#Sublime Text Plugin for 1self ### Overview 1self is Quantified Self for developers - self knowledge through numbers. i.e. You can see interesting stats and correlations drawn from your daily builds here. Sublime Text Plugin tracks amount of time user is active in Sublime Text Editor. # Installation Make sure you have Package Control installed. Go to 'Install Package' menu and search for '1self' and install the plugin. # Install unrealeased version `Ctrl+Shift+P -> "Package Control: Add Repository" -> https://github.com/1self/sublime-text-plugin` Then, `Ctrl+Shift+P -> "Package Control: Install Package" -> sublime-text-plugin` ### How do I see my stats 1. Open Sublime Text editor 2. Go to Tools > 1self > View Sublime Activity Data or Ctrl+1,s #### Plugin logs path Plugin logs are stored in "~/.qd/qd_st_plugin.log" where '~' is your machines' home folder. ### Information collected by Plugin: User activity in Sublime Text.