Source side changes * Merged tag android-12.0.0_r27 and updated raven fp in PixelPropsUtils * Reverted back to old power button behaviour * Added more chinese APNs and synced with apns-conf from los * Fixed lockscreen wallpaper (for real this time) * Fixed music info not showing in ambient display * Reverted old edge light impl and added our own impl * Minor improvements to brightness slider animations * Fixed edit menu icon tint everywhere in settings * Fixed qqs in lockscreen being black even when light theme is set * Fixed back gesture sensitivity settings resetting on reopening page * Added option to disable qs on secure lockscreen * Added qs footer text customizations * Added qs battery estimates * Improved location privacy indicator toggle (systemui restart not required anymore) * Replaced Matlog with MatlogX (a new app based on Matlog, developed by our team) * Added internet qs tile to secure tiles * Improved network traffic monitor * Updated translations Device side changes * Fixed alert slider customisations * Updated vendor blobs from LA.UM.9.12.r1-13300-SMxx50.QSSI12.0 * Set correct charging info for guacamoleb * Synced with dora kernel