local isfile = isfile or function(file) local suc, res = pcall(function() return readfile(file) end) return suc and res ~= nil and res ~= '' end local delfile = delfile or function(file) writefile(file, '') end local function downloadFile(path, func) if not isfile(path) then local suc, res = pcall(function() return game:HttpGet('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/7GrandDadPGN/VapeV4ForRoblox/'..readfile('newvape/profiles/commit.txt')..'/'..select(1, path:gsub('newvape/', '')), true) end) if not suc or res == '404: Not Found' then error(res) end if path:find('.lua') then res = '--This watermark is used to delete the file if its cached, remove it to make the file persist after vape updates.\n'..res end writefile(path, res) end return (func or readfile)(path) end local function wipeFolder(path) if not isfolder(path) then return end for _, file in listfiles(path) do if file:find('loader') then continue end if isfile(file) and select(1, readfile(file):find('--This watermark is used to delete the file if its cached, remove it to make the file persist after vape updates.')) == 1 then delfile(file) end end end for _, folder in {'newvape', 'newvape/games', 'newvape/profiles', 'newvape/assets', 'newvape/libraries', 'newvape/guis'} do if not isfolder(folder) then makefolder(folder) end end if not shared.VapeDeveloper then local _, subbed = pcall(function() return game:HttpGet('https://github.com/7GrandDadPGN/VapeV4ForRoblox') end) local commit = subbed:find('currentOid') commit = commit and subbed:sub(commit + 13, commit + 52) or nil commit = commit and #commit == 40 and commit or 'main' if commit == 'main' or (isfile('newvape/profiles/commit.txt') and readfile('newvape/profiles/commit.txt') or '') ~= commit then wipeFolder('newvape') wipeFolder('newvape/games') wipeFolder('newvape/guis') wipeFolder('newvape/libraries') end writefile('newvape/profiles/commit.txt', commit) end return loadstring(downloadFile('newvape/main.lua'), 'main')()