Plugin Name: Membership 2 Author: Paul Kevin, Ashok Kumar Nath, Philipp Stracker Build Stamp: BUILDTIME Change Log: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1.6 - Added: New define MS_ADMIN_EMAIL_CAPABILITY for additional roles on email copy - Added: New filter ms_controller_frontend_load_jquery_validate to disable jQuery validate. - Added: New Add-on for Google reCaptcha in registration and login forms. 1.1.5 - Added: Delete coupon from Stripe when deleted in plugin - Added: Coupon type in invoice - Added: New filter ms_controller_frontend_resources_load to disable membership front scripts from loading on all pages - Added: Bulk action on users list to resend verification email - Added: Privacy Policy registration checkbox confirmation - Added: Member GDPR tools - Improved: Membership front scripts load on all pages - Fix: Subscription Email for free membership - Fix: Draft invoice created on PayPal on first payments - Fix: After account verification, show the payment page - Fix: Old members show account status as active - Fix: Stripe coupon details on payment form - Fix: Email sending for free membership 1.1.4 - Fix: existing users should not need to verify email 1.1.3 - Added: ms_auth_ajax_login_can_login filter to select usernames allowed to login - Added: When normal user is made to admin user , subscriptions are removed - Added: Account approval setting and email template - Added: Account approval user management - Improved: Check if membership is free on trial periods - Improved: Unique nonce field names for login and registration forms - Improved: Cache enabled by default on media protection - Improved: More filters - Fixed: Update issues between pro and free - Fixed: Login page script loading - Fixed: Login page login_footer action to load in wp_footer - Fixed: Protection rule for All BuddyPress Pages is not protecting pages like activity, groups, members. - Fixed: Duplicate memberships when subscribed to a previous membership - Fixed: Category protection should not check for pages - Fixed: Category protection of post when individual post protection addon is enabled - Fixed: More tag protection when multi-membership add-on is active - Fixed: Bulk user import first and last name - Fixed: Minor UI fixes 1.1.2 (Jan 08 2018) - Added: Members List Export to CSV - Added: Membership and Member XML import and export format - Added: Rest API Help docs - Added: Duration for coupons - coupon can be applied onetime or recurring - Added: Bulk import of users in CSV as members to a membership - Added: Cache membership setting to allow 12 hour cache of data. This speeds up loading of pages - Added: constant MS_QUERY_CACHE_DURATION to define custom cache duration - Added: Exclude system pages from Search addon - Added: Menu protection for parent menu items now extends to submenu items - Added: Advanced media protection support for more server types - Added: Force Default Gateway Setting to set the default active gateway for manually added users - Added: Additional Invoice Setting add-on. Allows setting custom invoice id rendering but keeps the default invoice id in the gateway - Fixed: MailChimp Addon list function - Fixed: Styling for Membership Attributes PopUp - Fixed: Dripped Membership Url protection and menu protection - Fixed: Buddypress media protection conflict - Fixed: Update Member status for manually created members - Fixed: Mail sending cron fix - Fixed: Posts displaying when protected in category protection - Fixed: Rest API addon - Fixed: Rest API input integer validation ( and change param of /member status to member_status - Fixed: Auth Net Payment Gateway (Fix the 'Extra Options is invalid.' authorize error) - Fixed: Profile Fields add-on readonly option was not working - Fixed: Custom Post type protection rule to exclude private post types - Fixed: Conflict with Yoast WordPress SEO when registering for a membership - Fixed: Email notification for paid manual payment gateway - Fixed: Creating a new membership setting the visibility to private will hide the membership from the list - Fixed: Manual Gatewey not setting the gateway name in the invoice - Fixed: Invitation Addon errors - Fixed: User with admin roles cannot be assigned for a membership from backend (admin and editors) - Fixed: Dripped content membership details page showing error. - Fixed: Stripe subscription duplicate invoices generated - Fixed: End date on expired membership mail - Fixed: Wording in help page activity section 1.1.1 - Fixed: Menu Protection items not showing to all users except admin 1.1 - Added: Premium WP Rest Addon - Added: Advanced media protection settings - Added: New filter ms_frontend_controller_change_signup_url to allow disabling Membership login - Added: Column on admin user list with Membership name - Added: Added setting to enable or disable cron usage for email sending - Added: Emails can now be sent directly or using the WordPress cron - Added: Integration with new reCaptcha plugin to the reCaptcha Addon - Added: Option for Admin created members to generate an invoice to the membership - Added: Option for manual invoice created to keep the expire date of the membership the same - Added: Addon to hide protected pages from visitor search - Added: Plugin deactivation hook to clear Membership Crons - Added: Stripe Plan webhooks - Added: Some code refactoring for premium classes - Fixed: Upgraded Mailchimp API to 3.0 - Fixed: Multiple Invoice creation - Fixed: Default gateway on invoice - Fixed: Invoice status not changing for free payments - Fixed: Protection with many addons enabled - Fixed: Mailchimp