@startuml skinparam ParticipantPadding 20 skinparam BoxPadding 10 box "AEN Forms" Actor Investor participant Home participant Login participant SignUp participant Profile as prof end box box "KYC Provider" participant API as api participant Interview as int end box ==New Account== Investor -> Home : Visits Home -> SignUp :Create Account: SignUp --> Investor :Send Confirmation Email: Investor -> prof :Confirm Email: ref over prof : fill in Profile prof -> api :Confirm: ref over api : pass paramters\n for KYC api -> int :Confirm: int --> int :Validate: int --> prof :Update Status: int --> Investor :Confirmed KYC: prof -> Investor :Confirmed account message: ==Existing Account== Investor -> Home : Visits Home -> Login :Has Account: Login --> prof :Review and confirm profile: ==End of Profile Management and creation== @enduml