/* ********************************************************************* * This Source Code Form is copyright of 51Degrees Mobile Experts Limited. * Copyright 2017 51Degrees Mobile Experts Limited, 5 Charlotte Close, * Caversham, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom RG4 7BY * * This Source Code Form is the subject of the following patents and patent * applications, owned by 51Degrees Mobile Experts Limited of 5 Charlotte * Close, Caversham, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom RG4 7BY: * European Patent No. 2871816; * European Patent Application No. 17184134.9; * United States Patent Nos. 9,332,086 and 9,350,823; and * United States Patent Application No. 15/686,066. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. * * If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain * one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as * defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. ********************************************************************** */ /* Reload from memory example that shows how to:
  1. Use the provider structure to access the dataset as well as device detection functionality.
  2. Use the fiftyoneDegreesProviderReloadFromMemory function to reload the dataset, from the data file that has been read into a continuous memory space.
  3. Run detections on the current User-Agent.
  4. Use the reload functionality in a single threaded environment.
  5. Use the reload functionality in a multi threaded environment.

This example demonstrates how to use the 51Degrees provider structure to access the dataset as well as to invoke the reload functionality.

static fiftyoneDegreesProvider *provider;

Example assumes that the initial dataset was created using either the fiftyoneDegreesInitProviderWithPropertyString function, or the fiftyoneDegreesInitProviderWithPropertyArray function.

The fiftyoneDegreesProviderReloadFromMemory function requires an existing provider structure with initialized dataset. Function reloads the dataset from the provided pointer to the continuous memory space containing the data file. New dataset is created with the same parameters as the original dataset.

Important: unlike the reload from file example you need to decide if the 51Degrees API should dispose of the allocated file when the resources are deallocated or if you wish to retain the allocated memory for later use. To instruct the API to free the continuous memory space set the memoryToFree pointer equal to the pointer of the file in memory.

fiftyoneDegreesDataSet *ds = (fiftyoneDegreesDataSet*)provider->active->dataSet;
ds->memoryToFree = (void*)fileInMemory;

Please keep in mind that even if the current dataset was constructed with all available properties this does not guarantee that the new dataset will be initialized with the same set of properties. If the new data file contains properties that were not part of the original data file, the new extra property(ies) will not be initialized. If the new data file does not contain one or more property that were previously available, then these property(ies) will not be initialized.

Each successful data file reload should be accompanied by the integrity check to verify that the properties you want have indeed been loaded. This can be achieved by simply comparing the number of properties before and after the reload as the number can not go up but it can go down.

The reload functionality works both with the single threaded as well as the multi threaded modes. To try the reload functionality in single threaded mode build with FIFTYONEDEGREES_NO_THREADING defined. Or build without FIFTYONEDEGREES_NO_THREADING for multi threaded example.

In a single threaded environment the reload function is executed as part of the normal flow of the program execution and will prevent any other actions until the reload is complete. The reload itself takes less than half a second even for Enterprise dataset. For more information see: https://51degrees.com/Support/Documentation/APIs/C-V32/Benchmarks

This, and any other Trie example can be built to stream from file to reduce memory overhead by defining FIFTYONEDEGREES_INDIRECT at compile time. This encurs a performance penalty due to disk read and cache locking. Currently the caching used for an indirect (file stream) data set does not reserve an entity it has given out, so care should be taken to ensure an entity is not removed from the cache while another thread is using it. This can be done by defining FIFTYONEDEGREES_NO_THREADING and using the provider in a single threaded environment. Alternatively, for a multi threaded environment, the stream caches should be set to a higher number of entries than you expect to be handed out to threads at any one time. This is done by defining: FIFTYONEDEGREES_STRING_CACHE_SIZE, FIFTYONEDEGREES_NODE_CACHE_SIZE, FIFTYONEDEGREES_DEVICE_CACHE_SIZE and FIFTYONEDEGREES_PROFILE_CACHE_SIZE accordingly.