list for deactivated users with drop down memberships - Fixed: Membership Script and Style conflict on other admin pages - Fixed: URL Protection Addon on https - Fixed: Media Protection Addon - Fixed: Editing Subscription details for administrators. - Fixed: Stripe API lib upgraded - Fixed: Login and reset password texts in the frontend form - Fixed: bbPress dripped membership protection rules - Fixed: CPT Addon on free version - Fixed: Manually changing status of membership to pending - Fixed: Membership Admin edit page Payment options ajax animation - Fixed: Javascript web browser console error - Fixed: CSS interfering with WP media library - Fixed: integration - Fixed: PayPal integration with recurring payments - Fixed: PayPal invoice creation - Fixed: Stripe subscriptions staying active on trial end - Fixed: Stripe subscription for renewed and cancelled memberships - Fixed: Stripe Subscriptions canceled via Stripe being re-created in the plugin - Fixed: Posts from a protected category from being displayed in the search - Fixed: Finite Memberships not expired after the expiration date - Fixed: Translation of some hardcoded Strings ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Added: Added a filter "ms_rule_url_model_exception_rule" to set exception for URL restriction addon - Improved: Remove Paypal "Ship to my billing address" option from express gateway as this is digital product - Improved: wp_get_sites() deprecated function is replaced with get_sites() - Fixed: Protection rule could not be access from subsites when network protection was enabled - Fixed: Fatal error - Uncaught Error: [] operator not supported for strings - Fixed: Post protection option could not be changed from post edit screen - Fixed: Issue with MS_PAYPAL_TRIAL_SUBSCRIPTION when trial is enabled, members account was not activated - Fixed: Selection sliders were not working in some cases - Fixed: Second attribute could not be created - Fixed: New members not being added by M2 2Checkout Gateway - Fixed: Duplicate Content Protection Message when custom message is enabled - Fixed: Images are not getting load if media protection is enabled - Fixed: Applying Membership 2 Coupon is giving fatal error in PHP 7.1.3 - Fixed: Membership was not showing in account page - Fixed: Resolved some notices ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Added: WP reCaptcha notices - Added: Adding default column in Member table - Added: Adding default column in Billing table - Added: Hierarchical category in protection rule - category protection addon - Added: New Custom Logo in stripe checkout - Improved: Paypal Ship option is supressed from Paypal page - Fixed: MS_PROTECT_NETWORK still adding membership menu in subsite. - Fixed: BuddyPress protection rule for "All BP pages" is now working. - Fixed: Fatal error: Undefined function is_multisie() - Fixed: Remove/hide option in the login link in shortcode - Fixed: show_membership attribute fixed in account shortcode - Fixed: Display name was not saving in membership form - Fixed: Some post content get protected when category protection is enabled - Fixed: Show table view even if there is no data in the table - Fixed: Fix automated email responses not sent after payment - Fixed: Unable to edit or create membership attributes - Fixed: Membership name was appearing in wordpress search result - Fixed: Meta box was appearing for non-admin users - Fixed: ms-membership-buy shortcode was allowing registration - Fixed: "Subscription - Before expires" email sent multiple times - Fixed: Pending membership switch to Active automatically - Fixed: Category protection addon is not working in some sites - Fixed: Conflict with BuddyPress - Current User notice - Fixed: Enabling Category protection addon doesnt show categories in widget - Fixed: Capability lost in Member capabilities addon - Fixed: Membership 2 Pro Automated Email No Password Variable ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Small Bugfixes - Fixed: Problems with the two Add-ons; WPML and Coupons. - Fixed: Wrong display in Help page; Pro plugin said "you are using the free plugin". - Improved: Compatibility with Domain Mapping plugin. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Unlock some Add-ons again, that were accidentally displayed as "Pro Only"! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Added: Template system, now M2 pages (Membership List, Payment Form, Registration Page, Account Page) can be overwritten from theme - Added: Option to select different list for different membership in Mailchimp addon - Added: Option to show BP XProfile fields in M2 account page - Added: ms_get_blog_list_args filter added to show non-public blogs in protectin rules page in network admin - Added: Define 'MS_CPT_ENABLE_ACCESS_BOX' to enable protection meta box in custom post type - Added: Filter 'ms_helper_listtable_billing_default_column' added for default column in billing table - Added: Filter 'ms_gateway_stripe_charge_amount' and 'ms_gateway_stripe_form_details_after' added to customize the amount for stripe - Fixed: Duplicate expiration emails were sent on expiration date. - Fixed: Test Memberships was not working (simulation mode) - Fixed: Protected posts appears in archive page - Fixed: Conflict with WPEngine Deployment - Fixed: Wrong message when a coupon is removed - Fixed: Wrong logic on category protection for multiple membership - Fixed: Inactive Memberships still available for renewal - Fixed: BP activation page is always protected in multisite - Fixed: Some unexpected notices and warnings - Fixed: Input validation of