var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); var apiVersion = "2015-10-01"; var results = {}; var semaphore = { "describe": 0, "terminate": 0}; // A quick and CPU cheap way to enforce asynchronous signaling (essentially a Promise) var shouldTerminateInstances = false; // For testing purposes /** * The "main" function which AWS Lambda executes. */ exports.handler = function(event, context) { // Corner cases in which Lambda ought not to run if(!event.region) { announce(null, "No region(s) specified.");; return; } if(event.region.length === 0) { announce(null, results); context.succeed(results); return; } // For each region specified in the event... for(var i = 0; i < event.region.length; i++) { semaphore.describe++; var region = event.region[i]; var ec2 = new AWS.EC2({region:region, apiVersion:apiVersion}); var request = ec2.describeInstances({DryRun:false}); // On a successful describe, execute the following callback request.on("success", function(response) { var region = response.request.service.config.region; var data =; var ids = []; for(var i = 0; i < data.Reservations.length; i++) { var Instances = data.Reservations[i].Instances; for(var j = 0; j < Instances.length; j++) { var instance = Instances[j]; if(isTagless(instance)) ids.push(instance.InstanceId); } } announce(region, ids); // If some Instances have been identified, attempt to terminate if(ids.length > 0) { semaphore.terminate++; var ec2 = new AWS.EC2(response.request.service.config); var request = ec2.terminateInstances({DryRun:!shouldTerminateInstances, InstanceIds:ids}); // Defaulting to DryRun true when terminating Instances // Callback for successful terminate request.on("success", function(response) { var region = response.request.service.config.region; var body = JSON.stringify(; results[region] =; announce(region, body); }); // Callback for error terminate request.on("error", cbError); // Callback when terminating attempt has finished, successful or not -- decrement the terminate semaphore and check if finished request.on("complete", function() { semaphore.terminate--; if(describingDone() && terminatingDone()) { context.succeed(results); } }); request.send(); // Issue the terminate request } }); // Callback for error describe request.on("error", cbError); // Callback when describing attempt has finished, successful or not -- decrement the describe semaphore and check if finished request.on("complete", function() { semaphore.describe--; if(describingDone() && terminatingDone()) { context.succeed(results); } }); request.send(); // Issue the describe request } }; /** * A simple logging function used for printing to AWS Lambda logs. */ function announce(region, message) { if(region !== null) { d = "=========="; console.log(d + " " + region + " " + d); } console.log(message); } /** * Generic callback used for error responses. */ function cbError(error, response) { results[response.request.service.config.region] = error; announce(response.request.service.config.region, JSON.stringify(error)); } /** * Return true if all describing calls are finished, false otherwise. */ function describingDone() { if(isDone(semaphore.describe)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Return true if all terminating calls are finished, false otherwise. */ function terminatingDone() { if(isDone(semaphore.terminate)) { return true; } return false; } function isDone(counter) { return counter === 0; } /** * Return true if a given Instance is considered tagless, false otherwise. */ function isTagless(instance) { try { if(!instance.Tags || instance.Tags.length === 0) { return true; } if(instance.Tags.length == 1) if(instance.Tags[0].Key == "Name" && instance.Tags[0].Value === "") return true; } catch(e) {} return false; }