WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:06:57.640 [SILENCE & MUSIC] 00:06:57.640 --> 00:07:00.00 and we're live thank you guys so much for bearing with us 00:07:00.00 --> 00:07:05.00 had slight technical difficulties, Ray Peat and Georgi Dinkov, our third episode 00:07:05.00 --> 00:07:09.00 thank you guys so much for joining me, thank you so much Ray, you know these episodes are really special 00:07:09.00 --> 00:07:15.00 so sincerely appreciate you joining us, how are you? Pretty good. 00:07:15.00 --> 00:07:20.480 So, we were just chatting about, you were talking about global warming or so-called 00:07:20.480 --> 00:07:21.800 climate change and things. 00:07:21.800 --> 00:07:27.960 That might be kind of an interesting place to start in talking about, I don't know, the 00:07:27.960 --> 00:07:36.400 intersection between coronavirus, the elite, global climate, and like the quotes of like 00:07:36.400 --> 00:07:44.320 the Club of Rome talking about how we needed to find a common enemy to unite humanity and 00:07:44.320 --> 00:07:47.800 that the real enemy was man itself. 00:07:47.800 --> 00:08:08.040 Yeah, China is just a convenient propaganda object to justify, for example, they say they'll 00:08:08.040 --> 00:08:16.240 be testing new atomic bombs, more usable atomic bombs within a few months. 00:08:16.240 --> 00:08:28.760 But that's been the very long-term plan of the Pentagon justifying the invention of planetary 00:08:28.760 --> 00:08:32.080 warming through carbon dioxide. 00:08:32.080 --> 00:08:40.400 Have to change the economy away from carbon energy to nuclear energy so they can have 00:08:40.400 --> 00:08:51.720 a constant supply of nuclear fuel to make bombs as simply a way to focus the attention 00:08:51.720 --> 00:08:58.760 of the world as long as they have nuclear bombs that are more and more usable. 00:08:58.760 --> 00:09:09.320 They experience the sense of power that's recognized by everyone. 00:09:09.320 --> 00:09:15.120 China is just the momentary focus of why they need the bombs. 00:09:15.120 --> 00:09:30.400 But after China is no longer a threat or rules the world, they'll still have to hang on to 00:09:30.400 --> 00:09:38.240 their nuclear bombs just for their police power, even if it's only within this continent. 00:09:38.240 --> 00:09:41.520 They'll still have their nuclear deterrent. 00:09:41.520 --> 00:09:48.840 Do you see this ending in a real terrible way, like a war between the US and China or 00:09:48.840 --> 00:09:50.840 something like that? 00:09:50.840 --> 00:09:58.880 No, Russia and China are now getting close militarily as well as economically. 00:09:58.880 --> 00:10:04.560 So basically the US is lost on that basis. 00:10:04.560 --> 00:10:09.000 They wouldn't have a chance in a nuclear war. 00:10:09.000 --> 00:10:17.560 Putin told them that Russia won't allow another war to be fought on their territory. 00:10:17.560 --> 00:10:25.960 They've had three great wars that ruined the country each time. 00:10:25.960 --> 00:10:28.640 He said it won't happen again. 00:10:28.640 --> 00:10:41.440 So they have demonstrated their weapons that can, at any invasion, they can eliminate the 00:10:41.440 --> 00:10:49.840 source of the invasion, either topically or systemically. 00:10:49.840 --> 00:10:58.400 So some people in the conspiracy sector think there's uniformity among these big empires, 00:10:58.400 --> 00:11:02.600 but how much are they trying to do the same thing? 00:11:02.600 --> 00:11:05.400 But you're saying they're radically opposed to each other. 00:11:05.400 --> 00:11:12.600 But for example, the things that China has done are really similar to what the US is 00:11:12.600 --> 00:11:16.800 doing right now in terms of controlling the citizenry. 00:11:16.800 --> 00:11:21.600 But you're saying, are they just in a race to how fast they can get more control over 00:11:21.600 --> 00:11:25.100 the population? 00:11:25.100 --> 00:11:31.280 The US isn't very sympathetic with their concept. 00:11:31.280 --> 00:11:43.840 China is very focused on public health and education, and the US is always behind on 00:11:43.840 --> 00:11:50.760 public consciousness and education supported by good health. 00:11:50.760 --> 00:11:59.800 They're doing things that have massively ruined the public's health, which drags down the 00:11:59.800 --> 00:12:07.200 way they're performing intellectually and productively. 00:12:07.200 --> 00:12:15.000 They see that China, continuing as things are with a more or less even playing field, 00:12:15.000 --> 00:12:20.200 China is obviously imminently winning the game. 00:12:20.200 --> 00:12:29.720 So they're trying to change the rules fast enough that they can get ahead. 00:12:29.720 --> 00:12:37.160 According to Eric Schmidt's description of the situation, a very detailed discussion 00:12:37.160 --> 00:12:52.800 of how artificial intelligence is to be used to preempt China's digitalization of the economy 00:12:52.800 --> 00:13:00.440 of the world. 00:13:00.440 --> 00:13:04.800 So why would the United States be stupidly destroying its own population, considering 00:13:04.800 --> 00:13:10.560 that they need that population to be as productive and as healthy as possible, even though it 00:13:10.560 --> 00:13:15.400 may be done without good intentions, just to make sure the slaves are healthy, so to 00:13:15.400 --> 00:13:16.400 speak. 00:13:16.400 --> 00:13:18.360 But it seems like that's not being done. 00:13:18.360 --> 00:13:19.360 It's like it's the opposite. 00:13:19.360 --> 00:13:25.920 The population is being absolutely decimated educationally and nutritionally and health-wise. 00:13:25.920 --> 00:13:27.360 How does that help the empire? 00:13:27.360 --> 00:13:30.560 Or is the empire basically saying, "Oh, we don't care about the population. 00:13:30.560 --> 00:13:34.760 Our approach is we're just going to neutralize any competitive threat that comes through"? 00:13:34.760 --> 00:13:44.960 Yeah, that thing of automation and artificial intelligence has been such a deep part of 00:13:44.960 --> 00:13:56.040 them since the 1930s, that since then, they have considered public education as a drag 00:13:56.040 --> 00:13:57.040 on the system. 00:13:57.040 --> 00:14:00.400 It's just a waste of resources. 00:14:00.400 --> 00:14:01.560 Yeah. 00:14:01.560 --> 00:14:07.880 People were talking about it all through the '40s. 00:14:07.880 --> 00:14:18.760 It was just a little over 50 years ago that it became a very open public policy that they 00:14:18.760 --> 00:14:30.760 were set on peonizing the whole United States, taking policy choices that would reduce income 00:14:30.760 --> 00:14:37.200 growth for nearly everyone in the country while concentrating it. 00:14:37.200 --> 00:14:49.160 Reaganism was simply one stage of this process in peonization. 00:14:49.160 --> 00:14:50.160 So here's another question. 00:14:50.160 --> 00:14:55.640 I mean, with all this military power, all these nuclear weapons, all this technology, 00:14:55.640 --> 00:15:02.040 if the empire really wanted to out-compete everybody else, why can't they just colonize 00:15:02.040 --> 00:15:04.640 the moon or Mars? 00:15:04.640 --> 00:15:10.360 There's this endless, infinite universe out there, and all these resources and energy 00:15:10.360 --> 00:15:16.760 and equipment could have gone towards making the empire a galactic force or at least a 00:15:16.760 --> 00:15:18.360 solar system force. 00:15:18.360 --> 00:15:24.680 Instead, the efforts are focused here on attacking other people who are raising their head. 00:15:24.680 --> 00:15:37.320 Yeah, the thought of having a world of peons is such an emotional part of it. 00:15:37.320 --> 00:15:47.880 The ruling class hates the idea of competition from ordinary people. 00:15:47.880 --> 00:16:01.280 So choices way back were meant to degrade as many people as possible by lowering the 00:16:01.280 --> 00:16:12.720 quality of schooling at all levels and nutrition, having diets scaled economically. 00:16:12.720 --> 00:16:23.640 I started that in the '30s, and in Los Angeles, I saw doctors are trained to do that. 00:16:23.640 --> 00:16:37.160 Grains, pasta, and beans as the economy diet, and then seafood and fruit and dairy foods 00:16:37.160 --> 00:16:42.560 for the privileged diet. 00:16:42.560 --> 00:16:47.320 So would it be fair to say that a psychopath is always seeking out conflict with other 00:16:47.320 --> 00:16:53.040 people even though that psychopath has the opportunity to colonize the solar system? 00:16:53.040 --> 00:16:54.840 They're saying, "Nope, there's no people there. 00:16:54.840 --> 00:16:56.680 There's nobody to enslave. 00:16:56.680 --> 00:17:00.200 So we're going to focus our efforts here on Earth because there's other people we can 00:17:00.200 --> 00:17:02.080 torment and peonize." 00:17:02.080 --> 00:17:06.760 We're choosing that way because there's nothing out in the solar system. 00:17:06.760 --> 00:17:19.320 Nelson Rockefeller and Franklin Roosevelt had agreed, the two party leaders, on the 00:17:19.320 --> 00:17:22.360 post-war world. 00:17:22.360 --> 00:17:33.000 They were to develop first Latin America as part of our economic system, build them up 00:17:33.000 --> 00:17:43.000 as a consumer economy, and then Africa and Asia would come at later stages. 00:17:43.000 --> 00:17:51.880 But a Marshall Plan for the world was the idea to get the whole world up to speed so 00:17:51.880 --> 00:18:01.480 that capitalism could continue as a growing, productive system. 00:18:01.480 --> 00:18:13.440 But the faction that took over with Truman, the Dulles faction, they were the elite haters 00:18:13.440 --> 00:18:20.880 of the public, and South Americans were less than the public. 00:18:20.880 --> 00:18:26.160 Have you heard the rumor that FDR was murdered? 00:18:26.160 --> 00:18:29.240 I think actually you mentioned this once in your interviews, right? 00:18:29.240 --> 00:18:31.120 Oh yeah. 00:18:31.120 --> 00:18:37.160 The Roosevelt family was convinced of it, Stalin was convinced of it, and anyone who 00:18:37.160 --> 00:18:48.920 knew what the Dulles, Alan Dulles, what he had been doing during the war was treason. 00:18:48.920 --> 00:18:58.440 It came out that Stalin's spies told Roosevelt what Dulles had been doing, working for the 00:18:58.440 --> 00:19:06.680 Nazi army, and Roosevelt said, "Oh, that isn't possible, that would be treason." 00:19:06.680 --> 00:19:14.520 And it took a couple of weeks for the facts to come through his system, because it was 00:19:14.520 --> 00:19:20.400 held up by the German Dulles intelligence apparatus. 00:19:20.400 --> 00:19:28.720 It took a long time to ever reach anywhere in the United States, but meanwhile Roosevelt 00:19:28.720 --> 00:19:29.720 had died. 00:19:29.720 --> 00:19:35.640 Ray, do you think the different power elite factions, do you think they're on the same 00:19:35.640 --> 00:19:45.000 page about installing killer austerity in every way imaginable? 00:19:45.000 --> 00:19:50.880 For example, Webster Tarpley in his book, The Obama, The Unauthorized Biography, says 00:19:50.880 --> 00:19:55.760 Soros is also associated with a series of projects designed to assault traditional moral 00:19:55.760 --> 00:20:01.320 values such as championing of legalized narcotics to be made freely available, inevitably to 00:20:01.320 --> 00:20:02.560 young people as well. 00:20:02.560 --> 00:20:07.800 And you mentioned the food system and just the culture in general. 00:20:07.800 --> 00:20:11.720 Do you think they're all generally on the same page about that? 00:20:11.720 --> 00:20:22.480 Yeah, the CIA financing itself by selling drugs in the big cities in the US, that has 00:20:22.480 --> 00:20:28.160 been documented over and over. 00:20:28.160 --> 00:20:38.600 They were profiting in two ways, by destroying poor people in the US and financing their 00:20:38.600 --> 00:20:41.720 illegal operations with drug money. 00:20:41.720 --> 00:20:47.480 What was the name of the journalist that wrote about the crack epidemic being started by 00:20:47.480 --> 00:20:52.840 the CIA and he was found with two bullet holes in his head and three independent inquiries 00:20:52.840 --> 00:20:54.840 ruled that it was suicide? 00:20:54.840 --> 00:20:56.840 Web something? 00:20:56.840 --> 00:21:04.480 Yeah, sort of hard to shoot yourself twice in the head. 00:21:04.480 --> 00:21:09.080 Did you hear about the death of China's ambassador to Israel? 00:21:09.080 --> 00:21:10.080 No. 00:21:10.080 --> 00:21:12.400 Oh no, when did that happen? 00:21:12.400 --> 00:21:15.040 A couple of weeks ago. 00:21:15.040 --> 00:21:28.560 China has been making big deals in technology with Israel and Pompeo visited Netanyahu trying 00:21:28.560 --> 00:21:38.600 to get him to stop the deals with China, but then suddenly China's ambassador, who had 00:21:38.600 --> 00:21:49.400 been the agent for building infrastructure and artificial intelligence businesses, he 00:21:49.400 --> 00:21:57.200 died in his sleep at the age of 57, just about a month after taking the office. 00:21:57.200 --> 00:22:03.200 It reminds me of the Iranian nuclear scientists who basically started mysteriously dying all 00:22:03.200 --> 00:22:06.040 over the world while giving talks. 00:22:06.040 --> 00:22:12.200 It happened maybe close to 10 years ago and then they found out it was Mossad agents using 00:22:12.200 --> 00:22:18.680 fake British passports that were present at the same conferences. 00:22:18.680 --> 00:22:28.240 This assassination really implies that the US is inside the Mossad because it was absolutely 00:22:28.240 --> 00:22:32.120 against Israel's interests. 00:22:32.120 --> 00:22:33.360 That's actually a pretty interesting point. 00:22:33.360 --> 00:22:34.360 So it's okay. 00:22:34.360 --> 00:22:38.800 Okay, so I've heard the opposite, that Mossad has infiltrated the CIA, but you're saying 00:22:38.800 --> 00:22:40.400 it's the other way around? 00:22:40.400 --> 00:22:42.760 Probably both. 00:22:42.760 --> 00:22:45.720 They're the same agency. 00:22:45.720 --> 00:22:49.400 It's just different branches across the world, right? 00:22:49.400 --> 00:22:50.400 Yeah. 00:22:50.400 --> 00:22:55.440 Well, I mean, there was somebody who said that you've never criticized Israel before. 00:22:55.440 --> 00:23:01.560 What is your, and I know that's not true, but what is your general take on that situation? 00:23:01.560 --> 00:23:02.560 That I've never criticized Israel? 00:23:02.560 --> 00:23:07.800 It was an internet comment, so don't take it with too much weight. 00:23:07.800 --> 00:23:18.320 No, I think it was in 1976, all of my Jewish friends, it seemed like most of my friends 00:23:18.320 --> 00:23:30.760 from all through the late 50s and 60s seemed to be Jews, but suddenly the attitude of, 00:23:30.760 --> 00:23:42.320 they were starting to confound Zionism with Jewishness, and suddenly if you criticized 00:23:42.320 --> 00:23:52.760 Zionism, which I was doing constantly, they were calling you anti-Semitic. 00:23:52.760 --> 00:24:01.880 From the mid 70s, my criticism of Zionism has been very steady. 00:24:01.880 --> 00:24:04.720 So it turns out that internet commentator was wrong. 00:24:04.720 --> 00:24:11.440 So I have a question related to that. 00:24:11.440 --> 00:24:17.880 I mean, as I'm sure, Ray, you've noticed that if you try to seek out the truth and you hold 00:24:17.880 --> 00:24:23.200 opinions that are not very popular, you're probably going to be a little bit more alone 00:24:23.200 --> 00:24:24.640 than most other people. 