*/ #include #include #include #ifdef _MSC_VER #include #else #include #endif #ifdef _DEBUG #ifdef _MSC_VER #define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC #include #include #else #include "dmalloc.h" #endif #endif // Snippet Start #include "../src/trie/51Degrees.h" #ifdef FIFTYONEDEGREES_INDIRECT // Display a message only if in indirect operation. int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { printf("Reload from memory not supported in indirect operation which " "requires a data file to be present.\r\n"); fgetc(stdin); } #else // Global settings and properties. static fiftyoneDegreesProvider provider; #ifndef FIFTYONEDEGREES_NO_THREADING static FIFTYONEDEGREES_THREAD *threads; static const int numberOfThreads = 50; static volatile int threadsFinished = 0; FIFTYONEDEGREES_MUTEX lock; #endif // Function declarations. static void reportDatasetInitStatus( fiftyoneDegreesDataSetInitStatus status, const char* fileName); static unsigned long hash(unsigned char *value); static unsigned long getHashCode(fiftyoneDegreesDeviceOffsets *offsets); static long loadFile(const char* fileName, char **source); #ifndef FIFTYONEDEGREES_NO_THREADING static void startThreads(const char* inputFile); static void stopThreads(); static void runRequests(void* inputFile); #else static int runRequest(const char *inputFile); #endif int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // Required properties. Empty string initializes all properties. const char* requiredProperties = "IsMobile,BrowserName"; // Path to 51Degrees data files. Or use default paths. const char* fileName = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "../../../data/51Degrees-LiteV3.4.trie"; // Path to file containing HTTP User-Agent strings. const char* inputFile = argc > 2 ? argv[2] : "../../../data/20000 User Agents.csv"; #ifdef _DEBUG #ifndef _MSC_VER dmalloc_debug_setup("log-stats,log-non-free,check-fence,log=dmalloc.log"); #else _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_WARN, _CRTDBG_MODE_FILE); _CrtSetReportFile(_CRT_WARN, _CRTDBG_FILE_STDERR); #endif #endif // How many times the dataset was reloaded. int numberOfReloads = 0; int numberOfReloadFails = 0; #ifndef FIFTYONEDEGREES_NO_THREADING fiftyoneDegreesDataSet *ds; printf("** Multi Threaded Reload Example **\r\n"); #else printf("** Single Threaded Reload Example **\r\n"); #endif // Create a new provider with the required properties. fiftyoneDegreesDataSetInitStatus status = fiftyoneDegreesInitProviderWithPropertyString( fileName, &provider, requiredProperties); if (status != DATA_SET_INIT_STATUS_SUCCESS) { reportDatasetInitStatus(status, fileName); fgetc(stdin); return 1; } #ifndef FIFTYONEDEGREES_NO_THREADING FIFTYONEDEGREES_MUTEX_CREATE(lock); if (FIFTYONEDEGREES_MUTEX_VALID(&lock)) { startThreads(inputFile); char *fileInMemory; long currentFileSize; while (threadsFinished < numberOfThreads) { // Load file into memory. currentFileSize = loadFile(fileName, &fileInMemory); // Refresh the current dataset. status = fiftyoneDegreesProviderReloadFromMemory( &provider, (void*)fileInMemory, currentFileSize); if (status == DATA_SET_INIT_STATUS_SUCCESS) { numberOfReloads++; } else { numberOfReloadFails++; } // Tell the API to free the memory occupied by the data file when the // dataset is freed. ds = (fiftyoneDegreesDataSet*)provider.active->dataSet; #ifndef FIFTYONEDEGREES_INDIRECT ds->memoryToFree = (void*)fileInMemory; #endif numberOfReloads++; #ifdef _MSC_VER Sleep(1000); // milliseconds #else sleep(1); // seconds #endif } stopThreads(); FIFTYONEDEGREES_MUTEX_CLOSE(lock); } #else numberOfReloads = runRequest(inputFile); #endif // Free the dataset. fiftyoneDegreesProviderFree(&provider); // Finish execution. printf("Reloaded '%i' times.