WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:11.080 Nothing is more expensive than bad information. 00:00:11.080 --> 00:00:12.840 Know the source. 00:00:12.840 --> 00:00:14.520 One Radio Network dot com. 00:00:14.520 --> 00:00:16.280 Okay, sorry for our little bit late start. 00:00:16.280 --> 00:00:22.280 We generally start at 1030 central on the third Monday, whatever it is, on One Radio 00:00:22.280 --> 00:00:27.840 Network dot com with a very popular guest, Dr. Ray Peat. 00:00:27.840 --> 00:00:34.880 He has a PhD and Dr. Peat has been at this idea of looking at human nutrition, healing, 00:00:34.880 --> 00:00:38.040 how the body works for a very, very long time. 00:00:38.040 --> 00:00:40.440 A PhD from years ago. 00:00:40.440 --> 00:00:43.000 He's a nutritional counselor. 00:00:43.000 --> 00:00:48.120 He got his PhD from University of Oregon and he specialized in physiology. 00:00:48.120 --> 00:00:54.520 Started his work in hormones in '68, way back when I was in the military and I remember 00:00:54.520 --> 00:00:59.680 kind of a wild year where, if I recall, it was Bobby Kennedy was killed, President Johnson 00:00:59.680 --> 00:01:07.160 decided not to run, and Martin Luther King was murdered and for what that's worth. 00:01:07.160 --> 00:01:13.880 And then he wrote his dissertation in '72 and really talked about progesterone and hormones 00:01:13.880 --> 00:01:14.880 and such. 00:01:14.880 --> 00:01:20.600 And he's here, as I said, on the third Monday at 1030 central time, a little bit late. 00:01:20.600 --> 00:01:23.440 But Dr. Ray Peat, good morning to you, sir. 00:01:23.440 --> 00:01:24.440 How are you? 00:01:24.440 --> 00:01:25.440 Good morning. 00:01:25.440 --> 00:01:26.440 Very well. 00:01:26.440 --> 00:01:27.440 Yeah? 00:01:27.440 --> 00:01:28.440 Yeah. 00:01:28.440 --> 00:01:30.480 You're an orange juice guy. 00:01:30.480 --> 00:01:32.600 How do you drink orange juice every day? 00:01:32.600 --> 00:01:33.600 Yeah. 00:01:33.600 --> 00:01:38.440 I start out with either coffee con leche or orange juice. 00:01:38.440 --> 00:01:42.440 So you start off with what? 00:01:42.440 --> 00:01:43.520 Coffee and milk. 00:01:43.520 --> 00:01:44.520 Coffee and milk. 00:01:44.520 --> 00:01:45.520 Mm-hmm. 00:01:45.520 --> 00:01:48.680 And then orange juice. 00:01:48.680 --> 00:01:54.320 Over the years, we were told by our moms and school people that it's not too good to drink 00:01:54.320 --> 00:01:57.320 orange juice because it has too much sugar in it. 00:01:57.320 --> 00:01:58.320 Remember that? 00:01:58.320 --> 00:01:59.320 Oh, yeah. 00:01:59.320 --> 00:02:07.240 During the night, we use up almost all of our stored glucose, stored glycogen. 00:02:07.240 --> 00:02:15.360 And that's why almost everyone has very high cortisol in the morning, the stress hormone. 00:02:15.360 --> 00:02:22.400 And that's because it begins turning our good tissues, everything from the bones to the 00:02:22.400 --> 00:02:31.280 skin, starts breaking down as dawn approaches because we're using up our stored sugar and 00:02:31.280 --> 00:02:36.680 we need sugar to keep the brain alive and the blood cells. 00:02:36.680 --> 00:02:43.920 And so the stress hormones come up near dawn and start breaking down our tissues to feed 00:02:43.920 --> 00:02:46.160 the brain. 00:02:46.160 --> 00:02:53.520 Is that similar to having the lowest blood sugar in the morning or just this is more 00:02:53.520 --> 00:02:58.720 glucose taking more sugar in? 00:02:58.720 --> 00:03:08.960 In the biggest group of people, low blood sugar happens around 3 to 4 or 5 a.m. 00:03:08.960 --> 00:03:18.160 And that starts the intense surge in all of the stress hormones, not just cortisol, but 00:03:18.160 --> 00:03:29.000 rising serotonin, histamine, parathyroid hormone, everything related to stress and breakdown 00:03:29.000 --> 00:03:31.800 of tissues. 00:03:31.800 --> 00:03:41.480 People starting around menopause start losing almost all of their daily bone loss, starts 00:03:41.480 --> 00:03:43.480 in the early morning hours. 00:03:43.480 --> 00:03:51.960 And when they start eating sugar and get the blood sugar back up to lower the stress hormones, 00:03:51.960 --> 00:04:00.720 then the rest of the day, they don't lose a significant amount of bone or other tissue. 00:04:00.720 --> 00:04:09.560 The bone loss is just an easily measured sign that your body is being torn down. 00:04:09.560 --> 00:04:17.080 It happens to your skin and everything that isn't protected by hormones like testosterone 00:04:17.080 --> 00:04:18.080 and progesterone. 00:04:18.080 --> 00:04:20.160 So let's talk about that. 00:04:20.160 --> 00:04:24.240 So the progesterone and hormone, which you're really one of the experts at, have been in 00:04:24.240 --> 00:04:25.240 a long time. 00:04:25.240 --> 00:04:30.400 By the way, if you'd like to be on the air with Dr. Ray Peat, Patrick@OneRadioNetwork.com. 00:04:30.400 --> 00:04:31.920 We're just audio this morning. 00:04:31.920 --> 00:04:33.280 We'll get this video thing. 00:04:33.280 --> 00:04:37.400 We almost got it going, working, and we'll try it again tomorrow after doing a little 00:04:37.400 --> 00:04:38.400 tech stuff. 00:04:38.400 --> 00:04:43.040 Patrick@OneRadioNetwork.com, 888-663-6386. 00:04:43.040 --> 00:04:44.320 So let's go back. 00:04:44.320 --> 00:04:52.800 So three o'clock or so, the body starts running down on glucose, the hormones, and the cortisol 00:04:52.800 --> 00:04:53.920 levels. 00:04:53.920 --> 00:04:59.280 And that's really the beginning of losing bone and also where the skin will look a little 00:04:59.280 --> 00:05:05.400 ruffled maybe in the morning or wrinkles and stuff like that? 00:05:05.400 --> 00:05:16.760 Yeah, it's actually a little bit weaker and thinner, but water replaces the lost tissue. 00:05:16.760 --> 00:05:22.960 So you don't always notice that it looks thinner and tending to wrinkle. 00:05:22.960 --> 00:05:31.400 But yeah, the skin does look worse in aging people after the age of about 45 or so. 00:05:31.400 --> 00:05:32.400 In the morning? 00:05:32.400 --> 00:05:33.400 In the morning. 00:05:33.400 --> 00:05:34.400 In the morning. 00:05:34.400 --> 00:05:41.800 So could we eat something before bed, right before bed, that would help with this issue? 00:05:41.800 --> 00:05:43.520 Yeah. 00:05:43.520 --> 00:05:52.000 Sort of like an athlete socks up on carbohydrates for a day or even in the couple of hours before 00:05:52.000 --> 00:05:56.160 a marathon or whatever. 00:05:56.160 --> 00:06:05.080 You want to get your muscles, liver, and brain well supplied with glucose, glycogen, and 00:06:05.080 --> 00:06:14.240 so carbohydrate as your late afternoon or early evening meal is very important. 00:06:14.240 --> 00:06:22.920 And right at bedtime, a big surge of calcium such as a glass of milk helps to hold down 00:06:22.920 --> 00:06:33.120 the parathyroid hormone which specializes in bone destruction, mobilizes the calcium, 00:06:33.120 --> 00:06:40.760 and coming out of the bone, the calcium then activates the breakdown of your blood vessels 00:06:40.760 --> 00:06:45.040 and skin and tends to calcify blood vessels. 00:06:45.040 --> 00:06:53.800 So the calcium coming out of your bone doesn't just innocently get into the urine, but on 00:06:53.800 --> 00:07:01.800 the way there, it is exciting, helping to break down and age all of your tissues. 00:07:01.800 --> 00:07:06.400 So what if somebody wanted to get some good stuff right before bed, but they didn't like 00:07:06.400 --> 00:07:13.960 milk or they were dairy or lactose intolerant or something, would there be a substitute? 00:07:13.960 --> 00:07:24.640 Nothing is as good as milk because milk is very specialized for stimulating, optimizing 00:07:24.640 --> 00:07:29.360 the absorption of calcium and magnesium. 00:07:29.360 --> 00:07:39.160 Not only the lactose, but the various proteins in milk prepare the lining of the intestine 00:07:39.160 --> 00:07:47.160 to very efficiently absorb the calcium and magnesium. 00:07:47.160 --> 00:07:56.240 You can absorb it if you have orange juice and, for example, either the juice or the 00:07:56.240 --> 00:08:03.240 cooked leaf of kale, for example, is very rich in calcium and magnesium. 00:08:03.240 --> 00:08:11.160 So if you have a big serving of cooked kale and a glass of orange juice, that won't be 00:08:11.160 --> 00:08:15.800 as good as milk or cheese, but next best thing. 00:08:15.800 --> 00:08:16.800 Before bed. 00:08:16.800 --> 00:08:17.800 Before bed. 00:08:17.800 --> 00:08:20.520 Actually, actually have kale before bed. 00:08:20.520 --> 00:08:26.800 Milk and cheese sounds like tastier than that, but you know, whatever works for you. 00:08:26.800 --> 00:08:32.280 Is okay with goat or cow milk or camel or anything else works? 00:08:32.280 --> 00:08:43.320 I think camel and sheep milk are kind of thick, high on energy and fat, but they would work, 00:08:43.320 --> 00:08:48.160 but you would get fatter than low-fat cow milk. 00:08:48.160 --> 00:08:56.760 One percent cow milk or reduced fat goat milk is probably the best source for most people 00:08:56.760 --> 00:09:03.840 because if you're working all day on a farm, for example, it's fine to drink a gallon of 00:09:03.840 --> 00:09:12.200 whole milk because you're spending so many calories, but even drinking two quarts a day 00:09:12.200 --> 00:09:17.080 of whole milk, the average sedentary person is going to get fat. 00:09:17.080 --> 00:09:24.520 Boy, milk though, as you know, milk has sure gotten a bad rap, especially more so in the 00:09:24.520 --> 00:09:29.040 natural world over the last, what, 25 years, Dr. Peat? 00:09:29.040 --> 00:09:36.400 And then the mainstream, people in the mainstream still drink some milk, but not too many people 00:09:36.400 --> 00:09:39.880 in the natural world think, they've been told it's terrible, you can't exhort it, it was 00:09:39.880 --> 00:09:43.400 only meant for cows and all kinds of stuff, right? 00:09:43.400 --> 00:09:49.480 Yeah, and if you look at the culture, it's getting fatter and fatter, and milk happens 00:09:49.480 --> 00:09:58.400 to be the best weight loss food there is because the high calcium assimilation from it increases 00:09:58.400 --> 00:10:08.480 our metabolic rate, the combination of protein and calcium and magnesium is ideal for increasing 00:10:08.480 --> 00:10:12.520 our ability to burn calories. 00:10:12.520 --> 00:10:15.960 That's interesting, that is so interesting. 00:10:15.960 --> 00:10:21.160 And that plays along with the whole idea that we were sold, Doc, when was it, I guess early 00:10:21.160 --> 00:10:27.240 '90s, you know, that fat was bad, and that's when the whole low-fat thing really came on 00:10:27.240 --> 00:10:28.240 board, right? 00:10:28.240 --> 00:10:35.600 Yeah, the fat has to be adjusted to your activity level. 00:10:35.600 --> 00:10:42.800 If you're burning 5,000 calories a day, you can handle the fat of something like whole 00:10:42.800 --> 00:10:52.480 milk, but I found when I was in graduate school that drinking a gallon a day of 2% milk, I 00:10:52.480 --> 00:10:59.560 was starting to get fat, so I changed to 1% and have stayed the same weight ever since. 00:10:59.560 --> 00:11:04.920 But we've heard, though, that if you're gonna drink milk, it's best just to go with the 00:11:04.920 --> 00:11:08.800 whole stuff, though, the whole, no, the whole thing? 00:11:08.800 --> 00:11:12.320 The full fat, the full fat, I guess. 00:11:12.320 --> 00:11:24.040 Yeah, the high fat content is for a high work, high energy expenditure, and if you aren't 00:11:24.040 --> 00:11:34.160 spending 5,000 calories a day doing hard physical work, it's necessarily going to store as fat. 00:11:34.160 --> 00:11:40.040 So what about, say if you wake up in the middle of the night, 2 o'clock or 3 o'clock, could 00:11:40.040 --> 00:11:43.880 be a blood sugar thing, would orange juice work there as well? 00:11:43.880 --> 00:11:45.560 Oh, very well. 00:11:45.560 --> 00:11:46.560 Really? 00:11:46.560 --> 00:11:54.840 I usually use a glass of milk with a spoonful of sugar in it, but orange juice is fine. 00:11:54.840 --> 00:12:03.720 I've even used Coke when I was traveling and woke up at 3 a.m. and needed sugar, and Coke 00:12:03.720 --> 00:12:04.720 worked all right. 00:12:04.720 --> 00:12:05.720 Yeah, very interesting. 00:12:05.720 --> 00:12:13.680 Dr. Ray Peat, Patrick Timpone, OneRadioNetwork.com. 00:12:13.680 --> 00:12:16.800 So here we are, gosh, July 20. 00:12:16.800 --> 00:12:21.440 I think the whole COVID thing, we're kind of tired of talking about it, but I'm sure 00:12:21.440 --> 00:12:25.600 that you've looked at a lot of different things over the past three, four, five months. 00:12:25.600 --> 00:12:28.000 We've talked to it in past shows. 00:12:28.000 --> 00:12:32.680 Give me your, on July 20 here, with your opinion and all the research you do and the people 00:12:32.680 --> 00:12:43.240 that you talk to, can you give us your best opinion about what's going on as far as a 00:12:43.240 --> 00:12:49.720 virus, communicable, no virus, bioweapon, body makes the virus, whatever. 00:12:49.720 --> 00:12:51.920 Do you have an opinion on it? 00:12:51.920 --> 00:12:58.280 Is there any kind of real, let me finish it for a second, is there any kind of real science 00:12:58.280 --> 00:13:06.920 that is provable, or is it all just conjecture, even from a credentialed fellow like yourself? 00:13:06.920 --> 00:13:17.960 That's what I've been asking myself for, starting in February and March, I began writing down 00:13:17.960 --> 00:13:26.640 and looking at the numbers published by the Centers for Disease Control, and comparing 00:13:26.640 --> 00:13:35.840 them to previous years, and starting in the first week of January this year, the numbers 00:13:35.840 --> 00:13:47.680 of weekly deaths consistently over the last many years, they've completed their national 00:13:47.680 --> 00:14:00.120 compilation of deaths throughout the country within two weeks of reference week, and so 00:14:00.120 --> 00:14:06.040 starting in the third week, I was writing down the finished numbers for the first week 00:14:06.040 --> 00:14:17.360 of the year, and then comparing those numbers to the previous week in 2019, and after I'd 00:14:17.360 --> 00:14:24.280 done this for two or three months, I noticed that someone on the internet had been doing 00:14:24.280 --> 00:14:29.400 the same thing, only more thoroughly going back several decades. 