00:24:24.640 --> 00:24:26.480 Would you say that that's the case? 00:24:26.480 --> 00:24:31.480 Just because you'll be so out there for many people, and even if they don't disagree with 00:24:31.480 --> 00:24:36.000 you, they will think like, that's just too crazy for me to even consider, so I'm not 00:24:36.000 --> 00:24:37.880 going to associate with that person. 00:24:37.880 --> 00:24:39.720 Oh yeah. 00:24:39.720 --> 00:24:45.200 Look at Gilbert Ling and his students. 00:24:45.200 --> 00:24:55.080 As long as his graduate students supported the work they were doing, they couldn't get 00:24:55.080 --> 00:24:56.400 jobs. 00:24:56.400 --> 00:25:09.480 They were non-existent, and so those who wanted to continue in biology had to renounce him. 00:25:09.480 --> 00:25:14.880 They just weren't doing that anymore. 00:25:14.880 --> 00:25:19.920 So do you, in your social life, do you sometimes conceal your opinions because you don't want 00:25:19.920 --> 00:25:22.200 to, I don't know, drive away your friends? 00:25:22.200 --> 00:25:30.120 Or do you pretty much say what you mean, and if they leave, then so be it? 00:25:30.120 --> 00:25:36.560 I've never been a big party attender, but I never went to a party before. 00:25:36.560 --> 00:25:43.560 I probably didn't offend most of the people there by talking about what I was interested 00:25:43.560 --> 00:25:44.560 in. 00:25:44.560 --> 00:25:49.040 Well, Ray, sometimes I feel like we've had a conversation and I've said something totally 00:25:49.040 --> 00:25:54.720 wrong, but you didn't necessarily immediately inject that I was wrong, and then I would 00:25:54.720 --> 00:26:00.080 find out three months or four months later that I in fact was really wrong. 00:26:00.080 --> 00:26:07.000 I took that as maybe, and you do this, maybe, and again, my perception of maybe to all people, 00:26:07.000 --> 00:26:13.360 but Maslow has that quote where he says that, this is semi not related, but when he talks 00:26:13.360 --> 00:26:18.360 about letting somebody go through their pain and not telling them not to feel that way, 00:26:18.360 --> 00:26:22.280 so maybe that's a sign of respect that you don't just immediately correct somebody if 00:26:22.280 --> 00:26:24.560 they don't think exactly like you do? 00:26:24.560 --> 00:26:27.560 Oh, yeah. 00:26:27.560 --> 00:26:35.840 For a long time I've thought that that's a necessary thing everywhere, especially on 00:26:35.840 --> 00:26:39.160 any important political issue. 00:26:39.160 --> 00:26:49.120 If you're in a movement, the Occupy Wall Street failed to do that. 00:26:49.120 --> 00:26:58.280 They insisted that everyone had to have the same opinion and they just stopped existing. 00:26:58.280 --> 00:27:07.320 If you have some things in common that you agree on, you have to respect the person for 00:27:07.320 --> 00:27:14.320 having all of those right ideas and forget about their mistakes or omissions. 00:27:14.320 --> 00:27:21.760 Before we launch off in a different direction, can you say what Zionism is and maybe why 00:27:21.760 --> 00:27:23.800 you disagree with it? 00:27:23.800 --> 00:27:30.880 Because that might be a new concept to some people listening to this. 00:27:30.880 --> 00:27:38.440 Do you know about the protocols of the elders of Zion? 00:27:38.440 --> 00:27:46.040 Those principles are being freshly stated over and over again. 00:27:46.040 --> 00:27:58.400 It was an idea that was current at the end of the 19th century. 00:27:58.400 --> 00:28:10.320 After Israel was founded, leading rabbis there have repeatedly restated exactly what they 00:28:10.320 --> 00:28:20.480 have in mind, definitely not staying within the borders the UN, British Empire, and United 00:28:20.480 --> 00:28:23.280 States gave them. 00:28:23.280 --> 00:28:28.200 And then in the past few episodes and some of the other interviews you've done, you've 00:28:28.200 --> 00:28:31.920 been pro-Trump in this situation. 00:28:31.920 --> 00:28:38.680 And I know things are very complex, but one of the main things that some people say against 00:28:38.680 --> 00:28:41.580 Trump is that he's in the pocket of Israel. 00:28:41.580 --> 00:28:48.460 And so how do you unpack that situation? 00:28:48.460 --> 00:29:02.960 The important thing is that from Truman down through Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama, and Hillary 00:29:02.960 --> 00:29:15.320 Clinton, the main thrust of US intention was destruction of Russia first and then China 00:29:15.320 --> 00:29:16.320 second. 00:29:16.320 --> 00:29:27.680 And Trump was an interruption of that long, almost 70-year pattern. 00:29:27.680 --> 00:29:30.240 Good stuff. 00:29:30.240 --> 00:29:32.640 Go ahead. 00:29:32.640 --> 00:29:39.080 Yeah, I was going to say, so maybe it's more accurate to instead of Zionism to call it 00:29:39.080 --> 00:29:40.080 Bencunism. 00:29:40.080 --> 00:29:46.880 I mean, at this point I think it includes a very diverse set of people that maybe the 00:29:46.880 --> 00:29:50.840 majority of them are associated with the Zionist movement, but I think at this point most of 00:29:50.840 --> 00:29:57.400 the mega rich people are either inadvertently or sometimes even forced to be part of this 00:29:57.400 --> 00:30:05.880 because their interests are aligned with the interests of the financial powers of the world. 00:30:05.880 --> 00:30:08.120 Yeah. 00:30:08.120 --> 00:30:17.440 He definitely is not against the ruling class, just different factions and processes within 00:30:17.440 --> 00:30:18.440 it. 00:30:18.440 --> 00:30:30.120 But I think the avoidance of nuclear annihilation, at least for eight years, has been a great 00:30:30.120 --> 00:30:31.120 achievement. 00:30:31.120 --> 00:30:39.240 So there's a little bit of nuance here of what power elite that staves off total destruction. 00:30:39.240 --> 00:30:50.760 Yeah, the semi-conscious power elite that doesn't want the world to get incinerated. 00:30:50.760 --> 00:30:57.000 And do you see, I'm sure this is very complex, but like the Rockefellers and their eugenics 00:30:57.000 --> 00:31:03.960 kind of killer austerity plan, is that different from the Rothschilds' Third Temple Zionism 00:31:03.960 --> 00:31:04.960 plan? 00:31:04.960 --> 00:31:07.600 Or do they have compatibilities and incompatibilities? 00:31:07.600 --> 00:31:11.320 Yeah, I think they're compatible. 00:31:11.320 --> 00:31:18.000 But were the Rockefellers necessarily interested in Israel the way the Rothschilds are? 00:31:18.000 --> 00:31:26.680 No, not that I know of. 00:31:26.680 --> 00:31:37.040 Either way, almost everyone ends up as disposable property. 00:31:37.040 --> 00:31:42.600 At what point do you think the old school, white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, sort of established 00:31:42.600 --> 00:31:47.200 powers merged with the Zionist powers to create this global elite? 00:31:47.200 --> 00:31:51.840 Because I think you said in some of your interviews that it used to be those old, white, rich 00:31:51.840 --> 00:31:56.880 people, and then I guess sometime around the early 20th century started getting shifted 00:31:56.880 --> 00:31:58.720 heavily towards Zionism. 00:31:58.720 --> 00:32:02.760 But at this point, they seem merged, wouldn't you say? 00:32:02.760 --> 00:32:03.760 Yeah. 00:32:03.760 --> 00:32:09.440 We can move on after this, but Rupert Murdoch being an agent of the Rothschilds and buying 00:32:09.440 --> 00:32:15.920 up all the media, do you think that was a big part of, I don't know, obviously that 00:32:15.920 --> 00:32:21.720 was key in controlling the opinions and thoughts of a lot of people that media take over? 00:32:21.720 --> 00:32:24.320 Oh yeah. 00:32:24.320 --> 00:32:32.840 The New York Times, too, is in harmony with Murdoch's. 00:32:32.840 --> 00:32:36.720 This is pretty related, but I think this was a message to Jahed. 00:32:36.720 --> 00:32:40.540 You said, "The reason I talk more about biology than politics is that various radical 00:32:40.540 --> 00:32:45.040 movements generally have inflexibilities that keep them apart." 00:32:45.040 --> 00:32:50.040 And so that made me think of our current situation, like coronavirus is dying down and then immediately 00:32:50.040 --> 00:32:57.680 we have this death in Minnesota and that is propagated all over the media. 00:32:57.680 --> 00:33:03.160 When this kind of thing happens, not to dissect this specific event, but when this kind of 00:33:03.160 --> 00:33:05.880 thing happens, what is your thought process? 00:33:05.880 --> 00:33:13.400 Is it a conditioning type thing to move us in a certain direction? 00:33:13.400 --> 00:33:33.320 Accidents, personal, stupid murders will be taken advantage of to excite racial hostility, 00:33:33.320 --> 00:33:46.520 but I think there are enough accidental racist events happening that it's just a matter of 00:33:46.520 --> 00:33:57.240 how the media presents them and who is there to either try to point out what should be 00:33:57.240 --> 00:34:08.860 done that you should immediately start fixing police forces rather than making it a matter 00:34:08.860 --> 00:34:16.720 of racial identity primarily and then postponing actual changes. 00:34:16.720 --> 00:34:20.240 I have a question about that. 00:34:20.240 --> 00:34:25.360 We said a few times that the rich have always used these racial tensions as an instrument 00:34:25.360 --> 00:34:30.600 to keep the public's attention away from the really pressing issues and forcing the 00:34:30.600 --> 00:34:34.320 poor to fight over crumbs while they're stealing everything. 00:34:34.320 --> 00:34:38.720 But don't you think it's a little bit dangerous for them to be playing that game? 00:34:38.720 --> 00:34:45.560 One of these days, one of those racial incidents can lead to a revolution and in a revolution, 00:34:45.560 --> 00:34:50.020 everything gets destroyed, including the masters that are thinking they're in control. 00:34:50.020 --> 00:34:57.120 Why would somebody continuously use that dangerous fire that they set up in the living room while 00:34:57.120 --> 00:35:00.560 they're sitting in the bedroom thinking they're safe, but at some point might consume the 00:35:00.560 --> 00:35:03.000 entire house? 00:35:03.000 --> 00:35:11.920 They have atom bombs backing them up. 00:35:11.920 --> 00:35:19.720 They've used Israel to train the police in military tactics so that they have all of 00:35:19.720 --> 00:35:27.120 the non-nuclear military weapons that they can use. 00:35:27.120 --> 00:35:37.700 If that fails to hold down a revolution and a whole part of the state decides to secede 00:35:37.700 --> 00:35:46.980 and become democratic, then they have the tactical nuclear weapons that can be used 00:35:46.980 --> 00:35:47.980 for crowd control. 00:35:47.980 --> 00:35:48.980 We've talked about this before. 00:35:48.980 --> 00:35:55.140 That's called the Samsonite plan or something? 00:35:55.140 --> 00:35:58.020 The Samson plan is Israel's plan, basically. 00:35:58.020 --> 00:36:02.660 At some point, Israel feels like they're starting to get overwhelmed by their enemies. 00:36:02.660 --> 00:36:06.460 They're just going to launch their 400-plus, I don't know how many nuclear warheads. 00:36:06.460 --> 00:36:11.340 I think they even have a count that the US Department of Defense secretary, I think it 00:36:11.340 --> 00:36:13.420 was Roosevelt, who actually gave it away. 00:36:13.420 --> 00:36:14.900 Let's say about 400 nuclear warheads. 00:36:14.900 --> 00:36:20.580 Apparently, they're all pointed to major capitals and cities and economic centers of the world 00:36:20.580 --> 00:36:22.580 that these rockets can reach. 00:36:22.580 --> 00:36:28.940 Basically, Israel has said, "You will defend us," by you meaning the world community. 00:36:28.940 --> 00:36:33.980 If Israel is about to disappear from the map, we'll make sure that the world will disappear 00:36:33.980 --> 00:36:44.660 as well by nuking everything. 00:36:44.660 --> 00:36:56.140 In the background, for most of the Cold War, they had their doomsday weapon or doomsday 00:36:56.140 --> 00:36:58.300 system. 00:36:58.300 --> 00:37:12.420 It was a nuclear bomb surrounded by tons and tons of plutonium to create a radiation cloud 00:37:12.420 --> 00:37:16.380 that would end the world. 00:37:16.380 --> 00:37:41.820 People like the famous conservative, Buckley, was 00:37:41.820 --> 00:37:52.860 making the explicit argument that people should prefer to die rather than let the Soviet Union 00:37:52.860 --> 00:37:58.820 govern the world or even survive. 00:37:58.820 --> 00:38:07.220 He said that God will sort us out if we're all dead. 00:38:07.220 --> 00:38:13.220 We win anyway, so better red than dead. 00:38:13.220 --> 00:38:19.340 That was put into the concrete doomsday system. 00:38:19.340 --> 00:38:21.660 I just want to give an example to the people. 00:38:21.660 --> 00:38:28.340 I've talked to people about potentially the U.S. government using any kind of weapon that 00:38:28.340 --> 00:38:30.900 they deem necessary to quell dissent. 00:38:30.900 --> 00:38:34.780 Most of our friends are saying, "You're insane. 00:38:34.780 --> 00:38:36.620 The U.S. government will never do that." 00:38:36.620 --> 00:38:38.660 But apparently they already did. 00:38:38.660 --> 00:38:45.180 There was an incident in the mid-1980s in Philadelphia where the police bombed an entire 00:38:45.180 --> 00:38:53.180 block because there was one house that was housing this black militant group called MOVE. 00:38:53.180 --> 00:39:03.020 Yeah, a helicopter dropped bombs on the roof and burned the building up and killed everyone. 00:39:03.020 --> 00:39:06.820 Same idea as in Waco. 00:39:06.820 --> 00:39:19.500 A tank with flamethrowers and sharpshooters were killing people trying to escape, so they 00:39:19.500 --> 00:39:25.660 intentionally burned the dissident Christians. 00:39:25.660 --> 00:39:36.060 Even though they were, I think, mostly white, they were totally dissenting, so they were 00:39:36.060 --> 00:39:38.980 fit to be murdered in mass. 00:39:38.980 --> 00:39:43.180 And, Ray, I think on the last, maybe the last episode, you talked about how, was it the 00:39:43.180 --> 00:39:47.300 FBI or the CIA that has infiltrated like every fringe movement? 00:39:47.300 --> 00:39:50.700 And of course, like a historical example of that is COINTELPRO. 00:39:50.700 --> 00:39:56.340 Expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize. 00:39:56.340 --> 00:40:02.260 And that was like American Indian groups, Black Panther groups, and anti-Vietnam War 00:40:02.260 --> 00:40:05.260 groups. 00:40:05.260 --> 00:40:08.340 Yeah. 00:40:08.340 --> 00:40:15.540 Even more moderate groups are controlled. 00:40:15.540 --> 00:40:27.140 The whole New Left was a creation of the intelligence organizations. 00:40:27.140 --> 00:40:43.180 The Congress for Cultural Freedom was strictly CIA, but they created the whole idea of a 00:40:43.180 --> 00:40:57.860 New Left organization using supposedly progressive leftists. 00:40:57.860 --> 00:41:10.220 You know, the Trotsky movement, after Trotsky failed to take over Russia, he started working 00:41:10.220 --> 00:41:23.220 with the Nazis and the FBI and US intelligence organizations to create a takeover movement 00:41:23.220 --> 00:41:30.900 in Russia from within, which is standard policy. 00:41:30.900 --> 00:41:39.860 They undoubtedly have it in China and Russia now, doing everything they can. 00:41:39.860 --> 00:41:45.460 What Georgie, I'd want to harp on as much as possible of people not believing how bad 00:41:45.460 --> 00:41:48.820 their government intelligence agencies could possibly be. 00:41:48.820 --> 00:41:55.100 You know, like Ray, we talked about Project Northwoods, which was kind of the mock bombing 00:41:55.100 --> 00:42:01.200 of a plane or sending a plane into, oh my God, I'm screwing this up, sending a plane 00:42:01.200 --> 00:42:03.740 into Cuba with like fake people on it. 00:42:03.740 --> 00:42:07.740 But also the CIA's strategy of tension during Operation Gladio. 