openapi: 3.0.1 servers: - description: API url: info: description: | provides quality speech-text recognition via a RESTful API. All public methods and objects are documented here for developer reference. For a real-time speech to text solution, use's [Streaming API](/docs/streaming). # Base Endpoint The base url for this version of the API is > `` All endpoints described in this documentation are relative to this base url. # Quick Start Follow the [getting started checklist]( ## Get your Access Token You can generate your [access token](#section/Authentication/Access-Token) on the [settings page]( of your account. This access token only needs to be generated once and never expires. You can re-generate your token, however this will invalidate the previous token. ## Submit a File To submit an audio file for transcription to ``` curl -X POST "" -H "Authorization: Bearer $REV_ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"media_url\":\"\",\"metadata\":\"This is a sample submit jobs option\"}" ``` You’ll receive a response like this: ~~~ { "id": "Umx5c6F7pH7r", "created_on": "2018-09-15T05:14:38.13", "name": "sample.mp3", "metadata": "This is a sample submit jobs option for multipart", "status": "in_progress" } ~~~ The `id` (in this case `Umx5c6F7pH7r`) will allow you to retrieve your transcript. ## Get Your Transcript Once a transcription job's `status` becomes `transcribed`, you can retrieve the transcript in JSON format by running: ``` curl -X GET "{id}/transcript" -H "Authorization: Bearer $REV_ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Accept: application/vnd.rev.transcript.v1.0+json" ``` Alternatively you can get the plain text version by running: ``` curl -X GET "{id}/transcript" -H "Authorization: Bearer $REV_ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Accept: text/plain" ``` You can poll for the `status` of your job by querying for the job periodically: ``` curl -X GET{id} -H "Authorization: Bearer $REV_ACCESS_TOKEN" ``` **Note:** Polling is NOT recommended in a production server. Rather, use [webhooks](#section/Webhooks) to asynchronously receive notifications once the transcription job completes If you have any further questions, contact us at # Submitting Files Two `POST` request formats can be used to submit a file: `application/json` or `multipart/form-data`. ## JSON This is the preferred method of file submission. Uses the `media_url` property to provide a direct download URL to the server. This method supports the use of pre-signed URLs. Links to videos hosted on platforms like Youtube are not valid because they are not direct download links. **Important note on presigned URLs:** Signed URLs usually have an expiration time which is configurable. To ensure the server can access the link, make sure the expiration time is set to 2 hours or more. In the event you plan on resending the same file, make sure to generate a new presigned URL. ## FormData Used to send a local file to the server. This allows the customer to send the file directly from the host machine. Certain limits apply to this format, see the [Async API Limits section](#section/Async-API-Limits) for more detals. # Turnaround Time and Chunking Often, especially for shorter files, your transcript will be ready in 5 minutes or less. It generally takes no longer than 15 minutes to return longer audios. If you require faster turn around time please contact Chunking is the act of breaking audio files into smaller segments. uses this method to decrease turnaround time of audios greater than 3 minutes in length. # Webhooks If the optional `callback_url` is provided, the API will make an HTTP POST request to the `callback_url` with the following request body when the job either completes successfully or fails. ## Sample Webhook **On Successful Transcription Job** ``` { "job": { "id": "Umx5c6F7pH7r", "status": "transcribed", "created_on": "2018-05-05T23:23:22.29Z", "callback_url": "", "duration_seconds": 356.24, "media_url": "" } } ``` **On Failed Transcription Job** ``` { "job": { "id": "Umx5c6F7pH7r", "status": "failed", "created_on": "2018-05-05T23:23:22.29Z", "callback_url": "", "failure": "download_failure", "failure_detail": "Failed to download media file. Please check your url and file type" } } ``` **Important notes for using webhooks:** The API will make a POST request, not a GET request, to the `callback_url`. The request body is the job details. You can unsubscribe from a webhook by responding to the webhook request with a 200 response. If a webhook invocation does not receive a 200 will retry the `callback_url` every 30 minutes until either 24 hours have passed or we receive a 200 response. For initial webhook testing, you can try using a third party webhook testing tool such as []( # Async API Limits The following default limits apply per user, per endpoint and are configurable by support. If you have any further questions, contact us at - 10,000 transcription requests submitted every 10 minutes - 500 transcriptions processed every 10 minutes - Multi-part/form-data requests to the /jobs endpoint have a concurrency limit of 10 and a file size limit of 2GB - POST requests to the /jobs endpoint that use the media_url property do not have a concurrency limit or file restriction. They are only limited by the first two bullet points # Error Handling The API indicates failure with 4xx and 5xx HTTP status codes. 4xx status codes indicate an error due to the request provided (e.g., a required parameter was omitted). 