--- class: "Workflow" cwlVersion: "v1.0" fdn_meta: category: "align + filter + count" data_types: - "Repli-seq" description: "This is a subworkflow of the Repli-seq data processing pipeline. It takes a raw fastq file, aligns to the reference genome, performs filtering and reports read counts in a bedgraph (bg) format." name: "repliseq-parta" title: "Repli-seq data processing pipeline for alignment, filtering and counting" workflow_type: "Repli-seq data processing" inputs: - fdn_format: "fastq" id: "#fastq" type: - "File" - fdn_format: "bwaIndex" id: "#bwaIndex" type: - "File" - fdn_format: "chromsizes" id: "#chromsizes" type: - "File" - default: 4 id: "#nthreads" type: - "int" - default: "2G" id: "#memperthread" type: - "string" - default: 5000 id: "#winsize" type: - "int" outputs: - fdn_format: "bam" fdn_output_type: "processed" id: "#filtered_sorted_deduped_bam" outputSource: "#dedup/out_deduped_bam" type: - "File" - fdn_output_type: "QC" id: "#dedup_qc_report" outputSource: "#dedup/out_qc_report" type: - "File" - fdn_format: "bg" fdn_output_type: "processed" fdn_secondary_file_formats: - "bg_px2" - "bw" id: "#count_bg" outputSource: "#count/out_count_bg" type: - "File" requirements: - class: "InlineJavascriptRequirement" steps: - fdn_step_meta: analysis_step_types: - "adapter removal" description: "Adapter removal according to the Repli-seq pipeline" software_used: - "cutadapt_1.14" - "repli-seq-pipeline_f69a459" id: "#clip" in: - arg_name: "input_fastq" fdn_cardinality: "single" fdn_format: "fastq" fdn_type: "data file" id: "#clip/input_fastq" source: "#fastq" out: - arg_name: "out_clipped_fastq" fdn_cardinality: "single" fdn_format: "fastq" id: "#clip/out_clipped_fastq" run: "clip.cwl" - fdn_step_meta: analysis_step_types: - "alignment" description: "Alignment according to the Repli-seq pipeline" software_used: - "bwa_0.7.15" - "repli-seq-pipeline_f69a459" id: "#align" in: - arg_name: "fastq1" fdn_cardinality: "single" fdn_format: "fastq" id: "#align/fastq1" source: "#clip/out_clipped_fastq" - arg_name: "bwa_index" fdn_cardinality: "single" fdn_format: "bwaIndex" fdn_type: "reference file" id: "#align/bwa_index" source: "#bwaIndex" - arg_name: "nThreads" fdn_cardinality: "single" fdn_type: "parameter" id: "#align/nThreads" source: "#nthreads" out: - arg_name: "out_bam" fdn_cardinality: "single" fdn_format: "bam" id: "#align/out_bam" run: "align.cwl" - fdn_step_meta: analysis_step_types: - "filtering" - "sorting" description: "Filtering and sorting according to the Repli-seq pipeline" software_used: - "samtools_1.4" - "repli-seq-pipeline_f69a459" id: "#filtersort" in: - arg_name: "input_bam" fdn_cardinality: "single" fdn_format: "bam" id: "#filtersort/input_bam" source: "#align/out_bam" - arg_name: "nthreads" fdn_cardinality: "single" fdn_type: "parameter" id: "#filtersort/nthreads" source: "#nthreads" - arg_name: "memperthread" fdn_cardinality: "single" fdn_type: "parameter" id: "#filtersort/memperthread" source: "#memperthread" out: - arg_name: "out_filtered_sorted_bam" fdn_cardinality: "single" fdn_format: "bam" id: "#filtersort/out_filtered_sorted_bam" run: "filtersort.cwl" - fdn_step_meta: analysis_step_types: - "duplicate removal" description: "PCR Duplicate removal according to the Repli-seq pipeline" software_used: - "samtools_1.4" - "repli-seq-pipeline_f69a459" id: "#dedup" in: - arg_name: "input_bam" fdn_cardinality: "single" fdn_format: "bam" id: "#dedup/input_bam" source: "#filtersort/out_filtered_sorted_bam" out: - arg_name: "out_deduped_bam" fdn_cardinality: "single" fdn_format: "bam" fdn_type: "data file" id: "#dedup/out_deduped_bam" - arg_name: "out_qc_report" fdn_cardinality: "single" fdn_type: "QC" id: "#dedup/out_qc_report" run: "dedup.cwl" - fdn_step_meta: analysis_step_types: - "binning" - "aggregation" description: "Read aggregation according to the Repli-seq pipeline" software_used: - "bedtools_2.26.0" - "repli-seq-pipeline_f69a459" - "pairix_0.3.5" - "bedGraphToBigWig_v302.1.0" id: "#count" in: - arg_name: "input_bam" fdn_cardinality: "single" fdn_format: "bam" fdn_type: "data file" id: "#count/input_bam" source: "#dedup/out_deduped_bam" - arg_name: "chrsizes" fdn_cardinality: "single" fdn_format: "chromsize" fdn_type: "reference file" id: "#count/chrsizes" source: "#chromsizes" - arg_name: "winsize" fdn_cardinality: "single" fdn_type: "parameter" id: "#count/winsize" source: "#winsize" out: - arg_name: "out_count_bg" fdn_cardinality: "single" fdn_format: "bg" fdn_type: "data file" id: "#count/out_count_bg" run: "count.cwl"