- **3.10.4** - update dependency alexa-remote2 to 3.3.1 - **3.10.3** - fixed smarthome node ui - **3.10.2** - update dependency alexa-remote2 to 3.2.6 - fixed authentication - **3.10.1** - fixed logging what shouldn't've been (#127) - fixed *Alexa Init*s *Update Cached State* (#126) - **3.10.0** - added sounds option to routine node - added lists dashboard example - fixed editing list item *completed* property - fixed running multiple accounts - update dependency alexa-remote2 to 3.1.0 - **3.9.0** - input msg object will no longer be discarded - **3.8.0** - added lists node - updated dependency alexa-remote2 to 3.0.3 - **3.7.0** - added *Push Notification* title property - **3.5.0** & **3.6.0** - added *Volume* and *Speak At Volume* *Add* mode - **3.4.0** & **3.4.1** - added launch skill option to routine node - **3.3.1** - removed smarthome duplicates from ui - **3.3.0** - added new prompts - added phrases - fixed logging to use categories properly - **3.2.8** - fix bluetooth pair/unpair - **3.2.7** - fix ui for Node-RED v1.0.0 - **3.2.6** - fix routine music playing for some search phrases - **3.2.5** - *Speak At Volume* will now speak even if it can't get the current volume (volume won't be changed) - **3.2.4** - added *Speak At Volume* warning - **3.2.3** - refresh does initialisation now (might help with authentication problems #40) - request smarthome colors only if required (fixes warning #42) - fixed *Execute Routine* - **3.2.2** - fixed *Alexa Other* html load error `smarthome is not defined` - **3.2.1** - fix for customerId related errors like `Response: Input failed to validate.` - **3.2.0** - added announcement/ssml to all devices when no device is specified - **3.1.0** - added improved error reporting (both log and ui) - fixed smarthome input interface and added docu - fixed smarthome group querying ignoring property - update dependency alexa-remote2 to 2.5.5 - fixed events for some countries - **3.0.6** - fixed ui url to be relative (fix for redmatic) - fix routine music duration to be optional - **3.0.5** - fixed potential issue in routine node regarding customerId, cleanup, error reporting - **3.0.4** - fixed routine saving - **3.0.3** - fixed routine stop, prompt, volume saving - **3.0.2** - fixed init errors of smarthome and routines - **3.0.1** - fixed ui bug for ssml input - **3.0.0** - added refresh interval for proxy Account config - replaced/overhauled all other nodes, only Account config of version 2 is compatible - **2.3.5** - fixed cookie refresh causing 'no JSON' error - **2.3.4** - updated depencency alexa-remote2 to 2.3.7 - fixed special case on authentication check - fixed crash on EADDRINUSE - fixed "success" status on authentication error - **2.3.3** - updated dependency alexa-remote2 to 2.3.5 - fixed special case on authentication check - fixed event node memory leak - set reasonable event max listener count - **2.3.2** - updated dependency alexa-remote2 to 2.3.4 - better error reporting on authentication check - fixes potential error on event "Media Progress Change" - added missing event "Media Progress Change" - improve event node label - **2.3.1** - updated depencency alexa-remote2 to 2.3.2 - fixed ssml - **2.3.0** - updated dependency to fix 'no csrf' error - **2.2.3** - fixed syntax error in node v8 (#23) - **2.2.2** - fixed language being ignored - **2.2.1** - fixed display bugs (device input, this ip) - updated and improve documentation - **2.2.0** - added changable proxy ip to access from remote - **2.1.0** - added to Sequence: Calendar Next, Calendar Today, Calendar Tomorrow - **2.0.1** - fixed account file saving - **2.0.0** - exposed proxy initialisation with refreshable cookie - proper catchable error handling - removed obsolete set/get account nodes - added device selection by list - **1.1.0** - added SSML,Stop and Notification to Sequence node (alexa-remote2 v2.1.0) - added *Alexa Account Get/Set Config* to programmatically change account config - **1.0.6** - fixed executeAutomationRoutine action - **1.0.5** - fixed turning off events/bluetooth - fixed events triggering more than once (again) - changed msg.error from text to more detailed object - **1.0.4** - fixed `UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning` for event node - **1.0.3** - fixed logging in with email & password - fixed some error reporting - **1.0.2** - fixed setting Command/Request to anything other than select - fixed events triggering more than once - **1.0.1** - added *Create File* to *Alexa Speak List Dashboard* example - **1.0.0** - initial