{ "Toolbar": { "AddDemo": "add demo", "AddExisting": "add existing", "AlreadyPublished": "already published", "App": "configure app", "AppResources": "app resources in all languages", "AppResourcesDisabled": "no app-resources to translate", "AppSettings": "app settings", "AppSettingsDisabled": "no app settings to configure", "ChangeLayout": "change layout", "ConfirmRemove": "This will remove this content-item from this list, but not delete it (so you can add it again later). \nSee 2sxc.org/help for more. \n\nOk to remove?", "ContentItems": "content items / data of this type", "ContentType": "fields of this content-type", "Delete": "delete item", "Develop": "edit template", "Edit": "edit", "ItemHistory": "history", "Metadata": "metadata / descriptions", "MoreActions": "more actions", "MoveDown": "move down", "MoveUp": "move up", "New": "new", "Published": "published", "QueryEdit": "edit data query", "QueryEditDisabled": "view doesn't use query", "Remove": "remove", "Replace": "replace", "Sort": "sort / manage list", "TemplateSettings": "view settings", "Unpublished": "unpublished", "Zone": "manage apps" }, "Delete": { "Confirm": "This will really delete item {id} \"{title}\". \n\nThis cannot be undone. Are you sure?", "ErrPermission": "Can't delete - permissions missing.", "ErrInUse": "Can't delete - item is probably in use elsewhere.", "ErrCheckConsole": "\n\nPlease check javascript console for more information." }, "EditFormTitle": { "Content": "Content", "ListContent": "List Header Content", "ListPresentation": "List Presentation Settings", "Metadata": "Add / Edit Metadata", "Presentation": "Presentation Settings" }, "QuickInsertMenu": { "AddBlockApp": "add app block", "AddBlockContent": "add content block", "AddModuleApp": "add app to {0}", "AddModuleContent": "add content to {0}", "ConfirmDelete": "delete?", "Delete": "delete", "More": "more", "Move": "move", "Paste": "paste", "Select": "select" }, "InPage": { "NewElement": "new element" } }