00:42:07.740 --> 00:42:12.620 And one of the operatives says, you were supposed to attack civilians, women, children, innocent 00:42:12.620 --> 00:42:16.660 people outside the political arena for one simple reason, to force Italian public to 00:42:16.660 --> 00:42:20.140 turn to the state to ask for greater security. 00:42:20.140 --> 00:42:25.540 And so people not knowing this stuff, that's just part of what they're doing. 00:42:25.540 --> 00:42:30.900 They're kind of indoctrinating people with these things that we're talking about that 00:42:30.900 --> 00:42:34.820 are historical fact being so-called conspiracy theory. 00:42:34.820 --> 00:42:47.940 I doubt that most Americans have paid any attention to the news that Syrian wheat crops 00:42:47.940 --> 00:42:58.860 across the country are being firebombed by US helicopters, which is even during war, 00:42:58.860 --> 00:43:02.540 it's a war crime, but it's a crime against humanity. 00:43:02.540 --> 00:43:05.740 It's such a trivial thing. 00:43:05.740 --> 00:43:08.340 I haven't seen much talk about it. 00:43:08.340 --> 00:43:10.740 I have a question. 00:43:10.740 --> 00:43:14.060 I mean, it's related, but it's more general than that. 00:43:14.060 --> 00:43:19.420 Do you think that if evil triumphs and it basically has its way, do you think that evil 00:43:19.420 --> 00:43:21.380 is stable as a structure? 00:43:21.380 --> 00:43:25.220 Do you think at some point it will simply collapse because that's just not how nature 00:43:25.220 --> 00:43:29.660 works and it's almost like against physical laws? 00:43:29.660 --> 00:43:34.620 Or do you think it will last indefinitely if it achieves complete control? 00:43:34.620 --> 00:43:48.540 Yeah, they always need the abject obedience in sufficient quantity to let them have servants 00:43:48.540 --> 00:43:53.780 and murderers, assassins, and so on. 00:43:53.780 --> 00:44:10.540 And at some point that dwindles, they get weakened by their use and their expendability 00:44:10.540 --> 00:44:14.700 makes them, I think, unsustainable. 00:44:14.700 --> 00:44:20.900 Do you think that that may be one reason behind the collapse of most empires? 00:44:20.900 --> 00:44:23.700 Because they all seem to follow a pretty similar script. 00:44:23.700 --> 00:44:24.700 There is a peak, right? 00:44:24.700 --> 00:44:29.940 And there is this long decline through which, of course, there is increase in authoritarianism, 00:44:29.940 --> 00:44:31.860 police state, et cetera, et cetera. 00:44:31.860 --> 00:44:34.540 And eventually there is this rapid collapse. 00:44:34.540 --> 00:44:41.980 But this idea of evil triumphed and then it collapsed because it triumphed, that seems 00:44:41.980 --> 00:44:44.260 to be a repeating theme across history. 00:44:44.260 --> 00:44:49.220 Yeah, they keep increasing their power. 00:44:49.220 --> 00:44:54.180 The use of power is mainly to increase the power. 00:44:54.180 --> 00:45:04.300 And when you keep increasing the power, like the concentration of wealth, just the concentration 00:45:04.300 --> 00:45:16.780 of wealth is pretty soon going to mean that Amazon owns everything and everyone else is 00:45:16.780 --> 00:45:19.780 expendable. 00:45:19.780 --> 00:45:26.740 So you'll have one corporation and what will they do to increase their power? 00:45:26.740 --> 00:45:33.140 The board of directors is going to start fighting for who has the most power. 00:45:33.140 --> 00:45:34.900 I see. 00:45:34.900 --> 00:45:40.700 Ray, I quoted, you responded to somebody in email and you said, "No, a person is never 00:45:40.700 --> 00:45:44.700 again the same after reacting to an aluminum adjuvant. 00:45:44.700 --> 00:45:49.580 The official figures of the US government show clearly that the epidemic of chronic 00:45:49.580 --> 00:45:53.300 diseases began with the massive increase of vaccination in 1989." 00:45:53.300 --> 00:45:54.780 And that created quite a... 00:45:54.780 --> 00:45:59.180 I don't go on Facebook very often, but I posted that on there and it riled a lot of people 00:45:59.180 --> 00:46:00.180 up. 00:46:00.180 --> 00:46:04.380 So do you want to offer more information or context about that? 00:46:04.380 --> 00:46:10.360 Because this is a very real thing that's probably in the works or it has already been worked 00:46:10.360 --> 00:46:12.780 out and is probably coming pretty soon. 00:46:12.780 --> 00:46:19.340 What do you think people need to know about rolling up their sleeve and getting a vaccine 00:46:19.340 --> 00:46:23.100 from Gates et al.? 00:46:23.100 --> 00:46:33.060 The size of a baby's brain, especially in relation to its body length at birth, has 00:46:33.060 --> 00:46:47.020 been growing from early 20th century steadily down to the 1970s. 00:46:47.020 --> 00:46:58.940 In some countries, it has actually in the 1980s begun shrinking and I think that's a 00:46:58.940 --> 00:47:08.020 pretty good worldwide indicator of the state of well-being and of deterioration. 00:47:08.020 --> 00:47:14.500 Are you familiar with the Flynn effect, which is the parallel increase in IQ all the way 00:47:14.500 --> 00:47:20.140 up until the mid-1970s and after that it's been basically in decline and there aren't 00:47:20.140 --> 00:47:23.620 even any trials, it's just declined? 00:47:23.620 --> 00:47:32.620 Do you know of Ernest Stern's study of the SAT scores? 00:47:32.620 --> 00:47:38.220 Yes, I've seen that and I've also seen the sperm counts and testosterone levels in males 00:47:38.220 --> 00:47:42.660 have been precipitously declining since the 70s and they're matching perfectly that 00:47:42.660 --> 00:47:47.540 declining curve in IQ as well. 00:47:47.540 --> 00:47:55.940 Brain size in relation to body and IQ and probably several other indicators of general 00:47:55.940 --> 00:48:05.060 well-being have all stopped increasing and begun declining. 00:48:05.060 --> 00:48:14.180 I think you can see it even in body shape and facial shape. 00:48:14.180 --> 00:48:18.700 Some people pointed out, Ray, that you, I mean my limited experience of reading your 00:48:18.700 --> 00:48:23.300 stuff like some people have said and I agreed that I've never heard you say like a person 00:48:23.300 --> 00:48:33.020 is never again the same and so is there something specifically really harmful about the aluminum? 00:48:33.020 --> 00:48:35.820 What is it about the aluminum adjuvant? 00:48:35.820 --> 00:48:43.420 No, anything you do, you're always in process. 00:48:43.420 --> 00:48:48.500 Heraclitus didn't miss anything. 00:48:48.500 --> 00:49:01.140 There is nothing that is ever constant and so if you ate chocolate rather than strawberry 00:49:01.140 --> 00:49:05.980 ice cream, you're never going to be the same again. 00:49:05.980 --> 00:49:06.980 That's what I thought. 00:49:06.980 --> 00:49:10.740 It was like shifting a trajectory of a person's life in just a different direction. 00:49:10.740 --> 00:49:20.700 Yeah, yeah and there are some things that shift the trajectory more seriously and more 00:49:20.700 --> 00:49:23.260 downward. 00:49:23.260 --> 00:49:31.380 Radiation and stuff injected into your muscles or brain are especially harmful. 00:49:31.380 --> 00:49:40.140 The radiation is equivalent because it affects things at the deepest levels the same way 00:49:40.140 --> 00:49:49.580 injected materials do or inhaled or swallowed nanoparticles that go everywhere in the body 00:49:49.580 --> 00:49:59.020 which are just sitting there ready to make genes out of the RNA ready to translate it 00:49:59.020 --> 00:50:09.100 into not only DNA to make the spike protein to create an inflammatory reaction that will 00:50:09.100 --> 00:50:16.980 lead to immunity but DNA that can be incorporated into our genes so that our offspring will 00:50:16.980 --> 00:50:25.860 continue making that spike protein and if we don't make enough of it to kill the person 00:50:25.860 --> 00:50:38.220 within the year before they start mass producing the vaccine, a very large portion of the volunteer 00:50:38.220 --> 00:50:46.380 subjects for this vaccine have had serious reactions. 00:50:46.380 --> 00:50:55.020 They call it a grade three serious reaction that might involve hospitalization. 00:50:55.020 --> 00:51:10.100 No one died so they went on but the incorporation of RNA will undoubtedly have effects that 00:51:10.100 --> 00:51:19.860 are going to be at least somewhat harmful, maybe progressively harmful all the way to 00:51:19.860 --> 00:51:22.300 killing the person. 00:51:22.300 --> 00:51:27.940 In terms of transgenerational effects, I know you've mentioned this before related to 00:51:27.940 --> 00:51:34.460 the vaccines but which generation do you think would have it worst? 00:51:34.460 --> 00:51:38.060 Would it be like third, fourth, fifth or would it be even further down the line? 00:51:38.060 --> 00:51:42.500 It seems like the first generation that gets it gets harm but maybe it'll survive. 00:51:42.500 --> 00:51:46.980 Then the second generation it may get skipped but the third one seems to be really where 00:51:46.980 --> 00:51:48.460 the bomb explodes. 00:51:48.460 --> 00:51:59.060 I think it depends on what the individual confronts in each generation. 00:51:59.060 --> 00:52:11.100 The number of genes specifying making a human being in our genome is somewhere around one 00:52:11.100 --> 00:52:22.500 to two percent of our DNA and around half of our DNA specifies retroviruses and each 00:52:22.500 --> 00:52:32.140 of those retroviruses is recognizable because it has a reverse transcriptase. 00:52:32.140 --> 00:52:41.020 These are probably when we're under stress, these are expressed to different degrees. 00:52:41.020 --> 00:52:53.540 When we're well fed and happy, we can take in something like the spike protein RNA, pack 00:52:53.540 --> 00:53:06.340 it away as a potential virus but keep it out of the way. 00:53:06.340 --> 00:53:19.700 Transgenic or epigenetic effects are under control but anything that creates a great 00:53:19.700 --> 00:53:33.940 problem, our system opens up this vast library of genetic material, shakes out some stuff, 00:53:33.940 --> 00:53:40.900 produces exosomes from it which resemble viruses. 00:53:40.900 --> 00:53:46.620 We're constantly to the degree that we're under stress. 00:53:46.620 --> 00:53:55.420 Our cells are manufacturing exosomes just about the same size and structure of the coronaviruses 00:53:55.420 --> 00:54:06.460 and other viruses and these are used to adapt to whatever it is that's bothering us, aging 00:54:06.460 --> 00:54:21.460 or infection, poisoning, whatever that shakes up the organism arouses some degree of this 00:54:21.460 --> 00:54:34.940 library of reference DNA material and adding one bit to it might not come out for 20 generations 00:54:34.940 --> 00:54:47.340 but it's still idiotic to put the most toxic protein, the spike protein, to put the RNA 00:54:47.340 --> 00:54:53.860 specifying that in our library of resources. 00:54:53.860 --> 00:55:01.660 Speaking of messing up with our DNA and transgenerational effects, people ask you multiple times about 00:55:01.660 --> 00:55:06.420 your opinion on GMO crops and I think you usually said that something along the lines 00:55:06.420 --> 00:55:12.340 of that, these artificial genes that are there could be highly allergenic but I haven't seen 00:55:12.340 --> 00:55:17.700 you say much in terms of whether this could have a transgenerational effect. 00:55:17.700 --> 00:55:18.700 Do you think it may? 00:55:18.700 --> 00:55:19.700 Oh sure. 00:55:19.700 --> 00:55:22.700 Everything has a transgenerational effect. 00:55:22.700 --> 00:55:27.900 Are you familiar with the Epicyte gene that Monsanto patented? 00:55:27.900 --> 00:55:32.460 It's called EPICYT Epicyte gene. 00:55:32.460 --> 00:55:33.460 I don't know. 00:55:33.460 --> 00:55:34.460 I haven't heard of it. 00:55:34.460 --> 00:55:39.780 So apparently this is, I mean, it can be Googled but it is an artificially created gene for 00:55:39.780 --> 00:55:45.540 corn that specifically makes human males sterile. 00:55:45.540 --> 00:55:52.260 Now I have no idea why Monsanto would be interested in such a gene unless they really had an intention 00:55:52.260 --> 00:55:58.500 of using it but apparently there are genes in the plants that can actually cause direct 00:55:58.500 --> 00:56:02.020 sterility effects and no vaccine is needed. 00:56:02.020 --> 00:56:07.980 So I've been thinking lately about how all of these efforts to conceal the labeling of 00:56:07.980 --> 00:56:13.180 the food in the United States and even in the entire Western world to prevent people 00:56:13.180 --> 00:56:16.900 from knowing whether they're eating genetically modified food or not. 00:56:16.900 --> 00:56:21.220 So if the powers that be want to do population control, it seems like they can do it through 00:56:21.220 --> 00:56:24.980 food as well. 00:56:24.980 --> 00:56:27.980 Yes. 00:56:27.980 --> 00:56:44.340 The everything in a vaccine practically is adequate to create allergies in a young person 00:56:44.340 --> 00:56:47.180 receiving it. 00:56:47.180 --> 00:56:58.660 And if you include the nucleic acid as this new vaccine is doing, well, the old vaccines 00:56:58.660 --> 00:57:10.740 all have nucleic acids in them as dirt, egg or other animal tissue or embryo tissue that 00:57:10.740 --> 00:57:15.140 is used to grow the viruses for the vaccine. 00:57:15.140 --> 00:57:22.340 That always leaks proteins and nucleic acids from what they grow it in. 00:57:22.340 --> 00:57:28.060 So those are among the things that people are being made allergic to by injecting it 00:57:28.060 --> 00:57:30.460 into them. 00:57:30.460 --> 00:57:40.460 That's how you create an experimental allergy in animals and no one denies that it is in 00:57:40.460 --> 00:57:50.500 the composition of genes and so accounting for the 25 fold increase in young people's 00:57:50.500 --> 00:57:51.500 allergies. 00:57:51.500 --> 00:58:01.820 And now that they're acknowledging that they're putting a nucleic acid in everyone who receives 00:58:01.820 --> 00:58:09.540 the vaccine is going to have to be labeled genetically modified organism. 00:58:09.540 --> 00:58:13.740 Speaking of protection from vaccines, I'm sure you've seen that most of the adjuvants 00:58:13.740 --> 00:58:21.140 that are in there, they target the endotoxin receptor TLR4 or one of the TLRs. 00:58:21.140 --> 00:58:26.420 So would it be pertinent to administer something if somebody, let's say somebody doesn't have 00:58:26.420 --> 00:58:30.740 a choice, is forced to be vaccinated, maybe they're in the military or work in the healthcare 00:58:30.740 --> 00:58:31.740 industry. 00:58:31.740 --> 00:58:38.620 Do you think that blocking that receptor before getting that vaccine would confer some protective 00:58:38.620 --> 00:58:41.740 effects if the endotoxin? 00:58:41.740 --> 00:58:50.500 Everything anti-inflammatory that you do is going to tend to inhibit that. 00:58:50.500 --> 00:59:00.740 Everything you do that is stressful is going to sensitize it and that's happening with 00:59:00.740 --> 00:59:04.260 any vaccine. 00:59:04.260 --> 00:59:21.340 The inflammatory system arranged around the endotoxin inflammation system, everything 00:59:21.340 --> 00:59:32.100 you do risks activating that and that activates histamine, serotonin, and so on. 00:59:32.100 --> 00:59:42.060 Everything that's involved in the coronavirus disease, so-called, the real disease is just 00:59:42.060 --> 00:59:46.460 a very standardized stress disease. 