## Script to generate population pyramids from the Census Bureau's International Database with rCharts ## library(XML) library(reshape2) library(rCharts) library(plyr) getAgeTable <- function(country, year) { c1 <- "http://www.census.gov/population/international/data/idb/region.php?N=%20Results%20&T=10&A=separate&RT=0&Y=" c2 <- "&R=-1&C=" yrs <- gsub(" ", "", toString(year)) url <- paste0(c1, yrs, c2, country) df <- data.frame(readHTMLTable(url)) nms <- c("Year", "Age", "total", "Male", "Female", "percent", "pctMale", "pctFemale", "sexratio") names(df) <- nms cols <- c(1, 3:9) df[,cols] <- apply(df[,cols], 2, function(x) as.numeric(as.character(gsub(",", "", x)))) df <- df[df$Age != 'Total', ] ord <- 1:nrow(df) df <- cbind(df, ord) return(df) } # DimpleJS pyramid dPyramid <- function(country, year, colors=NULL) { dat <- getAgeTable(country, year) dat$Male <- -1 * dat$Male keep <- c("Year", "Age", "Male", "Female", "ord") dat.sub <- dat[,keep] dat.melt <- melt(dat.sub, value.name='Population', variable.name = 'Gender', id.vars=c('Age', 'ord', 'Year') ) dat.melt$gencode <- ifelse(dat.melt$Gender == 'Male', 1, 2) d1 <- dPlot( x = "Population", y = "Age", groups = "Gender", data = dat.melt, type = 'bar') d1$yAxis(type = "addCategoryAxis", orderRule = "ord") d1$xAxis(type = "addMeasureAxis") d1$legend( x = 60, y = 10, width = 700, height = 20, horizontalAlign = "right") if (!is.null(colors)){ d1$colorAxis( type = "addColorAxis", colorSeries = "gencode", palette = colors ) } if (length(year) > 1) { d1$set(storyboard = "Year") max_x <- round_any(max(dat.melt$Population), 10000, f = ceiling) min_x <- round_any(min(dat.melt$Population), 10000, f = floor) d1$xAxis(overrideMax = max_x, overrideMin = min_x) } if (max(dat.melt$Population >= 1000000)) { d1$setTemplate( afterScript = " ") } else { d1$setTemplate( afterScript = " ") } d1 } # Highcharts pyramid hPyramid <- function(country, year, colors = NULL) { dat <- getAgeTable(country, year) dat$Male <- -1 * dat$Male dat$Age <- factor(dat$Age, levels = rev(dat$Age), labels = rev(dat$Age)) keep <- c("Male", "Female", "Age") dat.sub <- dat[,keep] dat.melt <- melt(dat.sub, value.name='Population', variable.name = 'Gender', id.vars='Age' ) h1 <- hPlot( y = 'Population', x = 'Age', type = 'bar', data = dat.melt, group = 'Gender') h1$plotOptions(series = list(stacking = 'normal', pointPadding = 0, borderWidth = 0)) h1$tooltip(formatter = "#! function() { return ''+ this.series.name +', age '+ this.point.category +'
' + 'Population: ' + Highcharts.numberFormat(Math.abs(this.point.y), 0);} !#") h1$legend(reversed = "true") if (max(dat.melt$Population >= 1000000)) { h1$yAxis(labels = list(formatter = "#! function() { return (Math.abs(this.value) / 1000000) + 'M';} !#"), title = list(enabled = TRUE, text = 'Population')) } else { h1$yAxis(labels = list(formatter = "#! function() { return (Math.abs(this.value) / 1000) + 'K';} !#"), title = list(enabled = TRUE, text = 'Population')) } if (!is.null(colors)) { h1$colors(colors) } if (length(year) > 1) { stop('Right now, hPyramid only accepts one year') } h1$exporting(enabled = TRUE) h1 } # NVD3 pyramid nPyramid <- function(country, year, colors = NULL) { dat <- getAgeTable(country, year) dat$Male <- -1 * dat$Male dat <- dat[order(rev(dat$ord)), ] keep <- c("Male", "Female", "Age") dat.sub <- dat[,keep] dat.melt <- melt(dat.sub, value.name='Population', variable.name = 'Gender', id.vars='Age' ) dat.melt$abs <- abs(dat.melt$Population) n1 <- nPlot( y = 'Population', x = 'Age', group = 'Gender', type = 'multiBarHorizontalChart', data = dat.melt) # n1$xAxis(axisLabel = "Age") ## Need to work out label placement n1$chart(stacked = TRUE) n1$chart(tooltipContent = "#! function(key, x, y, e){ var format = d3.format('0,000'); return '

' + key + ', age ' + x + '

' + '

' + 'Population: ' + format(e.point.abs) + '

' } !#") if (max(dat.melt$Population >= 1000000)) { n1$yAxis(axisLabel = "Population", tickFormat = "#! function(d) { return d3.format(',.1f')(Math.abs(d) / 1000000) + 'M' } !#") } else { n1$yAxis(axisLabel = "Population", tickFormat = "#! function(d) { return d3.format(',.0f')(Math.abs(d) / 1000) + 'K' } !#") } if (!is.null(colors)) { n1$chart(color = colors) } n1 }