import logging import os from debpkgr import signer from gettext import gettext as _ from pulp_deb.common.constants import PUBLISH_HTTP_KEYWORD, \ PUBLISH_HTTPS_KEYWORD, PUBLISH_RELATIVE_URL_KEYWORD, \ HTTP_PUBLISH_DIR_KEYWORD, HTTPS_PUBLISH_DIR_KEYWORD, \ PUBLISH_DEFAULT_RELEASE_KEYWORD, \ GPG_CMD, GPG_KEY_ID _LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) REQUIRED_CONFIG_KEYS = (PUBLISH_RELATIVE_URL_KEYWORD, PUBLISH_HTTP_KEYWORD, PUBLISH_HTTPS_KEYWORD) OPTIONAL_CONFIG_KEYS = (HTTP_PUBLISH_DIR_KEYWORD, HTTPS_PUBLISH_DIR_KEYWORD, PUBLISH_DEFAULT_RELEASE_KEYWORD, GPG_CMD, GPG_KEY_ID) LOCAL_CONFIG_KEYS = [GPG_CMD] ROOT_PUBLISH_DIR = '/var/lib/pulp/published/deb' MASTER_PUBLISH_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_PUBLISH_DIR, 'master') HTTP_PUBLISH_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_PUBLISH_DIR, 'http', 'repos') HTTPS_PUBLISH_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_PUBLISH_DIR, 'https', 'repos') def validate_config(repo, config, config_conduit): """ Validate the prospective configuration instance for the the given repository. :param repo: repository to validate the config for :type repo: pulp.plugins.model.Repository :param config: configuration instance to validate :type config: pulp.plugins.config.PluginCallConfiguration :param config_conduit: conduit providing access to relevant Pulp functionality :type config_conduit: pulp.plugins.conduits.repo_config.RepoConfigConduit :return: tuple of (bool, str) stating that the configuration is valid or not and why :rtype: tuple of (bool, str or None) """ # Keys in LOCAL_CONFIG_KEYS cannot be set in remote configs # Perform these the checks before flattening the config, to # give feedback on which configuration carries invalid options error_messages = [] msg = _('Configuration key [%(k)s] is not allowed in %(config)s configuration') remote_configs = [ (config.repo_plugin_config, "repository plugin"), (config.override_config, "override")] for key in LOCAL_CONFIG_KEYS: for cfgdict, cfgname in remote_configs: if cfgdict.get(key): error_messages.append(msg % dict(k=key, config=cfgname)) # squish it into a dictionary so we can manipulate it if not isinstance(config, dict): config = config.flatten() configured_keys = set(config) required_keys = set(REQUIRED_CONFIG_KEYS) supported_keys = set(REQUIRED_CONFIG_KEYS + OPTIONAL_CONFIG_KEYS) # check for any required options that are missing missing_keys = required_keys - configured_keys msg = _('Configuration key [%(k)s] is required, but was not provided') for key in sorted(missing_keys): error_messages.append(msg % {'k': key}) # check for unsupported configuration options extraneous_keys = configured_keys - supported_keys msg = _('Configuration key [%(k)s] is not supported') for key in extraneous_keys: error_messages.append(msg % {'k': key}) # check that http and https are not set to false simultaneously if (not config.get(PUBLISH_HTTP_KEYWORD) and not config.get(PUBLISH_HTTPS_KEYWORD)): msg = _('Settings serve via http and https are both set to false.' ' At least one option should be set to true.') error_messages.append(msg) # when adding validation methods, make sure to register them here # yes, the individual sections are in alphabetical oder configured_key_validation_methods = { # required options PUBLISH_HTTP_KEYWORD: _validate_http, PUBLISH_HTTPS_KEYWORD: _validate_https, PUBLISH_RELATIVE_URL_KEYWORD: _validate_relative_url, # optional options HTTP_PUBLISH_DIR_KEYWORD: _validate_http_publish_dir, HTTPS_PUBLISH_DIR_KEYWORD: _validate_https_publish_dir, PUBLISH_DEFAULT_RELEASE_KEYWORD: _validate_publish_default_release, } # iterate through the options that have validation methods, validate them for key, validation_method in configured_key_validation_methods.items(): if key not in configured_keys: continue validation_method(config[key], error_messages) # check that the relative path does not conflict with any existing repos _check_for_relative_path_conflicts(repo, config, config_conduit, error_messages) try: get_gpg_signer(repo, config) except signer.SignerError as e: error_messages.append(str(e)) # if we have errors, log them, and return False with a concatenated # error message if error_messages: for msg in error_messages: _LOG.error(msg) return False, '\n'.join(error_messages) return True, None def get_master_publish_dir(repo, distributor_type): """ Get the master publishing directory for the given repository. :param repo: repository to get the master publishing directory for :type repo: pulp.plugins.model.Repository :param distributor_type: The type id of distributor that is being published :type distributor_type: str :return: master publishing directory for the given repository :rtype: str """ return os.path.join(MASTER_PUBLISH_DIR, distributor_type, def get_http_publish_dir(config=None): """ Get the configured HTTP publication directory. Returns the global default if not configured. :param config: configuration instance :type config: pulp.plugins.config.PluginCallConfiguration