from gettext import gettext as _ import errno import logging import os import shutil from collections import defaultdict from pulp.common.config import read_json_config from pulp.plugins.util.publish_step import AtomicDirectoryPublishStep from pulp.plugins.util.publish_step import PluginStep, UnitModelPluginStep from pulp.plugins.distributor import Distributor from pulp_deb.common import ids, constants from pulp_deb.plugins.db import models from metadata_files import (write_packages_file, write_release_file, gzip_compress_file, bz2_compress_file, generate_checksums,) from . import configuration, yum_plugin_util _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF_FILE_PATH = 'server/plugins.conf.d/%s.json' % ids.TYPE_ID_DISTRIBUTOR def entry_point(): """ Entry point that pulp platform uses to load the distributor :return: distributor class and its config :rtype: Distributor, dict """ return DebDistributor, read_json_config(CONF_FILE_PATH) class DebDistributor(Distributor): @classmethod def metadata(cls): """ Used by Pulp to classify the capabilities of this distributor. The following keys must be present in the returned dictionary: * id - Programmatic way to refer to this distributor. Must be unique across all distributors. Only letters and underscores are valid. * display_name - User-friendly identification of the distributor. * types - List of all content type IDs that may be published using this distributor. :return: keys and values listed above :rtype: dict """ return { 'id': ids.TYPE_ID_DISTRIBUTOR, 'display_name': _('Deb Distributor'), 'types': sorted(ids.SUPPORTED_TYPES) } def __init__(self): super(DebDistributor, self).__init__() self._publisher = None self.canceled = False def publish_repo(self, transfer_repo, publish_conduit, config): """ Publishes the given repository. :param transfer_repo: metadata describing the repository :type transfer_repo: pulp.plugins.model.Repository :param publish_conduit: provides access to relevant Pulp functionality :type publish_conduit: pulp.plugins.conduits.repo_publish.RepoPublishConduit :param config: plugin configuration :type config: pulp.plugins.config.PluginConfiguration :return: report describing the publish run :rtype: pulp.plugins.model.PublishReport """ _logger.debug('Publishing deb repository: %s' % self._publisher = Publisher(transfer_repo, publish_conduit, config, plugin_type=ids.TYPE_ID_DISTRIBUTOR) return self._publisher.process_lifecycle() def cancel_publish_repo(self): """ Call cancellation control hook. """ _logger.debug('Canceling deb repository publish') self.canceled = True if self._publisher is not None: self._publisher.cancel() def distributor_removed(self, repo, config): """ Called when a distributor of this type is removed from a repository. This hook allows the distributor to clean up any files that may have been created during the actual publishing. The distributor may use the contents of the working directory in cleanup. It is not required that the contents of this directory be deleted by the distributor; Pulp will ensure it is wiped following this call. If this call raises an exception, the distributor will still be removed from the repository and the working directory contents will still be wiped by Pulp. :param repo: metadata describing the repository :type repo: pulp.plugins.model.Repository :param config: plugin configuration :type config: pulp.plugins.config.PluginCallConfiguration """ # remove the directories that might have been created for this repo/distributor repo_dir = configuration.get_master_publish_dir( repo, ids.TYPE_ID_DISTRIBUTOR) shutil.rmtree(repo_dir, ignore_errors=True) # remove the symlinks that might have been created for this # repo/distributor rel_path = configuration.get_repo_relative_path(repo, config) rel_path = rel_path.rstrip(os.sep) pub_dirs = [ configuration.get_http_publish_dir(config), configuration.get_https_publish_dir(config), ] for pub_dir in pub_dirs: symlink = os.path.join(pub_dir, rel_path) try: os.unlink(symlink) except OSError as error: if error.