registration page fails to redirect to correct page when shortcode is used - Fixed: Price on SignUp page not shows correctly for the administrator - Fixed: Deleting an user doesn't not remove the membership information from Membership page - Fixed: JS Conflict for #password ID - Fixed: Media Protection doesn't work in some cases - Fixed: Display name was not being saved from edit account page - Fixed: Buddy Press extended profile fields data not showing on Membership 2 My Account page - Fixed: Cannot remove value for payment button in payment gateway settings - Fixed: Free membership setup with Membership 2 Pro shows still payment information - Removed: Filter `ms_class_file_override` ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Version change ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Added: New import option to import each membership on its own, to prevent memory- or similar overflow issues. - Added: Settings for PayPal gateways now also list the country "Croatia". - Added: Filters 'ms_helper_color_index' and 'ms_model_membership_get_color' - Improved: Memberships can't be assigned to admin users any longer - Fixed: IE and Edge users can now log in from front end again - Fixed: Import of M1 data now correctly creates recurring memberships. - Fixed: For people who saw a PHP notice "WDEV_DEBUG is undefined": It's gone! - Fixed: Missing translation string added. - Fixed: Redirect add on works properly again - Fixed: Nickname now saves when BuddyPress profile fields add on is activated - Fixed: Missing string in default lost password default email no longer missing - Fixed: Media protection no longer breaks images in customizer ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Added: Constant 'MS_LOG_EMAILS' to enable log and display email logs - Added: Constant 'MS_PROTECTED_MESSAGE_REVERSE_RULE' to implement reverse logic on membership based protection message - Added: Bulk Delete Membership feature - Fixed: BuddyPress Integration addon: "All BuddyPress Pages" rule being overwritten by rule set in Pages - Fixed: Warning when the database table prefix is not the default "wp_" - Fixed: Login on non-SSL page is broken when SSL forced for wp-admin - Fixed: "Already have an account" link not sending user to login form after failed register attempt - Fixed: "Already have a user account" doesn't redirect to purchase subscription after login - Fixed: HTTPS not being forced when Stripe gateway is set to Live mode - Fixed: Expired email sent even the user is not really expired - Fixed: Invitation code addon: conflict with Yoast SEO plugin - Fixed: Invitation code addon: usage count wasn't decreased when user removed it when signing up - Fixed: Multiple Membership addon: Membership was not removed when set as cancel in upgrade path and pay later - Fixed: Expired trial is not going to payment gateway when clicking "sign up" in invoice. - Fixed: Taxamo addon: tax was not added as tax in PayPal and 2Checkout gateways - Fixed: User can't register in Opera Mini browser - Fixed: Membership based protection message - Fixed: Advanced Menu Protection Replace Menu not working - Fixed: Simulation Box on frontend overlaps with navigation - Fixed: Content Protection Message based on membership protection - Fixed: Gateway mode changed from Sandbox to Live on plugin update - Fixed: Expired date mismatch with the original expired date in PayPal - Fixed: Expiry date not set while importing data in Finite membership - Fixed: Finite paid membership turned into free membership while importing data - Fixed: Finite paid membership subscription period gets doubled for a member while importing data - Fixed: Gateway mode changed into Live mode when something is changed in settings ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Added: Constant 'MS_DISABLE_WP_NEW_USER_NOTIFICATION' to disable WP default welcome on registration - Added: Constant 'MS_PAYPAL_TRIAL_SUBSCRIPTION' to enable subscription for Paypal when trial mode is enabled (works only at Paypal) - Added: Constant 'MS_PROCESS_PER_BATCH' to set number of members for processing per batch - Added: Addon - WP reCaptcha integration - Added: Batch Process - Membership Status check, helpful when you have lots of members - Enhancement: Display warning in HELP page if cron jobs are disabled - Fixed: User could not use same invitation code for different memberships - Fixed: Confirmation emails not sent when registering new user from admin end - Fixed: Category protected posts was being appeared in home and search result page - Fixed: Warning on edit membership screen when % sign is in the membership name - Fixed: Subsite users subscription details can't be edited - Fixed: Visitors coming from search engines links get blank page, Error 500 - Fixed: Upgrade path is ignored when a member is logged in but has no subscription - Fixed: Media Protection - Individual Media files protection doesn't work if embedded - Fixed: Media Protection - changes attachment URLs but does not revert when disabled - Fixed: Media Protection - changing URL of non protected media items - Fixed: Media Protection - Linked media URL was not masking - Fixed: Media Protection - Video file was not playing - Fixed: XProfile Date field was not being saved in registration form - Fixed: White screen in WP-Touch settings page - Fixed: BuddyPress Members directory could not be protected - Fixed: BuddyPress sitewide pages are not protected - Fixed: Welcome to BuddyPress Admin Item shows twice in Admin Side Protection Rules - Fixed: Typos in Automated Response Email Default Text - Fixed: Admin Protection - Direct link