# BEMJSON snippets for Sublime Write BEMSJON faster. ![gif](http://i59.tinypic.com/2cn9xe0.gif) ## Install Copy the files in sublime-directory\Data\Packages\User ## Usage ### Blocks **b** – BEM block { block : '${1:name}', content : [ $0 ] } **btc** - BEM block with text content { block : '${1:name}', content : '$0' } **bwm** - BEM block with modifier. { block : '${1:name}', mods: { ${2:modName}: '${3:modVal}' }, content : [ $0 ] } **bwt** - BEM block with tag mod { block : '$1', tag : '$2', content : [ $0 ] } **bfc** - BEM block with function content { block : '$1', content : (function () { return $0; })() } ### Elements **e** - BEM elem { elem : '$1', content : [ $0 ] } **etc** - BEM elem with text content { elem : '$1', content : '$0' } **ewt** - BEM elem with tag mod { elem : '$1', tag : '$2', content : [ $0 ] } **efc** - BEM elem with function content { elem : '$1', content : (function () { return $0; })() } **bundle** - Template for bemjson file. ``` ([ { block: 'b-page', mods: {theme: 'normal'}, title: 'title', head: [ {elem: 'css', url: '.css'}, ], content: [ { block : '', content : [ ] } ] } ]); ``` ### Mods **t** - BEM tag mod tag : '$1', **js** – BEM js mod js : { $1 : '$2' }, **mo** - BEM mods mod mods : { $1 : '$2' }, **mi** - BEM mix mod mix : [ { $1 : '$2' } ], **a** - BEM attrs mod attrs : { $1 : '$2' }, ## Links For ATOM users = [atom-bemjson-snippets](https://github.com/verybigman/atom-bemjson-snippets) ## Contributors [@1vank1n](https://github.com/1vank1n) [@campykid](https://github.com/campykid) [@vkhv] (https://github.com/vkhv)