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise def validate_config(self, transfer_repo, config, config_conduit): """ Allows the distributor to check the contents of a potential configuration for the given repository. This call is made both for the addition of this distributor to a new repository as well as updating the configuration for this distributor on a previously configured repository. The implementation should use the given repository data to ensure that updating the configuration does not put the repository into an inconsistent state. The return is a tuple of the result of the validation (True for success, False for failure) and a message. The message may be None and is unused in the success case. For a failed validation, the message will be communicated to the caller so the plugin should take i18n into consideration when generating the message. The related_repos parameter contains a list of other repositories that have a configured distributor of this type. The distributor configurations is found in each repository in the "plugin_configs" field. :param repo: metadata describing the repository to which the configuration applies :type repo: pulp.plugins.model.Repository :param config: plugin configuration instance; the proposed repo configuration is found within :type config: pulp.plugins.config.PluginCallConfiguration :param config_conduit: Configuration Conduit; :type config_conduit: pulp.plugins.conduits.repo_config.RepoConfigConduit :return: tuple of (bool, str) to describe the result :rtype: tuple :raises: PulpCodedValidationException if any validations failed """ repo = transfer_repo.repo_obj return configuration.validate_config(repo, config, config_conduit) class Publisher(PluginStep): description = _("Publishing Debian artifacts") def __init__(self, repo, conduit, config, plugin_type, **kwargs): super(Publisher, self).__init__(step_type=constants.PUBLISH_REPO_STEP, repo=repo, conduit=conduit, config=config, plugin_type=plugin_type) self.description = self.__class__.description self.add_child(ModulePublisher(conduit=conduit, config=config, repo=repo)) repo_relative_path = configuration.get_repo_relative_path(repo, config) master_publish_dir = configuration.get_master_publish_dir( repo, plugin_type) target_directories = [] listing_steps = [] if config.get(constants.PUBLISH_HTTP_KEYWORD): root_publish_dir = configuration.get_http_publish_dir(config) repo_publish_dir = os.path.join(root_publish_dir, repo_relative_path) target_directories.append(('/', repo_publish_dir)) listing_steps.append(GenerateListingFileStep(root_publish_dir, repo_publish_dir)) if config.get(constants.PUBLISH_HTTPS_KEYWORD): root_publish_dir = configuration.get_https_publish_dir(config) repo_publish_dir = os.path.join(root_publish_dir, repo_relative_path) target_directories.append(('/', repo_publish_dir)) listing_steps.append(GenerateListingFileStep(root_publish_dir, repo_publish_dir)) atomic_publish_step = AtomicDirectoryPublishStep( self.get_working_dir(), target_directories, master_publish_dir) atomic_publish_step.description = _("Publishing files to web") self.add_child(atomic_publish_step) for step in listing_steps: self.add_child(step) class ModulePublisher(PluginStep): description = _("Publishing modules") def __init__(self, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('step_type', constants.PUBLISH_MODULES_STEP) super(ModulePublisher, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.description = self.__class__.description self.publish_releases = PublishDebReleaseStep() self.add_child(self.publish_releases) self.publish_components = PublishDebComponentStep() self.add_child(self.publish_components) self.publish_units = PublishDebStep() self.add_child(self.publish_units) self.add_child(MetadataStep()) if self.non_halting_exceptions is None: self.non_halting_exceptions = [] def _get_total(self): return len(self.publish_units.unit_dict) class PublishDebReleaseStep(UnitModelPluginStep): ID_PUBLISH_STEP = constants.PUBLISH_DEB_RELEASE_STEP Model = models.DebRelease def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(PublishDebReleaseStep, self).__init__( self.ID_PUBLISH_STEP, [self.Model], **kwargs) self.units = [] def process_main(self, item=None): self.units.append(item) class PublishDebComponentStep(UnitModelPluginStep): ID_PUBLISH_STEP = constants.PUBLISH_DEB_COMP_STEP Model = models.DebComponent def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(PublishDebComponentStep, self).__init__( self.ID_PUBLISH_STEP, [self.Model], **kwargs) self.units = [] def process_main(self, item=None): self.units.append(item) class PublishDebStep(UnitModelPluginStep): ID_PUBLISH_STEP = constants.PUBLISH_DEB_STEP Model = models.DebPackage def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(PublishDebStep, self).__init__( self.ID_PUBLISH_STEP, [self.Model], **kwargs) self.unit_dict = {} def process_main(self, item=None): self.unit_dict[] = item class MetadataStep(PluginStep): def __init__(self): super(MetadataStep, self).