# Looping in JavaScript Tutorial & Exercises > By [@alesanchezr](https://twitter.com/alesanchezr) and [other contributors](https://github.com/4GeeksAcademy/javascript-arrays-exercises-tutorial/graphs/contributors) at [4Geeks Academy](https://4geeksacademy.co/) ![last commit](https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/4geeksacademy/javascript-arrays-exercises-tutorial) [![build by developers](https://img.shields.io/badge/build_by-Developers-blue)](https://breatheco.de) [![build by developers](https://img.shields.io/twitter/follow/4geeksacademy?style=social&logo=twitter)](https://twitter.com/4geeksacademy) *Estas instrucciones [están disponibles en 🇪🇸 español](https://github.com/4GeeksAcademy/javascript-arrays-exercises-tutorial/blob/master/README.es.md) :es:* Dozens of looping exercises to sharpen your looping skills with for, forEach, map, filter, looping an object, looping bidimentional arrays, adding conditions to loops, finding an element, and more! ## Before you start... some related tutorials:
  1. JavaScript for Beginners
  2. Looping with JavaScript ← 🔥 You are here
  3. JavaScript Functions
  4. Master JavaScript
> We need you! These exercises are built and maintained in collaboration with contributors such as yourself. If you find any bugs or misspellings, please contribute and/or report them. ## One click installation (recommended): You can open these exercises in just a few seconds by clicking: [Open in Codespaces](https://codespaces.new/?repo=4GeeksAcademy/javascript-arrays-exercises-tutorial) (recommended) or [Open in Gitpod](https://gitpod.io#https://github.com/4GeeksAcademy/javascript-arrays-exercises-tutorial). > Once you have opened VSCode, the LearnPack exercises should start automatically. If exercises don't run automatically, you can try typing on your terminal: `$ learnpack start` ## Local Installation Clone the repository in your local environment and follow the steps below: 1. Install LearnPack, the package manager for learning tutorials and the node compiler plugin for LearnPack, make sure you also have node.js 14+: ```bash $ npm i @learnpack/learnpack -g ``` 2. Start the tutorial/exercises by running the following command at the same level where your learn.json file is: ```bash $ learnpack start ``` If you encounter any issues or want to learn more about starting a tutorial with learnpack, you can read the [learnpack quickstart](https://4geeks.com/docs/learnpack/quickstart-for-learners) documentation here. ## How are the exercises organized? Each exercise is a small React application containing the following files: 1. **app.js:** represents the entry JavaScript file that will be executed by the computer. 2. **README.md:** contains exercise instructions. 3. **test.js:** contains the testing script for the exercise (you don't have to open this file). > Note: The exercises have automatic grading, but it's very rigid and strict, my recommendation is to not take the tests too serious and use them only as a suggestion, or you may get frustrated. ## Contributors Thanks to these wonderful people ([emoji key](https://github.com/kentcdodds/all-contributors#emoji-key)): 1. [Alejandro Sanchez (alesanchezr)](https://github.com/alesanchezr), contribution: (coder) 💻 (idea) 🤔, (build-tests) ⚠️ , (pull-request-review) 👀 (build-tutorial) ✅ (documentation) 📖 2. [Paolo (plucodev)](https://github.com/plucodev), contribution: (bug reports) 🐛, (coder) 💻, (translation) 🌎 This project follows the [all-contributors](https://github.com/kentcdodds/all-contributors) specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome! This and many other exercises are built by students as part of the 4Geeks Academy [Coding Bootcamp](https://4geeksacademy.com/us/coding-bootcamp) by [Alejandro Sánchez](https://twitter.com/alesanchezr) and many other contributors. Find out more about our [Full Stack Developer Course](https://4geeksacademy.com/us/coding-bootcamps/part-time-full-stack-developer), and [Data Science Bootcamp](https://4geeksacademy.com/us/coding-bootcamps/datascience-machine-learning).