00:14:29.400 --> 00:14:37.040 What I was seeing was a sharp drop in the weekly mortality, referring to the previous 00:14:37.040 --> 00:14:48.440 year, a sudden drop of 10-15% from last fall, and I couldn't find any historical precedent, 00:14:48.440 --> 00:14:56.760 and this person who has a website, I think his name is Joe Hoft, H-O-F-T, anyway, he 00:14:56.760 --> 00:15:04.720 did it for previous decades and came up with the same results. 00:15:04.720 --> 00:15:14.560 The mortality peak in last fall started at steep rise, exactly like every preceding year, 00:15:14.560 --> 00:15:23.520 the winter pneumonia deaths, but then suddenly around January 1st, there was a crash in the 00:15:23.520 --> 00:15:26.800 deaths all around the United States. 00:15:26.800 --> 00:15:35.280 People were dying less often from all causes, and that went on through March. 00:15:35.280 --> 00:15:42.840 There is this weird, it's like a volcano collapsing and making a crater, a historically unique 00:15:42.840 --> 00:15:56.760 mortality curve, and then if you look back at 10-15% unhistorical lack of deaths, suddenly 00:15:56.760 --> 00:16:06.000 in the first week of April, all of those missing deaths reappear in a gigantic, again, unhistorical 00:16:06.000 --> 00:16:10.840 peak, which they called the COVID death peak. 00:16:10.840 --> 00:16:21.800 And basically, there's no way that can happen, even if the bubonic plague started up, you 00:16:21.800 --> 00:16:31.920 just can't get a historical collapse of total mortality all around the country that way. 00:16:31.920 --> 00:16:38.320 I think the only way a criminal prosecutor could interpret it would be that someone was 00:16:38.320 --> 00:16:46.600 fiddling the numbers with foreknowledge that they were going to want a lot of deaths to 00:16:46.600 --> 00:16:55.200 report, so they trimmed impossibly the total mortality to have a big pile of deaths to 00:16:55.200 --> 00:16:57.040 report in April. 00:16:57.040 --> 00:16:58.040 Interesting. 00:16:58.040 --> 00:17:04.240 So, you can actually see where there was something done to the numbers in, what was it, you're 00:17:04.240 --> 00:17:08.000 saying in late fall and early winter? 00:17:08.000 --> 00:17:14.640 No, the death curve was perfectly normal right through December. 00:17:14.640 --> 00:17:22.480 And then it was just about the first week of January that if you plot their own numbers, 00:17:22.480 --> 00:17:27.360 you see this, it looks like a volcanic crater forming. 00:17:27.360 --> 00:17:36.560 A peak starts up and then collapses and then comes up super sharp on the other side. 00:17:36.560 --> 00:17:39.320 To make it look like there was a big "pow!" 00:17:39.320 --> 00:17:50.640 Yeah, except they haven't explained why those tens of thousands of people weren't dying 00:17:50.640 --> 00:17:56.720 in the run-up, almost three months. 00:17:56.720 --> 00:17:58.680 Wow. 00:17:58.680 --> 00:18:00.720 So. 00:18:00.720 --> 00:18:12.120 They didn't give out any explanation or show that anything real was happening, that they 00:18:12.120 --> 00:18:24.320 were just talking about this week 15 people died with a diagnosis and so on. 00:18:24.320 --> 00:18:31.400 You see the same thing happening now in Texas and Florida. 00:18:31.400 --> 00:18:40.640 They say a month ago there were only 10 or 15 people per day dying. 00:18:40.640 --> 00:18:43.360 Today 25 people died. 00:18:43.360 --> 00:18:45.720 Everyone should panic, we're all going to die. 00:18:45.720 --> 00:18:54.200 But when you look at the daily mortality in the state with 30 million, every day hundreds 00:18:54.200 --> 00:19:00.440 of people, 700 or 800 people are dying of all causes. 00:19:00.440 --> 00:19:10.040 And what they're saying is today twice as many people died with a diagnosis of COVID 00:19:10.040 --> 00:19:14.360 as did on a given day the previous month. 00:19:14.360 --> 00:19:24.280 But if you look at the number of daily tests given and look at the curve of COVID-diagnosed 00:19:24.280 --> 00:19:35.840 deaths, the rise in the daily tests given exactly corresponds to the rise in the daily 00:19:35.840 --> 00:19:44.560 diagnosed COVID deaths, and you can't really diagnose for sure that someone has the virus 00:19:44.560 --> 00:19:47.880 unless you do the test. 00:19:47.880 --> 00:19:55.640 And if the number of diagnosed people rises exactly as the number of tests administered 00:19:55.640 --> 00:20:04.120 rises, then you have no evidence that anything at all is happening. 00:20:04.120 --> 00:20:14.200 Does the PCR or DNA test give with any amount of accuracy that someone has a unique virulent 00:20:14.200 --> 00:20:19.920 potentially deadly communicable virus in their body? 00:20:19.920 --> 00:20:30.160 Well any virus is likely to be communicable and if you're in a very particular weakened 00:20:30.160 --> 00:20:34.480 state just about any virus can be deadly. 00:20:34.480 --> 00:20:45.640 Any old cold virus or just the most trivial sort of virus can push a very sick person 00:20:45.640 --> 00:20:48.920 over the edge. 00:20:48.920 --> 00:20:59.400 But the PCR test will find, even if you have just sitting on your mucus harmlessly, you 00:20:59.400 --> 00:21:09.800 could have a rabies virus or whatever, one of them sitting on a piece of spare mucus, 00:21:09.800 --> 00:21:17.200 the PCR test would find it and say you had rabies, but that virus might never have reached 00:21:17.200 --> 00:21:19.320 your living tissue. 00:21:19.320 --> 00:21:28.000 So when we're seeing antibodies, it doesn't mean that someone has a unique virus called 00:21:28.000 --> 00:21:30.160 COVID in there. 00:21:30.160 --> 00:21:41.920 Well the antibody, if their antibodies are truly specific for that particular antigen, 00:21:41.920 --> 00:21:44.600 that's a very different thing from the PCR test. 00:21:44.600 --> 00:21:57.440 The PCR test will amplify the most trivial amount of viral information, but to form antibodies 00:21:57.440 --> 00:22:05.560 that are more or less specific to that virus means that your immune system was exposed 00:22:05.560 --> 00:22:10.280 to it, but it doesn't mean you ever got sick from it. 00:22:10.280 --> 00:22:19.840 So which one is the antibody test, the other than the PCR test? 00:22:19.840 --> 00:22:22.120 Like the PCR test, we have two, right? 00:22:22.120 --> 00:22:25.960 The PCR test and the DNA test? 00:22:25.960 --> 00:22:31.720 The PCR test is for either RNA or DNA. 00:22:31.720 --> 00:22:34.040 And then what's the other test they're using? 00:22:34.040 --> 00:22:40.880 The antibody test is to see if you have been exposed to it and formed antibodies in your 00:22:40.880 --> 00:22:41.880 blood. 00:22:41.880 --> 00:22:46.440 Is that considered a positive test that they're reporting? 00:22:46.440 --> 00:22:52.360 Well it means that you've been exposed to it, but you might have had sniffles from it 00:22:52.360 --> 00:22:59.880 and not even noticed that you had anything and you can still form antibodies. 00:22:59.880 --> 00:23:07.360 Like when you eat a new food, you're likely to form antibodies. 00:23:07.360 --> 00:23:16.960 Your immune system is testing foods that you've eaten and checking them and preparing antibodies 00:23:16.960 --> 00:23:21.720 so that you will be tolerant to that food. 00:23:21.720 --> 00:23:29.920 It prepares to block any irritation from that food if your immune system is good. 00:23:29.920 --> 00:23:36.160 So the antibodies means you're safe from that particular antigen. 00:23:36.160 --> 00:23:41.960 It's a barrier against any further action by that particular thing. 00:23:41.960 --> 00:23:48.240 Do you know which test are giving most often, the PCR or the antibodies? 00:23:48.240 --> 00:23:57.120 No, for a time the CDC was listing the numbers all mixed together. 00:23:57.120 --> 00:24:08.280 So for weeks their numbers were totally meaningless because they were blending everything together 00:24:08.280 --> 00:24:17.680 and saying that these are the numbers of people with COVID, but absolutely different tests 00:24:17.680 --> 00:24:21.140 mixed together don't mean anything. 00:24:21.140 --> 00:24:29.720 So when governors and mayors and people are closing cities and masking orders and all 00:24:29.720 --> 00:24:38.160 that using people testing positive, which are called new cases, can you conjecture of 00:24:38.160 --> 00:24:47.520 what percent accurate that is? 00:24:47.520 --> 00:24:54.080 Well it's accurate in the sense that they have a positive result, but it doesn't mean 00:24:54.080 --> 00:25:02.040 that people were at all sick or if they were sick, it doesn't mean that if they died, it 00:25:02.040 --> 00:25:08.600 might have been a stroke or heart attack or trauma from falling out a window or something. 00:25:08.600 --> 00:25:18.000 But if they had the presence of the virus, they were put down as a COVID death. 00:25:18.000 --> 00:25:23.480 Two or three months ago, Deborah Birx, who used to appear in all the press conferences 00:25:23.480 --> 00:25:38.560 with Fauci and Trump, she said the government is listing everyone positive for a COVID test 00:25:38.560 --> 00:25:42.920 as a COVID death. 00:25:42.920 --> 00:25:50.560 She expressed what I was just saying that she no longer appears in the press conferences 00:25:50.560 --> 00:25:59.880 every day, starting right after making that sort of incriminating statement that there's 00:25:59.880 --> 00:26:03.320 no rational basis for what they're saying. 00:26:03.320 --> 00:26:07.840 We posted an article, I'll just read you the first paragraph to get your opinion, with 00:26:07.840 --> 00:26:13.640 Dr. Ray Peat, if you'd like to be on the show, Patrick@OneRadioNetwork.com, a high-profile 00:26:13.640 --> 00:26:18.240 European pathologist is reporting that he and his colleagues across Europe have found 00:26:18.240 --> 00:26:23.160 no evidence of any deaths from a novel coronavirus on that continent. 00:26:23.160 --> 00:26:30.280 Dr. Stolen-Alexoff contacted the World Health Organization and he was accusing them of creating 00:26:30.280 --> 00:26:36.440 worldwide fear and chaos without providing objective, variable proof of a pandemic. 00:26:36.440 --> 00:26:42.200 And then along with that, the Bulgarian Pathology Association, he's part of that, they believe 00:26:42.200 --> 00:26:46.080 it's currently impossible to create a vaccine against the virus. 00:26:46.080 --> 00:26:51.080 He also revealed that the European pathologists haven't identified anti-antibodies that are 00:26:51.080 --> 00:26:53.600 specific for SARS-CoV-2. 00:26:53.600 --> 00:27:03.400 Well, the Bulgarian is exactly right about the impossibility of making a vaccine. 00:27:03.400 --> 00:27:16.480 They've tried to make vaccines for the coronavirus, which is the common cold main cause for decades. 00:27:16.480 --> 00:27:27.040 They've found that the virus mutates within a few months to become resistant to any vaccination. 00:27:27.040 --> 00:27:36.760 And there's, being an RNA virus, all of these coronaviruses mutate about a hundred times 00:27:36.760 --> 00:27:45.760 faster than DNA virus and about a million times faster than mammalian DNA, very, very 00:27:45.760 --> 00:27:48.520 fast constant mutation rate. 00:27:48.520 --> 00:27:50.440 Constant mutation, wow. 00:27:50.440 --> 00:28:00.240 He's right on the impossibility of a vaccine, but his comment about the specific antibody, 00:28:00.240 --> 00:28:09.360 he's using a specificity of an antibody in a particular way that isn't correct for general 00:28:09.360 --> 00:28:12.200 immunology. 00:28:12.200 --> 00:28:23.360 You can have specificity as a composite of half a dozen different molecules that each 00:28:23.360 --> 00:28:28.600 one is roughly specific for the virus. 00:28:28.600 --> 00:28:35.360 So you don't have to have one absolutely specific antibody. 00:28:35.360 --> 00:28:44.320 He's thinking about the monoclonal specific antibody, but you don't need that kind of 00:28:44.320 --> 00:28:47.440 specificity to have a vaccine. 00:28:47.440 --> 00:28:54.160 What about his statement on, has not found any evidence of any deaths? 00:28:54.160 --> 00:29:01.560 That was a different group and I haven't read that paper, but I would agree that, how do 00:29:01.560 --> 00:29:08.880 you prove that a death was caused by a virus? 00:29:08.880 --> 00:29:19.440 In the case of hospital deaths, just recently news came out that the intensive care units 00:29:19.440 --> 00:29:29.880 have since the first months of the so-called pandemic, mortality has dropped by 30%. 00:29:29.880 --> 00:29:39.800 What has happened around the country, they've discovered that when they intubate someone, 00:29:39.800 --> 00:29:48.240 the process of putting the tube in them and giving them powerful drugs to make them unconscious 00:29:48.240 --> 00:29:58.600 and relax their reflex muscle contractions, those drugs combined with forced respiration 00:29:58.600 --> 00:30:03.480 kill almost 100% of the people within a few weeks. 00:30:03.480 --> 00:30:11.240 So they were killing 100% of their patients, practically 80 to 100% simply by the treatment 00:30:11.240 --> 00:30:13.560 they were giving them. 00:30:13.560 --> 00:30:21.680 That came to be realized now simply by reducing the number of intubations for which the government 00:30:21.680 --> 00:30:30.800 was paying them $48,000 per patient tubed and killed. 00:30:30.800 --> 00:30:39.240 Simply by reducing their greedy uptake of government money, they've cut intensive care 00:30:39.240 --> 00:30:42.240 unit mortality by a third. 00:30:42.240 --> 00:30:49.560 So how long did this go on and any possibility of knowing how many deaths were attributed 00:30:49.560 --> 00:30:53.320 to this incorrect procedure? 00:30:53.320 --> 00:31:06.680 When one doctor in Europe compared two nearby hospitals in Germany, he was working with 00:31:06.680 --> 00:31:16.360 one of them and he explained why the tubing was killing patients because it was irrationally 00:31:16.360 --> 00:31:21.360 disturbing their oxygen carbon dioxide balance. 00:31:21.360 --> 00:31:32.080 So he just adjusting a nasal cannula, no drugs to relax them or stuffing tubes down their 00:31:32.080 --> 00:31:36.320 trachea. 