September 2012 01:00 02:06 Common Time (1-min) 02:06 04:00 Discretionary Time 04:00 06:00 Common Time (1-min) (no switching) 06:00 14:00 Common Time (1-min) 14:00 18:06 Discretionary Time 18:06 18:18 Common Time (1-min) 18:18 19:06 Discretionary Time 19:06 19:18 Common Time (1-min) 19:18 20:00 Discretionary Time 20:00 20:12 Common Time (1-min) 20:12 22:00 Discretionary Time 22:00 27:06 Common Time (1-min) 27:06 28:00 Discretionary Time 28:00 30:24 Common Time (1-min) # Total Common Time (1-min): 21d 0h # Total Discretionary Time: 9d 0h # Total Special Time: 0d 0h # Total Common Time (THEMIS): 0d 0h # Notes: The schedule contains 2 requests for discretionary time intervals (Hosokawa - High temporal and spatial resolution observations of auroral electric fields - 48 hrs requested, 44 hrs scheduled) (Nishitani - High time resolution observation of geomagnetic pulsations - 216 hrs requested, 192 hrs scheduled), and one request for common time intervals from the SuperDARN spacecraft working group (SuperDARN conjunctions with Cluster - 54 hrs requested, 48 hours scheduled).