#!/usr/bin/env bash # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # getssl - Obtain SSL certificates from the letsencrypt.org ACME server # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License at for # more details. # For usage, run "getssl -h" or see https://github.com/srvrco/getssl # ACMEv2 process is documented at https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8555#section-7.4 # Revision history: # 2016-01-08 Created (v0.1) # 2016-01-11 type correction and upload to github (v0.2) # 2016-01-11 added import of any existing cert on -c option (v0.3) # 2016-01-12 corrected formatting of imported certificate (v0.4) # 2016-01-12 corrected error on removal of token in some instances (v0.5) # 2016-01-18 corrected issue with removing tmp if run as root with the -c option (v0.6) # 2016-01-18 added option to upload a single PEN file ( used by cpanel) (v0.7) # 2016-01-23 added dns challenge option (v0.8) # 2016-01-24 create the ACL directory if it does not exist. (v0.9) - dstosberg # 2016-01-26 correcting a couple of small bugs and allow curl to follow redirects (v0.10) # 2016-01-27 add a very basic openssl.cnf file if it doesn't exist and tidy code slightly (v0.11) # 2016-01-28 Typo corrections, quoted file variables and fix bug on DNS_DEL_COMMAND (v0.12) # 2016-01-28 changed DNS checks to use nslookup and allow hyphen in domain names (v0.13) # 2016-01-29 Fix ssh-reload-command, extra waiting for DNS-challenge, # 2016-01-29 add error_exit and cleanup help message (v0.14) # 2016-01-29 added -a|--all option to renew all configured certificates (v0.15) # 2016-01-29 added option for elliptic curve keys (v0.16) # 2016-01-29 added server-type option to use and check cert validity from website (v0.17) # 2016-01-30 added --quiet option for running in cron (v0.18) # 2016-01-31 removed usage of xxd to make script more compatible across versions (v0.19) # 2016-01-31 removed usage of base64 to make script more compatible across platforms (v0.20) # 2016-01-31 added option to safe a full chain certificate (v0.21) # 2016-02-01 commented code and added option for copying concatenated certs to file (v0.22) # 2016-02-01 re-arrange flow for DNS-challenge, to reduce time taken (v0.23) # 2016-02-04 added options for other server types (ldaps, or any port) and check_remote (v0.24) # 2016-02-04 added short sleep following service restart before checking certs (v0.25) # 2016-02-12 fix challenge token location when directory doesn't exist (v0.26) # 2016-02-17 fix sed -E issue, and reduce length of renew check to 365 days for older systems (v0.27) # 2016-04-05 Ensure DNS cleanup on error exit. (0.28) - pecigonzalo # 2016-04-15 Remove NS Lookup of A record when using dns validation (0.29) - pecigonzalo # 2016-04-17 Improving the wording in a couple of comments and info statements. (0.30) # 2016-05-04 Improve check for if DNS_DEL_COMMAND is blank. (0.31) # 2016-05-06 Setting umask to 077 for security of private keys etc. (0.32) # 2016-05-20 update to reflect changes in staging ACME server json (0.33) # 2016-05-20 tidying up checking of json following ACME changes. (0.34) # 2016-05-21 added AUTH_DNS_SERVER to getssl.cfg as optional definition of authoritative DNS server (0.35) # 2016-05-21 added DNS_WAIT to getssl.cfg as (default = 10 seconds as before) (0.36) # 2016-05-21 added PUBLIC_DNS_SERVER option, for forcing use of an external DNS server (0.37) # 2016-05-28 added FTP method of uploading tokens to remote server (blocked for certs as not secure) (0.38) # 2016-05-28 added FTP method into the default config notes. (0.39) # 2016-05-30 Add sftp with password to copy files (0.40) # 2016-05-30 Add version check to see if there is a more recent version of getssl (0.41) # 2016-05-30 Add [-u|--upgrade] option to automatically upgrade getssl (0.42) # 2016-05-30 Added backup when auto-upgrading (0.43) # 2016-05-30 Improvements to auto-upgrade (0.44) # 2016-05-31 Improved comments - no structural changes # 2016-05-31 After running for nearly 6 months, final testing prior to a 1.00 stable version. (0.90) # 2016-06-01 Reorder functions alphabetically as part of code tidy. (0.91) # 2016-06-03 Version 1.0 of code for release (1.00) # 2016-06-09 bugfix of issue 44, and add success statement (ignoring quiet flag) (1.01) # 2016-06-13 test return status of DNS_ADD_COMMAND and error_exit if a problem (hadleyrich) (1.02) # 2016-06-13 bugfix of issue 45, problem with SERVER_TYPE when it's just a port number (1.03) # 2016-06-13 bugfix issue 47 - DNS_DEL_COMMAND cleanup was run when not required. (1.04) # 2016-06-15 add error checking on RELOAD_CMD (1.05) # 2016-06-20 updated sed and date functions to run on MAC OS X (1.06) # 2016-06-20 added CHALLENGE_CHECK_TYPE variable to allow checks direct on https rather than http (1.07) # 2016-06-21 updated grep functions to run on MAC OS X (1.08) # 2016-06-11 updated to enable running on windows with cygwin (1.09) # 2016-07-02 Corrections to work with older slackware issue #56 (1.10) # 2016-07-02 Updating help info re ACL in config file (1.11) # 2016-07-04 adding DOMAIN_STORAGE as a variable to solve for issue #59 (1.12) # 2016-07-05 updated order to better handle non-standard DOMAIN_STORAGE location (1.13) # 2016-07-06 added additional comments about SANS in example template (1.14) # 2016-07-07 check for duplicate domains in domain / SANS (1.15) # 2016-07-08 modified to be used on older bash for issue #64 (1.16) # 2016-07-11 added -w to -a option and comments in domain template (1.17) # 2016-07-18 remove / regenerate csr when generating new private domain key (1.18) # 2016-07-21 add output of combined private key and domain cert (1.19) # 2016-07-21 updated typo (1.20) # 2016-07-22 corrected issue in nslookup debug option - issue #74 (1.21) # 2016-07-26 add more server-types based on openssl s_client (1.22) # 2016-08-01 updated agreement for letsencrypt (1.23) # 2016-08-02 updated agreement for letsencrypt to update automatically (1.24) # 2016-08-03 improve messages on test of certificate installation (1.25) # 2016-08-04 remove carriage return from agreement - issue #80 (1.26) # 2016-08-04 set permissions for token folders - issue #81 (1.27) # 2016-08-07 allow default chained file creation - issue #85 (1.28) # 2016-08-07 use copy rather than move when archiving certs - issue #86 (1.29) # 2016-08-07 enable use of a single ACL for all checks (if USE_SINGLE_ACL="true" (1.30) # 2016-08-23 check for already validated domains (issue #93) - (1.31) # 2016-08-23 updated already validated domains (1.32) # 2016-08-23 included better force_renew and template for USE_SINGLE_ACL (1.33) # 2016-08-23 enable insecure certificate on https token check #94 (1.34) # 2016-08-23 export OPENSSL_CONF so it's used by all openssl commands (1.35) # 2016-08-25 updated defaults for ACME agreement (1.36) # 2016-09-04 correct issue #101 when some domains already validated (1.37) # 2016-09-12 Checks if which is installed (1.38) # 2016-09-13 Don't check for updates, if -U parameter has been given (1.39) # 2016-09-17 Improved error messages from invalid certs (1.40) # 2016-09-19 remove update check on recursive calls when using -a (1.41) # 2016-09-21 changed shebang for portability (1.42) # 2016-09-21 Included option to Deactivate an Authorization (1.43) # 2016-09-22 retry on 500 error from ACME server (1.44) # 2016-09-22 added additional checks and retry on 500 error from ACME server (1.45) # 2016-09-24 merged in IPv6 support (1.46) # 2016-09-27 added additional debug info issue #119 (1.47) # 2016-09-27 removed IPv6 switch in favour of checking both IPv4 and IPv6 (1.48) # 2016-09-28 Add -Q, or --mute, switch to mute notifications about successfully upgrading getssl (1.49) # 2016-09-30 improved portability to work natively on FreeBSD, Slackware and Mac OS X (1.50) # 2016-09-30 comment out PRIVATE_KEY_ALG from the domain template Issue #125 (1.51) # 2016-10-03 check remote certificate for right domain before saving to local (1.52) # 2016-10-04 allow existing CSR with domain name in subject (1.53) # 2016-10-05 improved the check for CSR with domain in subject (1.54) # 2016-10-06 prints update info on what was included in latest updates (1.55) # 2016-10-06 when using -a flag, ignore folders in working directory which aren't domains (1.56) # 2016-10-12 allow multiple tokens in DNS challenge (1.57) # 2016-10-14 added CHECK_ALL_AUTH_DNS option to check all DNS servers, not just one primary server (1.58) # 2016-10-14 added archive of chain and private key for each cert, and purge old archives (1.59) # 2016-10-17 updated info comment on failed cert due to rate limits. (1.60) # 2016-10-17 fix error messages when using 1.0.1e-fips (1.61) # 2016-10-20 set secure permissions when generating account key (1.62) # 2016-10-20 set permissions to 700 for getssl script during upgrade (1.63) # 2016-10-20 add option to revoke a certificate (1.64) # 2016-10-21 set revocation server default to acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org (1.65) # 2016-10-21 bug fix for revocation on different servers. (1.66) # 2016-10-22 Tidy up archive code for certificates and reduce permissions for security # 2016-10-22 Add EC signing for secp384r1 and secp521r1 (the latter not yet supported by Let's Encrypt # 2016-10-22 Add option to create a new private key for every cert (REUSE_PRIVATE_KEY="true" by default) # 2016-10-22 Combine EC signing, Private key reuse and archive permissions (1.67) # 2016-10-25 added CHECK_REMOTE_WAIT option ( to pause before final remote check) # 2016-10-25 Added EC account key support ( prime256v1, secp384r1 ) (1.68) # 2016-10-25 Ignore DNS_EXTRA_WAIT if all domains already validated (issue #146) (1.69) # 2016-10-25 Add option for dual ESA / EDSA certs (1.70) # 2016-10-25 bug fix Issue #141 challenge error 400 (1.71) # 2016-10-26 check content of key files, not just recreate if missing. # 2016-10-26 Improvements on portability (1.72) # 2016-10-26 Date formatting for busybox (1.73) # 2016-10-27 bug fix - issue #157 not recognising EC keys on some versions of openssl (1.74) # 2016-10-31 generate EC account keys and tidy code. # 2016-10-31 fix warning message if cert doesn't exist (1.75) # 2016-10-31 remove only specified DNS token #161 (1.76) # 2016-11-03 Reduce long lines, and remove echo from update (1.77) # 2016-11-05 added TOKEN_USER_ID (to set ownership of token files ) # 2016-11-05 updated style to work with latest shellcheck (1.78) # 2016-11-07 style updates # 2016-11-07 bug fix DOMAIN_PEM_LOCATION starting with ./ #167 # 2016-11-08 Fix for openssl 1.1.0 #166 (1.79) # 2016-11-08 Add and comment optional sshuserid for ssh ACL (1.80) # 2016-11-09 Add SKIP_HTTP_TOKEN_CHECK option (Issue #170) (1.81) # 2016-11-13 bug fix DOMAIN_KEY_CERT generation (1.82) # 2016-11-17 add PREVENT_NON_INTERACTIVE_RENEWAL option (1.83) # 2016-12-03 add HTTP_TOKEN_CHECK_WAIT option (1.84) # 2016-12-03 bugfix CSR renewal when no SANS and when using MINGW (1.85) # 2016-12-16 create CSR_SUBJECT variable - Issue #193 # 2016-12-16 added fullchain to archive (1.86) # 2016-12-16 updated DOMAIN_PEM_LOCATION when using DUAL_RSA_ECDSA (1.87) # 2016-12-19 allow user to ignore permission preservation with nfsv3 shares (1.88) # 2016-12-19 bug fix for CA (1.89) # 2016-12-19 included IGNORE_DIRECTORY_DOMAIN option (1.90) # 2016-12-22 allow copying files to multiple locations (1.91) # 2016-12-22 bug fix for copying tokens to multiple locations (1.92) # 2016-12-23 tidy code - place default variables in alphabetical order. # 2016-12-27 update checks to work with openssl in FIPS mode (1.93) # 2016-12-28 fix leftover tmpfiles in upgrade routine (1.94) # 2016-12-28 tidied up upgrade tmpfile handling (1.95) # 2017-01-01 update comments # 2017-01-01 create stable release 2.0 (2.00) # 2017-01-02 Added option to limit number of old versions to keep (2.01) # 2017-01-03 Created check_config function to list all obvious config issues (2.02) # 2017-01-10 force renew if FORCE_RENEWAL file exists (2.03) # 2017-01-12 added drill, dig or host as alternatives to nslookup (2.04) # 2017-01-18 bugfix issue #227 - error deleting csr if doesn't exist # 2017-01-18 issue #228 check private key and account key are different (2.05) # 2017-01-21 issue #231 mingw bugfix and typos in debug messages (2.06) # 2017-01-29 issue #232 use neutral locale for date formatting (2.07) # 2017-01-30 issue #243 compatibility with bash 3.0 (2.08) # 2017-01-30 issue #243 additional compatibility with bash 3.0 (2.09) # 2017-02-18 add OCSP Must-Staple to the domain csr generation (2.10) # 2018-01-04 updating to use the updated letsencrypt APIv2 # 2019-09-30 issue #423 Use HTTP 1.1 as workaround atm (2.11) # 2019-10-02 issue #425 Case insensitive processing of agreement url because of HTTP/2 (2.12) # 2019-10-07 update DNS checks to allow use of CNAMEs (2.13) # 2019-11-18 Rebased master onto APIv2 and added Content-Type: application/jose+json (2.14) # 2019-11-20 #453 and #454 Add User-Agent to all curl requests # 2019-11-22 #456 Fix shellcheck issues # 2019-11-23 #459 Fix missing chain.crt # 2019-12-18 #462 Use POST-as-GET for ACMEv2 endpoints # 2020-01-07 #464 and #486 "json was blank" (change all curl request to use POST-as-GET) # 2020-01-08 Error and exit if rate limited, exit if curl returns nothing # 2020-01-10 Change domain and getssl templates to v2 (2.15) # 2020-01-17 #473 and #477 Don't use POST-as-GET when sending ready for challenge for ACMEv1 (2.16) # 2020-01-22 #475 and #483 Fix grep regex for >9 subdomains in json_get # 2020-01-24 Add support for CloudDNS # 2020-01-24 allow file transfer using WebDAV over HTTPS # 2020-01-26 Use urlbase64_decode() instead of base64 -d # 2020-01-26 Fix "already verified" error for ACMEv2 # 2020-01-29 Check awk new enough to support json_awk # 2020-02-05 Fix epoch_date for busybox # 2020-02-06 Bugfixes for json_awk and nslookup to support old awk versions (2.17) # 2020-02-11 Add SCP_OPTS and SFTP_OPTS # 2020-02-12 Fix for DUAL_RSA_ECDSA not working with ACMEv2 (#334, #474, #502) # 2020-02-12 Fix #424 - Sporadic "error in EC signing couldn't get R from ..." (2.18) # 2020-02-12 Fix "Registration key already in use" (2.19) # 2020-02-13 Fix bug with copying to all locations when creating RSA and ECDSA certs (2.20) # 2020-02-22 Change sign_string to use openssl asn1parse (better fix for #424) # 2020-02-23 Add dig to config check for systems without drill (ubuntu) # 2020-03-11 Use dig +trace to find primary name server and improve dig parsing of CNAME # 2020-03-12 Fix bug with DNS validation and multiple domains (#524) # 2020-03-24 Find primary ns using all dns utils (dig, host, nslookup) # 2020-03-23 Fix staging server URL in domain template (2.21) # 2020-03-30 Fix error message find_dns_utils from over version of "command" # 2020-03-30 Fix problems if domain name isn't in lowercase (2.22) # 2020-04-16 Add alternative working dirs '/etc/getssl/' '${PROGDIR}/conf' '${PROGDIR}/.getssl' # 2020-04-16 Add -i|--install command line option (2.23) # 2020-04-19 Remove dependency on seq, ensure clean_up doesn't try to delete /tmp (2.24) # 2020-04-20 Check for domain using all DNS utilities (2.25) # 2020-04-22 Fix HAS_HOST and HAS_NSLOOKUP checks - wolfaba # 2020-04-22 Fix domain case conversion for different locales - glynge (2.26) # 2020-04-26 Fixed ipv4 confirmation with nslookup - Cyber1000 # 2020-04-29 Fix ftp/sftp problems if challenge starts with a dash # 2020-05-06 Fix missing fullchain.ec.crt when creating dual certificates (2.27) # 2020-05-14 Add --notify-valid option (exit 2 if certificate is valid) # 2020-05-23 Fix --revoke (didn't work with ACMEv02) (2.28) # 2020-06-06 Fix missing URL_revoke definition when no CA directory suffix (#566) # 2020-06-18 Fix CHECK_REMOTE for DUAL_RSA_ECDSA (#570) # 2020-07-14 Support space separated SANS (#574) (2.29) # 2020-08-06 Use -sigalgs instead of -cipher when checking remote for tls1.3 (#570) # 2020-08-31 Fix slow fork bomb when directory containing getssl isn't writeable (#440) # 2020-09-01 Use RSA-PSS when checking remote for DUAL_RSA_ECDSA (#570) # 2020-09-02 Fix issue when SANS is space and comma separated (#579) (2.30) # 2020-10-02 Various fixes to get_auth_dns and changes to support unit tests (#308) # 2020-10-04 Add CHECK_PUBLIC_DNS_SERVER to check the DNS challenge has been updated there # 2020-10-13 Bugfix: strip comments in drill/dig output (mhameed) # 2020-11-18 Wildcard support (#347)(#400)(2.31) # 2020-12-08 Fix mktemp template on alpine (#612) # 2020-12-17 Fix delimiter issues with ${alldomains[]} in create_csr (#614)(vietw) # 2020-12-18 Wrong SANS when domain contains a minus character (atisne) # 2020-12-22 Fixes to get_auth_dns # 2020-12-22 Check that dig doesn't return an error (#611)(2.32) # 2020-12-29 Fix dig SOA lookup (#617)(2.33) # 2021-01-05 Show error if running in POSIX mode (#611) # 2021-01-16 Fix double slash when using root directory with DAVS (ionos) # 2021-01-22 Add FTP_OPTIONS # 2021-01-27 Add the ability to set several reload commands (atisne) # 2021-01-29 Use dig -r (if supported) to ignore.digrc (#630) # 2021-02-07 Allow -u --upgrade without any domain, so that one can only update the script (Benno-K)(2.34) # 2021-02-09 Prevent listing the complete file if version tag missing (#637)(softins) # 2021-02-12 Add PREFERRED_CHAIN # 2021-02-15 ADD ftp explicit SSL with curl for upload the challenge (CoolMischa) # 2021-02-18 Add FULL_CHAIN_INCLUDE_ROOT # 2021-03-25 Fix DNS challenge completion check if CNAMEs on different NS are used (sideeffect42)(2.35) # 2021-05-08 Merge from tlhackque/getssl: GoDaddy, split-view, tempfile permissions fixes, --version(2.36) # 2021-07-07 Request new certificate if SANs have changed (#669)(#673) # 2021-07-12 Do not redirect outputs on remote commands when the debug option is used (atisne) # 2021-07-20 Use +noidnout to enable certificates for IDN domains (#679)(2.37) # 2021-07-22 Only pass +noidnout param to dig/drill(#682)(2.38) # 2021-07-25 Fix copy_file_to_location failures with ssh when suffix applied to file lacking an extension (tlhackque)(#686) # 2021-07-27 Support ftps://, FTPS_OPTIONS, remove default --insecure parameter to ftpes. Report caller(s) of error_exit in debug and test modes (tlhackque)(#687)(2.39) # 2021-07-30 Prefer API V2 when both offered (tlhackque) (#690) (2.40) # 2021-07-30 Run tests with -d to catch intermittent failures, Use fork's repo for upgrade tests. (tlhackque) (#692) (2.41) # 2021-08-26 Improve upgrade check & make upgrade do a full install when possible (tlhackque) (#694) (2.42) # 2021-09-02 Fix version compare - cURL v8 may have single digit minor numbers. (tlhackque) (2.43) # 2021-09-26 Delete key file when key algorithm has changed (makuhama) # 2021-09-30 better error if curl returns 60 (#709) # 2021-10-01 Fix -preferred-chain argument (#712) # 2021-10-01 Show help if no domain specified (#705)(2.44) # 2021-10-08 Extract release tag from release api using awk (fix BSD issues) # 2021-10-11 Fix broken upgrade url (#718)(2.45) # 2021-10-22 Copy fullchain to DOMAIN_CHAIN_LOCATION (amartin-git) # 2021-11-10 Detect Solaris and use gnu tools (#701)(miesi) # 2021-11-12 Support acme-dns and fix CNAME issues (#722)(#308) # 2021-12-14 Enhancements for GoDaddy (support more levels of domain names, no longer require GODADDY_BASE, and actual deletion of resource records) # 2021-12-22 Don't show usage if run with --upgrade (#728) # 2021-12-23 Don't use +idnout if dig shows a warning (#688) # 2022-01-06 Support --account-id (#716)(2.46) # 2022-03-09 Support for ISPConfig API # 2022-05-03 Windows Server and IIS support (2.47) # 2022-05-18 Add FTP_ARGS # 2022-11-01 Add FTP_PORT # 2023-02-04 Create newline to ensure [SAN] section can be parsed (#792)(MRigal) # 2023-02-22 Remove cronie from deb package dependencies (2.48) # 2024-03-18 Refresh the TXT record if a CNAME is found (JoergBruce #828) (2.49) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case :$SHELLOPTS: in *:posix:*) echo -e "${0##*/}: Running with POSIX mode enabled is not supported" >&2; exit 1;; esac PROGNAME=${0##*/} PROGDIR="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" || exit; pwd -P;)" VERSION="2.49" # defaults ACCOUNT_KEY_LENGTH=4096 ACCOUNT_KEY_TYPE="rsa" CA_CERT_LOCATION="" CA="https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory" CHALLENGE_CHECK_TYPE="http" CHECK_REMOTE_WAIT=0 CHECK_REMOTE="true" if [[ -n "${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}" ]] ; then CODE_LOCATION="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/master/getssl" RELEASE_API="https://api.github.com/repos/${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/releases/latest" else CODE_LOCATION="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/srvrco/getssl/master/getssl" RELEASE_API="https://api.github.com/repos/srvrco/getssl/releases/latest" fi CSR_SUBJECT="/" CURL_USERAGENT="${PROGNAME}/${VERSION}" DEACTIVATE_AUTH="false" DEFAULT_REVOKE_CA="https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org" DOMAIN_KEY_LENGTH=4096 DUAL_RSA_ECDSA="false" FTP_OPTIONS="" FTPS_OPTIONS="" FTP_ARGS="" FTP_PORT="" FULL_CHAIN_INCLUDE_ROOT="false" GETSSL_IGNORE_CP_PRESERVE="false" HTTP_TOKEN_CHECK_WAIT=0 IGNORE_DIRECTORY_DOMAIN="false" OCSP_MUST_STAPLE="false" ORIG_UMASK=$(umask) PREFERRED_CHAIN="" # Set this to use an alternative root certificate PREVIOUSLY_VALIDATED="true" PRIVATE_KEY_ALG="rsa" RELOAD_CMD="" RENEW_ALLOW="30" REUSE_PRIVATE_KEY="true" SERVER_TYPE="https" SKIP_HTTP_TOKEN_CHECK="false" SSLCONF="$(openssl version -d 2>/dev/null| cut -d\" -f2)/openssl.cnf" TOKEN_USER_ID="" USE_SINGLE_ACL="false" WORKING_DIR_CANDIDATES=("/etc/getssl" "${PROGDIR}/conf" "${PROGDIR}/.getssl" "${HOME}/.getssl") # Variables used when validating using a DNS entry VALIDATE_VIA_DNS="" # Set this to "true" to enable DNS validation export AUTH_DNS_SERVER="" # Use this DNS server to check the challenge token has been set export DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS="" # Options (such as TSIG file) required by DNS_CHECK_FUNC export PUBLIC_DNS_SERVER="" # Use this DNS server to find the authoritative DNS servers for the domain CHECK_ALL_AUTH_DNS="false" # Check the challenge token has been set on all authoritative DNS servers CHECK_PUBLIC_DNS_SERVER="true" # Check the public DNS server as well as the authoritative DNS servers DNS_ADD_COMMAND="" # Use this command/script to add the challenge token to the DNS entries for the domain DNS_DEL_COMMAND="" # Use this command/script to remove the challenge token from the DNS entries for the domain DNS_WAIT_COUNT=100 # How many times to wait for the DNS record to update DNS_WAIT=10 # How long to wait before checking the DNS record again DNS_EXTRA_WAIT=60 # How long to wait after the DNS entries are visible to us before telling the ACME server to check. DNS_WAIT_RETRY_ADD="false" # Try the dns_add_command again if the DNS record hasn't updated # Private variables _CHECK_ALL=0 _CREATE_CONFIG=0 _CURL_VERSION="" _FORCE_RENEW=0 _MUTE=0 _NOTIFY_VALID=0 _NOMETER="" _QUIET=0 _RECREATE_CSR=0 _REDIRECT_OUTPUT="1>/dev/null 2>&1" _REVOKE=0 _SHOW_ACCOUNT_ID=0 _TEST_SKIP_CNAME_CALL=0 _TEST_SKIP_SOA_CALL=0 _UPGRADE=0 _UPGRADE_CHECK=1 _UPGRADE_TO_TAG="" _USE_DEBUG=0 _ONLY_CHECK_CONFIG=0 config_errors="false" export LANG=C API=1 # store copy of original command in case of upgrading script and re-running ORIGCMD="$0 $*" # Define all functions (in alphabetical order) auto_upgrade_v2() { # Automatically update clients to v2 if [[ "${CA}" == *"acme-v01."* ]] || [[ "${CA}" == *"acme-staging."* ]]; then OLDCA=${CA} # shellcheck disable=SC2001 CA=$(echo "${OLDCA}" | sed "s/v01/v02/g") # shellcheck disable=SC2001 CA=$(echo "${CA}" | sed "s/staging/staging-v02/g") info "Upgraded to v2 (changed ${OLDCA} to ${CA})" fi debug "Using certificate issuer: ${CA}" } cert_archive() { # Archive certificate file by copying files to dated archive dir. debug "creating an archive copy of current new certs" date_time=$(date +%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M) mkdir -p "${DOMAIN_DIR}/archive/${date_time}" umask 077 cp "$CERT_FILE" "${DOMAIN_DIR}/archive/${date_time}/${DOMAIN}.crt" cp "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.csr" "${DOMAIN_DIR}/archive/${date_time}/${DOMAIN}.csr" cp "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.key" "${DOMAIN_DIR}/archive/${date_time}/${DOMAIN}.key" cp "$CA_CERT" "${DOMAIN_DIR}/archive/${date_time}/chain.crt" cat "$CERT_FILE" "$CA_CERT" > "${DOMAIN_DIR}/archive/${date_time}/fullchain.crt" if [[ "$DUAL_RSA_ECDSA" == "true" ]]; then cp "${CERT_FILE%.*}.ec.crt" "${DOMAIN_DIR}/archive/${date_time}/${DOMAIN}.ec.crt" cp "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.ec.csr" "${DOMAIN_DIR}/archive/${date_time}/${DOMAIN}.ec.csr" cp "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.ec.key" "${DOMAIN_DIR}/archive/${date_time}/${DOMAIN}.ec.key" cp "${CA_CERT%.*}.ec.crt" "${DOMAIN_DIR}/archive/${date_time}/chain.ec.crt" cat "${CERT_FILE%.*}.ec.crt" "${CA_CERT%.*}.ec.crt" > "${DOMAIN_DIR}/archive/${date_time}/fullchain.ec.crt" fi umask "$ORIG_UMASK" debug "purging old GetSSL archives" purge_archive "$DOMAIN_DIR" } base64url_decode() { awk '{ if (length($0) % 4 == 3) print $0"="; else if (length($0) % 4 == 2) print $0"=="; else print $0; }' | tr -- '-_' '+/' | base64 -d } cert_install() { # copy certs to the correct location (creating concatenated files as required) umask 077 copy_file_to_location "domain certificate" "$CERT_FILE" "$DOMAIN_CERT_LOCATION" copy_file_to_location "private key" "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.key" "$DOMAIN_KEY_LOCATION" copy_file_to_location "CA certificate" "$CA_CERT" "$CA_CERT_LOCATION" if [[ "$DUAL_RSA_ECDSA" == "true" ]]; then if [[ -n "$DOMAIN_CERT_LOCATION" ]]; then copy_file_to_location "ec domain certificate" \ "${CERT_FILE%.*}.ec.crt" \ "${DOMAIN_CERT_LOCATION}" \ "ec" fi if [[ -n "$DOMAIN_KEY_LOCATION" ]]; then copy_file_to_location "ec private key" \ "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.ec.key" \ "${DOMAIN_KEY_LOCATION}" \ "ec" fi if [[ -n "$CA_CERT_LOCATION" ]]; then copy_file_to_location "ec CA certificate" \ "${CA_CERT%.*}.ec.crt" \ "${CA_CERT_LOCATION%.*}.crt" \ "ec" fi fi # if DOMAIN_CHAIN_LOCATION is not blank, then create and copy file. if [[ -n "$DOMAIN_CHAIN_LOCATION" ]]; then if [[ "$(dirname "$DOMAIN_CHAIN_LOCATION")" == "." ]]; then to_location="${DOMAIN_DIR}/${DOMAIN_CHAIN_LOCATION}" else to_location="${DOMAIN_CHAIN_LOCATION}" fi cat "$FULL_CHAIN" > "$TEMP_DIR/${DOMAIN}_chain.pem" copy_file_to_location "full chain" "$TEMP_DIR/${DOMAIN}_chain.pem" "$to_location" if [[ "$DUAL_RSA_ECDSA" == "true" ]]; then cat "${CERT_FILE%.*}.ec.crt" "${CA_CERT%.*}.ec.crt" > "$TEMP_DIR/${DOMAIN}_chain.pem.ec" copy_file_to_location "full chain" "$TEMP_DIR/${DOMAIN}_chain.pem.ec" "${to_location}" "ec" fi fi # if DOMAIN_KEY_CERT_LOCATION is not blank, then create and copy file. if [[ -n "$DOMAIN_KEY_CERT_LOCATION" ]]; then if [[ "$(dirname "$DOMAIN_KEY_CERT_LOCATION")" == "." ]]; then to_location="${DOMAIN_DIR}/${DOMAIN_KEY_CERT_LOCATION}" else to_location="${DOMAIN_KEY_CERT_LOCATION}" fi cat "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.key" "$CERT_FILE" > "$TEMP_DIR/${DOMAIN}_K_C.pem" copy_file_to_location "private key and domain cert pem" "$TEMP_DIR/${DOMAIN}_K_C.pem" "$to_location" if [[ "$DUAL_RSA_ECDSA" == "true" ]]; then cat "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.ec.key" "${CERT_FILE%.*}.ec.crt" > "$TEMP_DIR/${DOMAIN}_K_C.pem.ec" copy_file_to_location "private ec key and domain cert pem" "$TEMP_DIR/${DOMAIN}_K_C.pem.ec" "${to_location}" "ec" fi fi # if DOMAIN_PEM_LOCATION is not blank, then create and copy file. if [[ -n "$DOMAIN_PEM_LOCATION" ]]; then if [[ "$(dirname "$DOMAIN_PEM_LOCATION")" == "." ]]; then to_location="${DOMAIN_DIR}/${DOMAIN_PEM_LOCATION}" else to_location="${DOMAIN_PEM_LOCATION}" fi cat "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.key" "$CERT_FILE" "$CA_CERT" > "$TEMP_DIR/${DOMAIN}.pem" copy_file_to_location "full key, cert and chain pem" "$TEMP_DIR/${DOMAIN}.pem" "$to_location" if [[ "$DUAL_RSA_ECDSA" == "true" ]]; then cat "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.ec.key" "${CERT_FILE%.*}.ec.crt" "${CA_CERT%.*}.ec.crt" > "$TEMP_DIR/${DOMAIN}.pem.ec" copy_file_to_location "full ec key, cert and chain pem" "$TEMP_DIR/${DOMAIN}.pem.ec" "${to_location}" "ec" fi fi # end of copying certs. umask "$ORIG_UMASK" } check_challenge_completion() { # checks with the ACME server if our challenge is OK uri=$1 domain=$2 keyauthorization=$3 info "sending request to ACME server saying we're ready for challenge" # check response from our request to perform challenge if [[ $API -eq 1 ]]; then send_signed_request "$uri" "{\"resource\": \"challenge\", \"keyAuthorization\": \"$keyauthorization\"}" if [[ -n "$code" ]] && [[ ! "$code" == '202' ]] ; then error_exit "$domain:Challenge error: $code" fi else # APIv2 send_signed_request "$uri" "{}" if [[ -n "$code" ]] && [[ ! "$code" == '200' ]] ; then detail=$(echo "$response" | grep "detail" | awk -F\" '{print $4}') error_exit "$domain:Challenge error: $code:Detail: $detail" fi fi # loop "forever" to keep checking for a response from the ACME server. while true ; do info "checking if challenge is complete" if [[ $API -eq 1 ]]; then if ! get_cr "$uri" ; then error_exit "$domain:Verify error:$code" fi else # APIv2 send_signed_request "$uri" "" fi status=$(json_get "$response" status) # If ACME response is valid, then break out of loop if [[ "$status" == "valid" ]] ; then info "Verified $domain" break; fi # if ACME response is that their check gave an invalid response, error exit if [[ "$status" == "invalid" ]] ; then err_detail=$(echo "$response" | grep "detail") # TODO need to check for "DNS problem: SERVFAIL looking up CAA ..." and retry error_exit "$domain:Verify error:$err_detail" fi # if ACME response is pending (they haven't completed checks yet) # or valid (completed checks but not created certificate) then wait and try again. if [[ "$status" == "pending" ]] || [[ "$status" == "valid" ]]; then info "Pending" else err_detail=$(echo "$response" | grep "detail") error_exit "$domain:Verify error:$status:$err_detail" fi debug "sleep 5 secs before testing verify again" sleep 5 done } check_challenge_completion_dns() { # perform validation via DNS challenge d=${1} rr=${2} primary_ns=${3} auth_key=${4} # check for token at public dns server, waiting for a valid response. for ns in $primary_ns; do info "checking DNS at $ns" # add +noidnout if idn-domain so search for domain in results works if [[ "${d}" == xn--* || "${d}" == *".xn--"* ]]; then if [[ "$DNS_CHECK_FUNC" == "nslookup" || "$DNS_CHECK_FUNC" == "host" || ("$DNS_CHECK_FUNC" == "$HAS_DIG_OR_DRILL" && "$DIG_SUPPORTS_NOIDNOUT" == "false") ]]; then info "Info: idn domain but $DNS_CHECK_FUNC doesn't support +noidnout" else debug "adding +noidnout to DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS" DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS="$DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS +noidnout" fi fi ntries=0 check_dns="fail" while [[ "$check_dns" == "fail" ]]; do if [[ "$os" == "cygwin" || "$os" == "mingw64_nt" || "$os" == "msys_nt" ]]; then check_result=$(nslookup -type=txt "${rr}." "${ns}" \ | grep ^_acme -A2\ | grep '"'|awk -F'"' '{ print $2}') elif [[ "$DNS_CHECK_FUNC" == "drill" ]] || [[ "$DNS_CHECK_FUNC" == "dig" ]]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2086 debug "$DNS_CHECK_FUNC" $DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS TXT "${rr}" "@${ns}" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 check_output=$($DNS_CHECK_FUNC $DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS TXT "${rr}" "@${ns}") check_result=$(grep -i "^${rr}"<<<"${check_output}"|grep 'IN\WTXT'|awk -F'"' '{ print $2}') debug "check_result=\"$check_result\"" # Check if rr is a CNAME if [[ -z "$check_result" ]]; then rr_cname=$(grep -i "^${rr}"<<<"${check_output}"|grep 'IN\WCNAME'|awk '{ print $5}') debug "cname check=\"$rr_cname\"" if [[ -n "$rr_cname" ]]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2086 check_output=$($DNS_CHECK_FUNC $DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS TXT "${rr_cname}" "@${ns}") check_result=$(grep -i "^${rr_cname}"<<<"${check_output}"|grep 'IN\WTXT'|awk -F'"' '{ print $2}' | uniq) fi fi if [[ -z "$check_result" ]]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2086 debug "$DNS_CHECK_FUNC" $DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS ANY "${rr}" "@${ns}" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 check_result=$($DNS_CHECK_FUNC $DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS ANY "${rr}" "@${ns}" \ | grep -i "^${rr}" \ | grep 'IN\WTXT'|awk -F'"' '{ print $2}') debug "check_result=\"$check_result\"" fi elif [[ "$DNS_CHECK_FUNC" == "host" ]]; then debug "$DNS_CHECK_FUNC" -t TXT "${rr}" "${ns}" check_result=$($DNS_CHECK_FUNC -t TXT "${rr}" "${ns}" \ | grep 'descriptive text'|awk -F'"' '{ print $2}') debug "check_result=\"$check_result\"" else debug "$DNS_CHECK_FUNC" -type=txt "${rr}" "${ns}" check_result=$(nslookup -type=txt "${rr}" "${ns}" \ | grep 'text ='|awk -F'"' '{ print $2}') debug "check_result=\"$check_result\"" if [[ -z "$check_result" ]]; then debug "$DNS_CHECK_FUNC" -type=any "${rr}" "${ns}" check_result=$(nslookup -type=any "${rr}" "${ns}" \ | grep 'text ='|awk -F'"' '{ print $2}') debug "check_result=\"$check_result\"" fi fi debug "expecting \"$auth_key\"" debug "${ns} gave ... \"$check_result\"" if [[ "$check_result" == *"$auth_key"* ]]; then check_dns="success" else if [[ $ntries -lt $DNS_WAIT_COUNT ]]; then ntries=$(( ntries + 1 )) if [[ $DNS_WAIT_RETRY_ADD == "true" && $(( ntries % 10 )) == 0 ]]; then debug "Deleting DNS via command: ${DNS_DEL_COMMAND}" del_dns_rr "${d}" "${auth_key}" debug "Retrying adding DNS via command: ${DNS_ADD_COMMAND}" add_dns_rr "${d}" "${auth_key}" \ || error_exit "DNS_ADD_COMMAND failed for domain ${d}" fi info "checking DNS at ${ns} for ${rr}. Attempt $ntries/${DNS_WAIT_COUNT} gave wrong result, "\ "waiting $DNS_WAIT secs before checking again" sleep $DNS_WAIT else debug "dns check failed - removing existing value" del_dns_rr "${d}" "${auth_key}" error_exit "checking \"${rr}\" gave \"$check_result\" not \"$auth_key\"" fi fi done done if [[ "$DNS_EXTRA_WAIT" -gt 0 && "$PREVIOUSLY_VALIDATED" != "true" ]]; then info "sleeping $DNS_EXTRA_WAIT seconds before asking the ACME server to check the dns" sleep "$DNS_EXTRA_WAIT" fi } # end of ... perform validation if via DNS challenge check_config() { # check the config files for all obvious errors debug "checking config" # check keys case "$ACCOUNT_KEY_TYPE" in rsa|prime256v1|secp384r1|secp521r1) debug "checked ACCOUNT_KEY_TYPE " ;; *) info "${DOMAIN}: invalid ACCOUNT_KEY_TYPE - $ACCOUNT_KEY_TYPE" config_errors=true ;; esac if [[ "$ACCOUNT_KEY" == "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.key" ]]; then info "${DOMAIN}: ACCOUNT_KEY and domain key ( $DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.key ) must be different" config_errors=true fi case "$PRIVATE_KEY_ALG" in rsa|prime256v1|secp384r1|secp521r1) debug "checked PRIVATE_KEY_ALG " ;; *) info "${DOMAIN}: invalid PRIVATE_KEY_ALG - '$PRIVATE_KEY_ALG'" config_errors=true ;; esac if [[ "$DUAL_RSA_ECDSA" == "true" ]] && [[ "$PRIVATE_KEY_ALG" == "rsa" ]]; then info "${DOMAIN}: PRIVATE_KEY_ALG not set to an EC type and DUAL_RSA_ECDSA=\"true\"" config_errors=true fi # get all domains into an array if [[ "$IGNORE_DIRECTORY_DOMAIN" == "true" ]]; then read -r -a alldomains <<< "${SANS//[, ]/ }" else read -r -a alldomains <<< "$(echo "$DOMAIN,$SANS" | sed "s/,/ /g")" fi if [[ -z "${alldomains[*]}" ]]; then info "${DOMAIN}: no domains specified" config_errors=true fi if [[ $VALIDATE_VIA_DNS == "true" ]]; then # using dns-01 challenge if [[ -z "$DNS_ADD_COMMAND" ]]; then info "${DOMAIN}: DNS_ADD_COMMAND not defined (whilst VALIDATE_VIA_DNS=\"true\")" config_errors=true fi if [[ -z "$DNS_DEL_COMMAND" ]]; then info "${DOMAIN}: DNS_DEL_COMMAND not defined (whilst VALIDATE_VIA_DNS=\"true\")" config_errors=true fi fi dn=0 tmplist=$(mktemp 2>/dev/null || mktemp -t getssl.XXXXXX) || error_exit "mktemp failed" for d in "${alldomains[@]}"; do # loop over domains (dn is domain number) debug "checking domain $d" if [[ "$(grep "^${d}$" "$tmplist")" = "$d" ]]; then info "${DOMAIN}: $d appears to be duplicated in domain, SAN list" config_errors=true elif [[ "$d" != "${d##\*.}" ]] && [[ "$VALIDATE_VIA_DNS" != "true" ]]; then info "${DOMAIN}: cannot use http-01 validation for wildcard domains" config_errors=true else echo "$d" >> "$tmplist" fi if [[ "$USE_SINGLE_ACL" == "true" ]]; then DOMAIN_ACL="${ACL[0]}" else DOMAIN_ACL="${ACL[$dn]}" fi if [[ $VALIDATE_VIA_DNS != "true" ]]; then # using http-01 challenge if [[ -z "${DOMAIN_ACL}" ]]; then info "${DOMAIN}: ACL location not specified for domain $d in $DOMAIN_DIR/getssl.cfg" config_errors=true fi # check domain exists using all DNS utilities. DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS may bind IP address or provide TSIG found_ip=false if [[ -n "$HAS_DIG_OR_DRILL" ]]; then # add +noidnout if idn-domain so search for domain in results works DIG_CHECK_OPTIONS="$DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS" if [[ ("${d}" == xn--* || "${d}" == *".xn--"* ) && "$DIG_SUPPORTS_NOIDNOUT" == "true" ]]; then DIG_CHECK_OPTIONS="$DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS +noidnout" fi debug "DNS lookup using $HAS_DIG_OR_DRILL $DIG_CHECK_OPTIONS ${d}" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if [[ "$($HAS_DIG_OR_DRILL $DIG_CHECK_OPTIONS -t SOA "${d}" |grep -c -i "^${d}")" -ge 1 ]]; then found_ip=true elif [[ "$($HAS_DIG_OR_DRILL $DIG_CHECK_OPTIONS -t A "${d}"|grep -c -i "^${d}")" -ge 1 ]]; then found_ip=true elif [[ "$($HAS_DIG_OR_DRILL $DIG_CHECK_OPTIONS -t AAAA "${d}"|grep -c -i "^${d}")" -ge 1 ]]; then found_ip=true fi fi if [[ "$HAS_HOST" == "true" ]]; then debug "DNS lookup using host $DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS ${d}" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if [[ "$(host $DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS "${d}" |grep -c -i "^${d}")" -ge 1 ]]; then found_ip=true fi fi if [[ "$HAS_NSLOOKUP" == "true" ]]; then debug "DNS lookup using nslookup $DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS -query AAAA ${d}" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if [[ "$(nslookup $DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS -query=AAAA "${d}"|grep -c -i "^${d}.*has AAAA address")" -ge 1 ]]; then debug "found IPv6 record for ${d}" found_ip=true elif [[ "$(nslookup $DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS "${d}"| grep -c ^Name)" -ge 1 ]]; then debug "found IPv4 record for ${d}" found_ip=true fi fi if [[ "$found_ip" == "false" ]]; then info "${DOMAIN}: DNS lookup failed for $d" config_errors=true fi fi # end using dns-01 challenge ((dn++)) done # tidy up rm -f "$tmplist" if [[ "$config_errors" == "true" ]]; then error_exit "${DOMAIN}: exiting due to config errors" fi debug "${DOMAIN}: check_config completed - all OK" } check_getssl_upgrade() { # check if a more recent release is available # Check GitHub for latest stable release, or a specified tag if [[ -n "$_UPGRADE_TO_TAG" ]]; then RELEASE_API="$RELEASE_API/tags/$_UPGRADE_TO_TAG" fi local release_data release_tag release_ver local_ver release_desc NEWCMD debug "Checking for releases at $RELEASE_API" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 release_data="$(curl ${_NOMETER:---silent} --user-agent "$CURL_USERAGENT" -H 'Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json' "$RELEASE_API")" errcode=$? if [[ $errcode -eq 60 ]]; then error_exit "curl needs updating, your version does not support SNI (multiple SSL domains on a single IP)" elif [[ $errcode -gt 0 ]]; then error_exit "curl error checking releases: $errcode" fi # Replace error in release description with _error (which is ignored by check_output_for_errors() in the tests) sanitised_release_data=${release_data//error/_error} sanitised_release_data=${sanitised_release_data//warning/_warning} debug "${sanitised_release_data//error/_error}" # awk from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1761341/awk-print-next-record-following-matched-record release_tag=$(awk -F'"' '/tag_name/ {f=NR} f&&NR-1==f' RS=":|," <<<"${release_data}" | sed -e's/"//g') if [[ "${release_tag:0:1}" != 'v' ]] ; then if [[ ${_MUTE} -eq 0 ]]; then info "The current repository has no releases or is improperly tagged; can't check for upgrades: '$release_tag'" fi return 0 fi release_ver="$( tr -d '.v' <<<"${release_tag}")" local_ver="$( tr -d '.' <<<"${VERSION}")" debug "current code is version ${VERSION}" debug "Most recent version is ${release_tag:1}" if [[ -z "$_UPGRADE_TO_TAG" ]] ; then if [[ "$local_ver" -ge "$release_ver" ]] ; then return 0; fi else if [[ "$local_ver" -eq "$release_ver" ]] ; then return 0; fi fi if [[ ${_UPGRADE} -ne 1 ]]; then if [[ ${_MUTE} -eq 0 ]]; then release_desc="$(sed -e'/^"body": *"/!d;s/^"body": *"\([^""]*\).*$/\1/;s/\\r/\r/g;s/\\n/\n/g' <<<"$release_data")" info "" info "A more recent version (${release_tag}) than $VERSION of getssl is available, please update" info "The easiest way is to use the -u or --upgrade flag" info "" info "Release ${release_tag} summary" # Replace error in release description with _error (which is ignored by check_output_for_errors() in the tests) info "${release_desc//error/_error}" info "" fi return 0; fi # Download the latest tag TEMP_UPGRADE_FILE="$(mktemp 2>/dev/null || mktemp -t getssl.XXXXXX)" if [ "$TEMP_UPGRADE_FILE" == "" ]; then error_exit "mktemp failed" fi CODE_LOCATION=$(sed -e"s/master/${release_tag}/" <<<"$CODE_LOCATION") # shellcheck disable=SC2086 debug curl ${_NOMETER:---silent} --user-agent "$CURL_USERAGENT" "$CODE_LOCATION" --output "$TEMP_UPGRADE_FILE" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 status=$(curl ${_NOMETER:---silent} -w "%{http_code}" --user-agent "$CURL_USERAGENT" "$CODE_LOCATION" --output "$TEMP_UPGRADE_FILE") errcode=$? debug curl errcode=$errcode if [[ $errcode -eq 60 ]]; then error_exit "curl needs updating, your version does not support SNI (multiple SSL domains on a single IP)" elif [[ $errcode -gt 0 ]]; then error_exit "curl error downloading release: $errcode" fi if [[ $status -ne 200 ]]; then error_exit "curl didn't find the updated version of getssl at $CODE_LOCATION" fi if ! install "$0" "${0}.v${VERSION}"; then error_exit "problem renaming old version while updating, check permissions" fi if ! install -m 700 "$TEMP_UPGRADE_FILE" "$0"; then error_exit "problem installing new version while updating, check permissions" fi check=$(bash "$0" -U -v) release_tag_upper=$(echo "$release_tag" | tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]") if [[ "$check" != "getssl ${release_tag_upper}" ]]; then info "problem running new version, rolling back to old version" if ! install "${0}.v${VERSION}" "$0"; then error_exit "problem rolling back, you'll need to manually check $0 and $0.${VERSION}" fi error_exit "problem calling new version; output of $TEMP_UPGRADE_FILE -v was \"$check\", expected \"getssl ${release_tag_upper}\"" fi if [[ ${_MUTE} -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Updated getssl from v${VERSION} to ${release_tag}" echo "The old version remains as ${0}.v${VERSION} and should be removed" echo "These update notifications can be turned off using the -Q option" echo "" echo "Updates are:" awk "/\(${VERSION}\)$/ {s=1} s; /\(${release_tag}\)$/ || /^# ----/ {s=0}" "$TEMP_UPGRADE_FILE" | awk '{if(NR>1)print}' echo "" fi # Delete old versions, but not the version just upgraded (which can't be removed since disappearing can confuse bash) declare -a getssl_versions shopt -s nullglob for getssl_version in "$0".v*; do if [[ "$getssl_version" != "${0}.v${VERSION}" ]] ; then getssl_versions[${#getssl_versions[@]}]="$getssl_version" fi done shopt -u nullglob if [[ -n "${getssl_versions[*]}" ]] ; then rm "${getssl_versions[@]}" fi # Inhibit check for upgrades when running the new version NEWCMD="$(sed -e's/ -\(u\|-upgrade\|U\|-nocheck\)//g;s/^\([^ ]* \)/\1--nocheck /' <<<"$ORIGCMD")" clean_up if [[ ${_MUTE} -eq 0 ]]; then info "Installed $release_tag, restarting with $NEWCMD" fi if ! eval "$NEWCMD"; then error_exit "Running upgraded getssl failed" fi graceful_exit } check_version() { # true if version string $1 >= $2 local v1 v2 i n1 n2 n # $1 and $2 can be different lengths, but all parts must be numeric if [[ "$1" == "$2" ]] ; then return 0; fi local IFS='.' # shellcheck disable=SC2206 v1=($1) # shellcheck disable=SC2206 v2=($2) n1="${#v1[@]}" n2="${#v2[@]}" if [[ "$n1" -ge "$n2" ]] ; then n="$n1" ; else n="$n2" ; fi for ((i=0; i/dev/null 2>&1 ; then error_exit "problem copying file to the server using scp. scp $from ${to:4}" fi debug "userid $TOKEN_USER_ID" if [[ "$cert" == "challenge token" ]] && [[ -n "$TOKEN_USER_ID" ]]; then servername=$(echo "$to" | awk -F":" '{print $2}') tofile=$(echo "$to" | awk -F":" '{print $3}') debug "servername $servername" debug "file $tofile" # shellcheck disable=SC2029 # shellcheck disable=SC2086 ssh $SSH_OPTS "$servername" "chown $TOKEN_USER_ID $tofile" fi elif [[ "${to:0:4}" == "ftp:" ]] ; then if [[ "$cert" != "challenge token" ]] ; then error_exit "ftp is not a secure method for copying certificates or keys" fi if [[ -z "$FTP_COMMAND" ]]; then error_exit "No ftp command found" fi debug "using ftp to copy the file from $from" ftpuser=$(echo "$to"| awk -F: '{print $2}') ftppass=$(echo "$to"| awk -F: '{print $3}') ftphost=$(echo "$to"| awk -F: '{print $4}') ftplocn=$(echo "$to"| awk -F: '{print $5}') ftpdirn=$(dirname "$ftplocn") ftpfile=$(basename "$ftplocn") fromdir=$(dirname "$from") fromfile=$(basename "$from") debug "ftp user=$ftpuser - pass=$ftppass - host=$ftphost port=$FTP_PORT dir=$ftpdirn file=$ftpfile" debug "from dir=$fromdir file=$fromfile" if [ -n "$FTP_OPTIONS" ]; then # Use eval to expand any variables in FTP_OPTIONS FTP_OPTIONS=$(eval echo "$FTP_OPTIONS") debug "FTP_OPTIONS=$FTP_OPTIONS" fi $FTP_COMMAND <<- _EOF open $ftphost $FTP_PORT user $ftpuser $ftppass $FTP_OPTIONS cd $ftpdirn lcd $fromdir put ./$fromfile _EOF elif [[ "${to:0:5}" == "sftp:" ]] ; then debug "using sftp to copy the file from $from" ftpuser=$(echo "$to"| awk -F: '{print $2}') ftppass=$(echo "$to"| awk -F: '{print $3}') ftphost=$(echo "$to"| awk -F: '{print $4}') ftplocn=$(echo "$to"| awk -F: '{print $5}') ftpdirn=$(dirname "$ftplocn") ftpfile=$(basename "$ftplocn") fromdir=$(dirname "$from") fromfile=$(basename "$from") if [ -n "$FTP_PORT" ]; then SFTP_PORT="-P $FTP_PORT"; else SFTP_PORT=""; fi debug "sftp $SFTP_OPTS user=$ftpuser - pass=$ftppass - host=$ftphost port=$FTP_PORT dir=$ftpdirn file=$ftpfile" debug "from dir=$fromdir file=$fromfile" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 sshpass -p "$ftppass" sftp $SFTP_OPTS $SFTP_PORT "$ftpuser@$ftphost" <<- _EOF cd $ftpdirn lcd $fromdir put ./$fromfile _EOF elif [[ "${to:0:5}" == "davs:" ]] ; then debug "using davs to copy the file from $from" davsuser=$(echo "$to"| awk -F: '{print $2}') davspass=$(echo "$to"| awk -F: '{print $3}') davshost=$(echo "$to"| awk -F: '{print $4}') davsport=$(echo "$to"| awk -F: '{print $5}') davslocn=$(echo "$to"| awk -F: '{print $6}') davsdirn=$(dirname "$davslocn") davsdirn=$(echo "${davsdirn}/" | sed 's,//,/,g') davsfile=$(basename "$davslocn") fromdir=$(dirname "$from") fromfile=$(basename "$from") debug "davs user=$davsuser - pass=$davspass - host=$davshost port=$davsport dir=$davsdirn file=$davsfile" debug "from dir=$fromdir file=$fromfile" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 curl ${_NOMETER} -u "${davsuser}:${davspass}" -T "${fromdir}/${fromfile}" "https://${davshost}:${davsport}${davsdirn}${davsfile}" elif [[ "${to:0:6}" == "ftpes:" ]] || [[ "${to:0:5}" == "ftps:" ]] ; then # FTPES (FTP over explicit TLS/SSL, port 21) and FTPS (FTP over implicit TLS/SSL, port 990). debug "using ${to:0:5} to copy the file from $from" ftpuser=$(echo "$to"| awk -F: '{print $2}') ftppass=$(echo "$to"| awk -F: '{print $3}') ftphost=$(echo "$to"| awk -F: '{print $4}') ftplocn=$(echo "$to"| awk -F: '{print $5}') ftpdirn=$(dirname "$ftplocn") ftpfile=$(basename "$ftplocn") fromdir=$(dirname "$from") fromfile=$(basename "$from") SFTP_PORT=""; if [ -n "$FTP_PORT" ]; then SFTP_PORT=":${FTP_PORT}"; fi debug "${to:0:5} user=$ftpuser - pass=$ftppass - host=$ftphost port=$FTP_PORT dir=$ftpdirn file=$ftpfile" debug "from dir=$fromdir file=$fromfile" if [[ "${to:0:5}" == "ftps:" ]] ; then # if no FTP_PORT is specified, then use default if [ -z "$FTP_PORT" ]; then SFTP_PORT=":990" fi # shellcheck disable=SC2086 debug curl ${_NOMETER} $FTPS_OPTIONS --ftp-ssl --ftp-ssl-reqd -u "${ftpuser}:${ftppass}" -T "${fromdir}/${fromfile}" "ftps://${ftphost}${SFTP_PORT}/${ftpdirn}/" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 curl ${_NOMETER} $FTPS_OPTIONS --ftp-ssl-reqd -u "${ftpuser}:${ftppass}" -T "${fromdir}/${fromfile}" "ftps://${ftphost}${SFTP_PORT}/${ftpdirn}/" else # shellcheck disable=SC2086 debug curl ${_NOMETER} $FTPS_OPTIONS --ftp-ssl --ftp-ssl-reqd -u "${ftpuser}:${ftppass}" -T "${fromdir}/${fromfile}" "ftp://${ftphost}${SFTP_PORT}/${ftpdirn}/" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 curl ${_NOMETER} $FTPS_OPTIONS --ftp-ssl-reqd -u "${ftpuser}:${ftppass}" -T "${fromdir}/${fromfile}" "ftp://${ftphost}${SFTP_PORT}/${ftpdirn}/" fi else if ! mkdir -p "$(dirname "$to")" ; then error_exit "cannot create ACL directory $(basename "$to")" fi if [[ "$GETSSL_IGNORE_CP_PRESERVE" == "true" ]]; then if ! cp "$from" "$to" ; then error_exit "cannot copy $from to $to" fi else if ! cp -p "$from" "$to" ; then error_exit "cannot copy $from to $to" fi fi if [[ "$cert" == "challenge token" ]] && [[ -n "$TOKEN_USER_ID" ]]; then chown "$TOKEN_USER_ID" "$to" fi fi debug "copied $from to $to" done } create_csr() { # create a csr using a given key (if it doesn't already exist) csr_file=$1 csr_key=$2 # check if domain csr exists - if not then create it if [[ -s "$csr_file" ]]; then debug "domain csr exists at - $csr_file" # check all domains in config are in csr if [[ "$IGNORE_DIRECTORY_DOMAIN" == "true" ]]; then read -d '\n' -r -a alldomains <<< "$(echo "$SANS" | sed -e 's/ //g; s/,$//; y/,/\n/' | sort -u)" else read -d '\n' -r -a alldomains <<< "$(echo "$DOMAIN,$SANS" | sed -e 's/,/ /g; s/ $//; y/ /\n/' | sort -u)" fi domains_in_csr=$(openssl req -text -noout -in "$csr_file" \ | sed -n -e 's/^ *Subject: .