5xx error indicate an error with's servers. When an 4xx error occurs during invocation of a request, the API responds with a [problem details]( as HTTP response payload. The problem details information is represented as a JSON object with the following optional properties: | Property | Description | |------------|-----------------------------------------------| | type | a URI representing the type for the error | | title | a short human readable description of type | | details | additional details of the error | | status | HTTP status code of the error | In addition to the properties listed above, the problem details object may list additional properties that help to troubleshoot the problem. ## Example Errors ``` // Bad Submit Job Request { "parameter": { "media_url": [ "The media_url field is required" ] }, "type": "", "title": "Your request parameters didn't validate", "status": 400 } // Invalid Transcript State { "allowed_values": [ "transcribed" ], "current_value": "in_progress", "type": "", "title": "Job is in invalid state", "detail": "Job is in invalid state to obtain the transcript", "status": 409 } ``` ## Retrying Failed Requests Some errors can be resolved simply by retrying the request. The following error codes are likely to be resolved with successive retries. | Status Code | Error | |---|:---| | 429 | Too Many Requests | | 502 | Bad Gateway | | 503 | Service Unavailable | | 504 | Gateway Timeout | Note: With the exception of the 429 status code, it is recommended that the maximum number of retries be limited to 5 attempts per request. The number of retries can be higher for 429 errors but if you notice consistent throttling please contact us at . title: Asynchronous Speech-To-Text API Documentation version: v1 x-apisguru-categories: - text x-logo: url: x-origin: - format: openapi url: version: "3.0" x-providerName: security: - Access-Token: [] paths: /account: get: description: Get the developer's account information operationId: GetAccount responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Account" description: Account "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1jobs~1%7Bid%7D/get/responses/401" summary: Get Account tags: - Account x-code-samples: - label: curl lang: Shell source: | curl -X GET "" -H "Authorization: Bearer $REV_ACCESS_TOKEN" - lang: Python source: | from rev_ai import apiclient access_token = 'your_access_token' # Create client with your access token client = apiclient.RevAiAPIClient(access_token) # Get account info account = client.get_account() print( print(account.balance_seconds) - label: Node lang: JavaScript source: | import { RevAiApiClient } from 'revai-node-sdk'; var accessToken = "yourAccessToken"; // Initialize your client with your access token var client = new RevAiApiClient(accessToken); // Get account info var account = await client.getAccount(); - lang: Java source: | String accessToken = "Your Access Token"; // Initialize your client with your access token ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient(accessToken); // Get account info RevAiAccount account = apiClient.getAccount(); /jobs: get: description: Gets a list of transcription jobs submitted within the last 30 days in reverse chronological order up to the provided `limit` number of jobs per call. **Note:** Jobs older than 30 days will not be listed. Pagination is supported via passing the last job `id` from a previous call into `starting_after`. operationId: GetListOfJobs parameters: - description: Limits the number of jobs returned, default is 100, max is 1000 in: query name: limit required: false schema: type: integer - description: If specified, returns transcription jobs submitted before the job with this id, exclusive (job with this id is not included) in: query name: starting_after required: false schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Job" type: array description: List of Transcription Jobs "400": content: application/problem+json: example: parameter: limit: - The max value for limit is 1000 status: 400 title: Your request parameters didn't validate type: schema: allOf: - description: Problem details object returned on errors properties: status: description: HTTP status code of the error type: integer title: description: Short, human-readable summary of the problem type type: string type: description: URI that identifies the problem type: string type: object - properties: parameters: description: Invalid properties object where each property is the key, mapped to a list of reasons why the property is invalid type: object type: object description: Bad Request "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1jobs~1%7Bid%7D/get/responses/401" summary: Get List of Jobs tags: - Jobs x-code-samples: - label: curl lang: Shell source: | # Get list of jobs with a limit of 10 jobs curl -X GET "" -H "Authorization: Bearer $REV_ACCESS_TOKEN" # Get list of jobs starting after (submitted before) job with id Umx5c6F7pH7r curl -X GET "" -H "Authorization: Bearer $REV_ACCESS_TOKEN" - lang: Python source: | from rev_ai import apiclient access_token = 'your_access_token' # Create client with your access token client = apiclient.RevAiAPIClient(access_token) # Get list of jobs with a limit of 10 jobs jobs = client.get_list_of_jobs(limit=10) # Get list of jobs starting after (submitted before) job with id Umx5c6F7pH7r jobs = client.get_list_of_jobs(starting_after='Umx5c6F7pH7r') - label: Node lang: JavaScript source: | import { RevAiApiClient } from 'revai-node-sdk'; var accessToken = "yourAccessToken"; // Initialize your client with your access token var client = new RevAiApiClient(accessToken); // Get list of jobs with a limit of 10 jobs var jobs = await client.getListOfJobs(10); // Get list of jobs starting after (submitted before) job with id Umx5c6F7pH7r var jobs = await client.getListOfJobs(undefined, 'Umx5c6F7pH7r'); - lang: Java source: | String accessToken = "Your Access Token"; // Initialize your client with your access token ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient(accessToken); // Get list of jobs with a limit of 10 jobs int numberOfJobsToReturn = 10; List tenJobs = apiClient.getListOfJobs(numberOfJobsToReturn); // Get list of jobs starting after (submitted before) job with id Umx5c6F7pH7r String jobId = "Umx5c6F7pH7r"; List jobsStartingAfter = apiClient.getListOfJobs(jobId); post: description: Starts an asynchronous job to transcribe speech-to-text for a media file. Media files can be specified in two ways, either by including a public url to the media in