00:59:46.460 --> 00:59:59.220 That's why it overlaps so perfectly with sepsis or high altitude pulmonary edema, ARDS caused 00:59:59.220 --> 01:00:14.780 by trauma, everything that tends to kill you tends to create the same condition. 01:00:14.780 --> 01:00:27.300 Some people react badly to the coronavirus where 70% or so don't notice they have anything 01:00:27.300 --> 01:00:30.940 worse than maybe a sniffle. 01:00:30.940 --> 01:00:44.740 But there have been eight or ten studies that looked at the outcome of people who had been 01:00:44.740 --> 01:00:59.220 given the influenza shots and the huge campaign in Italy and the US last year to push influenza 01:00:59.220 --> 01:01:04.060 vaccine on old people. 01:01:04.060 --> 01:01:12.180 According to the results of these several studies, people who were vaccinated against 01:01:12.180 --> 01:01:23.900 influenza, according to their arguments, had somewhat less cases of influenza, maybe 45% 01:01:23.900 --> 01:01:34.980 protection, but they were as much as five or six times as likely to have other respiratory 01:01:34.980 --> 01:01:36.780 infection. 01:01:36.780 --> 01:01:47.580 So, just looking at those figures, you would say that the great vaccination campaign of 01:01:47.580 --> 01:01:57.900 old people, total of approaching 170 million in the US, I don't know how many in Italy, 01:01:57.900 --> 01:02:07.020 if you doubled or tripled or quadrupled the number of non-influenza respiratory diseases, 01:02:07.020 --> 01:02:14.580 you would expect to have a much higher percentage of coronavirus infections, which is what we 01:02:14.580 --> 01:02:17.540 did see. 01:02:17.540 --> 01:02:25.060 So in principle, just taking a hefty dosage of aspirin about an hour before a forced vaccine 01:02:25.060 --> 01:02:28.580 would be a decent attempt to protect yourself? 01:02:28.580 --> 01:02:39.300 Yeah, very good, because all of these things, angiotensin activates, among other things, 01:02:39.300 --> 01:02:41.500 the prostaglandins. 01:02:41.500 --> 01:02:49.460 And if you stop the prostaglandin storm, you reduce all of the cytokine storm. 01:02:49.460 --> 01:02:53.060 But aspirin is just one of the protective things. 01:02:53.060 --> 01:03:05.740 The blockers of angiotensin itself, angiotensin receptor blockers, stop at its source, the 01:03:05.740 --> 01:03:11.300 cytokine storm, inflammatory storm. 01:03:11.300 --> 01:03:24.300 And you might have heard that in Italy, one place, the mortality of men was four times, 01:03:24.300 --> 01:03:32.900 well, 82% of the deaths were men, 18% women. 01:03:32.900 --> 01:03:43.140 But one big study across the country found between three and four times as many men as 01:03:43.140 --> 01:03:47.060 women dying. 01:03:47.060 --> 01:04:06.740 And the only premenopausal women in more than 1,000 cases who died were radically abnormal 01:04:06.740 --> 01:04:13.980 and hormonal, other extreme metabolic problems. 01:04:13.980 --> 01:04:23.940 And several studies have documented in the US, it's maybe two and a half times as many 01:04:23.940 --> 01:04:27.100 dead men as women. 01:04:27.100 --> 01:04:34.420 But probably in the US, more women are supplementing estrogen. 01:04:34.420 --> 01:04:46.020 And estrogen, well, it's reciprocal, estrogen increases angiotensin and angiotensin activates 01:04:46.020 --> 01:04:48.740 aromatase. 01:04:48.740 --> 01:05:01.420 And so women, especially after menopause, if they're taking extra estrogen, are equivalent 01:05:01.420 --> 01:05:06.420 to having lower progesterone. 01:05:06.420 --> 01:05:17.220 Even in old age, men have much lower progesterone than women, but their estrogen, an old man's 01:05:17.220 --> 01:05:20.860 estrogen is often the same as an old woman's. 01:05:20.860 --> 01:05:27.980 It's the progesterone that's extremely different. 01:05:27.980 --> 01:05:36.660 The other big natural difference that shows up in the figures is that high altitude mortality 01:05:36.660 --> 01:06:01.260 is about three to four fold lower in Bolivia, western China around Tibet, and other South 01:06:01.260 --> 01:06:09.820 American countries, and looking at the high plateau states of Mexico, it was around three 01:06:09.820 --> 01:06:18.940 times as high in the low altitude states as in the central plateau states. 01:06:18.940 --> 01:06:29.380 And the only hormone difference that is extreme at very high altitude is progesterone, which 01:06:29.380 --> 01:06:34.660 increases adaptively and protectively. 01:06:34.660 --> 01:06:45.620 When you're able to adapt, you keep your carbon dioxide very high, and that goes with allopregnanolone 01:06:45.620 --> 01:06:51.460 and progesterone metabolites being elevated. 01:06:51.460 --> 01:06:57.460 To shift gears a little bit, I forget what article it was, but it was a James W. Prescott 01:06:57.460 --> 01:07:03.220 article, it's Body Pleasure and the Origins of Violence in 1975. 01:07:03.220 --> 01:07:06.500 And just a snippet from that, it's, "And the greatest threat comes from the nations which 01:07:06.500 --> 01:07:13.940 have most depriving environments for their children, which are most repressive of sexual 01:07:13.940 --> 01:07:16.300 affection and female sexuality." 01:07:16.300 --> 01:07:22.340 So that makes sense to me, but I'm also interested in kind of the things we've talked about before, 01:07:22.340 --> 01:07:27.780 kind of the sexualization of the culture and how that's kind of used as a weapon. 01:07:27.780 --> 01:07:34.260 And so where is the healthy middle ground between those two things? 01:07:34.260 --> 01:07:39.740 Between middle ground, between which things? 01:07:39.740 --> 01:07:42.140 Do you remember it? 01:07:42.140 --> 01:07:45.580 It's the James W. Prescott article, it's called Body Pleasure and the Origins of Violence. 01:07:45.580 --> 01:07:49.220 And then the only thing I didn't read off is in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, like 01:07:49.220 --> 01:07:54.140 a 1946 edition, he said, "As political and economic freedom diminishes, sexual freedom 01:07:54.140 --> 01:07:57.220 tends to compensatingly increase." 01:07:57.220 --> 01:08:00.900 And so that, I mean, just in my limited view, that kind of seems like what we're going through 01:08:00.900 --> 01:08:08.140 now, like just these ever growing series of sexual revolutions as our normal freedoms 01:08:08.140 --> 01:08:09.900 diminish over time. 01:08:09.900 --> 01:08:16.140 And so, I don't know, maybe just your general thoughts of sexualization being used as a 01:08:16.140 --> 01:08:21.340 type of weapon against people. 01:08:21.340 --> 01:08:31.900 Prescott was a Reichian, and I would agree with the Reich that sexual freedom has been 01:08:31.900 --> 01:08:37.740 a fraud and a distortion of sexuality rather than a liberation. 01:08:37.740 --> 01:08:41.900 A deviancy, I would call it. 01:08:41.900 --> 01:08:43.420 The what? 01:08:43.420 --> 01:08:48.980 I would call it sexual deviancy instead of sexual freedom, wouldn't you? 01:08:48.980 --> 01:08:50.340 Yeah, yeah. 01:08:50.340 --> 01:08:59.100 The weirdness has been amplified and the actual free expression. 01:08:59.100 --> 01:09:10.420 The CIA, with Gloria Steinem, for example, as a CIA operative, creating a new view of 01:09:10.420 --> 01:09:16.180 feminism rather than erotic free feminism. 01:09:16.180 --> 01:09:20.980 It was industrial-grade power feminism. 01:09:20.980 --> 01:09:26.300 And then you trace that back to Kinsey, and apparently he was supported by the Rockefellers 01:09:26.300 --> 01:09:32.020 and on the front page, or the cover of Time magazine, the CIA mouthpiece. 01:09:32.020 --> 01:09:33.820 Yeah, yeah. 01:09:33.820 --> 01:09:37.820 And you don't, do you think his science was very good? 01:09:37.820 --> 01:09:50.100 Yeah, I don't think science was really science. 01:09:50.100 --> 01:09:55.140 And the other kind of tag-along question to this is, in your email wiki, you said that 01:09:55.140 --> 01:10:00.940 high estrogen does sometimes cause insatiable sexual interest, partly because it increases 01:10:00.940 --> 01:10:05.300 adrenal androgens and partly by inhibiting satisfying orgasms. 01:10:05.300 --> 01:10:09.260 And so I know in my experience, kind of my libido has fluctuated. 01:10:09.260 --> 01:10:12.700 Sometimes I'll think my libido is great or something, and then I'll take something that's 01:10:12.700 --> 01:10:15.980 obviously lowering stress and it will decrease. 01:10:15.980 --> 01:10:20.820 And in talking to people, that seems like sometimes a person will be disturbed because 01:10:20.820 --> 01:10:24.820 they'll perceive their libido as to be like awesome. 01:10:24.820 --> 01:10:28.900 But sometimes I suspect maybe it's the stress driving the libido. 01:10:28.900 --> 01:10:35.260 So is that something, can you clarify that statement or flush it out a little bit? 01:10:35.260 --> 01:10:51.140 Yeah, Wilhelm Reich called it the genitalization, the localization of the orgasm and losing 01:10:51.140 --> 01:10:58.460 the whole organism's function of the orgasm. 01:10:58.460 --> 01:11:09.260 He saw the real orgasm as a cosmic thing in which your whole view of your partner and 01:11:09.260 --> 01:11:18.860 the universe is undergoing a change so that both of your personalities and position in 01:11:18.860 --> 01:11:21.500 the world change. 01:11:21.500 --> 01:11:30.340 The orgasm is a discovery rather than a sneeze in the loins. 01:11:30.340 --> 01:11:33.740 So basically sex is an art, is a form of art? 01:11:33.740 --> 01:11:35.740 I guess. 01:11:35.740 --> 01:11:40.660 What do you make of sexual obsession? 01:11:40.660 --> 01:11:47.180 There are movements online from no-fap to no masturbation, anti-porn. 01:11:47.180 --> 01:11:55.220 So people are waking up to the, didn't Israel put porn in Palestine on the television or 01:11:55.220 --> 01:12:00.940 something to like, it's obviously, why is porn free on computers and stuff? 01:12:00.940 --> 01:12:08.060 Even when I was born in 1985, seeing a pornographic image was such a rarity even in my youth, 01:12:08.060 --> 01:12:09.860 but now it's just like everywhere. 01:12:09.860 --> 01:12:16.300 And so if somebody felt like they were really into that, what would be some things that 01:12:16.300 --> 01:12:22.100 they could do to detach, do you think? 01:12:22.100 --> 01:12:33.740 I think a good place to start would be to read some of Wilhelm Reich's writings. 01:12:33.740 --> 01:12:42.500 He saw it as a very important political question that made him an anti-Nazi. 01:12:42.500 --> 01:12:51.820 Well if somebody's physiology was, so again I'd be curious on your opinion about this, 01:12:51.820 --> 01:12:57.860 but maybe like the low energy hypothyroid state, like the, I'm not trying to moralize 01:12:57.860 --> 01:13:01.900 masturbation or anything, but if somebody is attracted to that, maybe that's like a 01:13:01.900 --> 01:13:07.460 low energy activity and kind of an exciting thing to do when you're in such a low energy 01:13:07.460 --> 01:13:08.460 state. 01:13:08.460 --> 01:13:09.460 Does that make sense at all? 01:13:09.460 --> 01:13:10.460 Oh sure. 01:13:10.460 --> 01:13:15.460 It can be relaxing and break stress. 01:13:15.460 --> 01:13:21.620 Exactly, like as an anti, it's like something a person can do similar to going buying alcohol 01:13:21.620 --> 01:13:25.180 or cigarettes, like there's a limited amount of things in the culture a person can do to 01:13:25.180 --> 01:13:30.340 try to dampen the stress response and that's one of the things. 01:13:30.340 --> 01:13:32.860 Yeah. 01:13:32.860 --> 01:13:40.820 Little kids often do it just to go to sleep, having fantasies and rubbing themselves and 01:13:40.820 --> 01:13:42.820 then going to sleep. 01:13:42.820 --> 01:13:48.780 It helps to relax. 01:13:48.780 --> 01:13:53.860 Yeah I wanted to say so, I mean because Danny mentioned that these movements to like try 01:13:53.860 --> 01:14:00.540 to abstain from like from consuming pornographic material online, I was thinking of a similar 01:14:00.540 --> 01:14:02.220 but slightly divergent line. 01:14:02.220 --> 01:14:08.300 Like this is a way of self-medication of lowering cortisol similar to what an alcoholic would 01:14:08.300 --> 01:14:11.940 do or a drug addict would do. 01:14:11.940 --> 01:14:17.860 Maybe better to sort of try to search for the reasons why we're drawn to this excessive 01:14:17.860 --> 01:14:22.780 sexuality all the time and sort of try to remove the reasons instead of trying to abstain 01:14:22.780 --> 01:14:27.820 because I think the abstaining from one of the few things that brings relief, that can 01:14:27.820 --> 01:14:30.380 itself also be pathological, right? 01:14:30.380 --> 01:14:32.180 Oh sure. 01:14:32.180 --> 01:14:33.180 Yeah. 01:14:33.180 --> 01:14:47.020 The obsessive trying to change your behavior as part of an obsessive attitude. 01:14:47.020 --> 01:14:53.380 I'm sure you've seen these programs, the so-called abstinence education which the Bush presidency 01:14:53.380 --> 01:14:56.140 heralded and tried to impose on every school in the country. 01:14:56.140 --> 01:15:01.340 I mean they failed spectacularly and at the time they said, "Oh it's because the American 01:15:01.340 --> 01:15:03.580 youth is so undisciplined." 01:15:03.580 --> 01:15:05.940 But there's probably a physiological reason behind it. 01:15:05.940 --> 01:15:10.300 Basically these people are doing these things because they feel a relief. 01:15:10.300 --> 01:15:15.540 So it's really counterproductive to go and tell them, "No, you shouldn't be abstaining. 01:15:15.540 --> 01:15:19.460 You shouldn't be doing these things because it's immoral." 01:15:19.460 --> 01:15:22.100 It usually has a – it kind of like backfires. 01:15:22.100 --> 01:15:24.020 The public sometimes says, "You know what? 01:15:24.020 --> 01:15:28.860 I'm going to do this and I'm going to do more simply because the authority is telling 01:15:28.860 --> 01:15:29.860 me don't do it." 01:15:29.860 --> 01:15:41.820 Yeah, but the sense of a neurotic self is a very powerful barrier against accepting 01:15:41.820 --> 01:15:48.180 imposition of duty and authority. 01:15:48.180 --> 01:16:01.580 Just preserving that little private corner can save a person from whatever monstrous 01:16:01.580 --> 01:16:02.660 situation they're in. 01:16:02.660 --> 01:16:08.620 Do you see sexuality as a liberating force in nature? 01:16:08.620 --> 01:16:13.900 Because the reason I'm asking this is because if you look at throughout history, every authoritarian 01:16:13.900 --> 01:16:17.700 society tried to brutally control sexuality. 01:16:17.700 --> 01:16:22.300 To this day, there are cultures out there that would kill you if you break certain sexual 01:16:22.300 --> 01:16:23.300 norms. 01:16:23.300 --> 01:16:27.740 Is it because sexuality is such a powerful force that it can quickly undermine the powers 01:16:27.740 --> 01:16:29.780 that be if it's left uncontrolled? 01:16:29.780 --> 01:16:31.060 Oh yeah. 01:16:31.060 --> 01:16:40.780 The authorities on why circumcision is so important recognized that it was to give an 01:16:40.780 --> 01:16:50.620 obedient, fearful attitude towards sex so that they recognized that you could be cut 01:16:50.620 --> 01:16:55.220 any time. 01:16:55.220 --> 01:17:08.180 The political implications of sexuality, all the way from circumcision to Wilhelm Reich's 01:17:08.180 --> 01:17:17.540 politics, it's really worth investigating and thinking about how the personality goes 01:17:17.540 --> 01:17:21.460 through energy cycles. 01:17:21.460 --> 01:17:32.680 The energy cycles are cycles of consciousness and you're constantly inventing and discovering 01:17:32.680 --> 01:17:40.620 new things every time you have a satisfactory full cycle. 