import sys, platform, os, re, subprocess if not sys.version_info >= (3, 6): sys.exit('Python 3.6 or higher is required!') try: import eldf except ImportError: sys.exit("Module eldf is not installed!\nPlease install it using this command:\n" + (sys.platform == 'win32')*(os.path.dirname(sys.executable) + '\\Scripts\\') + 'pip3 install eldf') if len(sys.argv) < 2 or '-h' in sys.argv or '--help' in sys.argv: print('''Usage: 11l py-or-11l-source-file [options] Options: --int64 use 64-bit integers -d disable optimizations [makes compilation faster] -t transpile only -e expand includes -v print version''') sys.exit(1) if '-v' in sys.argv: print(open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), 'version.txt')).read()) sys.exit(0) enopt = not '-d' in sys.argv if not (sys.argv[1].endswith('.py') or sys.argv[1].endswith('.11l')): sys.exit("source-file should have extension '.py' or '.11l'") def show_error(fname, fcontents, e, syntax_error): next_line_pos = fcontents.find("\n", e.pos) if next_line_pos == -1: next_line_pos = len(fcontents) prev_line_pos = fcontents.rfind("\n", 0, e.pos) + 1 sys.exit(('Syntax' if syntax_error else 'Lexical') + ' error: ' + e.message + "\n in file '" + fname + "', line " + str(fcontents[:e.pos].count("\n") + 1) + "\n" + fcontents[prev_line_pos:next_line_pos] + "\n" + re.sub(r'[^\t]', ' ', fcontents[prev_line_pos:e.pos]) + '^'*max(1, e.end - e.pos)) import _11l_to_cpp.tokenizer, _11l_to_cpp.parse if sys.argv[1].endswith('.py'): import python_to_11l.tokenizer, python_to_11l.parse py_source = open(sys.argv[1], encoding = 'utf-8-sig').read() try: _11l_code = python_to_11l.parse.parse_and_to_str(python_to_11l.tokenizer.tokenize(py_source), py_source, sys.argv[1]) except (python_to_11l.parse.Error, python_to_11l.tokenizer.Error) as e: show_error(sys.argv[1], py_source, e, type(e) == python_to_11l.parse.Error) _11l_fname = os.path.splitext(sys.argv[1])[0] + '.11l' open(_11l_fname, 'w', encoding = 'utf-8', newline = "\n").write(_11l_code) else: _11l_fname = sys.argv[1] _11l_code = open(sys.argv[1], encoding = 'utf-8-sig').read() cpp_code = '' if '--int64' in sys.argv: cpp_code += "#define INT_IS_INT64\n" _11l_to_cpp.parse.int_is_int64 = True cpp_code += '#include "' + os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), '_11l_to_cpp', '11l.hpp')) + "\"\n\n" # replace("\\", "\\\\") is not necessary here (because MSVC for some reason treat backslashes in include path differently than in regular string literals) try: cpp_code += _11l_to_cpp.parse.parse_and_to_str(_11l_to_cpp.tokenizer.tokenize(_11l_code), _11l_code, _11l_fname, append_main = True) except (_11l_to_cpp.parse.Error, _11l_to_cpp.tokenizer.Error) as e: # open(_11l_fname, 'w', encoding = 'utf-8', newline = "\n").write(_11l_code) show_error(_11l_fname, _11l_code, e, type(e) == _11l_to_cpp.parse.Error) if '-e' in sys.argv: included = set() def process_include_directives(src_code, dir = ''): exp_code = '' writepos = 0 while True: i = src_code.find('#include "', writepos) if i == -1: break exp_code += src_code[writepos:i] if src_code[i-2:i] == '//': # skip commented includes exp_code += '#' writepos = i + 1 continue fname_start = i + len('#include "') fname_end = src_code.find('"', fname_start) assert(src_code[fname_end + 1] == "\n") # [-TODO: Add support of comments after #include directives-] fname = src_code[fname_start:fname_end] if fname[1:3] == ':\\' or fname.startswith('/'): # this is an absolute pathname pass else: # this is a relative pathname assert(dir != '') fname = os.path.join(dir, fname) if fname not in included: included.add(fname) exp_code += process_include_directives(open(fname, encoding = 'utf-8-sig').read(), os.path.dirname(fname)) writepos = fname_end + 1 exp_code += src_code[writepos:] return exp_code cpp_code = process_include_directives(cpp_code) cpp_fname = os.path.splitext(sys.argv[1])[0] + '.cpp' open(cpp_fname, 'w', encoding = 'utf-8-sig', newline = "\n").write(cpp_code) # utf-8-sig is for MSVC if '-t' in sys.argv or \ '-e' in sys.argv: sys.exit() if sys.platform == 'win32': was_break = False for version in ['2019', '2017']: for edition in ['BuildTools', 'Community', 'Enterprise', 'Professional']: vcvarsall = 'C:\\Program Files' + ' (x86)'*platform.machine().endswith('64') + '\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\' + version + '\\' + edition + R'\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat' if os.path.isfile(vcvarsall): was_break = True #print('Using ' + version + '\\' + edition) break # ^L.break if was_break: break if not was_break: sys.exit('''Unable to find vcvarsall.bat! If you do not have Visual Studio 2017 or 2019 installed please install it or Build Tools for Visual Studio from here[].''') os.system('"' + vcvarsall + '" ' + ('x64' if platform.machine().endswith('64') else 'x86') + ' > nul && cl.exe /std:c++17 /MT /EHsc /nologo /W3 ' + '/O2 '*enopt + cpp_fname) else: if int(subprocess.check_output(['g++', '-dumpversion'], encoding = 'utf-8').split('.')[0]) >= 8: gpp = 'g++' else: for n in range(8, 100): gpp = 'g++-' + str(n) if os.system(gpp + ' --version > /dev/null') == 0: break else: sys.exit('At least GCC 8 is required!') os.system(gpp + ' -std=c++17 -Wfatal-errors -DNDEBUG ' + '-O3 '*enopt + '-march=native -o "' + os.path.splitext(sys.argv[1])[0] + '" "' + cpp_fname + '" -lstdc++fs')