the transcription job `options` or by uploading a local file as part of a multipart/form request. operationId: SubmitTranscriptionJob requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SubmitJobMediaUrlOptions" multipart/form-data: schema: properties: media: description: Limited to files less than 2GB in size. If the file is larger than 2GB, submit a transcription job using `media_url`. **Note:** Media files longer than 17 hours are not supported for English transcription, and media files longer than 12 hours are not supported for non-English transcription. For non-English jobs, expected turnaround time can be up to 6 hours. format: binary type: string options: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SubmitJobOptions" type: object description: Transcription Job Options required: true responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Job" description: Transcription Job Details "400": content: application/problem+json: example: parameter: media_url: - The media_url field is required status: 400 title: Your request parameters didn't validate type: schema: allOf: - description: Problem details object returned on errors properties: status: description: HTTP status code of the error type: integer title: description: Short, human-readable summary of the problem type type: string type: description: URI that identifies the problem type: string type: object - properties: parameters: description: Invalid properties object where each property is the key, mapped to a list of reasons why the property is invalid type: object type: object description: Bad Request "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1jobs~1%7Bid%7D/get/responses/401" "413": $ref: "#/components/responses/PayloadTooLarge" summary: Submit Transcription Job tags: - Jobs x-code-samples: - label: curl lang: Shell source: | # Submit via media URL. URL must be publicly accessible and a direct link to media, note that custom_vocabularies parameter is optional curl -X POST "" -H "Authorization: Bearer $REV_ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"media_url\":\"\",\"metadata\":\"This is a sample submit jobs option\", \"custom_vocabularies\":[{\"phrases\": [\"Amelia Earhart\", \"Paul McCartney\"]}]}" # Submit for local uploads. Must include the audio type, note that custom_vocabularies parameter is optional curl -X POST "" -H "Authorization: Bearer $REV_ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "media=@/path/to/media_file.mp3;type=audio/mp3" -F "options={\"metadata\":\"This is a sample submit jobs option for multipart\", \"custom_vocabularies\":[{\"phrases\": [\"Amelia Earhart\", \"Paul McCartney\"]}]}" - lang: Python source: | from rev_ai import apiclient from rev_ai.models import CustomVocabulary access_token = 'your_access_token' # (optional) Create custom_vocabularies to submit with job custom_vocabularies = [CustomVocabulary(["Amelia Earhart", "Paul McCartney"])] # Create client with your access token client = apiclient.RevAiAPIClient(access_token) # Submit job from media url url_job = client.submit_job_url(media_url="", metadata="My_metadata", callback_url="", skip_diarization=False, custom_vocabularies=custom_vocabularies) # Submit from local file file_job = client.submit_job_local_file(filename="/path/to/media/file.mp3", metadata="This_is_some_job_metadata", callback_url="", skip_diarization=False, custom_vocabularies=custom_vocabularies) - label: Node lang: JavaScript source: | const revai = require('revai-node-sdk'); // ES6 compliant alternative import method also available below. // Note however that this is not as widely supported as the require syntax. // import {RevAiApiClient} from 'revai-node-sdk'; var accessToken = "yourAccessToken"; // Initialize your client with your access token var client = new revai.RevAiApiClient(accessToken); // (optional) Create a job options object to include additional optional parameters var jobOptions = { metadata: "Sample submit job", callback_url: "", skip_diarization: false, custom_vocabularies: [{ phrases: [ "Amelia Earhart", "Paul McCartney" ] }] }; // Submit job from media url var urlJob = client.submitJobUrl("", jobOptions); // Submit from local file var fileJob = client.submitJobLocalFile("/path/to/file.mp4", jobOptions); - lang: Java source: | String accessToken = "Your Access Token"; // Initialize your client with your access token ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient(accessToken); // (optional) Create a job options object to include additional optional parameters RevAiJobOptions revAiJobOptions = new RevAiJobOptions(); revAiJobOptions.setMetadata("Sample submit job"); revAiJobOptions.setCallbackUrl(""); revAiJobOptions.setSkipDiarization(false); revAiJobOptions.setSkipPunctuation(false); // Submit job from media url String urlLinkToFile = ""; RevAiJob urlJob apiClient.submitJobUrl(urlLinkToFile, revAiJobOptions); // Submit from local file String pathToLocalFile = "/path/to/file.mp4" RevAiJob fileJob = apiClient.submitJobLocalFile(pathToLocalFile, revAiJobOptions); "/jobs/{id}": delete: description: Deletes a transcription job. All data related to the job, such as input media and transcript, will be permanently deleted. A job can only be deleted once it's completed (either with success or failure). operationId: DeleteJobById responses: "204": description: Job was successfully deleted "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1jobs~1%7Bid%7D/get/responses/401" "404": $ref: "#/components/responses/JobNotFound" "409": $ref: "#/components/responses/InvalidDeletionState" summary: Delete Job by Id tags: - Jobs x-code-samples: - label: curl lang: Shell source: | curl -X DELETE "{id}" -H "Authorization: Bearer $REV_ACCESS_TOKEN" - lang: Python source: | from rev_ai import apiclient access_token = 'your_access_token' job_id = 'your_job_id' # Create client with your access token client = apiclient.RevAiAPIClient(access_token) # Delete job client.delete_job(job_id) - label: Node lang: JavaScript source: | import { RevAiApiClient } from 