* CN=\([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\).*$/\1/p; /^ *DNS:.../ { s/ *DNS://g; y/,/\n/; p; }' \ | sort -u) for d in "${alldomains[@]}"; do if [[ "$(echo "${domains_in_csr}"| grep "^${d}$")" != "${d}" ]]; then info "existing csr at $csr_file does not contain ${d} - re-create-csr"\ ".... $(echo "${domains_in_csr}"| grep "^${d}$")" _RECREATE_CSR=1 fi done # check all domains in csr are in config if [[ "$(IFS=$'\n'; echo -n "${alldomains[*]}")" != "$domains_in_csr" ]]; then info "existing csr at $csr_file does not have the same domains as the config - re-create-csr" _RECREATE_CSR=1 else debug "Existing csr at $csr_file contains same domains as the config" fi fi # end of ... check if domain csr exists - if not then create it # if CSR does not exist, or flag set to recreate, then create csr if [[ ! -s "$csr_file" ]] || [[ "$_RECREATE_CSR" == "1" ]]; then info "creating domain csr - $csr_file" # create a temporary config file, for portability. tmp_conf=$(mktemp 2>/dev/null || mktemp -t getssl) || error_exit "mktemp failed" cat "$SSLCONF" > "$tmp_conf" printf "\n[SAN]\n%s" "$SANLIST" >> "$tmp_conf" # add OCSP Must-Staple to the domain csr # if openssl version >= 1.1.0 one can also use "tlsfeature = status_request" if [[ "$OCSP_MUST_STAPLE" == "true" ]]; then printf "\n1. = DER:30:03:02:01:05" >> "$tmp_conf" fi openssl req -new -sha256 -key "$csr_key" -subj "$CSR_SUBJECT" -reqexts SAN -config "$tmp_conf" > "$csr_file" rm -f "$tmp_conf" fi } create_key() { # create a domain key (if it doesn't already exist) key_type=$1 # domain key type key_loc=$2 # domain key location key_len=$3 # domain key length - for rsa keys. # check if key exists, if not then create it. if [[ -s "$key_loc" ]]; then debug "domain key exists at $key_loc - skipping generation" # ideally need to check validity of domain key else umask 077 info "creating key - $key_loc" case "$key_type" in rsa) openssl genrsa "$key_len" > "$key_loc";; prime256v1|secp384r1|secp521r1) openssl ecparam -genkey -name "$key_type" > "$key_loc";; *) error_exit "unknown private key algorithm type $key_loc";; esac umask "$ORIG_UMASK" # remove csr on generation of new domain key if [[ -e "${key_loc%.*}.csr" ]]; then rm -f "${key_loc%.*}.csr" fi fi } create_order() { dstring="[" for d in "${alldomains[@]}"; do dstring="${dstring}{\"type\":\"dns\",\"value\":\"$d\"}," done dstring="${dstring::${#dstring}-1}]" # request NewOrder currently seems to ignore the dates .... # dstring="${dstring},\"notBefore\": \"$(date -d "-1 hour" --utc +%FT%TZ)\"" # dstring="${dstring},\"notAfter\": \"$(date -d "2 days" --utc +%FT%TZ)\"" request="{\"identifiers\": $dstring}" send_signed_request "$URL_newOrder" "$request" OrderLink=$(echo "$responseHeaders" | grep -i location | awk '{print $2}'| tr -d '\r\n ') debug "Order link $OrderLink" FinalizeLink=$(json_get "$response" "finalize") debug "Finalize link $FinalizeLink" if [[ $API -eq 1 ]]; then dn=0 for d in "${alldomains[@]}"; do # get authorizations link AuthLink[dn]=$(json_get "$response" "identifiers" "value" "${d##\*.}" "authorizations" "x") debug "authorizations link for $d - ${AuthLink[$dn]}" ((dn++)) done else # Authorization links are unsorted, so fetch the authorization link, find the domain, save response in the correct array position AuthLinks=$(json_get "$response" "authorizations") AuthLinkResponse=() AuthLinkResponseHeader=() for l in $AuthLinks; do debug "Requesting authorizations link for $l" send_signed_request "$l" "" # Get domain from response authdomain=$(json_get "$response" "identifier" "value") wildcard=$(json_get "$response" "wildcard") debug wildcard="$wildcard" # find array position (This is O(n2) but doubt that we'll see performance issues) dn=0 for d in "${alldomains[@]}"; do # Convert domain to lowercase as response from server will be in lowercase lower_d=$(echo "$d" | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]") if [[ ( "$lower_d" == "$authdomain" && -z "$wildcard" ) || ( "$lower_d" == "*.${authdomain}" && -n "$wildcard" ) ]]; then debug "Saving authorization response for $authdomain for domain alldomains[$dn]" debug "Response = ${response//[$'\t\r\n']}" AuthLinkResponse[dn]=$response AuthLinkResponseHeader[dn]=$responseHeaders fi ((dn++)) done if [[ "$DEACTIVATE_AUTH" == "true" ]]; then deactivate_url_list+=" $l " debug "url added to deactivate list ${l}" debug "deactivate list is now $deactivate_url_list" fi done fi } date_epoc() { # convert the date into epoch time if [[ "$os" == "bsd" ]]; then date -j -f "%b %d %T %Y %Z" "$1" +%s elif [[ "$os" == "mac" ]]; then date -j -f "%b %d %T %Y %Z" "$1" +%s elif [[ "$os" == "busybox" ]]; then de_ld=$(echo "$1" | awk '{print $1 " " $2 " " $3 " " $4}') date -D "%b %d %T %Y" -d "$de_ld" +%s else date -d "$1" +%s fi } date_fmt() { # format date from epoc time to YYYY-MM-DD if [[ "$os" == "bsd" ]]; then #uses older style date function. date -j -f "%s" "$1" +%F elif [[ "$os" == "mac" ]]; then # macOS uses older BSD style date. date -j -f "%s" "$1" +%F else date -d "@$1" +%F fi } date_renew() { # calculates the renewal time in epoch date_now_s=$( date +%s ) echo "$((date_now_s + RENEW_ALLOW*24*60*60))" } debug() { # write out debug info if the debug flag has been set if [[ ${_USE_DEBUG} -eq 1 ]]; then # If running tests then verbose output (for debugging tests) if [[ -n ${BATS_RUN_TMPDIR} ]]; then echo "$(date "+%b %d %T") ${FUNCNAME[1]}:${BASH_LINENO[1]}" "$@" else echo " " echo "$@" fi fi } error_exit() { # give error message on error exit echo -e "${PROGNAME}: ${1:-"Unknown Error"}" >&2 if [[ ${_USE_DEBUG} -eq 1 ]]; then traceback fi clean_up exit 1 } find_dns_utils() { HAS_NSLOOKUP=false HAS_DIG_OR_DRILL="" DIG_SUPPORTS_NOIDNOUT=false HAS_HOST=false if [[ -n "$(command -v nslookup 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then debug "HAS NSLOOKUP=true" HAS_NSLOOKUP=true fi if [[ -n "$(command -v drill 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then HAS_DIG_OR_DRILL="drill" elif [[ -n "$(command -v dig 2>/dev/null)" ]] && dig >/dev/null 2>&1; then if dig -r >/dev/null 2>&1; then # use dig -r so ~/.digrc is not used HAS_DIG_OR_DRILL="dig -r" else HAS_DIG_OR_DRILL="dig" fi fi if [[ -n "$HAS_DIG_OR_DRILL" ]]; then if dig_output=$($HAS_DIG_OR_DRILL +noidnout localhost 2>&1 >/dev/null); then # dig +noidnout on Ubuntu 18 succeeds, but outputs warning message to stderr - issue #688) if [[ "$dig_output" != ";; IDN support not enabled" ]]; then DIG_SUPPORTS_NOIDNOUT=true fi fi debug "HAS DIG_OR_DRILL=$HAS_DIG_OR_DRILL" debug "DIG_SUPPORTS_NOIDNOUT=$DIG_SUPPORTS_NOIDNOUT" fi if [[ -n "$(command -v host 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then debug "HAS HOST=true" HAS_HOST=true fi } find_ftp_command() { FTP_COMMAND="" if [[ -n "$(command -v ftp 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then debug "Has ftp" FTP_COMMAND="ftp $FTP_ARGS -n" elif [[ -n "$(command -v lftp 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then debug "Has lftp" FTP_COMMAND="lftp $FTP_ARGS" fi } add_dns_rr() { d=${1} auth_key=${2} # shellcheck disable=SC2018,SC2019 lower_d=$(printf '%s' "${d#\*.}" | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z') debug "adding DNS RR via command: ${DNS_ADD_COMMAND} ${lower_d} ${auth_key}" eval "${DNS_ADD_COMMAND}" "${lower_d}" "${auth_key}" } del_dns_rr() { d=${1} auth_key=${2} # shellcheck disable=SC2018,SC2019 lower_d=$(printf '%s' "${d#\*.}" | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z') debug "removing DNS RR via command: ${DNS_DEL_COMMAND} ${lower_d} ${auth_key}" eval "${DNS_DEL_COMMAND}" "${lower_d}" "${auth_key}" } fulfill_challenges() { dn=0 for d in "${alldomains[@]}"; do # $d is domain in current loop, which is number $dn for ACL info "Verifying $d" if [[ "$USE_SINGLE_ACL" == "true" ]]; then DOMAIN_ACL="${ACL[0]}" else DOMAIN_ACL="${ACL[$dn]}" fi # request a challenge token from ACME server if [[ $API -eq 1 ]]; then request="{\"resource\":\"new-authz\",\"identifier\":{\"type\":\"dns\",\"value\":\"${d##\*.}\"}}" send_signed_request "$URL_new_authz" "$request" debug "completed send_signed_request" # check if we got a valid response and token, if not then error exit if [[ -n "$code" ]] && [[ ! "$code" == '201' ]] ; then error_exit "new-authz error: $response" fi else response=${AuthLinkResponse[$dn]} responseHeaders=${AuthLinkResponseHeader[$dn]} response_status=$(json_get "$response" status) fi if [[ $response_status == "valid" ]]; then info "$d is already validated" # increment domain-counter ((dn++)) else PREVIOUSLY_VALIDATED="false" if [[ $VALIDATE_VIA_DNS == "true" ]]; then # set up the correct DNS token for verification if [[ $API -eq 1 ]]; then # get the dns component of the ACME response # get the token and uri from the dns component token=$(json_get "$response" "token" "dns-01") uri=$(json_get "$response" "uri" "dns-01") debug uri "$uri" else # APIv2 debug "authlink response = ${response//[$'\t\r\n']}" # get the token and uri from the dns-01 component token=$(json_get "$response" "challenges" "type" "dns-01" "token") uri=$(json_get "$response" "challenges" "type" "dns-01" "url") # when using pebble this sometimes appears to have a newline which causes problems in send_signed_request uri=$(echo "$uri" | tr -d '\r') debug uri "$uri" fi keyauthorization="$token.$thumbprint" debug keyauthorization "$keyauthorization" #create signed authorization key from token. auth_key=$(printf '%s' "$keyauthorization" \ | openssl dgst -sha256 -binary \ | openssl base64 -e \ | tr -d '\n\r' \ | sed -e 's:=*$::g' -e 'y:+/:-_:') debug auth_key "$auth_key" add_dns_rr "${d}" "${auth_key}" \ || error_exit "DNS_ADD_COMMAND failed for domain $d" # shellcheck disable=SC2018,SC2019 rr="_acme-challenge.$(printf '%s' "${d#\*.}" | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z')" # find a primary / authoritative DNS server for the domain if [[ -z "$AUTH_DNS_SERVER" ]]; then # Find authorative dns server for _acme-challenge.{domain} (for CNAMES/acme-dns) get_auth_dns "${rr}" if test -n "${cname}"; then rr=${cname} fi # If no authorative dns server found, try again for {domain} if [[ -z "$primary_ns" ]]; then get_auth_dns "$d" fi elif [[ "$CHECK_PUBLIC_DNS_SERVER" == "true" ]]; then primary_ns="$AUTH_DNS_SERVER $PUBLIC_DNS_SERVER" else primary_ns="$AUTH_DNS_SERVER" fi debug set primary_ns = "$primary_ns" # internal check check_challenge_completion_dns "${d}" "${rr}" "${primary_ns}" "${auth_key}" # let Let's Encrypt check check_challenge_completion "${uri}" "${d}" "${keyauthorization}" del_dns_rr "${d}" "${auth_key}" else # set up the correct http token for verification if [[ $API -eq 1 ]]; then # get the token from the http component token=$(json_get "$response" "token" "http-01") # get the uri from the http component uri=$(json_get "$response" "uri" "http-01") debug uri "$uri" else # APIv2 debug "authlink response = ${response//[$'\t\r\n']}" # get the token from the http-01 component token=$(json_get "$response" "challenges" "type" "http-01" "token") # get the uri from the http component uri=$(json_get "$response" "challenges" "type" "http-01" "url" | head -n1) debug uri "$uri" fi #create signed authorization key from token. keyauthorization="$token.$thumbprint" # save variable into temporary file echo -n "$keyauthorization" > "$TEMP_DIR/$token" chmod 644 "$TEMP_DIR/$token" # copy to token to acme challenge location umask 0022 IFS=\; read -r -a token_locations <<<"$DOMAIN_ACL" for t_loc in "${token_locations[@]}"; do debug "copying file from $TEMP_DIR/$token to ${t_loc}" copy_file_to_location "challenge token" \ "$TEMP_DIR/$token" \ "${t_loc}/$token" done umask "$ORIG_UMASK" wellknown_url="${CHALLENGE_CHECK_TYPE}://${d}/.well-known/acme-challenge/$token" debug wellknown_url "$wellknown_url" if [[ "$SKIP_HTTP_TOKEN_CHECK" == "true" ]]; then info "SKIP_HTTP_TOKEN_CHECK=true so not checking that token is working correctly" else sleep "$HTTP_TOKEN_CHECK_WAIT" # check that we can reach the challenge ourselves, if not, then error # ACME only allows port 80 (http), but redirects may use https. --insecure is used in case # those certificates are being renewed. Let's Encrypt does the same. In this case, we verify # that the correct data is returned, so this is safe. # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if [[ ! "$(curl ${_NOMETER} --user-agent "$CURL_USERAGENT" --insecure --silent --location "$wellknown_url")" == "$keyauthorization" ]]; then error_exit "for some reason could not reach $wellknown_url - please check it manually" fi fi check_challenge_completion "$uri" "$d" "$keyauthorization" debug "remove token from ${DOMAIN_ACL}" IFS=\; read -r -a token_locations <<<"$DOMAIN_ACL" for t_loc in "${token_locations[@]}"; do if [[ "${t_loc:0:4}" == "ssh:" ]] ; then sshhost=$(echo "${t_loc}"| awk -F: '{print $2}') command="rm -f ${t_loc:(( ${#sshhost} + 5))}/${token:?}" debug "running following command to remove token:" debug "ssh $SSH_OPTS $sshhost ${command} $_REDIRECT_OUTPUT" # shellcheck disable=SC2029 disable=SC2086 ssh $SSH_OPTS "$sshhost" "${command}" $_REDIRECT_OUTPUT rm -f "${TEMP_DIR:?}/${token:?}" elif [[ "${t_loc:0:4}" == "ftp:" ]] ; then debug "using ftp to remove token file" ftpuser=$(echo "${t_loc}"| awk -F: '{print $2}') ftppass=$(echo "${t_loc}"| awk -F: '{print $3}') ftphost=$(echo "${t_loc}"| awk -F: '{print $4}') ftplocn=$(echo "${t_loc}"| awk -F: '{print $5}') debug "$FTP_COMMAND user=$ftpuser - pass=$ftppass - host=$ftphost location=$ftplocn" $FTP_COMMAND <<- EOF open $ftphost user $ftpuser $ftppass cd $ftplocn delete ${token:?} EOF else rm -f "${t_loc:?}/${token:?}" fi done fi # increment domain-counter ((dn++)) fi done # end of ... loop through domains for cert ( from SANS list) #end of verify each domain. } get_auth_dns() { # get the authoritative dns server for a domain (sets primary_ns ) orig_gad_d="$1" # domain name orig_gad_s="$PUBLIC_DNS_SERVER" # start with PUBLIC_DNS_SERVER gad_d="$orig_gad_d" gad_s="$orig_gad_s" if [[ "$os" == "cygwin" ]]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2086 all_auth_dns_servers=$(nslookup -type=soa "${d}" ${PUBLIC_DNS_SERVER} 2>/dev/null \ | grep "primary name server" \ | awk '{print $NF}') if [[ -z "$all_auth_dns_servers" ]]; then error_exit "couldn't find primary DNS server - please set AUTH_DNS_SERVER in config" fi primary_ns="$all_auth_dns_servers" if [[ "$CHECK_PUBLIC_DNS_SERVER" == "true" ]]; then primary_ns="$primary_ns $PUBLIC_DNS_SERVER" fi return fi if [[ -n "$HAS_DIG_OR_DRILL" ]]; then if [[ -n "${gad_s}" ]]; then gad_s="@${gad_s}" fi # Two options here; either dig CNAME will return the CNAME and the NS or just the CNAME debug "Using $HAS_DIG_OR_DRILL $DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS ${gad_s} CNAME ${gad_d}" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 res=$($HAS_DIG_OR_DRILL $DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS ${gad_s} CNAME "${gad_d}"| grep "^${gad_d}") cname=$(echo "$res"| awk '$4 ~ "CNAME" {print $5}' |sed 's/\.