01:17:40.620 --> 01:17:46.220 And Ray, part of the function of estrogen, if it is related to an insatiable interest 01:17:46.220 --> 01:17:52.500 in sex, is that like a signal that the environment is bad and that the organism should try to 01:17:52.500 --> 01:17:54.720 reproduce as fast as possible? 01:17:54.720 --> 01:17:57.660 Is that somewhat related? 01:17:57.660 --> 01:18:00.900 Oh yeah. 01:18:00.900 --> 01:18:11.820 The worse the situation is, like in the spring when there's a drought underway, grass like 01:18:11.820 --> 01:18:20.280 wheat will rush to come to a head and produce a seed. 01:18:20.280 --> 01:18:26.540 Maybe only a few little ones, but it will manage to survive the cycle by accelerating 01:18:26.540 --> 01:18:29.940 everything. 01:18:29.940 --> 01:18:46.820 The early puberty in girls in extremely stressed societies, nine or ten years old, while in 01:18:46.820 --> 01:18:55.380 traditional, calm, well-fed societies, especially with enough saturated fats like butter or 01:18:55.380 --> 01:19:06.620 coconut oil, as in parts of India, puberty would normally be around 17 or 18 years old 01:19:06.620 --> 01:19:14.900 and the whole organism would have time to mature more thoroughly. 01:19:14.900 --> 01:19:20.980 In terms of healthy sexuality, would you say that it's better to have a robust sexual arousal 01:19:20.980 --> 01:19:28.300 response when stimulated, but not really having much of a libido response without stimulation 01:19:28.300 --> 01:19:33.900 versus this current craziness of somehow people have convinced themselves that having a high 01:19:33.900 --> 01:19:38.860 libido all the time, whether you're surrounded by a stimulating event or not, they don't 01:19:38.860 --> 01:19:39.940 care about this. 01:19:39.940 --> 01:19:45.780 Now the culture is saying being hypersexual is good, but to me it seems that being hypersexual 01:19:45.780 --> 01:19:48.140 is good only if the right stimulus is there. 01:19:48.140 --> 01:19:52.340 If you're hypersexual all the time, then something's wrong, right? 01:19:52.340 --> 01:20:05.020 Yeah, it's irrational if you're excited by a shoe or a toad or something else. 01:20:05.020 --> 01:20:07.860 You wouldn't be very popular among common sexologists. 01:20:07.860 --> 01:20:11.580 They'll say, "Don't shame people's kinks, Ray. 01:20:11.580 --> 01:20:12.580 Some people like shoes." 01:20:12.580 --> 01:20:20.900 Switching gears a little bit, finasteride, Ray, I know we've talked about this in the 01:20:20.900 --> 01:20:26.900 past and in the quote I probably have sent to hundreds of people, I think you said in 01:20:26.900 --> 01:20:32.820 2014, it was just a reply to somebody asking you what they should do having taken finasteride 01:20:32.820 --> 01:20:39.380 and you said, "I think it probably started a chronic malfunction of your liver and intestine. 01:20:39.380 --> 01:20:43.500 A simple diet is probably good, small amounts of thyroid pregnenolone." 01:20:43.500 --> 01:20:49.900 Can we just kind of flush out the details of, one, my first question being like, if 01:20:49.900 --> 01:20:53.460 a person has to take finasteride, there's already a problem. 01:20:53.460 --> 01:21:03.340 And then two, how more difficult is the person's situation after they've taken the finasteride 01:21:03.340 --> 01:21:04.940 in your estimation? 01:21:04.940 --> 01:21:09.700 Well, first, no one has to take it. 01:21:09.700 --> 01:21:19.660 It's an irrational decision and it probably means you're already abjectly obedient to 01:21:19.660 --> 01:21:20.660 authority. 01:21:20.660 --> 01:21:39.700 It's such an unfounded, basically an insane decision. 01:21:39.700 --> 01:21:51.540 And any information that you get is going to make a thoughtful person fear it. 01:21:51.540 --> 01:22:01.980 And it's a very powerful intervention in your steroid chemistry, which especially affects 01:22:01.980 --> 01:22:02.980 your brain. 01:22:02.980 --> 01:22:11.460 The brain is the biggest steroidogenic organ, probably next to the skin. 01:22:11.460 --> 01:22:24.940 But it's changing your chemistry and to get over it, you're going to have to push the 01:22:24.940 --> 01:22:33.940 system artificially, at least as hard in the opposite direction to try to bring it back 01:22:33.940 --> 01:22:35.660 into a functional state. 01:22:35.660 --> 01:22:38.660 So I want to, that's good stuff. 01:22:38.660 --> 01:22:39.660 I want to talk more about that. 01:22:39.660 --> 01:22:48.140 When it does regrow hair, what do you think it's doing? 01:22:48.140 --> 01:22:58.900 Somehow shaking up the system, like creating an early false puberty, you can bring some 01:22:58.900 --> 01:23:06.820 parts of the system into function in isolation. 01:23:06.820 --> 01:23:10.260 And then do you think we know all the effects of what it is? 01:23:10.260 --> 01:23:14.100 Do you buy that it's just a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor or do you think it's doing a lot 01:23:14.100 --> 01:23:15.660 of other things? 01:23:15.660 --> 01:23:20.980 Oh, not really other things. 01:23:20.980 --> 01:23:39.220 But these 5-reductase, both alpha and beta reductases, the steroids are central to well-being, 01:23:39.220 --> 01:23:55.540 progress of consciousness, the orgasm function itself, brain development at its foundation. 01:23:55.540 --> 01:23:57.500 I'm sure you'll like this. 01:23:57.500 --> 01:24:02.860 There was a study that I found recently which showed that even in snails, if you give them 01:24:02.860 --> 01:24:08.180 a finasteride or any other 5-alpha reductase inhibitor and they confirm that it's specific 01:24:08.180 --> 01:24:15.660 to the 5-alpha reductase, the snails no longer coil. 01:24:15.660 --> 01:24:22.860 So it completely disrupts their morphogenetic field and this effect persists for several 01:24:22.860 --> 01:24:23.860 generations. 01:24:23.860 --> 01:24:29.460 So apparently dihydrotestosterone or allopregnanolone, which they didn't test which one of the 01:24:29.460 --> 01:24:35.420 two because the finasteride inhibits just the enzyme that produces both of them, but 01:24:35.420 --> 01:24:40.420 apparently one of these hormones is extremely important for the morphogenesis of even snails. 01:24:40.420 --> 01:24:45.300 We can only imagine what inhibiting this enzyme does to the brain and to the human morphogenesis 01:24:45.300 --> 01:24:46.300 field. 01:24:46.300 --> 01:24:53.740 Yeah, the coiling of the brain is much more complex than the snails coiling. 01:24:53.740 --> 01:24:59.860 Georgie touched on it a few episodes ago, but he suspected that when you said your liver 01:24:59.860 --> 01:25:05.020 and intestine, that dihydrotestosterone was important for intestinal function. 01:25:05.020 --> 01:25:13.660 Is that what you were thinking when you wrote this do you think? 01:25:13.660 --> 01:25:26.740 No, I just think of that category progesterone, dihydrotestosterone, all of the stabilizing 01:25:26.740 --> 01:25:38.940 steroids as essential to holding our organism in its shape and determining its future shape, 01:25:38.940 --> 01:25:44.860 the way it coils and uncoils. 01:25:44.860 --> 01:25:49.620 Specific to the digestion, apparently the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme, the whole family 01:25:49.620 --> 01:25:55.300 is important for the synthesis of bile acids, which are steroid-like molecules. 01:25:55.300 --> 01:25:59.860 And if you inhibit the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme, you won't be producing the bile acids, which 01:25:59.860 --> 01:26:03.020 are crucial, obviously, for digestion. 01:26:03.020 --> 01:26:08.340 And another thing I found out is that also the 5-alpha-reductase family is responsible 01:26:08.340 --> 01:26:14.980 for turning cortisol into its reduced version, which is a lot less potent and actually in 01:26:14.980 --> 01:26:19.900 some cases acts as an antagonist on the cortisol receptor. 01:26:19.900 --> 01:26:24.780 So it looks like it's a fairly systemic protective function that these enzymes have 01:26:24.780 --> 01:26:27.540 that doesn't even have to do much with sexuality. 01:26:27.540 --> 01:26:31.780 It's more like metabolism and digestion and stress. 01:26:31.780 --> 01:26:45.340 Yeah, that's why I always think of Heraclitus in connection to any seemingly simple biological 01:26:45.340 --> 01:26:46.340 issue. 01:26:46.340 --> 01:26:54.740 Nothing is simple, everything goes on forever and changes. 01:26:54.740 --> 01:26:57.540 One last thing on this and then we can move on if Georgie doesn't have any additional 01:26:57.540 --> 01:27:04.700 questions, but there's a huge culture around post-finasteride users and a lot of them will 01:27:04.700 --> 01:27:07.700 say things like, "We need to find a cure." 01:27:07.700 --> 01:27:10.140 And so what is your thought on that? 01:27:10.140 --> 01:27:12.140 I've often suspected that... 01:27:12.140 --> 01:27:13.140 I'm involved. 01:27:13.140 --> 01:27:19.420 Well, the idea that you've taken finasteride, it's harmed you and then... 01:27:19.420 --> 01:27:20.420 Hello? 01:27:20.420 --> 01:27:21.420 Yes, can you hear me? 01:27:21.420 --> 01:27:22.420 Can you hear me, Georgie? 01:27:22.420 --> 01:27:23.420 Can you hear me? 01:27:23.420 --> 01:27:24.420 Yeah. 01:27:24.420 --> 01:27:25.420 Yeah, we can hear you now. 01:27:25.420 --> 01:27:26.420 I'll just rephrase the question. 01:27:26.420 --> 01:27:38.020 The idea of the needing to find a cure, what is your point of view on that specifically? 01:27:38.020 --> 01:27:45.980 Because if you say it's very complicated and it started with your development and everything 01:27:45.980 --> 01:27:52.740 in your life, I think that just isn't acceptable to a lot of people. 01:27:52.740 --> 01:28:00.540 The association with the crease in the earlobe and the altered cholesterol metabolism and 01:28:00.540 --> 01:28:10.300 everything, it says you've got to seriously back up and not look for a cure in the medical 01:28:10.300 --> 01:28:20.340 sense, but to back up and as radically redo your life as possible. 01:28:20.340 --> 01:28:30.500 Such things as, for example, going to a high altitude for six weeks at a time and eating 01:28:30.500 --> 01:28:38.140 a totally different diet, making sure that your calcium intake is very, very high compared 01:28:38.140 --> 01:28:40.260 to your phosphate intake. 01:28:40.260 --> 01:28:50.580 The phosphate, for example, excess activates your parathyroid hormone, aldosterone, angiotensin, 01:28:50.580 --> 01:28:54.660 everything that destroys hair growth. 01:28:54.660 --> 01:28:59.420 Phosphate excess is very crucial for promoting. 01:28:59.420 --> 01:29:14.740 So doing everything, high altitude will increase the balance of progesterone and help to get 01:29:14.740 --> 01:29:23.340 the parathyroid hormone and aldosterone and angiotensin under control, but you have to 01:29:23.340 --> 01:29:33.460 think of it at that very fundamental level of getting your energy system revved up and 01:29:33.460 --> 01:29:37.820 turning off those toxic processes. 01:29:37.820 --> 01:29:43.820 The parathyroid hormone in itself is enough to knock out the hair follicle. 01:29:43.820 --> 01:29:49.940 Do you think, what is the extent of the damage to the vascular system when a person starts 01:29:49.940 --> 01:29:50.940 losing hair? 01:29:50.940 --> 01:29:56.100 Like, how much of it is stopping the processes causing the hair loss and how much of it is 01:29:56.100 --> 01:30:04.100 attempting to reverse the damage that's already been done? 01:30:04.100 --> 01:30:11.340 I think the things they do are seldom helpful. 01:30:11.340 --> 01:30:19.500 Getting your spontaneous energy production high so that you're producing and retaining 01:30:19.500 --> 01:30:31.940 lots of carbon dioxide, energizing and renewing the follicle so that it selects and retains 01:30:31.940 --> 01:30:38.660 from your blood supply the trace minerals that it needs. 01:30:38.660 --> 01:30:46.540 High energy is needed for that and the high energy is expressed through the balance of 01:30:46.540 --> 01:30:53.980 carbon dioxide and keeping calcium out of the cells by keeping your parathyroid hormone 01:30:53.980 --> 01:31:00.900 low, keeping aldosterone low by doing everything anti-inflammatory. 01:31:00.900 --> 01:31:04.180 Just one other question. 01:31:04.180 --> 01:31:08.700 You probably already answered it, but when somebody takes spironolactone or progesterone 01:31:08.700 --> 01:31:13.740 or ciproterone acetate, what do you see? 01:31:13.740 --> 01:31:17.340 You just mentioned a battery of different ways that it could improve things, but do 01:31:17.340 --> 01:31:22.420 you see progesterone heating or increasing the temperature of the brain or is there a 01:31:22.420 --> 01:31:28.980 primary mechanism or something you see as it doing to restore hair growth? 01:31:28.980 --> 01:31:37.660 Progesterone is very closely connected to maintaining oxidative metabolism and higher 01:31:37.660 --> 01:31:40.340 body temperature at rest. 01:31:40.340 --> 01:31:46.140 But could you, like an area of balding scalp, is that proportionally colder over a longer 01:31:46.140 --> 01:31:49.300 period of time or is that too reductionist? 01:31:49.300 --> 01:31:51.100 Is what? 01:31:51.100 --> 01:31:53.740 Evolving over time? 01:31:53.740 --> 01:31:59.420 Like, is the balding area of scalp proportionally colder over a longer period of time or is 01:31:59.420 --> 01:32:01.420 that a little... 01:32:01.420 --> 01:32:10.020 Oh, that's because it's quiet relative to the other parts of the brain. 01:32:10.020 --> 01:32:15.260 It's your thought process. 01:32:15.260 --> 01:32:19.980 It's stabilized, but still at a good high temperature. 01:32:19.980 --> 01:32:25.740 You can't think and plan if your frontal lobes are cool. 01:32:25.740 --> 01:32:33.140 It's just that it has to be cooler than all the rest of your brain and body. 01:32:33.140 --> 01:32:44.420 And progesterone is part of maintaining that coolness by keeping the activity focused rather 01:32:44.420 --> 01:32:52.380 than attending in the direction of excitotoxicity and inflammation. 01:32:52.380 --> 01:33:02.740 It quiets it so that it can think appropriately, but it does that against the background of 01:33:02.740 --> 01:33:07.900 high energy, high temperature, high carbon dioxide content. 01:33:07.900 --> 01:33:17.940 So I could not be understanding, but are you saying like a desynchronization of the brain? 01:33:17.940 --> 01:33:23.780 I know you've said the frontal lobes are supposed to be cooler and they act like a dissipating 01:33:23.780 --> 01:33:27.660 heat structure, if I remember correctly, and then the inner parts of the brain are the 01:33:27.660 --> 01:33:29.060 hottest. 01:33:29.060 --> 01:33:32.700 And am I following at all? 01:33:32.700 --> 01:33:33.700 Yeah. 01:33:33.700 --> 01:33:40.940 The carelessness of the front part of the brain is just part of the fact that it's very 01:33:40.940 --> 01:33:52.900 hot, but by being uninsulated relatively, it can be cooler than the inside. 01:33:52.900 --> 01:33:59.500 So one of the functions of the progesterone is to stabilize it so that it doesn't produce 01:33:59.500 --> 01:34:10.460 heat needlessly, but also to keep the temperature up so that the energy supply is there. 01:34:10.460 --> 01:34:20.460 The balance of carbon dioxide and lactic acid keep keeping the blocking hormones like parathyroid 01:34:20.460 --> 01:34:22.380 hormone low. 01:34:22.380 --> 01:34:28.740 And then when the tissue gets colder or the brain gets colder, what would be directly 01:34:28.740 --> 01:34:31.020 behind the frontal lobes? 01:34:31.020 --> 01:34:33.860 Is that the part that is directly affected? 