1.32.5: Removing the now-defunct donation links 1.32.4: Fixing event girl data collection after 15/02 game update 1.32.3: Fixing Gem Stock placement after upcoming harem screen update 1.32.2: Fixing GirlDictionaryCollector for the EpP draft two-step process 1.32.1: Fixing hiding "Claim All" button on CxH. 1.32.0: Adding style tweak to hide the new "Claim All" button in seasons. Off by default. 1.31.2: Updating patrons list for February 1.31.1: Adjusting promo banners on resource bars, changing fonts on harem info to be more consistent between platforms 1.31.0: Adding style tweak to make the new resource summary more compact. Adding PSH world 9 data. 1.30.3: Fixing resource bars on mobile 1.30.2: Fixing resource bars after 25/01 update 1.30.1: Fixing bug where flairs would disappear when sorting the league table, pre-empting addition of resource summary button in resource bars module (fix for position of level indicator will have to happen after it goes live) 1.30.0: Adding module to link to player profiles from leaderboards 1.29.0: Adding modules to show clubmates and script Patreon supporters on leaderboards (league, contests, season, pantheon, pov, pog) 1.28.24: Annotating Season, Pantheon and Po* leaderboards with player IDs (enabler for future modules) 1.28.23: Enabling pantheon script features on CxH 1.28.22: Fixing some missing icons, fixing pantheon leaderboard now that it's the same as Po*, improving simulator logging, fixing monthly card text tweak for the new icons 1.28.21: Improving performance on the mythic equip upgrade page more 1.28.20: Improving performance on the mythic equip upgrade page 1.28.19: Fixing more missing tooltips 1.28.18: Fixing missing tooltips 1.28.17: Pre-empting new tooltips update 1.28.16: Pre-empting home screen timers update 1.28.15: Fixing event girl shard counts on villain menu 1.28.14: Fixing position of game links in the home screen right-side rearrange 1.28.13: Fixing missing mojo icon in season, harem teams filter and champions shard count display after 07/12 update 1.28.12: Pre-empting update that breaks upgrade page quicknav module 1.28.11: Pre-empting update that breaks pachinko names module 1.28.10: Fixing Double Date indicator on the home screen. Updating patrons list for December. 1.28.9: Adding new world data for CxH and PSH 1.28.8: Fixing bug where lazy loaded equips on the upgrade page were not annotated as favourites 1.28.7: Adding favourites safety to the mythic equips upgrade page, adding mythic rarity to the equips filter 1.28.6: Pre-emptively adding back the deeplink to the booster equip page from the resource bars 1.28.5: Some quick fixes following the 16/11 game update 1.28.4: Fixing censorship of koban images on HH.com 1.28.3: Adding awakening cap progress to harem info summary panel. Fixing collection of buyable market items for display in harem info. Adding gem sum to gem stock. Fixing season leaderboard fix after data change. 1.28.2: Updating patrons list. Fixing the champion participants display in Firefox. 1.28.1: Some quick fixes following the 02/11 game update 1.28.0: Adding style tweak to show more of your inventory at once in the market. Improving equip sale performance in equips filter. 1.27.1: Adding some state management to persist resource type in upgrade page quick nav 1.27.0: Adding style tweak to compact the harem filters for less scrolling 1.26.2: Adding translations for upgrade page quicknav 1.26.1: Fixing bug in the filter collector where it was collecting unowned girls 1.26.0: Adding module to quickly navigate between girls in the current harem filter while on the upgrade page 1.25.2: Further fixes for padding in equips filter. Adding more items to the NSFW filter (#86) 1.25.1: Fixing bugs with selling and slot padding in the equips filter 1.25.0: Rewriting the equips filter completely to improve performance and handle the new market interface. Adding new world data for HH and PSH. 1.24.3: Fixing (sort of) travel memories tracking. Script will continue to track the 5% despite the current 20% bug in-game. 1.24.2: Removing deeplink to boosters from resource bars as it's pointing to the wrong boosters page. Better deeplink will be available later 1.24.1: Adding missing translations for harem teams filter 1.24.0: Adding module to filter by team in the harem 1.23.22: Fixing usages when equipping a mythic booster 1.23.21: Fixing bugs in mythic booster status updates and removing redundant modules 1.23.20: Fixing booster equip detection in the BoosterStatusCollector 1.23.19: Making compact PoP spacing explicit instead of auto 1.23.18: Fixing spacing in compact PoPs on the test server 1.23.17: Updating patrons list. 1.23.16: Fixing mythic booster display in the resource bars on the test server 1.23.15: Fixing bought stat tracking in the new market. 