[[plugins]] repo = '4513echo/vim-colors-hatsunemiku' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('vim-colors-hatsunemiku') " call user#colorscheme#add('vim-colors-hatsunemiku', 'hatsunemiku_light') ''' # TODO: it doesn't support terminal ansi colors [[plugins]] repo = 'cormacrelf/vim-colors-github' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('vim-colors-github') call user#colorscheme#custom('github', { \ 'highlight': { \ 'EndOfBuffer': #{ ctermbg: 'NONE', guibg: 'NONE' }, \ }}) ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'embark-theme/vim' name = 'embark-theme' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('embark-theme', 'embark') ''' # TODO: it doesn't support terminal ansi colors [[plugins]] repo = 'fcpg/vim-orbital' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('vim-orbital') call user#colorscheme#custom('orbital', { \ 'highlight': { \ 'String': #{ ctermbg: 'NONE', guibg: 'NONE' }, \ }}) ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'felipec/vim-felipec' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('vim-felipec') call user#colorscheme#custom('felipec', { \ 'highlight': { \ 'NonText': #{ ctermbg: 'NONE', guibg: 'NONE' }, \ }}) ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'KabbAmine/yowish.vim' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('yowish.vim') let g:yowish = { \ 'ctrlp': v:false, \ 'unite': v:false, \ 'nerdtree': v:false, \ 'agit': v:false, \ 'signjk': v:false, \ } ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'Rigellute/rigel' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('rigel') ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'arcticicestudio/nord-vim' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('nord-vim') ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'ayu-theme/ayu-vim' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('ayu-vim') ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'bluz71/vim-nightfly-guicolors' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('vim-nightfly-guicolors', 'nightfly') ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'challenger-deep-theme/vim' name = 'challenger-deep-theme' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('challenger-deep-theme', 'challenger_deep') ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'cocopon/iceberg.vim' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('iceberg.vim') call user#colorscheme#custom('iceberg', { \ 'highlight': { \ 'String': #{ ctermfg: 144, guifg: '#a7b1a9' }, \ }}) ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'connorholyday/vim-snazzy' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('vim-snazzy') call user#colorscheme#custom('snazzy', { \ 'highlight': { \ 'Visual': #{ ctermbg: 254, guibg: '#e4e4ee' }, \ }}) ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'dracula/vim' name = 'dracula' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('dracula') ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'drewtempelmeyer/palenight.vim' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('palenight.vim') ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'fenetikm/falcon' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('falcon') ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'franbach/miramare' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('miramare') ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'ghifarit53/tokyonight-vim' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('tokyonight-vim') ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'habamax/vim-gruvbit' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('vim-gruvbit') ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'haishanh/night-owl.vim' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('night-owl.vim') call user#colorscheme#custom('night-owl', { \ 'lightline': 'nightowl', \ }) ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'haystackandroid/snow' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('snow') call user#colorscheme#custom('snow', { \ 'lightline': 'snow_dark', \ }) ''' # NOTE: magenta of term ansi color is original [[plugins]] repo = 'jacoborus/tender.vim' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('tender.vim') ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'joshdick/onedark.vim' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('onedark.vim') ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'kyoh86/momiji' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('momiji') ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'lifepillar/vim-solarized8' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('vim-solarized8') call user#colorscheme#custom('solarized8', { \ 'lightline': 'solarized', \ }) ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'lighthaus-theme/vim-lighthaus' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('vim-lighthaus') ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'mhartington/oceanic-next' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('oceanic-next', 'OceanicNext') call user#colorscheme#custom('OceanicNext', { \ 'lightline': 'oceanicnext', \ }) ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'morhetz/gruvbox' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('gruvbox') call user#colorscheme#custom('gruvbox', { \ 'highlight': { \ 'Visual': #{ ctermbg: 237, cterm: 'NONE', guibg: '#3c3836', gui: 'NONE' }, \ }, \ 'terminal': [ \ '#282828', '#cc241d', '#98971a', '#d79921', '#458588', '#b16286', '#689d6a', '#a89984', \ '#928374', '#fb4934', '#b8bb26', '#fabd2f', '#83a598', '#d3869b', '#8ec07c', '#ebdbb2', \ ]}) ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'mvanderkamp/cocoa.vim' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('cocoa.vim') ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'nanotech/jellybeans.vim' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('jellybeans.vim') call user#colorscheme#custom('jellybeans', { \ 'terminal': [ \ '#151515', '#cf6a4c', '#70b950', '#fad07a', '#8fbfdc', '#c6b6ee', '#89b8c2', '#e8e8d3', \ '#6b7089', '#cf6a4c', '#70b950', '#fad07a', '#8fbfdc', '#c6b6ee', '#89b8c2', '#e8e8d3', \ ]}) ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'pineapplegiant/spaceduck' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('spaceduck') ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'rakr/vim-one' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('vim-one') call user#colorscheme#custom('one', { \ 'terminal': [ \ '#282c34', '#e06c75', '#98c379', '#e5c07b', '#61afef', '#c678dd', '#56b6c2', '#828997', \ '#5c6370', '#e06c75', '#98c379', '#e5c07b', '#61afef', '#c678dd', '#56b6c2', '#abb2bf', \ ]}) ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'rhysd/vim-color-spring-night' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('vim-color-spring-night') call user#colorscheme#custom('spring-night', { \ 'lightline': 'spring_night', \ }) ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'romainl/Apprentice' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('Apprentice', 'apprentice') ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'sainnhe/edge' hook_add = ''' let g:edge_better_performance = v:true call user#colorscheme#add('edge') ''' # TODO: it doesn't support terminal ansi colors [[plugins]] repo = 'savq/melange' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('melange') call user#colorscheme#custom('melange', { \ 'lightline': 'mini', \ 'highlight': { \ 'CursorLineNr': #{ cterm: 'NONE' }, \ }}) ''' # TODO: it doesn't support terminal ansi colors [[plugins]] repo = 'severij/vadelma' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('vadelma') ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'sonph/onehalf' rtp = 'vim' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('onehalf', 'onehalfdark') call user#colorscheme#custom('onehalfdark', { \ 'terminal': [ \ '#282c34', '#e06c75', '#98c379', '#e5c07b', '#61afef', '#c678dd', '#56b6c2', '#dcdfe4', \ '#282c34', '#e06c75', '#98c379', '#e5c07b', '#61afef', '#c678dd', '#56b6c2', '#dcdfe4', \ ]}) ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'srcery-colors/srcery-vim' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('srcery-vim') call user#colorscheme#custom('srcery', { \ 'highlight': { \ 'Visual': #{ \ ctermbg: 236, guibg: '#303030', \ term: 'NONE', cterm: 'NONE', gui: 'NONE', \ }}}) ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'tomasr/molokai' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('molokai') call user#colorscheme#custom('molokai', { \ 'terminal': [ \ '#1b1d1e', '#f92672', '#82b414', '#fd971f', '#268bd2', '#8c54fe', '#56c2d6', '#ccccc6', \ '#505354', '#ff5995', '#b7eb46', '#feed6c', '#62ade3', '#bfa0fe', '#94d8e5', '#f8f8f2', \ ]}) ''' # TODO: it doesn't support terminal ansi colors [[plugins]] repo = 'tyrannicaltoucan/vim-deep-space' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('vim-deep-space') call user#colorscheme#custom('deep-space', { \ 'lightline': 'deepspace', \ }) ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'ulwlu/elly.vim' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('elly.vim') ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'w0ng/vim-hybrid' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('vim-hybrid') call user#colorscheme#custom('hybrid', { \ 'terminal': [ \ '#1d1f21', '#cc6666', '#b5bd68', '#f0c674', '#81a2be', '#b294bb', '#8abeb7', '#d3d7cf', \ '#707880', '#cc6666', '#b5bd68', '#de955f', '#729fcf', '#b294bb', '#005f5f', '#707880', \ ]}) ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'wadackel/vim-dogrun' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('vim-dogrun') call user#colorscheme#custom('dogrun', { \ 'terminal': [ \ '#111219', '#c261b6', '#7cbe8c', '#8e8a6f', '#4c89ac', '#6c75cb', '#73c1a9', '#9ea3c0', \ '#545c8c', '#b871b8', '#7cbe8c', '#a8a384', '#589ec6', '#929be5', '#59b6b6', '#9ea3c0', \ ]}) ''' [[plugins]] repo = 'whatyouhide/vim-gotham' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('vim-gotham') ''' # NOTE: green and yellow of term ansi color is original [[plugins]] repo = 'yuttie/hydrangea-vim' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('hydrangea-vim') call user#colorscheme#custom('hydrangea', { \ 'highlight': { \ 'Constant': #{ ctermbg: 'NONE', guibg: 'NONE' }, \ 'Number': #{ ctermbg: 'NONE', guibg: 'NONE' }, \ 'SpecialKey': #{ ctermbg: 'NONE', guibg: 'NONE' }, \ }, \ 'terminal': [ \ '#1e222c', '#e91e63', '#9df086', '#fedc1b', '#537dd5', '#c398fe', '#56c7ee', '#586374', \ '#3b4351', '#e91e63', '#9df086', '#fedc1b', '#537dd5', '#fe7ecd', '#56c7ee', '#c3d5ec', \ ]}) ''' # NOTE: maybe it doesn't support lightline.vim expand component # [[plugins]] # repo = 'gkapfham/vim-vitamin-onec'' # hook_add = ''' # call user#colorscheme#add(g:dein#plugin.name, 'vitaminonec') # ''' # TODO: it doesn't support terminal ansi colors [[plugins]] repo = 'FrenzyExists/aquarium-vim' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('aquarium-vim') call user#colorscheme#custom('aquarium', { \ 'link': { \ 'NonText': 'Comment', \ }}) ''' # TODO: it doesn't support terminal ansi colors # https://github.com/DTr4n/windows-terminal-wombat' [[plugins]] repo = 'vim-scripts/wombat256.vim' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('wombat256.vim', 'wombat256mod') call user#colorscheme#custom('wombat256mod', { \ 'lightline': 'wombat', \ 'link': { \ 'NonText': 'Comment', \ }, \ 'highlight': { \ 'CursorLineNr': #{ cterm: 'NONE' }, \ }}) ''' # Thank mityu very much! [[plugins]] repo = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mityu/dotfiles/master/dot_vim/runtime/colors/reliquiae.vim' script_type = 'colors' type = 'raw' hook_add = ''' call user#colorscheme#add('reliquiae.vim') call user#colorscheme#custom('reliquiae', { \ 'lightline': 'mini', \ }) ''' # Thank Shougo very much! # [[plugins]] # repo = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Shougo/shougo-s-github/master/vim/colors/candy.vim' # script_type = 'colors' # type = 'raw' # hook_add = ''' # call user#colorscheme#add('candy.vim') # call user#colorscheme#custom('candy', { # \ 'lightline': 'mini', # \ }) # ''' # TODO: this plugin is supprting lightline.vim, but I can't enable it because # v:lua is only in neovim. I will send the repository pull-request... # [[plugins]] # repo = 'EdenEast/nightfox.nvim' # if = 'has("nvim") || has("lua")' # hook_add = ''' # call user#colorscheme#add(g:dein#plugin.name) # '''