can be accessed - Fixed: Protected post are being appeared in feed - Fixed: Network Protection - Selected pages can't be viewed from network admin interface - Fixed: Inernal Server Error on adding a member in a multisite configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Added: Constant M2_FORCE_NO_SSL to avoid forcing SSL in Stripe Live Mode - Fixed: Manual Payment Gateway always in Sandbox Mode - Fixed: Free Payment Gateway always in Sandbox Mode - Fixed: Membership Payment amount could not be saved in Firefox - Fixed: BuddyPress Integration - No xProfile field validation - Fixed: BuddyPress Integration - No validation error message shown - Fixed: Select drop down in checkout was broken - Fixed: JS conflict with Visual Composer - Fixed: JS conflict with Be Theme - Fixed: JS conflict with LayerSlider - Fixed: Pagination was not working for Classifieds plugin - Fixed: Search was not working on front-end - Fixed: Upgrade path settings for memberships were being ignored - Fixed: Junk error message on Add Member page - Fixed: Currency was always USD in 2CO gateway - Fixed: Search was not working in Members Capability page - Fixed: Invitation Code - Max uses features were ignored - Fixed: Invitation Code - New code created automatically if wrong code is provided - Fixed: Some post types were not working for protection - Fixed: Recurring events are not showing in event calendar (Events+) - Fixed: Menu item protection was not working for Guest Membership - Fixed: Force SSL on Stripe checkout page in Live Mode ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add new option 'non-admin' to the shortcode [ms-user] - Improve support for protection rules on admin-side (shortcode, menu-items) - Improve payment-matching for imported subscriptions - Improve the transaction logs page and show better description for PayPal transactions - Improve and fix minor issues in PayPal Standard gateway, related to imported subscriptions - Improve the Edit-Member page to only offer valid subscription status options - Fix bug that caused expiration emails to be sent multiple times - Fix incorrectly displayed "Live Mode" flag for payment gateways on initial setup - Fix a PHP notice in the login form - Fix BuddyPress XProfile issue (caused by M2 loading before BP was initialized) - Fix issue in Account page that did not save the users email address - Fix error about undefined value 'user_id' when editing a user in M2 - Fix error in Searchindex addon that (among others) caused a problem with Sitemaps - Fix issue in Profile-Fields Addon that would not save website/description - Fix small issues with formatting some time/date values - Fix small issue in Authorize.Net payment settings that would not save Secure Payments setting - Fix wrong logic that would hide the Billing menu item if all paid memberships were private - Fix small issue in URL-protection that ignored the last slash of the URL rule - Fix a issue that caused the modal background to stay open after closing popups in some cases - Small clean-up, add/update filters, fix typos, ... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add new email template to customize the Forgot Password email - Add new option to Authorize.Net gateway settings: "Secure Payment" asks for CVC code on every payment - Improve transaction-logging for Authorize.Net payments - Improve UI of the Authorize.Net payment form on front end - Fix possible issue with Authorize.Net Gateway that might send empty form to the gateway - Fix PHP warnings caused by Profile Fields Add-on - Fix a bug in the Taxamo-Addon to include correct currency code with transactions - Fix display of line-breaks in membership description on front-end - Fix bug in invitation codes/coupons Add-on that randomly created empty codes - Fix invitation code Add-on so entering correct codes does not trigger an error message - Fix for caching issues on WP Engine - Fix missing error messages when registering username that is already in use - Fix wrong file-type displayed (always jpg) in the media protection add-on - Fix error during import "class MS_Gateway_Admin not found" - Fix incorrect message "BuddyPress uses Membership page" - Fix dates that displayed in GMT instead of local timezone - Fix bug that allowed logged-in users to register a new account ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Improve the shortcode column in the admin membership list - Improve layout of [ms-note] messages on front-end and select lists in admin pages - Improve performance of the billings page, show additional details in edit-invoice screen - Fix wrong registration workflow that showed membership list instead of payment form - Fix the Reset Password workflow - Fix issue in WP 4.3 that sent password-reset emails during user registration - Fix incompatibility with MarketPress 3 - Fix problem with user registration when the password fields were hidden via Profile Fields Add-on - Fix ms-protect-content shortcode: Resolve shortcodes in protected content also for admin users - Fix bug in setup-wizard that sometimes did not finish after creating the first membership - Fix issue where Manual Payment displayed price multiple times (e.g. when using Yoast SEO) - Fix an issue with Internet Explorer privacy settings that caused IE to reject M2 cookies - Replace text-domain constant MS_TEXT_DOMAIN with string 'membership2' to comply with WordPress standards - Update several background libraries (mainly select2, fontawesome, jQueryUI) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix parse error during user registration in older PHP versions ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add new filter in Members list to filter members by subscription status (active/expired) - Add new Variable for Automated Emails: Membership Description - Add API functions: ms_api, get_membership_id, add_subscription (see API Docs for details) - Add a "Retry" function to Transaction logs to re-process a single transaction - Add a "Auto Matching" screen to the billings page to link M1 payments with memberships - Add notice when unsupported Permalink options are detected - Add condition to prevent WordPress from updating M2 Pro while WPMUDEV Dashboard is disabled - Add logging of additional invoice data (checkout-date, IP) and improve payment history dialog - Update the Authorize.Net library to latest version that uses the new API URLs - Improve Invitation code Add-on to accept an code via URL param &invitation_code=abc - Improved the details in the Pro-Rating Add-on with short instructions - Improve Membership Description to allow shortcodes - Improve transaction logs with more details and small layout improvements - Improve billings list to not show invoices with status "new" by default - Fix the user-name variables in email/shortcodes (use display name instead of login name) - Fix the "Ignore" action in the Transaction log list - Fix an issue where M2 returns an error to PayPal when a non-M2 payment is made Howin the PayPal account - Fix several issues in PayPal Standard gateway that would not process transactions correctly - Fix a bug in Pro-Rating Add-on to correctly apply discount from now on - Fix Taxamo Add-on to send the invoice-currency and correct user IP for PayPal IPN payments - Fix protection bug that would hide custom posts in certain situations, e.g. when using wp_list_pages() - Fix wrong signup-logic to instantly disable the old subscription on membership upgrade/downgrade - Fix a PHP error that occured when paying the first invoice of a member via manual gateway - Fix a possible recursive redirection when showing the Autorize.Net payment form - Fix displayed payment method for subscriptions in Member editor screen - Fix an issue that would not actiavte imported subscriptions - Fix issue that did not notify the blow admin of new user signups - Fix wrong redirects/URLs on some SSL sites - Small changes like fix some typos, add new filters and code cleanup ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add a new Automated Email Response: User account created (i.e. welcome email) - Add a warning when BuddyPress pages conflict with M2 Membership pages - Add a warning when M2 is installed in an deprecated directory (can cause conflicts) - Fix detection of valid subscriptions to fix issues with subscriptions getting expired too early - Fix the BuddyPress registration form/workflow - Fix the Profile Fields Add-on, now settings are actually saved - Fix Invitation Code Add-on to not automatically change existing codes upon saving - Fix bug that prevented deleting invoices - Fix a bug that would temporarily grant access to a membership when user cancels payment - Fix a bug that created duplicate email templates every time an email was sent - Fix a bug in the reset-script that would delete too much data in multisite installs (see Help > Advanced Settings) - Fix a wrong action hook used in registration form that would display wrong fields when certain plugins are activated - Fix a PHP warning on Membership 2 pages about "invalid argument in foreach" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add gateway: 2Checkout - Add new Add-on for WPML integration - Add new Add-on to enable Pro-Rating when switching memberships - Add new Add-on to allow Search Engines to index protected content - Add new Add-on to customize the Registration Form and User Profile Fields - Add new Add-on that allows creation of custom Membership Attributes - Add a new Add/Edit Member page where subscription details can be modified - Add an admin notice when no payment gateway is active but paid memberships exist - Add bulk actions to the Members admin page - Add a dedicated Edit Membership page with improved layout - Add an edit page to change the Membership Type at any time - Add an edit page to override Automated Email Responses for each Membership - Add an edit page to override Protection Messages for each Membership - Add a new settings page to define Upgrade Paths to each Membership - Add a warning when using a wrong value in the PayPal Standard settings - Add a few new API functions (see the API Docs link in the Help page) - Add new functions to Payment Logs to manually handle invalid payments - Add new template tag function `ms_has_membership()` - Add template support so themes can define custom Membership pages (m2-account.php, m2-memberships.php, m2-protected-content.php, m2-register.php, m2-registration-complete.php, m2-invoice.php) - Improve payment logs to display additional/better information for errors - Improve the layout of the coupon fields in the payment confirmation form - Improve HTML output of shortcodes to be compatible with most themes (remove line breaks inside HTML tags) - Improved third party library by adding a class prefix to avoid class collisions (Stripe, Mailchimp, AuthorizeNet) - Improve the BuddyPress Add-on to optionally use the M2 registration page - Improve caching and reduce SQL queries to make the plugin faster - Improve the Billings list (status-indicator, overdue payments, quick-pay for manual payment gateway) - Remove condition that auto-injected missing M2 shortcodes on Membership pages - Fix wrong subscription logic that activated Subscriptions