using FiftyOne.Foundation.Mobile.Detection; using System.Linq; /* The first stage of using 51Degrees device detection in MVC is creating a model. This Device model can access the Match object in two ways:

Accessing the Match object directly

This is the most efficient method as it returns the requested property directly from the Match object

Reflecting the Match object properties

This uses reflection to set all the properties of the Device object, so with a large number of properties will be a less efficient method.

*/ namespace MVC.Models { public class Device { /// /// HTML used if the property has no value. /// private const string SWITCH_HTML = "" + "Switch Data Set"; // Snippet Start /// /// Instance of a device detection match to use for device properties. /// private readonly Match _match; // These properties are fetched only when requested by the view. This // can be a more efficient method of accessing property values as // they're only retrieved when requested. public bool IsMobile { get { return _match["IsMobile"] != null ? _match["IsMobile"].ToBool() : false; } } public int ScreenPixelsHeight { get { return _match["ScreenPixelsHeight"] != null ? (int)_match["ScreenPixelsHeight"].ToDouble() : 0; } } public int ScreenPixelsWidth { get { return _match["ScreenPixelsWidth"] != null ? (int)_match["ScreenPixelsWidth"].ToDouble() : 0; } } // These properties are populated in the constructor with // 51Degrees properties of the same name. More can be added // as long as their name is the same as the 51Degrees // property and are string types. More properties // are listed at public string HardwareVendor { get; private set; } public string HardwareModel { get; private set; } public string PlatformVendor { get; private set; } public string PlatformName { get; private set; } public string PlatformVersion { get; private set; } public string BrowserVendor { get; private set; } public string BrowserName { get; private set; } public string BrowserVersion { get; private set; } /// /// Uses reflection to see if there is a 51Degrees property with the /// same name as a Device class property. This means getting a new /// 51Degrees property in this object only requires creating a /// property with that name. /// /// Instance of a device detection match internal Device(Match match) { _match = match; foreach (var classProperty in this.GetType().GetProperties().Where(p => p.PropertyType == typeof(string))) { var values = match[classProperty.Name]; if (values != null && values.Count > 0) { // There is a value for the property. Set the value // now. classProperty.SetValue(this, values.ToString()); } else { // Property is not contained in the active 51Degrees // data set. Display a link to switch the data set // and re-run the example. classProperty.SetValue(this, SWITCH_HTML); } } } // Snippet End } }