apiVersion: v1 kind: Template metadata: name: 3scale-gateway annotations: openshift.io/documentation-url: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_3scale/2.saas/html/deployment_options/apicast-openshift openshift.io/display-name: 3scale APIcast API Gateway openshift.io/provider-display-name: Red Hat, Inc. iconClass: icon-3scale description: >- 3scale's APIcast is an NGINX based API gateway used to integrate your internal and external API services with 3scale's API Management Platform. It supports OpenID connect to integrate with external Identity Providers such as Red Hat Single Sign On, for API traffic authentication tags: api,gateway,3scale objects: - apiVersion: v1 kind: DeploymentConfig metadata: name: "${APICAST_NAME}" spec: replicas: 1 selector: deploymentconfig: "${APICAST_NAME}" strategy: type: Rolling template: metadata: labels: deploymentconfig: "${APICAST_NAME}" annotations: prometheus.io/scrape: 'true' prometheus.io/port: '9421' spec: containers: - env: - name: THREESCALE_PORTAL_ENDPOINT valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: "apicast-configuration-url-secret" key: password - name: THREESCALE_CONFIG_FILE value: "${CONFIGURATION_FILE_PATH}" - name: THREESCALE_DEPLOYMENT_ENV value: "${DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT}" - name: RESOLVER value: "${RESOLVER}" - name: APICAST_SERVICES_LIST value: "${SERVICES_LIST}" - name: APICAST_CONFIGURATION_LOADER value: "${CONFIGURATION_LOADER}" - name: APICAST_LOG_LEVEL value: "${LOG_LEVEL}" - name: APICAST_PATH_ROUTING value: "${PATH_ROUTING}" - name: APICAST_RESPONSE_CODES value: "${RESPONSE_CODES}" - name: APICAST_CONFIGURATION_CACHE value: "${CONFIGURATION_CACHE}" - name: REDIS_URL value: "${REDIS_URL}" - name: APICAST_MANAGEMENT_API value: "${MANAGEMENT_API}" - name: OPENSSL_VERIFY value: "${OPENSSL_VERIFY}" image: ${AMP_APICAST_IMAGE} imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent name: "${APICAST_NAME}" livenessProbe: httpGet: path: /status/live port: management initialDelaySeconds: 10 timeoutSeconds: 1 readinessProbe: httpGet: path: /status/ready port: management initialDelaySeconds: 15 timeoutSeconds: 1 ports: - name: proxy containerPort: 8080 protocol: TCP - name: management containerPort: 8090 protocol: TCP - name: metrics containerPort: 9421 protocol: TCP resources: limits: cpu: '1' memory: 128Mi requests: cpu: 500m memory: 64Mi triggers: - type: ConfigChange - type: ImageChange imageChangeParams: automatic: true containerNames: - "${APICAST_NAME}" from: kind: ImageStreamTag name: apicast-gateway:latest namespace: openshift - apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: "${APICAST_NAME}" spec: ports: - name: proxy port: 8080 protocol: TCP targetPort: 8080 - name: management port: 8090 protocol: TCP targetPort: 8090 selector: deploymentconfig: "${APICAST_NAME}" - kind: Secret apiVersion: v1 stringData: password: "https://${ACCESS_TOKEN}@${DOMAIN}-admin.3scale.net" metadata: name: apicast-configuration-url-secret type: Opaque parameters: - name: AMP_RELEASE description: "AMP release tag." value: "2.12.0" required: true - description: "Access Token (not a Service Token) for the 3scale Account Management API" value: name: ACCESS_TOKEN required: true - description: "The domain found on the URL of your 3scale Admin Portal: https://-admin.3scale.net" value: name: DOMAIN required: true - name: AMP_APICAST_IMAGE value: "amp-apicast:latest" required: true - description: "Path to saved JSON file with configuration for the gateway. Has to be injected to the container image as read only volume." value: name: CONFIGURATION_FILE_PATH required: false - description: "Deployment environment. Can be staging or production." value: production name: DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT required: true - description: "Name for the 3scale API Gateway" value: apicast name: APICAST_NAME required: true - description: "DNS Resolver for openresty, if empty it will be autodiscovered" value: name: RESOLVER required: false - description: "Subset of services to run. Use comma separated list of service ids (eg. 42,1337)" value: name: SERVICES_LIST required: false - name: CONFIGURATION_LOADER description: "When to load configuration. If on gateway start or incoming request. Allowed values are: lazy, boot." value: boot required: false - description: "Log level. One of the following: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit, alert, or emerg." name: LOG_LEVEL required: false - description: "Enable path routing. Experimental feature." name: PATH_ROUTING required: false value: "false" - description: "Enable logging response codes to 3scale." value: "false" name: RESPONSE_CODES required: false - name: CONFIGURATION_CACHE description: "For how long to cache the downloaded configuration in seconds. Can be left empty, 0 or greater than 60." value: "" required: false - description: "Redis URL. Required for OAuth2 integration. ex: redis://PASSWORD@" name: REDIS_URL required: false - name: MANAGEMENT_API description: "Scope of the Management API. Can be disabled, status or debug. At least status required for health checks." required: false value: "status" - name: OPENSSL_VERIFY description: "Turn on/off the OpenSSL peer verification. Can be set to true/false." required: true value: "false"