$//g') if [[ $_TEST_SKIP_CNAME_CALL == 0 ]]; then debug Checking if CNAME result contains NS records # shellcheck disable=SC2086 res=$($HAS_DIG_OR_DRILL $DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS ${gad_s} CNAME "${gad_d}"| grep -E "IN\W(NS|SOA)\W") else res= fi if [[ -n "${cname}" ]]; then # domain is a CNAME: resolve it and continue with that debug Domain is a CNAME, actual domain is "$cname" gad_d=${cname} res= fi # Use SOA +trace to find the name server if [[ -z "$res" ]] && [[ $_TEST_SKIP_SOA_CALL == 0 ]]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if [[ "$HAS_DIG_OR_DRILL" == "drill" ]]; then debug Using "$HAS_DIG_OR_DRILL $DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS -T ${gad_s} SOA ${gad_d}" to find primary nameserver res=$($HAS_DIG_OR_DRILL $DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS -T ${gad_s} SOA "${gad_d}" 2>/dev/null | grep "IN\WNS\W") else debug Using "$HAS_DIG_OR_DRILL $DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS ${gad_s} SOA +trace +nocomments ${gad_d}" to find primary nameserver res=$($HAS_DIG_OR_DRILL $DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS ${gad_s} SOA +trace +nocomments "${gad_d}" 2>/dev/null | grep "IN\WNS\W") fi fi # Query for NS records if [[ -z "$res" ]]; then debug Using "$HAS_DIG_OR_DRILL $DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS ${gad_s} NS ${gad_d}" to find primary nameserver # shellcheck disable=SC2086 res=$($HAS_DIG_OR_DRILL $DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS ${gad_s} NS "${gad_d}"| grep -E "IN\W(NS|SOA)\W") fi if [[ -n "$res" ]]; then # Convert dig output into an array of nameservers IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a ns_servers < <(echo "$res" | awk '$4 ~ "(NS|SOA)" {print $5}' | sed 's/\.$//g') # Nameservers from SOA +trace includes root and all intermediate servers, so just use all the ones with the same domain as the last name server # i.e. if we have root, google, duckdns1, duckdns2 then return all the duckdns servers ns_domain=${ns_servers[${#ns_servers[@]} -1 ]#*.} all_auth_dns_servers="" for i in "${ns_servers[@]}"; do if [[ $i =~ $ns_domain ]]; then all_auth_dns_servers="$all_auth_dns_servers $i" fi done if [[ $CHECK_ALL_AUTH_DNS == "true" ]]; then primary_ns="$all_auth_dns_servers" else primary_ns=$(echo "$all_auth_dns_servers" | awk '{print " " $1}') fi if [[ "$CHECK_PUBLIC_DNS_SERVER" == "true" ]]; then primary_ns="$primary_ns $PUBLIC_DNS_SERVER" fi debug set primary_ns ="$primary_ns" return fi fi # Remove leading '@' if we tried using dig/drill gad_s="$orig_gad_s" if [[ "$HAS_HOST" == "true" ]]; then gad_d="$orig_gad_d" debug Using "host -t NS" to find primary name server for "${gad_d}" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if [[ -z "${gad_s}" ]]; then res=$(host $DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS -t NS "${gad_d}"| grep "name server") else res=$(host $DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS -t NS "${gad_d}" ${gad_s}| grep "name server") fi if [[ -n "$res" ]]; then all_auth_dns_servers=$(echo "$res" | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/\.$//g'|tr '\n' ' ') if [[ $CHECK_ALL_AUTH_DNS == "true" ]]; then primary_ns="$all_auth_dns_servers" else primary_ns=$(echo "$all_auth_dns_servers" | awk '{print $1}') fi if [[ "$CHECK_PUBLIC_DNS_SERVER" == "true" ]]; then primary_ns="$primary_ns $PUBLIC_DNS_SERVER" fi debug set primary_ns="$primary_ns" return fi fi if [[ "$HAS_NSLOOKUP" == "true" ]]; then gad_d="$orig_gad_d" debug Using "nslookup $DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS -debug -type=soa -type=ns ${gad_d} ${gad_s}" to find primary name server # shellcheck disable=SC2086 res=$(nslookup $DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS -debug -type=soa -type=ns "${gad_d}" ${gad_s}) # check for CNAME (assumes gad_d is _acme-challenge.{host}) if [[ "$(grep -c "NXDOMAIN"<<<"$res")" -gt 0 ]]; then debug "Cannot find nameserver record for ${gad_d}, using parent domain ${gad_d#*.}" gad_d="${gad_d#*.}" debug "nslookup $DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS -debug -type=soa -type=ns ${gad_d} ${gad_s}" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 res=$(nslookup $DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS -debug -type=soa -type=ns "${gad_d}" ${gad_s}) fi if [[ "$(echo "$res" | grep -c "Non-authoritative")" -gt 0 ]]; then # this is a Non-authoritative server, need to check for an authoritative one. debug "Response from non-authoritative server looking for authoritative server" gad_s=$(echo "$res" | awk '$2 ~ "nameserver" {print $4; exit }' |sed 's/\.$//g') # If the previous line fails to find the nameserver, use the original if [[ -z "${gad_s}" ]]; then gad_s="$orig_gad_s" fi if [[ "$(echo "$res" | grep -c "canonical name")" -gt 0 ]]; then debug "${gad_d}" appears to be a CNAME gad_d=$(echo "$res" | awk ' $2 ~ "canonical" {print $5; exit }' |sed 's/\.$//g') debug "Using ${gad_d} instead" elif [[ "$(echo "$res" | grep -c "an't find")" -gt 0 ]]; then # if domain name doesn't exist, then find auth servers for next level up debug "Couldn't find NS or SOA for domain name, using nslookup $DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS -debug ${gad_d#*.} ${orig_gad_s}" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 res=$(nslookup $DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS -debug "${gad_d#*.}" ${orig_gad_s}) gad_s=$(echo "$res" | awk '$1 ~ "origin" {print $3; exit }') gad_d=$(echo "$res" | awk '$1 ~ "->" {print $2; exit}') # handle scenario where awk returns nothing if [[ -z "${gad_d}" ]]; then gad_d="${orig_gad_d}" fi fi debug "Using nslookup $DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS -debug -type=soa -type=ns ${gad_d} ${gad_s}" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 res=$(nslookup $DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS -debug -type=soa -type=ns "${gad_d}" ${gad_s}) fi if [[ "$(echo "$res" | grep -c "an't find")" -gt 0 ]]; then gad_s=$(echo "$res" | awk ' $1 ~ "origin" {print $3; exit }') gad_d=$(echo "$res"| awk '$1 ~ "->" {print $2; exit}') # handle scenario where awk returns nothing if [[ -z "${gad_d}" ]]; then gad_d="$orig_gad_d" fi fi # shellcheck disable=SC2086 # not quoting gad_s fixes the nslookup: couldn't get address for '': not found warning (#332) all_auth_dns_servers=$(nslookup $DNS_CHECK_OPTIONS -debug -type=soa -type=ns "${gad_d}" ${gad_s} \ | awk '$1 ~ "nameserver" {print $3}' \ | sed 's/\.$//g'| tr '\n' ' ') if [[ -n "$all_auth_dns_servers" ]]; then if [[ $CHECK_ALL_AUTH_DNS == "true" ]]; then primary_ns="$all_auth_dns_servers" else primary_ns=$(echo "$all_auth_dns_servers" | awk '{print $1}') fi if [[ "$CHECK_PUBLIC_DNS_SERVER" == "true" ]]; then primary_ns="$primary_ns $PUBLIC_DNS_SERVER" fi debug set primary_ns="$primary_ns" return fi fi # nslookup on alpine/ubuntu containers doesn't support -debug, print a warning in this case # This means getssl cannot check that the DNS record has been updated on the primary name server info "Warning: Couldn't find primary DNS server - please set PUBLIC_DNS_SERVER or AUTH_DNS_SERVER in config" info "This means getssl cannot check the DNS entry has been updated" } get_certificate() { # get certificate for csr, if all domains validated. gc_csr=$1 # the csr file gc_certfile=$2 # The filename for the certificate gc_cafile=$3 # The filename for the CA certificate gc_fullchain=$4 # The filename for the fullchain der=$(openssl req -in "$gc_csr" -outform DER | urlbase64) if [[ $API -eq 1 ]]; then send_signed_request "$URL_new_cert" "{\"resource\": \"new-cert\", \"csr\": \"$der\"}" "needbase64" # convert certificate information into correct format and save to file. CertData=$(awk ' $1 ~ "^Location" {print $2}' "$CURL_HEADER" |tr -d '\r') if [[ "$CertData" ]] ; then echo -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- > "$gc_certfile" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 curl ${_NOMETER} --user-agent "$CURL_USERAGENT" --silent "$CertData" | openssl base64 -e >> "$gc_certfile" echo -----END CERTIFICATE----- >> "$gc_certfile" info "Certificate saved in $CERT_FILE" fi # If certificate wasn't a valid certificate, error exit. if [[ -z "$CertData" ]] ; then response2=$(echo "$response" | fold -w64 |openssl base64 -d) debug "response was $response" error_exit "Sign failed: $(echo "$response2" | grep "detail")" fi # get a copy of the CA certificate. IssuerData=$(grep -i '^Link' "$CURL_HEADER" \ | cut -d " " -f 2\ | cut -d ';' -f 1 \ | sed 's///g') if [[ "$IssuerData" ]] ; then echo -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- > "$gc_cafile" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 curl ${_NOMETER} --user-agent "$CURL_USERAGENT" --silent "$IssuerData" | openssl base64 -e >> "$gc_cafile" echo -----END CERTIFICATE----- >> "$gc_cafile" info "The intermediate CA cert is in $gc_cafile" fi else # APIv2 info "Requesting Finalize Link" send_signed_request "$FinalizeLink" "{\"csr\": \"$der\"}" "needbase64" info Requesting Order Link debug "order link was $OrderLink" send_signed_request "$OrderLink" "" # if ACME response is processing (still creating certificates) then wait and try again. while [[ "$response_status" == "processing" ]]; do info "ACME server still Processing certificates" sleep 5 send_signed_request "$OrderLink" "" done info "Requesting certificate" CertData=$(json_get "$response" "certificate") send_signed_request "$CertData" "" "" "$gc_fullchain" IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a alternate_links < <(echo "$responseHeaders" | grep "^Link" | grep "alternate" | awk -F"[<>]" '{print $2}') debug "Alternate Links are ${alternate_links[*]}" if [[ -n "$PREFERRED_CHAIN" ]]; then cert_to_check=$(mktemp 2>/dev/null || mktemp -t getssl.XXXXXX) || error_exit "mktemp failed" # Check the default certificate to see if that has the required chain cp "$gc_fullchain" "$cert_to_check" i=0 while [[ $i -le ${#alternate_links[@]} ]]; do cert_issuer=$(openssl crl2pkcs7 -nocrl -certfile "$cert_to_check" | openssl pkcs7 -print_certs -text -noout | grep 'Issuer:' | tail -1 | awk -F"CN=" '{ print $2 }') debug Certificate issued by "$cert_issuer" if [[ $cert_issuer = *${PREFERRED_CHAIN}* ]]; then debug "Found required certificate" cp "$cert_to_check" "$gc_fullchain" break fi if [[ $i -lt ${#alternate_links[@]} ]]; then debug "Fetching next alternate certificate $i ${alternate_links[$i]}" send_signed_request "${alternate_links[$i]}" "" "" "$cert_to_check" fi i=$(( i + 1 )) done # tidy up rm -f "$cert_to_check" fi awk -v CERT_FILE="$gc_certfile" -v CA_CERT="$gc_cafile" 'BEGIN {outfile=CERT_FILE} split_after==1 {outfile=CA_CERT;split_after=0} /-----END CERTIFICATE-----/ {split_after=1} {print > outfile}' "$gc_fullchain" if [[ "$FULL_CHAIN_INCLUDE_ROOT" == "true" ]]; then # Some of the code below was copied from zakjan/cert-chain-resolver # Download the certificate for the issuer using the "CA Issuers" attribute from the AIA x509 extension issuer_url=$(openssl x509 -inform pem -noout -text -in "$gc_certfile" | awk 'BEGIN {FS="CA Issuers - URI:"} NF==2 {print $2; exit}') debug Issuer for "$gc_certfile" is "$issuer_url" # Keep downloading issuer certficates until we find the root certificate (which doesn't have a "CA Issuers" attribure) cp "$gc_certfile" "$gc_fullchain" while [[ -n "$issuer_url" ]]; do debug Fetching certificate issuer from "$issuer_url" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 issuer_cert=$(curl ${_NOMETER} --user-agent "$CURL_USERAGENT" --silent "$issuer_url" | openssl x509 -inform der -outform pem) debug Fetched issuer certificate "$(echo "$issuer_cert" | openssl x509 -inform pem -noout -text | awk 'BEGIN {FS="Subject: "} NF==2 {print $2; exit}')" echo "$issuer_cert" >> "$gc_fullchain" # get issuer for the certificate that's just been downloaded issuer_url=$(echo "$issuer_cert" | openssl x509 -inform pem -noout -text | awk 'BEGIN {FS="CA Issuers - URI:"} NF==2 {print $2; exit}') done fi info "Certificate saved in $gc_certfile" fi } get_cr() { # get curl response url="$1" debug url "$url" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 response=$(curl ${_NOMETER} --user-agent "$CURL_USERAGENT" --silent "$url") ret=$? debug response "${response//[$'\t\r\n']}" code=$(json_get "$response" status) debug code "$code" debug "get_cr return code $ret" return $ret } get_eab_json() { # calculate json block for external account bindings, v2 only if [ ${#EAB_PARAMS[@]} -eq 1 ]; then # single param, assume file path and read into array debug "Using EAB FILE ${EAB_PARAMS[0]}" [[ -s "${EAB_PARAMS[0]}" ]] || error_exit "missing path ${EAB_PARAMS[0]} for eab file" # shellcheck disable=SC2207 EAB_PARAMS=( $(cat "${EAB_PARAMS[0]}") ) fi if [ ${#EAB_PARAMS[@]} -eq 2 ]; then # two params - kid and mac key from CA debug "Using EAB KID ${EAB_PARAMS[0]}" debug "Using EAB HMAC ${EAB_PARAMS[1]}" eab_protected="{\"alg\": \"HS256\", \"kid\": \"${EAB_PARAMS[0]}\", \"url\": \"${URL_newAccount}\"}" eab_protected64=$(printf '%s' "${eab_protected}" | urlbase64) eab_payload="${jwk}" eab_payload64=$(printf '%s' "${eab_payload}" | urlbase64) signing_input=$(printf '%s' "${eab_protected64}.${eab_payload64}") keyhex=$(printf '%s' "${EAB_PARAMS[1]}" | base64url_decode | xxd -p | tr -d '\n') debug "SIGN INPUT $signing_input" debug "HMAC-SHA256 HEXKEY $keyhex" eab_signature=$(printf '%s' "$signing_input" | openssl dgst -sha256 -mac hmac -macopt "hexkey:${keyhex}" -binary | urlbase64) EAB_JSON="{" EAB_JSON="${EAB_JSON}\"protected\": \"${eab_protected64}\"," EAB_JSON="${EAB_JSON}\"payload\": \"${eab_payload64}\"," EAB_JSON="${EAB_JSON}\"signature\": \"${eab_signature}\"}" debug "EAB_JSON ${EAB_JSON}" else EAB_JSON="" fi } get_os() { # function to get the current Operating System uname_res=$(uname -s) if [[ $(date -h 2>&1 | grep -ic busybox) -gt 0 ]]; then os="busybox" elif [[ ${uname_res} == "Linux" ]]; then os="linux" elif [[ ${uname_res} == "FreeBSD" ]]; then os="bsd" elif [[ ${uname_res} == "Darwin" ]]; then os="mac" elif [[ ${uname_res:0:6} == "CYGWIN" ]]; then os="cygwin" elif [[ ${uname_res:0:10} == "MSYS_NT" ]]; then os="msys_nt" elif [[ ${uname_res:0:10} == "MINGW64_NT" ]]; then os="mingw64_nt" elif [[ ${uname_res:0:5} == "MINGW" ]]; then os="mingw" elif [[ ${uname_res} == "SunOS" ]]; then os="solaris" if [ -d /usr/gnu/bin ]; then export PATH=/usr/gnu/bin:$PATH else echo "Path with required GNU commands not found, please install /usr/gnu/bin" exit 1 fi else os="unknown" fi debug "detected os type = $os" if [[ -f /etc/issue ]]; then debug "Running $(cat /etc/issue)" fi } get_signing_params() { # get signing parameters from key skey=$1 if openssl rsa -in "${skey}" -noout 2>/dev/null ; then # RSA key pub_exp64=$(openssl rsa -in "${skey}" -noout -text \ | grep publicExponent \ | grep -oE "0x[a-f0-9]+" \ | cut -d'x' -f2 \ | hex2bin \ | urlbase64) pub_mod64=$(openssl rsa -in "${skey}" -noout -modulus \ | cut -d'=' -f2 \ | hex2bin \ | urlbase64) jwk='{"e":"'"${pub_exp64}"'","kty":"RSA","n":"'"${pub_mod64}"'"}' jwkalg="RS256" signalg="sha256" elif openssl ec -in "${skey}" -noout 2>/dev/null ; then # Elliptic curve key. crv="$(openssl ec -in "$skey" -noout -text 2>/dev/null | awk '$2 ~ "CURVE:" {print $3}')" if [[ -z "$crv" ]]; then gsp_keytype="$(openssl ec -in "$skey" -noout -text 2>/dev/null \ | grep "^ASN1 OID:" \ | awk '{print $3}')" case "$gsp_keytype" in prime256v1) crv="P-256" ;; secp384r1) crv="P-384" ;; secp521r1) crv="P-521" ;; *) error_exit "invalid curve algorithm type $gsp_keytype";; esac fi case "$crv" in P-256) jwkalg="ES256" ; signalg="sha256" ;; P-384) jwkalg="ES384" ; signalg="sha384" ;; P-521) jwkalg="ES512" ; signalg="sha512" ;; *) error_exit "invalid curve algorithm type $crv";; esac pubtext="$(openssl ec -in "$skey" -noout -text 2>/dev/null \ | awk '/^pub:/{p=1;next}/^ASN1 OID:/{p=0}p' \ | tr -d ": \n\r")" mid=$(( (${#pubtext} -2) / 2 + 2 )) x64=$(echo "$pubtext" | cut -b 3-$mid | hex2bin | urlbase64) y64=$(echo "$pubtext" | cut -b $((mid+1))-${#pubtext} | hex2bin | urlbase64) jwk='{"crv":"'"$crv"'","kty":"EC","x":"'"$x64"'","y":"'"$y64"'"}' else error_exit "Invalid key file" fi thumbprint="$(printf "%s" "$jwk" | openssl dgst -sha256 -binary | urlbase64)" debug "jwk alg = $jwkalg" } graceful_exit() { # normal exit function. exit_code="${1-0}" clean_up # shellcheck disable=SC2086 exit $exit_code } help_message() { # print out the help message cat <<- _EOF_ $PROGNAME ver. $VERSION Obtain SSL certificates from the letsencrypt.org ACME server $(usage) Options: -a, --all Check all certificates -d, --debug Output debug information -c, --create Create default config files -f, --force Force renewal of cert (overrides expiry checks) -h, --help Display this help message and exit -i, --install Install certificates and reload service -q, --quiet Quiet mode (only outputs on error, success of new cert, or getssl was upgraded) -Q, --mute Like -q, but also mute notification about successful upgrade -r, --revoke "cert" "key" [CA_server] Revoke a certificate (the cert and key are required) -u, --upgrade Upgrade getssl if a more recent version is available - can be used with or without domain(s) -X, --experimental tag Upgrade to experimental releases, specified by tag (e.g. v9.43) -U, --nocheck Do not check if a more recent version is available -v --version Display current version of $PROGNAME -w working_dir "Working directory" --preferred-chain "chain" Use an alternate chain for the certificate --account-id Display account id and exit _EOF_ } hex2bin() { # Remove spaces, add leading zero, escape as hex string ensuring no trailing new line char # printf -- "$(cat | os_esed -e 's/[[:space:]]//g' -e 's/^(.