__init__(constants.PUBLISH_REPODATA) def process_main(self, item=None): unit_dict = self.parent.publish_units.unit_dict comp_units = self.parent.publish_components.units release_units = self.parent.publish_releases.units repo = self.get_repo() config = self.get_config() base_path = self.get_working_dir() # Add missing checksum fields (this is bad for performance): # This is a temporary fix! for package in unit_dict.itervalues(): checksums = generate_checksums(package.storage_path) package.sha1 = checksums['sha1'] package.sha256 = checksums['sha256'] package.md5sum = checksums['md5sum'] # If there are no release_units (old style repo) publish as 'stable/main': if len(release_units) == 0: default_release = models.DebRelease(suite='stable') release_units.append(default_release) all_component = models.DebComponent( name='main', release='stable', packages=[package_id for package_id in unit_dict], ) comp_units.append(all_component) # If configured to do so, also publish as 'default/all': if config.get(constants.PUBLISH_DEFAULT_RELEASE_KEYWORD, False): default_release = models.DebRelease(codename='default', suite='default') release_units.append(default_release) all_component = models.DebComponent( name='all', release='default', packages=[package_id for package_id in unit_dict], ) comp_units.append(all_component) # Create the 'pool' folder: pool_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'pool') os.mkdir(pool_path) # Symlink packages for each component in 'pool//': for component in comp_units: component_path = os.path.join(pool_path, if not os.path.exists(component_path): # Use makedirs() since may contain '/'! os.makedirs(component_path) # Should we add additional subdirectories here (e.g.: /a/; /liba/)? for package_id in component.packages: package = unit_dict[package_id] destination_path = os.path.join(component_path, package.filename) if not os.path.exists(destination_path): os.symlink(package.storage_path, destination_path) # Create the 'dists' folder: dists_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'dists') os.mkdir(dists_path) # Create the 'dists' folder structure for each release: for release in release_units: release_meta_data = { 'architectures': set(), 'components': set(), } release_meta_files = [] release_name = None if release.codename: release_name = release.codename release_meta_data['codename'] = release.codename if release.suite: if not release_name: release_name = release.suite release_meta_data['suite'] = release.suite if not release_name: raise RuntimeError('Neither codename nor suite is set!') release_path = os.path.join(dists_path, release_name) os.mkdir(release_path) # Continue the 'dists' folder structure for each component... for component in comp_units: # ...of the current release: if component.release == release_name: release_meta_data['components'].add( component_path = os.path.join(release_path, # Use makedirs() since may contain '/'! os.makedirs(component_path) # Create arch_units since there is no corresponding db entry: # Note: This method will not create arches containing no arch # specific packages (see: # (also not great for performance) arch_units = defaultdict(list) for package_id in component.packages: package = unit_dict.get(package_id) if package: arch_units[package.architecture].append(package) # The units/packages for arch all need to be appended to # every other arch: all_units = arch_units.pop('all', []) for arch in arch_units: arch_units[arch].extend(all_units) # ...and then be readded to the list of architectures: arch_units['all'] = all_units # Now create 'binary-' folders for each arch: for arch, packages in arch_units.items(): release_meta_data['architectures'].add(arch) arch_folder = 'binary-' + arch arch_path = os.path.join(component_path, arch_folder) os.mkdir(arch_path) # Create 'Packages' files for each arch: packages_file_path = write_packages_file(arch_path,, packages,) # Compress and record 'Packages' files: release_meta_files.append(packages_file_path) gz_file_path = gzip_compress_file(packages_file_path) release_meta_files.append(gz_file_path) bz2_file_path = bz2_compress_file(packages_file_path) release_meta_files.append(bz2_file_path) # Create the 'Release' file (for each release): release_meta_data['architectures'].remove('all') if repo.description: release_meta_data['description'] = repo.description release_meta_data['label'] = release_file_path = write_release_file(release_path, release_meta_data, release_meta_files,) signer = configuration.get_gpg_signer(repo, config) if signer is not None: signer.sign(release_file_path) class GenerateListingFileStep(PluginStep): def __init__(self, root_dir, target_dir, step=constants.PUBLISH_GENERATE_LISTING_FILE_STEP): """ Initialize and set the ID of the step """ super(GenerateListingFileStep, self).__init__(step) self.description = _("Writing Listings File") self.root_dir = root_dir self.target_dir = target_dir def process_main(self, item=None): yum_plugin_util.generate_listing_files(self.root_dir, self.target_dir)