#open3Onedotclosecard23_pass-p1p3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "open3Onedotclosecard23_pass-p1p3" ; sht:trait sht:EachOf , sht:RepeatedOneOf ; rdfs:comment " { ( .| .| . ){2,3} } / { \"p1-0\"; \"p3-0\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/open3Onedotclosecard23.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#open3Onedotclosecard23_pass-p2p3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "open3Onedotclosecard23_pass-p2p3" ; sht:trait sht:EachOf , sht:RepeatedOneOf ; rdfs:comment " { ( .| .| . ){2,3} } / { \"p2-0\"; \"p3-0\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/open3Onedotclosecard23.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#open3Onedotclosecard23_pass-p1p2p3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "open3Onedotclosecard23_pass-p1p2p3" ; sht:trait sht:EachOf , sht:RepeatedOneOf ; rdfs:comment " { ( .| .| . ){2,3} } / { \"p1-0\"; \"p2-0\"; \"p3-0\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/open3Onedotclosecard23.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#open4Onedotclosecard23_fail-p1p2p3p4> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "open4Onedotclosecard23_fail-p1p2p3p4" ; sht:trait sht:EachOf , sht:RepeatedOneOf ; rdfs:comment " { ( .| .| .| . ){2,3} } / { \"p1-n\"; \"p2-n\"; \"p3-n\" ; \"p4-n\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/open4Onedotclosecard23.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#open3Eachdotclosecard23_pass-p1p2p3X3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "open3Eachdotclosecard23_pass-p1p2p3X3" ; sht:trait sht:EachOf , sht:RepeatedGroup ; rdfs:comment " { ( .; .; . ){2,3} } / { \"p1-n\"; \"p2-n\"; \"p3-n\" }X3" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/open3Eachdotclosecard23.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . ## } repetitions ## shape expressions { ### AND shapeExpr { <#1val1vShapeANDRef3_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1vShapeANDRef3_pass" ; sht:trait sht:AndShapeShapeession ; rdfs:comment " { minlength 4 } AND { maxlength 5 } AND { pattern '(ab)+' } on { 'abab' }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1vShapeANDRef3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . ### } AND shapeExpr ## } shape expressions ## closed { <#1dotClosed_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotClosed_pass" ; sht:trait sht:Closed ; rdfs:comment " CLOSED { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotClosed.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotClosed_fail_lower> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1dotClosed_fail_lower" ; sht:trait sht:Closed ; rdfs:comment " CLOSED { . } on { ; }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotClosed.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotClosed_fail_higher> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1dotClosed_fail_higher" ; sht:trait sht:Closed ; rdfs:comment " CLOSED { . } on { ; }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotClosed.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#FocusIRI2EachBnodeNested2EachIRIRef_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "FocusIRI2EachBnodeNested2EachIRIRef_pass" ; sht:trait sht:Closed ; rdfs:comment " IRI PATTERN '^https?://' { ; BNODE { LITERAL ; IRI PATTERN '^https://' @? } AND CLOSED { . ; . } } on { 'ab'^^ ; [ 'ab' ; ex:n1 ] }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/FocusIRI2EachBnodeNested2EachIRIRef.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#FocusIRI2EachBnodeNested2EachIRIRef_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "FocusIRI2EachBnodeNested2EachIRIRef_fail" ; sht:trait sht:Closed ; rdfs:comment " IRI PATTERN '^https?://' { ; BNODE { LITERAL ; IRI PATTERN '^https://' @? } AND CLOSED { . ; . } } on { 'ab'^^ ; [ 'ab' ; ex:n1 ; 5 ] }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/FocusIRI2EachBnodeNested2EachIRIRef.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . ## } closed ## extra { <#1val1IRIREFExtra1_pass-iri1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1IRIREFExtra1_pass-iri1" ; sht:trait sht:Extra , sht:IriEquivalence ; rdfs:seeAlso <#1val1IRIREF_pass>, <#1val1IRIREF_v2>, <#1val1IRIREF_pass> ; rdfs:comment " EXTRA { [] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1IRIREFExtra1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1IRIREFExtra1_pass-iri2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1IRIREFExtra1_pass-iri2" ; sht:trait sht:Extra , sht:IriEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " EXTRA { [] } on { , }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1IRIREFExtra1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1IRIREFExtra1Closed_pass-iri1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1IRIREFExtra1Closed_pass-iri1" ; sht:trait sht:VapidExtra , sht:Extra ; rdfs:comment " EXTRA CLOSED { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1IRIREFExtra1Closed.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1IRIREFExtra1Closed_pass-iri2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1IRIREFExtra1Closed_pass-iri2" ; sht:trait sht:VapidExtra , sht:Extra ; rdfs:comment " EXTRA CLOSED { . } on { , }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1IRIREFExtra1Closed.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1IRIREFExtra1Closed_fail-iri2_higher> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1IRIREFExtra1Closed_fail-iri2_higher" ; sht:trait sht:VapidExtra , sht:Extra ; rdfs:comment " EXTRA CLOSED { . } on { , ; }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1IRIREFExtra1Closed.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1IRIREFClosedExtra1_pass-iri1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1IRIREFClosedExtra1_pass-iri1" ; sht:trait sht:VapidExtra , sht:Extra ; rdfs:comment " CLOSED EXTRA { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1IRIREFClosedExtra1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1IRIREFClosedExtra1_pass-iri2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1IRIREFClosedExtra1_pass-iri2" ; sht:trait sht:VapidExtra , sht:Extra ; rdfs:comment " CLOSED EXTRA { . } on { , }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1IRIREFClosedExtra1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1IRIREFClosedExtra1_fail-iri2_higher> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1IRIREFClosedExtra1_fail-iri2_higher" ; sht:trait sht:VapidExtra , sht:Extra ; rdfs:comment " CLOSED EXTRA { . } on { , ; }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1IRIREFClosedExtra1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val2IRIREFExtra1_fail-iri2> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val2IRIREFExtra1_fail-iri2" ; sht:trait sht:Extra , sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " EXTRA { [ ] } on { , }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val2IRIREFExtra1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val2IRIREFPlusExtra1_pass-iri2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val2IRIREFPlusExtra1_pass-iri2" ; sht:trait sht:Extra , sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " EXTRA { [ ]+ } on { , }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val2IRIREFPlusExtra1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val2IRIREFExtra1_pass-iri-bnode> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val2IRIREFExtra1_pass-iri-bnode" ; sht:trait sht:Extra , sht:ValueSet ; rdfs:comment " EXTRA { [ ] } on { , _:o2 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val2IRIREFExtra1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1IRIREFExtra1p2_pass-iri1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1IRIREFExtra1p2_pass-iri1" ; sht:trait sht:Extra , sht:IriEquivalence ; rdfs:seeAlso <#1val1IRIREF_pass>, <#1val1IRIREF_v2>, <#1val1IRIREF_pass> ; rdfs:comment " EXTRA { [] } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1IRIREFExtra1p2.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1IRIREFExtra1p2_fail-iri2> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1val1IRIREFExtra1p2_fail-iri2" ; sht:trait sht:Extra , sht:IriEquivalence ; rdfs:comment " EXTRA { [] } on { , }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1IRIREFExtra1p2.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotOne2dotExtra-someOf_pass_p1p2p3> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1dotOne2dotExtra-someOf_pass_p1p2p3" ; sht:trait sht:OneOf , sht:EachOf , sht:Extra , sht:MissedMatchables ; rdfs:comment ":S1 EXTRA {:p1 .|:p2 .; :p3 .} / { :s1 :p1 \"p1-0\"; :p2 \"p2-0\"; :p3 \"p3-0\" . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotOne2dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1IRIREFExtra1One_pass-iri1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1IRIREFExtra1One_pass-iri1" ; sht:trait sht:Extra , sht:IriEquivalence , sht:EachOf ; rdfs:seeAlso <#1val1IRIREF_pass>, <#1val1IRIREF_v2>, <#1val1IRIREF_pass> ; rdfs:comment " EXTRA { . | []; .? } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1IRIREFExtra1One.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1val1IRIREFExtra1One_pass-iri2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1val1IRIREFExtra1One_pass-iri2" ; sht:trait sht:Extra , sht:IriEquivalence , sht:EachOf ; rdfs:comment " EXTRA { . | []; .? } on { , }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1val1IRIREFExtra1One.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotExtra1_pass-iri1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotExtra1_pass-iri1" ; sht:trait sht:VapidExtra , sht:Extra ; rdfs:comment " EXTRA { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotExtra1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotExtra1_fail-iri2> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1dotExtra1_fail-iri2" ; sht:trait sht:VapidExtra , sht:Extra ; rdfs:comment " EXTRA { . } on { , }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotExtra1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#3EachdotExtra3_pass-iri1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "3EachdotExtra3_pass-iri1" ; sht:trait sht:Extra , sht:IriEquivalence , sht:EachOf ; rdfs:comment " EXTRA { []; []; [] } on { ; ; }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/3EachdotExtra3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#3Eachdot3Extra_pass-iri1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "3Eachdot3Extra_pass-iri1" ; sht:trait sht:Extra , sht:IriEquivalence , sht:EachOf ; rdfs:comment " EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA { []; []; [] } on { ; ; }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/3Eachdot3Extra.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#3EachdotExtra3NLex_pass-iri1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "3EachdotExtra3NLex_pass-iri1" ; sht:trait sht:Extra , sht:IriEquivalence , sht:EachOf ; rdfs:comment "PREFIX ex: EXTRA ex:p1 ex:p2 ex:p3 { []; []; [] } on { ; ; }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/3EachdotExtra3NLex.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#3EachdotExtra3_pass-iri2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "3EachdotExtra3_pass-iri2" ; sht:trait sht:Extra , sht:IriEquivalence , sht:EachOf ; rdfs:comment " EXTRA { []; []; [] } on { , ; , ; , }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/3EachdotExtra3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#3Eachdot3Extra_pass-iri2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "3Eachdot3Extra_pass-iri2" ; sht:trait sht:Extra , sht:IriEquivalence , sht:EachOf ; rdfs:comment " EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA { []; []; [] } on { , ; , ; , }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/3Eachdot3Extra.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#3EachdotExtra3NLex_pass-iri2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "3EachdotExtra3NLex_pass-iri2" ; sht:trait sht:Extra , sht:IriEquivalence , sht:EachOf ; rdfs:comment "PREFIX ex: EXTRA ex:p1 ex:p2 ex:p3 { []; []; [] } on { , ; , ; , }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/3EachdotExtra3NLex.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . ## } extra ## start { <#startRefIRIREF_pass-noOthers> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "startRefIRIREF_pass-noOthers" ; sht:trait sht:Start ; rdfs:comment "start= { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/startRefIRIREF.shex> ; # sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#startRefIRIREF_pass-others_lexicallyEarlier> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "startRefIRIREF_pass-others_lexicallyEarlier" ; sht:trait sht:Start ; rdfs:comment "start= { . } on { ; }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/startRefIRIREF.shex> ; # sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#startRefIRIREF_fail-missing> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "startRefIRIREF_fail-missing" ; sht:trait sht:Start ; rdfs:comment "start= { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/startRefIRIREF.shex> ; # sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#startRefbnode_pass-noOthers> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "startRefbnode_pass-noOthers" ; sht:trait sht:Start ; rdfs:comment "start=_:S _:S { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/startRefbnode.shex> ; # sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#startRefbnode_fail-missing> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "startRefbnode_fail-missing" ; sht:trait sht:Start ; rdfs:comment "start=_:S _S { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/startRefbnode.shex> ; # sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#startInline_pass-noOthers> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "startInline_pass-noOthers" ; sht:trait sht:Start ; rdfs:comment "start={ . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/startInline.shex> ; # sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#startEqualSpaceInline_pass-noOthers> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "startEqualSpaceInline_pass-noOthers" ; sht:trait sht:Start ; rdfs:comment "start= { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/startEqualSpaceInline.shex> ; # sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#startSpaceEqualInline_pass-noOthers> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "startSpaceEqualInline_pass-noOthers" ; sht:trait sht:Start ; rdfs:comment "start ={ . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/startSpaceEqualInline.shex> ; # sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#startInline_fail-missing> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "startInline_fail-missing" ; sht:trait sht:Start ; rdfs:comment "start={ . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/startInline.shex> ; # sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . ## } start ## include { <#2EachInclude1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "2EachInclude1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:Include , sht:EachOf ; rdfs:comment " { &; . } { . } on { \"X\" ; \"Y\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/2EachInclude1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#2EachInclude1-after_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "2EachInclude1-after_pass" ; sht:trait sht:Include , sht:EachOf ; rdfs:comment " { .; & } { . } on { \"X\" ; \"Y\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/2EachInclude1-after.