Offline processing example of using 51Degrees device detection. The example shows how to:
  1. Fetch a pointer to the 51Degrees device detection provider instance. This is instantiated on server startup and uses settings from php.ini.

    $provider = FiftyOneDegreesTrieV3::provider_get();

  2. Open an input file with a list of User-Agents, and an output file. The output folder must be in the same directory as this page and have write permissions.

    $file_in = fopen("20000 User Agents.csv", "r");
    $file_out = fopen($outputFolder."/".$outputFile, "w");

  3. Write a header to the output file with the property names in '|' separated CSV format ('|' separated because some User-Agents contain commas)

    fwrite($file_out, "User-Agent");
    foreach ($properties as $property) {
    	fwrite($file_out, "|".$property);
    fwrite($file_out, "\n");

  4. For the first 20 User-Agents in the input file, perform a match then write the User-Agent along with the values for chosen properties to the CSV.

    while( my $userAgent = <$file_in>) {
    	chomp $userAgent;
    	my $match = $provider->getMatch($userAgent);
    	print file_out $userAgent;
    	foreach $property (@$properties) {
    		print file_out "|".$match->getValue($property);
    	print file_out "\n";
    	last if $. == 20;

This example assumes you have the 51Degrees PHP API installed correctly, and have FiftyOneDegreesTrieV3.php and "20000 User Agents.csv" in this directory. The output directory must also exist and have write permissions. */ // Snippet Start require("../trie/FiftyOneDegreesTrieV3.php"); /* Initialises the device detection provider with settings from php.ini. A Lite data file is included. For more info see: compare data options */ $provider = FiftyOneDegreesTrieV3::provider_get(); $inputFile = "20000 User Agents.csv"; $outputFile = "offlineProcessingOutput.csv"; $outputFolder = "output"; // Fetches an array of properties from the php.ini file. $iniProperties = ini_get('FiftyOneDegreesTrieV3.property_list'); $properties = explode(",", $iniProperties); echo "Starting Offline Processing.
\n"; // Opens input and output files, writes a header to the output file containing // the column titles. Then reads the first 20 User-Agents from the input // file, runs a match for each and writes results to the output file. $file_in = fopen($inputFile, "r"); $file_out = fopen($outputFolder."/".$outputFile, "w"); fwrite($file_out, "User-Agent"); foreach ($properties as $property) { fwrite($file_out, "|".$property); } fwrite($file_out, "\n"); for ($i=0;$i<20;$i++) { $userAgent = trim(fgets($file_in), "\n"); $match = $provider->getMatch($userAgent); fwrite($file_out, $userAgent); foreach ($properties as $property) { fwrite($file_out, "|".$match->getValue($property)); } fwrite($file_out, "\n"); } fclose($file_in); fclose($file_out); echo "Output Written to ".getcwd()."/".$outputFolder."/".$outputFile; //Snipped End ?>