local v0 = tonumber local v1 = string.byte local v2 = string.char local v3 = string.sub local v4 = string.gsub local v5 = string.rep local v6 = table.concat local v7 = table.insert local v8 = math.ldexp local v9 = getfenv or function() return _ENV end local v10 = setmetatable local v11 = pcall local v12 = select local v13 = unpack or table.unpack local v14 = tonumber local function v15(v16, v17, ...) local v18 = 1 local v19 v16 = v4( v3(v16, 5), "..", function(v30) if (v1(v30, 2) == 79) then local v82 = 0 while true do if (v82 == 0) then v19 = v0(v3(v30, 1, 1)) return "" end end else local v83 = v2(v0(v30, 16)) if v19 then local v90 = v5(v83, v19) v19 = nil return v90 else return v83 end end end ) local function v20(v31, v32, v33) if v33 then local v84 = (v31 / ((5 - (3 + 0)) ^ (v32 - 1))) % (2 ^ (((v33 - ((2 - 0) - 1)) - (v32 - ((1638 - (1523 + 114)) - (1065 - (68 + 997))))) + (2 - 1))) return v84 - (v84 % (620 - (555 + 64))) else local v85 = 931 - (857 + (1344 - (226 + 1044))) local v86 while true do if (v85 == ((2473 - 1905) - (367 + 201))) then v86 = (929 - (214 + 713)) ^ (v32 - (1 + 0)) return (((v31 % (v86 + v86)) >= v86) and (1 + 0)) or (877 - (282 + 595)) end end end end local function v21() local v34 = 117 - (32 + 85) local v35 while true do if (v34 == (0 + 0)) then v35 = v1(v16, v18, v18) v18 = v18 + 1 + 0 v34 = 958 - (892 + (120 - 55)) end if (v34 == ((3 - 1) - 1)) then return v35 end end end local function v22() local v36 = 350 - ((345 - 258) + 263) local v37 local v38 while true do if (v36 == 1) then return (v38 * (436 - (67 + (1065 - (802 + 150))))) + v37 end if (v36 == (0 + 0)) then v37, v38 = v1(v16, v18, v18 + 2) v18 = v18 + (4 - 2) v36 = 1 + 0 end end end local function v23() local v39 = 0 - 0 local v40 local v41 local v42 local v43 while true do if (v39 == (1 - 0)) then return (v43 * 16777216) + (v42 * 65536) + (v41 * (187 + 69)) + v40 end if (v39 == (997 - (915 + 82))) then v40, v41, v42, v43 = v1(v16, v18, v18 + ((1195 - (1069 + 118)) - 5)) v18 = v18 + 3 + 1 v39 = 1 - 0 end end end local function v24() local v44 = v23() local v45 = v23() local v46 = 2 - (3 - 2) local v47 = (v20(v45, 1 - (0 - 0), 4 + 16) * ((3 - 1) ^ 32)) + v44 local v48 = v20(v45, 21 + 0, 822 - (368 + 423)) local v49 = ((v20(v45, 100 - (4 + 64)) == (19 - (10 + 8))) and -((2 + 1) - 2)) or ((1328 - (261 + 624)) - (416 + 26)) if (v48 == 0) then if (v47 == (0 - 0)) then return v49 * (0 + 0) else local v91 = 0 - 0 while true do if (v91 == (438 - (145 + 293))) then v48 = 431 - (44 + 386) v46 = 1486 - (998 + 488) break end end end elseif (v48 == (651 + (4957 - 3561))) then return ((v47 == (0 + 0)) and (v49 * ((773 - (201 + 571)) / 0))) or (v49 * NaN) end return v8(v49, v48 - (2161 - (116 + (1881 - (814 + 45))))) * (v46 + (v47 / ((8 - 6) ^ (31 + 21)))) end local function v25(v50) local v51 = 0 - 0 local v52 local v53 while true do if (v51 == (1080 - (1020 + 60))) then v52 = nil if not v50 then local v99 = 1423 - ((2471 - 1841) + 793) while true do if (v99 == (0 - 0)) then v50 = v23() if (v50 == 0) then return "" end break end end end v51 = 4 - 3 end if (v51 == (1 + 0 + 0)) then v52 = v3(v16, v18, (v18 + v50) - (1 + 0)) v18 = v18 + v50 v51 = 6 - 4 end if ((1749 - (262 + 498 + 987)) == v51) then v53 = {} for v92 = 1, #v52 do v53[v92] = v2(v1(v3(v52, v92, v92))) end v51 = 1916 - (1789 + 124) end if (v51 == (769 - (745 + (57 - 36)))) then return v6(v53) end end end local v26 = v23 local function v27(...) return {...