'revai-node-sdk'; var accessToken = "yourAccessToken"; var jobId = "yourJobId"; // Initialize your client with your access token var client = new RevAiApiClient(accessToken); // Delete job await client.deleteJob(jobId); - lang: Java source: | String accessToken = "Your Access Token"; String jobId = "yourJobId"; // Initialize your client with your access token ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient(accessToken); // Delete job apiClient.deleteJob(jobId); get: description: Returns information about a transcription job operationId: GetJobById responses: "200": content: application/json: examples: Failed Job: value: completed_on: 2018-05-05T23:23:24.11Z created_on: 2018-05-05T23:23:22.29Z failure: download_failure failure_detail: Failed to download media file. Please check your url and file type id: Umx5c6F7pH7r language: en status: failed New Job: value: created_on: 2018-05-05T23:23:22.29Z id: Umx5c6F7pH7r language: en status: in_progress Transcribed Job: value: callback_url: completed_on: 2018-05-05T23:45:13.41Z created_on: 2018-05-05T23:23:22.29Z duration_seconds: 356.24 id: Umx5c6F7pH7r language: en media_url: status: transcribed schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Job" description: Transcription Job Details "401": content: application/problem+json: example: status: 401 title: Authorization has been denied for this request schema: properties: status: description: HTTP status code of the error type: integer title: description: Short, human-readable summary of the problem type type: string description: | Request Unauthorized *** Caused by an old or invalid [access token](#section/Authentication/Access-Token), try regenerating your token on your [access token page]( "404": $ref: "#/components/responses/JobNotFound" summary: Get Job By Id tags: - Jobs x-code-samples: - label: curl lang: Shell source: | curl -X GET "{id}" -H "Authorization: Bearer $REV_ACCESS_TOKEN" - lang: Python source: | from rev_ai import apiclient access_token = 'your_access_token' job_id = 'your_job_id' # Create client with your access token client = apiclient.RevAiAPIClient(access_token) # Get job details job_details = client.get_job_details(job_id) - label: Node lang: JavaScript source: | import { RevAiApiClient } from 'revai-node-sdk'; var accessToken = "yourAccessToken"; var jobId = "yourJobId"; // Initialize your client with your access token var client = new RevAiApiClient(accessToken); // Get job details var jobDetails = await client.getJobDetails(jobId); - lang: Java source: | String accessToken = "Your Access Token"; String jobId = "yourJobId"; // Initialize your client with your access token ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient(accessToken); // Get job details RevAiJob jobDetails = apiClient.getJobDetails(jobId); parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/jobId" "/jobs/{id}/captions": get: description: | Returns the caption output for a transcription job. We currently support SubRip (SRT) and Web Video Text Tracks (VTT) output. Caption output format can be specified in the `Accept` header. Returns SRT by default. *** Note: For streaming jobs, transient failure of our storage during a live session may prevent the final hypothesis elements from saving properly, resulting in an incomplete caption file. This is rare, but not impossible. operationId: GetCaptions parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/acceptCaption" - description: Identifies which channel of the job output to caption. Default is `null` which works only for jobs with no `speaker_channels_count` provided during job submission. in: query name: speaker_channel required: false schema: type: integer responses: "200": content: application/x-subrip: examples: SubRip Text (SRT): value: | 1 00:00:01,210 --> 00:00:04,840 Hello there, this is a example captions output 2 00:00:07,350 --> 00:00:10,970 Each caption group is in the SubRip Text file format schema: $ref: "#/components/responses/CaptionSrt" text/vtt: examples: WebVTT (VTT): value: | WebVTT 1 00:00:01,210 ==> 00:00:04,840 Hello there, this is an example captions output 2 00:00:07,350 --> 00:00:10,970 Each caption group is in the vtt file format schema: $ref: "#/components/responses/CaptionVtt" description: | API Captions *** Note: Caption output format is required in the Accept header. The supported headers are `application/x-subrip` and `text/vtt`. ([SRT]( "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1jobs~1%7Bid%7D/get/responses/401" "404": $ref: "#/components/responses/JobNotFound" "405": $ref: "#/components/responses/InvalidJobPropertyCaptions" "406": $ref: "#/components/responses/InvalidCaptionFormat" "409": $ref: "#/components/responses/InvalidJobState" summary: Get Captions tags: - Captions x-code-samples: - label: curl lang: Shell source: | curl -X GET "{id}/captions" -H "Authorization: Bearer $REV_ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Accept: application/x-subrip" - lang: Python source: | import json from rev_ai import apiclient access_token = 'your_access_token' job_id = 'your_job_id' # Create client with your access token client = apiclient.RevAiAPIClient(access_token) # Get captions captions = client.get_captions(job_id) print(captions) - label: Node lang: JavaScript source: | import { RevAiApiClient } from 'revai-node-sdk'; var accessToken = "yourAccessToken"; var jobId = "yourJobId"; // Initialize your client with your access token var client = new RevAiApiClient(accessToken); // Get captions var captions = await client.getCaptions(jobId); - lang: Java source: | String accessToken = "Your Access Token"; String jobId = "yourJobId"; // Initialize your client with your access token ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient(accessToken); // Get captions InputStream captions = apiClient.getCaptions(jobId); parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/jobId" "/jobs/{id}/transcript": get: description: | Returns the transcript for a completed transcription job. Transcript can be returned