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#2OneInclude1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "2OneInclude1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:Include , sht:OneOf ; rdfs:comment " { & | . } { . } on { \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/2OneInclude1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#2OneInclude1-after_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "2OneInclude1-after_pass" ; sht:trait sht:Include , sht:OneOf ; rdfs:comment " { . | & } { . } on { \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/2OneInclude1-after.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . ## } include ## annotations { <#1dotAnnotIRIREF_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotAnnotIRIREF_pass" ; sht:trait sht:Annotation ; rdfs:comment " { .// } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotAnnotIRIREF.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotAnnotIRIREF_missing> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1dotAnnotIRIREF_missing" ; sht:trait sht:Annotation ; rdfs:comment " { .// } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotAnnotIRIREF.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotPlusAnnotIRIREF_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotPlusAnnotIRIREF_pass" ; sht:trait sht:Annotation ; rdfs:comment " { .+// } on { 'a', }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotPlusAnnotIRIREF.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotAnnotAIRIREF_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotAnnotAIRIREF_pass" ; sht:trait sht:Annotation ; rdfs:comment " { .// a } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotAnnotAIRIREF.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotAnnotSTRING_LITERAL1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotAnnotSTRING_LITERAL1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:Annotation ; rdfs:comment " { .// 'STRING_LITERAL1' } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotAnnotSTRING_LITERAL1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotAnnot3_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotAnnot3_pass" ; sht:trait sht:Annotation ; rdfs:comment " { .// '1'// '2'// '3' } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotAnnot3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotAnnot3_missing> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1dotAnnot3_missing" ; sht:trait sht:Annotation ; rdfs:comment " { .// '1'// '2'// '3' } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotAnnot3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1inversedotAnnot3_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1inversedotAnnot3_pass" ; sht:trait sht:Annotation ; rdfs:comment " { ^ .// '1'// '2'// '3' } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1inversedotAnnot3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1inversedotAnnot3_missing> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1inversedotAnnot3_missing" ; sht:trait sht:Annotation ; rdfs:comment " { ^ .// '1'// '2'// '3' } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1inversedotAnnot3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotShapeAnnotIRIREF_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotShapeAnnotIRIREF_pass" ; sht:trait sht:Annotation ; rdfs:comment " { . } // on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotShapeAnnotIRIREF.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotShapeAnnotIRIREF_missing> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1dotShapeAnnotIRIREF_missing" ; sht:trait sht:Annotation ; rdfs:comment " { . } // on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotShapeAnnotIRIREF.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotShapePlusAnnotIRIREF_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotShapePlusAnnotIRIREF_pass" ; sht:trait sht:Annotation ; rdfs:comment " { .+ } // on { 'a', }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotShapePlusAnnotIRIREF.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotShapeAnnotAIRIREF_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotShapeAnnotAIRIREF_pass" ; sht:trait sht:Annotation ; rdfs:comment " { . } // a on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotShapeAnnotAIRIREF.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotShapeAnnotSTRING_LITERAL1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotShapeAnnotSTRING_LITERAL1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:Annotation ; rdfs:comment " { . } // 'STRING_LITERAL1' on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotShapeAnnotSTRING_LITERAL1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . # !../schemas/open3EachdotcloseAnnot3.shex ## } annotations ## semantic actions { <#1dotCode1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotCode1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:SemanticAction ; rdfs:comment " { . %{ print(o) %} } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotCode1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; mf:extensionResults ( [ mf:extension ; mf:prints "http://a.example/o1" ] ) . <#1dotNoCode1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotNoCode1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:SemanticAction , sht:ExternalSemanticAction ; rdfs:comment " { . %% } + %{ print(o) %} on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotNoCode1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; sht:semActs <../schemas/1dotNoCode1.semact> ] ; mf:extensionResults ( [ mf:extension ; mf:prints "http://a.example/o1" ] ) . <#1inversedotCode1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1inversedotCode1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:SemanticAction ; rdfs:comment " { ^ . %{ print(o) %} } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1inversedotCode1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; mf:extensionResults ( [ mf:extension ; mf:prints "http://a.example/o1" ] ) . <#1dotCode3_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotCode3_pass" ; sht:trait sht:SemanticAction , sht:OrderedSemanticActions ; rdfs:comment " { . %{ print(s) %} %{ print(p) %} %{ print(o) %} } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotCode3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; mf:extensionResults ( [ mf:extension ; mf:prints "http://a.example/s1" ] [ mf:extension ; mf:prints "http://a.example/p1" ] [ mf:extension ; mf:prints "http://a.example/o1" ] ) . <#1dotNoCode3_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotNoCode3_pass" ; sht:trait sht:SemanticAction , sht:ExternalSemanticAction ; rdfs:comment " { . %% %% %% } + %{ print(s) %} %{ print(p) %} %{ print(o) %} on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotNoCode3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; sht:semActs <../schemas/1dotNoCode3.semact> ] ; mf:extensionResults ( [ mf:extension ; mf:prints "http://a.example/s1" ] [ mf:extension ; mf:prints "http://a.example/p1" ] [ mf:extension ; mf:prints "http://a.example/o1" ] ) . <#1dotCode3fail_abort> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1dotCode3fail_abort" ; sht:trait sht:SemanticAction ; rdfs:comment " { . %{ print(s) %}%{ fail(s) %}%{ print(o) %} } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotCode3fail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dotCodeWithEscapes1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotCodeWithEscapes1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:SemanticAction ; rdfs:comment " { . %{ print\\u0028\\u0022\\%{\\\\\\\\\\%}\\u0022\\u0029 %} } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotCodeWithEscapes1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; mf:extensionResults ( [ mf:extension ; mf:prints "%{\\\\%}" ] ) . <#1dotShapeCode1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotShapeCode1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:SemanticAction ; rdfs:comment " { . } %{ print(\"shape action\") %} on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotShapeCode1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; mf:extensionResults ( [ mf:extension ; mf:prints "shape action" ] ) . <#1dotShapeNoCode1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dotShapeNoCode1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:SemanticAction , sht:ExternalSemanticAction ; rdfs:comment " { . } %% + %{ print(o) %} on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dotShapeNoCode1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; sht:semActs <../schemas/1dotShapeNoCode1.semact> ] ; mf:extensionResults ( [ mf:extension ; mf:prints "shape action" ] ) . <#open3EachdotcloseCode1-p1p2p3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "open3EachdotcloseCode1-p1p2p3" ; sht:trait sht:SemanticAction , sht:EachOf ; rdfs:comment " { ( .; .; . ) %{ print(\"group semAct\") %} } / { :s1 :p1 \"p1-0\"; :p2 \"p2-0\"; :p3 \"p3-0\" . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/open3EachdotcloseCode1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; mf:extensionResults ( [ mf:extension ; mf:prints "group semAct" ] ) . <#startCode1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "startCode1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:SemanticAction ; rdfs:comment "%{print('startAct')%} { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/startCode1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; mf:extensionResults ( [ mf:extension ; mf:prints "startAct" ] ) . <#startNoCode1_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "startNoCode1_pass" ; sht:trait sht:SemanticAction , sht:ExternalSemanticAction ; rdfs:comment "%% { . } + %{print(\"startAct\")%} on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/startNoCode1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; sht:semActs <../schemas/startNoCode1.semact> ] ; mf:extensionResults ( [ mf:extension ; mf:prints "startAct" ] ) . <#startCode1fail_abort> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "startCode1fail_abort" ; sht:trait sht:SemanticAction ; rdfs:comment "%{ fail('startAct') %} { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/startCode1fail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; mf:extensionResults ( [ mf:extension ; mf:prints "startAct" ] ) . <#startCode1startRef_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "startCode1startRef_pass" ; sht:trait sht:SemanticAction ; rdfs:comment "%{print('startAct')%} start= { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/startCode1startRef.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; mf:extensionResults ( [ mf:extension ; mf:prints "startAct" ] ) . <#startCode1startReffail_abort> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "startCode1startReffail_abort" ; sht:trait sht:SemanticAction ; rdfs:comment "%{ fail('startAct') %} start= { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/startCode1startReffail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; mf:extensionResults ( [ mf:extension ; mf:prints "startAct" ] ) . <#startCode3_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "startCode3_pass" ; sht:trait sht:SemanticAction ; rdfs:comment "%{print('startAct 1')%} %{print('startAct 2')%} %{print('startAct 3')%} { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/startCode3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; mf:extensionResults ( [ mf:extension ; mf:prints "startAct 1" ] [ mf:extension ; mf:prints "startAct 2" ] [ mf:extension ; mf:prints "startAct 3" ] ) . <#startCode3fail_abort> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "startCode3fail_abort" ; sht:trait sht:SemanticAction ; rdfs:comment "%{print('startAct 1')%} %{ fail('startAct 2') %} %{print('startAct 3')%} { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/startCode3fail.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . ## } semantic actions ## annotations + semantic actions { <#open3Eachdotclosecard23Annot3Code2-p1p2p3X3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "open3Eachdotclosecard23Annot3Code2-p1p2p3X3" ; sht:trait sht:Annotation , sht:SemanticAction , sht:EachOf , sht:RepeatedGroup ; rdfs:comment " { ( .; .; . ){2,3} // \"1\" // \"2\" // \"3\" %{ p(\"...1\") %} %{ p(\"...2\") %} } / { \"p1-n\"; \"p2-n\"; \"p3-n\" }X3" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/open3Eachdotclosecard23Annot3Code2.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; mf:extensionResults ( [ mf:extension ; mf:prints "group semAct 1" ] [ mf:extension ; mf:prints "group semAct 2" ] ) . ## } annotations + semantic actions ## focus constraint { ### kind { <#0focusIRI_empty_fail-bnodeFocusLabel> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "0focusIRI_empty_fail-bnodeFocusLabel" ; sht:trait sht:Empty , sht:ToldBNode ; rdfs:comment " IRI { } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/0focusIRI.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus _:s1 ] . <#0focusIRI_empty> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "0focusIRI_empty" ; sht:trait sht:Empty ; rdfs:comment " IRI { } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/0focusIRI.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#0focusIRI_other_fail-bnodeFocusLabel> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "0focusIRI_other_fail-bnodeFocusLabel" ; sht:trait sht:Empty , sht:ToldBNode ; rdfs:comment " IRI { } on { _:abcd }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/0focusIRI.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus _:abcd ] . <#0focusIRI_other> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "0focusIRI_other" ; sht:trait sht:Empty ; rdfs:comment " IRI { } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/0focusIRI.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#0focusBNODE_empty_fail-iriFocusLabel> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "0focusBNODE_empty_fail-iriFocusLabel" ; sht:trait sht:Empty ; rdfs:comment " BNODE { } on in { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/0focusBNODE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#0focusBNODE_empty> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "0focusBNODE_empty" ; sht:trait sht:Empty , sht:ToldBNode ; rdfs:comment " BNODE { } on _:abcd in { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/0focusBNODE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus _:abcd ] . <#0focusBNODE_other_fail-iriFocusLabel> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "0focusBNODE_other_fail-iriFocusLabel" ; sht:trait sht:Empty ; rdfs:comment " BNODE { } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/0focusBNODE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#0focusBNODE_other> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "0focusBNODE_other" ; sht:trait sht:Empty , sht:ToldBNode ; rdfs:comment " BNODE { } on { _:abcd }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/0focusBNODE.