package cn.hzw.doodle; import android.animation.ValueAnimator; import; import; import; import android.view.MotionEvent; import java.util.List; import cn.forward.androids.ScaleGestureDetectorApi27; import cn.forward.androids.TouchGestureDetector; import cn.hzw.doodle.core.IDoodle; import cn.hzw.doodle.core.IDoodleItem; import cn.hzw.doodle.core.IDoodlePen; import cn.hzw.doodle.core.IDoodleSelectableItem; import static cn.hzw.doodle.util.DrawUtil.computeAngle; /** * DoodleView的涂鸦手势监听 * Created on 30/06/2018. */ public class DoodleOnTouchGestureListener extends TouchGestureDetector.OnTouchGestureListener { private static final float VALUE = 1f; // 触摸的相关信息 private float mTouchX, mTouchY; private float mLastTouchX, mLastTouchY; private float mTouchDownX, mTouchDownY; // 缩放相关 private Float mLastFocusX; private Float mLastFocusY; private float mTouchCentreX, mTouchCentreY; private float mStartX, mStartY; private float mRotateDiff; // 开始旋转item时的差值(当前item的中心点与触摸点的角度) private Path mCurrPath; // 当前手写的路径 private DoodlePath mCurrDoodlePath; private CopyLocation mCopyLocation; private DoodleView mDoodle; // 动画相关 private ValueAnimator mScaleAnimator; private float mScaleAnimTransX, mScaleAnimTranY; private ValueAnimator mTranslateAnimator; private float mTransAnimOldY, mTransAnimY; private IDoodleSelectableItem mSelectedItem; // 当前选中的item private ISelectionListener mSelectionListener; private boolean mSupportScaleItem = true; public DoodleOnTouchGestureListener(DoodleView doodle, ISelectionListener listener) { mDoodle = doodle; mCopyLocation = DoodlePen.COPY.getCopyLocation(); mCopyLocation.reset(); mCopyLocation.updateLocation(doodle.getBitmap().getWidth() / 2, doodle.getBitmap().getHeight() / 2); mSelectionListener = listener; } public void setSelectedItem(IDoodleSelectableItem selectedItem) { IDoodleSelectableItem old = mSelectedItem; mSelectedItem = selectedItem; if (old != null) { // 取消选定 old.setSelected(false); if (mSelectionListener != null) { mSelectionListener.onSelectedItem(mDoodle, old, false); } mDoodle.notifyItemFinishedDrawing(old); } if (mSelectedItem != null) { mSelectedItem.setSelected(true); if (mSelectionListener != null) { mSelectionListener.onSelectedItem(mDoodle, mSelectedItem, true); } mDoodle.markItemToOptimizeDrawing(mSelectedItem); } } public IDoodleSelectableItem getSelectedItem() { return mSelectedItem; } @Override public boolean onDown(MotionEvent e) { mTouchX = mTouchDownX = e.getX(); mTouchY = mTouchDownY = e.getY(); return true; } /** * 开始滚动 * * @param event */ @Override public void onScrollBegin(MotionEvent event) { mLastTouchX = mTouchX = event.getX(); mLastTouchY = mTouchY = event.getY(); mDoodle.setScrollingDoodle(true); if (mDoodle.isEditMode() || isPenEditable(mDoodle.getPen())) { if (mSelectedItem != null) { PointF xy = mSelectedItem.getLocation(); mStartX = xy.x; mStartY = xy.y; if (mSelectedItem instanceof DoodleRotatableItemBase && (((DoodleRotatableItemBase) mSelectedItem).canRotate(mDoodle.toX(mTouchX), mDoodle.toY(mTouchY)))) { ((DoodleRotatableItemBase) mSelectedItem).setIsRotating(true); mRotateDiff = mSelectedItem.getItemRotate() - computeAngle(mSelectedItem.getPivotX(), mSelectedItem.getPivotY(), mDoodle.toX(mTouchX), mDoodle.toY(mTouchY)); } } else { if (mDoodle.isEditMode()) { mStartX = mDoodle.getDoodleTranslationX(); mStartY = mDoodle.getDoodleTranslationY(); } } } else { // 点击copy if (mDoodle.getPen() == DoodlePen.COPY && mCopyLocation.contains(mDoodle.toX(mTouchX), mDoodle.toY(mTouchY), mDoodle.getSize())) { mCopyLocation.setRelocating(true); mCopyLocation.setCopying(false); } else { if (mDoodle.getPen() == DoodlePen.COPY) { mCopyLocation.setRelocating(false); if (!mCopyLocation.isCopying()) { mCopyLocation.setCopying(true); mCopyLocation.setStartPosition(mDoodle.toX(mTouchX), mDoodle.toY(mTouchY)); } } // 初始化绘制 mCurrPath = new Path(); mCurrPath.moveTo(mDoodle.toX(mTouchX), mDoodle.toY(mTouchY)); if (mDoodle.getShape() == DoodleShape.HAND_WRITE) { // 手写 mCurrDoodlePath = DoodlePath.toPath(mDoodle, mCurrPath); } else { // 画图形 mCurrDoodlePath = DoodlePath.toShape(mDoodle, mDoodle.toX(mTouchDownX), mDoodle.toY(mTouchDownY), mDoodle.toX(mTouchX), mDoodle.toY(mTouchY)); } if (mDoodle.isOptimizeDrawing()) { mDoodle.markItemToOptimizeDrawing(mCurrDoodlePath); } else { mDoodle.addItem(mCurrDoodlePath); } } } mDoodle.refresh(); } @Override public void onScrollEnd(MotionEvent e) { mLastTouchX = mTouchX; mLastTouchY = mTouchY; mTouchX = e.getX(); mTouchY = e.getY(); mDoodle.setScrollingDoodle(false); if (mDoodle.isEditMode() || isPenEditable(mDoodle.getPen())) { if (mSelectedItem instanceof DoodleRotatableItemBase) { ((DoodleRotatableItemBase) mSelectedItem).setIsRotating(false); } if (mDoodle.isEditMode()) { limitBound(true); } } if (mCurrDoodlePath != null) { if (mDoodle.isOptimizeDrawing()) { mDoodle.notifyItemFinishedDrawing(mCurrDoodlePath); } mCurrDoodlePath = null; } mDoodle.refresh(); } @Override public boolean onScroll(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float distanceX, float distanceY) { mLastTouchX = mTouchX; mLastTouchY = mTouchY; mTouchX = e2.getX(); mTouchY = e2.getY(); if (mDoodle.isEditMode() || isPenEditable(mDoodle.getPen())) { //画笔是否是可选择的 if (mSelectedItem != null) { if ((mSelectedItem instanceof DoodleRotatableItemBase) && (((DoodleRotatableItemBase) mSelectedItem).isRotating())) { // 旋转item mSelectedItem.setItemRotate(mRotateDiff + computeAngle( mSelectedItem.getPivotX(), mSelectedItem.getPivotY(), mDoodle.toX(mTouchX), mDoodle.toY(mTouchY) )); } else { // 移动item mSelectedItem.setLocation( mStartX + mDoodle.toX(mTouchX) - mDoodle.toX(mTouchDownX), mStartY + mDoodle.toY(mTouchY) - mDoodle.toY(mTouchDownY)); } } else { if (mDoodle.isEditMode()) { mDoodle.setDoodleTranslation(mStartX + mTouchX - mTouchDownX, mStartY + mTouchY - mTouchDownY); } } } else { if (mDoodle.getPen() == DoodlePen.COPY && mCopyLocation.isRelocating()) { // 正在定位location mCopyLocation.updateLocation(mDoodle.toX(mTouchX), mDoodle.toY(mTouchY)); } else { if (mDoodle.getPen() == DoodlePen.COPY) { mCopyLocation.updateLocation(mCopyLocation.getCopyStartX() + mDoodle.toX(mTouchX) - mCopyLocation.getTouchStartX(), mCopyLocation.getCopyStartY() + mDoodle.toY(mTouchY) - mCopyLocation.getTouchStartY()); } if (mDoodle.getShape() == DoodleShape.HAND_WRITE) { // 手写 mCurrPath.quadTo( mDoodle.toX(mLastTouchX), mDoodle.toY(mLastTouchY), mDoodle.toX((mTouchX + mLastTouchX) / 2), mDoodle.toY((mTouchY + mLastTouchY) / 2)); mCurrDoodlePath.updatePath(mCurrPath); } else { // 画图形 mCurrDoodlePath.updateXY(mDoodle.toX(mTouchDownX), mDoodle.toY(mTouchDownY), mDoodle.toX(mTouchX), mDoodle.toY(mTouchY)); } } } mDoodle.refresh(); return true; } // 判断当前画笔是否可编辑 private boolean isPenEditable(IDoodlePen pen) { return (mDoodle.getPen() == DoodlePen.TEXT && pen == DoodlePen.TEXT) || (mDoodle.getPen() == DoodlePen.BITMAP && pen == DoodlePen.BITMAP); } @Override public boolean onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent e) { mLastTouchX = mTouchX; mLastTouchY = mTouchY; mTouchX = e.getX(); mTouchY = e.getY(); if (mDoodle.isEditMode()) { boolean found = false; IDoodleSelectableItem item; List items = mDoodle.getAllItem(); for (int i = items.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { IDoodleItem elem = items.get(i); if (!elem.isDoodleEditable()) { continue; } if (!