as either JSON or plaintext format. Transcript output format can be specified in the `Accept` header. Returns JSON by default. *** Note: For streaming jobs, transient failure of our storage during a live session may prevent the final hypothesis elements from saving properly, resulting in an incomplete transcript. This is rare, but not impossible. To guarantee 100% completeness, we recommend capturing all final hypothesis when you receive them on the client. operationId: GetTranscriptById parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/acceptTranscript" responses: "200": content: application/vnd.rev.transcript.v1.0+json: examples: skip_diarization false && skip_punctuation false: value: monologues: - elements: - confidence: 1 end_ts: 1.5 ts: 0.5 type: text value: Hello - type: punct value: " " - confidence: 0.8 end_ts: 2.85 ts: 1.75 type: text value: World - type: punct value: . speaker: 1 - elements: - confidence: 1 end_ts: 3.5 ts: 3 type: text value: monologues - type: punct value: " " - confidence: 1 end_ts: 3.9 ts: 3.6 type: text value: are - type: punct value: " " - confidence: 1 end_ts: 4.3 ts: 4 type: text value: a - type: punct value: " " - confidence: 1 end_ts: 5.5 ts: 4.5 type: text value: block - type: punct value: " " - confidence: 1 end_ts: 6.14 ts: 5.75 type: text value: of - type: punct value: " " - type: unknown value: - type: punct value: " " - confidence: 1 end_ts: 7.78 ts: 6.5 type: text value: text - type: punct value: . speaker: 2 skip_diarization false && skip_punctuation true: value: monologues: - elements: - confidence: 1 end_ts: 1.5 ts: 0.5 type: text value: Hello - confidence: 0.8 end_ts: 2.85 ts: 1.75 type: text value: World speaker: 1 - elements: - confidence: 1 end_ts: 3.5 ts: 3 type: text value: monologues - confidence: 1 end_ts: 3.9 ts: 3.6 type: text value: are - confidence: 1 end_ts: 4.3 ts: 4 type: text value: a - confidence: 1 end_ts: 5.5 ts: 4.5 type: text value: block - confidence: 1 end_ts: 6.14 ts: 5.75 type: text value: of - type: unknown value: - confidence: 1 end_ts: 7.78 ts: 6.5 type: text value: text speaker: 2 skip_diarization true && skip_punctuation false: value: monologues: - elements: - confidence: 1 end_ts: 1.5 ts: 0.5 type: text value: Hello - type: punct value: " " - confidence: 0.8 end_ts: 2.85 ts: 1.75 type: text value: World - type: punct value: . - type: punct value: " " - confidence: 1 end_ts: 3.5 ts: 3 type: text value: monologues - type: punct value: " " - confidence: 1 end_ts: 3.9 ts: 3.6 type: text value: are - type: punct value: " " - confidence: 1 end_ts: 4.3 ts: 4 type: text value: a - type: punct value: " " - confidence: 1 end_ts: 5.5 ts: 4.5 type: text value: block - type: punct value: " " - confidence: 1 end_ts: 6.14 ts: 5.75 type: text value: of - type: punct value: " " - type: unknown value: - type: punct value: " " - confidence: 1 end_ts: 7.78 ts: 6.5 type: text value: text - type: punct value: . speaker: 1 skip_diarization true && skip_punctuation true: value: monologues: - elements: - confidence: 1 end_ts: 1.5 ts: 0.5 type: text value: Hello - confidence: 0.8 end_ts: 2.85 ts: 1.75 type: text value: World - confidence: 1 end_ts: 3.5 ts: 3 type: text value: monologues - confidence: 1 end_ts: 3.9 ts: 3.6 type: text value: are - confidence: 1 end_ts: 4.3 ts: 4 type: text value: a - confidence: 1 end_ts: 5.5 ts: 4.5 type: text value: block - confidence: 1 end_ts: 6.14 ts: 5.75 type: text value: of - type: unknown value: - confidence: 1 end_ts: 7.78 ts: 6.5 type: text value: text speaker: 1 schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Transcript" text/plain: examples: skip_diarization false && skip_punctuation false: value: | Speaker 0: 00:00:00 Hello there, this is a sample transcript in plain text. Speaker 1: 00:00:43 Words are returned with spaces between them. skip_diarization false && skip_punctuation true: value: | Speaker 0: 00:00:00 Hello there this is a sample transcript in plain text Speaker 1: 00:00:43 Words are returned with spaces between them skip_diarization true && skip_punctuation false: value: | Speaker 0: 00:00:01 Hello there, this is a sample transcript in plain text. Words are returned with spaces between them. skip_diarization true && skip_punctuation true: value: | Speaker 0: 00:00:01 Hello there this is a sample transcript in plain text Words are returned with spaces between them schema: $ref: "#/components/responses/TranscriptText" description: | API Transcript *** Note: Transcript output format is required in the Accept header. Output can either be in Rev's JSON format or plaintext. "401": $ref: "#/paths/~1jobs~1%7Bid%7D/get/responses/401" "404": $ref: "#/components/responses/JobNotFound" "406": $ref: "#/components/responses/InvalidTranscriptFormat" "409": $ref: "#/components/responses/InvalidJobState" summary: Get Transcript By Id tags: - Transcript x-code-samples: - label: curl lang: Shell source: | curl -X GET "{id}/transcript" -H "Authorization: Bearer $REV_ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Accept: application/vnd.rev.transcript.v1.0+json" - lang: Python source: | import json from rev_ai import apiclient access_token = 'your_access_token' job_id = 'your_job_id' # Create client with your access token client = apiclient.RevAiAPIClient(access_token) # Get transcript as text transcript_text = client.get_transcript_text(job_id) print(transcript_text) # Get transcript as json transcript_json = client.get_transcript_json(job_id) print(json.dumps(transcript_json)) # Get transcript as object transcript_obj = client.get_transcript_object(job_id) print(transcript_obj) - label: Node lang: JavaScript source: | import { RevAiApiClient } from 'revai-node-sdk'; var accessToken = "yourAccessToken"; var jobId = "yourJobId"; // Initialize your client with your access token var client = new RevAiApiClient(accessToken); // Get transcript as text var transcriptText = await client.getTranscriptText(jobId); // Get transcript as object var transcriptObj = await client.getTranscriptObject(jobId); - lang: Java