00:31:36.320 --> 00:31:45.240 His hospital mortality went to zero while the adjoining hospital continued to have 100% 00:31:45.240 --> 00:31:55.680 mortality and absolute all or none difference just by a conservative using standard nasal 00:31:55.680 --> 00:32:01.320 cannula gas mixing recipes. 00:32:01.320 --> 00:32:09.240 He wasn't even recognizing the importance of having the proper balance of carbon dioxide 00:32:09.240 --> 00:32:13.780 but still he was not killing any of his patients. 00:32:13.780 --> 00:32:19.280 Because when you just use the cannula, you're retaining the balance of carbon dioxide? 00:32:19.280 --> 00:32:23.680 Letting the patient balance it himself. 00:32:23.680 --> 00:32:27.240 And so before they were just pushing in pure oxygen? 00:32:27.240 --> 00:32:37.640 Yeah, to different extents and that's been known now for generations that when you artificially 00:32:37.640 --> 00:32:48.280 ventilate someone, you override their rate regulating system and if you slightly exceed 00:32:48.280 --> 00:32:57.040 the oxygen dose, you drive out the carbon dioxide which is needed to deliver oxygen 00:32:57.040 --> 00:33:01.200 to the tissues and even open capillaries. 00:33:01.200 --> 00:33:08.080 You shrink the blood vessels in the brain for example and starve the brain for oxygen 00:33:08.080 --> 00:33:10.520 because you're giving too much oxygen. 00:33:10.520 --> 00:33:16.880 Yes, and different from using oxygen therapy but because this is putting it inside the 00:33:16.880 --> 00:33:21.960 body through unnatural means with a tube. 00:33:21.960 --> 00:33:24.420 And you can give too much. 00:33:24.420 --> 00:33:33.280 For example, just the difference in altitude, if a person is having a regulatory problem 00:33:33.280 --> 00:33:40.680 even at sea level, keep keeping their carbon dioxide up because they're forming lactic 00:33:40.680 --> 00:33:41.680 acid. 00:33:41.680 --> 00:33:48.180 There's a natural competition between lactic acid and carbon dioxide. 00:33:48.180 --> 00:33:56.100 If a person tends towards stress or diabetes for example, their background lactic acid 00:33:56.100 --> 00:34:05.060 will indicate the appearance that they're under chronic exercise or something. 00:34:05.060 --> 00:34:14.700 There will be a residual lactic acid level and if you add carbon dioxide, that will suppress 00:34:14.700 --> 00:34:18.460 glycolysis that makes the excess lactic acid. 00:34:18.460 --> 00:34:27.720 So you can correct those signs of incipient diabetes and stress by adding some carbon 00:34:27.720 --> 00:34:28.980 dioxide. 00:34:28.980 --> 00:34:40.300 And if you rise in altitude and are healthy, your body under lower oxygen pressure is able 00:34:40.300 --> 00:34:48.980 to regulate itself to maintain higher carbon dioxide than at sea level. 00:34:48.980 --> 00:34:56.660 And so adapted people, they've known for at least 50 years, more like 70 years that they 00:34:56.660 --> 00:35:07.580 call it the lactic acid paradox that when you're adapted to high altitude, you can work 00:35:07.580 --> 00:35:16.180 full force and you make much less lactic acid than you would doing the same proportion of 00:35:16.180 --> 00:35:18.900 work at sea level. 00:35:18.900 --> 00:35:24.780 So the altitude stops your excess lactic acid production. 00:35:24.780 --> 00:35:28.380 That's because of the retained carbon dioxide. 00:35:28.380 --> 00:35:33.980 So the lactic acid can be a real issue with all kinds of things including the heart muscles, 00:35:33.980 --> 00:35:34.980 right? 00:35:34.980 --> 00:35:35.980 And myocardia. 00:35:35.980 --> 00:35:48.140 And some of the doctors have, one of the earliest New York City doctors reported that they weren't 00:35:48.140 --> 00:35:53.220 low in oxygen especially, but they were low in carbon dioxide. 00:35:53.220 --> 00:36:05.100 And that lets the lactate rise and the lactic acid, even in the presence of normal amounts 00:36:05.100 --> 00:36:15.500 of oxygen, the presence of lactic acid creates what they call pseudo hypoxia or reductive 00:36:15.500 --> 00:36:29.620 stress which is similar to sepsis and all of the mortality associated features of COVID. 00:36:29.620 --> 00:36:40.100 It's all basically a stress syndrome which is intensified by the treatment and the COVID 00:36:40.100 --> 00:36:48.300 has a very small role in triggering that in people who actually have a very intense respiratory 00:36:48.300 --> 00:36:49.300 infection. 00:36:49.300 --> 00:36:54.860 So, in general, when we are exercising, we get stronger in lung capacity and such and 00:36:54.860 --> 00:37:01.420 do not have to breathe as often while we're moving, whatever, treadmill or even walking. 00:37:01.420 --> 00:37:04.740 We're retaining more carbon dioxide, right? 00:37:04.740 --> 00:37:10.180 And then that puts more oxygen where we need it, in the cells, right? 00:37:10.180 --> 00:37:14.420 Yeah, that's when you're called fit. 00:37:14.420 --> 00:37:16.060 That's when you're fit. 00:37:16.060 --> 00:37:17.060 Or well adapted. 00:37:17.060 --> 00:37:18.060 Well adapted. 00:37:18.060 --> 00:37:23.780 You're making lots of carbon dioxide because you're really using your oxygen. 00:37:23.780 --> 00:37:29.460 And using the oxygen without over breathing, right? 00:37:29.460 --> 00:37:40.380 A person who isn't fit produces lactic acid very easily, even with hardly any activity, 00:37:40.380 --> 00:37:43.700 their lactic acid begins to rise. 00:37:43.700 --> 00:37:46.260 Because they're over breathing, just breathing too much? 00:37:46.260 --> 00:37:53.300 Yeah, if you, a perfectly healthy person, if they just sit still and pant for two or 00:37:53.300 --> 00:37:58.180 three minutes, they'll have a surge of lactic acid. 00:37:58.180 --> 00:38:04.340 Because the carbon dioxide that suppresses it is gone and they'll produce a poisonous 00:38:04.340 --> 00:38:09.820 amount of lactic acid and that will cause edema. 00:38:09.820 --> 00:38:16.200 You get cramps as an early sign of over breathing. 00:38:16.200 --> 00:38:24.820 Your hands will drop and that's an indication of loss of carbon dioxide. 00:38:24.820 --> 00:38:32.860 And along with that, your capillaries and arterioles start becoming edematous, swelling 00:38:32.860 --> 00:38:38.220 up and losing the ability to transmit oxygen. 00:38:38.220 --> 00:38:44.780 So you can potentially kill yourself by intense over breathing. 00:38:44.780 --> 00:38:49.940 So that's why, that's one of the root causes of edema is just over breathing. 00:38:49.940 --> 00:39:00.020 Yeah, and probably 20 or 30% of the population could, you could find good evidence of over 00:39:00.020 --> 00:39:06.180 breathing relative to their needs and metabolism. 00:39:06.180 --> 00:39:12.060 So the less breaths we take per minute, the better it is, right? 00:39:12.060 --> 00:39:22.380 Not necessarily a person with a very high fitness, the most intense metabolism, they 00:39:22.380 --> 00:39:25.060 need lots of fuel and oxygen. 00:39:25.060 --> 00:39:33.660 They can sit still and productively burn three, maybe 4,000 calories just because their body 00:39:33.660 --> 00:39:41.340 is running at high, perfect metabolism. 00:39:41.340 --> 00:39:46.580 So they need both lots of calories and lots of oxygen. 00:39:46.580 --> 00:39:52.780 So you have to look at the body temperature, heart rate, oxygen consumption, everything 00:39:52.780 --> 00:39:57.900 to know what the respiration rate means. 00:39:57.900 --> 00:40:04.460 So if we are exercising briskly and doing bursts and other things, rebounding and treadmills, 00:40:04.460 --> 00:40:10.920 and we get our pulse rate pretty high, I mean, maybe two, maybe three times our normal resting 00:40:10.920 --> 00:40:13.140 rate or more. 00:40:13.140 --> 00:40:19.740 And if we can do that without breathing or over breathing and retaining carbon dioxide, 00:40:19.740 --> 00:40:21.700 is that a sign of good health? 00:40:21.700 --> 00:40:26.340 To get the heart rate up without having to breathe a lot? 00:40:26.340 --> 00:40:29.020 I don't think it is necessarily. 00:40:29.020 --> 00:40:31.380 You have to look at the whole thing. 00:40:31.380 --> 00:40:35.620 How many calories are you able to burn? 00:40:35.620 --> 00:40:43.100 How much oxygen can you dispose of in burning those calories? 00:40:43.100 --> 00:40:51.380 And the most fit person is running at a high rate even at rest. 00:40:51.380 --> 00:40:57.500 So they can't get fat even if they sit around. 00:40:57.500 --> 00:41:01.340 Because they're burning calories because they're fit. 00:41:01.340 --> 00:41:06.380 That's why they stay fitter, just by burning. 00:41:06.380 --> 00:41:07.380 Here's an email for you. 00:41:07.380 --> 00:41:09.340 We love Dr. Peat. 00:41:09.340 --> 00:41:10.540 Thank you for having him on. 00:41:10.540 --> 00:41:11.540 You're welcome. 00:41:11.540 --> 00:41:13.860 Thanks to Dr. Peat. 00:41:13.860 --> 00:41:21.180 What's Dr. Peat's pregnenolone dosage guidelines for someone in their 30s? 00:41:21.180 --> 00:41:25.740 This is from watching on YouTube, the stream. 00:41:25.740 --> 00:41:33.060 I was in my 40s, at 48, when I first tested it. 00:41:33.060 --> 00:41:42.220 And the result was so absolute that I experimented with different amounts. 00:41:42.220 --> 00:41:49.940 And I found that one dose of 300 milligrams would last me for 10 days. 00:41:49.940 --> 00:41:52.180 And then my symptoms came back. 00:41:52.180 --> 00:41:56.100 Or that would work out to 30 milligrams a day. 00:41:56.100 --> 00:42:03.260 And I found many people, 10 or 20 milligram dose. 00:42:03.260 --> 00:42:10.380 I had two or three experiences. 00:42:10.380 --> 00:42:18.740 Two extremely depressed men, for example, they happened to be sipping a glass of wine 00:42:18.740 --> 00:42:24.580 and being very gloomy and talking about giving up their profession. 00:42:24.580 --> 00:42:29.380 I dropped 10 or 20 milligrams on their wine. 00:42:29.380 --> 00:42:37.220 And when they had consumed that, their face got pink instead of gray. 00:42:37.220 --> 00:42:44.740 They started grinning and making plans for improvements in their business. 00:42:44.740 --> 00:42:45.900 Isn't that funny? 00:42:45.900 --> 00:42:51.980 Just in 15 minutes, you could see a change from that very, very small amount. 00:42:51.980 --> 00:42:59.620 So it acts as a catalyst and can get your own production going. 00:42:59.620 --> 00:43:08.540 And for an experiment, I took 3,000 milligrams a day for a year and felt fine. 00:43:08.540 --> 00:43:13.380 But it was very expensive and wasteful. 00:43:13.380 --> 00:43:21.580 So then I found that I didn't need any because it had repaired my system. 00:43:21.580 --> 00:43:24.580 And animal studies are similar. 00:43:24.580 --> 00:43:33.980 They gave rats a stomachful, I think it was a 10-gram wad, which would be like about a 00:43:33.980 --> 00:43:37.180 pound for a person to eat at once. 00:43:37.180 --> 00:43:43.100 But it didn't have any hormonal effects at all unless they were under stress to begin 00:43:43.100 --> 00:43:44.100 with. 00:43:44.100 --> 00:43:49.460 And it normalized, prevented excess cortisol production. 00:43:49.460 --> 00:43:54.900 So that's why some people recommend even for guys to have a little dab of this pregnenolone, 00:43:54.900 --> 00:43:57.100 this natural stuff every day. 00:43:57.100 --> 00:43:58.100 Yeah. 00:43:58.100 --> 00:44:03.060 And lots of people have been reporting hormonal reactions from it. 00:44:03.060 --> 00:44:06.140 That means it isn't good pregnenolone. 00:44:06.140 --> 00:44:11.380 There should be absolutely no so-called hormonal effect. 00:44:11.380 --> 00:44:20.100 It should simply normalize things, lowering your ACTH and cortisol if they're too high, 00:44:20.100 --> 00:44:22.940 bringing them up if they're too low. 00:44:22.940 --> 00:44:24.660 So you shouldn't feel anything. 00:44:24.660 --> 00:44:28.300 You maybe just feel a little bit better or a little... 00:44:28.300 --> 00:44:29.300 Yeah. 00:44:29.300 --> 00:44:37.380 And it could be if you're feeling depressed or weak or something, if it's what you need, 00:44:37.380 --> 00:44:47.300 and often it is when you're in your 40s, the effect happens in less than an hour and is 00:44:47.300 --> 00:44:50.980 a day or a night sort of change. 00:44:50.980 --> 00:44:55.020 And this generally from the good stuff, where it's from yams, Doc? 00:44:55.020 --> 00:44:56.020 Wild yams? 00:44:56.020 --> 00:45:00.700 No, it doesn't matter where it's made from as long as it's made by someone that knows 00:45:00.700 --> 00:45:01.700 what they're doing. 00:45:01.700 --> 00:45:09.220 But in the last 15 years or so, it has become popular and there are dozens of little chemical 00:45:09.220 --> 00:45:13.540 companies popping up and there are no regulations. 00:45:13.540 --> 00:45:18.420 It's not regulated as a drug or hormone or anything. 00:45:18.420 --> 00:45:30.860 So you absolutely can't know without doing about a $3,000 analysis showing the absence 00:45:30.860 --> 00:45:36.820 of any of the antagonistic hormones like estrogen. 00:45:36.820 --> 00:45:40.340 Oh, they could be in the product itself? 00:45:40.340 --> 00:45:42.380 As an impurity from manufacturing. 00:45:42.380 --> 00:45:43.780 Oh, wow. 00:45:44.540 --> 00:45:49.260 Do you have any clean companies you can recommend people? 00:45:49.260 --> 00:46:00.660 No, but if you know that it's coming from one of the gigantic monopoly companies, they 00:46:00.660 --> 00:46:06.820 have a history of extreme cleanliness because they're monitored constantly. 00:46:06.820 --> 00:46:11.460 Oh, you're actually better going with the big boys in this case? 00:46:11.460 --> 00:46:12.460 Yeah. 00:46:12.460 --> 00:46:13.460 It's cleaner. 00:46:13.460 --> 00:46:16.180 They are regulated and the little ones aren't. 00:46:16.180 --> 00:46:17.180 Interesting. 00:46:17.180 --> 00:46:18.180 Hi, Dr. Peat. 00:46:18.180 --> 00:46:25.260 In the past, you've spoken favorably of the effects of a microdosing GHB. 00:46:25.260 --> 00:46:30.220 In Canada, GHB is highly regulated and possible to acquire without a prescription and illegal 00:46:30.220 --> 00:46:31.220 to make yourself. 00:46:31.220 --> 00:46:35.100 However, it can be legally purchased and possessed. 