const tools = require('../lib/common.js'); module.exports = function (RED) { function AlexaRemoteRoutine(input) { RED.nodes.createNode(this, input); tools.assign(this, ['routineNode'], input); tools.assignNode(RED, this, ['account'], input); if (!tools.nodeSetup(this, input, true)) return; const debug = tools.nodeGetDebugCb(this); const log = tools.nodeGetLogCb(this); const warn = tools.nodeGetWarnCb(this); const error = tools.nodeGetErrorCb(this); this.on('input', function (msg) { const send = tools.nodeGetSendCb(this, msg); if (this.account.state.code !== 'READY') return error('Account not initialised!'); this.status({ shape: 'dot', fill: 'grey', text: 'sending' }); const alexa = this.account.alexa; const raw = this.routineNode; const evaluated = tools.nodeEvaluateProperties(RED, this, msg, this.routineNode); const customerId = alexa.ownerCustomerId; const locale = this.account.locale || 'en-US'; const deviceToVolume = new Map(); function nativizePromptType(prompt) { switch (prompt) { case 'goodMorning': return 'Alexa.GoodMorning.Play'; case 'goodNight': return 'Alexa.GoodNight.Play'; case 'weather': return 'Alexa.Weather.Play'; case 'traffic': return 'Alexa.Traffic.Play'; case 'flashBriefing': return 'Alexa.FlashBriefing.Play'; case 'singSong': return 'Alexa.SingASong.Play'; case 'joke': return 'Alexa.Joke.Play'; case 'tellStory': return 'Alexa.TellStory.Play'; case 'calendarToday': return 'Alexa.Calendar.PlayToday'; case 'calendarTomorrow': return 'Alexa.Calendar.PlayTomorrow'; case 'calendarNext': return 'Alexa.Calendar.PlayNext'; case 'funFact': return 'Alexa.FunFact.Play'; case 'cleanUp': return 'Alexa.CleanUp.Play'; case 'imHome': return 'Alexa.ImHome.Play'; default: throw new Error(`invalid prompt: "${prompt}"`); } } const find = (id) => { const device = alexa.find(id); if (!device) throw new Error(`could not find device: "${id}"`); return device; }; const findAll = (ids, depth = 1) => { let devices = []; for (const id of ids) { if (id === 'ALEXA_ALL_DSN') return [{ serialNumber: 'ALEXA_ALL_DSN', deviceType: 'ALEXA_ALL_DEVICE_TYPE', clusterMembers: [], deviceOwnerCustomerId: customerId, }]; const device = find(id); if (device.clusterMembers.length !== 0 && depth !== 0) { // we are dealing with a group so we seperate it into members because // groups don't work const members = findAll(device.clusterMembers, depth - 1); devices = devices.concat(members); } else { devices.push(device); } } return devices; }; async function nativizeNode(node) { const invalid = (expected) => new Error(`invalid sequence node: "${JSON.stringify(node)}" expected layout: "${JSON.stringify(expected)}"`); const check = (template) => { if (!tools.matches(node, template)) throw invalid(template); }; const checkPayload = (template) => { if (!tools.matches(node.payload, template)) throw invalid(template); }; check({ type: '', payload: {} }); switch (node.type) { case 'speak': { if (!Array.isArray(node.payload.devices)) { const single = node.payload.devices || node.payload.device; node.payload.devices = single ? [single] : []; } checkPayload({ type: '', text: '' }); const devices = findAll(node.payload.devices); switch (node.payload.type) { case 'regular': if (devices.length === 0) return undefined; if (devices.length === 1) return { '@type': '', type: 'Alexa.Speak', operationPayload: { deviceType: devices[0].deviceType, deviceSerialNumber: devices[0].serialNumber, locale: locale, customerId: devices[0].deviceOwnerCustomerId, textToSpeak: node.payload.text } }; return await nativizeNode({ type: 'node', payload: { type: 'parallel', children: => ({ type: 'speak', payload: { type: 'regular', text: node.payload.text, device: device, } })) } }); case 'ssml': case 'announcement': return { '@type': '', type: 'AlexaAnnouncement', operationPayload: { expireAfter: 'PT5S', customerId: devices.length === 0 ? customerId : devices[0].deviceOwnerCustomerId, content: [{ locale: locale, display: { title: 'Node-RED', body: node.payload.text.