@echo off REM =============================================================== REM This Windows batch script downloads GDevelop from the master branch, builds the newIde and launches it. REM REM It still requires git, nodejs and electron to be installed. REM If GDevelop is already built, the script will simply launch it. REM =============================================================== echo This will clone, install, and launch GDevelop development version. Please make sure you have git and Node.js installed. SET fork=4ian SET project=GDevelop IF exist %project%/newIDE/electron-app/node_modules ( echo /newIDE/electron-app/node_modules already exists. Skipping "npm install..." cd %project%/newIDE/app GOTO runElectronApp ) ELSE ( call git clone https://github.com/%fork%/%project%.git cd %project%/newIDE/app call npm install cd ../electron-app call npm install cd ../app GOTO runElectronApp ) :runElectronApp start cmd /k npm start cd ../electron-app TIMEOUT /T 60 call node node_modules\electron\cli.js app goto:eof