00:46:35.100 --> 00:46:41.460 Is a healthy young adult male in a health, is it safe to ingest microdoses of GBL? 00:46:41.460 --> 00:46:44.660 GBL to get the same results. 00:46:44.660 --> 00:46:47.900 Oh, GBL to get the same results. 00:46:47.900 --> 00:46:48.900 What is the L? 00:46:48.900 --> 00:46:49.900 I don't know. 00:46:49.900 --> 00:46:50.900 Gamma butyric lactone? 00:46:50.900 --> 00:46:58.300 Yeah, that's the paint thinner, I think. 00:46:58.300 --> 00:47:08.620 It used to be sold for 25 cents a quart or something as a paint thinner and very non-toxic, 00:47:08.620 --> 00:47:14.300 but a very powerful paint remover. 00:47:14.300 --> 00:47:25.260 The FDA has this policy of knocking traditional safe drugs off the market and licensing even 00:47:25.260 --> 00:47:33.700 things that have been used for hundreds of years, licensing them to a single artificial 00:47:33.700 --> 00:47:41.180 monopoly so that company can raise it from a dime a dose to $100 a dose, which they've 00:47:41.180 --> 00:47:45.820 done for treating narcolepsy with GHB. 00:47:45.820 --> 00:47:50.660 That's what GHB is, narcolepsy? 00:47:50.660 --> 00:48:10.660 It was used previously for relaxing people before surgery. 00:48:10.660 --> 00:48:27.340 Isn't GHB the date rape drug thing? 00:48:27.340 --> 00:48:30.260 It has been used that way, yeah. 00:48:30.260 --> 00:48:35.020 It can kill a person in an overdose because it turns everything off. 00:48:35.020 --> 00:48:39.280 And people are microdosing it, some people? 00:48:39.280 --> 00:48:49.140 If you eat passion fruit, you get a small measurable amount in the tasty passion fruit. 00:48:49.140 --> 00:48:50.140 How'd we do? 00:48:50.140 --> 00:48:51.820 That's a good one. 00:48:51.820 --> 00:48:55.300 Here's a question from Eric in Finland. 00:48:55.300 --> 00:49:07.660 Can you give your insights into the Kelly Protocol surrounding its success and aspects 00:49:07.660 --> 00:49:15.020 that both Kelly and Gonzales used that the Francis Pottinger introduced to medical science, 00:49:15.020 --> 00:49:21.940 namely restoring health to a person by restoring proper autonomic nervous system balance by 00:49:21.940 --> 00:49:28.820 the sympathetic and parasympathetic components that comprise the system? 00:49:28.820 --> 00:49:40.620 Kelly got his idea from John Beard, who was a doctor at the beginning of the 20th century 00:49:40.620 --> 00:49:52.020 who theorized that cancer is an embryonic process gone wrong and that the pancreatic 00:49:52.020 --> 00:50:00.420 enzymes digest proteins and are present in the blood. 00:50:00.420 --> 00:50:11.020 The same pancreatic enzymes used to digest food by excreting them into the intestine 00:50:11.020 --> 00:50:21.180 are in the blood in the Beardian hypothesis and they digest these ovarian uterine reproductive 00:50:21.180 --> 00:50:30.980 hormones, in his theory, were involved in cancer. 00:50:30.980 --> 00:50:39.100 William Kelly, the dentist, adopted the idea when he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer 00:50:39.100 --> 00:50:51.420 that the Beardian hypothesis and a deficiency of pancreatic enzymes was involved in cancer. 00:50:51.420 --> 00:51:03.700 So Kelly started taking pork pancreas, dehydrated pork pancreas, or beef either way. 00:51:03.700 --> 00:51:12.820 The only drawback is that they have to be dehydrated but unsterilized. 00:51:12.820 --> 00:51:20.260 So if there was any infection, bacterial or parasite or whatever, in the animal, you can't 00:51:20.260 --> 00:51:26.700 sterilize it because you're eating the powdered pancreatic tissue. 00:51:26.700 --> 00:51:32.100 But Kelly had very good results. 00:51:32.100 --> 00:51:46.180 I was acquainted with him and followed his work and added to his nutritional program. 00:51:46.180 --> 00:51:53.700 Someone convinced him to put the glutamates in his supplement and as soon as he made those 00:51:53.700 --> 00:52:01.900 additions, magnesium glutamate and other mineral glutamates, he began having epilepsy attacks 00:52:01.900 --> 00:52:07.100 every day starting that January. 00:52:07.100 --> 00:52:14.860 He contacted me in spring or early summer of what could be causing his seizures every 00:52:14.860 --> 00:52:24.740 day and I looked at the changes in his formula and explained that the glutamates are brain 00:52:24.740 --> 00:52:34.380 toxic excitatory and he stopped eating his supplement and the seizures stopped the very 00:52:34.380 --> 00:52:40.260 day he stopped his glutamate consumption. 00:52:40.260 --> 00:52:52.020 With that success, from my suggestion, he decided to add pregnenolone to his total vitamin 00:52:52.020 --> 00:52:53.020 supplement. 00:52:53.020 --> 00:52:59.020 As his lawyer said, since it's not a hormone, you can put it in anything. 00:52:59.020 --> 00:53:05.180 So it was just added to his vitamin mineral nutritional supplement. 00:53:05.180 --> 00:53:16.020 And then his clients started having other health benefits, not just the enzyme effect 00:53:16.020 --> 00:53:27.700 on whatever cancer they might have but general health benefits such as eye problems and muscle 00:53:27.700 --> 00:53:33.420 problems and all of the things related to a steroid imbalance. 00:53:33.420 --> 00:53:35.380 Very interesting. 00:53:35.380 --> 00:53:42.420 So should we be wary of some glutamates we see in different supplements and foods? 00:53:42.420 --> 00:53:43.420 Absolutely. 00:53:43.420 --> 00:53:52.260 Some of the quantities are enough to seriously imbalance our amino acid intake. 00:53:52.260 --> 00:53:57.100 And what formula do they usually come in with products? 00:53:57.100 --> 00:53:58.260 What would we look for? 00:53:58.260 --> 00:54:00.260 Just the word glutamate? 00:54:00.260 --> 00:54:01.260 Yeah. 00:54:01.260 --> 00:54:02.260 Monosodium glutamate. 00:54:02.260 --> 00:54:06.540 Oh, monosodium, of course. 00:54:06.540 --> 00:54:09.260 We're generally aware of that. 00:54:09.260 --> 00:54:17.820 If you say calcium glutamate or magnesium glutamate, it's the same glutamic acid that 00:54:17.820 --> 00:54:18.820 is in MSG. 00:54:18.820 --> 00:54:20.460 Oh, same thing. 00:54:20.460 --> 00:54:21.460 Wow. 00:54:21.460 --> 00:54:22.460 Dr. Ray Peat is with us. 00:54:22.460 --> 00:54:26.420 Patrick Timpone, OneRadioNetwork.com. 00:54:26.420 --> 00:54:32.540 Your email for your newsletter is newsletterrayPeat.com, right? 00:54:32.540 --> 00:54:39.620 No, Ray Peat's newsletter with an S on it. 00:54:39.620 --> 00:54:42.420 Ray Peat's newsletter at gmail.com. 00:54:42.420 --> 00:54:47.500 Jay, Ray Peat's newsletter at gmail.com. 00:54:47.500 --> 00:54:48.980 Patrick Timpone, stay right there. 00:54:48.980 --> 00:54:51.300 Doc, we're just going to take a quick little break here. 00:54:51.300 --> 00:54:56.940 I didn't want to do a lot of breaks today just because I was feeling like talking after 00:54:56.940 --> 00:55:01.500 our technological kind of adventure we had this first hour with the video. 00:55:01.500 --> 00:55:03.180 But we'll do a couple. 00:55:03.180 --> 00:55:08.980 Previously with the highly credentialed Dr. Thomas Levy, he argues because the literature 00:55:08.980 --> 00:55:13.340 shows that oxidation is the cause of disease. 00:55:13.340 --> 00:55:22.340 But the whole point is the location, the concentration, the duration, the distribution of oxidized 00:55:22.340 --> 00:55:28.220 biomolecules determines 100% of all diseases. 00:55:28.220 --> 00:55:32.700 And so that's why I say oxidative stress doesn't cause disease. 00:55:32.700 --> 00:55:34.780 Oxidation is disease. 00:55:34.780 --> 00:55:38.660 If there's no oxidized biomolecules, you don't have a toxin. 00:55:38.660 --> 00:55:43.700 The toxic effect is oxidation of biomolecules. 00:55:43.700 --> 00:55:44.700 That's the entirety of it. 00:55:44.700 --> 00:55:50.260 And by the grace of God, several months ago, George Wiseman said this about hydrogen. 00:55:50.260 --> 00:55:55.500 Hydrogen is the world's best antioxidant by a long shot. 00:55:55.500 --> 00:56:01.580 First of all, it's 700 times smaller than something like CoQ10, 400 times smaller than 00:56:01.580 --> 00:56:03.180 vitamin C, things like that. 00:56:03.180 --> 00:56:08.060 So it can literally go, the hydrogen molecule can literally go through everything in your 00:56:08.060 --> 00:56:11.180 body and go right into the very DNA and repair it. 00:56:11.180 --> 00:56:18.060 So now it makes sense why George was able to say this back in August 2019 with such 00:56:18.060 --> 00:56:19.060 conviction. 00:56:19.060 --> 00:56:26.020 The body accepts that gas and uses it to heal everything. 00:56:26.020 --> 00:56:27.900 It's like the fountain of youth. 00:56:27.900 --> 00:56:30.900 It's astonishing the amount of ailments. 00:56:30.900 --> 00:56:35.060 In fact, in scientific studies, and they have over a thousand scientific studies now, they 00:56:35.060 --> 00:56:39.660 are showing that it either helps the body heal directly or indirectly from virtually 00:56:39.660 --> 00:56:42.820 every ailment that ails any water-based life form. 00:56:42.820 --> 00:56:43.820 Okay, I'm sold. 00:56:43.820 --> 00:56:47.820 And I was able to get one a couple of months ago, thanks to your support. 00:56:47.820 --> 00:56:50.980 It's called the Aquacure Hydrogen Machine. 00:56:50.980 --> 00:56:53.220 Breathe the gas and bubble the water. 00:56:53.220 --> 00:56:56.060 There's a promo code OneRadio for 10% discount. 00:56:56.060 --> 00:57:02.060 I think a great investment for you, knowing what we know now, on oneradionetwork.com. 00:57:02.060 --> 00:57:09.340 Previously with cardiologist Dr. Joel Kahn, 35 years experience in cardiology. 00:57:09.340 --> 00:57:13.740 On your commercial break, you hit a hot button because I'm a giant fan of infrared sauna 00:57:13.740 --> 00:57:15.220 and the cardiac benefits. 00:57:15.220 --> 00:57:17.700 Tell us about why you like these saunas for the heart. 00:57:17.700 --> 00:57:18.700 What does it do? 00:57:18.700 --> 00:57:24.740 In Japan, it's a traditional therapy of heart disease to even sick heart patients to sit 00:57:24.740 --> 00:57:29.340 for 15 or 20 minutes in an infrared sauna, then lie down and rest and hydrate for about 00:57:29.340 --> 00:57:30.500 half an hour. 00:57:30.500 --> 00:57:32.740 They call it WAON, W-A-O-N. 00:57:32.740 --> 00:57:34.660 It means soothing heat. 00:57:34.660 --> 00:57:37.380 And they've done research studies, like 30 of them, in humans. 00:57:37.380 --> 00:57:42.300 Anti-ages your arteries and improves the strength of your heart, and it may actually prolong 00:57:42.300 --> 00:57:44.060 survival in sick heart patients. 00:57:44.060 --> 00:57:48.300 Anybody can just, again, go to the internet, read about infrared sauna heart disease, or 00:57:48.300 --> 00:57:51.340 put my name there because I've written many articles about it. 00:57:51.340 --> 00:57:55.900 Now there's data coming out of Sweden and Finland because they've published some amazing 00:57:55.900 --> 00:58:00.660 data that the number of times a week you're in a sauna, the number of minutes each time, 00:58:00.660 --> 00:58:03.420 you can just track out how long you're going to live. 00:58:03.420 --> 00:58:07.980 So very powerful therapy by being in, my favorite is, an infrared sauna. 00:58:07.980 --> 00:58:11.460 We have a really nice one that we've been playing around with. 00:58:11.460 --> 00:58:16.140 Gosh, and I'm in there virtually, well, say five times a week now during the summer, take 00:58:16.140 --> 00:58:19.380 a couple days off, and in the winter, every day. 00:58:19.380 --> 00:58:20.380 And it's a great one. 00:58:20.380 --> 00:58:21.420 It's portable. 00:58:21.420 --> 00:58:27.060 And if you're watching on Ubi2bi right now, or just look on the sauna page on our website, 00:58:27.060 --> 00:58:29.060 you have head sticks out there. 00:58:29.060 --> 00:58:34.780 They're low EMFs there, just the electrical and magnetic stuff from the floor to the bottom 00:58:34.780 --> 00:58:38.840 of the chair, and you get that just standing next to your juicer or your refrigerator or 00:58:38.840 --> 00:58:40.620 driving in your car. 00:58:40.620 --> 00:58:43.620 So it's definitely not an issue. 00:58:43.620 --> 00:58:45.780 We do get questions about that. 00:58:45.780 --> 00:58:52.500 And then, you're going to sweat and you'll have a very good experience. 00:58:52.500 --> 00:58:57.980 This is technology out of Taiwan, so hopefully they don't go to war with China or in the 00:58:57.980 --> 00:58:59.980 United States and we have a problem. 00:58:59.980 --> 00:59:01.380 But it's a medical university. 00:59:01.380 --> 00:59:04.320 They've won lots of awards with their technology. 00:59:04.320 --> 00:59:06.340 So it's a great unit for the price. 00:59:06.340 --> 00:59:08.820 We think it's the very, very best. 00:59:08.820 --> 00:59:13.620 Somebody sent me a link to a sun lighter, and I don't want to speak badly about another 00:59:13.620 --> 00:59:17.940 product, but they were like $5,000 and they're beautiful and you're a wooden thing and you 00:59:17.940 --> 00:59:20.540 lay down there for five grand. 00:59:20.540 --> 00:59:26.740 But I've used those wooden guys and I've never really been able to do the sweat thing as 00:59:26.740 --> 00:59:31.180 much and I can't see how there would be any real advantage at all, except that they're 00:59:31.180 --> 00:59:35.560 beautiful and you lay down in them, you know, do a movie star thing, which is cool. 00:59:35.560 --> 00:59:36.560 But try ours. 00:59:36.560 --> 00:59:37.560 Check it out. 00:59:37.560 --> 00:59:38.560 It's a great website. 00:59:38.560 --> 00:59:40.780 It's the Relax Far Infrared Sauna. 00:59:40.780 --> 00:59:44.100 We have a special price, $1,150. 00:59:44.100 --> 00:59:50.780 They don't allow us to put that in print, so $1,150 and we'll hook you up. 00:59:50.780 --> 00:59:54.300 Just email me, patrick@oneradionetwork.com. 00:59:54.300 --> 00:59:55.300 Send me an email. 00:59:55.300 --> 00:59:56.300 That's the only way to get it. 00:59:56.300 --> 00:59:57.300 Patrick@oneradionetwork.com. 00:59:57.300 --> 01:00:06.180 We talk about your health, wealth, and well-being on oneradionetwork.com. 01:00:06.180 --> 01:00:10.100 On the third Monday of the month at 1030, we talk with Dr. Ray Peat. 01:00:10.100 --> 01:00:11.580 His website is rayPeat.com. 01:00:11.580 --> 01:00:18.140 He has a newsletter that comes out a couple times every other month. 