(.{2})*)$/0\1/' -e 's/(.{2})/\\x\1/g')" echo -e -n "$(cat | os_esed -e 's/[[:space:]]//g' -e 's/^(.(.{2})*)$/0\1/' -e 's/(.{2})/\\x\1/g')" } info() { # write out info as long as the quiet flag has not been set. if [[ ${_QUIET} -eq 0 ]]; then # If running tests then verbose output (for debugging tests) if [[ -n ${BATS_RUN_TMPDIR} ]]; then echo "$(date "+%b %d %T") ${FUNCNAME[1]}:${BASH_LINENO[1]}" "$@" else echo "$@" fi fi } json_awk() { # AWK json converter used for API2 - needs tidying up ;) # shellcheck disable=SC2086 echo "$1" | tr -d '\n' | awk ' { tokenize($0) # while(get_token()) {print TOKEN} if (0 == parse()) { apply(JPATHS, NJPATHS) } } function apply (ary,size,i) { for (i=1; i NTOKENS) to = NTOKENS for (i = from; i < ITOKENS; i++) context = context sprintf("%s ", TOKENS[i]) context = context "<<" got ">> " for (i = ITOKENS + 1; i <= to; i++) context = context sprintf("%s ", TOKENS[i]) scream("json_awk expected <" expected "> but got <" got "> at input token " ITOKENS "\n" context) } function reset() { TOKEN=""; delete TOKENS; NTOKENS=ITOKENS=0 delete JPATHS; NJPATHS=0 VALUE="" } function scream(msg) { FAILS[FILENAME] = FAILS[FILENAME] (FAILS[FILENAME]!="" ? "\n" : "") msg msg = FILENAME ": " msg print msg >"/dev/stderr" } function tokenize(a1,pq,pb,ESCAPE,CHAR,STRING,NUMBER,KEYWORD,SPACE) { SPACE="[ \t\n]+" gsub(/"[^\001-\037"\\]*((\\[^u\001-\037]|\\u[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])[^\001-\037"\\]*)*"|-?(0|[1-9][0-9]*)([.][0-9]*)?([eE][+-]?[0-9]*)?|null|false|true|[ \t\n]+|./, "\n&", a1) gsub("\n" SPACE, "\n", a1) sub(/^\n/, "", a1) ITOKENS=0 # get_token() helper return NTOKENS = split(a1, TOKENS, /\n/) }' } json_get() { # get values from json if [[ -z "$1" ]] || [[ "$1" == "null" ]]; then echo "json was blank" return fi if [[ $API = 1 ]]; then # remove newlines, so it's a single chunk of JSON json_data=$( echo "$1" | tr '\n' ' ') # if $3 is defined, this is the section which the item is in. if [[ -n "$3" ]]; then jg_section=$(echo "$json_data" | awk -F"[}]" '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){if($i~/\"'"${3}"'\"/){print $i}}}') if [[ "$2" == "uri" ]]; then jg_subsect=$(echo "$jg_section" | awk -F"[,]" '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){if($i~/\"'"${2}"'\"/){print $(i)}}}') jg_result=$(echo "$jg_subsect" | awk -F'"' '{print $4}') else jg_result=$(echo "$jg_section" | awk -F"[,:}]" '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){if($i~/\"'"${2}"'\"/){print $(i+1)}}}') fi else jg_result=$(echo "$json_data" |awk -F"[,:}]" '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){if($i~/\"'"${2}"'\"/){print $(i+1)}}}') fi # check number of quotes jg_q=${jg_result//[^\"]/} # if 2 quotes, assume it's a quoted variable and just return the data within the quotes. if [[ ${#jg_q} -eq 2 ]]; then echo "$jg_result" | awk -F'"' '{print $2}' else echo "$jg_result" fi else if [[ -n "$6" ]]; then full=$(json_awk "$1") section=$(echo "$full" | grep "\"$2\"" | grep "\"$3\"" | grep "\"$4\"" | awk -F"," '{print $2}') echo "$full" | grep "^..${5}\",$section\]" | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d '"' elif [[ -n "$5" ]]; then full=$(json_awk "$1") section=$(echo "$full" | grep "\"$2\"" | grep "\"$3\"" | grep "\"$4\"" | awk -F"," '{print $2}') echo "$full" | grep "^..${2}\",$section" | grep "$5" | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d '"' elif [[ -n "$3" ]]; then json_awk "$1" | grep "^..${2}...${3}" | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d '"' elif [[ -n "$2" ]]; then json_awk "$1" | grep "^..${2}" | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d '"' else json_awk "$1" fi fi } obtain_ca_resource_locations() { CURL_RESPONSE_FILE="$(mktemp 2>/dev/null || mktemp -t getssl.XXXXXX)" for suffix in "" "/directory" "/dir"; do # Obtain CA resource locations # shellcheck disable=SC2086 ca_all_loc=$(curl ${_NOMETER} --user-agent "$CURL_USERAGENT" "${CA}${suffix}" 2> $CURL_RESPONSE_FILE) errcode=$? if [[ $errcode -ne 0 ]]; then response=$(cat "$CURL_RESPONSE_FILE") rm "$CURL_RESPONSE_FILE" error_exit "ERROR curl \"$CA$suffix\" failed with $errcode and returned:\n$response" else rm "$CURL_RESPONSE_FILE" fi debug "ca_all_loc from ${CA}${suffix} gives $ca_all_loc" # APIv1 URL_new_reg=$(echo "$ca_all_loc" | grep "new-reg" | awk -F'"' '{print $4}') URL_new_authz=$(echo "$ca_all_loc" | grep "new-authz" | awk -F'"' '{print $4}') URL_new_cert=$(echo "$ca_all_loc" | grep "new-cert" | awk -F'"' '{print $4}') #API v2 URL_newAccount=$(echo "$ca_all_loc" | grep "newAccount" | awk -F'"' '{print $4}') URL_newNonce=$(echo "$ca_all_loc" | grep "newNonce" | awk -F'"' '{print $4}') URL_newOrder=$(echo "$ca_all_loc" | grep "newOrder" | awk -F'"' '{print $4}') URL_revoke=$(echo "$ca_all_loc" | grep "revokeCert" | awk -F'"' '{print $4}') if [[ -n "$URL_new_reg" ]] || [[ -n "$URL_newAccount" ]]; then break fi done # If a directory offers both versions, select V2. if [[ -n "$URL_newAccount" ]]; then API=2 elif [[ -n "$URL_new_reg" ]]; then API=1 else error_exit "unknown API version" fi debug "Using API v$API" } os_esed() { # Use different sed version for different os types (extended regex) if [[ "$os" == "bsd" ]]; then # BSD requires -E flag for extended regex sed -E "${@}" elif [[ "$os" == "mac" ]]; then # MAC uses older BSD style sed. sed -E "${@}" else sed -r "${@}" fi } purge_archive() { # purge archive of old, invalid, certificates arcdir="$1/archive" debug "purging archives in ${arcdir}/" for padir in "$arcdir"/????_??_??_??_??; do # check each directory if [[ -d "$padir" ]]; then tstamp=$(basename "$padir"| awk -F"_" '{print $1"-"$2"-"$3" "$4":"$5}') if [[ "$os" == "bsd" ]]; then direpoc=$(date -j -f "%F %H:%M" "$tstamp" +%s) elif [[ "$os" == "mac" ]]; then direpoc=$(date -j -f "%F %H:%M" "$tstamp" +%s) else direpoc=$(date -d "$tstamp" +%s) fi current_epoc=$(date "+%s") # as certs currently valid for 90 days, purge anything older than 100 purgedate=$((current_epoc - 60*60*24*100)) if [[ "$direpoc" -lt "$purgedate" ]]; then echo "purge $padir" rm -rf "${padir:?}" fi fi done } reload_service() { # Runs a command to reload services ( via ssh if needed) if [[ -n "$RELOAD_CMD" ]]; then info "reloading SSL services" for ARELOAD_CMD in "${RELOAD_CMD[@]}" do if [[ "${ARELOAD_CMD:0:4}" == "ssh:" ]] ; then sshhost=$(echo "$ARELOAD_CMD"| awk -F: '{print $2}') command=${ARELOAD_CMD:(( ${#sshhost} + 5))} debug "running following command to reload cert:" debug "ssh $SSH_OPTS $sshhost ${command} $_REDIRECT_OUTPUT" # shellcheck disable=SC2029 # shellcheck disable=SC2086 ssh $SSH_OPTS "$sshhost" "${command}" $_REDIRECT_OUTPUT # allow 2 seconds for services to restart sleep 2 else debug "running reload command: $ARELOAD_CMD" if ! eval "$ARELOAD_CMD" ; then error_exit "error running: $ARELOAD_CMD" fi fi done fi } revoke_certificate() { # revoke a certificate debug "revoking cert $REVOKE_CERT" debug "using key $REVOKE_KEY" ACCOUNT_KEY="$REVOKE_KEY" # need to set the revoke key as "account_key" since it's used in send_signed_request. get_signing_params "$REVOKE_KEY" TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d 2>/dev/null || mktemp -d -t getssl) || error_exit "mktemp failed" debug "revoking from $URL_revoke" rcertdata=$(sed '1d;$d' "$REVOKE_CERT" | tr -d "\r\n" | tr '/+' '_-' | tr -d '= ') send_signed_request "$URL_revoke" "{\"certificate\": \"$rcertdata\",\"reason\": $REVOKE_REASON}" if [[ $code -eq "200" ]]; then info "certificate revoked" else error_exit "Revocation failed: $(echo "$response" | grep "detail")" fi } requires() { # check if required function is available args=("${@}") lastarg=${args[${#args[@]}-1]} if [[ "$#" -gt 1 ]]; then # if more than 1 value, check list for i in "$@"; do if [[ "$i" == "$lastarg" ]]; then # if on last variable then exit as not found error_exit "this script requires one of: ${*:1:$(($#-1))}" fi res=$(command -v "$i" 2>/dev/null) debug "checking for $i ... $res" if [[ -n "$res" ]]; then # if function found, then set variable to function and return debug "function $i found at $res - setting ${lastarg} to $i" eval "${lastarg}=\$i" return fi done else # only one value, so check it. result=$(command -v "$1" 2>/dev/null) debug "checking for required $1 ... $result" if [[ -z "$result" ]]; then error_exit "This script requires $1 installed" fi fi } set_server_type() { # uses SERVER_TYPE to set REMOTE_PORT and REMOTE_EXTRA if [[ ${SERVER_TYPE} == "https" ]] || [[ ${SERVER_TYPE} == "webserver" ]]; then REMOTE_PORT=443 elif [[ ${SERVER_TYPE} == "ftp" ]]; then REMOTE_PORT=21 REMOTE_EXTRA="-starttls ftp" elif [[ ${SERVER_TYPE} == "ftpi" ]]; then REMOTE_PORT=990 elif [[ ${SERVER_TYPE} == "imap" ]]; then REMOTE_PORT=143 REMOTE_EXTRA="-starttls imap" elif [[ ${SERVER_TYPE} == "imaps" ]]; then REMOTE_PORT=993 elif [[ ${SERVER_TYPE} == "pop3" ]]; then REMOTE_PORT=110 REMOTE_EXTRA="-starttls pop3" elif [[ ${SERVER_TYPE} == "pop3s" ]]; then REMOTE_PORT=995 elif [[ ${SERVER_TYPE} == "smtp" ]]; then REMOTE_PORT=25 REMOTE_EXTRA="-starttls smtp" elif [[ ${SERVER_TYPE} == "smtps_deprecated" ]]; then REMOTE_PORT=465 elif [[ ${SERVER_TYPE} == "smtps" ]] || [[ ${SERVER_TYPE} == "smtp_submission" ]]; then REMOTE_PORT=587 REMOTE_EXTRA="-starttls smtp" elif [[ ${SERVER_TYPE} == "xmpp" ]]; then REMOTE_PORT=5222 REMOTE_EXTRA="-starttls xmpp" elif [[ ${SERVER_TYPE} == "xmpps" ]]; then REMOTE_PORT=5269 elif [[ ${SERVER_TYPE} == "ldaps" ]]; then REMOTE_PORT=636 elif [[ ${SERVER_TYPE} == "postgres" ]]; then REMOTE_PORT=5432 REMOTE_EXTRA="-starttls postgres" elif [[ ${SERVER_TYPE} =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then REMOTE_PORT=${SERVER_TYPE} else info "${DOMAIN}: unknown server type \"$SERVER_TYPE\" in SERVER_TYPE" config_errors=true fi } send_signed_request() { # Sends a request to the ACME server, signed with your private key. url=$1 payload=$2 needbase64=$3 outfile=$4 # save response into this file (certificate data) debug url "$url" CURL_HEADER="$TEMP_DIR/curl.header" dp="$TEMP_DIR/curl.dump" CURL="curl ${_NOMETER} " if check_version "${_CURL_VERSION}" "7.33" ; then CURL="$CURL --http1.1 " fi CURL="$CURL --user-agent $CURL_USERAGENT --silent --dump-header $CURL_HEADER " if [[ ${_USE_DEBUG} -eq 1 ]]; then CURL="$CURL --trace-ascii $dp " fi # convert payload to url base 64 payload64="$(printf '%s' "${payload}" | urlbase64)" # get nonce from ACME server if [[ $API -eq 1 ]]; then nonceurl="$CA/directory" nonce=$($CURL -I "$nonceurl" | grep "^Replay-Nonce:" | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d '\r\n ') else # APIv2 nonce=$($CURL -I "$URL_newNonce" | grep "^Replay-Nonce:" | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d '\r\n ') fi nonceproblem="true" while [[ "$nonceproblem" == "true" ]]; do # Build header with just our public key and algorithm information header='{"alg": "'"$jwkalg"'", "jwk": '"$jwk"'}' # Build another header which also contains the previously received nonce and encode it as urlbase64 if [[ $API -eq 1 ]]; then protected='{"alg": "'"$jwkalg"'", "jwk": '"$jwk"', "nonce": "'"${nonce}"'", "url": "'"${url}"'"}' protected64="$(printf '%s' "${protected}" | urlbase64)" else # APIv2 if [[ -z "$KID" ]]; then debug "KID is blank, so using jwk" protected='{"alg": "'"$jwkalg"'", "jwk": '"$jwk"', "nonce": "'"${nonce}"'", "url": "'"${url}"'"}' protected64="$(printf '%s' "${protected}" | urlbase64)" else debug "using KID=${KID}" protected="{\"alg\": \"$jwkalg\", \"kid\": \"$KID\",\"nonce\": \"${nonce}\", \"url\": \"${url}\"}" protected64="$(printf '%s' "${protected}" | urlbase64)" fi fi # Sign header with nonce and our payload with our private key and encode signature as urlbase64 sign_string "$(printf '%s' "${protected64}.${payload64}")" "${ACCOUNT_KEY}" "$signalg" # Send header + extended header + payload + signature to the acme-server debug "payload = $payload" if [[ $API -eq 1 ]]; then body="{\"header\": ${header}," body="${body}\"protected\": \"${protected64}\"," body="${body}\"payload\": \"${payload64}\"," body="${body}\"signature\": \"${signed64}\"}" else body="{" body="${body}\"protected\": \"${protected64}\"," body="${body}\"payload\": \"${payload64}\"," body="${body}\"signature\": \"${signed64}\"}" fi code="500" loop_limit=5 while [[ "$code" == 5* ]]; do if [[ "$outfile" ]] ; then $CURL -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/jose+json" --data "$body" "$url" > "$outfile" errcode=$? response=$(cat "$outfile") elif [[ "$needbase64" ]] ; then response=$($CURL -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/jose+json" --data "$body" "$url" | urlbase64) errcode=$? else response=$($CURL -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/jose+json" --data "$body" "$url") errcode=$? fi if [[ $errcode -gt 0 || ( "$response" == "" && $url != *"revoke"* ) ]]; then error_exit "ERROR curl \"$url\" failed with $errcode and returned \"$response\"" fi responseHeaders=$(cat "$CURL_HEADER") if [[ "$needbase64" && ${response##*()} != "{"* ]]; then # response is in base64 too, decode response=$(urlbase64_decode "$response") fi debug responseHeaders "$responseHeaders" debug response "${response//[$'\t\r\n']}" code=$(awk ' $1 ~ "^HTTP" {print $2}' "$CURL_HEADER" | tail -1) debug code "$code" if [[ "$code" == 4* && $response != *"error:badNonce"* && "$code" != 409 ]]; then detail=$(echo "$response" | grep "detail") error_exit "ACME server returned error: ${code}: ${detail}" fi if [[ $API -eq 1 ]]; then response_status=$(json_get "$response" status \ | head -1| awk -F'"' '{print $2}') else # APIv2 if [[ "$outfile" && "$response" ]]; then debug "response written to $outfile" elif [[ ${response##*()} == "{"* ]]; then response_status=$(json_get "$response" status) else debug "response not in json format" debug "$response" fi fi debug "response status = $response_status" if [[ "$code" == 5* ]]; then info "_error on acme server - waiting 30s then trying again ...." debug "loop_limit = $loop_limit" sleep 30 loop_limit=$((loop_limit - 1)) if [[ $loop_limit -lt 1 ]]; then error_exit "$code error from ACME server: $response" fi fi done if [[ $response == *"error:badNonce"* ]]; then debug "bad nonce" nonce=$(echo "$responseHeaders" | grep -i "^replay-nonce:" | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d '\r\n ') debug "trying new nonce $nonce" else nonceproblem="false" fi done } sign_string() { # sign a string with a given key and algorithm and return urlbase64 # sets the result in variable signed64 str=$1 key=$2 signalg=$3 if openssl rsa -in "${skey}" -noout 2>/dev/null ; then # RSA key signed64="$(printf '%s' "${str}" | openssl dgst -"$signalg" -sign "$key" | urlbase64)" elif openssl ec -in "${skey}" -noout 2>/dev/null ; then # Elliptic curve key. # ECDSA signature width # e.g. 521 bits requires 66 bytes to express, a signature consists of 2 integers so 132 bytes # https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/12299/ecc-key-size-and-signature-size/ if [ "$signalg" = "sha256" ]; then w=64 elif [ "$signalg" = "sha384" ]; then w=96 elif [ "$signalg" = "sha512" ]; then w=132 else error_exit "Unknown signing algorithm $signalg" fi asn1parse=$(printf '%s' "${str}" | openssl dgst -"$signalg" -sign "$key" | openssl asn1parse -inform DER) #shellcheck disable=SC2086 R=$(echo $asn1parse | awk '{ print $13 }' | cut -c2-) debug "R $R" #shellcheck disable=SC2086 S=$(echo $asn1parse | awk '{ print $20 }' | cut -c2-) debug "S $S" # pad R and S to the correct length for the signing algorithm signed64=$(printf "%${w}s%${w}s" "${R}" "${S}" | tr ' ' '0' | hex2bin | urlbase64 ) debug "encoded RS $signed64" fi } signal_exit() { # Handle trapped signals case $1 in INT) error_exit "Program interrupted by user" ;; TERM) echo -e "\n$PROGNAME: Program terminated" >&2 graceful_exit ;; *) error_exit "$PROGNAME: Terminating on unknown signal" ;; esac } traceback() { # Print function traceback local i d=1 lbl=" called" debug "Traceback" for ((i=$((${#FUNCNAME[@]}-1)); i>0; i--)); do if [[ ${i} -eq 1 ]] ; then lbl=" called traceback" ; fi debug "$(printf "%*s%s() line %d%s\n" "$d" '' "${FUNCNAME[$i]}" "${BASH_LINENO[$((i-1))]}" "$lbl")" ((d++)) done return 0 } urlbase64() { # urlbase64: base64 encoded string with '+' replaced with '-' and '/' replaced with '_' openssl base64 -e | tr -d '\n\r' | os_esed -e 's:=*$::g' -e 'y:+/:-_:' } # base64url decode # From: https://gist.github.com/alvis/89007e96f7958f2686036d4276d28e47 urlbase64_decode() { INPUT=$1 # $(if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo -n $(cat -); else echo -n "$1"; fi) MOD=$(($(echo -n "$INPUT" | wc -c) % 4)) PADDING=$(if [ $MOD -eq 2 ]; then echo -n '=='; elif [ $MOD -eq 3 ]; then echo -n '=' ; fi) echo -n "$INPUT$PADDING" | sed s/-/+/g | sed s/_/\\//g | openssl base64 -d -A } usage() { # echos out the program usage echo "Usage: $PROGNAME [-h|--help] [-d|--debug] [-c|--create] [-f|--force] [-a|--all] [-q|--quiet]"\ "[-Q|--mute] [-u|--upgrade] [-X|--experimental tag] [-U|--nocheck] [-r|--revoke cert key] [-w working_dir]"\ "[--preferred-chain chain] [--account-id] domain" } write_domain_template() { # write out a template file for a domain. if [[ -s "$WORKING_DIR/getssl_default.cfg" ]]; then export DOMAIN="$DOMAIN" export EX_SANS="$EX_SANS" envsubst < "$WORKING_DIR/getssl_default.cfg" > "$1" else cat > "$1" <<- _EOF_domain_ # vim: filetype=sh # # This file is read second (and per domain if running with the -a option) # and overwrites any settings from the first file # # Uncomment and modify any variables you need # see https://github.com/srvrco/getssl/wiki/Config-variables for details # see https://github.com/srvrco/getssl/wiki/Example-config-files for example configs # # The staging server is best for testing #CA="https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org" # This server issues full certificates, however has rate limits #CA="https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org" # Private key types - can be rsa, prime256v1, secp384r1 or secp521r1 #PRIVATE_KEY_ALG="rsa" # Additional domains - this could be multiple domains / subdomains in a comma separated list # Note: this is Additional domains - so should not include the primary domain. SANS="${EX_SANS}" # Acme Challenge Location. The first line for the domain, the following ones for each additional domain. # If these start with ssh: then the next variable is assumed to be the hostname and the rest the location. # An ssh key will be needed to provide you with access to the remote server. # Optionally, you can specify a different userid for ssh/scp to use on the remote server before the @ sign. # If left blank, the username on the local server will be used to authenticate against the remote server. # If these start with ftp:/ftpes:/ftps: then the next variables are ftpuserid:ftppassword:servername:ACL_location # These should be of the form "/path/to/your/website/folder/.well-known/acme-challenge" # where "/path/to/your/website/folder/" is the path, on your web server, to the web root for your domain. # ftp: uses regular ftp; ftpes: ftp over explicit TLS (port 21); ftps: ftp over implicit TLS (port 990). # ftps/ftpes support FTPS_OPTIONS, e.g. to add "--insecure" to the curl command for hosts with self-signed certificates. # You can also user WebDAV over HTTPS as transport mechanism. To do so, start with davs: followed by username, # password, host, port (explicitly needed even if using default port 443) and path on the server. # Multiple locations can be defined for a file by separating the locations with a semi-colon. #ACL=('/var/www/${DOMAIN}/web/.well-known/acme-challenge' # 'ssh:server5:/var/www/${DOMAIN}/web/.well-known/acme-challenge' # 'ssh:sshuserid@server5:/var/www/${DOMAIN}/web/.well-known/acme-challenge' # 'ftp:ftpuserid:ftppassword:${DOMAIN}:/web/.well-known/acme-challenge' # 'davs:davsuserid:davspassword:{DOMAIN}:443:/web/.well-known/acme-challenge' # 'ftps:ftpuserid:ftppassword:${DOMAIN}:/web/.well-known/acme-challenge' # 'ftpes:ftpuserid:ftppassword:${DOMAIN}:/web/.well-known/acme-challenge') # Specify SSH options, e.g. non standard port in SSH_OPTS # (Can also use SCP_OPTS and SFTP_OPTS) # SSH_OPTS=-p 12345 # Set USE_SINGLE_ACL="true" to use a single ACL for all checks #USE_SINGLE_ACL="false" # Preferred Chain - use an different certificate root from the default # This uses wildcard matching so requesting "X1" returns the correct certificate - may need to escape characters # Staging options are: "(STAGING) Doctored Durian Root CA X3" and "(STAGING) Pretend Pear X1" # Production options are: "ISRG Root X1" and "ISRG Root X2" #PREFERRED_CHAIN="\(STAGING\) Pretend Pear X1" # Uncomment this if you need the full chain file to include the root certificate (Java keystores, Nutanix Prism) #FULL_CHAIN_INCLUDE_ROOT="true" # Location for all your certs, these can either be on the server (full path name) # or using ssh /sftp as for the ACL #DOMAIN_CERT_LOCATION="/etc/ssl/${DOMAIN}.crt" # this is domain cert #DOMAIN_KEY_LOCATION="/etc/ssl/${DOMAIN}.key" # this is domain key #CA_CERT_LOCATION="/etc/ssl/chain.crt" # this is CA cert #DOMAIN_CHAIN_LOCATION="" # this is the domain cert and CA cert #DOMAIN_PEM_LOCATION="" # this is the domain key, domain cert and CA cert # The command needed to reload apache / nginx or whatever you use. # Several (ssh) commands may be given using a bash array: # RELOAD_CMD=('ssh:sshuserid@server5:systemctl reload httpd' 'logger getssl for server5 efficient.') #RELOAD_CMD="" # Uncomment the following line to prevent non-interactive renewals of certificates #PREVENT_NON_INTERACTIVE_RENEWAL="true" # Define the server type. This can be https, ftp, ftpi, imap, imaps, pop3, pop3s, smtp, # smtps_deprecated, smtps, smtp_submission, xmpp, xmpps, ldaps or a port number which # will be checked for certificate expiry and also will be checked after # an update to confirm correct certificate is running (if CHECK_REMOTE) is set to true #SERVER_TYPE="https" #CHECK_REMOTE="true" #CHECK_REMOTE_WAIT="2" # wait 2 seconds before checking the remote server _EOF_domain_ fi } write_getssl_template() { # write out the main template file cat > "$1" <<- _EOF_getssl_ # vim: filetype=sh # # This file is read first and is common to all domains # # Uncomment and modify any variables you need # see https://github.com/srvrco/getssl/wiki/Config-variables for details # # The staging server is best for testing (hence set as default) CA="https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org" # This server issues full certificates, however has rate limits #CA="https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org" # The agreement that must be signed with the CA, if not defined the default agreement will be used #AGREEMENT="$AGREEMENT" # Set an email address associated with your account - generally set at account level rather than domain. #ACCOUNT_EMAIL="me@example.com" ACCOUNT_KEY_LENGTH=4096 ACCOUNT_KEY="$WORKING_DIR/account.key" # Account key and private key types - can be rsa, prime256v1, secp384r1 or secp521r1 #ACCOUNT_KEY_TYPE="rsa" PRIVATE_KEY_ALG="rsa" #REUSE_PRIVATE_KEY="true" # Preferred Chain - use an different certificate root from the default # This uses wildcard matching so requesting "X1" returns the correct certificate - may need to escape characters # Staging options are: "(STAGING) Doctored Durian Root CA X3" and "(STAGING) Pretend Pear X1" # Production options are: "ISRG Root X1" and "ISRG Root X2" #PREFERRED_CHAIN="\(STAGING\) Pretend Pear X1" # Uncomment this if you need the full chain file to include the root certificate (Java keystores, Nutanix Prism) #FULL_CHAIN_INCLUDE_ROOT="true" # The command needed to reload apache / nginx or whatever you use. # Several (ssh) commands may be given using a bash array: # RELOAD_CMD=('ssh:sshuserid@server5:systemctl reload httpd' 'logger getssl for server5 efficient.') #RELOAD_CMD="" # The time period within which you want to allow renewal of a certificate # this prevents hitting some of the rate limits. # Creating a file called FORCE_RENEWAL in the domain directory allows one-off overrides # of this setting RENEW_ALLOW="30" # Define the server type. This can be https, ftp, ftpi, imap, imaps, pop3, pop3s, smtp, # smtps_deprecated, smtps, smtp_submission, xmpp, xmpps, ldaps or a port number which # will be checked for certificate expiry and also will be checked after # an update to confirm correct certificate is running (if CHECK_REMOTE) is set to true SERVER_TYPE="https" CHECK_REMOTE="true" # Use the following 3 variables if you want to validate via DNS #VALIDATE_VIA_DNS="true" #DNS_ADD_COMMAND= #DNS_DEL_COMMAND= # Unusual configurations (especially split views) may require these. # If you have a mixture, these can go in the per-domain getssl.cfg. # # If you must use an external DNS Server (e.g. due to split views) # Specify it here. Otherwise, the default is to find the zone master. # The default will usually work. # PUBLIC_DNS_SERVER="" # If getssl is unable to determine the authoritative nameserver for a domain # it will as you to enter AUTH_DNS_SERVER. This is a server that # can answer queries for the zone - a master or a slave, not a recursive server. # AUTH_DNS_SERVER="" _EOF_getssl_ } write_openssl_conf() { # write out a minimal openssl conf cat > "$1" <<- _EOF_openssl_conf_ # minimal openssl.cnf file distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name [ req_distinguished_name ] [v3_req] [v3_ca] _EOF_openssl_conf_ } # Trap signals trap "signal_exit TERM" TERM HUP trap "signal_exit INT" INT # Parse command-line while [[ -n ${1+defined} ]]; do case $1 in -h | --help) help_message; graceful_exit ;; -v | --version) echo "$PROGNAME V$VERSION"; graceful_exit ;; -d | --debug) _USE_DEBUG=1 ;; -c | --create) _CREATE_CONFIG=1 ;; -f | --force) _FORCE_RENEW=1 ;; --notify-valid) # Exit 2 if certificate is valid and doesn't need renewing _NOTIFY_VALID=2 ;; -a | --all) _CHECK_ALL=1 ;; -k | --keep) shift; echo "--keep has no effect" ;; -q | --quiet) _QUIET=1 ;; -Q | --mute) _QUIET=1 _MUTE=1 ;; -r | --revoke) _REVOKE=1 shift REVOKE_CERT="$1" shift REVOKE_KEY="$1" shift CA="$1" REVOKE_CA="$1" REVOKE_REASON=0 ;; -u | --upgrade) _UPGRADE=1 ;; -X | --experimental) _UPGRADE_TO_TAG="$1" shift ;; -U | --nocheck) _UPGRADE_CHECK=0 ;; -i | --install) _CERT_INSTALL=1 ;; --check-config) _ONLY_CHECK_CONFIG=1 ;; -w) shift; WORKING_DIR="$1" ;; -preferred-chain | --preferred-chain) shift; PREFERRED_CHAIN="$1" ;; --account-id) _SHOW_ACCOUNT_ID=1 ;; --source) return ;; -*) usage error_exit "Unknown option $1" ;; *) if [[ -n $DOMAIN ]]; then error_exit "invalid command line $DOMAIN - it appears to contain more than one domain" fi DOMAIN="$1" if [[ -z $DOMAIN ]]; then error_exit "invalid command line - it appears to contain a null variable" fi ;; esac shift done if [[ ${_USE_DEBUG} -eq 1 ]]; then # Do not hide outputs when debug mode is on _REDIRECT_OUTPUT="" fi # Main logic ############ # Get the current OS, so the correct functions can be used for that OS. (sets the variable os) get_os # check if "recent" version of bash. #if [[ "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}${BASH_VERSINFO[1]}" -lt 42 ]]; then # info "this script is designed for bash v4.2 or later - earlier version may give errors" #fi #check if required applications are included requires which requires openssl requires curl requires dig nslookup drill host DNS_CHECK_FUNC requires dirname requires awk requires tr requires date requires grep requires sed requires sort requires mktemp # Make sure cURL doesn't display a progress meter (if it's new enough) # --silent also does this, but suppresses warnings and informational messages too. # TODO: see where --silent can be removed (if _NOMETER defaults to --silent for old versions?) # This would help with debugging transfer errors. _CURL_VERSION="$(curl -V | head -1 | cut -d' ' -f2 )" if check_version "${_CURL_VERSION}" "7.67" ; then _NOMETER="--no-progress-meter" fi # Make sure mktemp works before going too far MKDIR_TEST_FILE="$(mktemp 2>/dev/null || mktemp -t getssl.XXXXXX)" if [ "$MKDIR_TEST_FILE" == "" ]; then error_exit "mktemp failed" else rm "$MKDIR_TEST_FILE" fi unset MKDIR_TEST_FILE # Check if upgrades are available (unless they have specified -U to ignore Upgrade checks) if [[ $_UPGRADE_CHECK -eq 1 ]]; then check_getssl_upgrade # if nothing in command line and no revocation and not only config check, # then exit after upgrade if [[ -z "$DOMAIN" ]] \ && [[ ${_CHECK_ALL} -ne 1 ]] \ && [[ ${_REVOKE} -ne 1 ]] \ && [ "${_ONLY_CHECK_CONFIG}" -ne 1 ] \ && [[ ${_SHOW_ACCOUNT_ID} -ne 1 ]]; then # if nothing in command line, print help before exit. if [[ -z "$DOMAIN" ]] && [[ ${_CHECK_ALL} -ne 1 ]] && [[ ${_UPGRADE} -ne 1 ]]; then help_message fi graceful_exit fi fi # Revoke a certificate if requested if [[ $_REVOKE -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ -z $REVOKE_CA ]]; then CA=$DEFAULT_REVOKE_CA elif [[ "$REVOKE_CA" == "-d" ]]; then _USE_DEBUG=1 CA=$DEFAULT_REVOKE_CA else CA=$REVOKE_CA fi obtain_ca_resource_locations revoke_certificate graceful_exit fi # get latest agreement from CA (as default) AGREEMENT=$(curl --user-agent "$CURL_USERAGENT" -I "${CA}/terms" 2>/dev/null | awk 'tolower($1) ~ "location:" {print $2}'|tr -d '\r') # if nothing in command line, print help and exit. if [[ -z "$DOMAIN" ]] && [[ ${_CHECK_ALL} -ne 1 ]]; then help_message graceful_exit fi # Test working directory candidates if unset. Last candidate defaults (~/getssl/) if [[ -z "${WORKING_DIR}" ]] then for WORKING_DIR in "${WORKING_DIR_CANDIDATES[@]}" do debug "Testing working dir location '${WORKING_DIR}'" if [[ -s "$WORKING_DIR/getssl.cfg" ]] then break fi done fi # if the "working directory" doesn't exist, then create it. if [[ ! -d "$WORKING_DIR" ]]; then debug "Making working directory - $WORKING_DIR" mkdir -p "$WORKING_DIR" fi # read any variables from config in working directory if [[ -s "$WORKING_DIR/getssl.cfg" ]]; then debug "reading config from $WORKING_DIR/getssl.cfg" # shellcheck source=/dev/null . "$WORKING_DIR/getssl.cfg" fi if [[ -n "$DNS_CHECK_FUNC" ]]; then requires "${DNS_CHECK_FUNC}" else requires nslookup drill dig host DNS_CHECK_FUNC fi # Define defaults for variables not set in the main config. ACCOUNT_KEY="${ACCOUNT_KEY:=$WORKING_DIR/account.key}" DOMAIN_STORAGE="${DOMAIN_STORAGE:=$WORKING_DIR}" export DOMAIN_DIR="$DOMAIN_STORAGE/$DOMAIN" CERT_FILE="$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.crt" FULL_CHAIN="$DOMAIN_DIR/fullchain.crt" CA_CERT="$DOMAIN_DIR/chain.crt" TEMP_DIR="$DOMAIN_DIR/tmp" if [[ "$os" == "mingw" || "$os" == "mingw64_nt" ]]; then CSR_SUBJECT="//" fi # Set the OPENSSL_CONF environment variable so openssl knows which config to use export OPENSSL_CONF=$SSLCONF # if "-a" option then check other parameters and create run for each domain. if [[ ${_CHECK_ALL} -eq 1 ]]; then info "Check all certificates" if [[ ${_CREATE_CONFIG} -eq 1 ]]; then error_exit "cannot combine -c|--create with -a|--all" fi if [[ ${_FORCE_RENEW} -eq 1 ]]; then error_exit "cannot combine -f|--force with -a|--all because of rate limits" fi if [[ ! -d "$DOMAIN_STORAGE" ]]; then error_exit "DOMAIN_STORAGE not found - $DOMAIN_STORAGE" fi for dir in "${DOMAIN_STORAGE}"/*; do if [[ -d "$dir" ]]; then debug "Checking $dir" cmd="$0 -U" # No update checks when calling recursively if [[ ${_USE_DEBUG} -eq 1 ]]; then cmd="$cmd -d" fi if [[ ${_QUIET} -eq 1 ]]; then cmd="$cmd -q" fi # check if $dir is a directory with a getssl.cfg in it if [[ -f "$dir/getssl.cfg" ]]; then cmd="$cmd -w $WORKING_DIR \"$(basename "$dir")\"" debug "CMD: $cmd" eval "$cmd" fi fi done graceful_exit fi # end of "-a" option (looping through all domains) # if "-c|--create" option used, then create config files. if [[ ${_CREATE_CONFIG} -eq 1 ]]; then # If main config file does not exists then create it. if [[ ! -s "$WORKING_DIR/getssl.cfg" ]]; then info "creating main config file $WORKING_DIR/getssl.cfg" if [[ ! -s "$SSLCONF" ]]; then SSLCONF="$WORKING_DIR/openssl.cnf" write_openssl_conf "$SSLCONF" fi write_getssl_template "$WORKING_DIR/getssl.cfg" fi # If domain and domain config don't exist then create them. if [[ ! -d "$DOMAIN_DIR" ]]; then info "Making domain directory - $DOMAIN_DIR" mkdir -p "$DOMAIN_DIR" fi if [[ -s "$DOMAIN_DIR/getssl.cfg" ]]; then info "domain config already exists $DOMAIN_DIR/getssl.cfg" else info "creating domain config file in $DOMAIN_DIR/getssl.cfg" # if domain has an existing cert, copy from domain and use to create defaults. EX_CERT=$(echo \ | openssl s_client -servername "${DOMAIN##\*.}" -connect "${DOMAIN##\*.}:443" 2>/dev/null \ | openssl x509 2>/dev/null) EX_SANS="www.${DOMAIN##\*.}" if [[ -n "${EX_CERT}" ]]; then escaped_d=${DOMAIN/\*/\\\*} EX_SANS=$(echo "$EX_CERT" \ | openssl x509 -noout -text 2>/dev/null| grep "Subject Alternative Name" -A2 \ | grep -Eo "DNS:[a-zA-Z 0-9.\*-]*" | sed "s@DNS:${escaped_d}@@g" | grep -v '^$' | cut -c 5-) EX_SANS=${EX_SANS//$'\n'/','} fi if [[ -n "${EX_SANS}" ]]; then info "Adding SANS=$EX_SANS from certificate installed on ${DOMAIN##\*.