(elem instanceof IDoodleSelectableItem)) { continue; } item = (IDoodleSelectableItem) elem; if (item.contains(mDoodle.toX(mTouchX), mDoodle.toY(mTouchY))) { found = true; setSelectedItem(item); PointF xy = item.getLocation(); mStartX = xy.x; mStartY = xy.y; break; } } if (!found) { // not found if (mSelectedItem != null) { // 取消选定 IDoodleSelectableItem old = mSelectedItem; setSelectedItem(null); if (mSelectionListener != null) { mSelectionListener.onSelectedItem(mDoodle, old, false); } } } } else if (isPenEditable(mDoodle.getPen())) { if (mSelectionListener != null) { mSelectionListener.onCreateSelectableItem(mDoodle, mDoodle.toX(mTouchX), mDoodle.toY(mTouchY)); } } else { // 模拟一次滑动 onScrollBegin(e); e.offsetLocation(VALUE, VALUE); onScroll(e, e, VALUE, VALUE); onScrollEnd(e); } mDoodle.refresh(); return true; } @Override public boolean onScaleBegin(ScaleGestureDetectorApi27 detector) { mLastFocusX = null; mLastFocusY = null; return true; } private float pendingX, pendingY, pendingScale = 1; @Override public boolean onScale(ScaleGestureDetectorApi27 detector) { // 屏幕上的焦点 mTouchCentreX = detector.getFocusX(); mTouchCentreY = detector.getFocusY(); if (mLastFocusX != null && mLastFocusY != null) { // 焦点改变 final float dx = mTouchCentreX - mLastFocusX; final float dy = mTouchCentreY - mLastFocusY; // 移动图片 if (Math.abs(dx) > 1 || Math.abs(dy) > 1) { if (mSelectedItem == null || !mSupportScaleItem) { mDoodle.setDoodleTranslationX(mDoodle.getDoodleTranslationX() + dx + pendingX); mDoodle.setDoodleTranslationY(mDoodle.getDoodleTranslationY() + dy + pendingY); } else { // nothing } pendingX = pendingY = 0; } else { pendingX += dx; pendingY += dy; } } if (Math.abs(1 - detector.getScaleFactor()) > 0.005f) { if (mSelectedItem == null || !mSupportScaleItem) { // 缩放图片 float scale = mDoodle.getDoodleScale() * detector.getScaleFactor() * pendingScale; mDoodle.setDoodleScale(scale, mDoodle.toX(mTouchCentreX), mDoodle.toY(mTouchCentreY)); } else { mSelectedItem.setScale(mSelectedItem.getScale() * detector.getScaleFactor() * pendingScale); } pendingScale = 1; } else { pendingScale *= detector.getScaleFactor(); } mLastFocusX = mTouchCentreX; mLastFocusY = mTouchCentreY; return true; } @Override public void onScaleEnd(ScaleGestureDetectorApi27 detector) { if (mDoodle.isEditMode()) { limitBound(true); return; } center(); } public void center() { if (mDoodle.getDoodleScale() < 1) { // if (mScaleAnimator == null) { mScaleAnimator = new ValueAnimator(); mScaleAnimator.setDuration(100); mScaleAnimator.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() { @Override public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) { float value = (float) animation.getAnimatedValue(); float fraction = animation.getAnimatedFraction(); mDoodle.setDoodleScale(value, mDoodle.toX(mTouchCentreX), mDoodle.toY(mTouchCentreY)); mDoodle.setDoodleTranslation(mScaleAnimTransX * (1 - fraction), mScaleAnimTranY * (1 - fraction)); } }); } mScaleAnimator.cancel(); mScaleAnimTransX = mDoodle.getDoodleTranslationX(); mScaleAnimTranY = mDoodle.getDoodleTranslationY(); mScaleAnimator.setFloatValues(mDoodle.getDoodleScale(), 1); mScaleAnimator.start(); } else { // limitBound(true); } } /** * 限定边界 * * @param anim 动画效果 */ public void limitBound(boolean anim) { if (mDoodle.getDoodleRotation() % 90 != 0) { // 只处理0,90,180,270 return; } final float oldX = mDoodle.getDoodleTranslationX(), oldY = mDoodle.getDoodleTranslationY(); RectF bound = mDoodle.getDoodleBound(); float x = mDoodle.getDoodleTranslationX(), y = mDoodle.getDoodleTranslationY(); float width = mDoodle.getCenterWidth() * mDoodle.getRotateScale(), height = mDoodle.getCenterHeight() * mDoodle.getRotateScale(); // 上下都在屏幕内 if (bound.height() <= mDoodle.getHeight()) { if (mDoodle.getDoodleRotation() == 0 || mDoodle.getDoodleRotation() == 180) { y = (height - height * mDoodle.getDoodleScale()) / 2; } else { x = (width - width * mDoodle.getDoodleScale()) / 2; } } else { float heightDiffTop =; // 只有上在屏幕内 if ( > 0 && bound.bottom >= mDoodle.getHeight()) { if (mDoodle.getDoodleRotation() == 0 || mDoodle.getDoodleRotation() == 180) { if (mDoodle.getDoodleRotation() == 0) { y = y - heightDiffTop; } else { y = y + heightDiffTop; } } else { if (mDoodle.getDoodleRotation() == 90) { x = x - heightDiffTop; } else { x = x + heightDiffTop; } } } else if (bound.bottom < mDoodle.getHeight() && <= 0) { // 只有下在屏幕内 float heightDiffBottom = mDoodle.getHeight() - bound.bottom; if (mDoodle.getDoodleRotation() == 0 || mDoodle.getDoodleRotation() == 180) { if (mDoodle.getDoodleRotation() == 0) { y = y + heightDiffBottom; } else { y = y - heightDiffBottom; } } else { if (mDoodle.getDoodleRotation() == 90) { x = x + heightDiffBottom; } else { x = x - heightDiffBottom; } } } } // 左右都在屏幕内 if (bound.width() <= mDoodle.getWidth()) { if (mDoodle.getDoodleRotation() == 0 || mDoodle.getDoodleRotation() == 180) { x = (width - width * mDoodle.getDoodleScale()) / 2; } else { y = (height - height * mDoodle.getDoodleScale()) / 2; } } else { float widthDiffLeft = bound.left; // 只有左在屏幕内 if (bound.left > 0 && bound.right >= mDoodle.getWidth()) { if (mDoodle.getDoodleRotation() == 0 || mDoodle.getDoodleRotation() == 180) { if (mDoodle.getDoodleRotation() == 0) { x = x - widthDiffLeft; } else { x = x + widthDiffLeft; } } else { if (mDoodle.getDoodleRotation() == 90) { y = y + widthDiffLeft; } else { y = y - widthDiffLeft; } } } else if (bound.right < mDoodle.getWidth() && bound.left <= 0) { // 只有右在屏幕内 float widthDiffRight = mDoodle.getWidth() - bound.right; if (mDoodle.getDoodleRotation() == 0 || mDoodle.getDoodleRotation() == 180) { if (mDoodle.getDoodleRotation() == 0) { x = x + widthDiffRight; } else { x = x - widthDiffRight; } } else { if (mDoodle.getDoodleRotation() == 90) { y = y - widthDiffRight; } else { y = y + widthDiffRight; } } } } if (anim) { if (mTranslateAnimator == null) { mTranslateAnimator = new ValueAnimator(); mTranslateAnimator.setDuration(100); mTranslateAnimator.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() { @Override public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) { float value = (float) animation.getAnimatedValue(); float fraction = animation.getAnimatedFraction(); mDoodle.setDoodleTranslation(value, mTransAnimOldY + (mTransAnimY - mTransAnimOldY) * fraction); } }); } mTranslateAnimator.setFloatValues(oldX, x); mTransAnimOldY = oldY; mTransAnimY = y; mTranslateAnimator.start(); } else { mDoodle.setDoodleTranslation(x, y); } } public void setSelectionListener(ISelectionListener doodleListener) { mSelectionListener = doodleListener; } public ISelectionListener getSelectionListener() { return mSelectionListener; } public void setSupportScaleItem(boolean supportScaleItem) { mSupportScaleItem = supportScaleItem; } public boolean isSupportScaleItem() { return mSupportScaleItem; } public interface ISelectionListener { /** * called when the item(such as text, texture) is selected/unselected. * item(如文字,贴图)被选中或取消选中时回调 * * @param selected 是否选中,false表示从选中变成不选中 */ void onSelectedItem(IDoodle doodle, IDoodleSelectableItem selectableItem, boolean selected); /** * called when you click the view to create a item(such as text, texture). * 点击View中的某个点创建可选择的item(如文字,贴图)时回调 * * @param x * @param y */ void onCreateSelectableItem(IDoodle doodle, float x, float y); } }