01:00:18.140 --> 01:00:19.140 Every other month, right, Doc? 01:00:19.140 --> 01:00:20.140 Every other month? 01:00:20.140 --> 01:00:21.140 Yeah, six times a year. 01:00:21.140 --> 01:00:22.140 Six times a year. 01:00:22.140 --> 01:00:25.140 What's your next one coming? 01:00:25.140 --> 01:00:35.260 I think it'll be on education and what's happening under the pandemic program, destruction 01:00:35.260 --> 01:00:44.780 of conventional education to impose things more efficiently. 01:00:44.780 --> 01:00:49.100 Ray Peat's newsletter, gmail.com, right? 01:00:49.100 --> 01:00:55.180 So you're feeling something other than beneficial for the kids with this whole COVID, don't 01:00:55.180 --> 01:00:58.580 go to school and all of that, and school online? 01:00:58.580 --> 01:00:59.580 Yeah. 01:00:59.580 --> 01:01:04.980 The details have been sketched out years in advance. 01:01:04.980 --> 01:01:15.540 In May of 2019, Eric Schmidt, who was chairman of Google for a long time, went to work for 01:01:15.540 --> 01:01:27.820 the Pentagon, head of, chairman of the Defense Committee on Artificial Intelligence. 01:01:27.820 --> 01:01:37.460 And in that, he said that for the sake of getting ahead of China, we're going to have 01:01:37.460 --> 01:01:46.740 to destroy the present economic system and move rapidly to automation using artificial 01:01:46.740 --> 01:01:47.740 intelligence. 01:01:47.740 --> 01:01:57.460 For example, in shopping, he said the online shopping is a great experience, especially 01:01:57.460 --> 01:02:00.780 if you can't get it in the stores. 01:02:00.780 --> 01:02:13.020 And that online computer remote medicine is going to be better than contact between patient 01:02:13.020 --> 01:02:19.060 and doctor, and you won't spread a disease that way. 01:02:19.060 --> 01:02:26.300 Digital money so you don't spread disease, digital education so you don't waste time 01:02:26.300 --> 01:02:32.500 going to school and having actual interaction between student and teacher. 01:02:32.500 --> 01:02:44.700 And incidentally, the best artificial intelligence programs are owned by Google and will monopolize 01:02:44.700 --> 01:02:58.940 education and money will be poured into the systems of virtual reality to give even poor 01:02:58.940 --> 01:03:08.260 kids the same fine curriculum that the rich kids get. 01:03:08.260 --> 01:03:19.540 And the taxpayers will subsidize this monopoly system of uniform remote education. 01:03:19.540 --> 01:03:20.940 Fascinating. 01:03:20.940 --> 01:03:23.820 So this was Eric Schmidt and when? 01:03:23.820 --> 01:03:25.940 And where did he say this? 01:03:25.940 --> 01:03:40.820 May of 2019 and I think it was May of 2020 that he went to work with Governor Cuomo in 01:03:40.820 --> 01:03:50.740 New York to start revising New York's education, public health and other systems in line with 01:03:50.740 --> 01:03:56.820 his plan that was worked out in the Pentagon a year before the pandemic. 01:03:56.820 --> 01:03:58.380 Oh my goodness. 01:03:58.380 --> 01:04:03.300 And the May 29 Eric Schmidt comments, where were those Dr. Peat? 01:04:03.300 --> 01:04:06.260 They're published on the internet. 01:04:06.260 --> 01:04:17.900 It's called the, I think it's the National Defense Commission on Artificial Intelligence. 01:04:17.900 --> 01:04:22.220 I think the initials are NDCAI. 01:04:22.220 --> 01:04:25.260 Eric Schmidt. 01:04:25.260 --> 01:04:28.540 And so he's the head guy at Google. 01:04:28.540 --> 01:04:29.540 He was. 01:04:29.540 --> 01:04:32.740 He went from there to the Pentagon to New York. 01:04:32.740 --> 01:04:33.740 Interesting. 01:04:33.740 --> 01:04:34.740 Wow. 01:04:34.740 --> 01:04:36.220 Dr. Ray Peat, Patrick Timpone. 01:04:36.220 --> 01:04:38.340 I always get a little surprise here. 01:04:38.340 --> 01:04:39.340 You just never know. 01:04:39.340 --> 01:04:40.340 Let me turn this thing off. 01:04:40.340 --> 01:04:46.220 I had it on talking to the geek this morning. 01:04:46.220 --> 01:04:48.740 Yeah, I don't want this. 01:04:48.740 --> 01:04:51.380 I don't know how to turn it off. 01:04:51.380 --> 01:04:53.020 Spam burger. 01:04:53.020 --> 01:04:54.020 Here's an email. 01:04:54.020 --> 01:04:59.060 This is from Jeremy. 01:04:59.060 --> 01:05:07.500 Several months ago I began using EWOT, which is exercise with oxygen training. 01:05:07.500 --> 01:05:08.500 Okay. 01:05:08.500 --> 01:05:13.940 And I'm feeling really good and stronger, but I just want to know, are there any cautionary 01:05:13.940 --> 01:05:21.540 things I should know about using oxygen when exercising that Dr. Peat thinks I should be 01:05:21.540 --> 01:05:24.180 aware of? 01:05:24.180 --> 01:05:30.620 If you're adding oxygen, your lungs are at risk. 01:05:30.620 --> 01:05:42.980 An increase over the atmospheric 21% can basically inflame your lungs. 01:05:42.980 --> 01:05:51.660 You do the same things starting to your lungs that the intubation over breathing does to 01:05:51.660 --> 01:05:55.540 all of the tissues, starting with inflammation. 01:05:55.540 --> 01:05:58.260 So but what if he does it without over breathing? 01:05:58.260 --> 01:05:59.260 Is he still in good? 01:05:59.260 --> 01:06:00.260 Is he okay? 01:06:00.260 --> 01:06:11.700 Yeah, but I don't know of any value from adding a higher concentration of oxygen during 01:06:11.700 --> 01:06:13.860 exercise. 01:06:13.860 --> 01:06:19.740 Adding a little CO2 I would think would be more protective. 01:06:19.740 --> 01:06:29.500 You're churning a lot of oxygen through your lungs when you're breathing very hard. 01:06:29.500 --> 01:06:35.260 I think that tends in itself to create lung inflammation. 01:06:35.260 --> 01:06:40.500 So that CO2 retention again is the key. 01:06:40.500 --> 01:06:42.940 Please ask Dr. Peat, I'm a 21 year old guy. 01:06:42.940 --> 01:06:44.620 This is from a Harish. 01:06:44.620 --> 01:06:47.980 I have chronic chapped lips for about five years now. 01:06:47.980 --> 01:06:56.540 I think they started after I applied iso-trethon, T-R-E-T-H-O-I-N on my face for a couple of 01:06:56.540 --> 01:06:57.540 months. 01:06:57.540 --> 01:07:02.140 I'm supplementing with thyroid, eating low PUFA diet for the past couple of years. 01:07:02.140 --> 01:07:07.620 And I've also developed seborrheic dermatitis on sides of my nose in the past several months. 01:07:07.620 --> 01:07:14.260 I've been taking B-complex supplements to see if the dermatitis, but it doesn't go away. 01:07:14.260 --> 01:07:15.260 What could be going on? 01:07:15.260 --> 01:07:16.260 Any ideas? 01:07:16.260 --> 01:07:25.660 Either a deficiency or a great excess of vitamin A acts the same. 01:07:25.660 --> 01:07:33.380 If you're deficient in all of the antioxidant things, all of the stabilizing factors of 01:07:33.380 --> 01:07:44.940 which vitamin E is just one, if you're deficient in those, an overdose of vitamin A leads to 01:07:44.940 --> 01:07:45.940 auto-oxidation. 01:07:45.940 --> 01:07:51.500 The vitamin A starts catalyzing its own breakdown. 01:07:51.500 --> 01:08:01.380 And the supplements of retinoic acid, there are three forms of it. 01:08:01.380 --> 01:08:05.460 Two of them are extremely toxic. 01:08:05.460 --> 01:08:14.660 The third one, it's a matter of having it in great excess. 01:08:14.660 --> 01:08:24.620 All of those forms of retinoic acid normally are locally derived in very particular tissues. 01:08:24.620 --> 01:08:31.540 For example, the developing embryo is the most noticeable place where you use retinoic 01:08:31.540 --> 01:08:36.980 acid to create tissues such as the eye. 01:08:36.980 --> 01:08:47.220 But if it's out of place, then it has a toxic effect and leads to the breakdown of the basic 01:08:47.220 --> 01:08:56.940 safe form, retinol, which is the form that occurs mostly in foods. 01:08:56.940 --> 01:09:04.600 The retinol begins to be destroyed when you've started catalyzing the breakdown. 01:09:04.600 --> 01:09:11.100 So it's very hard to know whether to use any supplement at all. 01:09:11.100 --> 01:09:20.220 I would suggest if you have those symptoms to rely only on foods such as milk and eggs 01:09:20.220 --> 01:09:23.420 for your vitamin A rather than a supplement. 01:09:23.420 --> 01:09:25.660 You could be getting too much. 01:09:25.660 --> 01:09:35.180 Yeah, because the system, once it starts down that path, you need something to interrupt 01:09:35.180 --> 01:09:36.180 it. 01:09:36.180 --> 01:09:46.500 And vitamin E and progesterone are things that are known to help to interrupt the process. 01:09:46.500 --> 01:09:56.260 So you might try a lotion of something containing either vitamin E or progesterone on the lips 01:09:56.260 --> 01:10:08.500 directly to see if that can stop the chapping process, which means your proteins are not 01:10:08.500 --> 01:10:11.860 being synthesized properly. 01:10:11.860 --> 01:10:18.620 Cells are being formed and dying prematurely. 01:10:18.620 --> 01:10:26.180 In his article, writes an email entitled "Regeneration and Degeneration," Mr. Peate mentioned that 01:10:26.180 --> 01:10:32.940 50 years ago, inflammation was seen as a necessary part of the healing process, but now it's 01:10:32.940 --> 01:10:38.060 recognized as causes for heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and the aging itself. 01:10:38.060 --> 01:10:43.340 What could a person eat or supplement with to prevent this aggressive, excessive level 01:10:43.340 --> 01:10:49.980 of inflammation from developing and stop the unhealthy fibrosis and disease that doctors 01:10:49.980 --> 01:10:53.660 mislabel as aging? 01:10:53.660 --> 01:11:02.420 The inability to use oxygen properly tends to go with a deficiency of carbon dioxide 01:11:02.420 --> 01:11:07.300 and lactic acid formation. 01:11:07.300 --> 01:11:14.420 If you even inject lactic acid, it will start this systemic inflammation. 01:11:14.420 --> 01:11:24.980 So lactic acid is really the fundamental agent of all of these degenerative inflammatory 01:11:24.980 --> 01:11:27.420 processes. 01:11:27.420 --> 01:11:36.740 So you want to keep your lactic acid, if possible, below the so-called normal range on the blood 01:11:36.740 --> 01:11:37.940 test. 01:11:37.940 --> 01:11:44.380 If you have a blood test for it, it should be at the extreme bottom of the test range. 01:11:44.380 --> 01:11:45.380 Interesting. 01:11:45.380 --> 01:11:55.420 Because in proportion to the presence of lactic acid, you're moving in the direction of the 01:11:55.420 --> 01:12:01.140 degenerative diabetes, cancer-like metabolisms. 01:12:01.140 --> 01:12:12.140 Are there symptoms that can show us, or bodily symptoms and the like, that can be symptomatic, 01:12:12.140 --> 01:12:17.060 if I can use your word again, of too much lactic acid? 01:12:17.060 --> 01:12:30.100 Well, it's involved in everything that constitutes failure. 01:12:30.100 --> 01:12:44.780 Stress fatigue is one of the traditional signs, but edema is probably the next after fatigue. 01:12:44.780 --> 01:12:58.300 All of the nerve muscle digestive failures or inflammatory processes, all of these will 01:12:58.300 --> 01:13:01.580 be brought on by lactic acid. 01:13:01.580 --> 01:13:09.100 At an extreme surge of lactic acid, panic attacks are becoming much more common. 01:13:09.100 --> 01:13:17.340 A very high percentage of people are starting to have a panic attack, which means they're 01:13:17.340 --> 01:13:20.340 having a surge of lactic acid. 01:13:20.340 --> 01:13:24.540 And again, that's not enough CO2, right? 01:13:24.540 --> 01:13:25.540 Not enough over-breathing. 01:13:25.540 --> 01:13:35.060 Yeah, and a lot of people find that having even half a teaspoon of baking soda in a couple 01:13:35.060 --> 01:13:41.460 of ounces of water helps to break an anxiety or panic attack. 01:13:41.460 --> 01:13:45.820 Does baking soda internally affect lactic acid to go down? 01:13:45.820 --> 01:13:46.820 Yeah. 01:13:46.820 --> 01:13:56.740 When you absorb the baking soda, the immediate effect increases your alkalinity, but the 01:13:56.740 --> 01:14:02.620 kidneys just very quickly, it has a diuretic effect. 01:14:02.620 --> 01:14:12.100 And so the sodium goes out very fast, leaving the bicarbonate, which by itself is turned 01:14:12.100 --> 01:14:20.700 into carbon dioxide, which goes into cells and restores their normal, relaxed, slightly 01:14:20.700 --> 01:14:22.500 acidic pH. 01:14:22.500 --> 01:14:26.420 Just a little teaspoon of baking soda. 01:14:26.420 --> 01:14:28.700 Anything on that order. 01:14:28.700 --> 01:14:32.380 Half a teaspoon will sometimes make a difference. 01:14:32.380 --> 01:14:33.380 Interesting. 01:14:33.380 --> 01:14:35.940 It doesn't hurt to take a teaspoon. 01:14:35.940 --> 01:14:41.460 What's the best way, writes an emailer, to determine how many calories are best for us 01:14:41.460 --> 01:14:43.900 on our body? 01:14:43.900 --> 01:14:45.740 Watching for weight gain. 01:14:45.740 --> 01:14:49.500 That's it, right. 01:14:49.500 --> 01:14:54.900 If someone isn't allergic to tomatoes and bell peppers, does that mean that it's okay 01:14:54.900 --> 01:14:56.220 for us to eat them? 01:14:56.220 --> 01:15:00.580 Yeah, very good food, tasty. 01:15:00.580 --> 01:15:06.780 Does supplementing urea, here's another one, wow, we just mentioned that, does supplementing 01:15:06.780 --> 01:15:09.780 urea take care of edema? 01:15:09.780 --> 01:15:10.780 Supplementing urea. 01:15:10.780 --> 01:15:17.980 It has been used that way up until the 1960s. 01:15:17.980 --> 01:15:27.820 It was found to, for example, with heart failure that causes generalized edema, people were 01:15:27.820 --> 01:15:40.660 kept on anywhere from 10 grams per day of urea to several doses of 10 grams dissolved 01:15:40.660 --> 01:15:48.060 in fruit juice, grapefruit juice or orange juice, you don't notice the taste of it. 01:15:48.060 --> 01:15:58.220 It has maintained people without progression of heart failure for many years. 01:15:58.220 --> 01:16:01.940 It was used to treat brain swelling. 01:16:01.940 --> 01:16:05.340 It was very safe and effective. 01:16:05.340 --> 01:16:15.940 One kid with practical brain death, no functions after an accident, they gave him, I think 01:16:15.940 --> 01:16:28.300 it was a 90 gram dose of intravenous urea over a period of a few hours in a proper solvent 01:16:28.300 --> 01:16:32.660 and he recovered and went back to school. 