import sys from pyspark.sql import SparkSession from pyspark.sql.types import StructType def run_transform(bucket_name): # Create a spark session spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('emr etl job').getOrCreate() # Setup the logger to write to spark logs # noinspection PyProtectedMember logger ='TRANSFORM')'Spark session created')'Trying to read data now.') # Schema for the raw data json files raw_data_schema = StructType() raw_data_schema.add('uuid', 'string') raw_data_schema.add('device_ts', 'string') raw_data_schema.add('device_id', 'integer') raw_data_schema.add('device_temp', 'integer') raw_data_schema.add('track_id', 'integer') raw_data_schema.add('activity_type', 'string') # Schema for the reference data file reference_data_schema = StructType() reference_data_schema.add('track_id', 'string') reference_data_schema.add('track_name', 'string') reference_data_schema.add('artist_name', 'string') # Read the raw data into a data frame raw_schema = file_path = 's3://{}/data/raw/*/*/*/*/'.format(bucket_name) raw_data = raw_schema.json(file_path) # Read the reference data into a data frame reference_schema = reference_path = 's3://{}/data/reference_data/'.format(bucket_name) reference_data = reference_schema.json(reference_path) raw_data.printSchema() reference_data.printSchema() # Join the two datasets on track_id joined_data = raw_data.join(reference_data, 'track_id', 'inner') joined_data.printSchema() # Bucket the data by activity type and write the # results to S3 in overwrite mode writer = joined_data.write writer.format('parquet') writer.mode('overwrite') write_path = 's3://{}/data/emr-processed-data/'.format(bucket_name) writer.option('path', write_path) # Stop Spark spark.stop() def main(): # Accept bucket name from the arguments passed. # TODO: Error handling when there are no arguments passed. bucket_name = sys.argv[1] # Run the transform method run_transform(bucket_name) if __name__ == '__main__': main()