}, v12("#", ...) end local function v28() local v54 = 0 local v55 local v56 local v57 local v58 local v59 local v60 local v61 while true do if (v54 == (0 - 0)) then v55 = 0 v56 = nil v54 = 3 - 2 end if ((868 - (550 + 317)) == v54) then v57 = nil v58 = nil v54 = 2 - 0 end if (v54 ~= (3 - 0)) then else v61 = nil while true do local v94 = 0 while true do if (v94 == (2 - 1)) then if (v55 ~= 0) then else local v101 = 285 - (134 + 151) while true do if (v101 == (1665 - (970 + 695))) then v56 = {} v57 = {} v101 = 1 - 0 end if (v101 == 1) then v58 = {} v59 = {v56, v57, nil, v58} v101 = 2 end if (v101 == (6 - 4)) then v55 = 1 break end end end break end if (v94 == 0) then local v100 = 0 - 0 while true do if (0 ~= v100) then else if (v55 ~= (7 - 5)) then else local v102 = 0 while true do if (v102 == (1824 - (1195 + 629))) then for v237 = 1, v23() do local v238 = 0 - 0 local v239 while true do if (0 ~= v238) then else v239 = v21() if (v20(v239, 1, 1) == (241 - (187 + 54))) then local v326 = 780 - (162 + 618) local v327 local v328 local v329 local v330 while true do if (v326 == (2 + 0)) then while true do if (v327 ~= 0) then else local v364 = 0 + 0 local v365 while true do if (v364 == (0 - 0)) then v365 = 0 - 0 while true do if (v365 == 0) then local v380 = 0 while true do if (v380 == (1 + 0)) then v365 = 1 break end if (v380 == 0) then v328 = v20(v239, 1638 - (1373 + 263), 3) v329 = v20(v239, 4, 6) v380 = 1001 - (451 + 549) end end end if (v365 ~= (1 + 0)) then else v327 = 1 - 0 break end end break end end end if (v327 == 3) then if (v20(v329, 3, 3) ~= (1 - 0)) then else v330[1388 - (746 + 638)] = v61[v330[2 + 2]] end v56[v237] = v330 break end if (v327 == (1 - 0)) then v330 = {v22(), v22(), nil, nil} if (v328 == 0) then local v373 = 0 + 0 local v374 while true do if (v373 ~= 0) then else v374 = 0 while true do if (v374 ~= 0) then else v330[563 - (306 + 254)] = v22() v330[1 + 3] = v22() break end end break end end elseif (v328 == (1 - 0)) then v330[3] = v23() elseif (v328 == (1469 - (899 + 568))) then v330[2 + 1] = v23() - ((4 - 2) ^ (619 - (268 + 335))) elseif (v328 == (293 - (60 + 230))) then local v384 = 572 - (426 + 146) local v385 while true do if (v384 ~= 0) then else v385 = 0 + 0 while true do if (0 == v385) then v330[3] = v23() - (2 ^ 16) v330[4] = v22() break end end break end end end v327 = 2 end if (v327 ~= 2) then else local v367 = 1456 - (282 + 1174) while true do if (v367 == 1) then v327 = 814 - (569 + 242) break end if (v367 == (0 - 0)) then if (v20(v329, 1 + 0, 1025 - (706 + 318)) ~= 1) then else v330[2] = v61[v330[2]] end if (v20(v329, 1253 - (721 + 530), 1273 - (945 + 326)) ~= (2 - 1)) then else v330[3] = v61[v330[3 + 0]] end v367 = 1 end end end end break end if (v326 == (701 - (271 + 429))) then v329 = nil v330 = nil v326 = 2 + 0 end if (v326 == 0) then v327 = 1500 - (1408 + 92) v328 = nil v326 = 1087 - (461 + 625) end end end break end end end for v240 = 1289 - (993 + 295), v23() do v57[v240 - (1 + 0)] = v28() end v102 = 1 end if (v102 ~= (1172 - (418 + 753))) then else return v59 end end end if (1 == v55) then v60 = v23() v61 = {} for v118 = 1, v60 do local v119 = 0 local v120 local v121 local v122 while true do if (v119 ~= 1) then else v122 = nil while true do if (v120 ~= 0) then else local v312 = 0 while true do if (v312 ~= 0) then else v121 = v21() v122 = nil v312 = 1 end if (1 == v312) then v120 = 1 + 0 break end end end if (v120 ~= (1 + 0)) then else if (v121 == 1) then v122 = v21() ~= 0 elseif (v121 == (1 + 1)) then v122 = v24() elseif (v121 ~= (1 + 2)) then else v122 = v25() end v61[v118] = v122 break end end break end if (v119 ~= (529 - (406 + 123))) then else v120 = 0 v121 = nil v119 = 1770 - (1749 + 20) end end end v59[3] = v21() v55 = 1 + 1 end v100 = 1323 - (1249 + 73) end if (v100 == (1 + 0)) then v94 = 1146 - (466 + 679) break end end end end end break end if ((4 - 2) == v54) then v59 = nil v60 = nil v54 = 8 - 5 end end end local function v29(v62, v63, v64) local v65 = v62[1] local v66 = v62[2] local v67 = v62[3] return function(...) local v68 = v65 local v69 = v66 local v70 = v67 local v71 = v27 local v72 = 1 local v73 = -1 local v74 = {} local v75 = {...} local v76 = v12("#", ...) - 1 local v77 = {} local v78 = {} for v87 = 0, v76 do if (v87 >= v70) then v74[v87 - v70] = v75[v87 + 1] else v78[v87] = v75[v87 + 1] end end local v79 = (v76 - v70) + 1 local v80 local v81 while true do v80 = v68[v72] v81 = v80[1] if (v81 <= 28) then if (v81 <= 13) then if (v81 <= 6) then if (v81 <= 2) then if (v81 <= 0) then v78[v80[2]]() elseif (v81 > 1) then local v123 = 0 local v124 local v125 while true do if (v123 == 0) then v124 = v80[2] v125 = {} v123 = 1 end if (v123 == 1) then for v272 = 1, #v77 do local v273 = v77[v272] for v314 = 0, #v273 do local v315 = v273[v314] local v316 = v315[1] local v317 = v315[2] if ((v316 == v78) and (v317 >= v124)) then v125[v317] = v316[v317] v315[1] = v125 end end end break end end else v78[v80[2]] = {} end elseif (v81 <= 4) then if (v81 > 3) then v78[v80[2]] = v80[3] + v78[v80[4]] else local v128 = v80[2] local v129 = v78[v80[3]] v78[v128 + 1] = v129 v78[v128] = v129[v80[4]] end elseif (v81 == 5) then local v133 = 0 local v134 while true do if (v133 == 0) then v134 = v80[2] do return v78[v134](v13(v78, v134 + 1, v80[3])) end break end end else local v135 = 0 local v136 local v137 while true do if (0 == v135) then v136 = v80[2] v137 = {} v135 = 1 end if (v135 == 1) then for v274 = 1, #v77 do local v275 = 0 local v276 while true do if (v275 == 0) then v276 = v77[v274] for v346 = 0, #v276 do local v347 = 0 local v348 local v349 local v350 while true do if (v347 == 0) then v348 = v276[v346] v349 = v348[1] v347 = 1 end if (v347 == 1) then v350 = v348[2] if ((v349 == v78) and (v350 >= v136)) then v137[v350] = v349[v350] v348[1] = v137 end break end end end break end end end break end end end elseif (v81 <= 9) then if (v81 <= 7) then v72 = v80[3] elseif (v81 == 8) then v78[v80[2]] = v78[v80[3]] + v80[4] else local v139 = 0 local v140 local v141 local v142 while true do if (v139 == 2) then if (v141 > 0) then if (v142 <= v78[v140 + 1]) then local v335 = 0 while true do if (0 == v335) then v72 = v80[3] v78[v140 + 3] = v142 break end end end elseif (v142 >= v78[v140 + 1]) then local v336 = 0 while true do if (v336 == 0) then v72 = v80[3] v78[v140 + 3] = v142 break end end end break end if (v139 == 1) then v142 = v78[v140] + v141 v78[v140] = v142 v139 = 2 end if (v139 == 0) then v140 = v80[2] v141 = v78[v140 + 2] v139 = 1 end end end elseif (v81 <= 11) then if (v81 > 10) then if (v78[v80[2]] == v80[4]) then v72 = v72 + 1 else v72 = v80[3] end else v78[v80[2]] = v78[v80[3]][v80[4]] end elseif (v81 == 12) then v78[v80[2]] = v78[v80[3]] % v80[4] else local v146 = v80[2] v78[v146] = v78[v146](v13(v78, v146 + 1, v73)) end elseif (v81 <= 20) then if (v81 <= 16) then if (v81 <= 14) then v78[v80[2]] = v78[v80[3]][v80[4]] elseif (v81 > 15) then local v148 = v80[2] local v149 = v78[v148] local v150 = v78[v148 + 2] if (v150 > 0) then if (v149 > v78[v148 + 1]) then v72 = v80[3] else v78[v148 + 3] = v149 end elseif (v149 < v78[v148 + 1]) then v72 = v80[3] else v78[v148 + 3] = v149 end else v78[v80[2]] = v78[v80[3]] % v80[4] end elseif (v81 <= 18) then if (v81 > 17) then local v152 = 0 local v153 local v154 local v155 while true do if (v152 == 1) then v155 = v78[v153] + v154 v78[v153] = v155 v152 = 2 end if (2 == v152) then if (v154 > 0) then if (v155 <= v78[v153 + 1]) then local v337 = 0 while true do if (v337 == 0) then v72 = v80[3] v78[v153 + 3] = v155 break end end end elseif (v155 >= v78[v153 + 1]) then local v338 = 0 while true do if (v338 == 0) then v72 = v80[3] v78[v153 + 3] = v155 break end end end break end if (v152 == 0) then v153 = v80[2] v154 = v78[v153 + 2] v152 = 1 end end else v72 = v80[3] end elseif (v81 > 19) then v78[v80[2]] = #v78[v80[3]] else v78[v80[2]] = #v78[v80[3]] end elseif (v81 <= 24) then if (v81 <= 22) then if (v81 > 21) then v78[v80[2]] = v63[v80[3]] elseif not v78[v80[2]] then v72 = v72 + 1 else v72 = v80[3] end elseif (v81 == 23) then v78[v80[2]] = v78[v80[3]] else v78[v80[2]] = v78[v80[3]] end elseif (v81 <= 26) then if (v81 == 25) then v78[v80[2]] = v64[v80[3]] else local v167 = 0 local v168 local v169 local v170 while true do if (v167 == 0) then v168 = v69[v80[3]] v169 = nil v167 = 1 end if (v167 == 1) then v170 = {} v169 = v10( {}, { __index = function(v281, v282) local v283 = 0 local v284 while true do if (0 == v283) then v284 = v170[v282] return v284[1][v284[2]] end end end, __newindex = function(v285, v286, v287) local v288 = 0 local v289 while true do if (v288 == 0) then v289 = v170[v286] v289[1][v289[2]] = v287 break end end end } ) v167 = 2 end if (v167 == 2) then for v290 = 1, v80[4] do local v291 = 0 local v292 while true do if (v291 == 0) then v72 = v72 + 1 v292 = v68[v72] v291 = 1 end if (v291 == 1) then if (v292[1] == 24) then v170[v290 - 1] = {v78, v292[3]} else v170[v290 - 1] = {v63, v292[3]} end v77[#v77 + 1] = v170 break end end end v78[v80[2]] = v29(v168, v169, v64) break end end end elseif (v81 == 27) then local v171 = v80[2] local v172, v173 = v71(v78[v171](v13(v78, v171 + 1, v73))) v73 = (v173 + v171) - 1 local v174 = 0 for v220 = v171, v73 do v174 = v174 + 1 v78[v220] = v172[v174] end else for v223 = v80[2], v80[3] do v78[v223] = nil end end elseif (v81 <= 42) then if (v81 <= 35) then if (v81 <= 31) then if (v81 <= 29) then local v107 = 0 local v108 local v109 local v110 local v111 while true do if (v107 == 1) then v73 = (v110 + v108) - 1 v111 = 0 v107 = 2 end if (2 == v107) then for v244 = v108, v73 do local v245 = 0 while true do if (v245 == 0) then v111 = v111 + 1 v78[v244] = v109[v111] break end end end break end if (0 == v107) then v108 = v80[2] v109, v110 = v71(v78[v108](v13(v78, v108 + 1, v73))) v107 = 1 end end elseif (v81 > 30) then local v175 = v80[2] do return v13(v78, v175, v73) end else local v176 = 0 local v177 local v178 local v179 local v180 while true do if (v176 == 2) then for v293 = v177, v73 do local v294 = 0 while true do if (v294 == 0) then v180 = v180 + 1 v78[v293] = v178[v180] break end end end break end if (v176 == 0) then v177 = v80[2] v178, v179 = v71(v78[v177](v13(v78, v177 + 1, v80[3]))) v176 = 1 end if (v176 == 1) then v73 = (v179 + v177) - 1 v180 = 0 v176 = 2 end end end elseif (v81 <= 33) then if (v81 > 32) then local v181 = 0 local v182 local v183 local v184 while true do if (v181 == 2) then for v295 = 1, v80[4] do v72 = v72 + 1 local v296 = v68[v72] if (v296[1] == 24) then