or None :return: the HTTP publication directory :rtype: str """ config = config or {} publish_dir = config.get(HTTP_PUBLISH_DIR_KEYWORD, HTTP_PUBLISH_DIR) if publish_dir != HTTP_PUBLISH_DIR: msg = _('Overridden configuration value for [{kw}] provided: %(v)s'.format( kw=HTTP_PUBLISH_DIR_KEYWORD)) _LOG.debug(msg % {'v': publish_dir}) return publish_dir def get_https_publish_dir(config=None): """ Get the configured HTTPS publication directory. Returns the global default if not configured. :param config: configuration instance :type config: pulp.plugins.config.PluginCallConfiguration or None :return: the HTTPS publication directory :rtype: str """ config = config or {} publish_dir = config.get(HTTPS_PUBLISH_DIR_KEYWORD, HTTPS_PUBLISH_DIR) if publish_dir != HTTPS_PUBLISH_DIR: msg = _('Overridden configuration value for [{kw}] provided: %(v)s'.format( kw=HTTPS_PUBLISH_DIR_KEYWORD)) _LOG.debug(msg % {'v': publish_dir}) return publish_dir def get_repo_relative_path(repo, config=None): """ Get the configured relative path for the given repository. :param repo: repository to get relative path for :type repo: pulp.plugins.model.Repository :param config: configuration instance for the repository :type config: pulp.plugins.config.PluginCallConfiguration or dict or None :return: relative path for the repository :rtype: str """ cfg = config or {} relative_path = cfg.get(PUBLISH_RELATIVE_URL_KEYWORD, or return relative_path.lstrip('/') def get_gpg_signer(repo=None, config=None): cfg = config or {} cmd = cfg.get(GPG_CMD) if not cmd: return None key_id = cfg.get(GPG_KEY_ID) repository_name = None if repo is None else sign_options = signer.SignOptions(cmd, repository_name=repository_name, key_id=key_id) return signer.Signer(sign_options) # -- required config validation ----------------------------------------------- def _validate_http(http, error_messages): _validate_boolean(HTTP_PUBLISH_DIR_KEYWORD, http, error_messages) def _validate_https(https, error_messages): _validate_boolean(HTTPS_PUBLISH_DIR_KEYWORD, https, error_messages) def _validate_publish_default_release(publish_default_release, error_messages): _validate_boolean(PUBLISH_DEFAULT_RELEASE_KEYWORD, publish_default_release, error_messages) def _validate_relative_url(relative_url, error_messages): if relative_url is None: return if not isinstance(relative_url, str): msg = _('Configuration value for [{kw}] must be a string, but is a %(t)s'.format( kw=PUBLISH_RELATIVE_URL_KEYWORD)) error_messages.append(msg % {'t': str(type(relative_url))}) # -- optional config validation ----------------------------------------------- def _validate_http_publish_dir(http_publish_dir, error_messages): _validate_usable_directory(HTTP_PUBLISH_DIR_KEYWORD, http_publish_dir, error_messages) def _validate_https_publish_dir(https_publish_dir, error_messages): _validate_usable_directory(HTTPS_PUBLISH_DIR_KEYWORD, https_publish_dir, error_messages) # -- generalized validation methods ------------------------------------------- def _validate_boolean(key, value, error_messages, none_ok=True): if isinstance(value, bool) or (none_ok and value is None): return msg = _('Configuration value for [%(k)s] should a boolean, but is a %(t)s') # noqa error_messages.append(msg % {'k': key, 't': str(type(value))}) def _validate_usable_directory(key, path, error_messages): if not os.path.exists(path) or not os.path.isdir(path): msg = _('Configuration value for [%(k)s] must be an existing directory') # noqa error_messages.append(msg % {'k': key}) elif not os.access(path, os.R_OK | os.W_OK): msg = _('Configuration value for [%(k)s] must be a directory that is readable and writable') # noqa error_messages.append(msg % {'k': key}) # -- check for conflicting relative paths ------------------------------------- def _check_for_relative_path_conflicts(repo, config, config_conduit, error_messages): relative_path = get_repo_relative_path(repo, config) conflicting_distributors = config_conduit.get_repo_distributors_by_relative_url(relative_path, # noqa # in all honesty, this loop should execute at most once # but it may be interesting/useful for erroneous situations for distributor in conflicting_distributors: # skip, if it is the same repository # (when updating without changing the relative_path) if repo.repo_id == distributor['repo_id']: continue conflicting_repo_id = distributor['repo_id'] conflicting_relative_url = None if 'relative_url' in distributor['config']: conflicting_relative_url = distributor['config']['relative_url'] msg = _('Relative URL [{relative_path}] for repository [{repo_id}] conflicts with ' # noqa 'existing relative URL [{conflict_url}] for repository [{conflict_repo}]') # noqa else: msg = _('Relative URL [{relative_path}] for repository [{repo_id}] conflicts with ' # noqa 'repo id for existing repository [{conflict_repo}]') error_messages.append(msg.format( relative_path=relative_path, repo_id=repo.repo_id, conflict_url=conflicting_relative_url, conflict_repo=conflicting_repo_id))