\r\n", numberOfReloads); printf("Failed to reload '%i' times.\r\n", numberOfReloadFails); #ifdef _DEBUG #ifdef _MSC_VER _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(); #else printf("Log file is %s\r\n", dmalloc_logpath); #endif #endif printf("Program execution complete. Press any Return to exit."); fgetc(stdin); return 0; } #ifndef FIFTYONEDEGREES_NO_THREADING /** * Starts threads that run device detection. Must be done after the dataset * has been initialized. */ static void startThreads(const char* inputFile) { threads = (FIFTYONEDEGREES_THREAD*)malloc( sizeof(FIFTYONEDEGREES_THREAD) * numberOfThreads); int thread; for (thread = 0; thread < numberOfThreads; thread++) { FIFTYONEDEGREES_THREAD_CREATE( threads[thread], (void*)&runRequests, (void*)inputFile); } } /** * Stops the threads and frees the memory occupied by the threads. */ static void stopThreads() { int thread; for (thread = 0; thread < numberOfThreads; thread++) { FIFTYONEDEGREES_THREAD_JOIN(threads[thread]); } free(threads); } /** * Demonstrates the dataset reload functionality in a multi * threaded environment. * * @param inputFile containing HTTP User-Agent strings. */ static void runRequests(void* inputFile) { fiftyoneDegreesDeviceOffsets *offsets; unsigned long hashCode = 0; char userAgent[1000]; FILE* fin = fopen((const char*)inputFile, "r"); while (fgets(userAgent, sizeof(userAgent), fin) != NULL) { offsets = fiftyoneDegreesProviderCreateDeviceOffsets(&provider); offsets->size = 1; fiftyoneDegreesSetDeviceOffset( offsets->active->dataSet, userAgent, 0, offsets->firstOffset); hashCode ^= getHashCode(offsets); fiftyoneDegreesProviderFreeDeviceOffsets(offsets); } fclose(fin); printf("Finished with hashcode '%lu'\r\n", hashCode); FIFTYONEDEGREES_MUTEX_LOCK(&lock); threadsFinished++; FIFTYONEDEGREES_MUTEX_UNLOCK(&lock); } #else #ifndef FIFTYONEDEGREES_INDIRECT /** * Demonstrates the dataset reload functionality in a single * threaded environment. Since only one thread is available the reload will * be done as part of the program flow and detection will not be available for * the very short time that the dataset is being reloaded. * * The reload happens every 500 requests. The total number of dataset reloads * is then returned. * * @param inputFile containing HTTP User-Agent strings to use with device * detection. * @return number of times the dataset was reloaded. */ static int runRequest(const char *inputFile) { fiftyoneDegreesDataSet *ds; fiftyoneDegreesDeviceOffsets *offsets; unsigned long hashCode = 0; int count = 0, numberOfReloads = 0; char userAgent[1000]; char *fileInMemory; char *pathToFileInMemory; long currentFileSize; FILE* fin = fopen((const char*)inputFile, "r"); // In this example the same data file is reloaded from. // Store path for use with reloads. pathToFileInMemory = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(provider.active->dataSet->fileName) + 1)); memcpy(pathToFileInMemory, provider.active->dataSet->fileName, strlen(provider.active->dataSet->fileName) + 1); while (fgets(userAgent, sizeof(userAgent), fin) != NULL) { offsets = fiftyoneDegreesProviderCreateDeviceOffsets(&provider); offsets->size = 1; fiftyoneDegreesSetDeviceOffset( offsets->active->dataSet, userAgent, 0, offsets->firstOffset); hashCode ^= getHashCode(offsets); fiftyoneDegreesProviderFreeDeviceOffsets(offsets); count++; if (count % 1000 == 0) { // Load file into memory. currentFileSize = loadFile(pathToFileInMemory, &fileInMemory); // Refresh the current dataset. fiftyoneDegreesProviderReloadFromMemory( &provider, (void*)fileInMemory, currentFileSize); // Tell the API to free the memory occupied by the data file. ds = (fiftyoneDegreesDataSet*)provider.active->dataSet; ds->memoryToFree = (void*)fileInMemory; numberOfReloads++; } } fclose(fin); free(pathToFileInMemory); printf("Finished with hashcode '%lu'\r\n", hashCode); return numberOfReloads; } #else static int runRequest(const char *inputFile) { printf("Reload from memory unsupported with indirect operation as data " "must be stored in a file.