1.23.14: Restoring most Market Info functionality in the new market. 1.23.13: Updating champions power normalisation to use new hero_damage global that includes cordyceps effect 1.23.12: Fixing bugs in booster display on test server 1.23.11: Updating the setting name for normalisation of girl power in champions drafting 1.23.10: Adding discord invite to credits page, fixing market info collector for the market rework 1.23.9: Adding world 12 tier guys for GH 1.23.8: Adding world 13 villain for GH 1.23.7: Adding world 6 data for PSH 1.23.6: Adding patrons to credits. Fixing PoP sorting. Removing no-longer needed temp fixes now that the game itself is fixed. 1.23.5: Pre-empting change to champion drafting API calls 1.23.4: Fixing market info to count club bonus points in PSH 1.23.3: Minor fix for season sim to allow team theme tooltips to appear 1.23.2: A further minor fix to the Seasonal Event progress bar length when all rewards are claimed 1.23.1: Adding translations for event end indicators. Fixing Hide Claimed Rewards for Seasonal and Potions Paths now that they don't refresh the page on claim. Enabling temporary club scrollbar fix on PSH 1.23.0: Adding module to show indications of events ending in the next 12 hours 1.22.3: Merging #83 from rena-jp to fix conflict between the PoP timer and the club champion timer 1.22.2: More translations for player profile popup fix. 1.22.1: Fixing contest profile popups on Firefox. Adding some translations. 1.22.0: Adding module to fix player profile popups to default to the profile tab instead of harem tab. Adding back profile popup for clicking on contest participants. Adding translations for censor mode. 1.21.0: Adding module (off by default) that censors all NSFW content in the game 1.20.6: Merging #81 from rena-jp to improve leaderboard fixes (#79), fixes issues with PoV/PoG leader boards conflicting and fixes Pantheon leaderboard in reverse. 1.20.5: Enabling PoP modules on PSH 1.20.4: Adding world 5 data for PSH, adding French world and villain translations for PSH, correcting ATM tracking to move the threshold to 300 instead of 301 1.20.3: Removing tweak to fix French formatting of Seasonal Event cards. 1.20.2: Merging #77 to add level cap filter to teams filter (#72) 1.20.1: Adding missing translations for Seasonal Event tweaks. Improving text display for seasonal event cards in French. 1.20.0: Adding a style tweak for compacting the Seasonal Event rewards view. Fixing how Seasonal Event button appears on home screen modules. Adding seasonal event to claimed reward hiding. 1.19.1: Adding missing translations for compact loss screen 1.19.0: Adding style tweak to shrink the loss screen items so that the OK button is the same place as the skip button 1.18.2: Adding translations for grade cap. Adding real-time resource bar updates for league, season and pantheon battles 1.18.1: Adding translations for Style Tweaks. Fixing #74. Adding grade cap option to the market girls filter (#56). 1.18.0: Merging Style Tweaks into HH++ proper. Removing defunct temporary fix popups module 1.17.2: Fixing home screen timers to not display club champ cooldown timer if the player has left the club 1.17.1: Fixing PSH world 4 data 1.17.0: Adding a temporary module to fix popup CORS issues (all sites except for .com) 1.16.5: Adding CxH world 7 data 1.16.4: Adding PSH world 4 data 1.16.3: Fixing conflict with the new Reply timer on test server, hiding the new one as it is less user-friendly 1.16.2: Fixing bugs in League Info module made visible by the change to how fought opponents are hidden 1.16.1: Making teams filter available on Boss Bang team selection page. Improving cleanup of the booster tracker when boosters expire. Fixing race condition in market equips filter. Adjusting "hide fought league opponents" mechanism to improve compatability with striped table row style tweak. 1.16.0: Adding a (hopefully) temporary module to fix the scrollbars on the club page when changing tabs 1.15.19: Re-fixing the club champ rest timer 1.15.18: Adding a bit more resilience to the pachinko override module 1.15.17: Fixing broken resource bar timers after jquery update 1.15.16: Fixing malformed HTML in the league tops. Fixing PoG/PoV claimed rewards hiding after update broke it. Fixing the teams collector. 