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, '') }, speak: { type: node.payload.type === 'ssml' ? 'ssml' : 'text', value: node.payload.text } }], target: { customerId: devices.length === 0 ? customerId : devices[0].deviceOwnerCustomerId, devices: devices.length === 0 ? undefined : => ({ deviceSerialNumber: device.serialNumber, deviceTypeId: device.deviceType, })) } } }; default: throw new Error(`invalid sequence node: "${JSON.stringify(node)}"`); } } case 'speakAtVolume': { if (!Array.isArray(node.payload.devices)) { const single = node.payload.devices || node.payload.device; node.payload.devices = single ? [single] : []; } checkPayload({ type: '', text: '', /*mode: '',*/ volume: undefined }); const devices = findAll(node.payload.devices); if(devices.length === 0) return undefined; let devicesWithVolume = []; for (const device of devices) { if (deviceToVolume.has(device)) { devicesWithVolume.push(device); continue; } const media = await alexa.getMediaPromise(device); if (tools.matches(media, { volume: 50 })) { deviceToVolume.set(device, media.volume); devicesWithVolume.push(device); } else { //warn(`could not fetch volume for device "${device.accountName || device.serialNumber}", falling back to regular speak`); } } if(devicesWithVolume.length == 0) { return await nativizeNode({ type: 'speak', payload: { type: node.payload.type, text: node.payload.text, devices: devices, } }); } if(node.payload.mode === 'add') { return await nativizeNode({ type: 'node', payload: { type: 'serial', children: [ { type: 'node', payload: { type: 'parallel', children: => ({ type: 'volume', payload: { value: tools.clamp(deviceToVolume.get(device) + node.payload.volume, 0, 100), device: device, } })) } }, { type: 'speak', payload: { type: node.payload.type, text: node.payload.text, devices: devices, } }, { type: 'node', payload: { type: 'parallel', children: => ({ type: 'volume', payload: { value: deviceToVolume.get(device), device: device, } })) } } ] } }); } else { return await nativizeNode({ type: 'node', payload: { type: 'serial', children: [ { type: 'volume', payload: { value: node.payload.volume, devices: devicesWithVolume, } }, { type: 'speak', payload: { type: node.payload.type, text: node.payload.text, devices: devices, } }, { type: 'node', payload: { type: 'parallel', children: => ({ type: 'volume', payload: { value: deviceToVolume.get(device), device: device, } })) } } ] } }); } } case 'stop': { if (!Array.isArray(node.payload.devices)) node.payload.devices = [node.payload.devices || node.payload.device]; checkPayload({ devices: [] }); const devices = findAll(node.payload.devices); if(devices.length === 0) return undefined; return { '@type': '', type: 'Alexa.DeviceControls.Stop', skillId: 'amzn1.ask.1p.alexadevicecontrols', operationPayload: { customerId: devices[0].deviceOwnerCustomerId, devices: => ({ deviceSerialNumber: device.serialNumber, deviceType: device.deviceType, })), isAssociatedDevice: false }, name: null }; } case 'prompt': { if (!Array.isArray(node.payload.devices)) node.payload.devices = [node.payload.devices || node.payload.device]; checkPayload({ type: '', devices: [] }); const devices = findAll(node.payload.devices); if(devices.length === 0) return undefined; if (devices.length === 1) return { '@type': '', type: nativizePromptType(node.payload.type), operationPayload: { deviceType: devices[0].deviceType, deviceSerialNumber: devices[0].serialNumber, locale: locale, customerId: devices[0].deviceOwnerCustomerId, } }; return await nativizeNode({ type: 'node', payload: { type: 'parallel', children: => ({ type: 'prompt', payload: { type: node.payload.type, device: device, } })) } }); } case 'phrase': { if (!Array.isArray(node.payload.devices)) node.payload.devices = [node.payload.devices || node.payload.device]; checkPayload({ category: '', devices: [] }); const devices = findAll(node.payload.devices); if(devices.length === 0) return undefined; if (devices.length === 1) return { '@type': '', type: 'Alexa.CannedTts.Speak', skillId: 'amzn1.ask.1p.saysomething', operationPayload: { customerId: devices[0].deviceOwnerCustomerId, deviceType: devices[0].deviceType, deviceSerialNumber: devices[0].serialNumber, cannedTtsStringId: `alexa.cannedtts.speak.curatedtts-category-${node.payload.category}/alexa.cannedtts.speak.curatedtts-random`, locale: locale, }, name: null }; return await nativizeNode({ type: 'node', payload: { type: 'parallel', children: => ({ type: 'prompt', payload: { type: node.payload.type, device: device, } })) } }); } case 'sound': { if (!Array.isArray(node.payload.devices)) node.payload.devices = [node.payload.devices || node.payload.device]; checkPayload({ sound: '', devices: [] }); const devices = findAll(node.payload.devices); if(devices.length === 0) return undefined; if (devices.length === 1) return { '@type': '', type: 'Alexa.Sound', skillId: 'amzn1.ask.1p.sound', operationPayload: { customerId: devices[0].deviceOwnerCustomerId, deviceType: devices[0].deviceType, deviceSerialNumber: devices[0].serialNumber, soundStringId: node.payload.sound, locale: locale, }, tag: null, name: null, } return await nativizeNode({ type: 'node', payload: { type: 'parallel', children: => ({ type: 'sound', payload: { sound: node.payload.sound, device: device, } })) } }); } case 'volume': { if (!Array.isArray(node.payload.devices)) node.payload.devices = [node.payload.devices || node.payload.device]; checkPayload({ value: undefined, /*mode: '',*/ devices: [] }); const volume = Number(node.payload.value); if (Number.isNaN(volume)) throw invalid(); const devices = findAll(node.payload.devices); if (devices.length === 0) return undefined; if(node.payload.mode === 'add') { let devicesWithVolume = []; for (const device of devices) { if (deviceToVolume.has(device)) { devicesWithVolume.push(device); continue; } const media = await alexa.getMediaPromise(device); if (tools.matches(media, { volume: 50 })) { deviceToVolume.set(device, media.volume); devicesWithVolume.push(device); } else { warn(`could not fetch volume for device "${device.accountName || device.serialNumber}", ignoring this device...`); } } return await nativizeNode({ type: 'node', payload: { type: 'parallel', children: => ({ type: 'volume', payload: { value: tools.clamp(deviceToVolume.get(device) + node.payload.value, 0, 100), device: device, } })) } }); } else { if (devices.length === 1) return { '@type': '', type: 'Alexa.DeviceControls.Volume', operationPayload: { deviceType: devices[0].deviceType, deviceSerialNumber: devices[0].serialNumber, locale: locale, customerId: devices[0].deviceOwnerCustomerId, value: volume, } }; return await nativizeNode({ type: 'node', payload: { type: 'parallel', children: => ({ type: 'volume', payload: { value: volume, device: device, } })) } }); } } case 'music': { checkPayload({ device: undefined, provider: '', search: '' }); const device = find(node.payload.device); const operationPayload = { deviceType: device.deviceType, deviceSerialNumber: device.serialNumber, locale: locale, customerId: device.deviceOwnerCustomerId, musicProviderId: node.payload.provider, searchPhrase:, }; if (typeof node.payload.duration === 'number' && node.payload.duration !== 0) { operationPayload.waitTimeInSeconds = node.payload.duration; } const native = { type: 'Alexa.Music.PlaySearchPhrase', operationPayload: JSON.stringify(operationPayload), }; await alexa.validateRoutineNodeExt(native); native['@type'] = ''; return native; } case 'wait': { const time = Number(node.payload.time); if (Number.isNaN(time)) throw invalid(); return { '@type': '', type: 'Alexa.System.Wait', skillId: null, operationPayload: { waitTimeInSeconds: node.payload.time }, name: null, }; } case 'smarthome': { checkPayload({ entity: '', action: '' }); const entity = alexa.findSmarthomeEntityExt(node.payload.entity); if (!entity) throw new Error(`could not find smarthome entity: "${node.payload.device}"`); const parameters = { type: node.payload.action }; switch (node.payload.action) { case 'setColor': { parameters.colorName = alexa.findSmarthomeColorNameExt(node.payload.value); break; } case 'setColorTemperature': { parameters.colorTemperatureName = alexa.findSmarthomeColorTemperatureNameExt(node.payload.value); break; } case 'setBrightness': { parameters.brightness = Number(node.payload.value); break; } case 'setPercentage': { parameters.percentage = Number(node.payload.value); break; } case 'setLockState': case 'lockAction': { parameters.targetLockState = { value: String(node.payload.value).trim().toUpperCase() }; break; } case 'setTargetTemperature': { parameters.targetTemperature = { scale: String(node.payload.scale).trim().toUpperCase() || 'CELSIUS', value: Number(node.payload.value) }; break; } } return { '@type': '', type: 'Alexa.SmartHome.Batch', skillId: 'amzn1.ask.1p.smarthome', operationPayload: { target: entity.entityId, customerId: customerId, operations: [ parameters ], name: null, } }; } case 'routine': { checkPayload({ routine: '', device: undefined }); const device = find(node.payload.device); const routine = alexa.findRoutineExt(node.payload.routine); if (!routine) throw new Error(`could not find routine: "${node.payload.routine}"`); const routineNode = tools.clone(routine.sequence.startNode); tools.mapObjectValues(routineNode, (key, val) => { if (key === 'deviceType' && val === 'ALEXA_CURRENT_DEVICE_TYPE') return device.deviceType; if (key === 'deviceTypeId' && val === 'ALEXA_CURRENT_DEVICE_TYPE') return device.deviceType; if (key === 'deviceSerialNumber' && val === 'ALEXA_CURRENT_DSN') return device.serialNumber; if (key === 'locale' && val === 'ALEXA_CURRENT_LOCALE') return locale; return val; }); return routineNode; } case 'skill': { checkPayload({ skill: '', device: undefined }); const device = find(node.payload.device); return { '@type': '', type: 'Alexa.Operation.SkillConnections.Launch', skillId: node.payload.skill, operationPayload: { locale: locale, customerId: device.deviceOwnerCustomerId, targetDevice: { deviceType: device.deviceType, deviceSerialNumber: device.serialNumber }, connectionRequest: { uri: `connection://AMAZON.Launch/${node.payload.skill}`, input: {} } }, name: null }; } case 'pushNotification': { if (!tools.matches(node.payload, { text: '' })) throw invalid(); return { '@type': '', type: 'Alexa.Notifications.SendMobilePush', skillId: 'amzn1.ask.1p.alexanotifications', operationPayload: { customerId: customerId, notificationMessage: node.payload.text, alexaUrl: '#v2/behaviors', title: node.payload.title || 'Node-RED' }, name: null }; } case 'node': { checkPayload({ type: '', children: [] }); const suffix = node.payload.type === 'serial' ? 'SerialNode' : node.payload.type === 'parallel' ? 'ParallelNode' : undefined; if (!suffix) throw invalid(); const nativeChildren = []; for (const child of node.payload.children) { const native = await nativizeNode(child); if(native) nativeChildren.push(native); } return { '@type': `${suffix}`, nodesToExecute: nativeChildren, name: null, }; } case 'custom': { checkPayload({}); return await nativizeNode(node.payload); } default: throw invalid(); } } nativizeNode(evaluated).then(native => { if(!native) { warn('no devices'); return; } alexa.sendSequenceNodeExt(native).then(response => { if(!tools.matches(response, { message: '' })) return response; throw new Error(`Response: ${response.message}`); }).then(send).catch(e => { error(e); log(`raw: "${JSON.stringify(raw)}"`); log(`evaluated: "${JSON.stringify(evaluated)}"`); log(`native: "${JSON.stringify(native)}"`); }); }).catch(e => { error(e); log(`raw: "${JSON.stringify(raw)}"`); log(`evaluated: "${JSON.stringify(evaluated)}"`); }); }); } RED.nodes.registerType("alexa-remote-routine", AlexaRemoteRoutine); };