On 12 march 2018 / By Mahesh Kumar A
AMV appilication solution,its professional IT company.The Android SDK tools compile your code along with any data and resource files into an APK, an Android package, which is an archive file with an .apk suffix. One APK file contains all the contents of an Android app and is the file that Android-powered devices use to install the app..
- Download Android Studio. To program in most languages, you need a piece of software called an IDE or 'Integrated Development Environment'. ...
- Open a New Project.
- Edit the Welcome Message in the Main Activity. .
- Add a Button to the Main Activity. .
- Create a Second Activity..
- Write the Button's "onClick" Method. .
- Test the Application.
- Up, Up, and Away!
Creating your own Mobile App with the Infinite Monkeys App Maker is super-easy. The entire site is drag-and-drop. You just pick what you want included your app, and then drag it in. However you define "community" we can help you connect with the people who are important to you..