1.15.15: Fixing malformed HTML in the market girls filter 1.15.14: Adjusting legacy layout to fit the new PoG button in. 1.15.13: Fixing League sim on test server 1.15.12: Adding the rest of the translations for 1.15.11 1.15.11: Adding current pachinko pool to pachinko names module 1.15.10: Removing now-unneeded font fix module for PSH, adding villain data for world 3 of PSH. 1.15.9: Adding PSH matcher for Weds official release 1.15.8: Reversing the rollover event fire delay from 1.15.5 as that only made it worse 1.15.7: Showing ending champ round when skipping 1.15.6: Adding back champs support for PSH 1.15.5: Minor fix to delay the firing of the league rollover event and hide the shard rewards in the pantheon 1.15.4: Adjusting the sidequest status collector to rely on the game putting the current active sidequest at the top (#71) 1.15.3: Adding BMAC link to credits page 1.15.2: Adding reply energy timer to the home screen timers module 1.15.1: Adjusting position of profile promo text to avoid it overlapping breadcrumbs. Adding more translations for the pachinko popup override 1.15.0: Adding module to skip the "no girls available" warning popup in pachinko 1.14.5: Making girl salary timer style tweak apply to PSH as well, removing debug from credits page 1.14.4: Adding script info and credits panel to config pane 1.14.3: Putting legacy layout back in for PSH such as it is 1.14.2: Adding a temporary mini-module to fix the Montserrat font import and text stroke on breadcrumbs 1.14.1: Adding appropriate data and restrictions for HoH and PSH. 1.14.0: Adding a tweak to add dark mode to the new messenger feature, enabling the script to run on HoH (will add PH as well when it leaves closed beta) 1.13.3: Fixing visual bug in population of market girl class filter (#70). Disabling pointer events on home screen icons to prevent blocking of the tooltips 1.13.2: Fixing harem info panel after harem_level was removed from the Hero global. More style fixes. 1.13.1: Various style fixes following the latest game update 1.13.0: Adding tweak to make profile page User IDs selectable. Changing girl dictionary collectors to use upsert operations 1.12.1: Hiding unnecessary scrollbar in market filter and team filter Element selection (merging PR by rena-jp) 1.12.0: Replacing stochastic sim with exhaustive recursive sim (merging PR by rena-jp) 1.11.12: Adding current league position on home screen (off by default) 1.11.11: Adding subsetting for champion pose match indicators 1.11.10: Fixing a bug in how market filter handles loading active filter with missing keys 1.11.9: Fixing bug in market filter where fields weren't visually cleared, adding a close button on the filter to avoid softlocking the market page 1.11.8: Adding icons to the teams filter 1.11.7: Adding ES and IT translations for the market level cap filter 1.11.6: Adding level cap filter and icons to the market girls filter. Fixing bug in champion level where the script runs before the page has finished loading 1.11.5: Enabling PoP-related features on CxH 1.11.4: Showing champion level on champion pages, reducing the negative impact of having the right-side rearrange style tweak on at the same time as legacy layout 1.11.3: Pre-empting new link order on test server. Adding ES, IT and FR translations 1.11.2: Fixing bug in how animated poses are shown on the legacy layout 1.11.1: Adding a compatibility warning to the legacy layout option, adding DE and RU translations for legacy layout 1.11.0: Adding a module to re-layout the home screen in a similar manner to how it was before the Waifu update 1.10.0: Adding a style tweak to rearrange the items on the right side of the home screen 1.9.4: Fixing a visual bug in game in Firefox where the reward icons are misplaced on the season and pov buttons 1.9.3: Fixing minor bug in the salary tooltip 1.9.2: Adding a tooltip to show the upcoming increments on the salary collection on the home screen 1.9.1: Adding FR, RU and IT translations for home screen modules 1.9.0: Adding module to change the order of the links on the home screen 1.8.1: Adding FR and RU translations for home screen icons and reduced blur settings 1.8.0: Starting to deal with the new home screen more comprehensively: adding a tweak to reduce the blur, and adding feature icons to the links 1.7.14: Pre-empting changes to home screen shortcuts and timers for the new home screen layout 1.7.13: Fixing parseLocaleRoundedInt to handle more orders of magnitude 1.7.12: Adding short-circuiting for the sims of Season and PvE in the case of impossible to win or lose battles 1.7.11: Updating League sim extract to handle latest change on test server. 