--- layout: layouts/main.njk headerClass: elv-header-docs isDocs: true headerTag: div --- {% if eleventyNavigation and eleventyNavigation.parent %} {% endif %} {% if pageTitle %}

{{ pageTitle | safe }}

{% endif %} {{ content | safe }} {%- if not overrideCommunityLinks and (communityLinks or communityLinksKey) %}

From the Community

{%- include "community-contributed.njk" -%}
{%- endif %} {% if eleventyNavigation and eleventyNavigation.key %} {%- set navKey = eleventyNavigation.parent or eleventyNavigation.key -%} {%- set otherPages = collections.sidebarNav | eleventyNavigation(navKey) -%} {% if otherPages.length > 1 %}

{% if eleventyNavigation.parent %}Other pages in {% endif %}{{ navKey }}:

{{ otherPages | eleventyNavigationToHtml({ activeKey: eleventyNavigation.key, listClass: 'inlinelist inlinelist-no-nest', listItemClass: 'inlinelist-item', activeListItemClass: 'elv-cat-list-active' }) | safe }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if relatedLinks or (relatedKey and collections[ "related-" + relatedKey ].length) %}

Related Docs

{% endif %}