01:34:33.860 --> 01:34:40.340 And then the tissue, it gets cooler, the protective steroids drop, as you said, the parathyroid 01:34:40.340 --> 01:34:49.140 hormone prolactin rises, and then that increases the activation and mobilization of mast cells. 01:34:49.140 --> 01:34:52.660 Is that right at all? 01:34:52.660 --> 01:35:05.060 The whole organs, any cell, when it's happy and successful and has done its work properly, 01:35:05.060 --> 01:35:11.380 it maintains high energy, but quiescence. 01:35:11.380 --> 01:35:21.060 And the frontal lobe of the brain is just the highest energy organ or tissue, but also 01:35:21.060 --> 01:35:29.420 the most able to maintain a high degree of quiescence. 01:35:29.420 --> 01:35:34.140 So in a sense, balding could be viewed as a brain excitotoxicity problem? 01:35:34.140 --> 01:35:39.140 Is that what I'm hearing? 01:35:39.140 --> 01:35:52.180 You're not keeping the back part of your brain differentiated adequately from the front. 01:35:52.180 --> 01:36:00.020 If you raise your whole energy production, that whole syndrome of an earlobe crease and 01:36:00.020 --> 01:36:07.740 high cholesterol and so on, it almost always goes with the chronic low temperature. 01:36:07.740 --> 01:36:16.220 So since estrogen is such a powerful agent of decreasing core temperature, would you 01:36:16.220 --> 01:36:21.700 say that agents that inhibit the synthesis of estrogen or block its effects, that would 01:36:21.700 --> 01:36:28.980 be a more or less right approach for restoring hair growth? 01:36:28.980 --> 01:36:38.820 The exact function of estrogen is to block a cell from going into that quiescent state 01:36:38.820 --> 01:36:52.620 to force it to act immediately and intensely and lead to the reproductive processes, which 01:36:52.620 --> 01:37:01.300 if you stay under the influence of estrogen, it will never go beyond the rapid multiplication 01:37:01.300 --> 01:37:03.380 and growth phase. 01:37:03.380 --> 01:37:14.220 You have to turn off that glycolytic type of metabolism and go to the oxidative, aiming 01:37:14.220 --> 01:37:16.540 towards quiescence. 01:37:16.540 --> 01:37:21.780 So speaking of quiescence, I have a question about the GABA system. 01:37:21.780 --> 01:37:26.100 Everyone is a GABA agonist and there are many other drugs on the market that act on the 01:37:26.100 --> 01:37:28.980 same system as agonists. 01:37:28.980 --> 01:37:33.380 Would you say it would be counterproductive to try to target that specific system because 01:37:33.380 --> 01:37:34.380 it would be too reductionist? 01:37:34.380 --> 01:37:42.540 Let's say an overly excited cell, you give it a GABA agonist drug to calm it down, but 01:37:42.540 --> 01:37:47.300 that in theory, in principle, shouldn't work very well unless you also address the 01:37:47.300 --> 01:37:50.300 energetic deficiency, right? 01:37:50.300 --> 01:37:51.580 What deficiency? 01:37:51.580 --> 01:37:54.940 The energetic deficiency of the cell. 01:37:54.940 --> 01:38:03.340 Yeah, you can't have meaningful quiescence if you're simply exhausted. 01:38:03.340 --> 01:38:13.580 The Pavlovians had the idea of usually three energy states, the almost dead parabiotic 01:38:13.580 --> 01:38:24.820 state and the intermediate state of sort of frenzied activity doing its function on and 01:38:24.820 --> 01:38:31.180 off active contraction, relaxation and so on. 01:38:31.180 --> 01:38:37.860 And then the high energy resting state in which it's simply quiescent but totally charged 01:38:37.860 --> 01:38:41.620 up and ready to work. 01:38:41.620 --> 01:38:51.620 These are good at getting into the high energy resting state and someone about to die tends 01:38:51.620 --> 01:38:59.700 to have parts of the brain and other tissues lapse into the parabiotic almost dead state 01:38:59.700 --> 01:39:07.500 just being quiet to save the last little bit of energy for surviving. 01:39:07.500 --> 01:39:12.100 So psychiatry more or less as a profession is wasting both its time and the time of its 01:39:12.100 --> 01:39:18.060 patients by administering all these GABA agonist drugs for all of these anxiety disorders and 01:39:18.060 --> 01:39:22.580 all kinds of other psychiatric disorders that are really energetic in origin. 01:39:22.580 --> 01:39:29.380 Yeah, they can be useful for a day or two if you use them to get some rest so that you 01:39:29.380 --> 01:39:32.380 can build things up. 01:39:32.380 --> 01:39:43.820 But they overlap and are in a way probably synonymous with the so-called calcium channels, 01:39:43.820 --> 01:39:54.580 the excitotoxic NMDA receptors, the glutamate receptors, everything that stress and estrogen 01:39:54.580 --> 01:40:02.180 turn on, that whole system turns off. 01:40:02.180 --> 01:40:14.420 And progesterone, carbon dioxide, and all of the other good things suppress the excitotoxic 01:40:14.420 --> 01:40:19.700 and promote the GABA relaxing system. 01:40:19.700 --> 01:40:23.100 Between carbon dioxide and thyroid, go ahead, sorry. 01:40:23.100 --> 01:40:33.820 Well you can pile up the nominal calcium channel blockers with carbonic anhydrase inhibitors 01:40:33.820 --> 01:40:38.380 and GABA receptors and so on. 01:40:38.380 --> 01:40:46.220 A pile of them will usually be more effective than one of them, but still you've got to 01:40:46.220 --> 01:40:55.460 work on the actual metabolism and get the blockers like enfatensin and aldosterone and 01:40:55.460 --> 01:40:58.900 parathyroid hormone out of the way. 01:40:58.900 --> 01:41:04.260 Speaking of the carbonic anhydrase, which do you think is more systemically beneficial, 01:41:04.260 --> 01:41:10.540 thyroid hormone or carbon dioxide? 01:41:10.540 --> 01:41:18.300 People who have looked for, among all known organisms, they could find lots of them that 01:41:18.300 --> 01:41:26.740 can live without oxygen, but they couldn't find any single-celled organism that can live 01:41:26.740 --> 01:41:29.900 continuously without carbon dioxide. 01:41:29.900 --> 01:41:36.060 So it's the without which there is no life. 01:41:36.060 --> 01:41:41.140 So if there was a way to package carbon dioxide as a drug or a supplement and then you have 01:41:41.140 --> 01:41:47.580 thyroid as a supplement, I guess supplementing with carbon dioxide would be more systemic, 01:41:47.580 --> 01:41:49.420 less risky? 01:41:49.420 --> 01:42:00.100 Yeah, it will stop the stress and very often give you a chance to recover your own thyroid 01:42:00.100 --> 01:42:01.100 function. 01:42:01.100 --> 01:42:11.740 A good diet, if you can adapt to 10,000 feet altitude and then get a good diet, your thyroid 01:42:11.740 --> 01:42:15.420 will usually recover. 01:42:15.420 --> 01:42:26.740 At 8,000 to 9,000 or 10,000 feet, everyone loses unnecessary fat, their thyroid starts 01:42:26.740 --> 01:42:29.040 working properly. 01:42:29.040 --> 01:42:34.900 Is there an equivalent, I'm sure you're familiar with Addison disease, which is adrenal failure, 01:42:34.900 --> 01:42:38.860 is there an equivalent disease for thyroid where the thyroid gland kind of completely 01:42:38.860 --> 01:42:44.460 fails as the adrenals? 01:42:44.460 --> 01:42:55.380 It used to be said to be killed by tuberculosis. 01:42:55.380 --> 01:43:03.940 That was 150 years ago when they believed that the thyroid gland enlargement at that 01:43:03.940 --> 01:43:13.220 time they thought might be inert by an infection, but it was probably just an extreme accumulation 01:43:13.220 --> 01:43:19.380 of colloid from hypothyroidism. 01:43:19.380 --> 01:43:28.980 I don't know of any actual confirmed disease in which the thyroid fails in itself, but 01:43:28.980 --> 01:43:41.580 a lifetime, 30 or 40 years of supplementing too much iodine will increase fibrosis and 01:43:41.580 --> 01:43:53.220 eventually carcinogenesis in the thyroid by driving high TSH activates cell deterioration, 01:43:53.220 --> 01:43:55.940 fibrosis and inflammation. 01:43:55.940 --> 01:44:05.460 And so you basically can drive it to death and fibrosis, but anytime you stop it while 01:44:05.460 --> 01:44:12.220 there's still something alive, a few cells can regrow. 01:44:12.220 --> 01:44:17.420 So just to summarize, so apparently supplementing with thyroid is not always necessary. 01:44:17.420 --> 01:44:21.780 If one can radically re-engineer their life, just as you mentioned, go and live at high 01:44:21.780 --> 01:44:27.140 altitude for let's say several months in a row, change their diet, completely eliminate 01:44:27.140 --> 01:44:32.580 stress, then at least in principle thyroid function should be recoverable even without 01:44:32.580 --> 01:44:34.180 thyroid supplementation. 01:44:34.180 --> 01:44:42.620 Yeah, and a fat person takes longer because they'll have pounds of polyunsaturated fats 01:44:42.620 --> 01:44:46.740 waiting there to come out and poison your thyroid. 01:44:46.740 --> 01:44:53.140 Speaking of thyroid, Ray, something people push back on a lot is in your TSH temperature, 01:44:53.140 --> 01:44:58.860 pulse rate and other indicators in hypothyroidism 2006, you wrote, "Healthy, intelligent groups 01:44:58.860 --> 01:45:03.060 of people have been found to have average resting pulse rate of 85 per minute, while 01:45:03.060 --> 01:45:07.020 less healthy groups average close to 70 per minute." 01:45:07.020 --> 01:45:12.380 In my general experience of monitoring myself and talking to other people, that seems very 01:45:12.380 --> 01:45:18.100 true, but what were you specifically thinking of when you wrote that? 01:45:18.100 --> 01:45:34.100 Oh, particular studies in which they saw, looking at different populations, just the 01:45:34.100 --> 01:45:45.620 relation of blood circulation to brain function and the freedom from sickness and so on, the 01:45:45.620 --> 01:45:57.540 higher temperature, a good resting temperature right around 37 Celsius goes with good brain 01:45:57.540 --> 01:46:00.740 function and general good health. 01:46:00.740 --> 01:46:08.100 A few weeks ago on Twitter, low-carb and keto people were trying to one-up each other by 01:46:08.100 --> 01:46:11.620 seeing who had the lowest pulse rate. 01:46:11.620 --> 01:46:15.660 So I think 40 was the winner. 01:46:15.660 --> 01:46:23.060 They were quoting articles saying that as your pulse rate went up, you all caused mortality 01:46:23.060 --> 01:46:24.060 increase. 01:46:24.060 --> 01:46:27.900 So what is your opinion on that? 01:46:27.900 --> 01:46:38.180 There have been a couple big propaganda studies five or ten years ago, some in Denmark. 01:46:38.180 --> 01:46:47.740 If you look at them carefully, they're just basically propaganda for selling blood pressure 01:46:47.740 --> 01:46:52.860 drugs and things to regulate your heart rate and pressure. 01:46:52.860 --> 01:46:59.300 And last thing, this is an article, I forget when it was, but the quote is, "The normal 01:46:59.300 --> 01:47:06.020 heart rate for a newborn should be 140, reducing to 115 between six months and one year, 110 01:47:06.020 --> 01:47:11.900 between one and two years, 103 between two and six, 95 age six to ten, and 85 between 01:47:11.900 --> 01:47:13.580 ten and 14 years." 01:47:13.580 --> 01:47:18.500 And that just reflects the lifelong decline of the metabolism. 01:47:18.500 --> 01:47:20.500 Is that right? 01:47:20.500 --> 01:47:21.500 Yeah. 01:47:21.500 --> 01:47:28.020 The intelligence basically goes down with the metabolic rate. 01:47:28.020 --> 01:47:42.460 I had a chance to give the RAVEN matrix tests to some kids at different ages. 01:47:42.460 --> 01:47:53.980 And my niece, for example, when she was eight, scored the same raw score as a university 01:47:53.980 --> 01:48:04.980 math professor, but when she was in her teens, she scored exactly the same score and hadn't 01:48:04.980 --> 01:48:07.100 advanced a bit. 01:48:07.100 --> 01:48:17.300 And just being around kids, you can see that at eight or nine, they're as bright as they're 01:48:17.300 --> 01:48:21.420 ever going to be. 01:48:21.420 --> 01:48:26.140 And just some random questions, unless you have questions about that, Dorji. 01:48:26.140 --> 01:48:32.020 One thing I am interested in is a half a grain dose versus a full grain. 01:48:32.020 --> 01:48:37.420 And you wrote to somebody in 2018 and you said, "If your diet lacks something such as 01:48:37.420 --> 01:48:41.360 selenium or vitamin D that's needed for thyroid to work, T4 can interfere with the effects 01:48:41.360 --> 01:48:42.360 of T3. 01:48:42.360 --> 01:48:48.460 If you take 25 or 50 micrograms in a single daily dose of T4, the liver will experience 01:48:48.460 --> 01:48:55.100 a momentary toxic overdose and over a period of a week or two will adapt to detoxification 01:48:55.100 --> 01:48:59.940 enzymes to destroy it, with the result of the body will be extremely deficient in thyroid 01:48:59.940 --> 01:49:03.520 most of the day and with a short period of toxic excess." 01:49:03.520 --> 01:49:09.240 So I guess what I'm getting at is, is it always safer to dose a half a grain at a time 01:49:09.240 --> 01:49:17.060 versus a full grain because the more than 25 or 50 micrograms could be harmful to somebody? 01:49:17.060 --> 01:49:24.820 With the natural glandular material, if you take it with food, it isn't all going to be 01:49:24.820 --> 01:49:27.260 digested for hours. 01:49:27.260 --> 01:49:31.340 Some of it is going to travel down your intestine. 01:49:31.340 --> 01:49:39.220 So with natural thyroid, you don't get such a bad effect as with a pure chemical. 01:49:39.220 --> 01:49:51.260 I experienced it myself taking 25 micrograms of T3 only in the morning and I don't remember 01:49:51.260 --> 01:50:00.460 how many weeks it was, but just a few weeks and my heart began pausing for seconds at 01:50:00.460 --> 01:50:14.260 a time around sunset every day and I found at sunset taking 5 or 10 micrograms and rubbing 01:50:14.260 --> 01:50:24.620 it on the roof of my mouth, within 10 or 15 seconds, my heart rhythm was going from pausing 01:50:24.620 --> 01:50:30.980 every 10 seconds to a restored perfect rhythm. 01:50:30.980 --> 01:50:37.540 You know what, I think I just realized I've been reading this paragraph wrong for years. 01:50:37.540 --> 01:50:41.220 You're talking about T3 in this, you're not talking about T4. 01:50:41.220 --> 01:50:46.100 Is there an unsafe amount of T4 to take at a single time? 01:50:46.100 --> 01:50:51.500 I was thinking the 25 to 50 was T4, but you're obviously talking about T3. 01:50:51.500 --> 01:51:02.980 Yeah, T4 is more slowly metabolized anyway, so it's going to equilibrate into your tissues 01:51:02.980 --> 01:51:12.620 at its background level is so much higher than T3 that the effect is going to be a lot 01:51:12.620 --> 01:51:15.300 slower. 01:51:15.300 --> 01:51:26.060 If you lack selenium and aren't converting it, then it does build up over the weeks and 01:51:26.060 --> 01:51:36.580 it reaches the point where it interferes with T3 and becomes antithyroid. 01:51:36.580 --> 01:51:38.260 So one last question about this. 01:51:38.260 --> 01:51:44.740 So if a person were using Cynoplus and they needed hypothetically two grains, would that 01:51:44.740 --> 01:51:50.300 be, and maybe the person's sensitive, or you're talking to a random person and you don't know 01:51:50.300 --> 01:51:55.940 how sensitive they are, would it be safer to talk about half a grain four times a day 01:51:55.940 --> 01:52:00.340 or would one grain twice a day be perfectly okay? 01:52:00.340 --> 01:52:09.860 Yeah, one tablet of Cynoplus is like a little over two grains of armor and one tablet I 01:52:09.860 --> 01:52:17.420 think has 30 micrograms of T3 and so if you take that on an empty stomach and absorb it 01:52:17.420 --> 01:52:25.700 quickly, it's going to have that upsetting effect and your liver is going to eventually 01:52:25.700 --> 01:52:29.740 give you a low T3 effect. 