01:16:32.660 --> 01:16:42.380 Absolutely the right thing for treating brain swelling or other crucial edema, but some 01:16:42.380 --> 01:16:53.260 doctors thought of it as an osmolite like sodium chloride and so they gave a certain 01:16:53.260 --> 01:17:05.220 number of grams in distilled water, treating it as if it acted osmotically like salt and 01:17:05.220 --> 01:17:13.780 they found that it broke red blood cells and killed the person by destroying their blood. 01:17:13.780 --> 01:17:22.820 That was reported and the idea spread that you can't use urea, you have to use one of 01:17:22.820 --> 01:17:35.140 the new sugar-based or starch-based things that will draw water out of the brain into 01:17:35.140 --> 01:17:42.460 the blood, but they don't work the same way urea does and basically only work part of 01:17:42.460 --> 01:17:43.740 the time. 01:17:43.740 --> 01:17:53.420 But the whole failure that led to the disuse of urea therapeutically was based on a total 01:17:53.420 --> 01:17:56.220 ignorance. 01:17:56.220 --> 01:18:04.220 Urea is not an osmolite, it has to be added to an isotonic solvent. 01:18:04.220 --> 01:18:15.300 You start with a solvent like physiological saline or ringers or whatever, something that 01:18:15.300 --> 01:18:24.300 will not destroy your red blood cells and then you add the dose of urea, neglecting 01:18:24.300 --> 01:18:36.340 completely its so-called osmotic potential and then the urea acts by entering cells. 01:18:36.340 --> 01:18:43.500 It isn't an osmolite, it doesn't stay outside, it goes into the cell, modifies the cell's 01:18:43.500 --> 01:18:50.980 water retaining functions, causes the cell to return to normal and excrete the water. 01:18:50.980 --> 01:18:57.300 So it's not pulling the water out, it's pushing it out from the inside. 01:18:57.300 --> 01:19:05.380 So a demon, these things are basically kidney issues. 01:19:05.380 --> 01:19:10.460 The kidney eventually handles it, but it's an intracellular thing. 01:19:10.460 --> 01:19:18.220 When you don't have enough carbon dioxide, your cell loses the ability to excrete water. 01:19:18.220 --> 01:19:27.860 Lactic acid shifts the electrons in the direction that cause the cell substance to crave water. 01:19:27.860 --> 01:19:35.020 Lactic acid makes the cell have more electrons, is more attractive to water and so it swells 01:19:35.020 --> 01:19:47.700 up and the urea and/or the carbon dioxide change that electronic behavior of the cells, 01:19:47.700 --> 01:19:55.300 countering lactic acid, making the cell resist water, push the water back out and return 01:19:55.300 --> 01:19:56.300 to normal. 01:19:56.300 --> 01:19:59.220 Boy, it sounds like the CO2 is pretty good stuff. 01:19:59.220 --> 01:20:05.140 I mean, what are some of the main ways we retain more CO2? 01:20:05.140 --> 01:20:11.380 Thyroid is our basic thing. 01:20:11.380 --> 01:20:16.020 If you're low thyroid, you're basically always hyperventilating. 01:20:16.020 --> 01:20:17.020 Really? 01:20:17.020 --> 01:20:21.220 You would be doing it and not knowing it? 01:20:21.220 --> 01:20:29.420 Yeah, because the cell isn't producing carbon dioxide at the normal rate. 01:20:29.420 --> 01:20:35.020 And if it isn't producing carbon dioxide, you're not taking it in from the outside. 01:20:35.020 --> 01:20:44.420 Then any little need for energy, the cell will burn some sugar, turn it into lactic 01:20:44.420 --> 01:20:48.100 acid without burning it all the way to carbon dioxide. 01:20:48.100 --> 01:20:49.100 Interesting. 01:20:49.100 --> 01:20:50.100 Wow. 01:20:50.100 --> 01:20:53.740 So a low thyroid could be doing all kinds of things that unless you talk to somebody 01:20:53.740 --> 01:20:56.580 like you or really do your research, you wouldn't know, right? 01:20:56.580 --> 01:20:57.580 You just wouldn't know it. 01:20:57.580 --> 01:21:02.020 It's like, "I have edema, I have this and boy, I'm connecting the dots." 01:21:02.020 --> 01:21:05.140 That's why we're very grateful to have you on, Dr. Peat. 01:21:05.140 --> 01:21:08.620 Thanks for being here once a month. 01:21:08.620 --> 01:21:14.340 Measuring your temperature is the next best thing to measuring your oxygen consumption 01:21:14.340 --> 01:21:16.940 and CO2 output. 01:21:16.940 --> 01:21:20.220 First thing in the morning, we want it around the 98.6. 01:21:20.220 --> 01:21:27.180 Well, 97.8 is okay early in the morning, but then it should, after breakfast, get up to 01:21:27.180 --> 01:21:28.180 temperature. 01:21:28.180 --> 01:21:29.180 Get up to 98. 01:21:29.180 --> 01:21:33.780 Do those little things you kind of use on your forehead, are they pretty accurate or 01:21:33.780 --> 01:21:37.900 do you need to stick it in your mouth kind of mercury? 01:21:37.900 --> 01:21:44.620 The mercury in the mouth is very, very absolutely accurate. 01:21:44.620 --> 01:21:52.100 The infrared in the ear of the instrument is well designed. 01:21:52.100 --> 01:21:55.460 That's very quick and handy to use and accurate enough. 01:21:55.460 --> 01:21:59.380 Yeah, I had one of those infrared in the ear things I played with, but they'd always come 01:21:59.380 --> 01:22:04.580 up these different numbers, you know, so I got really leery of using it. 01:22:04.580 --> 01:22:08.060 Yeah, some of the instruments are kind of flaky. 01:22:08.060 --> 01:22:09.460 Not very good. 01:22:09.460 --> 01:22:18.340 I may ask Dr. Peat to clarify the difference between using T4 or T3 or both products for 01:22:18.340 --> 01:22:19.340 thyroid health. 01:22:19.340 --> 01:22:25.220 Does Dr. Peat recommend the Mexican brands of Sino Plus and Sino Mel? 01:22:25.220 --> 01:22:29.020 Are there any USA ways to buy these? 01:22:29.020 --> 01:22:38.460 You can find drugstores on the internet that sell them and check the price. 01:22:38.460 --> 01:22:46.300 More people buy it, the more likely you are to find rip-off prices. 01:22:46.300 --> 01:22:50.620 They should be in the vicinity of $15 a bottle. 01:22:50.620 --> 01:22:54.460 So those two that you mentioned, those are just T3s, right? 01:22:54.460 --> 01:23:06.220 No, one is a good balance of T4 and T3 that imitates the old 40-year-ago standard of armor 01:23:06.220 --> 01:23:14.500 thyroid or Thyralar, which was the armor company's synthetic and that exact formula was taken 01:23:14.500 --> 01:23:22.900 up by Sino Plus and I've been, since the armor company, sold to a cosmetic company and then 01:23:22.900 --> 01:23:30.740 has gone through ownership changes and price increase from a penny a pill to a dollar a 01:23:30.740 --> 01:23:31.740 pill. 01:23:31.740 --> 01:23:36.940 I, in the 90s, started using Sino Plus and Sino Mel. 01:23:36.940 --> 01:23:43.260 So Sino Plus is 4 and 3 and 4 and Sino Mel is... 01:23:43.260 --> 01:23:45.060 It's pure T3. 01:23:45.060 --> 01:23:46.120 Okay. 01:23:46.120 --> 01:23:51.540 So Sino Plus would be, you want to get both if you're going to do it? 01:23:51.540 --> 01:24:02.580 Most people do okay with Sino Plus and it's quick acting compared to the glandular, so 01:24:02.580 --> 01:24:10.140 it's best to break the tablet into two or three doses per day because you can feel the 01:24:10.140 --> 01:24:16.940 action starting right in your mouth if you chew it up, where the glandular pill has to 01:24:16.940 --> 01:24:24.780 be digested, takes two or three hours to get digested and broken down and produce the active 01:24:24.780 --> 01:24:25.780 hormones. 01:24:25.780 --> 01:24:26.780 That's the Sino Plus, right? 01:24:26.780 --> 01:24:27.780 The Sino Plus. 01:24:27.780 --> 01:24:33.340 Sino Plus, yeah, is the quick acting combination product. 01:24:33.340 --> 01:24:36.620 And again, the difference between the Sino Mel? 01:24:36.620 --> 01:24:45.540 Sino Mel is only the active hormone and its activity peaks in an hour and a half roughly 01:24:45.540 --> 01:24:54.020 after you take the pill and then it starts down and it's half gone within about 12 hours. 01:24:54.020 --> 01:25:03.900 So if you try to take one T3 pill in the morning like the druggist will often tell you, by 01:25:03.900 --> 01:25:05.260 12 hours later... 01:25:05.260 --> 01:25:06.260 It's gone. 01:25:06.260 --> 01:25:10.060 ...at that time, you're hypothyroid. 01:25:10.060 --> 01:25:14.580 So the Sino Plus, they'll stick around longer, those T3 and T4? 01:25:14.580 --> 01:25:15.580 Yeah. 01:25:15.580 --> 01:25:16.580 The body. 01:25:16.580 --> 01:25:26.940 In the late 1940s when they were starting to synthesize T4 companies that became the 01:25:26.940 --> 01:25:40.420 major producer of synthroid synthetic thyroxine, they tested their synthetic on 25-year-old 01:25:40.420 --> 01:25:51.860 male medical students, the healthiest population imaginable, and compared the glandular armor 01:25:51.860 --> 01:26:01.140 product with their synthetic and they said it worked exactly the same as the natural 01:26:01.140 --> 01:26:02.140 thyroid. 01:26:02.140 --> 01:26:14.380 So that was the basis now for 70 years, substituting for the natural which had established all 01:26:14.380 --> 01:26:17.980 of our knowledge about thyroid hormone function. 01:26:17.980 --> 01:26:21.220 It was done on the basis of natural thyroid. 01:26:21.220 --> 01:26:28.660 The fact that it lowers cholesterol, for example, immediately, there's no cholesterol excess 01:26:28.660 --> 01:26:32.380 problem if you don't have a thyroid problem. 01:26:32.380 --> 01:26:44.540 But since that idea that 25-year-old males respond to the synthetic the same way they 01:26:44.540 --> 01:26:51.580 do the natural, they failed to take into account the experiments that had already shown that 01:26:51.580 --> 01:26:59.820 estrogen blocks the ability to convert thyroxine into the active hormone. 01:26:59.820 --> 01:27:08.420 And so they didn't test their product on even 25-year-old females, much less 38-year-old 01:27:08.420 --> 01:27:21.620 women at the peak of their estrogen, in a very high proportion of middle-aged women, 01:27:21.620 --> 01:27:30.420 if it accumulates, can even have an antithyroid action by suppressing your pituitary, showing 01:27:30.420 --> 01:27:40.060 zero TSH and so no stimulation of the thyroid gland and so no formation of T3. 01:27:40.060 --> 01:27:50.220 At the University of Oregon Medical School in the 1970s, a doctor had prescribed 100 01:27:50.220 --> 01:27:57.980 micrograms, which was a moderate dose of thyroxine to a hypothyroid woman. 01:27:57.980 --> 01:28:04.300 And after a few months, she didn't improve, so he increased the dose to 200. 01:28:04.300 --> 01:28:12.420 Over months, got it up to 400 micrograms of thyroxine per day, and she went into a myxedema 01:28:12.420 --> 01:28:21.060 coma and was taken into the medical school hospital, where they found she had absolutely 01:28:21.060 --> 01:28:29.660 no detectable T3 in her body, explaining the coma. 01:28:29.660 --> 01:28:35.500 Her brain simply wasn't making carbon dioxide or energy. 01:28:35.500 --> 01:28:45.700 So they gave her intravenous T3 immediately, came out of the coma, recovered from the massive 01:28:45.700 --> 01:28:54.300 edema, myxedema, and they put her on a mixed product containing T3 to maintain her, and 01:28:54.300 --> 01:28:56.180 there was no problem. 01:28:56.180 --> 01:29:03.700 But there are milder cases like that, millions of them around the country, women being prescribed 01:29:03.700 --> 01:29:17.900 thyroxine and the response being measured in terms of how much their TSH is being suppressed, 01:29:17.900 --> 01:29:24.260 it totally ignoring their body temperature, their symptoms, their cholesterol, all of 01:29:24.260 --> 01:29:31.700 the basic absolute indicators of what the thyroid is doing and how much is needed. 01:29:31.700 --> 01:29:34.020 Interesting. 01:29:34.020 --> 01:29:40.420 If you, what would be, is there such a thing as like the perfect cholesterol number? 01:29:40.420 --> 01:29:46.100 I mean the big number that everybody talks about, you know, 180, 200, or do you have 01:29:46.100 --> 01:29:48.820 a fave number that you kind of like to see? 01:29:48.820 --> 01:29:52.180 Oh, it depends on your age. 01:29:52.180 --> 01:30:04.140 The Framingham study found that basically no one who had their cholesterol well over 01:30:04.140 --> 01:30:13.900 200, very low incidence of dementia if they kept their cholesterol up over the age of 01:30:13.900 --> 01:30:23.460 150, but those who were below 200 had an extremely high dementia incidence. 01:30:23.460 --> 01:30:33.140 That's explained because your gonads and adrenals depend on the amount of cholesterol in the 01:30:33.140 --> 01:30:38.620 blood for making the protective steroid hormones. 01:30:38.620 --> 01:30:45.580 In an experiment with an isolated ovary, for example, they measured the amount, keeping 01:30:45.580 --> 01:30:52.980 the thyroid hormone level, they measured the amount of progesterone coming out of the vein 01:30:52.980 --> 01:31:02.260 from the ovary and they varied the amount of cholesterol going into the artery to the 01:31:02.260 --> 01:31:10.460 ovary, and as they increased the cholesterol in the blood going in, the amount of progesterone 01:31:10.460 --> 01:31:15.540 coming out of the ovary corresponded and increased. 01:31:15.540 --> 01:31:24.540 So rising cholesterol is adaptive, keeping your brain steroid hormones up, keeping your 01:31:24.540 --> 01:31:33.700 ovarian systemic hormones up, your adrenal hormones, everything, your brain especially 01:31:33.700 --> 01:31:43.980 depends on the adequate amount of cholesterol in the blood, and if your thyroid is low, 01:31:43.980 --> 01:31:49.860 that means you require more cholesterol in the blood to keep your brain supplied with 01:31:49.860 --> 01:31:52.860 steroids. 01:31:52.860 --> 01:32:02.660 And so hypothyroid people properly and adaptively have a proportionally high cholesterol. 01:32:02.660 --> 01:32:07.620 Oh, because they needed to keep it in balance. 01:32:07.620 --> 01:32:12.460 So that would be the argument for all the people, the dangers of statins and them getting 01:32:12.460 --> 01:32:17.900 this cholesterol down in guys for like 120 and 130 cholesterol. 01:32:17.900 --> 01:32:20.980 Yeah, that's biologically crazy. 01:32:20.980 --> 01:32:24.500 That's making it impossible to make the brain steroids. 