source: | String accessToken = "Your Access Token"; String jobId = "yourJobId"; // Initialize your client with your access token ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient(accessToken); // Get transcript as text String transcriptText = apiClient.getTranscriptText(jobId); // Get transcript as object RevAiTranscript transcriptObj = apiClient.getTranscriptObject(jobId); parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/jobId" components: parameters: acceptCaption: description: MIME type specifying the caption output format in: header name: Accept required: false schema: enum: - application/x-subrip - text/vtt type: string acceptTranscript: description: MIME type specifying the transcription output format in: header name: Accept required: false schema: enum: - application/vnd.rev.transcript.v1.0+json - text/plain type: string jobId: description: API Job Id in: path name: id required: true schema: type: string responses: CaptionSrt: description: Caption in SubRip Text format x-content: application/x-subrip: schema: type: string CaptionVtt: description: Caption in Web Video Text Tracks format x-content: text/vtt: schema: type: string InvalidCaptionFormat: content: application/problem+json: example: allowed_values: - application/x-subrip - text/vtt current_value: "*/*" detail: Unsupported value */* status: 406 title: Output format is not supported type: schema: allOf: - description: Problem details object returned on errors properties: status: description: HTTP status code of the error type: integer title: description: Short, human-readable summary of the problem type type: string type: description: URI that identifies the problem type: string type: object - properties: allowed_values: description: Allowed values for this request items: type: string type: array current_value: description: Value passed in given request type: string detail: description: Human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem type: string type: object description: Invalid Caption Format InvalidDeletionState: content: application/problem+json: example: allowed_values: - transcribed - failed current_value: in_progress detail: Job is in invalid state to be deleted status: 409 title: Job is in invalid state type: schema: allOf: - description: Problem details object returned on errors properties: status: description: HTTP status code of the error type: integer title: description: Short, human-readable summary of the problem type type: string type: description: URI that identifies the problem type: string type: object - properties: allowed_values: description: Allowed values for this request items: type: string type: array current_value: description: Value passed in given request type: string detail: description: Human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem type: string type: object description: | Invalid Deletion State InvalidJobPropertyCaptions: content: application/problem+json: example: detail: Job with speaker channels provided are not supported for retrieving captions status: 405 title: Job contains unsupported properties type: schema: allOf: - description: Problem details object returned on errors properties: status: description: HTTP status code of the error type: integer title: description: Short, human-readable summary of the problem type type: string type: description: URI that identifies the problem type: string type: object - properties: detail: description: Human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem type: string type: object description: Invalid Job Property InvalidJobState: content: application/problem+json: example: allowed_values: - transcribed current_value: in_progress detail: Job is in progress or failed status: 409 title: Job is in invalid state type: schema: allOf: - description: Problem details object returned on errors properties: status: description: HTTP status code of the error type: integer title: description: Short, human-readable summary of the problem type type: string type: description: URI that identifies the problem type: string type: object - properties: allowed_values: description: Allowed values for this request items: type: string type: array current_value: description: Value passed in given request type: string detail: description: Human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem type: string type: object description: | Invalid Job State *** In case of failure, more details can be found at [`GET /jobs/{id}`](#operation/GetJobById) InvalidTranscriptFormat: content: application/problem+json: example: allowed_values: - text/plain - application/vnd.rev.transcript.v1.0+json current_value: "*/*" detail: Unsupported value */* status: 406 title: Output format is not supported type: schema: allOf: - description: Problem details object returned on errors properties: status: description: HTTP status code of the error type: integer title: description: Short, human-readable summary of the problem type type: string type: description: URI that identifies the problem type: string type: object - properties: allowed_values: description: Allowed values for this request items: type: string type: array current_value: description: Value passed in given request type: string detail: description: Human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem type: string type: object description: Invalid Transcript Format JobNotFound: content: application/problem+json: example: status: 404 title: could not find job type: schema: description: Problem details object returned on errors properties: status: description: HTTP status code of the error type: integer title: description: Short, human-readable summary of the problem type type: string type: description: URI that identifies the problem type: string type: object description: Job Not Found PayloadTooLarge: content: application/problem+json: example: detail: Submitted payload exceeds maximum allowed file size status: 413 title: Payload Too Large schema: properties: detail: description: Human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem type: string status: description: HTTP status code of the error type: integer title: description: Short, human-readable summary of the problem type type: string description: | Payload Too Large *** Only returned when job is submitted using a local file as part of `multipart/form-data`. Use a `media_url` for files larger than 2GBs TranscriptText: description: Transcript in plain text format x-content: text/plain: schema: type: string schemas: Account: description: Account Model properties: balance_seconds: description: Amount of API credits remaining in seconds example: 150 type: integer email: description: Email of developer account example: type: string type: object DescriptionlessJobOptions: allOf: - properties: metadata: example: sample metadata maxLength: 512 nullable: true type: string type: object - properties: callback_url: example: nullable: true type: string type: object - properties: custom_vocabulary_id: example: cvgnDwmB6iXevn nullable: true type: string delete_after_seconds: example: 50 maximum: 2592000 minimum: 0 nullable: true type: integer filter_profanity: default: false example: true nullable: true type: boolean language: default: en enum: - en - ar - bg - ca - cmn - cs - da - de - el - es - fi - fr - hi - hr - hu - it - ja - ko - lt - lv - ms - nl - no - pl - pt - ro - ru - sk - sl - sv - tr example: en nullable: true type: string media_url: example: maxLength: 2048 nullable: true type: string remove_disfluencies: default: false example: true nullable: true type: boolean skip_diarization: default: false example: true nullable: true type: boolean skip_punctuation: default: false example: true nullable: true type: boolean speaker_channels_count: example: 2 maximum: 8 minimum: 1 nullable: true type: integer type: object Job: allOf: - description: | Transcription Job *** Note: properties are not displayed in the returned object if they are null properties: callback_url: description: Callback url provided by the user. completed_on: description: The date and time the job was completed, whether successfully or failing, in ISO-8601 UTC form example: 2018-05-05T23:28:22.29Z format: dateTime nullable: true type: string created_on: description: The date and time the job was created in ISO-8601 UTC form example: 2018-05-05T23:23:22.29Z format: dateTime type: string custom_vocabulary_id: description: User-supplied custom vocabulary ID to be used with job for transcription. delete_after_seconds: description: Amount of time after job completion when job is auto-deleted. Present only when preference set in job request. duration_seconds: description: Duration of the file in seconds. Null if the file could not be retrieved or there was not a valid media file example: 324.36 format: double nullable: true type: number failure: description: Simple reason of why the transcription job failed. Check `failure_detail` for specific details and solutions enum: - internal_processing - download_failure - duration_exceeded - duration_too_short - invalid_media - empty_media - transcription - insufficient_balance - invoicing_limit_exceeded example: download_failure nullable: true type: string failure_detail: description: Human-readable reason why the job failed example: Failed to download media file. Please check your url and file type nullable: true type: string filter_profanity: description: User-supplied preference on whether to remove explicit words. id: description: Id of the job example: Umx5c6F7pH7r type: string language: description: User-supplied language to transcribe the audio into. media_url: description: Media url provided by the job submission. Null if the job was provided using a local file. metadata: description: Optional metadata that was provided during job submission name: description: Name of the file provided. Present when the file name is available example: sample_audio.mp3 nullable: true type: string remove_disfluencies: description: User-supplied preference on whether to remove disfluencies. skip_diarization: description: User-supplied preference on whether to skip diarization. skip_punctuation: description: User-supplied preference on whether to skip punctuation. speaker_channels_count: description: User-supplied number of speaker channels in the audio. status: description: Current status of the job enum: - in_progress - transcribed - failed example: transcribed type: string type: description: Type of speech recognition performed. Currently the only supported values are 'async' for asynchronous jobs and `stream` for streaming jobs enum: - async example: async nullable: false type: string type: object - $ref: "#/components/schemas/DescriptionlessJobOptions" example: created_on: 2018-05-05T23:23:22.29Z delete_after_seconds: 50 id: Umx5c6F7pH7r status: in_progress type: async SubmitJobMediaUrlOptions: allOf: - properties: media_url: description: Direct download media url. Ignored if submitting job from file. **Note:** Media files longer than 17 hours are not supported for English transcription, and media files longer than 12 hours are not supported for non-English transcription. For non-English jobs, expected turnaround time can be up to 6 hours. example: maxLength: 2048 type: string required: - media_url type: object - $ref: "#/components/schemas/SubmitJobOptions" SubmitJobOptions: allOf: - description: Job Options Object Model properties: callback_url: description: Optional callback url to invoke when processing is complete custom_vocabulary_id: description: | **This feature is in beta.