apiVersion: v1 kind: Template metadata: name: 3scale-gateway annotations: description: "3scale API Gateway" iconClass: "icon-load-balancer" tags: "api,gateway,3scale" objects: - apiVersion: v1 kind: DeploymentConfig metadata: name: "${APICAST_NAME}" spec: replicas: 2 selector: deploymentconfig: "${APICAST_NAME}" strategy: type: Rolling template: metadata: labels: deploymentconfig: "${APICAST_NAME}" spec: containers: - env: - name: THREESCALE_PORTAL_ENDPOINT valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: "${CONFIGURATION_URL_SECRET}" key: password - name: THREESCALE_CONFIG_FILE value: "${CONFIGURATION_FILE_PATH}" - name: THREESCALE_DEPLOYMENT_ENV value: "${DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT}" - name: RESOLVER value: "${RESOLVER}" - name: APICAST_SERVICES value: "${SERVICES_LIST}" - name: APICAST_CONFIGURATION_LOADER value: "${CONFIGURATION_LOADER}" - name: APICAST_LOG_LEVEL value: "${LOG_LEVEL}" - name: APICAST_PATH_ROUTING_ENABLED value: "${PATH_ROUTING}" - name: APICAST_RESPONSE_CODES value: "${RESPONSE_CODES}" - name: APICAST_CONFIGURATION_CACHE value: "${CONFIGURATION_CACHE}" - name: REDIS_URL value: "${REDIS_URL}" - name: APICAST_MANAGEMENT_API value: "${MANAGEMENT_API}" - name: OPENSSL_VERIFY value: "${OPENSSL_VERIFY}" image: 3scale-amp21/apicast-gateway:1.4-2 imagePullPolicy: Always name: "${APICAST_NAME}" livenessProbe: httpGet: path: /status/live port: management initialDelaySeconds: 10 timeoutSeconds: 1 readinessProbe: httpGet: path: /status/ready port: management initialDelaySeconds: 15 timeoutSeconds: 1 ports: - name: proxy containerPort: 8080 protocol: TCP - name: management containerPort: 8090 protocol: TCP triggers: - type: ConfigChange - apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: "${APICAST_NAME}" spec: ports: - name: proxy port: 8080 protocol: TCP targetPort: 8080 - name: management port: 8090 protocol: TCP targetPort: 8090 selector: deploymentconfig: "${APICAST_NAME}" parameters: - name: AMP_RELEASE description: "AMP release tag." value: 2.1.0-CR2-redhat-1 required: true - description: "Name of the secret containing the THREESCALE_PORTAL_ENDPOINT with the access-token or provider key" value: apicast-configuration-url-secret name: CONFIGURATION_URL_SECRET required: true - description: "Path to saved JSON file with configuration for the gateway. Has to be injected to the docker image as read only volume." value: name: CONFIGURATION_FILE_PATH required: false - description: "Deployment environment. Can be sandbox or production." value: production name: DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT required: true - description: "Name for the 3scale API Gateway" value: apicast name: APICAST_NAME required: true - description: "DNS Resolver for openresty, if empty it will be autodiscovered" value: name: RESOLVER required: false - description: "Subset of services to run. Use comma separated list of service ids (eg. 42,1337)" value: name: SERVICES_LIST required: false - name: CONFIGURATION_LOADER description: "When to load configuration. If on gateway start or incoming request. Allowed values are: lazy, boot." value: boot required: false - description: "Log level. One of the following: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit, alert, or emerg." name: LOG_LEVEL required: false - description: "Enable path routing. Experimental feature." name: PATH_ROUTING required: false value: "false" - description: "Enable logging response codes to 3scale." value: "false" name: RESPONSE_CODES required: false - name: CONFIGURATION_CACHE description: "For how long to cache the downloaded configuration in seconds. Can be left empty, 0 or greater than 60." value: "" required: false - description: "Redis URL. Required for OAuth2 integration. ex: redis://PASSWORD@" name: REDIS_URL required: false - name: MANAGEMENT_API description: "Scope of the Management API. Can be disabled, status or debug. At least status required for health checks." required: false value: "status" - name: OPENSSL_VERIFY description: "Turn on/off the OpenSSL peer verification. Can be set to true/false." required: true value: "false"