from stem.control import Controller from stem import Signal from threading import Timer from threading import Event import codecs import json import os import random import subprocess import sys import time onions = [] session_onions = [] identity_lock = Event() identity_lock.set() # # Grab the list of onions from our onion dir list file. # def get_onion_list(): # open the master list if os.path.exists("onion_dir_list.txt"): with open("onion_dir_list.txt","rb") as fd: stored_onions = else: print("[!] No onion dir list. Download it!") sys.exit(0) print("[*] Total onions for scanning: %d" % len(stored_onions)) return stored_onions # def store_onion(onion): print("[++] Storing %s in dir list." % onion) with"onion_dir_list.txt","ab",encoding="utf8") as fd: fd.write("%s\n" % onion) return # # Runs onion scan as a child process. # def run_onionscan(onion): print("[*] Onionscanning %s" % onion) # fire up onionscan process = subprocess.Popen(["onionscan","--webport=0","--jsonReport","--simpleReport=false",onion],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # start the timer and let it run 5 minutes process_timer = Timer(300,handle_timeout,args=[process,onion]) process_timer.start() # wait for the onion scan results stdout = process.communicate()[0] # we have received valid results so we can kill the timer if process_timer.is_alive(): process_timer.cancel() return stdout print("[!!!] Process timed out!") return None # # Handle a timeout from the onionscan process. # def handle_timeout(process,onion): global session_onions global identity_lock # halt the main thread while we grab a new identity identity_lock.clear() # kill the onionscan process try: process.kill() print("[!!!] Killed the onionscan process.") except: pass # Now we switch TOR identities to make sure we have a good connection with Controller.from_port(port=9051) as torcontrol: # authenticate to our local TOR controller torcontrol.authenticate("Mozshetty") # send the signal for a new identity torcontrol.signal(Signal.NEWNYM) # wait for the new identity to be initialized time.sleep(torcontrol.get_newnym_wait()) print("[!!!] Switched TOR identities.") # push the onion back on to the list session_onions.append(onion) random.shuffle(session_onions) # allow the main thread to resume executing identity_lock.set() return # # Processes the JSON result from onionscan. # def process_results(onion,json_response): global onions global session_onions # create our output folder if necessary if not os.path.exists("onionscan_results"): os.mkdir("onionscan_results") # write out the JSON results of the scan with open("%s/%s.json" % ("onionscan_results",onion), "wb") as fd: fd.write(json_response) # look for additional .onion domains to add to our scan list scan_result = r"%s" % json_response.decode("utf8") scan_result = json.loads(scan_result) if scan_result['identifierReport']['linkedOnions'] is not None: add_new_onions(scan_result['identifierReport']['linkedOnions']) if scan_result['identifierReport']['relatedOnionDomains'] is not None: add_new_onions(scan_result['identifierReport']['relatedOnionDomains']) if scan_result['identifierReport']['relatedOnionServices'] is not None: add_new_onions(scan_result['identifierReport']['relatedOnionServices']) return # # Handle new onions. # def add_new_onions(new_onion_list): global onions global session_onions for linked_onion in new_onion_list: if linked_onion not in onions and linked_onion.endswith(".onion"): print("[++] Discovered new .onion => %s" % linked_onion) onions.append(linked_onion) session_onions.append(linked_onion) random.shuffle(session_onions) store_onion(linked_onion) return # get a list of onions to process onions = get_onion_list() # randomize the list a bit random.shuffle(onions) session_onions = list(onions) count = 0 while count < len(onions): # if the event is cleared we will halt here # otherwise we continue executing identity_lock.wait() # grab a new onion to scan print("[*] Running %d of %d." % (count,len(onions))) onion = session_onions.pop() # test to see if we have already retrieved results for this onion if os.path.exists("onionscan_results/%s.json" % onion): print("[!] Already retrieved %s. Skipping." % onion) count += 1 continue # run the onion scan result = run_onionscan(onion) # process the results if result is not None: if len(result): process_results(onion,result) count += 1