01:32:24.500 --> 01:32:26.180 My goodness. 01:32:26.180 --> 01:32:33.140 Could you ask Dr. Peat, to improve myocardial respiration, are there certain times of the 01:32:33.140 --> 01:32:38.300 day that would be better than others for doing such things as bag breathing and red light 01:32:38.300 --> 01:32:39.820 exposure? 01:32:39.820 --> 01:32:44.740 Oh, exercise is always safest in the afternoon. 01:32:44.740 --> 01:32:45.740 Afternoon. 01:32:45.740 --> 01:32:54.940 I know of someone did a study of having people jog before breakfast and then after breakfast 01:32:54.940 --> 01:33:03.140 and took a blood sample and found broken chromosomes in their blood cells. 01:33:03.140 --> 01:33:10.140 If they jogged before breakfast when blood sugar was not adequate, after breakfast there 01:33:10.140 --> 01:33:18.980 were no broken chromosomes caused by the stress of running or the increased lactic acid. 01:33:18.980 --> 01:33:28.740 And other experiments show that later in the day your ability to resist stress damage is 01:33:28.740 --> 01:33:30.660 at its highest of the day. 01:33:30.660 --> 01:33:31.660 Oh, interesting. 01:33:31.660 --> 01:33:35.420 More three, four, five o'clock, that kind of time? 01:33:35.420 --> 01:33:36.420 Interesting. 01:33:36.740 --> 01:33:42.260 Kira wants to know what you think about eating raw meat, given that it is a good source specifically, 01:33:42.260 --> 01:33:48.020 is it better or worse digested and what could be benefits from having it raw? 01:33:48.020 --> 01:33:56.420 Oh, it's slightly better nutritionally, very easy to digest and you don't risk the carcinogens 01:33:56.420 --> 01:34:01.780 produced by overheating it. 01:34:01.780 --> 01:34:13.980 But the thing that keeps me from eating it either rare or raw is the possibility of various 01:34:13.980 --> 01:34:20.060 kinds of infections, bacterial or protozoal or whatever. 01:34:20.060 --> 01:34:24.500 That's why I think some of the raw meat people, they sear it everywhere pretty good to kill 01:34:24.500 --> 01:34:28.260 anything on the outside, but it could still be on the inside though, right? 01:34:28.260 --> 01:34:30.980 Yeah, if the animal has a disease. 01:34:30.980 --> 01:34:31.980 If it has a disease. 01:34:31.980 --> 01:34:42.540 You're being exposed to it and a healthy digestive system can handle it, but I prefer to cook 01:34:42.540 --> 01:34:46.340 it rather than trust my digestive system. 01:34:46.340 --> 01:34:57.420 What does Dr. Peat think about the Texas Dr. Bartlett who is successfully using BUDESINDE 01:34:57.420 --> 01:35:00.100 steroid inhaler for COVID? 01:35:00.100 --> 01:35:07.340 Malik is using cortisol injections for seven days with a bunch of supplements like C and 01:35:07.340 --> 01:35:10.620 Zinc and the British are now successful with interferon beta. 01:35:10.620 --> 01:35:14.500 Have you seen this Dr. Bartlett's videos about using this? 01:35:14.500 --> 01:35:23.780 I haven't seen his videos, but anyway you take in an anti-inflammatory substance since 01:35:23.780 --> 01:35:33.820 the essence of the COVID symptoms and mortality, the essence is inflammation. 01:35:33.820 --> 01:35:39.500 All kinds of anti-inflammatory things are going to be helpful. 01:35:39.500 --> 01:35:53.540 Hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, the combination studies of those two, they're ridiculed by 01:35:53.540 --> 01:35:59.820 the know-nothing doctors because they say neither of them kills viruses. 01:35:59.820 --> 01:36:06.700 One is an antibiotic and the other is for autoimmune conditions. 01:36:06.700 --> 01:36:09.700 Those are anti-inflammatory. 01:36:09.700 --> 01:36:18.860 Azithromycin and erythromycin happen to be very effective anti-inflammatory agents. 01:36:18.860 --> 01:36:24.900 And so they're missing the point that they are extremely therapeutic. 01:36:24.900 --> 01:36:28.580 Anything anti-inflammatory is helpful. 01:36:28.580 --> 01:36:33.540 Carbon dioxide is our simplest, most basic anti-inflammatory. 01:36:33.540 --> 01:36:38.820 Carbon, good, I'll see you on Tuesday. 01:36:38.820 --> 01:36:47.700 Aspirin, progesterone, cortisol, a thousand different safer things. 01:36:47.700 --> 01:36:58.060 The synthetic glucocorticoids used for asthma inhalants will immediately protect you against 01:36:58.060 --> 01:37:03.780 the inflammation, but they have the long-range problems of tissue breakdown. 01:37:03.780 --> 01:37:09.260 Do you think there's any connection, I mean, let me put on my tinfoil hat with this whole 01:37:09.260 --> 01:37:13.020 demonization of CO2 and the good stuff about it? 01:37:13.020 --> 01:37:16.020 I mean, is that possible? 01:37:16.020 --> 01:37:17.660 Is what possible? 01:37:17.660 --> 01:37:24.060 The demonization of CO2 in our culture with man-made global warming and all that. 01:37:24.060 --> 01:37:38.700 Yeah, but at least the pandemic, the founding chairman of the World Economic Forum announced 01:37:38.700 --> 01:37:48.100 the theme of their January 2021 World Conference will be the Great Reset. 01:37:48.100 --> 01:37:59.060 And he said the global warming thing was helping us to eliminate the old fossil fuel economy, 01:37:59.060 --> 01:38:01.580 but that has been coming along very slowly. 01:38:01.580 --> 01:38:09.620 And luckily, we now have the pandemic allowing for almost instant change, shutting down the 01:38:09.620 --> 01:38:15.940 old economy by fiat rather than gradual legislation. 01:38:15.940 --> 01:38:16.940 Interesting. 01:38:16.940 --> 01:38:21.340 Yeah, we've been hearing a lot about that potential reset. 01:38:21.340 --> 01:38:28.140 Here is a fellow from, I don't know where really, it sounds like Africa, does methylene 01:38:28.140 --> 01:38:33.500 blue taking orally, is that dangerous? 01:38:33.500 --> 01:38:38.980 People take unnecessarily big doses of it. 01:38:38.980 --> 01:38:52.700 There have been reports of it interacting with the SSRI antidepressants and such, but 01:38:52.700 --> 01:39:01.820 it's effective in doses of one-tenth of a milligram on the order of T3 thyroid form. 01:39:01.820 --> 01:39:06.420 He says that he's taken, Dr. Jean-Philippe says he's taken a 1% solution and I take one 01:39:06.420 --> 01:39:08.420 milligram of that. 01:39:08.420 --> 01:39:10.420 Oh, that's good. 01:39:10.420 --> 01:39:12.140 I think that's a safe dose. 01:39:12.140 --> 01:39:17.340 Oh, so one milligram of 1%, that's pretty small. 01:39:17.340 --> 01:39:30.660 Yeah, one milligram of the actual substance people have used for treating depression and 01:39:30.660 --> 01:39:40.500 get almost immediate results the way they would with a similar dose of T3 because it 01:39:40.500 --> 01:39:48.180 activates your mitochondrial respiration in very similar ways to thyroid hormone. 01:39:48.180 --> 01:39:49.380 Here's an email from RJ. 01:39:49.380 --> 01:39:55.540 My doctor prescribed using four liters of oxygen per minute to sleep with using an oxygen 01:39:55.540 --> 01:39:56.540 concentrator. 01:39:56.540 --> 01:40:00.620 I also use supplemental hydrogen gas called Brown's gas. 01:40:00.620 --> 01:40:04.900 Is that okay or do I need to change? 01:40:04.900 --> 01:40:09.420 I don't think concentrated oxygen is safe. 01:40:09.420 --> 01:40:10.420 You just don't like it. 01:40:10.420 --> 01:40:18.620 Don't they put most people in nursing homes? 01:40:18.620 --> 01:40:28.140 Very often they do things that accelerate death while keeping them quiet. 01:40:28.140 --> 01:40:29.140 Oh, good. 01:40:29.140 --> 01:40:34.980 So again for Robert, for RJ, what is his concerns using even four liters a minute which isn't 01:40:34.980 --> 01:40:39.380 very much while sleeping? 01:40:39.380 --> 01:40:46.740 I think any excess is a risk starting with the lungs. 01:40:46.740 --> 01:41:01.900 If you improve your metabolism, historically probably the most widely used successful chemical 01:41:01.900 --> 01:41:11.340 treatment is using acetazolamide which makes your body retain the carbon dioxide that a 01:41:11.340 --> 01:41:19.100 hypothyroid person isn't making enough of and that keeps stimulating your breathing 01:41:19.100 --> 01:41:25.420 apparatus during the night and prevents sleep apnea. 01:41:25.420 --> 01:41:35.060 So metabolically keeping your CO2 up with progesterone and/or thyroid and all of the 01:41:35.060 --> 01:41:48.140 nutritional things work the same as acetazolamide in inhibiting the enzyme that eliminates carbon 01:41:48.140 --> 01:41:49.980 dioxide. 01:41:49.980 --> 01:41:50.980 This is from Cecil. 01:41:50.980 --> 01:41:54.380 We have a few more and then we'll let you go back to work. 01:41:54.380 --> 01:41:59.420 It seems to me as Dr. Peters mentioned that as long as the body has all the nutrients 01:41:59.420 --> 01:42:04.700 it needs and is spiritually well, it should pretty well be immune to most diseases. 01:42:04.700 --> 01:42:05.700 Am I wrong? 01:42:05.700 --> 01:42:12.180 Does Dr. Peat believe a real potent bioweapon is possible out there with COVID? 01:42:12.180 --> 01:42:24.340 Yeah, healthy people simply don't notice when they are exposed to the various viruses, 01:42:24.340 --> 01:42:33.340 the viruses to take and act on people who are already sick. 01:42:33.340 --> 01:42:45.500 Even after menopause, it isn't officially a sickness but it represents the effect of 01:42:45.500 --> 01:42:52.420 40 years of a bad diet, too much PUFA in the diet. 01:42:52.420 --> 01:43:00.140 Adds up, modifies the estrogen-progesterone balance and the excitatory processes in the 01:43:00.140 --> 01:43:05.820 brain shift you away from progesterone production. 01:43:05.820 --> 01:43:17.980 At menopause, the women who have had practically, there is almost a zero mortality from COVID 01:43:17.980 --> 01:43:24.340 in women who are healthy and cycling and not using any estrogen supplements such as birth 01:43:24.340 --> 01:43:35.780 control but starting at menopause and increasing in old age, women catch up with men in susceptibility 01:43:35.780 --> 01:43:44.620 to COVID infection and mortality because their estrogen goes down, I mean their progesterone 01:43:44.620 --> 01:43:47.860 goes down and the estrogen comes up. 01:43:47.860 --> 01:43:48.860 Good morning you two. 01:43:48.860 --> 01:43:52.940 I have come in late but I heard you talking about lactic acid. 01:43:52.940 --> 01:43:55.860 We have these symptoms of too much. 01:43:55.860 --> 01:44:02.180 Is only baking soda the go-to? 01:44:02.180 --> 01:44:08.500 A lot of people find that that can help to break an anxiety attack and helps with their 01:44:08.500 --> 01:44:16.740 endurance by tending to keep their production of, for example, athletes take as much as 01:44:16.740 --> 01:44:29.380 a tablespoon before an endurance bicycling or run and it keeps being absorbed from their 01:44:29.380 --> 01:44:38.340 stomach and intestine for part of the race that tends to keep their lactic acid production 01:44:38.340 --> 01:44:39.340 suppressed. 01:44:39.340 --> 01:44:46.420 Cindy is in Arkansas or Alabama, Rogersville, Alabama and she gets fever blusters and they 01:44:46.420 --> 01:44:51.700 do not get fluid filled but they have been a nonstop for over about four months. 01:44:51.700 --> 01:44:56.380 Any ideas what could be going on? 01:44:56.380 --> 01:45:06.500 The immune system is being disturbed, pituitary, excitatory and stress hormones tend to excite 01:45:06.500 --> 01:45:18.020 the nerves allowing the virus to reproduce so checking things like the amount of sugar 01:45:18.020 --> 01:45:23.940 and carbohydrate in your diet, make sure you are not eating too much fat in proportion 01:45:23.940 --> 01:45:31.580 to your carbohydrate which can increase your lactic acid and turn on the stress hormones. 01:45:31.580 --> 01:45:32.940 Too many carbs can? 01:45:32.940 --> 01:45:34.260 No, too few carbs. 01:45:34.260 --> 01:45:35.260 Too few carbs. 01:45:35.260 --> 01:45:36.260 Oh, yeah. 01:45:36.260 --> 01:45:45.100 Yeah, when you are under stress, you liberate free fatty acids and if you eat a lot of fat, 01:45:45.100 --> 01:45:54.180 that increases your free fatty acids and turns off your ability to use glucose oxidatively 01:45:54.180 --> 01:46:02.180 and that increases your lactic acid and the lactic acid keeps the stress hormones going 01:46:02.180 --> 01:46:08.020 and maintains the inflammation that lets the virus replicate. 01:46:08.020 --> 01:46:12.940 So when you say carbs, Dr. Peat, do vegetables count or do we want to also do some complex 01:46:12.940 --> 01:46:17.100 carbs like corn or rice or whatever? 01:46:17.100 --> 01:46:27.180 If you handle them and they are well cooked but things like well cooked summer squash, 01:46:27.180 --> 01:46:32.060 for example, is a very easy to digest kind of starch. 01:46:32.060 --> 01:46:35.140 Very well cooked rice is okay. 01:46:35.140 --> 01:46:45.100 Tortillas, hominy are probably the easiest to digest starch because they have been processed 01:46:45.100 --> 01:46:48.660 by lime that makes them very easy to digest. 01:46:48.660 --> 01:46:54.700 There is a fellow that has a great natural pig company, Doc, and he has a booth in Dripping 01:46:54.700 --> 01:47:00.540 Springs Farmers Market and has a new product with different colored tortillas and he says, 01:47:00.540 --> 01:47:01.940 let me tell you about these tortillas. 01:47:01.940 --> 01:47:03.140 They have been nixtamized. 01:47:03.140 --> 01:47:05.380 So this guy is going, isn't that cool? 01:47:05.380 --> 01:47:06.380 Going through the whole thing. 01:47:06.380 --> 01:47:07.380 Yeah. 01:47:07.380 --> 01:47:11.260 Yeah, they are more nutritious, much safer. 01:47:11.260 --> 01:47:12.260 Easier to digest, right? 01:47:12.260 --> 01:47:13.260 You have told us. 01:47:13.260 --> 01:47:14.260 Yeah. 01:47:14.260 --> 01:47:23.660 Naomi wants to know, could CHITOSANE help detox PUFAs since it kind of binds to fat? 01:47:23.660 --> 01:47:29.460 Any fibrous food helps to carry stuff out of you. 01:47:29.460 --> 01:47:38.900 Raw carrots and well cooked mushrooms are a pleasanter thing than CHITOSANE. 01:47:38.900 --> 01:47:41.180 You don't need to buy a supplement. 01:47:41.180 --> 01:47:46.020 You can just choose the most fibrous foods. 01:47:46.020 --> 01:47:51.180 Oat bran is an additive to breakfast cereal. 