01:52:29.740 --> 01:52:37.900 But the one grain at a time, 10 micrograms of T3 and 40 micrograms of T4, is that risky 01:52:37.900 --> 01:52:40.220 to take at one time? 01:52:40.220 --> 01:52:41.220 Not with food. 01:52:41.220 --> 01:52:43.780 Food is going to slow it out. 01:52:43.780 --> 01:52:50.420 And last question, would you chew it or just swallow the pill whole? 01:52:50.420 --> 01:53:00.860 If you need, like I wanted my heart to not stop for three seconds at a time and so I 01:53:00.860 --> 01:53:07.740 chewed it up and got the almost instantaneous effect. 01:53:07.740 --> 01:53:15.980 If you're having terrible insomnia, chewing up 10 micrograms can put you to sleep in a 01:53:15.980 --> 01:53:18.460 few minutes. 01:53:18.460 --> 01:53:27.660 People with agonizing breast pain have chewed up 10 micrograms and found the pain was absolutely 01:53:27.660 --> 01:53:30.500 stopped in 10 or 15 minutes. 01:53:30.500 --> 01:53:34.260 I have a question about supplementing with thyroid. 01:53:34.260 --> 01:53:40.580 Considering the fact that fatty acids, especially PUFA, interfere with both the transport and 01:53:40.580 --> 01:53:45.420 the uptake and the effects of thyroid hormone in the cell, would it be pertinent to try 01:53:45.420 --> 01:53:49.540 to lower the fatty acids around the time somebody is taking thyroid? 01:53:49.540 --> 01:53:55.340 Like take it with niacinamide and/or aspirin or any other measure that lowers free fatty 01:53:55.340 --> 01:53:56.340 acids? 01:53:56.340 --> 01:54:04.420 It's always good to keep the free fatty acids low. 01:54:04.420 --> 01:54:09.980 But it wouldn't have any kind of synergistic effect to do that when you're taking thyroid? 01:54:09.980 --> 01:54:13.900 In other words, to get more use of the thyroid you're already ingesting. 01:54:13.900 --> 01:54:18.780 Would it help to in this specific case? 01:54:18.780 --> 01:54:30.540 In the case of glandular thyroid, the unsaturated fats are even blocking the breakdown in your 01:54:30.540 --> 01:54:41.540 stomach and the further metabolism in your body is being blocked at all different points 01:54:41.540 --> 01:54:45.100 by polyunsaturated fatty acids. 01:54:45.100 --> 01:54:49.980 Oh wow, so you won't even break down the thyroglobulin in the stomach when you're 01:54:49.980 --> 01:54:56.100 taking the glandular? 01:54:56.100 --> 01:55:04.620 Some of the food technology people have reasoned that the reason for polyunsaturated fats in 01:55:04.620 --> 01:55:16.700 so many seeds is to block mammalian stomach enzymes to make the seed unnutritious so they 01:55:16.700 --> 01:55:21.420 all stop eating it because it blocks the proteolytic enzymes. 01:55:21.420 --> 01:55:28.700 Ray, I know it's getting pretty late so I'm conscious of the time and I'll let 01:55:28.700 --> 01:55:29.700 you go. 01:55:29.700 --> 01:55:34.060 The last question I had for you was do you have a strong opinion about what's going 01:55:34.060 --> 01:55:35.060 on in Antarctica? 01:55:35.060 --> 01:55:41.340 This has been a mild fascination of mine and I watched a pretty good video about it and 01:55:41.340 --> 01:55:46.780 they threw out a bunch of things from magnetic anomalies to weather experiments to a source 01:55:46.780 --> 01:55:56.060 of uranium and a bunch of old newspapers describing snow-free land on Antarctica and things like 01:55:56.060 --> 01:55:57.060 that. 01:55:57.060 --> 01:55:58.060 Have you studied the topic? 01:55:58.060 --> 01:55:59.060 Do you have a strong opinion about it? 01:55:59.060 --> 01:56:01.420 No, not a bit. 01:56:01.420 --> 01:56:06.420 Have you seen the news recently about the neutrinos, the high-energy neutrinos they 01:56:06.420 --> 01:56:12.340 found in that detector in Antarctica and they're saying these particles should not exist, something's 01:56:12.340 --> 01:56:18.060 wrong with the standard model, but nobody's saying the obvious which may be that the earth 01:56:18.060 --> 01:56:25.340 is creating new matter and that's the reason why these high-energy neutrinos are there. 01:56:25.340 --> 01:56:30.420 Are they coming in a certain direction out of the earth or falling? 01:56:30.420 --> 01:56:35.900 Yes, and they're saying they're coming out of the earth and of course the main theory 01:56:35.900 --> 01:56:41.340 is like well, clearly the assumption is they're not coming from the earth, in other words 01:56:41.340 --> 01:56:46.380 the earth is not the source so if they're coming from the outer space, how the hell 01:56:46.380 --> 01:56:51.020 are they going through the entire earth and are coming out of the South Pole but we're 01:56:51.020 --> 01:56:56.220 not detecting them at the North Pole and nobody's saying the obvious which is maybe they originated 01:56:56.220 --> 01:56:57.220 from the earth. 01:56:57.220 --> 01:57:02.500 I just thought it's been boggling the scientific minds for the last three or four years, it 01:57:02.500 --> 01:57:04.060 hits the news every once in a while. 01:57:04.060 --> 01:57:06.780 I don't know if you've seen it on the news or not. 01:57:06.780 --> 01:57:13.620 No, that would be very important if the earth is emitting them. 01:57:13.620 --> 01:57:16.900 Do you know the neutrino sea theory? 01:57:16.900 --> 01:57:19.020 Dudley? 01:57:19.020 --> 01:57:20.020 The one from Dudley? 01:57:20.020 --> 01:57:23.140 Of course, Dudley, yeah. 01:57:23.140 --> 01:57:29.060 I read one paper, I was only able to find one thing in a PDF file online and it's basically 01:57:29.060 --> 01:57:35.220 saying that the stars are creating this stream of neutrinos and they're the source of all 01:57:35.220 --> 01:57:41.140 matter and I think the Electric Universe Theory folks have been confirming that and saying 01:57:41.140 --> 01:57:48.260 yes the electric force acts upon the neutrinos and when they split they form these cosmic 01:57:48.260 --> 01:57:52.100 rays and all new matter that we're seeing around us. 01:57:52.100 --> 01:57:54.980 That was just I think a minor part. 01:57:54.980 --> 01:58:05.420 His general thing was that the universe is pervaded by a neutrino sea which possibly 01:58:05.420 --> 01:58:16.260 has a dielectric effect and for that reason neutrinos naturally associate with charged 01:58:16.260 --> 01:58:26.260 matter, all matter being charged, so the concentration of neutrinos increases in proportion to matter 01:58:26.260 --> 01:58:41.660 and it fits with the Hindu guys' theory of gravity as a dielectric phenomenon with the 01:58:41.660 --> 01:58:51.020 neutrino sea being the dielectric which associates with matter. 01:58:51.020 --> 01:58:59.420 I happened to look up another paper that a professor had mentioned by a physicist named 01:58:59.420 --> 01:59:12.060 Anderson in which the presence of a monolayer of a radioactive material on a crystalline 01:59:12.060 --> 01:59:26.300 material, in this case a radioactive vegetable oil on aluminum foil, he showed that the supposedly 01:59:26.300 --> 01:59:36.060 stochastic nuclear decay was nonrandom when the oil was spread out in a monolayer and 01:59:36.060 --> 01:59:47.500 that paper was published in the same journal of the Italian physics journal in which Dudley 01:59:47.500 --> 02:00:03.380 published his neutrino sea argument predicting that crystalline matter would act as a beam, 02:00:03.380 --> 02:00:15.700 a focuser of this neutrino sea which associates as a dielectric but it would be altered in 02:00:15.700 --> 02:00:25.380 the presence of crystalline matter in which the charges are arranged in an orderly way 02:00:25.380 --> 02:00:37.620 and he predicted that the crystal structure could regulate nuclear decay and warned that 02:00:37.620 --> 02:00:50.780 the state of nuclear fuel in reactors or weapons could govern the spontaneous fission and make 02:00:50.780 --> 02:00:59.500 it unpredictable so his article was a warning but Anderson's article neither of them knew 02:00:59.500 --> 02:01:06.660 about the other but the experimental evidence happened to be published at the same time 02:01:06.660 --> 02:01:10.020 the theory was. 02:01:10.020 --> 02:01:15.660 So basically nuclear weapons are incurrently unstable, they may self-combust, well not 02:01:15.660 --> 02:01:16.660 self-combust but self-ignite? 02:01:16.660 --> 02:01:29.140 Yeah, and so if there's for example uranium ore at the South Pole this could be the equivalent 02:01:29.140 --> 02:01:39.420 of the reactive stuff being focused, focusing the neutrinos and so it could be another confirmation 02:01:39.420 --> 02:01:43.220 of Dudley and Anderson. 02:01:43.220 --> 02:01:48.360 In one of your interviews you talked about the piece of matter existing through time 02:01:48.360 --> 02:01:56.580 would convert this neutrino stream into energy and you called it a neg entropy, can you expand 02:01:56.580 --> 02:01:57.580 a little bit on that? 02:01:57.580 --> 02:02:04.060 Is that how basically matter is sustained as a stable substance by through this neutrino 02:02:04.060 --> 02:02:06.260 sea that's passing through it? 02:02:06.260 --> 02:02:17.940 Yeah, that was Dudley's view that it was participating in the mere mass attracting 02:02:17.940 --> 02:02:29.260 the neutrinos which affect such things as nuclear decay that the mass is acting on itself 02:02:29.260 --> 02:02:39.460 through the neutrino sea in such things as generating order. 02:02:39.460 --> 02:02:44.340 What do you think Kozyrev was measuring when he was doing his experiments with what he 02:02:44.340 --> 02:02:50.020 called processes that emit or absorb time? 02:02:50.020 --> 02:02:55.140 What do you think he was measuring in those experiments? 02:02:55.140 --> 02:03:07.660 Basically just energy and when energy appears unaccountably he did calculations to show 02:03:07.660 --> 02:03:20.500 why the passage of time is always adding a certain amount of energy to the system which 02:03:20.500 --> 02:03:29.500 would involve Dudley's neutrino sea but Kozyrev called it time. 02:03:29.500 --> 02:03:40.620 But empirically he started his theory to predict the source of stellar energy and scaling the 02:03:40.620 --> 02:03:52.940 mass of a star down, the mass of the sun corresponded according to his astronomical measurements 02:03:52.940 --> 02:04:01.780 to all of the stars he was looking at and so he looked at the planets and finally the 02:04:01.780 --> 02:04:14.380 dark side of the moon as the smallest accessible planet and aiming his spectroscopic telescope 02:04:14.380 --> 02:04:23.700 on the dark of the moon with a photographic plate in it he photographed red spots periodically 02:04:23.700 --> 02:04:28.340 in the volcanic areas of the moon. 02:04:28.340 --> 02:04:37.980 Volcanic eruptions were recorded and American astronomers said he was just a drunk Russian, 02:04:37.980 --> 02:04:42.340 there can't be volcanic action on the moon. 02:04:42.340 --> 02:04:55.060 But most recently there's an anomalous heat emission from I think it's next to the last 02:04:55.060 --> 02:05:08.820 gaseous planet and this very recent new data about the heat coming out of this planet fits 02:05:08.820 --> 02:05:19.700 his predictions according to the mass all the planets except Venus are emitting the 02:05:19.700 --> 02:05:27.500 same energy in relation to mass as the moon and the sun and stars. 02:05:27.500 --> 02:05:32.660 Two more questions related to that, are you aware of any follow-up work after Dudley's 02:05:32.660 --> 02:05:34.060 publications? 02:05:34.060 --> 02:05:37.100 Anybody who took this up and developed it further? 02:05:37.100 --> 02:05:38.100 Nope. 02:05:38.100 --> 02:05:40.060 Nope, okay. 02:05:40.060 --> 02:05:45.180 And if we assume that the neutrino sea is also synonymous for that electrically charged 02:05:45.180 --> 02:05:50.620 ether or not electrically charged but ether with electrical properties, I'm sure you're 02:05:50.620 --> 02:05:56.540 familiar with the ether drift experiments which some people say were falsified. 02:05:56.540 --> 02:06:10.380 Yeah, it's exactly if the neutrino sea is the ether and it's attracted simply as a dielectric 02:06:10.380 --> 02:06:22.780 very very light gas then you would have some drift, some carries some of it along with 02:06:22.780 --> 02:06:25.260 some of it slips through. 02:06:25.260 --> 02:06:39.780 So Dudley exactly calculated things that were consistent with the measurements. 02:06:39.780 --> 02:06:45.780 There was a physicist who apparently repeated the experiment to detect the ether in the 02:06:45.780 --> 02:06:46.860 80s. 02:06:46.860 --> 02:06:49.500 He worked for Caltech and NASA. 02:06:49.500 --> 02:06:53.980 I'm blanking on his name, I think his last name was either Silver or Silverstein. 02:06:53.980 --> 02:07:00.900 Long story short, he found that the earth has basically a drift, it's basically moving 02:07:00.900 --> 02:07:06.180 preferentially in space towards the Sagittarius constellation. 02:07:06.180 --> 02:07:11.580 So he not only said that the ether probably exists but also that its flow seems to have 02:07:11.580 --> 02:07:14.140 a preferential direction. 02:07:14.140 --> 02:07:20.580 Would you have any opinion on why that direction may exist and is there anything special towards 02:07:20.580 --> 02:07:24.860 the ether moving preferentially in a certain direction? 02:07:24.860 --> 02:07:38.020 Well like the electric universe, the universe is a thing and it must obey any laws of physics 02:07:38.020 --> 02:07:51.060 that are valid and so that's just another unexplored part of the universe. 02:07:51.060 --> 02:07:56.540 So maybe there's more matter there and the neutrinos are drawn towards that part of the 02:07:56.540 --> 02:07:57.540 universe? 02:07:57.540 --> 02:08:02.580 Yeah, the universe is doing something we haven't found out yet. 02:08:02.580 --> 02:08:05.100 What do you think black holes are? 02:08:05.100 --> 02:08:10.220 Aside from them being a completely fake object that astronomy is trying to convince us are 02:08:10.220 --> 02:08:16.540 breaking the laws of physics, do you think they're just special regions of space attracting 02:08:16.540 --> 02:08:18.540 neutrinos somehow? 02:08:18.540 --> 02:08:31.140 Yeah, I think mostly they're something designed to fit the paradigm. 02:08:31.140 --> 02:08:34.540 Have you read Seeing Red? 02:08:34.540 --> 02:08:35.540 Halton Arp? 02:08:35.540 --> 02:08:40.460 Yeah, Halton Arp. 02:08:40.460 --> 02:08:49.900 His observations didn't at all fit with the Big Bang explanation of redshift and redshift 02:08:49.900 --> 02:08:56.780 goes with the neutrino sea and electric universe and so on. 02:08:56.780 --> 02:09:02.340 So they wouldn't let him use the telescope anymore. 02:09:02.340 --> 02:09:06.740 Speaking of the electric universe, Ray, do you have an opinion on what's it called, 02:09:06.740 --> 02:09:07.740 the movie they made? 02:09:07.740 --> 02:09:12.180 It's called Symbols of an Alien Sky where they think the planets used to be in a different 02:09:12.180 --> 02:09:13.180 conformation. 02:09:13.180 --> 02:09:16.900 Does that make sense to you at all? 02:09:16.900 --> 02:09:19.420 For everything is changing. 02:09:19.420 --> 02:09:24.940 But specifically they're saying those conformations explain a lot of history. 02:09:24.940 --> 02:09:25.940 Would you take it that far? 02:09:25.940 --> 02:09:28.300 Do you think that is a reasonable explanation? 02:09:28.300 --> 02:09:29.300 Yeah. 02:09:29.300 --> 02:09:30.300 Oh, nice. 02:09:30.300 --> 02:09:32.220 Georgie, have you seen it? 02:09:32.220 --> 02:09:33.220 It's an excellent documentary. 02:09:33.220 --> 02:09:34.220 It's really fascinating. 02:09:34.220 --> 02:09:36.180 What was the debate by an astronomer? 