without payment in a few cases - Fix possible memory issue that happened when updating the plugin - Fix bug that did not activate Subscription when an invoice was paid via Manual Gateway - Fix the invitation code Add-on (integration in payment form was not working) - Fix a caching issue that caused problems with Subscriptions when memcache was enabled - Fix problem in network wide mode that would not display all Users in the Members page - Fix registration logic to honor domain limitation for signup email addresses - Fix bug that would not give access to protected content while user is in trial period - Fix bug that set the wrong expire date for "Finite Access" subscriptions - Fix wrong rounding-logic in Stripe gateway - Fix bug that prevented admin to change the recurring payment frequency to anything else than 'Days' in few cases - Fix a bug in Automated Email Response Settings that did always enable the email when saving changes - Fix bug that would send some emails even when the 'MS_STOP_EMAILS' flag was active - Fix bug that would always add M2 menu items when a new membership is created - Fix plugin logic to allow changing Protection Rules even when Content Protection is disabled - Fix plugin translation using .mo files, added a readme file with instructions to /languages dir - Fix compatibility issue with WP Recaptcha during user registration - Fix a minor security hole in the data import module - Fix a rare 403 error that happened when a user was accessing protected content - Fix a bunch of PHP notices and warnings - A lot of small improvements behind the scenes, cleanup and some new filters ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add new option to customize which users are considered Admin users (details in the Help > Advanced page) - Fix a typo in the PayPal Single gateway that caused M2 to ignore some payment information - Fix bugs that prevented removing protection from individual posts or pages - Fix the search function on the Members page - Fix two possible infinite loops that resulted in timeouts or rule values not being saved - Fix wrong protection logic of the Admin Side Add-on - Fix wrong protection logic of the Advanced Menu Add-on - Fix small issue that did not correctly disable the Media Add-on - Fix a wrong parameters that limited search results of list tables to 5 items in some cases - Fix the description text of the ms-protected-content shortcode for admin users - Fix a typo in the ms_rule_has_access filter - Fix a possible/rare mis-configuration that could happen on single-site installations ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Improve Transaction logs to also log inactice or invalid gateway calls - Fix issue that did not display any "Page" rules in the Membership Overview screen - Fix a critical bug that caused protection rules to be reset on plugin activation - Fix the bulk actions in the Protecion Rules page - Fix wrong WordPress action that was called in the user-registration form - Fix rare error that happened when dripped content had no/invalid date settings - Fix Members/Billings list to keep search filter when changing the sort option - Fix Billings search logic to find all users that contain the search word (no exact username required anymore) - Fix PHP warnings caused by the Taxamo Add-on - Hide the Guest and Default memberships in the Members list, as they are useless there ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add logging for payment gateway transactions, can be viewed via "Billings > View Transaction logs" - Fix subscription details when changing the membership payment_type (within 6 hours after membership update) - Fix follow-up issue in recent Mailchimp bug fix ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add possibility to change payment options even when membership has active subscribers! - Add link to Members-List from the Membership list (click on the member-count value) - Hide inactive memberships in the Members and Protection Rules pages - Fix compatibility issue with the wp-recaptcha plugin - Fix several php notices and warnings ("invalid argument", "undefined index", etc.) - Fix protection of the Private Message feature in the BuddyPress Add-on - Fix Mailchimp Add-on to fetch all lists from Mailchimp, not only 25 - Add new hook to observe status change of subscriptions: "ms_subscription_status-" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix the import tool to import data from old Membership plugin correctly (recurring payments, subscription status and end date) - Fix the i18n support, the plugin is translated correctly again - Fix error message that was displayed when dates of dripped memberships were saved ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add better error handling to the upgrade routine - Fix a major bug in the automatic import wizard that prevented the plugin from importing old Membership data - Fix wrong redirect during setup wizard that ended in "Not allowed to view page" errors - Fix some typos in admin pages - Fix the protection rule for "Friendship Request" in the BuddyPress Add-on - Fix a bug in the Coupons Add-on that discarded changes instead of saving them - Rename page "Protected Content" to "Protection Rules" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix compatibility issues with PHP 5.2.4 - note that you still need PHP 5.3 to use the Stripe Gateways ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix some PHP notices and warnings that did happen during first setup Membership2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Plugin name changed from Protected