01:47:51.180 --> 01:47:54.940 It's a pleasant way to get a lot of fiber. 01:47:54.940 --> 01:47:59.500 So that will take some things out like PUFAs if there's too many of those hanging around. 01:47:59.500 --> 01:48:05.780 Yeah, and for a weight loss diet, it helps to simply keep some of the fat from being 01:48:05.780 --> 01:48:08.540 absorbed and carries it out of you. 01:48:08.540 --> 01:48:14.740 Lynn wants to know what you think about intermittent fasting, say eating only from noon to 6 p.m. 01:48:14.740 --> 01:48:18.820 as many people are recommending. 01:48:18.820 --> 01:48:28.540 The studies have been done on very specialized populations of mice or highly trained athletes, 01:48:28.540 --> 01:48:30.260 for example. 01:48:30.260 --> 01:48:39.260 And I don't think it applies to people on an average activity schedule. 01:48:39.260 --> 01:48:45.980 So you don't think just overall it's beneficial just to do that once a day? 01:48:45.980 --> 01:48:56.060 For anyone with a borderline metabolic problem, which applies to about half of the population, 01:48:56.060 --> 01:49:01.980 it can increase the stress to go extra hours without food. 01:49:01.980 --> 01:49:08.060 Kane wants to know, help us understand why high dose PUFAs like fish oil seem to help 01:49:08.060 --> 01:49:12.780 so many thrive for decades from athletes to brain injury. 01:49:12.780 --> 01:49:17.420 Fish oil has helped and is helping many perform at high levels. 01:49:17.420 --> 01:49:20.940 How can you explain that because you're so against them? 01:49:20.940 --> 01:49:29.100 By the time it gets absorbed into your bloodstream, it's becoming highly oxidized. 01:49:29.100 --> 01:49:32.740 If you leave it out at room temperature, it gets sticky. 01:49:32.740 --> 01:49:35.420 It starts to form varnish. 01:49:35.420 --> 01:49:43.980 And at body temperature, 98 degrees in your blood with oxygen pumped into the blood, the 01:49:43.980 --> 01:49:48.620 oxidative breakdown is extremely fast. 01:49:48.620 --> 01:49:56.580 These oxidative fragments are powerfully immunosuppressive. 01:49:56.580 --> 01:50:05.420 They knock out the enzymes that form prostaglandins, for example. 01:50:05.420 --> 01:50:12.900 They knock out the inflammatory process very helpfully in the short term. 01:50:12.900 --> 01:50:23.500 But meanwhile, over a period of six months, you start damaging the functional long-range 01:50:23.500 --> 01:50:30.500 effect of your immune system and run the risk of immune deficiency syndrome. 01:50:30.500 --> 01:50:33.220 My goodness. 01:50:33.220 --> 01:50:34.500 Here's May Thien. 01:50:34.500 --> 01:50:37.540 She says, "I have a 14-month-old granddaughter who has eczema. 01:50:37.540 --> 01:50:43.420 It seems sometimes she scratches herself so much it's hard to see and prevent her from 01:50:43.420 --> 01:50:44.420 scratching. 01:50:44.420 --> 01:50:45.420 What can I do to help? 01:50:45.420 --> 01:50:47.060 We're just at a loss here." 01:50:47.060 --> 01:50:48.060 My goodness, 14-month-old. 01:50:48.060 --> 01:50:57.700 Checking the diet thoroughly for potentially irritating, poorly digested foods would be 01:50:57.700 --> 01:51:01.300 the first thing. 01:51:01.300 --> 01:51:12.740 Then if you don't find particular foods like bread or pasta would be first things to consider. 01:51:12.740 --> 01:51:23.660 Then you might consider a blood test for vitamin D deficiency or too much phosphate in the 01:51:23.660 --> 01:51:31.060 diet, an excess of meat, for example, or for milk and cheese. 01:51:31.060 --> 01:51:35.740 Those things can activate the inflammatory system. 01:51:35.740 --> 01:51:44.020 Dr. Peat, do you think it's worth the expense or the effort to get raw cheeses as opposed 01:51:44.020 --> 01:51:46.300 to just old pasteurized cheese? 01:51:46.300 --> 01:51:54.820 No, I think the really important thing is if you have a reaction to the cheese, a lot 01:51:54.820 --> 01:52:03.420 of people have started having bad reactions digestively or allergically. 01:52:03.420 --> 01:52:04.540 Look at the labels. 01:52:04.540 --> 01:52:15.180 If they don't say just milk, salt, natural cultures, traditional cheeses might say natural 01:52:15.180 --> 01:52:22.500 cultures, but just milk, salt, and rennet are the basic safe ingredients. 01:52:22.500 --> 01:52:36.220 If it says vegetable rennet, that can mean an engineered enzyme system, a manufactured 01:52:36.220 --> 01:52:42.220 bunch of fungal enzymes, for example. 01:52:42.220 --> 01:52:48.740 Two-thirds of the commercial cheeses are now using those so-called cultures and enzymes 01:52:48.740 --> 01:52:56.940 bought from a manufacturing company rather than acquired in the barn or the cave where 01:52:56.940 --> 01:52:58.740 they age the cheese. 01:52:58.740 --> 01:53:01.940 So what are the ingredients that we want to look for in cheeses? 01:53:01.940 --> 01:53:04.940 Milk, salt, and rennet. 01:53:04.940 --> 01:53:05.940 Just rennet. 01:53:05.940 --> 01:53:07.180 That's it. 01:53:07.180 --> 01:53:10.180 More than that, just find another one? 01:53:10.180 --> 01:53:11.180 It's questionable. 01:53:11.180 --> 01:53:12.180 It's questionable. 01:53:12.180 --> 01:53:13.940 Final question for Dr. Ray Peat. 01:53:13.940 --> 01:53:14.940 Great stuff today. 01:53:14.940 --> 01:53:15.940 Thank you, sir. 01:53:15.940 --> 01:53:21.340 The U.S. government wants high-tech immunity passports potentially for everyone as soon 01:53:21.340 --> 01:53:22.340 as possible. 01:53:22.340 --> 01:53:30.460 What does Dr. Peat think the chances of this coming? 01:53:30.460 --> 01:53:40.100 I think you can get the necessary context for that partly in Eric Schmidt's last year's 01:53:40.100 --> 01:53:52.620 speech, partly in the Rockefeller Foundation's 2010 publication on the planning basically 01:53:52.620 --> 01:53:59.500 for the coming pandemic and reset of the economy. 01:53:59.500 --> 01:54:07.380 They called it "getting people in lockstep," and they used China as the example of how 01:54:07.380 --> 01:54:15.580 people could be forced to shift to absolute lockstep conformity. 01:54:15.580 --> 01:54:16.980 Yes, sir. 01:54:16.980 --> 01:54:21.420 Many people are arguing that this whole social distancing and masking, sheltering at home 01:54:21.420 --> 01:54:24.540 is kind of a training ground for that. 01:54:24.540 --> 01:54:25.540 Right. 01:54:25.540 --> 01:54:26.820 It's obedience training. 01:54:26.820 --> 01:54:33.820 When you put on the mask, you're telling the public that you are an obedient servant doing 01:54:33.820 --> 01:54:36.180 an irrational thing. 01:54:36.180 --> 01:54:45.220 There have been 17 well-known studies of the effectiveness of wearing a mask. 01:54:45.220 --> 01:54:49.580 Three of them weren't proper controlled studies. 01:54:49.580 --> 01:55:01.100 The good 14 studies that were done with controls, the best quality science, found no effect, 01:55:01.100 --> 01:55:03.740 no benefit from wearing a mask. 01:55:03.740 --> 01:55:12.700 So if you're wearing a mask, you're an obedient but not fully rational citizen. 01:55:12.700 --> 01:55:14.660 Wow. 01:55:14.660 --> 01:55:20.020 And we've seen that even science shows that these 95 or whatever they call them, Doc, 01:55:20.020 --> 01:55:25.340 that the P95s or something, that they don't do anything more than the cloth as well. 01:55:25.340 --> 01:55:35.500 There's now evidence that the coronaviruses are aerosol, that they are particles smaller 01:55:35.500 --> 01:55:46.620 than a bacterium and aerosolized bacterium even can, to some extent, they can go right 01:55:46.620 --> 01:55:56.180 through ordinary masks, but the aerosolized virus almost encounters no resistance even 01:55:56.180 --> 01:55:58.300 in the best masks. 01:55:58.300 --> 01:56:02.460 In the best masks, no resistance, just goes poof, right through. 01:56:02.460 --> 01:56:03.460 Wow. 01:56:03.460 --> 01:56:06.360 Well, it's a brave new world, Doc. 01:56:06.360 --> 01:56:12.020 If you'd like to get Dr. Ray Peat's newsletter, it's rayPeats, that's plural, newsletter, 01:56:12.020 --> 01:56:17.420 at gmail.com, and if you're thinking about school and concerned about your kids, he has 01:56:17.420 --> 01:56:23.620 a whole thing coming up on schools and education that I'm sure will be interesting to read. 01:56:23.620 --> 01:56:28.660 Boy, it looks like it's going to be, boy, the folks are rebellion out there. 01:56:28.660 --> 01:56:30.500 They want their kids to school. 01:56:30.500 --> 01:56:38.580 It's a real clash, isn't it, from the school, I don't know why the school, people that control 01:56:38.580 --> 01:56:42.700 the schools are so intent on keeping the schools closed. 01:56:42.700 --> 01:56:51.460 They want to keep in good with the government. 01:56:51.460 --> 01:56:58.700 The government can turn off their money supply or apply pressure to them, so they're being 01:56:58.700 --> 01:56:59.700 obedient. 01:56:59.700 --> 01:57:02.980 But isn't President Trump, he's been talking, he doesn't want to close them, he says they 01:57:02.980 --> 01:57:03.980 should open. 01:57:03.980 --> 01:57:07.300 Other parts of the government, right? 01:57:07.300 --> 01:57:16.420 Yeah, he isn't really in control, as you can see with the hydroxychloroquine issue. 01:57:16.420 --> 01:57:27.340 The FDA just rescinded their emergency permission to use it, and they say it causes dangerous 01:57:27.340 --> 01:57:34.660 heart rhythm problems and liver failure and kidney damage and all kinds of things. 01:57:34.660 --> 01:57:40.020 In 80 years of use, it was never found to cause those. 01:57:40.020 --> 01:57:50.540 Now suddenly, and less than a month after a very good study of 2,500 patients in the 01:57:50.540 --> 01:58:00.980 Henry Ford Health System, that found a 50% reduction in mortality in the people who used 01:58:00.980 --> 01:58:01.980 hydroxychloroquine. 01:58:01.980 --> 01:58:09.180 Now the FDA says it's too dangerous and absolutely ineffective. 01:58:09.180 --> 01:58:16.500 The FDA Public Health Service has something in mind other than public health. 01:58:16.500 --> 01:58:17.500 And we'll leave it at that. 01:58:17.500 --> 01:58:19.420 Dr. Peat, thanks so much. 01:58:19.420 --> 01:58:20.420 Great show today. 01:58:20.420 --> 01:58:21.500 We appreciate it. 01:58:21.500 --> 01:58:24.660 You take care of yourself, and I'm going to go out and get some oranges. 01:58:24.660 --> 01:58:25.660 Okay. 01:58:25.660 --> 01:58:26.660 Thanks a lot. 01:58:26.660 --> 01:58:27.660 Thanks. 01:58:27.660 --> 01:58:30.660 Dr. Ray Peat, Patrick Timpone on Radionetwork.com. 01:58:30.660 --> 01:58:33.060 What a blessing to have him. 01:58:33.060 --> 01:58:39.500 And the president, I guess he was taking hydroxychloroquine for a while. 01:58:39.500 --> 01:58:40.500 Well here you are. 01:58:40.500 --> 01:58:42.380 We're going to try again to do the video thing. 01:58:42.380 --> 01:58:43.780 We're going to get it tomorrow. 01:58:43.780 --> 01:58:48.860 We have, well, Brandon Smith doesn't have a video camera, so that'll be, we'll see if 01:58:48.860 --> 01:58:49.860 I'm going to be on there. 01:58:49.860 --> 01:58:52.180 Just so we can get it all straightened out today. 01:58:52.180 --> 01:58:57.700 And then also Tim O'Shea, who I think he has a, I saw a story about Tim O'Shea. 01:58:57.700 --> 01:59:01.460 Dr. O'Shea says he's going to give somebody a whole bunch of money if they can show me 01:59:01.460 --> 01:59:05.620 a coronavirus, show me the virus. 01:59:05.620 --> 01:59:07.820 I think he's offering a reward. 01:59:07.820 --> 01:59:08.820 Best lest I hurt. 01:59:08.820 --> 01:59:10.460 So it should be a good show. 01:59:10.460 --> 01:59:12.060 We're going to have some fun. 01:59:12.060 --> 01:59:14.380 Brandon Amelani, it's been a long time. 01:59:14.380 --> 01:59:15.580 He's a really cool guy. 01:59:15.580 --> 01:59:17.100 Chinese medicine fellow. 01:59:17.100 --> 01:59:22.540 We'll talk a lot about herbs and immune systems and exercise and cool stuff. 01:59:22.540 --> 01:59:27.100 And then also, who else is coming on Wednesday? 01:59:27.100 --> 01:59:29.460 I should certainly know that. 01:59:29.460 --> 01:59:31.580 Oh, Richard Mayberry. 01:59:31.580 --> 01:59:35.660 He's on the last Wednesday of the month. 01:59:35.660 --> 01:59:36.660 Pretty fun. 01:59:36.660 --> 01:59:39.380 So, I will see you all tomorrow. 01:59:39.380 --> 01:59:40.900 Thanks for your ongoing support. 01:59:40.900 --> 01:59:45.820 Again, we apologize for some of the strange things that went on this first hour. 01:59:45.820 --> 01:59:49.620 Or early this morning at nine o'clock, we were trying, we had the thing all working 01:59:49.620 --> 01:59:55.620 and I tested it yesterday and something didn't work and there's something going on that's 01:59:55.620 --> 02:00:02.460 not compatible with our studio and didn't know that you couldn't hear the audio. 02:00:02.460 --> 02:00:04.380 I didn't test the audio. 02:00:04.380 --> 02:00:09.180 And so when we made it right on the video today with Dr. Massey, you couldn't hear the 02:00:09.180 --> 02:00:10.900 guest talking on the audio. 02:00:10.900 --> 02:00:14.100 So we'll have to figure that one out before we do it again. 02:00:14.100 --> 02:00:15.100 All right. 02:00:15.100 --> 02:00:16.100 I love you all very much. 02:00:16.100 --> 02:00:17.100 Thanks a lot. 02:00:17.100 --> 02:00:18.100 Take care of yourself. 02:00:18.100 --> 02:00:19.540 Let me know if I can help with anything. 02:00:19.540 --> 02:00:24.060 Patrick at OneRadioNetwork.com. 02:00:24.060 --> 02:00:25.060 Take care. 02:00:25.060 --> 02:00:31.500 And may the blessings be. 02:00:31.500 --> 02:00:32.500 [Music] 02:00:32.500 --> 02:00:33.500 [Music] 02:00:33.500 --> 02:00:33.500 [Music] 02:00:33.500 --> 02:00:34.500 [Music] 02:00:34.500 --> 02:00:34.500 [Music] 02:00:34.500 --> 02:00:35.500 [Music] 02:00:35.500 --> 02:00:35.500 [Music] 02:00:35.500 --> 02:00:36.500 [Music] 02:00:36.500 --> 02:00:36.500 [Music] 02:00:36.500 --> 02:00:37.500 [Music] 02:00:37.500 --> 02:00:37.500 [Music] 02:00:37.500 --> 02:00:38.500 [Music] 02:00:38.500 --> 02:00:38.500 [Music] 02:00:38.500 --> 02:00:39.500 [Music] 02:00:39.500 --> 02:00:39.500 [Music] 02:00:40.500 --> 02:00:41.500 [Music] 02:00:41.500 --> 02:00:41.500 [Music] 02:00:41.500 --> 02:00:46.500 [Music] 02:00:46.500 --> 02:00:51.500 [Music] 02:00:51.500 --> 02:00:56.500 [Music]