} to new configuration file" fi write_domain_template "$DOMAIN_DIR/getssl.cfg" info "created domain config file in $DOMAIN_DIR/getssl.cfg" fi TEMP_DIR="$DOMAIN_DIR/tmp" # end of "-c|--create" option, so exit graceful_exit fi # end of "-c|--create" option to create config file. # if domain directory doesn't exist, then create it. if [[ ! -d "$DOMAIN_DIR" ]]; then debug "Making working directory - $DOMAIN_DIR" mkdir -p "$DOMAIN_DIR" fi # define a temporary directory, and if it doesn't exist, create it. TEMP_DIR="$DOMAIN_DIR/tmp" if [[ ! -d "${TEMP_DIR}" ]]; then debug "Making temp directory - ${TEMP_DIR}" mkdir -p "${TEMP_DIR}" fi # read any variables from config in domain directory if [[ -s "$DOMAIN_DIR/getssl.cfg" ]]; then debug "reading config from $DOMAIN_DIR/getssl.cfg" # shellcheck source=/dev/null . "$DOMAIN_DIR/getssl.cfg" fi # Ensure SANS is comma separated by replacing any number of commas or spaces with a single comma # shellcheck disable=SC2001 SANS=$(echo "$SANS" | sed 's/[, ]\+/,/g') # from SERVER_TYPE set REMOTE_PORT and REMOTE_EXTRA set_server_type # check what dns utils are installed find_dns_utils # Find what ftp client is installed find_ftp_command # auto upgrade clients to v2 auto_upgrade_v2 # check config for typical errors. check_config # exit if just checking config (used for testing) if [ "${_ONLY_CHECK_CONFIG}" -eq 1 ]; then info "Configuration check successful" graceful_exit fi # if -i|--install install certs, reload and exit if [ "0${_CERT_INSTALL}" -eq 1 ]; then cert_install reload_service graceful_exit fi if [[ -e "$DOMAIN_DIR/FORCE_RENEWAL" ]]; then rm -f "$DOMAIN_DIR/FORCE_RENEWAL" || error_exit "problem deleting file $DOMAIN_DIR/FORCE_RENEWAL" _FORCE_RENEW=1 info "${DOMAIN}: forcing renewal (due to FORCE_RENEWAL file)" fi obtain_ca_resource_locations # Check if awk supports json_awk (required for ACMEv2) if [[ $API -eq 2 ]]; then json_awk_test=$(json_awk '{ "test": "1" }' 2>/dev/null) if [[ "${json_awk_test}" == "" ]]; then error_exit "Your version of awk does not work with json_awk (see http://github.com/step-/JSON.awk/issues/6), please install a newer version of mawk or gawk" fi fi # if check_remote is true then connect and obtain the current certificate (if not forcing renewal) if [[ "${CHECK_REMOTE}" == "true" ]] && [[ $_FORCE_RENEW -eq 0 ]] && [[ $_SHOW_ACCOUNT_ID -eq 0 ]]; then real_d=${DOMAIN##\*.} debug "getting certificate for $DOMAIN from remote server ($real_d)" if [[ "$DUAL_RSA_ECDSA" == "true" ]]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2086 # check if openssl supports RSA-PSS if [[ $(echo | openssl s_client -servername "${real_d}" -connect "${real_d}:${REMOTE_PORT}" ${REMOTE_EXTRA} -sigalgs RSA-PSS+SHA256 2>/dev/null) ]]; then CIPHER="-sigalgs RSA+SHA256:RSA+SHA384:RSA+SHA512:RSA-PSS+SHA256:RSA-PSS+SHA512" else CIPHER="-sigalgs RSA+SHA256:RSA+SHA384:RSA+SHA512" fi else CIPHER="" fi # shellcheck disable=SC2086 EX_CERT=$(echo \ | openssl s_client -servername "${real_d}" -connect "${real_d}:${REMOTE_PORT}" ${REMOTE_EXTRA} ${CIPHER} 2>/dev/null \ | openssl x509 2>/dev/null) if [[ -n "$EX_CERT" ]]; then # if obtained a cert if [[ -s "$CERT_FILE" ]]; then # if local exists CERT_LOCAL=$(openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint < "$CERT_FILE" 2>/dev/null) else # since local doesn't exist leave empty so that the domain validation will happen CERT_LOCAL="" fi CERT_REMOTE=$(echo "$EX_CERT" | openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint 2>/dev/null) if [[ "$CERT_LOCAL" == "$CERT_REMOTE" ]]; then debug "certificate on server is same as the local cert" else # check if the certificate is for the right domain EX_CERT_DOMAIN=$(echo "$EX_CERT" | openssl x509 -text \ | sed -n -e 's/^ *Subject: .*CN=\([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\).*$/\1/p; /^ *DNS:.../ { s/ *DNS://g; y/,/\n/; p; }' \ | sort -u | grep "^$DOMAIN\$") if [[ "$EX_CERT_DOMAIN" == "$DOMAIN" ]]; then # check renew-date on ex_cert and compare to local ( if local exists) enddate_ex=$(echo "$EX_CERT" | openssl x509 -noout -enddate 2>/dev/null| cut -d= -f 2-) enddate_ex_s=$(date_epoc "$enddate_ex") debug "external cert has enddate $enddate_ex ( $enddate_ex_s ) " if [[ -s "$CERT_FILE" ]]; then # if local exists enddate_lc=$(openssl x509 -noout -enddate < "$CERT_FILE" 2>/dev/null| cut -d= -f 2-) enddate_lc_s=$(date_epoc "$enddate_lc") debug "local cert has enddate $enddate_lc ( $enddate_lc_s ) " else enddate_lc_s=0 debug "local cert doesn't exist" fi if [[ "$enddate_ex_s" -eq "$enddate_lc_s" ]]; then debug "certificates expire at the same time" elif [[ "$enddate_ex_s" -gt "$enddate_lc_s" ]]; then # remote has longer to expiry date than local copy. debug "remote cert has longer to run than local cert - ignoring" else info "${DOMAIN}: remote cert expires sooner than local, attempting to upload from local" copy_file_to_location "domain certificate" \ "$CERT_FILE" \ "$DOMAIN_CERT_LOCATION" copy_file_to_location "private key" \ "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.key" \ "$DOMAIN_KEY_LOCATION" copy_file_to_location "CA certificate" "$CA_CERT" "$CA_CERT_LOCATION" cat "$CERT_FILE" "$CA_CERT" > "$TEMP_DIR/${DOMAIN}_chain.pem" copy_file_to_location "full pem" \ "$TEMP_DIR/${DOMAIN}_chain.pem" \ "$DOMAIN_CHAIN_LOCATION" umask 077 cat "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.key" "$CERT_FILE" > "$TEMP_DIR/${DOMAIN}_K_C.pem" umask "$ORIG_UMASK" copy_file_to_location "private key and domain cert pem" \ "$TEMP_DIR/${DOMAIN}_K_C.pem" \ "$DOMAIN_KEY_CERT_LOCATION" umask 077 cat "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.key" "$CERT_FILE" "$CA_CERT" > "$TEMP_DIR/${DOMAIN}.pem" umask "$ORIG_UMASK" copy_file_to_location "full pem" \ "$TEMP_DIR/${DOMAIN}.pem" \ "$DOMAIN_PEM_LOCATION" reload_service fi else # Get the domain from the existing certificate for the error message EX_CERT_DOMAIN=$(echo "$EX_CERT" | openssl x509 -text \ | sed -n -e 's/^ *Subject: .*CN=\([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\).*$/\1/p; /^ *DNS:.../ { s/ *DNS://g; y/,/\n/; p; }' \ | sort -u | head -1) info "${DOMAIN}: Certificate on remote domain does not match, ignoring remote certificate ($EX_CERT_DOMAIN != $real_d)" fi fi else info "${DOMAIN}: no certificate obtained from host" fi # end of .... if obtained a cert fi # end of .... check_remote is true then connect and obtain the current certificate #create SAN if [[ -z "$SANS" ]]; then SANLIST="subjectAltName=DNS:${DOMAIN}" elif [[ "$IGNORE_DIRECTORY_DOMAIN" == "true" ]]; then SANLIST="subjectAltName=DNS:${SANS//[, ]/,DNS:}" else SANLIST="subjectAltName=DNS:${DOMAIN},DNS:${SANS//[, ]/,DNS:}" fi debug "created SAN list = $SANLIST" # check if private key alg has changed from RSA to EC (or vice versa) if [[ "$DUAL_RSA_ECDSA" == "false" ]] && [[ -s "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.key" ]]; then case "${PRIVATE_KEY_ALG}" in rsa) if grep -q -- "-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----" "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.key"; then rm -f "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.key" _FORCE_RENEW=1 fi ;; prime256v1|secp384r1|secp521r1) if grep -q -- "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.key" \ || grep -q -- "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----" "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.key"; then rm -f "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.key" _FORCE_RENEW=1 fi ;; esac fi # if there is an existing certificate file, check details. if [[ -s "$CERT_FILE" ]] && [[ $_SHOW_ACCOUNT_ID -eq 0 ]]; then debug "certificate $CERT_FILE exists" enddate=$(openssl x509 -in "$CERT_FILE" -noout -enddate 2>/dev/null| cut -d= -f 2-) debug "local cert is valid until $enddate" existing_sanlist=$(openssl x509 -in "$CERT_FILE" -noout -text | grep "DNS:" | sed '{ s/ *DNS://g; y/,/\n/; }' | sort -u | xargs | sed 's/ /,/g') sorted_sanlist=$(echo "$SANLIST" | sed '{ s/subjectAltName=//; s/ *DNS://g; y/,/\n/; }' | sort -u | xargs | sed 's/ /,/g') debug "local cert is for domains: ${existing_sanlist}" if [[ "$enddate" != "-" ]]; then enddate_s=$(date_epoc "$enddate") if [[ $(date_renew) -lt "$enddate_s" ]] && [[ $_FORCE_RENEW -ne 1 ]] && [[ "$existing_sanlist" == "$sorted_sanlist" ]]; then issuer=$(openssl x509 -in "$CERT_FILE" -noout -issuer 2>/dev/null) if [[ "$issuer" == *"Fake LE Intermediate"* ]] && [[ "$CA" == "https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org" ]]; then debug "upgrading from fake cert to real" else info "${DOMAIN}: certificate is valid for more than $RENEW_ALLOW days (until $enddate)" # everything is OK, so exit, if requested with the --notify-valid, exit with code 2 graceful_exit $_NOTIFY_VALID fi else if [[ "$existing_sanlist" != "$sorted_sanlist" ]]; then info "Domain list in existing certificate ($existing_sanlist) does not match domains requested ($sorted_sanlist), so recreating certificate" fi debug "${DOMAIN}: certificate needs renewal" fi fi fi # end of .... if there is an existing certificate file, check details. if [[ ! -t 0 ]] && [[ "$PREVENT_NON_INTERACTIVE_RENEWAL" = "true" ]] && [[ $_SHOW_ACCOUNT_ID -eq 0 ]]; then errmsg="$DOMAIN due for renewal," errmsg="${errmsg} but not completed due to PREVENT_NON_INTERACTIVE_RENEWAL=true in config" error_exit "$errmsg" fi # create account key if it doesn't exist. if [[ -s "$ACCOUNT_KEY" ]]; then debug "Account key exists at $ACCOUNT_KEY skipping generation" else info "creating account key $ACCOUNT_KEY" create_key "$ACCOUNT_KEY_TYPE" "$ACCOUNT_KEY" "$ACCOUNT_KEY_LENGTH" fi # if not reusing private key, then remove the old keys if [[ "$REUSE_PRIVATE_KEY" != "true" ]]; then if [[ -s "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.key" ]]; then rm -f "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.key" fi if [[ -s "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.ec.key" ]]; then rm -f "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.ec.key" fi fi # create new domain keys if they don't already exist if [[ "$DUAL_RSA_ECDSA" == "false" ]]; then create_key "${PRIVATE_KEY_ALG}" "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.key" "$DOMAIN_KEY_LENGTH" else create_key "rsa" "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.key" "$DOMAIN_KEY_LENGTH" create_key "${PRIVATE_KEY_ALG}" "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.ec.key" "$DOMAIN_KEY_LENGTH" fi # End of creating domain keys. #create CSR's if [[ "$DUAL_RSA_ECDSA" == "false" ]]; then create_csr "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.csr" "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.key" else create_csr "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.csr" "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.key" create_csr "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.ec.csr" "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.ec.key" fi # use account key to register with CA # currently the code registers every time, and gets an "already registered" back if it has been. get_signing_params "$ACCOUNT_KEY" info "Registering account" # send the request to the ACME server. if [[ $API -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ "$ACCOUNT_EMAIL" ]] ; then regjson='{"resource": "new-reg", "contact": ["mailto: '$ACCOUNT_EMAIL'"], "agreement": "'$AGREEMENT'"}' else regjson='{"resource": "new-reg", "agreement": "'$AGREEMENT'"}' fi send_signed_request "$URL_new_reg" "$regjson" elif [[ $API -eq 2 ]]; then if [[ "$ACCOUNT_EMAIL" ]] ; then regjson='{"termsOfServiceAgreed": true, "contact": ["mailto: '$ACCOUNT_EMAIL'"]}' else regjson='{"termsOfServiceAgreed": true}' fi send_signed_request "$URL_newAccount" "$regjson" else debug "cant determine account API" graceful_exit fi if [[ "$code" == "" ]] || [[ "$code" == '201' ]] ; then info "Registered" KID=$(echo "$responseHeaders" | grep -i "^location" | awk '{print $2}'| tr -d '\r\n ') debug "AccountId=$KID}" echo "$response" > "$TEMP_DIR/account.json" elif [[ "$code" == '409' ]] ; then KID=$(echo "$responseHeaders" | grep -i "^location" | awk '{print $2}'| tr -d '\r\n ') debug responseHeaders "$responseHeaders" debug "Already registered, AccountId=$KID" elif [[ "$code" == '200' ]] ; then KID=$(echo "$responseHeaders" | grep -i "^location" | awk '{print $2}'| tr -d '\r\n ') debug responseHeaders "$responseHeaders" debug "Already registered account, AccountId=${KID}" else error_exit "Error registering account ...$responseHeaders ... $(json_get "$response" detail)" fi if [[ ${_SHOW_ACCOUNT_ID} -eq 1 ]]; then echo "Account Id is: $KID" graceful_exit fi # end of registering account with CA # verify each domain info "Verify each domain" # loop through domains for cert ( from SANS list) if [[ "$IGNORE_DIRECTORY_DOMAIN" == "true" ]]; then read -r -a alldomains <<< "${SANS//[, ]/ }" else read -r -a alldomains <<< "$(echo "$DOMAIN,$SANS" | sed "s/,/ /g")" fi if [[ $API -eq 2 ]]; then create_order fi fulfill_challenges # Verification has been completed for all SANS, so request certificate. info "Verification completed, obtaining certificate." #obtain the certificate. get_certificate "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.csr" \ "$CERT_FILE" \ "$CA_CERT" \ "$FULL_CHAIN" if [[ "$DUAL_RSA_ECDSA" == "true" ]]; then info "Creating order for EC certificate" if [[ $API -eq 2 ]]; then create_order fulfill_challenges fi info "obtaining EC certificate." get_certificate "$DOMAIN_DIR/${DOMAIN}.ec.csr" \ "${CERT_FILE%.*}.ec.crt" \ "${CA_CERT%.*}.ec.crt" \ "${FULL_CHAIN%.*}.ec.crt" fi # create Archive of new certs and keys. cert_archive debug "Certificates obtained and archived locally, will now copy to specified locations" # copy certs to the correct location (creating concatenated files as required) cert_install # Run reload command to restart apache / nginx or whatever system reload_service # deactivate authorizations if [[ "$DEACTIVATE_AUTH" == "true" ]]; then debug "in deactivate list is $deactivate_url_list" for deactivate_url in $deactivate_url_list; do send_signed_request "$deactivate_url" "" d=$(json_get "$response" "hostname") info "deactivating domain $d" debug "deactivating $deactivate_url" send_signed_request "$deactivate_url" "{\"resource\": \"authz\", \"status\": \"deactivated\"}" # check response if [[ "$code" == "200" ]]; then debug "Authorization deactivated" else error_exit "$domain: Deactivation error: $code" fi done fi # end of deactivating authorizations # Check if the certificate is installed correctly if [[ ${CHECK_REMOTE} == "true" ]]; then real_d=${DOMAIN##\*.} sleep "$CHECK_REMOTE_WAIT" if [[ "$DUAL_RSA_ECDSA" == "true" ]]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2086 # check if openssl supports RSA-PSS if [[ $(echo | openssl s_client -servername "${real_d}" -connect "${real_d}:${REMOTE_PORT}" ${REMOTE_EXTRA} -sigalgs RSA-PSS+SHA256 2>/dev/null) ]]; then PARAMS=("-sigalgs RSA-PSS+SHA256:RSA-PSS+SHA512:RSA+SHA256:RSA+SHA384:RSA+SHA512" "-sigalgs ECDSA+SHA256:ECDSA+SHA384:ECDSA+SHA512") else PARAMS=("-sigalgs RSA+SHA256:RSA+SHA384:RSA+SHA512" "-sigalgs ECDSA+SHA256:ECDSA+SHA384:ECDSA+SHA512") fi CERTS=("$CERT_FILE" "${CERT_FILE%.*}.ec.crt") TYPES=("rsa" "$PRIVATE_KEY_ALG") else PARAMS=("") CERTS=("$CERT_FILE") TYPES=("$PRIVATE_KEY_ALG") fi for ((i=0; i<${#PARAMS[@]};++i)); do debug "Checking ${CERTS[i]}" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 debug openssl s_client -servername "${real_d}" -connect "${real_d}:${REMOTE_PORT}" ${REMOTE_EXTRA} ${PARAMS[i]} # shellcheck disable=SC2086 CERT_REMOTE=$(echo \ | openssl s_client -servername "${real_d}" -connect "${real_d}:${REMOTE_PORT}" ${REMOTE_EXTRA} ${PARAMS[i]} 2>/dev/null \ | openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint 2>/dev/null) CERT_LOCAL=$(openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint < "${CERTS[i]}" 2>/dev/null) debug CERT_LOCAL="${CERT_LOCAL}" debug CERT_REMOTE="${CERT_REMOTE}" if [[ "$CERT_LOCAL" == "$CERT_REMOTE" ]]; then info "${real_d} - ${TYPES[i]} certificate installed OK on server" elif [[ "$CERT_REMOTE" == "" ]]; then info "${CERTS[i]} not returned by server" error_exit "${real_d} - ${TYPES[i]} certificate obtained but not installed on server" else info "${CERTS[i]} didn't match server" error_exit "${real_d} - ${TYPES[i]} certificate obtained but certificate on server is different from the new certificate" fi done fi # end of Check if the certificate is installed correctly # To have reached here, a certificate should have been successfully obtained. # Use echo rather than info so that 'quiet' is ignored. echo "certificate obtained for ${DOMAIN}" # gracefully exit ( tidying up temporary files etc). graceful_exit