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus _:abcd ] . <#1focusIRI_dot_fail-bnodeFocusLabel> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1focusIRI_dot_fail-bnodeFocusLabel" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint , sht:ToldBNode ; rdfs:comment " IRI { . } on in { _:abcd }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusIRI_dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus _:abcd ] . <#1focusIRI_dot_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1focusIRI_dot_pass" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint ; rdfs:comment " IRI { . } on in { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusIRI_dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1focusBNODE_dot_fail-iriFocusLabel-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1focusBNODE_dot_fail-iriFocusLabel-equal" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint , sht:LexicalBNode ; rdfs:comment " BNODE { . } on in { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusBNODE_dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1focusBNODE_dot_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1focusBNODE_dot_pass" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint , sht:ToldBNode ; rdfs:comment " BNODE { . } on in { _:abcdefghijklmnopqrs }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusBNODE_dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus _:abcdefghijklmnopqrs ] . <#1focusnonLiteral-dot_pass-iri-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1focusnonLiteral-dot_pass-iri-equal" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " NONLITERAL { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusnonLiteral-dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . ### } kind ### datatype { <#focusdatatype_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "focusdatatype_pass" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint ; rdfs:comment " on { 'ab'^^my:bloodType }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/focusdatatype.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus "ab"^^ ] . <#focusdatatype_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "focusdatatype_fail" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint ; rdfs:comment " on { 'ab'^^my:bloodType999 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/focusdatatype.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus "ab"^^ ] ; . <#focusdatatype_pass-empty> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "focusdatatype_pass-empty" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint ; rdfs:comment " on 'ab'^^ in { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/focusdatatype.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus "ab"^^ ] . <#focusdatatype_fail-empty> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "focusdatatype_fail-empty" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint ; rdfs:comment " on 'ab'^^ in { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/focusdatatype.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus "ab"^^ ] ; . ### } datatype ### value sets { <#focusvs_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "focusvs_pass" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint ; rdfs:comment " [ ] on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/focusvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#focusvs_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "focusvs_fail" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint ; rdfs:comment " [ ] on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/focusvs.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . ### } value sets ### AND focus { <#1focusvsANDdatatype_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1focusvsANDdatatype_fail" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint , sht:Unsatisfiable ; rdfs:comment " [ ] AND on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/focusvsANDdatatype.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1focusvsANDIRI_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1focusvsANDIRI_pass" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint ; rdfs:comment " [ ] AND IRI on in { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/focusvsANDIRI.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1focusvsANDIRI_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1focusvsANDIRI_fail" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint ; rdfs:comment " [ ] AND IRI on in { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/focusvsANDIRI.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . ### } AND focus ### OR focus { <#1focusvsORdatatype_pass-val> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1focusvsORdatatype_pass-val" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint ; rdfs:comment " [ ] OR on in { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/focusvsORdatatype.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1focusvsORdatatype_fail-val> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1focusvsORdatatype_fail-val" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint ; rdfs:comment " [ ] OR on in { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/focusvsORdatatype.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#1focusvsORdatatype_pass-dt> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1focusvsORdatatype_pass-dt" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint ; rdfs:comment " [ ] OR on 'v1'^^ in { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/focusvsORdatatype.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus "v1"^^ ] . <#1focusvsORdatatype_fail-dt> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1focusvsORdatatype_fail-dt" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint ; rdfs:comment " [ ] OR on 'v1'^^ in { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/focusvsORdatatype.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus "v1"^^ ] ; . <#focusNOTRefOR1dot_pass-inOR> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "focusNOTRefOR1dot_pass-inOR" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint ; rdfs:comment " NOT @ OR { . } { . } in { }" ; mf:status mf:Proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/focusNOTRefOR1dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#focusNOTRefOR1dot_fail-inNOT> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "focusNOTRefOR1dot_fail-inNOT" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint ; rdfs:comment " NOT @ OR { . } { . } in { }" ; mf:status mf:Proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/focusNOTRefOR1dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#focusNOTRefOR1dot_pass-other> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "focusNOTRefOR1dot_pass-other" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint ; rdfs:comment " NOT @ OR { . } { . } in { }" ; mf:status mf:Proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/focusNOTRefOR1dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . ### } OR focus ### focusFacet { #### lengths { <#1focusLength-dot_fail-iri-short> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1focusLength-dot_fail-iri-short" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " LENGTH 19 { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusLength-dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1focusLength-dot_pass-iri-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1focusLength-dot_pass-iri-equal" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " LENGTH 19 { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusLength-dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1focusLength-dot_fail-iri-long> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1focusLength-dot_fail-iri-long" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " LENGTH 19 { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusLength-dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1focusLength-dot_fail-bnode-short> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1focusLength-dot_fail-bnode-short" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint , sht:LexicalBNode , sht:LengthFacet , sht:ToldBNode ; rdfs:comment " LENGTH 19 { . } on { _:abcd }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusLength-dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus _:abcd ] . <#1focusLength-dot_pass-bnode-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1focusLength-dot_pass-bnode-equal" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint , sht:LexicalBNode , sht:LengthFacet , sht:ToldBNode ; rdfs:comment " LENGTH 19 { . } on { _:abcdefghijklmnopqrs }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusLength-dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus _:abcdefghijklmnopqrs ] . <#1focusLength-dot_fail-bnode-long> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1focusLength-dot_fail-bnode-long" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint , sht:LexicalBNode , sht:LengthFacet , sht:ToldBNode ; rdfs:comment " LENGTH 19 { . } on { _:abcdefghijklmnopqrst }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusLength-dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus _:abcdefghijklmnopqrst ] . <#1focusMinLength-dot_fail-iri-short> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1focusMinLength-dot_fail-iri-short" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " MINLENGTH 19 { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusMinLength-dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1focusMinLength-dot_pass-iri-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1focusMinLength-dot_pass-iri-equal" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " MINLENGTH 19 { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusMinLength-dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1focusMinLength-dot_pass-iri-long> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1focusMinLength-dot_pass-iri-long" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " MINLENGTH 19 { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusMinLength-dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1focusMinLength-dot_fail-bnode-short> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1focusMinLength-dot_fail-bnode-short" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint , sht:LengthFacet , sht:LexicalBNode , sht:ToldBNode ; rdfs:comment " MINLENGTH 19 { . } on { _:abcd }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusMinLength-dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus _:abcd ] . <#1focusMinLength-dot_pass-bnode-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1focusMinLength-dot_pass-bnode-equal" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint , sht:LengthFacet , sht:LexicalBNode , sht:ToldBNode ; rdfs:comment " MINLENGTH 19 { . } on { _:abcdefghijklmnopqrs }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusMinLength-dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus _:abcdefghijklmnopqrs ] . <#1focusMinLength-dot_pass-bnode-long> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1focusMinLength-dot_pass-bnode-long" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint , sht:LengthFacet , sht:ToldBNode ; rdfs:comment " MINLENGTH 19 { . } on { _:abcdefghijklmnopqrst }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusMinLength-dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus _:abcdefghijklmnopqrst ] . <#1focusMaxLength-dot_pass-iri-short> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1focusMaxLength-dot_pass-iri-short" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " MAXLENGTH 19 { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusMaxLength-dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1focusMaxLength-dot_pass-iri-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1focusMaxLength-dot_pass-iri-equal" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " MAXLENGTH 19 { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusMaxLength-dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1focusMaxLength-dot_fail-iri-long> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1focusMaxLength-dot_fail-iri-long" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " MAXLENGTH 19 { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusMaxLength-dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1focusMaxLength-dot_pass-bnode-short> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1focusMaxLength-dot_pass-bnode-short" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint , sht:LengthFacet , sht:LexicalBNode ; rdfs:comment " MAXLENGTH 19 { . } on { _:abcd }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusMaxLength-dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus _:abcd ] . <#1focusMaxLength-dot_pass-bnode-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1focusMaxLength-dot_pass-bnode-equal" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint , sht:LengthFacet , sht:LexicalBNode ; rdfs:comment " MAXLENGTH 19 { . } on { _:abcdefghijklmnopqrs }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusMaxLength-dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus _:abcdefghijklmnopqrs ] . <#1focusMaxLength-dot_fail-bnode-long> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1focusMaxLength-dot_fail-bnode-long" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint , sht:LexicalBNode , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " MAXLENGTH 19 { . } on { _:abcdefghijklmnopqrst }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusMaxLength-dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus _:abcdefghijklmnopqrst ] . #### } lengths #### pattern { <#1focusPattern-dot_fail-iri-match> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1focusPattern-dot_fail-iri-match" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " PATTERN '^http://a.example/s1$' { } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusPattern-dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ]. <#1focusPattern-dot_fail-iri-short> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1focusPattern-dot_fail-iri-short" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " PATTERN '^http://a.example/s1$' { } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusPattern-dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ]. <#1focusPattern-dot_pass-iri-match> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1focusPattern-dot_pass-iri-match" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " PATTERN 'http://a.example/s1' { } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusPattern-dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1focusPattern-dot_fail-iri-long> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1focusPattern-dot_fail-iri-long" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " PATTERN '^http://a.example/s1$' { } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusPattern-dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ]. <#1focusPatternB-dot_fail-iri-match> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1focusPatternB-dot_fail-iri-match" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet ; rdfs:comment " PATTERN 'abcdefghijklmnopqrs' { } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusPatternB-dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ]. <#1focusPatternB-dot_fail-bnode-short> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1focusPatternB-dot_fail-bnode-short" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet , sht:LexicalBNode , sht:ToldBNode ; rdfs:comment " PATTERN 'abcdefghijklmnopqrs' { } on { _:abcd }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusPatternB-dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus _:abcd ]. <#1focusPatternB-dot_pass-bnode-match> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1focusPatternB-dot_pass-bnode-match" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet , sht:LexicalBNode , sht:ToldBNode ; rdfs:comment " PATTERN 'abcdefghijklmnopqrs' { } on { _:abcdefghijklmnopqrs }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusPatternB-dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus _:abcdefghijklmnopqrs ] . <#1focusPatternB-dot_pass-bnode-long> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1focusPatternB-dot_pass-bnode-long" ; sht:trait sht:PaternFacet , sht:LexicalBNode , sht:ToldBNode ; rdfs:comment " PATTERN 'abcdefghijklmnopqrs' { } on { _:abcdefghijklmnopqrst }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusPatternB-dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus _:abcdefghijklmnopqrst ] . #### } pattern ### } focusFacet ### kind + length facet { <#1focusIRILength_dot_fail-bnodeFocusLabel-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1focusIRILength_dot_fail-bnodeFocusLabel-equal" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint , sht:LexicalBNode , sht:LengthFacet , sht:ToldBNode ; rdfs:comment " IRI LENGTH 19 { . } on in { _:abcdefghijklmnopqrs }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusIRILength_dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus _:abcdefghijklmnopqrs ] . <#1focusIRILength_dot_fail-short> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1focusIRILength_dot_fail-short" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " IRI LENGTH 19 { . } on in { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusIRILength_dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1focusIRILength_dot_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1focusIRILength_dot_pass" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " IRI LENGTH 19 { . } on in { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusIRILength_dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1focusIRILength_dot_fail-long> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1focusIRILength_dot_fail-long" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " IRI LENGTH 19 { . } on in { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusIRILength_dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1focusBNODELength_dot_fail-iriFocusLabel-equal> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1focusBNODELength_dot_fail-iriFocusLabel-equal" ; sht:trait sht:LexicalBNode , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " BNODE LENGTH 19 { . } on in { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusBNODELength_dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1focusBNODELength_dot_fail-short> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1focusBNODELength_dot_fail-short" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint , sht:LengthFacet , sht:LexicalBNode , sht:ToldBNode ; rdfs:comment " BNODE LENGTH 19 { . } on in { _:abcd }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusBNODELength_dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus _:abcd ] . <#1focusBNODELength_dot_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1focusBNODELength_dot_pass" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint , sht:LengthFacet , sht:LexicalBNode , sht:ToldBNode ; rdfs:comment " BNODE LENGTH 19 { . } on in { _:abcdefghijklmnopqrs }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusBNODELength_dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus _:abcdefghijklmnopqrs ] . <#1focusBNODELength_dot_fail-long> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1focusBNODELength_dot_fail-long" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint , sht:LengthFacet , sht:LexicalBNode , sht:ToldBNode ; rdfs:comment " BNODE LENGTH 19 { . } on in { _:abcdefghijklmnopqrst }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusBNODELength_dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus _:abcdefghijklmnopqrst ] . <#1focusnonLiteralLength-dot_pass-iri-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1focusnonLiteralLength-dot_pass-iri-equal" ; sht:trait sht:FocusConstraint , sht:LengthFacet ; rdfs:comment " NONLITERAL LENGTH 19 { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1focusnonLiteralLength-dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . ### } kind + length facet ### AND OR NOT { # @@ In1_Ip1_In2.ttl failure tests <#NOT1dotOR2dot_pass-empty> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "NOT1dotOR2dot_pass-empty" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:NotValueExpression ; rdfs:comment " NOT { . } OR { .; . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/NOT1dotOR2dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#NOT1dotOR2dot_pass-NoShape1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "NOT1dotOR2dot_pass-NoShape1" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:NotValueExpression ; rdfs:comment " NOT { . } OR { .; . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/NOT1dotOR2dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#NOT1dotOR2dot_pass-Shape2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "NOT1dotOR2dot_pass-Shape2" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:NotValueExpression ; rdfs:comment " NOT { . } OR { .; . } on { . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/NOT1dotOR2dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#NOT1dotOR2dot_fail-Shape2> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "NOT1dotOR2dot_fail-Shape2" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:NotValueExpression ; rdfs:comment " NOT { . } OR { .; . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/NOT1dotOR2dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#NOT1dotOR2dotX3_pass-empty> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "NOT1dotOR2dotX3_pass-empty" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:NotValueExpression ; rdfs:comment " ((NOT { . } OR { .; . }) AND (NOT { . } OR { .; . }) AND (NOT { . } OR { .; . }) ) on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/NOT1dotOR2dotX3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#NOT1dotOR2dotX3_pass-NoShape1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "NOT1dotOR2dotX3_pass-NoShape1" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:NotValueExpression ; rdfs:comment " ((NOT { . } OR { .; . }) AND (NOT { . } OR { .; . }) AND (NOT { . } OR { .; . }) ) on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/NOT1dotOR2dotX3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#NOT1dotOR2dotX3_pass-Shape2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "NOT1dotOR2dotX3_pass-Shape2" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:NotValueExpression ; rdfs:comment " ((NOT { . } OR { .; . }) AND (NOT { . } OR { .; . }) AND (NOT { . } OR { .; . }) ) on { . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/NOT1dotOR2dotX3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#NOT1dotOR2dotX3_fail-Shape2> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "NOT1dotOR2dotX3_fail-Shape2" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:NotValueExpression ; rdfs:comment " ((NOT { . } OR { .; . }) AND (NOT { . } OR { .; . }) AND (NOT { . } OR { .; . }) ) on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/NOT1dotOR2dotX3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#NOT1dotOR2dotX3AND1_fail-empty> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "NOT1dotOR2dotX3AND1_fail-empty" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:NotValueExpression ; rdfs:comment " ((NOT { . } OR { .; . }) AND (NOT { . } OR { .; . }) AND (NOT { . } OR { .; . }) AND ({ . } OR { . } OR { . } ) ) on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/NOT1dotOR2dotX3AND1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#NOT1dotOR2dotX3AND1_fail-NoShape1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "NOT1dotOR2dotX3AND1_fail-NoShape1" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:NotValueExpression ; rdfs:comment " ((NOT { . } OR { .; . }) AND (NOT { . } OR { .; . }) AND (NOT { . } OR { .; . }) AND ({ . } OR { . } OR { . } ) ) on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/NOT1dotOR2dotX3AND1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#NOT1dotOR2dotX3AND1_pass-Shape2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "NOT1dotOR2dotX3AND1_pass-Shape2" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:NotValueExpression ; rdfs:comment " ((NOT { . } OR { .; . }) AND (NOT { . } OR { .; . }) AND (NOT { . } OR { .; . }) AND ({ . } OR { . } OR { . } ) ) on { . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/NOT1dotOR2dotX3AND1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#NOT1dotOR2dotX3AND1_fail-Shape2> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "NOT1dotOR2dotX3AND1_fail-Shape2" ; sht:trait sht:OrValueExpression , sht:NotValueExpression ; rdfs:comment " ((NOT { . } OR { .; . }) AND (NOT { . } OR { .; . }) AND (NOT { . } OR { .; . }) AND ({ . } OR { . } OR { . } ) ) on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/NOT1dotOR2dotX3AND1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOTRefOR1dot_pass-inOR> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1NOTRefOR1dot_pass-inOR" ; rdfs:comment " { NOT @ OR { . } } { . } in { . \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOTRefOR1dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOTRefOR1dot_fail-inNOT> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1NOTRefOR1dot_fail-inNOT" ; rdfs:comment " { NOT @ OR { . } } { . } in { . \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOTRefOR1dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1NOTRefOR1dot_pass-other> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1NOTRefOR1dot_pass-other" ; rdfs:comment " { NOT @ OR { . } } { . } in { . \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1NOTRefOR1dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . ### } AND OR NOT ## } focus constraint ## shape extern { <#shapeExtern_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "shapeExtern_pass" ; sht:trait sht:SemanticAction , sht:ExternalShape ; rdfs:comment " EXTERNAL + { . } on in { . \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/shapeExtern.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; sht:shapeExterns <../schemas/shapeExtern.shextern> ] . <#shapeExtern_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "shapeExtern_fail" ; sht:trait sht:SemanticAction , sht:ExternalShape ; rdfs:comment " EXTERNAL + { . } on in { . \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/shapeExtern.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; sht:shapeExterns <../schemas/shapeExtern.shextern> ] . <#shapeExternRef_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "shapeExternRef_pass" ; sht:trait sht:SemanticAction , sht:ExternalShape ; rdfs:comment " { @ } EXTERNAL + { . } on { . \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/shapeExternRef.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; sht:shapeExterns <../schemas/shapeExtern.shextern> ] . <#shapeExternRef_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "shapeExternRef_fail" ; sht:trait sht:SemanticAction , sht:ExternalShape ; rdfs:comment " { @ } EXTERNAL + { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/shapeExternRef.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; sht:shapeExterns <../schemas/shapeExtern.shextern> ] . ## } shape extern ## relative IRIs { # schema paths include ../validation in order to be easy to find. <#1dot-relative_pass-short-shape> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dot-relative_pass-short-shape" ; sht:trait sht:relativeIRI ; rdfs:comment " { [] } on in { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../validation/1dot-relative.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1dot-relative_pass-relative-shape> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1dot-relative_pass-relative-shape" ; sht:trait sht:relativeIRI ; rdfs:comment " { [] } on <../validation/S1> in { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../validation/1dot-relative.shex> ; sht:shape <../validation/S1> ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . ## } relative IRIs ## manual schemas { <#false-lead-excluding-value-shape> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "false-lead-excluding-value-shape" ; sht:trait sht:EachOf ; rdfs:comment " { :a @*; (:a @+ | :b int); :b .} {:b @} {:b @} {:c .} {:d .}" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../validation/false-lead-excluding-value-shape.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#nPlus1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "nPlus1" ; sht:trait sht:EachOf , sht:Exhaustive ; rdfs:comment " { :a .*; (:a .+ | :a .); :a . } / { :a 1, 3 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../validation/nPlus1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . # <#nPlus1-greedy_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; # mf:name "nPlus1-greedy_fail" ; # sht:trait sht:EachOf , sht:Greedy ; # rdfs:comment " { :a .*; (:a .+ | :a .); :a . } / { :a 1, 3 } Greedy" ; # mf:status mf:Approved ; # mf:action [ # sht:schema <../validation/nPlus1.shex> ; # sht:shape ; # sht:data ; # sht:focus # ] # . <#nPlus1-greedy-rewrite> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "nPlus1-greedy-rewrite" ; sht:trait sht:EachOf ; rdfs:comment " { :a [1]; (:a [2]+ | :a [3]); :a [4]* } / { :a 1, 3 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../validation/nPlus1-greedy-rewrite.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#skipped> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "skipped" ; sht:trait sht:EachOf ; rdfs:comment " { ( :a .; :b . )?; :c . } on { :c 1 }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../validation/skipped.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#2Eachdot> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "2Eachdot" ; sht:trait sht:EachOf ; rdfs:comment "@@ 2Eachdot" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/2Eachdot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#open2Eachdotclosecard25c1dot> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "open2Eachdotclosecard25c1dot" ; sht:trait sht:EachOf ; rdfs:comment " { ( :a .; :b . ){2,5}; :c . }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/open2Eachdotclosecard25c1dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#PstarT> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "PstarT" ; sht:trait sht:EachOf ; rdfs:comment " {:a @