Content to Membership2 - New network-wide protection mode added (see Membership2 > Help page) - New official plugin API added (see Membership2 > Help page) - New Payment gateway added: Stripe Subscriptions - New option in Membership Payment settings to disable individual payment gateways. - Improved payment settings page to use number-input fields instead of text-fields - Fix issue where Simulation (Test) mode added HTML code to all Ajax responses - Fix blank screen after submitting the password reset form - Minor improvements all over the place ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add wp-config option MS_NO_SHORTCODE_PREVIEW (details on the Help > Advanced Settings page) - Improve shortcode logic to not show duplicate login forms in rare, theme-specific cases - Fix bug that caused missing expiration date for admin-assigned memberships - Fix a rare error 'float expected but string found' in billings module - Fix minor issue with wrong filter parameter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add "autofocus" attribute to login shortcode - Add filter "ms_model_pages_redirect_to" to customize membership redirects - Add new attributes to the login shortcode to customize field labels and placeholders - Improve the Import Tool to handle large import files without throwing memory limit exceptions - Improve preview of the [ms-protected-content] shortcode for admins - Fix various small issues with the login shortcode HTML code - Fix javascript collision with ACF Pro plugin - Fix display of invoice status in the admin Billings section ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Added new automatic email notification: Subscription Renewed - Improved descriptions of automatic email notification settings - Improved i18n integration in the Billings module, Invoice display and in the Account page - Improved the invoice and subscription workflow with Trial Memberships - Improved media protection to protect whole HTML output instead of post-content only - Improved Mailchimp integration: Firstname/Lastname are now also transfered to Mailchimp - Improved lots of front-end pages by adding new CSS classes that can be used to customize the layout - Fixed XSS vulnerability (add_query_arg/remove_query_arg) - Fixed bug with Stripe gateway that striped the cent amount from the charged amount - Fixed the Protection meta-box in post and page editor - Fixed the protection shortcode for Guest/Default memberships - Fixed bug that created duplicate invoices when processing automatic email notifications - Fixed bug that prevented the Signup Email notification from being sent to members - Fixed issues with assigning correct subscription status right after first signup - Fixed missing pagination in Media Protection list - Fixed the Auto-Opt-In option in Mailchimp integration - Fixed conflict with WooCommerce where category list did not show any products - Fixed bug in Registration workflow that allowed guests to subscribe to memberships - Fixed some attributes in the [ms-membership-login] shortcode, e.g. "label_" values - Fixed some issues in the Custom Post Type protection pages - Fixed bug in the Page protection page that did not display all pages in some cases - Fix some issues and plugin conflicts with the Member-Capability Add-on ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix wrong redirection in the [ms-register-user] shortcode - Fix error that preveted 100% discounted invoices from being marked as paid - Add a lot of options to the [ms-membership-account] shortcode (details in "Help > Shortcodes") - Add a timeout to refresh the price of unpaid invoices after 7 days ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add compatiblity for new Stripe Gateway API (update from 2015-02-18) - Add new Media Protection option to manually protect files in the Protected Content page - Fix the Media Protection rule, some configurations did protect too many files - Fix error when paying with the payment gateway - Fix an issue where a static blog-page would not display any posts - Fix an issue with the protection shortcode so it works for users with multiple memberships - Fix comment protection rules - Improve layout of the Registration form and validation notes - Add a filter to customize redirection after login: apply_filter('ms-ajax-login-redirect') ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Make Membership2 compatible with WangGuard plugin - Add some registration hooks for compatiblity with WordPress code ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix simulation of dripped content - Fix Protected Content section for Advanced Menu Protection rules - Fix the User selection when manually creating a new invoice - Fix More-Tag protection to correctly display the protection message - Fix Media Protection settings [you might need to resave permalinks] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix bug that did not allow users to enter a limited Coupon code - Fix simulation mode for memberships with recurring payments - Fix small glitch in the Admin UI when Category Add-on is disabled - Fix the "Insert Variables" dropdown in Automated Email Settings - Fix the "More Tag" and "Comment" protection rules - Fix an error caused by manually creating invoices - Fix protection bug that caused protected posts to show in post-list - Improve some descriptions in Admin Settings ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix critical bug that deactivated all subscriptions for some sites - Fix the Member Capabilities rules - New Add-on "Category Protection" allows disabling the Category rules ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix bug in dripped memberships that prevented content-revealing - Fix bug where multiple memberships would protect each others posts ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix issue with translated version of plugin - Fix problems with php versions older than 5.3.