\r\n"); return 0; } #endif #endif /** * Returns a basic hashcode for the string value provided. * @param value string whose hashcode is required. * @returns the hashcode for the string provided. */ unsigned long hash(unsigned char *value) { unsigned long hashCode = 5381; int i; while ((i = *value++)) { hashCode = ((hashCode << 5) + hashCode) + i; } return hashCode; } /** * Returns the hash code for the values of properties contained in the offsets. * @param offsets containing the results of a match */ static unsigned long getHashCode(fiftyoneDegreesDeviceOffsets *offsets) { unsigned long hashCode = 0; uint32_t requiredPropertyIndex; const char *valueName; for (requiredPropertyIndex = 0; requiredPropertyIndex < offsets->active->dataSet->requiredProperties.count; requiredPropertyIndex++) { valueName = fiftyoneDegreesGetValuePtrFromOffsets( offsets->active->dataSet, offsets, requiredPropertyIndex); hashCode ^= hash((unsigned char*)valueName); } return hashCode; } /** * Reports the status of the data file initialization. */ static void reportDatasetInitStatus(fiftyoneDegreesDataSetInitStatus status, const char* fileName) { switch (status) { case DATA_SET_INIT_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY: printf("Insufficient memory to load '%s'.", fileName); break; case DATA_SET_INIT_STATUS_CORRUPT_DATA: printf("Device data file '%s' is corrupted.", fileName); break; case DATA_SET_INIT_STATUS_INCORRECT_VERSION: printf("Device data file '%s' is not correct version.", fileName); break; case DATA_SET_INIT_STATUS_FILE_NOT_FOUND: printf("Device data file '%s' not found.", fileName); break; case DATA_SET_INIT_STATUS_NULL_POINTER: printf("Null pointer to the existing dataset or memory location."); break; case DATA_SET_INIT_STATUS_POINTER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS: printf("Allocated continuous memory containing 51Degrees data file " "appears to be smaller than expected. Most likely because the" " data file was not fully loaded into the allocated memory."); break; default: printf("Device data file '%s' could not be loaded.", fileName); break; } } static long loadFile(const char* fileName, char **source) { long bufsize = -1; FILE *fp = fopen(fileName, "rb"); printf("Opening file %s ", fileName); if (fp != NULL) { printf("Success!\n"); /* Go to the end of the file. */ if (fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END) == 0) { /* Get the size of the file. */ bufsize = ftell(fp); if (bufsize == -1) { /* Error */ printf("ERROR: Buffer size is -1.\n"); } /* Allocate our buffer to that size. */ *source = malloc(sizeof(char) * (bufsize + 1)); if (*source != NULL) { /* Go back to the start of the file. */ if (fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_SET) == 0) { /* Read the entire file into memory. */ size_t newLen = fread(*source, bufsize, 1, fp); if (newLen != 1) { printf("ERROR: could not read file."); fputs("Error reading file", stderr); } else { printf("File read complete.\n"); } } else { printf("ERROR: Fseek failed to find the start of file.\n"); } } else { printf("ERROR: Failed to allocate enough memory.\n"); } } else { printf("ERROR: Fseek failed to find the rnd of file.\n"); } } else { printf("Failed!\n"); } fclose(fp); return bufsize; } #endif