*; :a @} / { :a , ,

, }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../validation/Pstar.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . # <#PstarT-greedy> a sht:ValidationTest ; # mf:name "PstarT-greedy" ; # sht:trait sht:EachOf , sht:Greedy ; # rdfs:comment " {:a @

*; :a @} / { :a , ,

, } Greedy" ; # mf:status mf:Approved ; # mf:action [ # sht:schema <../validation/Pstar.shex> ; # sht:shape ; # sht:data ; # sht:focus # ] # . <#PTstar> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "PTstar" ; sht:trait sht:EachOf , sht:Exhaustive ; rdfs:comment " {:a @

; :a @*} / { :a , ,

, }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../validation/Pstar.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . # <#PTstar-greedy-fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; # mf:name "PTstar-greedy-fail" ; # sht:trait sht:EachOf , sht:Greedy ; # rdfs:comment " {:a @

; :a @*} / { :a , ,

, } Greedy" ; # mf:status mf:Approved ; # mf:action [ # sht:schema <../validation/Pstar.shex> ; # sht:shape ; # sht:data ; # sht:focus # ] # . <#PTstar-greedy-rewrite> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "PTstar-greedy-rewrite" ; sht:trait sht:EachOf ; rdfs:comment " {:a @*; :a @

} / { :a , ,

, }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../validation/Pstar-greedy-rewrite.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#PstarTstar> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "PstarTstar" ; sht:trait sht:EachOf ; rdfs:comment " {:a @

*; :a @*} / { :a , ,

, }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../validation/Pstar.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#P2T2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "P2T2" ; sht:trait sht:EachOf , sht:Exhaustive ; rdfs:comment " {:a @

