#!/bin/sh # # fet.sh # a fetch in pure POSIX shell # # supress errors exec 2>/dev/null set -- eq() { # equals | [ a = b ] with globbing case $1 in $2) ;; *) return 1;; esac } ## DE wm=$XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP [ "$wm" ] || wm=$DESKTOP_SESSION ## Distro # freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/os-release.html # a common file that has variables about the distro for os in /etc/os-release /usr/lib/os-release; do # some POSIX shells exit when trying to source a file that doesn't exist [ -f $os ] && . $os && break done if [ -e /proc/$$/comm ]; then ## Terminal while [ ! "$term" ]; do # loop over lines in /proc/pid/status until it reaches PPid # then save that to a variable and exit the file while read -r line; do eq "$line" 'PPid*' && ppid=${line##*:?} && break done < "/proc/${ppid:-$PPID}/status" # Make sure not to do an infinite loop [ "$pppid" = "$ppid" ] && break pppid=$ppid # get name of binary read -r name < "/proc/$ppid/comm" case $name in *sh|"${0##*/}") ;; # skip shells *[Ll]ogin*|*init|*systemd*) break;; # exit when the top is reached # anything else can be assumed to be the terminal # this has the side affect of catching tmux, but tmux # detaches from the terminal and therefore ignoring that # will just make the init the term *) term=$name esac done ## WM/DE [ "$wm" ] || # loop over all processes and check the binary name for i in /proc/*/comm; do read -r c < "$i" case $c in *bar*|*rc) ;; awesome|xmonad*|qtile|sway|i3|[bfo]*box|*wm*) wm=${c%%-*}; break;; esac done ## Memory # loop over lines in /proc/meminfo until it reaches MemTotal, # then convert the amount (second word) from KB to MB while read -r line; do eq "$line" 'MemTotal*' && set -- $line && break done < /proc/meminfo mem="$(( $2 / 1000 ))MB" ## Processor while read -r line; do case $line in vendor_id*) vendor="${line##*: } ";; model\ name*) cpu=${line##*: }; break;; esac done < /proc/cpuinfo ## Uptime # the simple math is shamefully stolen from aosync IFS=. read -r uptime _ < /proc/uptime d=$((uptime / 60 / 60 / 24)) up=$(printf %02d:%02d $((uptime / 60 / 60 % 24)) $((uptime / 60 % 60))) [ "$d" -gt 0 ] && up="${d}d $up" ## Kernel read -r _ _ version _ < /proc/version kernel=${version%%-*} eq "$version" '*Microsoft*' && ID="fake $ID" ## Motherboard // laptop read -r model < /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name # invalid model handling case $model in # alternate file with slightly different info # on my laptop it has the device model (instead of 'hp notebook') # on my desktop it has the extended motherboard model 'System '*|'Default '*|'To Be Filled'*) read -r model < /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_name esac ## Packages # clean environment, then make every file in the dir an argument, # then save the argument count to $pkgs set -- # kiss, arch, debian, void, gentoo for i in '/var/db/kiss/installed/*' '/var/lib/pacman/local/[0-9a-z]*' \ '/var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list' '/var/db/xbps/.*' '/var/db/pkg/*/*'; do set -- $i [ $# -gt 1 ] && pkgs=$# && break done read -r host < /proc/sys/kernel/hostname elif [ -f /var/run/dmesg.boot ]; then # Both OpenBSD and FreeBSD use this file, however they're formatted differently read -r bsd < /var/run/dmesg.boot case $bsd in Open*) ## OpenBSD cpu/mem/name while read -r line; do case $line in 'real mem'*) # use the pre-formatted value which is in brackets mem=${line##*\(} mem=${mem%\)*} ;; # set $cpu to everything before a comma and after the field name cpu0:*) cpu=${line#cpu0: } # Remove excess info after the actual CPU name cpu=${cpu%%,*} # Set the CPU Manufacturer to the first word of the cpu # variable [separated by '(' or ' '] vendor=${cpu%%[\( ]*} # We got all the info we want, stop reading break ;; # First 2 words in the file are OpenBSD *) [ "$ID" ] || { set -- $line; ID="$1 $2"; } esac done < /var/run/dmesg.boot [ -d /var/db/pkg ] && set -- /var/db/pkg/* && pkgs=$# read -r host < /etc/myname host=${host%.*} ;; # Everything else, assume FreeBSD (first line is ---<> or something) *) # shellcheck source=/dev/null . /etc/rc.conf # shut shellcheck up without disabling the warning host=${hostname:-} while read -r line; do case $line in # os version FreeBSD*) # If the OS is already set, no need to set it again [ "$ID" ] && continue ID=${line%%-R*} ;; CPU:*) cpu=${cpu#CPU: } # Remove excess info from after the actual CPU name cpu=${line%\(*} ;; *Origin=*) # CPU Manufacturer vendor=${line#*Origin=\"} vendor="${vendor%%\"*} " ;; 'real memory'*) # Get the pre-formatted amount which is inside brackets mem=${line##*\(} mem=${mem%\)*} # This appears to be the final thing we need from the file, # no need to read it more. break esac done < /var/run/dmesg.boot ;; esac elif v=/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist; [ -f "$v" ]; then ## Macos # make sure this variable is empty as to not break the following loop temp= while read -r line; do case $line in # set a variable so the script knows it's on the correct line # (the line after this one is the important one) *ProductVersion*) temp=.;; *) # check if the script is reading the derired line, if not # don't do anything [ "$temp" ] || continue # Remove everything before and including the first '>' ID=${line#*>} # Remove the other side of the XML tag, and insert the actual OS name ID="MacOS ${ID%<*}" # We got the info we want, end the loop. break esac done < "$v" fi eq "$0" '*fetish' && printf 'Step on me daddy\n' && exit # help i dont know if it's a capital consistently eq "$wm" '*[Gg][Nn][Oo][Mm][Ee]*' && wm='foot DE' ## GTK while read -r line; do eq "$line" 'gtk-theme*' && gtk=${line##*=} && break done < "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:=$HOME/.config}/gtk-3.0/settings.ini" # Shorten $cpu and $vendor # this is so messy due to so many inconsistencies in the model names vendor=${vendor##*Authentic} vendor=${vendor##*Genuine} cpu=${cpu##*) } cpu=${cpu%% @*} cpu=${cpu%% CPU} cpu=${cpu##CPU } cpu=${cpu##*AMD } cpu=${cpu%% with*} cpu=${cpu% *-Core*} col() { printf ' ' for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6; do printf '\033[9%sm%s' "$i" "${colourblocks:-▅▅}" done printf '\033[0m\n' } print() { [ "$2" ] && printf '\033[9%sm%6s\033[0m%b%s\n' \ "${accent:-4}" "$1" "${separator:- ~ }" "$2" } # default value : "${info:=n user os sh wm up gtk cpu mem host kern pkgs term col n}" for i in $info; do case $i in n) echo;; os) print os "$ID";; sh) print sh "${SHELL##*/}";; wm) print wm "${wm##*/}";; up) print up "$up";; gtk) print gtk "${gtk# }";; cpu) print cpu "$vendor$cpu";; mem) print mem "$mem";; host) print host "$model";; kern) print kern "$kernel";; pkgs) print pkgs "$pkgs";; term) print term "$term";; user) printf '%7s@%s\n' "$USER" "$host";; col) col;; esac done