v184[v295 - 1] = {v78, v296[3]} else v184[v295 - 1] = {v63, v296[3]} end v77[#v77 + 1] = v184 end v78[v80[2]] = v29(v182, v183, v64) break end if (v181 == 1) then v184 = {} v183 = v10( {}, { __index = function(v298, v299) local v300 = v184[v299] return v300[1][v300[2]] end, __newindex = function(v301, v302, v303) local v304 = v184[v302] v304[1][v304[2]] = v303 end } ) v181 = 2 end if (v181 == 0) then v182 = v69[v80[3]] v183 = nil v181 = 1 end end else v78[v80[2]] = v78[v80[3]] % v78[v80[4]] end elseif (v81 > 34) then v78[v80[2]] = v63[v80[3]] else local v188 = v80[2] v78[v188](v13(v78, v188 + 1, v73)) end elseif (v81 <= 38) then if (v81 <= 36) then v78[v80[2]] = v80[3] elseif (v81 == 37) then v78[v80[2]] = v80[3] else local v191 = v80[2] local v192, v193 = v71(v78[v191](v78[v191 + 1])) v73 = (v193 + v191) - 1 local v194 = 0 for v226 = v191, v73 do local v227 = 0 while true do if (v227 == 0) then v194 = v194 + 1 v78[v226] = v192[v194] break end end end end elseif (v81 <= 40) then if (v81 > 39) then v78[v80[2]] = v80[3] + v78[v80[4]] else local v196 = v80[2] local v197, v198 = v71(v78[v196](v13(v78, v196 + 1, v80[3]))) v73 = (v198 + v196) - 1 local v199 = 0 for v228 = v196, v73 do local v229 = 0 while true do if (v229 == 0) then v199 = v199 + 1 v78[v228] = v197[v199] break end end end end elseif (v81 > 41) then local v200 = 0 local v201 while true do if (v200 == 0) then v201 = v80[2] v78[v201](v13(v78, v201 + 1, v73)) break end end else local v202 = 0 local v203 while true do if (v202 == 0) then v203 = v80[2] do return v13(v78, v203, v73) end break end end end elseif (v81 <= 49) then if (v81 <= 45) then if (v81 <= 43) then local v114 = 0 local v115 local v116 local v117 while true do if (0 == v114) then v115 = v80[2] v116 = v78[v115] v114 = 1 end if (v114 == 1) then v117 = v78[v115 + 2] if (v117 > 0) then if (v116 > v78[v115 + 1]) then v72 = v80[3] else v78[v115 + 3] = v116 end elseif (v116 < v78[v115 + 1]) then v72 = v80[3] else v78[v115 + 3] = v116 end break end end elseif (v81 > 44) then do return end else local v204 = 0 local v205 local v206 while true do if (v204 == 0) then v205 = v80[2] v206 = v78[v80[3]] v204 = 1 end if (v204 == 1) then v78[v205 + 1] = v206 v78[v205] = v206[v80[4]] break end end end elseif (v81 <= 47) then if (v81 == 46) then local v207 = 0 local v208 while true do if (v207 == 0) then v208 = v80[2] v78[v208] = v78[v208](v13(v78, v208 + 1, v73)) break end end else for v233 = v80[2], v80[3] do v78[v233] = nil end end elseif (v81 == 48) then v78[v80[2]] = {} elseif (v78[v80[2]] == v80[4]) then v72 = v72 + 1 else v72 = v80[3] end elseif (v81 <= 53) then if (v81 <= 51) then if (v81 == 50) then if not v78[v80[2]] then v72 = v72 + 1 else v72 = v80[3] end else v78[v80[2]] = v78[v80[3]] + v80[4] end elseif (v81 == 52) then v78[v80[2]] = v64[v80[3]] else local v213 = v80[2] local v214, v215 = v71(v78[v213](v78[v213 + 1])) v73 = (v215 + v213) - 1 local v216 = 0 for v235 = v213, v73 do local v236 = 0 while true do if (v236 == 0) then v216 = v216 + 1 v78[v235] = v214[v216] break end end end end elseif (v81 <= 55) then if (v81 == 54) then do return end else local v217 = 0 local v218 while true do if (v217 == 0) then v218 = v80[2] do return v78[v218](v13(v78, v218 + 1, v80[3])) end break end end end elseif (v81 > 56) then v78[v80[2]]() else v78[v80[2]] = v78[v80[3]] % v78[v80[4]] end v72 = v72 + 1 end end end return v29(v28(), {}, v17)(...) end return v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v9(), ... )