{2}; :a @{2}} / { :a , ,

, }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../validation/Pstar.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . ## } manual schemas ## imports { ### shape reference { ### 2RefS1-IS2 : I=2RefS2 S1 | 2RefS2 : S2 sht:imports ### 2RefS2-IS1 : I=2RefS1 S2 | 2RefS1 : S1 sht:imports ### 2RefS1-Icirc: I=2RefS2-Icirc S1 | 2RefS2-Icirc: I=2RefS1 S2 sht:imports , sht:circularImports ### 3circRefS123 : S1 S2 S3 ### 3circRefS1-IS23 : I=3circRefS23 S1 | 3circRefS23 : S2 S3 ### 3circRefS1-IS2-IS3 : I=3circRefS2-IS3 S1 | 3circRefS2-IS3 : I=3circRefS3 S2 | 3circRefS3: S3 ### 3circRefS3-IS12 : I=3circRefS12 S3 | 3circRefS12 : S1 S2 ### 3circRefS123-Icirc : I=3circRefS123-Icirc S1 S2 S3 ### 3circRefS1-Icirc : I=3circRefS2-Icirc S1 | 3circRefS2-Icirc : I=3circRefS3-Icirc S2 | 3circRefS3-Icirc: I=3circRefS1-Icirc S3 ### 3circRefS1-IS2-IS3-IS3 : I=3circRefS2-IS3 I=3circRefS3 S1 | 3circRefS2-IS3 : I=3circRefS3 S2 | 3circRefS3: S3 <#2RefS1-IS2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "2RefS1-IS2" ; sht:trait sht:Import ; rdfs:comment "I2 { @ } | { . } on { . \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/2RefS1-IS2.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#2RefS1-IS2_fail-p2> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "2RefS1-IS2_fail-p2" ; sht:trait sht:Import ; rdfs:comment "I2 { @ } | { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/2RefS1-IS2.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#2RefS2-IS1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "2RefS2-IS1" ; sht:trait sht:Import ; rdfs:comment "I2 { . } | { @ } on { . \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/2RefS2-IS1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#2RefS1-Icirc> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "2RefS1-Icirc" ; sht:trait sht:Import ; rdfs:comment "I2 { @ } | I1 { . } on { . \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/2RefS1-Icirc.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#2RefS1-Icirc_fail-p2> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "2RefS1-Icirc_fail-p2" ; sht:trait sht:Import ; rdfs:comment "I2circ { @ } | { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/2RefS1-Icirc.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#3circRefS1-IS23> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "3circRefS1-IS23" ; sht:trait sht:Import ; rdfs:comment "I23 { .; @? } | { @ } { @ } on { \"X\" ; . . . \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/3circRefS1-IS23.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data <3circRefPlus1_pass-open.ttl> ; sht:focus ] . <#3circRefS1-IS23_pass-p1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "3circRefS1-IS23_pass-p1" ; sht:trait sht:Import ; rdfs:comment "I23 { .; @? } | { @ } { @ } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/3circRefS1-IS23.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#3circRefS1-IS2-IS3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "3circRefS1-IS2-IS3" ; sht:trait sht:Import ; rdfs:comment "I2 { .; @? } | I3 { @ } | { @ } on { \"X\" ; . . . \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/3circRefS1-IS2-IS3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data <3circRefPlus1_pass-open.ttl> ; sht:focus ] . <#3circRefS3-IS12> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "3circRefS3-IS12" ; sht:trait sht:Import ; rdfs:comment "I2 { @ } | { .; @? } { @ } on { \"X\" ; . . . \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/3circRefS3-IS12.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data <3circRefPlus1_pass-open.ttl> ; sht:focus ] . <#3circRefS123-Icirc> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "3circRefS123-Icirc" ; sht:trait sht:Import ; rdfs:comment "I1 { .; @? } { @ } { @ } on { \"X\" ; . . . \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/3circRefS123-Icirc.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data <3circRefPlus1_pass-open.ttl> ; sht:focus ] . <#3circRefS1-Icirc> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "3circRefS1-Icirc" ; sht:trait sht:Import ; rdfs:comment "I2 { .; @? } | I3 { @ } | I1 { @ } on { \"X\" ; . . . \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/3circRefS1-Icirc.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data <3circRefPlus1_pass-open.ttl> ; sht:focus ] . <#3circRefS1-IS2-IS3-IS3> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "3circRefS1-IS2-IS3-IS3" ; sht:trait sht:Import ; rdfs:comment "I2 I3 { .; @? } | I3 { @ } | { @ } on { \"X\" ; . . . \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/3circRefS1-IS2-IS3-IS3.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data <3circRefPlus1_pass-open.ttl> ; sht:focus ] . ### } shape reference ### start shape reference { <#start2RefS1-IstartS2> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "start2RefS1-IstartS2" ; sht:trait sht:Import , sht:Start ; rdfs:comment "I2 start=@ { @ } | { . } on { . \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/start2RefS1-IstartS2.shex> ; # sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#start2RefS2-IstartS1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "start2RefS2-IstartS1" ; sht:trait sht:Import , sht:Start ; rdfs:comment "I2 start=@ { @ } | { . } on { . \"X\" }" ; mf:status mf:Proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/start2RefS2-IstartS1.shex> ; # sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . ### } start shape reference ### value reference { <#1valExprRef-IV1_fail-lit-short> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1valExprRef-IV1_fail-lit-short" ; sht:trait sht:ValueReference , sht:LengthFacet , sht:Import ; rdfs:comment " = LITERAL MINLENGTH 5 { } on { \"abcd\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1valExprRef-IV1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1valExprRef-IV1_pass-lit-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1valExprRef-IV1_pass-lit-equal" ; sht:trait sht:ValueReference , sht:LengthFacet , sht:Import ; rdfs:comment " = LITERAL MINLENGTH 5 { } on { \"abcde\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1valExprRef-IV1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1valExprRefbnode-IV1_fail-lit-short> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1valExprRefbnode-IV1_fail-lit-short" ; sht:trait sht:BNodeShapeLabel , sht:CrossFileBNodeShapeLabel , sht:ValueReference , sht:LengthFacet , sht:Import ; rdfs:comment "_:vc1 = LITERAL MINLENGTH 5 { _:vc1 } on { \"abcd\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1valExprRefbnode-IV1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1valExprRefbnode-IV1_pass-lit-equal> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1valExprRefbnode-IV1_pass-lit-equal" ; sht:trait sht:BNodeShapeLabel , sht:CrossFileBNodeShapeLabel , sht:ValueReference , sht:LengthFacet , sht:Import ; rdfs:comment "_:vc1 = LITERAL MINLENGTH 5 { _:vc1 } on { \"abcde\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1valExprRefbnode-IV1.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . ### } value reference ### include { <#2EachInclude1-IS2_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "2EachInclude1-IS2_pass" ; sht:trait sht:Include , sht:EachOf , sht:Import ; rdfs:comment "I2 { &; . } on { \"X\" ; \"Y\" }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/2EachInclude1-IS2.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . ### } include ## } imports ## lists { <#1list0PlusDot-empty_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1list0PlusDot-empty_pass" ; sht:trait sht:Include , sht:EachOf , sht:Import ; rdfs:comment " { (DOT*) } on { () }" ; mf:status mf:Proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1list0PlusDot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1list0PlusDot-list_Iv1,Iv2,Iv3_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1list0PlusDot-list_Iv1,Iv2,Iv3_pass" ; sht:trait sht:Include , sht:EachOf , sht:Import ; rdfs:comment " { (DOT*) } on { ( ) }" ; mf:status mf:Proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1list0PlusDot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1list0PlusDot-list_Iv1,Iv2,Lx_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1list0PlusDot-list_Iv1,Iv2,Lx_pass" ; sht:trait sht:Include , sht:EachOf , sht:Import ; rdfs:comment " { (DOT*) } on { ( \"X\") }" ; mf:status mf:Proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1list0PlusDot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1list0PlusDot-manualList_Iv1,Iv2,Iv3_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1list0PlusDot-manualList_Iv1,Iv2,Iv3_pass" ; sht:trait sht:Include , sht:EachOf , sht:Import ; rdfs:comment " { (DOT*) } on { ( ) }" ; mf:status mf:Proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1list0PlusDot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1list0PlusDot-manualList_extraArc_Iv1,Iv2,Iv3_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1list0PlusDot-manualList_extraArc_Iv1,Iv2,Iv3_fail" ; sht:trait sht:Include , sht:EachOf , sht:Import ; rdfs:comment " { (DOT*) } on { ( ) }" ; mf:status mf:Proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1list0PlusDot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . # <#1list0PlusDot-manualList_circular_Iv1,Iv2,Iv3_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; # mf:name "1list0PlusDot-manualList_circular_Iv1,Iv2,Iv3_fail" ; # sht:trait sht:Include , sht:EachOf , sht:Import ; # rdfs:comment " { (DOT*) } on { ( ) }" ; # mf:status mf:Proposed ; # mf:action [ # sht:schema <../schemas/1list0PlusDot.shex> ; # sht:shape ; # sht:data ; # sht:focus # ] # . <#1list0PlusDot-manualList_2firsts_Iv1,Iv2,Iv3_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1list0PlusDot-manualList_2firsts_Iv1,Iv2,Iv3_fail" ; sht:trait sht:Include , sht:EachOf , sht:Import ; rdfs:comment " { (DOT*) } on { ( ) }" ; mf:status mf:Proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1list0PlusDot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1list0PlusIri-empty_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1list0PlusIri-empty_pass" ; sht:trait sht:Include , sht:EachOf , sht:Import ; rdfs:comment " { (IRI*) } on { () }" ; mf:status mf:Proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1list0PlusIri.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1list0PlusIri-list_Iv1,Iv2,Iv3_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1list0PlusIri-list_Iv1,Iv2,Iv3_pass" ; sht:trait sht:Include , sht:EachOf , sht:Import ; rdfs:comment " { (IRI*) } on { ( ) }" ; mf:status mf:Proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1list0PlusIri.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1list0PlusIri-list_Iv1,Iv2,Lx_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1list0PlusIri-list_Iv1,Iv2,Lx_fail" ; sht:trait sht:Include , sht:EachOf , sht:Import ; rdfs:comment " { (IRI*) } on { ( \"X\") }" ; mf:status mf:Proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1list0PlusIri.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1list1PlusIri-empty_pass> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1list1PlusIri-empty_pass" ; sht:trait sht:Include , sht:EachOf , sht:Import ; rdfs:comment " { (IRI*) } on { () }" ; mf:status mf:Proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1list1PlusIri.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1list1PlusIri-list_Iv1,Iv2,Iv3_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "1list1PlusIri-list_Iv1,Iv2,Iv3_pass" ; sht:trait sht:Include , sht:EachOf , sht:Import ; rdfs:comment " { (IRI*) } on { ( ) }" ; mf:status mf:Proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1list1PlusIri.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#1list1PlusIri-list_Iv1,Iv2,Lx_fail> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1list1PlusIri-list_Iv1,Iv2,Lx_fail" ; sht:trait sht:Include , sht:EachOf , sht:Import ; rdfs:comment " { (IRI*) } on { ( \"X\") }" ; mf:status mf:Proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1list1PlusIri.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . ## } lists ## ShapeMaps { <#node_kind_example> a sht:ValidationFailure ; # node_kind_example mf:name "node_kind_example" ; sht:trait sht:ShapeMap ; rdfs:comment " { IRI} on { . . \"o3\" }" ; mf:status mf:Proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/node_kind_example.shex> ; sht:map ; sht:data ] ; mf:result . <#dependent_shape> a sht:ValidationTest ; # dependent_shape mf:name "dependent_shape" ; sht:trait sht:ShapeMap ; rdfs:comment " { @} { []} on { . }" ; mf:status mf:Proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/dependent_shape.shex> ; sht:map ; sht:data ] ; mf:result . <#recursion_example> a sht:ValidationTest ; # recursion_example mf:name "recursion_example" ; sht:trait sht:ShapeMap , sht:RecursiveData ; rdfs:comment " { @*} on { . . }" ; mf:status mf:Proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/recursion_example.shex> ; sht:map ; sht:data ] ; mf:result . ## } ShapeMaps ## Extends { <#extends-abstract-multi-empty_pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "extends-abstract-multi-empty_pass" ; sht:trait sht:Extends , sht:Abstract , sht:MultiExtends , sht:Closed ; rdfs:comment " C { ... @ ... @ } ABS EXT @ ABS EXT @ EXT @ on { ... ... ... } " ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/extends-abstract-multi-empty.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#extends-abstract-multi-empty_pass-missingOptRef1> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "extends-abstract-multi-empty_pass-missingOptRef1" ; sht:trait sht:Extends , sht:Abstract , sht:MultiExtends , sht:Closed ; rdfs:comment " C { ... @ ... @ } ABS EXT @ ABS EXT @ EXT @ on { ... - @ ... ... } " ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/extends-abstract-multi-empty.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#extends-abstract-multi-empty_fail-missingRef2> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "extends-abstract-multi-empty_fail-missingRef2" ; sht:trait sht:Extends , sht:Abstract , sht:MultiExtends , sht:Closed ; rdfs:comment " C { ... @ ... @ } ABS EXT @ ABS EXT @ EXT @ on { ... - @ ... ... } " ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/extends-abstract-multi-empty.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#extends-abstract-multi-empty_fail-Ref1ExtraOR> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "extends-abstract-multi-empty_fail-Ref1ExtraOR" ; sht:trait sht:Extends , sht:Abstract , sht:MultiExtends , sht:Closed ; rdfs:comment " C { ... @ ... @ } ABS EXT @ ABS EXT @ EXT @ on { ... - @ f:name; f:givenName; f:familyName. ... } " ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/extends-abstract-multi-empty.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#extends-abstract-multi-empty_fail-ReferrerExtraP> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "extends-abstract-multi-empty_fail-ReferrerExtraP" ; sht:trait sht:Extends , sht:Abstract , sht:MultiExtends , sht:Closed ; rdfs:comment " C { ... @ ... @ } ABS EXT @ ABS EXT @ EXT @ on { ... - @ f:name; f:givenName; f:familyName. ... } " ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/extends-abstract-multi-empty.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#extends-abstract-multi-empty_fail-Ref1ExtraP> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "extends-abstract-multi-empty_fail-Ref1ExtraP" ; sht:trait sht:Extends , sht:Abstract , sht:MultiExtends , sht:Closed ; rdfs:comment " C { ... @ ... @ } ABS EXT @ ABS EXT @ EXT @ on { ... - @ f:name; f:givenName; f:familyName. ... } " ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/extends-abstract-multi-empty.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#extends-abstract-multi-empty_fail-Ref2ExtraP> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "extends-abstract-multi-empty_fail-Ref2ExtraP" ; sht:trait sht:Extends , sht:Abstract , sht:MultiExtends , sht:Closed ; rdfs:comment " C { ... @ ... @ } ABS EXT @ ABS EXT @ EXT @ on { ... - @ f:name; f:givenName; f:familyName. ... } " ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/extends-abstract-multi-empty.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] ; . <#ExtendsRepeatedP-pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "ExtendsRepeatedP-pass" ; sht:trait sht:Extends , sht:Exhaustive ; rdfs:comment " { :p{2}; :q[3] } @AND{ :p+; :q+ } EXT @ { :p } on { :s :p 1,2,3; :q 3 }" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/ExtendsRepeatedP.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#ExtendsRepeatedP-fail_vs> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "ExtendsRepeatedP-fail_vs" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment " { :p{2}; :q[3] } @AND{ :p+; :q+ } EXT @ { :p } on { :s :p 1,2,3; :q 99 }" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/ExtendsRepeatedP.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#ANDAbstract-pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "ANDAbstract-pass" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment "ABSTRACT /sA/ AND {:p} @ AND /s B/ {:p} on {