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add plugin modifiers (details in Membership2 > Help > Advanced) - Fix import process to not send out emails - Fix the IPN URL displayed in the PayPal-Standard settings - Restore Payment Gateway settings if lost during 1.0 to 1.1 update ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix problems in upgrade logic of dripped memberships from 1.0 to 1.1 - Category Protection is not deactivated by "Individual Posts" Add-on ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Write an update log that logs any changes made to the DB - Improve the Member-Details popup with infos on subscription/payments ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix Add-ons "Individual Custom Posts" and "Individual Posts" - Create a DB snapshot before upgrading ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix problem where Protection-Shortcode was not working in 1.1 - Fix a PHP warning that happened during upgrade to 1.1 - Fix glitch in Add-ons page where some settings were disabled 1.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Improved and much simpler UI! - Better and shorter Setup wizard! - Membership types dropped: Tiered, Content-Type (converted to Standard) - New Import Tool to create export files and import data - New Import-From-Memberships interface - New Add-on: Admin Side Protection - New Add-on: Member Capabilities - New Add-on: User-Role Memberships - New Add-on: Taxamo (addresses EU VAT regulations) - New layout of the Add-on page - Many small bugfixes, layout improvements and much more... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix an JavaScript error in the page front-end - Fix Manual gateway Purchase button to correctly display images (URL) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix 100 % discount logic; payment gateway is skipped now - Fix incompatibility with E-Newsletter plugin - Fix incompatibility with PopUp Pro and Google Maps - Fix PHP warning displayed to some users when signing up to Membership - Some other small improvements and fixes ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix rewrite rules on plugin update/activation (solves payment-issues) - Fix PayPal Single settings did not save email address in rare cases - Fix duplicate display of BuddyPress/bbPress rules in overview - Fix coupons with 100% reduction are working correctly now - Improve the [ms-memberhship-buy] shortcode to also work for guests - Improve subscription to free memberships: payment screen is skipped ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix problems with plugin settings after upgrading - Fix issue where Front-End pages were not working (e.g. with Jetpack) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add new Help section with documentation of shortcodes - Fix: Membership Pages use default WordPress posts instead of URL - Fix: Menu items are correctly generated when a Membership is created - Memberships with pending payments can be cancelled by the member - A ton of small bugfixes and minor improvements ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add individual URL group permissions on membership level - Add column with gateway status to the payment settings - Fix bug where registration did not work directly after initial setup - Fix caption of the "Login" button in the login page - Fix a lot of small issues in the Members page - Fix bugs with Comment protection - Fix BuddyPress permissions (Add-on) - Many small improvements and bugfixes all over the place ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add new Member-Filter that displays users with pending payments - Fix protection of menu-items when user has multiple memberships - Fix permission issues with protection shortcode - Fix small bugs with several shortcodes - Remove access to registration page while plugin is disabled ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add new Add-on to replace whole menus per membership-level - Some small bugfixes ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix error when testing memberships - Fix PHP notices 1.0.4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add new Add-on that allows to disable Multiple-Membership mode - Add new Add-on to change protection of special pages (e.g. search results) - Add Simulation Infos to explain which rule protected a certain page - Fix default protection of special pages - Fix assignment of private memberships via members-list - Fix membership status-flag in database - Fix access to unprotected pages is now possible 1.0.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix member model fields not persisting 1.0.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add class to page body to indentify membership of the current user - Add option to send different email when registering for a free membership - Fix image-url of loading animation in one css file - Fix logout word showing in protected-content page - Fix undefined variable in members model - Fix credit card info text 1.0.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix slow Ajax Login - Add handler for password reset - Fix orphan children when deleting parent membership - Refactories 1.0.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Initial version.