1.7.10: Separating colouring on expected mojo/points and win chance. Exposing dominance bonuses and theme in extracted player and opponent data in league (#63). 1.7.9: Adding expected mojo to the sim display on season (merging PR from sbanac) 1.7.8: Adding win chance to the player block in the league sim (merging PR from sbanac) 1.7.7: Adding endurance and harmony options to the equip filter 1.7.6: Coding Helpers.onAjaxResponse more defensively, so as to not throw exceptions when other scripts are making their own AJAX calls. (#58) 1.7.5: Fixing hide fought opponents to adjust the scrollbar automatically 1.7.4: Adding missing IT translations 1.7.3: Fixing bug where game would replace the resource bar timer on the Hero global, causing the remaining time tooltip to break. 1.7.2: Fixing mythic booster status tracking after update broke it 1.7.1: Fixing bugs caused by the most recent game update, adding missing FR labels for the blessings spreadsheet link 1.7.0: Adding module to add the link to zoo/Bella's blessings spreadsheet to the blessing popup. Removing the cache on awakening level calculation for the girl quota to update in real-time. 1.6.9: Fixing broken reward toggling on PoV. 1.6.8: Improving fixed width of season rewards when hidden. 1.6.7: Making hidden claimed rewards togglable on PoV and Season like they are on PoA 1.6.6: Using a more appropriate API for the girl quota tooltip in the market 1.6.5: Changing how icons are brought across from the teams page to the market girls filter. Attempting to handle cases where the game adds duplicate timers to the additional resource bars. 1.6.4: Adding option to show full damage in champion team selection 1.6.3: Adding flashing warning to booster status when expiration is imminent 1.6.2: Fixing battle endstate ego bars to deal with the new HTML in-game. 1.6.1: Adding FR and ES translations for villain breadcrumb setting 1.6.0: Adding module to add breadcrumbs to the villain pre-battle page 1.5.3: Overriding the glitter_me function to match the new positions of resource bars 1.5.2: Adding missing translations for FR and RU 1.5.1: Fixing a bug in hiding claimed season rewards where the width wouldn't readjust correctly. 1.5.0: Porting the auto-refresh module. Reducing the screen-scrape on hide claim rewards for PoA. Exposing some classes as global APIs. 1.4.0: Adding module to disable drag-and-drop in the market 1.3.4: Adding tier 2 and 3 guys for Maro 1.3.3: Some further improvements to the Russian translations from FinderKeeper 1.3.2: Updating the CC shard formula to what is _actually_ used, not what we were _told_ it would be 1.3.1: Some pre-emptive bugfixes for what's currently on TS 1.3.0: Adding Hide Claimed Rewards module inspired by BenBrazke's script 1.2.5: Fixing shard rewards font size on league girl 1.2.4: Minor fixes to the Russian translations. 1.2.3: Adding Russian translations from FinderKeeper. Fixing bug in Sidequest collector where it wasn't collecting new sidequests. 1.2.2: Pre-emptively adding back the new CC formula for tomorrow's patch 1.2.1: Adding missing translations for tweaks added in 1.2.0 1.2.0: Moving the skip button and girl pose aspect ratio tweaks from Style Tweaks into main script, will add translations later. 1.1.4: Adding minor distinction in backgrounds on fight-a-villain if all girls on villain are already obtained 1.1.3: Fixing bug in reward shards for LD 1.1.2: Dropping champion shortcut requirement to 10 3-grade and above 1.1.1: Tweaking the style of the new fight-a-villain menu 1.1.0: Rewriting fight-a-villain menu module, now a full-screen grid showing a lot more information than before. 1.0.5: Fixing seasons reward shards on Firefox 1.0.4: Adding faster skip button to champions module (#25) 1.0.3: Fixing bug in Full at that was causing it to count down. Fixing bug in rewards shards displayed in season. Intensifying the ambient occlusion on the booster status. 1.0.2: Fixing a bug with the resource bars tooltips on firefox. 1.0.1: Adding back Full in to the resource bar tooltips and adjusting font sizes. 1.0.0: A complete rewrite of the script using modern technologies to improve performance and maintainability. The equip sort button has been replaced with a new equip filter and favourites system, the resource bars have been completely redesigned, and many other changes.