02:09:36.180 --> 02:09:41.420 Was it Vernadsky who had a huge argument with the astronomical community who said that the 02:09:41.420 --> 02:09:44.500 Earth has experienced a lot of cataclysms in recent history? 02:09:44.500 --> 02:09:45.500 Velikovsky, I think. 02:09:45.500 --> 02:09:46.500 Velikovsky, yes. 02:09:46.500 --> 02:09:50.300 So maybe that's what he was referring to. 02:09:50.300 --> 02:09:55.620 Maybe because of that different configuration, the cataclysms on Earth are what all these 02:09:55.620 --> 02:09:57.780 big religions are talking about. 02:09:57.780 --> 02:09:58.780 Yeah. 02:09:58.780 --> 02:10:06.900 I've read him and I think his arguments are plausible. 02:10:06.900 --> 02:10:07.900 That's everything. 02:10:07.900 --> 02:10:08.900 You know what? 02:10:08.900 --> 02:10:11.660 The one last thing we didn't touch on that I put in the title and then we'll read the 02:10:11.660 --> 02:10:13.740 Super Chats and I'll let you go, Ray. 02:10:13.740 --> 02:10:16.580 Do you want to just talk about DHT? 02:10:16.580 --> 02:10:18.460 What is your general rundown of that? 02:10:18.460 --> 02:10:22.600 Because I think you've described it in email, but I can't think of an interview where you've 02:10:22.600 --> 02:10:23.600 ever really talked about it. 02:10:23.600 --> 02:10:24.600 I'm sure you have. 02:10:24.600 --> 02:10:32.660 But what is your general thought on dihydrotestosterone? 02:10:32.660 --> 02:10:41.540 In general, things like that are not to be messed with unless you have a very specific 02:10:41.540 --> 02:10:58.120 knowledge of a deficiency because if you take a little too much, any of those defining feature-creating 02:10:58.120 --> 02:11:06.640 hormones can change the whole system in an unpredictable way. 02:11:06.640 --> 02:11:17.520 I would suggest first getting a good picture of what the problem is. 02:11:17.520 --> 02:11:21.640 There are usually more ways to fix it. 02:11:21.640 --> 02:11:30.960 Correcting thyroid vitamin D and DHEA and pregnenolone will usually bring your DHT up 02:11:30.960 --> 02:11:33.400 to where it should be. 02:11:33.400 --> 02:11:45.320 In something like breast cancer or prostate cancer, it's one of the things that can give 02:11:45.320 --> 02:11:53.280 a big push to the system if you're wanting to interrupt the process. 02:11:53.280 --> 02:12:00.400 In health, sickness and disease, do you see it ever being warranted to supplement with 02:12:00.400 --> 02:12:01.400 DHT directly? 02:12:01.400 --> 02:12:06.080 I know you said you should always correct the upstream things first, but do you see 02:12:06.080 --> 02:12:13.080 DHT like a progesterone maybe for males or is it not that simple? 02:12:13.080 --> 02:12:14.920 No. 02:12:14.920 --> 02:12:26.080 Pregnenolone is the first thing and then DHEA if you need a more androgenic thing. 02:12:26.080 --> 02:12:34.280 Androgen will push your neurosteroids, the crucial regulating things that you don't 02:12:34.280 --> 02:12:46.320 want to throw out of balance and with a strong androgen like DHT, that would be one big risk 02:12:46.320 --> 02:12:49.920 that you could throw off your neurosteroids. 02:12:49.920 --> 02:12:56.280 Can you dive into that a little bit more? 02:12:56.280 --> 02:12:58.840 How would that work? 02:12:58.840 --> 02:13:08.440 If you have a definite problem that you want to fix, osteoporosis or cancer for example, 02:13:08.440 --> 02:13:14.880 then you can use it to the effect and you'll see the effect. 02:13:14.880 --> 02:13:18.000 Doses for that for the people that do need it? 02:13:18.000 --> 02:13:21.760 One milligram. 02:13:21.760 --> 02:13:26.120 One milligram daily dissolved in tocopherol say or like taken with fat? 02:13:26.120 --> 02:13:27.120 Uh-huh. 02:13:27.120 --> 02:13:28.120 Okay. 02:13:28.120 --> 02:13:32.920 Well, Ray, you do have that quote about testosterone and you say it's essential to have everything 02:13:32.920 --> 02:13:37.080 else in place, thyroid, calcium, magnesium, protein, vitamin D, vitamin E, pregnenolone, 02:13:37.080 --> 02:13:42.040 DHEA, then one milligram per day can have a very strong effects and a person could spend 02:13:42.040 --> 02:13:44.600 five years optimizing those things. 02:13:44.600 --> 02:13:49.000 So do you have a similar point of view with DHT? 02:13:49.000 --> 02:13:53.720 You just need to put a bunch of things in place before kind of even thinking about experimenting 02:13:53.720 --> 02:13:54.720 with it? 02:13:54.720 --> 02:13:55.720 Yeah. 02:13:55.720 --> 02:14:06.040 The DHT, you don't have to worry quite as much as you do with testosterone, but if you're 02:14:06.040 --> 02:14:13.080 very sparing with the testosterone, even DHEA can feminize a man. 02:14:13.080 --> 02:14:20.200 If he takes 25 milligrams a day and almost every day I hear someone taking injections 02:14:20.200 --> 02:14:29.160 of 30 or 50 milligrams of testosterone per week, which is several times what a teenage 02:14:29.160 --> 02:14:32.280 boy would be making. 02:14:32.280 --> 02:14:43.000 And so it's all going to be going towards estrogen and doing more harm than good. 02:14:43.000 --> 02:14:44.000 Yeah. 02:14:44.000 --> 02:14:47.680 I know Georgie and I have talked about this many times that that is such a common therapy 02:14:47.680 --> 02:14:50.000 of like gigantic doses of testosterone. 02:14:50.000 --> 02:14:52.280 And so I'm glad you touched on it. 02:14:52.280 --> 02:14:58.640 Georgie, do you have anything else before we move on to super chats and we end this 02:14:58.640 --> 02:14:59.640 whole thing? 02:14:59.640 --> 02:15:03.600 Yeah, I guess, I mean, my last question would relate to DHEA. 02:15:03.600 --> 02:15:10.040 Do you have an opinion of why the endocrinological industry came up with these insane daily recommendations? 02:15:10.040 --> 02:15:15.400 I mean, I know personally an endocrinologist and they think that 25 milligrams of DHEA 02:15:15.400 --> 02:15:21.800 daily is a minuscule dosage, despite the many studies showing that anything over 10 or 15 02:15:21.800 --> 02:15:24.720 milligrams daily reliably increases estrogen. 02:15:24.720 --> 02:15:26.760 They just keep saying no, 25 milligrams. 02:15:26.760 --> 02:15:31.600 You'll see studies even titled saying low dose DHEA administration does X. 02:15:31.600 --> 02:15:36.320 And you look at the study and they use 25, 50 milligrams and they're calling it a low 02:15:36.320 --> 02:15:37.320 dose. 02:15:37.320 --> 02:15:46.880 Well, if you find out what endocrinologists and pulmonologists, et cetera, are actually 02:15:46.880 --> 02:15:51.920 reading, it's pitiful. 02:15:51.920 --> 02:15:58.080 They simply don't know anything about their field. 02:15:58.080 --> 02:16:03.960 But you think that they can at least do the, this just a mechanical work of calculating 02:16:03.960 --> 02:16:07.080 what would be a physiological dose of DHEA? 02:16:07.080 --> 02:16:12.760 Can they drop to that level of stupidity, not even being able to calculate that? 02:16:12.760 --> 02:16:22.520 Yeah, it's a whole attitude of applying intelligence to physiology or anything in the world. 02:16:22.520 --> 02:16:28.840 They are trained in an authoritarian system of obedience. 02:16:28.840 --> 02:16:37.240 And it's very hard to talk intelligence to someone with that 10 or 20 years of training 02:16:37.240 --> 02:16:38.240 in that direction. 02:16:38.240 --> 02:16:46.080 Have you ever met a doctor who managed to get shaken out of this zombified dream somehow? 02:16:46.080 --> 02:16:48.680 Oh yeah. 02:16:48.680 --> 02:16:59.320 Patients who did something like an allergy specialist who was making huge amounts, $400 02:16:59.320 --> 02:17:07.280 an hour or something, desensitizing people to allergen, to whatever they were allergic 02:17:07.280 --> 02:17:12.680 to by injecting a little bit of the allergen. 02:17:12.680 --> 02:17:19.520 And they kept coming back every week needing to be desensitized again. 02:17:19.520 --> 02:17:28.680 And he found out that giving them some T3 and magnesium at the same time, they retained 02:17:28.680 --> 02:17:35.680 the magnesium under the influence of T3 and never came back. 02:17:35.680 --> 02:17:42.140 In a week he cured all his patients and went into another business. 02:17:42.140 --> 02:17:46.400 So what would trigger an allergy specialist to even consider T3 and magnesium? 02:17:46.400 --> 02:17:50.200 Were they somehow inspired by you or did they read something? 02:17:50.200 --> 02:17:51.200 Okay. 02:17:51.200 --> 02:17:53.200 Yeah, we were talking about it. 02:17:53.200 --> 02:17:55.480 Okay, Georgie, go ahead. 02:17:55.480 --> 02:17:57.040 No, that's it. 02:17:57.040 --> 02:17:58.040 That's it. 02:17:58.040 --> 02:17:59.040 I don't have anything. 02:17:59.040 --> 02:18:01.040 Okay, I'll run through these super chats. 02:18:01.040 --> 02:18:04.720 You guys, I'd love to get through all these questions, but we would just be on here for 02:18:04.720 --> 02:18:05.720 hours. 02:18:05.720 --> 02:18:11.880 And so obviously for these to Ray, Ray, you got my last Ford from the AdSense from Google, 02:18:11.880 --> 02:18:12.880 right? 02:18:12.880 --> 02:18:13.880 Oh, yeah. 02:18:13.880 --> 02:18:14.880 Okay. 02:18:14.880 --> 02:18:15.880 Okay. 02:18:15.880 --> 02:18:16.880 That was everybody here. 02:18:16.880 --> 02:18:17.880 So you guys are making this happen. 02:18:17.880 --> 02:18:18.880 Appreciate it. 02:18:18.880 --> 02:18:19.880 Thank you so much. 02:18:19.880 --> 02:18:21.560 Matthew Riley, thank you for 999. 02:18:21.560 --> 02:18:24.640 Mateo White, White shirts for 20 pesos. 02:18:24.640 --> 02:18:25.640 Thank you. 02:18:25.640 --> 02:18:29.600 This one, I'm going to break my rule and read it because it seems particularly important. 02:18:29.600 --> 02:18:30.840 It's from tone for $10. 02:18:30.840 --> 02:18:36.080 And he says, my cousin was shot and left paralyzed waist down, but showing signs that he can 02:18:36.080 --> 02:18:37.400 fully recover. 02:18:37.400 --> 02:18:42.440 Any thoughts on wound induced paralysis from a bioenergetic point of view, studying T3, 02:18:42.440 --> 02:18:45.040 T4, progesterone, CO2, and aspirin at the moment. 02:18:45.040 --> 02:18:49.280 Ray, what do you think about that? 02:18:49.280 --> 02:18:56.880 Nerve recovery, progesterone and pregnenolone and vitamin D and thyroid and carbon dioxide 02:18:56.880 --> 02:19:00.600 are central things. 02:19:00.600 --> 02:19:04.320 So just the things he was studying already. 02:19:04.320 --> 02:19:05.320 So that's great. 02:19:05.320 --> 02:19:09.680 Jonas for a hundred of some currency. 02:19:09.680 --> 02:19:10.680 I'm not sure. 02:19:10.680 --> 02:19:11.680 Thank you so much. 02:19:11.680 --> 02:19:13.920 Janet, thank you so much for $50 wealth. 02:19:13.920 --> 02:19:16.200 Diana or Bella Glynn for 24.99. 02:19:16.200 --> 02:19:19.720 Oh, Janet says, thank you so much for doing these chats. 02:19:19.720 --> 02:19:21.680 Diana says, thank you all for sharing your knowledge. 02:19:21.680 --> 02:19:22.680 Thank you, Diana. 02:19:22.680 --> 02:19:25.080 Christina Tomaj for 24.99. 02:19:25.080 --> 02:19:26.080 Thank you so much. 02:19:26.080 --> 02:19:28.480 Primitive initiative for 999. 02:19:28.480 --> 02:19:29.480 Thank you so much. 02:19:29.480 --> 02:19:31.520 He says, thank you for taking the time to do these lives. 02:19:31.520 --> 02:19:35.840 Danny, Georgie and Ray, Harry Burgos for $25. 02:19:35.840 --> 02:19:36.840 No message. 02:19:36.840 --> 02:19:37.840 Thank you so much, Harry. 02:19:37.840 --> 02:19:41.560 Machel, I won't even try to pronounce your last name for $20. 02:19:41.560 --> 02:19:43.000 Thank you so much, Machel. 02:19:43.000 --> 02:19:45.400 And then we have an extra second. 02:19:45.400 --> 02:19:49.360 I'm just going to read this last super chat and then we'll, we'll farewell out of here. 02:19:49.360 --> 02:19:53.680 But Vicky says, I guess it wouldn't really be fair if I, okay. 02:19:53.680 --> 02:19:54.680 Okay. 02:19:54.680 --> 02:19:56.360 I'm just going to end it there. 02:19:56.360 --> 02:19:58.200 Vicky, forward me your question. 02:19:58.200 --> 02:20:01.160 I'll try to answer to the best of my ability for 4.99. 02:20:01.160 --> 02:20:02.160 Thank you so much, Vicky. 02:20:02.160 --> 02:20:03.160 Okay. 02:20:03.160 --> 02:20:07.560 Ray, any parting words on the general state of things? 02:20:07.560 --> 02:20:09.720 What are you working on right now? 02:20:09.720 --> 02:20:11.720 Your life in general? 02:20:11.720 --> 02:20:23.320 A newsletter on the epidemic or the pandemic and concrete things that can be done and some 02:20:23.320 --> 02:20:35.120 basic ideas on how to think about viruses and reasons to avoid vaccines in particular. 02:20:35.120 --> 02:20:37.760 And you sent me a kind of a rough draft of that. 02:20:37.760 --> 02:20:40.440 When do you think that will be ready? 02:20:40.440 --> 02:20:43.800 Oh, a few days. 02:20:43.800 --> 02:20:48.640 That was the first page changed already. 02:20:48.640 --> 02:20:52.520 And then Georgie, any parting words? 02:20:52.520 --> 02:20:58.920 I guess one last question, Ray, if you had to leave the empire, what for you would be 02:20:58.920 --> 02:20:59.920 the breaking point? 02:20:59.920 --> 02:21:05.000 What signs in the environment would you say would be a pretty decent indication that it's 02:21:05.000 --> 02:21:07.800 time to pack up and go somewhere else? 02:21:07.800 --> 02:21:21.320 Oh, when they interrupt my food and drugs, if they turn off my thyroid, Cynomel, the 02:21:21.320 --> 02:21:30.440 Cynoplus and start changing the food supply, then it's necessary to leave. 02:21:30.440 --> 02:21:31.960 What about forced vaccinations? 02:21:31.960 --> 02:21:34.960 Would that be a good sign? 02:21:34.960 --> 02:21:35.960 Oh, sure. 02:21:35.960 --> 02:21:36.960 All right. 02:21:36.960 --> 02:21:37.960 I'm so sorry. 02:21:37.960 --> 02:21:38.960 Ray, how do you think that will be implemented? 02:21:38.960 --> 02:21:45.200 Like, how do you what what is the because so many people seem resistant to it. 02:21:45.200 --> 02:21:49.720 Do you think working for these corporations, obviously, but what about the normal person? 02:21:49.720 --> 02:21:54.000 How do you think they'll incentivize a vaccine besides using fear? 02:21:54.000 --> 02:22:03.240 Well, even even normal doctors are starting to refuse vaccines for their kids. 02:22:03.240 --> 02:22:11.680 And so the the normal American is still absolutely subservient to the stupid things their doctors 02:22:11.680 --> 02:22:13.720 do to them. 02:22:13.720 --> 02:22:17.480 That whole thing has to change. 02:22:17.480 --> 02:22:26.440 The vaccines might be a catalyst for people throwing off the whole crazy authoritarian 02:22:26.440 --> 02:22:27.920 medical system. 02:22:27.920 --> 02:22:31.360 Great stuff, Ray. 02:22:31.360 --> 02:22:34.880 You know, infinite appreciation for you joining us. 02:22:34.880 --> 02:22:35.880 Sincerely appreciate it. 02:22:35.880 --> 02:22:37.360 These are special episodes to me. 02:22:37.360 --> 02:22:41.760 And so thank you for joining us and just sharing your wisdom with us. 02:22:41.760 --> 02:22:45.720 And thank you, Georgie, for being my partner and helping me do this because I couldn't 02:22:45.720 --> 02:22:46.720 do this without you. 02:22:46.720 --> 02:22:48.800 Thank you, everybody listening and watching. 02:22:48.800 --> 02:22:52.920 Ray, I'll send you an email and we'll try to set up another one of these if you're available. 02:22:52.920 --> 02:22:54.400 And just thank you so much. 02:22:54.400 --> 02:22:55.600 Sincerely appreciate it. 02:22:55.600 --> 02:22:58.360 Everybody have a great, safe Friday evening. 02:22:58.360 --> 02:23:01.280 And we'll see you guys some other time. 02:23:01.280 --> 02:23:03.720 Take care.