** You can supply the id of a pre-completed custom vocabulary that you submitted through the [Custom Vocabularies API]( instead of uploading the list of phrases using the `custom_vocabularies` parameter. Using `custom_vocabulary_id` or `custom_vocabularies` with the same list of phrases yields the same transcription result, but `custom_vocabulary_id` allows your submission to finish processing faster by 6 seconds on average. You cannot use both `custom_vocabulary_id` and `custom_vocabularies` at the same time, and doing so will result in a 400 response. If the supplied id represents an incomplete, deleted, or non-existent custom vocabulary then you will receive a 404 response. delete_after_seconds: description: | Specify the number of seconds after job completion when job is auto-deleted. It may take up to 2 minutes after the scheduled time for the job to be deleted. The number of seconds provided must range from `0` seconds to `2592000` seconds (30 days). filter_profanity: description: | Enabling this option will filter for approx. 600 profanities, which cover most use cases. If a transcribed word matches a word on this list, then all the characters of that word will be replaced by asterisks except for the first and last character. language: description: | You can provide a language parameter for transcribing audio in one of the following languages: | Language | ISO 639 Language Code | |------------|-----------------------------------------------| | Arabic | ar | | Bulgarian | bg | | Catalan | ca | | Croatian | hr | | Czech | cs | | Danish | da | | Dutch | nl | | English | en | | Finnish | fi | | French | fr | | German | de | | Greek | el | | Hindi | hi | | Hungarian | hu | | Italian | it | | Japanese | ja | | Korean | ko | | Lithuanian | lt | | Latvian | lv | | Malay | ms | | Mandarin | cmn | | Norwegian | no | | Polish | pl | | Portuguese | pt | | Romanian | ro | | Russian | ru | | Slovak | sk | | Slovenian | sl | | Spanish | es | | Swedish | sv | | Turkish | tr | Language parameter is provided as a [ISO 639-1 language code](, with the exception of Mandarin (cmn) which is supplied as an [ISO 639-3 language code]( Only 1 language can be selected per audio, i.e. no multiple languages in one transcription job. Additionally, the following parameters may **not** be used with non-English languages: `skip_punctuation`, `remove_disfluencies`, `filter_profanity`, `speaker_channels_count`, `custom_vocabulary_id`. metadata: description: Optional metadata that was provided during submission remove_disfluencies: description: | Currently we only define disfluencies as 'ums' and 'uhs'. When set to true, disfluencies will be not appear in the transcript. skip_diarization: description: Specify if speaker diarization will be skipped by the speech engine skip_punctuation: description: | Specify if "punct" type elements will be skipped by the speech engine. For JSON outputs, this includes removing spaces. For text outputs, words will still be delimited by a space speaker_channels_count: description: | Use to specify the total number of unique speaker channels in the audio. Given the number of audio channels provided, each channel will be transcribed separately and the channel id assigned to the `speaker` label. The final output will be a combination of all individual channel outputs. Overlapping `monologues` will have ordering broken by the order in which the first spoken `element` of each `monologue` occurs. If `speaker_channels_count` is greater than the actual channels in the audio, the job will fail with `invalid_media`. **Note:** - The amount charged will be the duration of the file multiplied by the number of channels specified. - When using `speaker_channels_count` each channel will be diarized as one speaker, and the value of `skip_diarization` will be ignored if provided type: object - properties: custom_vocabularies: items: description: Contains a collection of phrases. Custom vocabulary informs and biases the speech recognition to find those phrases (at the cost of slightly slower transcription). properties: phrases: description: | Array of phrases not found in normal dictionary. Add technical jargon, proper nouns and uncommon phrases as strings in this array to add them to the lexicon for this job. A phrase must contain at least 1 alpha character but may contain any non-numeric character from the Basic Latin set. A phrase can contain up to 12 words. Each word can contain up to 34 characters. **Note**: Only 6000 phrases can be used per transcription job. For more details, check [Custom Vocabularies]( example: - Paul McCartney - Amelia Earhart - Weiss-Bergman - BLM items: title: phrase type: string maxItems: 6000 minItems: 1 type: array required: - phrases type: object maxItems: 50 minItems: 1 type: array type: object - $ref: "#/components/schemas/DescriptionlessJobOptions" Transcript: description: | Transcript Model *** Note: properties are not displayed in the returned object if they are null Jobs with skip_diarization set to true will only show a single speaker for the entire duration of the transcript. properties: monologues: items: properties: elements: description: Array of transcript elements items: properties: confidence: description: Confidence score of the provided value. If the element `type` is `punct` or `unknown`, confidence will be `null` example: 0.85 format: double maximum: 1 minimum: 0 nullable: true type: number ts: description: The timestamp of the beginning of the element relative to the beginning of the audio in seconds (centisecond precision) example: 0.75 format: double nullable: true type: number ts_end: description: The timestamp of the end of the element relative to the beginning of the audio in seconds (centisecond precision) example: 1.25 format: double nullable: true type: number type: description: Type of transcript element. If was unable to determine the spoken word, the `type` will be `unknown`. enum: - text - punct - unknown example: text type: string value: description: Value of the transcript element. example: Hello type: string type: object type: array speaker: description: Id of the speaker of the monologue example: 1 type: integer type: object type: array type: object securitySchemes: Access-Token: description: | All API requests must be authorized with an `Authorization: Bearer` header > `-H "Authorization: Bearer $REV_ACCESS_TOKEN"` Developers can obtain their access token from their [settings page]( This token need only be generated once and never expires. scheme: bearer type: http