0 }" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/ANDAbstract.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#ANDAbstract-fail_G1pattern> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "ANDAbstract-fail_G1pattern" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment "ABSTRACT /sA/ AND {:p} @ AND /s B/ {:p} on {

0 }" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/ANDAbstract.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#ANDAbstract-fail_pattern> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "ANDAbstract-fail_pattern" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment "ABSTRACT /sA/ AND {:p} @ AND /s B/ {:p} on {

0 }" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/ANDAbstract.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#AND3G-pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "AND3G-pass" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment "ABS ABS @ @ AND @ on {

0 }" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/AND3G.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#AND3G-fail_G2pattern> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "AND3G-fail_G2pattern" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment "ABS ABS @ @ AND @ on {

0 }" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/AND3G.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#AND3G-fail_G1Bpattern> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "AND3G-fail_G1Bpattern" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment "ABS ABS @ @ AND @ on {

0 }" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/AND3G.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#ExtendAND3G-pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "ExtendAND3G-pass" ; sht:trait sht:Extends , sht:Exhaustive ; rdfs:comment " EXTENDS @ {:p [2]} on {

0, 2 }" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/ExtendAND3G.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#ExtendAND3G-fail_EXTG1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "ExtendAND3G-fail_EXTG1" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment " EXTENDS @ {:p [2]} on {

2 }" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/ExtendAND3G.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#ExtendAND3G-fail_ExtraP> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "ExtendAND3G-fail_ExtraP" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment " EXTENDS @ {:p [2]} on {

0, 2, 3 }" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/ExtendAND3G.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#ExtendAND3G-fail_G3pattern> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "ExtendAND3G-fail_G3pattern" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment " EXTENDS @ {:p [2]} on {

0, 2 }" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/ExtendAND3G.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#ExtendAND3G-fail_EXTG1ANDG1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "ExtendAND3G-fail_EXTG1ANDG1" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment " EXTENDS @ {:p [2]} on {

0, 2 }" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/ExtendAND3G.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#ExtendAND3G-fail_EXTG1pattern> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "ExtendAND3G-fail_EXTG1pattern" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment " EXTENDS @ {:p [2]} on {

0, 2 }" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/ExtendAND3G.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#ExtendAND3G-fail_G0> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "ExtendAND3G-fail_G0" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment " EXTENDS @ {:p [2]} on {

0, 2 }" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/ExtendAND3G.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#Extend3G-pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "Extend3G-pass" ; sht:trait sht:Extends , sht:Exhaustive ; rdfs:comment "@@Extend3G-15" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/Extend3G.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#Extend3G-t16> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "Extend3G-t16" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment "@@Extend3G-16" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/Extend3G.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#Extend3G-t17> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "Extend3G-t17" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment "@@Extend3G-17" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/Extend3G.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#Extend3G-t18> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "Extend3G-t18" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment "@@Extend3G-18" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/Extend3G.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#Extend3G-t19> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "Extend3G-t19" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment "@@Extend3G-19" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/Extend3G.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#Extend3G-t20> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "Extend3G-t20" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment "@@Extend3G-20" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/Extend3G.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#Extend3G-t21> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "Extend3G-t21" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment "@@Extend3G-21" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/Extend3G.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-pass> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-pass" ; sht:trait sht:Extends , sht:Exhaustive ; rdfs:comment "@@ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-22" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t23> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t23" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment "@@ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-23" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t24> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t24" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment "@@ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-24" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t25> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t25" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment "@@ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-25" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t26> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t26" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment "@@ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-26" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t27> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t27" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment "@@ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-27" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t28> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t28" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment "@@ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-28" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t29> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t29" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment "@@ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-29" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t30> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t30" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment "@@ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-30" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t31> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t31" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment "@@ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-31" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t32> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t32" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment "@@ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-32" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t33> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t33" ; sht:trait sht:Extends , sht:Exhaustive ; rdfs:comment "@@ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-33" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t34> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t34" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment "@@ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-34" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t35> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-t35" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment "@@ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G-35" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/ExtendANDExtend3GAND3G.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_lie-Observation> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_lie-Observation" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment "@@vitals-RESTRICTS-36" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/vitals-RESTRICTS.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_lie-Vital> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_lie-Vital" ; sht:trait sht:Extends , sht:Exhaustive ; rdfs:comment "@@vitals-RESTRICTS-37" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/vitals-RESTRICTS.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_lie-BP> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_lie-BP" ; sht:trait sht:Extends , sht:Exhaustive ; rdfs:comment "@@vitals-RESTRICTS-38" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/vitals-RESTRICTS.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_lie-PostureVital> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_lie-PostureVital" ; sht:trait sht:Extends , sht:Exhaustive ; rdfs:comment "@@vitals-RESTRICTS-39" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/vitals-RESTRICTS.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_lie-ReclinedVital> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_lie-ReclinedVital" ; sht:trait sht:Extends , sht:Exhaustive ; rdfs:comment "@@vitals-RESTRICTS-40" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/vitals-RESTRICTS.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_lie-PostureBP> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_lie-PostureBP" ; sht:trait sht:Extends , sht:Exhaustive ; rdfs:comment "@@vitals-RESTRICTS-41" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/vitals-RESTRICTS.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_lie-ReclinedBP> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_lie-ReclinedBP" ; sht:trait sht:Extends , sht:Exhaustive ; rdfs:comment "@@vitals-RESTRICTS-42" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/vitals-RESTRICTS.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_lie-Posture> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_lie-Posture" ; sht:trait sht:Extends , sht:Exhaustive ; rdfs:comment "@@vitals-RESTRICTS-43" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/vitals-RESTRICTS.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_lie-Reclined> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_lie-Reclined" ; sht:trait sht:Extends , sht:Exhaustive ; rdfs:comment "@@vitals-RESTRICTS-44" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/vitals-RESTRICTS.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_sit-Observation> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_sit-Observation" ; sht:trait sht:Extends , sht:Exhaustive ; rdfs:comment "@@vitals-RESTRICTS-45" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/vitals-RESTRICTS.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_sit-Vital> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_sit-Vital" ; sht:trait sht:Extends , sht:Exhaustive ; rdfs:comment "@@vitals-RESTRICTS-46" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/vitals-RESTRICTS.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_sit-BP> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_sit-BP" ; sht:trait sht:Extends , sht:Exhaustive ; rdfs:comment "@@vitals-RESTRICTS-47" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/vitals-RESTRICTS.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_sit-PostureVital> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_sit-PostureVital" ; sht:trait sht:Extends , sht:Exhaustive ; rdfs:comment "@@vitals-RESTRICTS-48" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/vitals-RESTRICTS.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#vitals-RESTRICTS-fail_sit-ReclinedVital> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "vitals-RESTRICTS-fail_sit-ReclinedVital" ; sht:trait sht:Extends , sht:Exhaustive ; rdfs:comment "@@vitals-RESTRICTS-49" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/vitals-RESTRICTS.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_sit-PostureBP> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_sit-PostureBP" ; sht:trait sht:Extends , sht:Exhaustive ; rdfs:comment "@@vitals-RESTRICTS-50" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/vitals-RESTRICTS.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#vitals-RESTRICTS-fail_sit-ReclinedBP> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "vitals-RESTRICTS-fail_sit-ReclinedBP" ; sht:trait sht:Extends , sht:Exhaustive ; rdfs:comment "@@vitals-RESTRICTS-51" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/vitals-RESTRICTS.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_sit-Posture> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "vitals-RESTRICTS-pass_sit-Posture" ; sht:trait sht:Extends , sht:Exhaustive ; rdfs:comment "@@vitals-RESTRICTS-52" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/vitals-RESTRICTS.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#vitals-RESTRICTS-fail_sit-Reclined> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "vitals-RESTRICTS-fail_sit-Reclined" ; sht:trait sht:Extends , sht:Exhaustive ; rdfs:comment "@@vitals-RESTRICTS-53" ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/vitals-RESTRICTS.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . ### ExtendsDiamond { # @, # @!, # @!, # @!, # @!, # @!, # @!, # @! <#extends-closed-diamond_pass-bottom> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "extends-closed-diamond_pass-bottom" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment '

"G0A", "G0-0A", "G0-0-0A", "G0_0-0A", "BOTTOMA" \\ E @ E @ E @ E @' ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/extends-closed-diamond.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#extends-closed-diamond_fail-no-G0> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "extends-closed-diamond_fail-no-G0" ; sht:trait sht:Extends, sht:ExtendsDiamond ; rdfs:comment '


"G0-0A", "G0-1A", "BOTTOMA" . \\ E @ E @ E @' ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/extends-closed-diamond.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#extends-closed-diamond_fail-no-G0-0> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "extends-closed-diamond_fail-no-G0-0" ; sht:trait sht:Extends, sht:ExtendsDiamond ; rdfs:comment '


"G0A", "G0-1A", "BOTTOMA" . \\ E @ E @ E @' ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/extends-closed-diamond.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#extends-closed-diamond_fail-no-G0-1> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "extends-closed-diamond_fail-no-G0-1" ; sht:trait sht:Extends, sht:ExtendsDiamond ; rdfs:comment '


"G0A", "G0-0A", "BOTTOMA" . \\ E @ E @ E @' ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/extends-closed-diamond.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#extends-closed-diamond_fail-no_BOTTOM> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "extends-closed-diamond_fail-no_BOTTOM" ; sht:trait sht:Extends, sht:ExtendsDiamond ; rdfs:comment '


"G0A", "G0-0A", "G0-1A" . \\ E @ E @ E @' ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/extends-closed-diamond.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#extends-closed-diamond_fail-two-G0s> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "extends-closed-diamond_fail-two-G0s" ; sht:trait sht:Extends, sht:ExtendsDiamond ; rdfs:comment '


"G0A", "G0B", "G0-0A", "G0-1A", "BOTTOMA" . \\ E @ E @ E @' ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/extends-closed-diamond.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#extends-closed-diamond_fail-two-G0-0s> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "extends-closed-diamond_fail-two-G0-0s" ; sht:trait sht:Extends, sht:ExtendsDiamond ; rdfs:comment '


"G0A", "G0-0A", "G0-0B", "G0-1A", "BOTTOMA" . \\ E @ E @ E @' ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/extends-closed-diamond.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#extends-closed-diamond_fail-two-BOTTOMS> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "extends-closed-diamond_fail-two-BOTTOMS" ; sht:trait sht:Extends, sht:ExtendsDiamond ; rdfs:comment '


"G0A", "G0-0A", "G0-1A", "BOTTOMA", "BOTTOMB" . \\ E @ E @ E @' ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/extends-closed-diamond.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . # @, # @!, # @!, # @!, # @!, # @!, # @!, # @!, # @! <#extends-closed-3diamond-split_pass-bottom> a sht:ValidationTest ; mf:name "extends-closed-3diamond-split_pass-bottom" ; sht:trait sht:Extends ; rdfs:comment '

"G0A", "G0-0A", "G0-0-0A", "G0_0-0A", "BOTTOMA" \\ E @ E @ E @ E @' ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/extends-closed-3diamond-split.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#extends-closed-3diamond-split_fail-no-G0-0> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "extends-closed-3diamond-split_fail-no-G0-0" ; sht:trait sht:Extends, sht:ExtendsDiamond ; rdfs:comment '


"G0A", "G0-0-0A", "G0_0-0A", "BOTTOMA" . \\ E @ E @ E @ E @' ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/extends-closed-3diamond-split.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#extends-closed-3diamond-split_fail-no-G0-0-0> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "extends-closed-3diamond-split_fail-no-G0-0-0" ; sht:trait sht:Extends, sht:ExtendsDiamond ; rdfs:comment '


"G0A", "G0-0A", "G0_0-0A", "BOTTOMA" . \\ E @ E @ E @ E @' ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/extends-closed-3diamond-split.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#extends-closed-3diamond-split_fail-no-G0_0-0> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "extends-closed-3diamond-split_fail-no-G0_0-0" ; sht:trait sht:Extends, sht:ExtendsDiamond ; rdfs:comment '


"G0A", "G0-0A", "G0-0-0A", "BOTTOMA" . \\ E @ E @ E @ E @' ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/extends-closed-3diamond-split.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#extends-closed-3diamond-split_fail-no_BOTTOM> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "extends-closed-3diamond-split_fail-no_BOTTOM" ; sht:trait sht:Extends, sht:ExtendsDiamond ; rdfs:comment '


"G0A", "G0-0A", "G0-0-0A", "G0_0-0A" . \\ E @ E @ E @ E @' ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/extends-closed-3diamond-split.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#extends-closed-3diamond-split_fail-two-G0s> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "extends-closed-3diamond-split_fail-two-G0s" ; sht:trait sht:Extends, sht:ExtendsDiamond ; rdfs:comment '


"G0A", "G0B", "G0-0A", "G0-0-0A", "G0_0-0A", "BOTTOMA" . \\ E @ E @ E @ E @' ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/extends-closed-3diamond-split.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#extends-closed-3diamond-split_fail-two-G0-0s> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "extends-closed-3diamond-split_fail-two-G0-0s" ; sht:trait sht:Extends, sht:ExtendsDiamond ; rdfs:comment '


"G0A", "G0-0A", "G0-0B", "G0-0-0A", "G0_0-0A", "BOTTOMA" . \\ E @ E @ E @ E @' ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/extends-closed-3diamond-split.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . <#extends-closed-3diamond-split_fail-two-BOTTOMS> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "extends-closed-3diamond-split_fail-two-BOTTOMS" ; sht:trait sht:Extends, sht:ExtendsDiamond ; rdfs:comment '


"G0A", "G0-0A", "G0-0-0A", "G0_0-0A", "BOTTOMA", "BOTTOMB" . \\ E @ E @ E @ E @' ; mf:status mf:proposed ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/extends-closed-3diamond-split.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ; ] ; . ### } ExtendsDiamond ## } Extends ## Abstract { ## } Abstract # deferred { ## error reporting { <#1dot_fail-empty-err> a sht:ValidationFailure ; mf:name "1dot_fail-empty-err" ; sht:trait sht:ErrorReport ; rdfs:comment " { . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/1dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . <#2dot_fail-empty-err> a sht:ValidationFailure ; # 2dot_fail-missing-err mf:name "2dot_fail-empty-err" ; sht:trait sht:ErrorReport ; rdfs:comment " { .; . } on { }" ; mf:status mf:Approved ; mf:action [ sht:schema <../schemas/2dot.shex> ; sht:shape ; sht:data ; sht:focus ] . ## } error reporting # futureWork { ## inherit { # !../schemas/0Inherit1.shex # !../schemas/1dotInherit1.shex # !../schemas/1dotInherit3.shex # !../schemas/1dot3Inherit.shex [1dotInherit3.shex] # !../schemas/1dot3InheritLN.shex ### virtual { # !../schemas/1dotVirtualShapeCode1.shex # !../schemas/1dotVirtual.shex ### } virtual ## } inherit ## unlabeled semantic actions { # !../schemas/1dotUnlabeledCode1.shex ## } unlabeled semantic actions ## everything { # !../schemas/_all.shex # !../schemas/kitchenSink.shex ## } everything # } futureWork